F4F | Katie Souza Time Travel in the Spirit


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. So we're going to talk again about the false doctrine of so -called
Christian time travel. The person out there who is purveying in this false doctrine is
Katie Sousa. Katie Sousa is a dangerous, and I mean dangerous, false teacher.
If you've ever heard her testimony, she talks about what a changed woman she is.
She used to be somebody who was an outlaw. She was somebody who cooked crystal meth.
In fact, her story sounds like she was probably one of the lesser characters on Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul.
The reason I say lesser characters is because she doesn't even remotely come close to Heisenberg.
No, no, no. She's a lesser character. She can't cook with beans and she had problems with the police and all that kind of stuff.
But here's the thing. She is still somebody who is cooking bad crystal meth.
I mean, like the worst cook recipe ever. And how do I know? Because she's now cooking spiritual crystal meth and she's taking advantage of people and she's a flat -out liar.
She is not a skilled biblical exegete. She is not properly trained to be doing any kind of ministry.
And instead, she is out there flying by the seat of her pants, making stuff up.
And as a result of it, making promises for God that God hasn't met, meant that he's going to get that he
God didn't actually give those promises. That's what I meant to say. Therefore, he's not going to he's not going to make them happen.
And as a result of it, this is a dangerous, I mean, dangerous woman. If you know anybody who is under her sway, then you need to send them this video because they need to be have their eyes open and see this woman for the liar that she is.
So that being the case, yeah, I just didn't pull any punches there, did I? Nope, not a bit. We're going to whirl up the desktop and a little bit of a note here.
I have sped up the video. I did this not to make her sound like a duck. I did this to make it so that we can get to a large portion of this teaching on Robert Hodgkin's YouTube channel television show and so that we can cover this and debunk this.
And basically, this is a biblical takedown of false doctrine. And Robert Hodgkin here is a complete accomplice in the cooking of this bad batch of heretical crystal meth and in distributing to people and making promises for God that he has never made.
And this is a practice that nowhere appears in scripture. We're going to show you why this is wrong. Do I sound like I'm a little bit annoyed by her?
I am. This is the scripture says to abhor evil. And this woman is evil.
There is no redeeming qualities in her at all. She is a false teacher.
She is exploiting people. And she is hurting the name of Christ and hurting and basically taking advantage of people and taking their money all in the name of these false doctrines that she's invented.
So we have sped up the video. I put the closed captioning on in order to make it a little easier to track what's going on.
And in this first part, Robert Hodgkin's is going to set the ground for the topic and why he thinks this is such an important topic for them to be covering.
Here we go. And as you know, what we're going to talk about today is we're going to talk this topic about time travel and time travel. For me, this really all started because we've talked about this topic off and on for years now, between the two of us.
This started for me actually probably about a decade ago in a hotel room in Singapore where I was ministering and I had actually just come out of the shower and was in the main room and the
Lord, he manifested his presence and he invited me to sit down when I did. He spoke to me and he said, I want you to remind my church on the alpha and the omega.
And my response to him was, well, Lord, I think we know that. And he said, no, most of my church thinks of me as the alpha, then the omega, not the alpha and the omega.
So they know I was at the beginning and they know I'll be at the end, but they don't understand that he went like this. I am the beginning and the end all at once.
And when he clapped his hands together in the spirit, something went into me that for over a decade, he's continuing to unpack about how we can access the eternal realm from here in the temple.
Yeah, we can. Okay. I let him go on a little bit there.
Let's talk about what's wrong with this. Okay. And that is, is that if biblical
Christianity taught that we can engage in Christian time travel, then
I would be able to open up my Bible and go to the passage or passages that explain the doctrine and explain how we would access it and how we would apply it and use it.
Where did Peter talk about Christian time travel? How about the apostle Paul?
How about John or James, Jude, you kind of catching my drift.
How about one of the old Testament prophets? So you're going to note, Robert Hodgkins realized that this is really important because he was in a hotel room in Singapore, had just taken a shower.
Hopefully he's got his clothes on and Jesus manifests, you know, and has him sit down and explains to him, listen,
Robert, I need you to remind people that I'm both the Alpha and the Omega.
And my immediate question is, why would Jesus need to do that?
Because it's so clearly stated in several passages of scripture, most notably in the book of Revelation.
If a pastor is doing his job, then his congregants are going to hear about Jesus being the
Alpha and the Omega quite frequently. And on top of it, you'll note that if people are reading their
Bibles as they should be as Christians, they would run into this concept as well. They would not need to be reminded, but note the extra emphasis though.
People think I'm the Alpha, then I'm the Omega, but I'm the Alpha and Omega squished together.
Again, if this were a biblical Christian practice, we'd be able to go to the biblical texts that teach us about Christian time travel.
And here's where a couple of passages of scripture I think are going to be helpful in warning us, warning us off from these false doctrines.
Let me explain here. In first Corinthians chapter four, there's a little aside that the apostle
Paul makes. This is the aside that he makes. It's in verse six. And listen to what he says.
I've highlighted the words, I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit.
So that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written.
