Truth in Love Video Ministry Jude 5-11

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Jude 12-16


This is truth and love video ministry, and I'm so glad that you were able to join me and watch the video stopped as you scroll
By I'm so thankful to be a part of your family your community that that's part of the goal from the from the onset of Doing the video ministry is to be a part of your family be part of your community
So that we can talk about the truth. We can get the truth out out there we can support each other as we as we proclaim the gospel as we
Forward the kingdom of God Talk about Jesus Christ and and pray for each other
I Was two three minutes late getting started because there's always seems like there's always a glitch
My space bar in the box where I wanted to put some usually put information
Didn't work for some reason. So there's there's always a glitch and What we're trying to do
But what I wanted to say in the box that I didn't get to type out And it's things that out, you know repeat in in every video that I do just because I want
I want you guys Who watch to to know that the floor is open.
The floor is yours I would love to chat with you communicate with you. Let me know that you're watching
If you want to talk about a Bible verse if you want to talk about scripture if you have a question I'd love to try to answer it have a dialogue with you about it
That would be a fantastic opportunity for us to talk about God's Word together
But the floor is yours if you want to talk about what's going on in our world And and we can try to look at it from a
Christian perspective. Love to be able to do that, too So, I apologize that information is not up there on the box
Just wanted to relay that relay that message to you So Truth and love video ministry is we get that from Ephesians chapter 4 verse 15
But speaking the truth in love we are to grow up in all aspects into him who is the head even
Christ So that's that's the the theme verse. That's our goal For this video ministry is to speak the truth in love and Thank you dear must have been a little dark
We got some extra light coming. So we won't speak the truth in love and we want to To do that.
We want to do both things We won't speak the truth and we want to speak it in love and that's the way
Paul and Ephesians Explains how we should do it and it has a purpose has a goal so that we're we're growing up in all aspects
We're not shying away from any part of Scripture, but in all aspects we are together growing up Into him
Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. So I'm thankful that you're you're choosing to spend time with us
Doing that together. We have a new member of the truth and love Ministry network.
His name is Jared Payne, and I hope that he will begin soon Putting some videos out there and I hope that you will support him
And I hope that you will continue to support this video that I'm trying to do with always
As humbly as I know how to ask this But to like to share
Comment, you know, let me know that you're watching so that Facebook knows that people are watching because the the goal is to glorify
God and And to do that together so I would really appreciate your support in doing that and in all the likes and shares and comments that That you so lovingly give to the ministry
By request we are continuing continuing to go through Jude the epistle of Jude and Tonight we are in verses 12 through 16 and we're going to look at that together.
So we're going to start that and We can stop at any point if anybody ever has any questions if I say something and you want to interject and what we're talking
About that's perfectly. Okay. This is kind of an informal time. We're looking at God's Word together.
And so Let me know if you have any questions if you want to say hello, that's perfect, too
So without any further ado We're going to look at this little epistle of Jude and we're going to continue in verses 12 through 16
I'm gonna read it and then we're just going to Go through the verses together tonight, and hopefully we won't be as long as we were last time we were together
But starting in verse 12, it says these men Are those who are hidden reefs in your love feast
When they feast with you without fear caring for themselves clouds without water carried along by winds autumn trees without fruit doubly dead uprooted
Verse 13 wild waves of the sea eating up their own shame like foam Wandering stars for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever and about those also
Enoch in the seventh generation from Adam prophesied saying Behold the Lord came with many thousands of his holy ones to execute judgment upon all and to convict all of the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds
Which they have done in an ungodly way and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him verse 16
Those are grumblers finding fault following after their own lusts speaking
They speak arrogantly flattering people for their sake of gaining an advantage
So who are we talking about Jude repeatedly says these men these men and he continues that in verse 12 these men and and those those are those men are the subject of This this little epistle that that Jude has written and who are these men?
He introduces those men in in verse 4 when he says For certain persons have crept in Unnoticed.
