Does God Desire Equity?
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Clip from Season 2 Episode 36 "Be the Bridge: Training Christians to Decenter Whiteness". Anti-racists believe that a just society would produce equitable outcomes for all regardless of color of skin, beliefs, philosophies, moral standards, etc. Be the Bridge wants it's bridge builders to fight against the systems that do not result with all people having equal, power, privileges and resources.
But, according to Scripture, does God also desire equitable outcomes for all?
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The Thoroughly Equipped Woman
May the episode bless you and bring glory to God!
- 00:00
- Be the Bridge's goal is, of course, not to fight oppression through teaching people the righteousness of God, but by imitating white people of their pride and urging them to suppress their need to be right, be heard, and to feel understood.
- 00:17
- Quote, Reconciliation begins when we say, I won't stay silent and let the sin of racism ravage what
- 00:24
- God created as good, racial and ethnic diversity. Reconciliation continues when we empty ourselves of our pride as well as our need to be right, to be heard, or to feel understood.
- 00:38
- Now remember Be the Bridge's definition in their whiteness -intensive study, which is that racism is the system of advantage based on race, so let's replace some words with their definition.
- 00:54
- Let's state it this way, I won't stay silent and let the sin of unequal distribution of privileges, resources, and power ravage what
- 01:04
- God created as good, racial and ethnic diversity. So are we really wanting to say that by their definition this is a transgression against God?
- 01:16
- Or to say that what God really wants is all races to have equal privileges, resources, and power?
- 01:23
- Does God do this himself? Like thinking, does God grant all faith equally?
- 01:31
- Will God ultimately give an equitable outcome to all? So all will end up in heaven or will all end up in hell?
- 01:40
- Maybe we can think this thought even currently, like does God give miraculous power to all or to only the believers at Pentecost?
- 01:50
- Does he give all the same spiritual gifts, which are the same as saying spiritual resources?
- 01:58
- Well, no. Though all Christians are baptized into one spirit, there are different gifts given, all which produce different outcomes, but are of equal worth.
- 02:09
- This is a point Paul desires to convey in 1 Corinthians 12, where at the end of the chapter he states, now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
- 02:20
- And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues.
- 02:34
- Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles?
- 02:41
- Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?
- 02:47
- And the answer to all of these is a rhetorical no. But earnestly desire the higher gifts, he tells us.
- 02:55
- Which is, he goes on to explain that the higher gift is love, the ultimate higher gift. So ultimately we can see here from this passage that the
- 03:05
- Holy Spirit doesn't give equitable gifts to everybody, you know, all equally.
- 03:13
- Some people have the gift of helping, while others actually have a bit more power in and authority in their role as a preacher or a administrator.
- 03:28
- These roles are given by God himself. And as Paul stated earlier on in the chapter, they're all needed.
- 03:39
- They are all part of Christ and are of equal worth. But as we're going to see further on in this study guide, that there are certain things that white people have that people of color don't have, in which then they need to divest to produce an equitable outcome within the group.