Why did he write about these men? Well in verse 3 He says I intended to write to you about our our common salvation
It maybe was going to be a letter of encouragement a letter to go deeper in the gospel deeper about their salvation but either way
This was such a pressing need That Jude saw the necessity to write to them to change his letter to them because there were certain persons that have crept in unnoticed those who were long beforehand and And this is this is the thing about these men
That that Jude wants us to understand that These men were marked out for condemnation
And I want us to grasp this they were marked out for condemnation And like all these examples that we we looked at last time
Like Israel destroyed those who did not believe Like the angels they're in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of that great day and like Sodom and Gomorrah undergoing punishment of eternal fire
So he's he's speaking of these men and in our in our modern context in theological terms
The we would call them apostates those who are false teachers those who practice apostasy apostasy and teach apostasy
So Jude is warning the church the believers About apostates false teachers who have crept in unnoticed and they have judgment
Resting upon them now. I think what
Jude foresaw here and what we need to grasp here is That this information when we read this book of Jude this information needs to Grab a hold of us.
It needs to arrest us So we don't need to leave this book of Jude without being
Arrested without be taken captive Spiritually emotionally intellectually
This message of Jude needs to take hold of us It is a serious message that he did a total 180 and found it necessary to warn the church about these men who
Who have judgment resting upon them being destroyed? Being in bonds for that great day of judgment and and that eternal punishment by fire that's to come
Jude also I think foresaw That when we as the readers and his audience would would read this and they would continue to read his words
About this false teaching and about these false teachers It would also lead to a certain degree degree of fear in us and so it should it would lead us to to fear and How does it do that?
Well, we learn about these these false teachers and how they've crept in among us unnoticed and that God so abhors
This this false teaching That he has this judgment that is that is set upon them and is waiting for them
And so we fear we fear that we don't want to we don't want to be one of these
Also, we don't want to When he says
Beloved I Was making an effort to write to you about our common salvation I felt miss
I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you and and this appealing I can
I can almost Understand or feel or or grasp the the gravity or the weight of the situation
That he is reaching out to them wanting to you know, grab them by the arms and An appeal to them in an earnest
In a very in a way very in a way that's
Extremely necessary that this information get to them and they're awakened to it But he says that you contend earnestly for the faith and so when we continue to read his words and It drives us and leads us to fear and he wants us to contend earnestly for the faith we fear that how how am
I going to to stand up and Defend the gospel and contend earnestly for the faith
What if I'm alone one? What if I'm the only one doing it? There's a fear there that Keeps us in our seats that keeps our mouths shut we have a fear of man and It holds us back from contending earnestly earnestly for the faith and then there's also there's also a fear that we may be deceived by these false teachers and for seeing that fear that the readers may have
John MacArthur points out that He thinks that's one of the reasons why he wrote in the very beginning of the introduction this exhortation this encouragement to the readers
He says to those who are the called You are the called ones
You are the saved ones you are you are God's children to the called ones Beloved in God the
Father so you have this fear you're reading through this book and you have this fear the the sphere of man this fear of contending earnestly for the gospel this fear of being deceived this fear of standing up and Being the only one
Jude says you are the called you are in him and you are beloved by God the
Father And number two you are kept for Jesus Christ, there's love and there's security
In in God and his son Jesus Christ and then he gives a threefold
Blessing where he says may mercy and peace and love be multiplied to you
And MacArthur thinks that Jude foresees that fear that may creep in when we read this message
That he reminds us that we are the called ones and in God. We are beloved by him and we are kept we are secure and That he then he gives that blessing of mercy peace and love that it may be multiplied to us so we can we can let fear do its work and And drive us to the arms of Christ Drive us to repentance and drive us to our father
But we can also at that point cast out that fear and know that we are the called We are the kept
We are loved and we are secure So now let's continue
I remember in the verse previous to 12 that we just read verse 11
Jude says woe to them Jude cast out this judgment upon these
These apostates these that have crept in unnoticed and it's it's a strange
Contradiction to what he just said when He talked about These people defile the flesh they reject authority and revile
Angelic majesties and and I explain that to be the the order in which things are done in the heavenlies and Where these these apostates these false teachers would would
Cast judgment upon Satan, you know I rebuke you Satan in the name of Jesus and then he gives an example that Michael the
Archangel didn't even do that So we need to respect how things are done in the heavenlies, but it seems to be different There's a different way of doing things here in the earthly realm in the flesh where Jude Gives this judgment to another man
Where he says woe to them Woe to them now we begin in verse 12 and we've we've started out by looking and reminding ourselves who these these men are
These men are those who and did and what he's going to do now is give us a a vivid vivid description of Of who these people are
And so let's let's let this vivid description Sink into our minds and in our hearts and I am
NOT the best gonna be the best here to to paint that picture But I hope that The Holy Spirit will help us see it together
He says that these men Who are hidden reefs in your love feast?
So let's start with hidden feast hidden reefs Hidden reefs think about the reefs that are in the water and You can barely see maybe the the very top of the reefs skim the top
But then below the water these reefs are huge and large
Now, let's transfer that that picture to the story of the
Titanic and Right before it sank they saw an iceberg
Out in the water But to them it was very small But what they didn't see was the large iceberg that it really was underneath the water it was no concern to them what they saw on top and So they ignored it.
They thought it would just be a small bump But instead when they hit it, it was so large it crashed into the hole and and Tore a gaping hole in the ship
So this is the hidden This is the picture of the hidden reefs that you just can see maybe a small part on top of the water but underneath it is it is huge and massive and folks we are the
We are the ship that is the kingdom of God and we the people
Make up we are the material that makes up that ship and these these that creep in a notice
Try to try to stay underneath the water where we can only see maybe this a small
Portion of who they are and what they are and we think we we're the great ship of the kingdom of God and and We don't need to stand up.
We don't need to say anything. We don't need to warn others We don't need to confront them about their heresy about their wrong teaching about their false teaching, you know
We just need to let it be we just need to keep the peace and then when this ship ignores these false teachers
Because it looks like such a small thing in reality the magnitude of it is greater than what we can ever imagine and it
Causes more damage Than we could ever imagine it will crash into the whole of this ship and destroy lives
Destroy families destroy churches when we let these false teachers
These apostates who are in our midst to continue. He says they they come into your love feast
When they feast with you without fear, what are the love feast? We will we can see some similarities to this love feast with things that we do things that Something that we practice as a church
Traditionally, we'll have a meal together. Some people call it a potluck. Some people call a reunion some people do it at homecomings
But we we gather together in in love in unity and we all bring food for everyone to to share and share alike and That was what they would do here.
That was the love feast that they would gather together on the Lord's Day and They would bring food for everyone to share and share alike.
So everyone could could eat and and not be hungry and it was so that they could be united so that they could love one another and These folks the these that had crimped in unnoticed would
Would creep into their love feast And they would feast with them and feast with them without fear
That's a mark of these false teachers these apostates That they would be creeping in and and what does
Paul say Paul mentions these love feast and in first Corinthians 11 17 and following he says he condemns them for their for what happens at their love feast that there are divisions and factions and there are those that that eat all their food and there's those that go hungry and there's some that are
There that are even drunk and these may be those that Judas talking about that come in and they're driving wedges
That are they're creating cliques At our at our gatherings dividing us causing factions
And it seems like such a small thing, but it's so large underneath and we're scared we have fear
To say anything then Jew goes on Caring for themselves.
They are clouds without water carried along by winds and that's
That's an easy easier one to imagine because they would have fields and they would have gardens and they would they would pray for rain, they would ask the
Lord to bring rain and these clouds would form in the sky and they would approach and they would
Rejoice because they thought rain would be coming but these great clouds would form
And they would pass over and then they would pass by They look to be everything that they desired and wanted but as they came and went without providing any rain the clouds left them high and dry and their gardens went without water and that's who these
Individuals are that have crept in unnoticed There are clouds
Without water. They look to be everything that we need and we want them to be but when they come and They pass by they will leave us empty -handed in worse shape than we were before and In this in this in a similar way.
They are autumn trees without fruit doubly dead and uprooted
They will look big and strong and sturdy and secure But they won't produce any fruit
Verse 13 there are wild waves of the sea casting casting up their own shame like foam and something
I read gave the imagery of when a storm comes and It stirs up the waves in the sea is and even in the
Dead Sea where you have all that salt it would stir up all the The wood the riprap the the seaweed and Eventually it would it would make its way to shore
Where the things that that landed on the shore because of the the foam and the salt
It would destroy the wood it would destroy the seaweed and it would just trash the shoreline and the the things that were left behind would be worthless and useless and And these folks they're like wild waves of the sea casting up their own shame like foam leave us devastated and With things that are worthless and useless and then this last section of verse 13 actually begins a prophecy of Enoch He he invokes
Enoch in verse 14 But but actually he begins the quote of a prophecy from Enoch at the end of verse 13
Now Enoch is not part of our scripture But it is it is writings that the his original audience would have been familiar with And so they would have known this prophecy.
They would have known this these writings of Enoch So he begins this prophecy of Enoch when he says
For whom the black darkness They are wandering stars for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever and there there's another section as We begin to think of the eternal eternality of it of the foreverness
The great length of time that that will never end When it comes to those whom
God's wrath is upon those who fall under his judgment They are stars and and this is a description of what that time will be like that time of foreverness
Will be black Darkness and it will be reserved and that is such a scary fearful thing to think of that time and eternity
Where those who are under God's judgment judgment will be in black
Not just darkness of black darkness forever It's an amazing thing then he continues with Enoch a
Explains a little bit more in verse 14 and he says about these right now Remember that these about these also
Enoch in the seventh generation from Adam prophesied about who prophesied about these about these
That Jude is writing about Enoch way back just seven generations past Adam prophesied about these these have crept in unnoticed saying behold
The Lord came with many thousands of his Holy Ones literally
Literally, it says behold the Lord came with ten thousand of his Holy Ones to execute
Judgment upon all and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds, which they have done in an ungodly way and All of the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him
Can you feel the weight can you feel the weight and the plea that comes from Jude when he says
Contend earnestly for the faith reader brother sister contend earnestly for the faith eternity
Is a great length of time That never ends and should our desire be for those apostates to turn from their sins and trust in Jesus Yes, and should our desire be that we not be deceived.
Yes, and should our desire be That our brothers and sisters and those they're in earshot of these apostates not be deceived.
Yes, so it's vitally important for us to contend earnestly for the faith we must be students of God's Word and please
I would I would reach out to you and say those who those of us who try to make corrections of False teaching and bad theology on Facebook those of us who try to do it in love
Don't be harsh to those who try to correct Because it is a fearful thing to think sometimes you stand alone, but then verse 16
He gives another threefold message and a three -part description of these that have crept in as he did earlier in the last session that we looked at he he used a method of three
Three groups of threes in his In his way of explaining
What was going on? But here's another group of three which seems to be common with you These are and going back again.
They are These that have crept in unnoticed. They are grumblers finding fault so you can imagine us at our love feast at our at our potlucks at our reunions
Our fellowship meals is what we would call them They they come in and and drive wedges and And and murmur and find fault and they and they secretly whisper or bring you to a side
What about such -and -such? What about such -and -such this? What do you think about this?
What do you think about that and and they are they are making divisions and fractions within the church?
now in the the first Corinthians first Corinthians section that I brought up in chapter 11
Paul tells us that The visions will come and They are good at times because it shows us who who is of the faith but at all it but Paul and Jude here are our warning of the apostates who are dividing with false teaching and fault finding for no reason
That's what we need to be on the lookout for I see a comment and I want to look at it and read it Real quick. Thank you for commenting
Just can't stop sharing this great testimony of mine on how Okay Thank you for that Maybe if someone is interested in your help with hepatitis type
B You can check that out So that's the the first thing they they are he describes them as grumblers and fault finders
And then the second one following after their own lust. I want to I want to expound upon that In just a second by looking at another verse
But he says they they follow after their own lust and you you'll see how these these who who call themselves
Shepherds do that in this text that I'm going to read. So we're gonna look at that in just a second and Then the last part flattering people for the sake of gaining an advantage
So you've probably seen this before those that that flatter Flatter people and this is how they'll do it.
They will either they will Depends on the situation and depends on what the situation calls for But they will either flatter you and build you up Depending on the situation and what it calls for to gain an advantage or if the situation calls for building themselves up and Talking good about themselves
To gain an advantage That that's the approach that we use and they will know which situation that they are in whether they need to build you up or whether they need to build themselves up in front of you and You've probably witnessed that before Judas telling us to be on guard for these that do that Thank You Lawson.
Love you, brother Thank you for watching. All right. Here's here's the last verse or the last section
It's verses 1 through 10 of Ezekiel chapter 34, and it helps explain a little bit more about What Judas talking about when he says they're following after their own lusts
They call themselves shepherds or leaders of teachers who follow after their own lusts Listen, listen to Ezekiel 34 and the
Lord's response to these To these shepherds these that have crept in unnoticed in Jude In verse 1 it says then the word of the
Lord came to me saying son of man prophesy against the shepherds of Israel prophesy and say to those shepherds thus says the
Lord God Woe shepherds of Israel who have been feeding themselves Should not the shepherds feed the flock you eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool
You slaughter the fat sheep without feeding the flock those who are sickly
You have not strengthened the diseased. You have not healed the broken You have not bound up the scattered have not brought back nor have you sought for the lost?
but with force and with severity you have dominated them and They were scattered for lack of a shepherd and they became food for every beast of the field and were scattered my flock
Wandered through all the mountains and on every high hill and my flock was scattered over all the surface of the earth and there was
No one to search or seek for them Therefore you shepherds hear the word of the
Lord as I live declares the Lord God Surely because my flock has become a prey
My flock has even became food for all the beasts of the field for a lack of a shepherd and my shepherds
Did not search for my flock But rather the shepherds fed themselves and did not feed my flock
Therefore you shepherds hear the word of the Lord thus says the Lord God behold I am against the shepherds and I shall demand my sheep from them and make them cease from feeding sheep
So the shepherds will not feed themselves anymore, but I shall deliver my flock from their mouth
That they may not be food for them Contend earnestly for the faith against the shepherds
But let's rejoice. Let's turn the page and let's rejoice because God said that he will
He will deliver his flock and he will send a shepherd and he sent that shepherd in Jesus Christ who came and salt and saved his flock and saved his sheep
Jesus Christ Come in the flesh. He was born of a virgin lived a sinless life
He died on the cross to take upon the sin of the world He said he came to seek and to save that which is lost
He is our great shepherd the one that will never lead us astray
The one that will always lead us in truth. The one that will always protect us and keep us and will love us
We have a shepherd a great shepherd in Jesus Christ If you do not know him as your
Lord and Savior The command from Scripture is to repent of your sins and trust in the
Lord Jesus Christ Call on him today While it's still called today.
We're not promised tomorrow So I hope that was an encouragement to you I hope that was helpful
And if you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior turn to him today if I can pray for you
I Love to be able to do that. We're gonna go ahead and pray and I know there's a small delay
So I'm gonna give anybody who's still with us Just a moment if they would like for me to pray for them
Thank you again for watching I really appreciate it appreciate you watching if I can pray for you Just type me if you watch the video later
All you have to do is type me the Lord knows the situation We don't need this. We don't have to spread everything out on Facebook.
The Lord knows your situation And I'll see the notification and I'll be glad to pray for you when
I see that notification So I don't see anyone Typing and someone may type that I see later and that's okay
So let's go ahead and pray if you're still with me father. We thank you for this time that you've given us Thank you for inspiring men to write warnings and teaching us what to look for and Also encouraging us that when we're yours that we are loved and we are safe father.
Thank you for Jesus Thank you for salvation that comes through him
And we ask all these things in his name for his sake and father for your glory. Amen All right, thank you guys for watching
I remember that Jesus is King Go live in that victory and continue to go out there and proclaim the gospel.