So that none of you may be puffed up in favor one against another. Not to go beyond what is written.
At this point, we can legitimately say Robert Hodgkin and Katie Sousa, they've gone way beyond what is written.
In fact, there's another text here. Second John even states this clearer.
And here's what it says in second John. This is an epistle written by the apostle John to the elect lady.
This is a woman who had a congregation meeting in her home. In the first century of Christianity, there weren't church buildings.
People met in homes and so they needed benefactors and people like this to make that possible. So here's what it says.
I rejoice greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we were commanded by the father.
And now I ask, boy, just don't let that one go by too quick here. Glad greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we were commanded by the father.
God wants Christians to walk in the truth, not in lies.
And now I ask you, dear lady, not as though I were writing you a new commandment, but the one we have had from the beginning, that we love one another.
And this is love, that we walk according to God's commandments. And this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it.
For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh.
Such a one is the deceiver and is the antichrist. Watch yourselves so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward.
Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have
God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the father and the son. How is one to abide in the teaching by not going beyond what is written, staying within the biblical parameters, rightly exegeting biblical texts?
And Katie Suess is not capable of doing it, nor is she interested in doing that either. So you've got to know, we're not to go beyond what is written, and everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ doesn't even have
God. This is why I'm absolutely convinced that Katie Suess, Robert Hoskins, they're not
Christians. By this definition, by this standard, they're way outside of the lines.
They're so far beyond the written text here, it's not even funny. I mean, the only thing I can consider them to be are rank, dangerous heretics, wolves in sheep's clothing, and that's what they are.
And there's so many facets to that that we could do a three -day conference on that between the two of us. But today, the reason
I wanted to have you on is because - Did you notice that Katie Suess's body language just looked like she was going through the motions, you know?
Oh yeah, sure, sure. I don't even think she believes what she's saying.
Because God continues to highlight to me the importance of understanding that while we're in the world, we're not of the world. And part of that includes, while we're in time and space, we're not of time and space, we're of the eternal realm.
We're of the realm of the great I am. Although we are of time and space, we're in time and space, we're not of time and space.
Where in the scripture does it teach me how to, although bound by time and space, to not be of time and space?
Jesus says, do not be of the world, or friends with the world. That's a different concept altogether.
You're basically saying, we're bound by time and space, but we need to live like we're not bound by time and space.
What are you even talking about? Which biblical text says this? God is the
I am, which means he's always present tense. He's always present, and he's always present tense. And that means everything of God in its fullness is ours in him and can be accessed.
And everything means. Wait, just because God is the I am does not mean that, you know, everything that is the fullness of his is now ours, and that can somehow be accessed in every, this is a completely nonsensical statement.
Just because God is the I am, and that is present tense, doesn't mean that that means that everything that is the fullness of his is now mine in the present tense here, now in time and space.
That's absurd. How did you come up with that conclusion, sir? It includes being able to go back in time to solve issues.
Okay, now I'm going to back this up a little bit so you can hear it in context. Which means he's always present tense. He's always present, and he's always present tense.
And that means everything of God in its fullness is ours in him and can be accessed. And everything includes being able to go back in time to solve issues.
So everything that is the fullness of God is ours now. And that means being able to go back in time to solve issues.
It's a time machine. Where in the
Bible does it teach that we are to go back in time in order to solve issues?
Answer nowhere. Now, they're going to make an effort here.
And I mean, they're going to do everything they can to make this appear like this is a biblical text and that Jesus modeled this for us.
But all they're going to show is that they're liars and that they don't know the Bible and they don't know
Greek. We continue. And to go forward in time and to pull in promises that weren't scheduled to happen for years, even decades right into our now.
Oh, I had a blessing coming in the year 2028. And guess what?
I went forward in time and was able to bring it into 2023. Baloney.
This is absolute poppycock. The more you walk through this revelation, you know, for me, going back happened all the time.
Right. I got it to where, you know, that was a regular visitation. This was one of your teachings that I love in the midst where you started teaching about. So she's traveled, time traveled all the time, probably as often as Kat Kerr has traveled up to heaven.
It's a piece of crap. It doesn't work. Well, I could have told you that moving through time to see issues resolved.
Oh, yeah. And it was so it was such. I locked myself in my bedroom for three months straight and got the revelation on. What is that? How do you do it?
How does it work? You didn't lock yourself in your bedroom for three months straight. What propels you into that activation?
You know, and God showed me through it propels you into that activation. What are you even talking about?
This is nowhere found in the Bible relation how to do it. And I was always, you know, going back to places in my past and times in my past where things came up on my bloodline, even thousands of years back.
And and then when I would come back, I would know I would go because I would come back and I would be healed of a disease or, you know. Oh, she's traveled back in time, thousands of years and cleared bloodline curses and diseases and stuff.
Uh -huh. Proof, please. I'd like to see the evidence.
Something would manifest big, not just like, oh, that was a fun dream. It wasn't even like many times I actually went. Sounds to me like she was having a bad after trip from her crystal meth days.
I soul, spirit and everything back. And I would know I was doing that because I would be thinking I was having a dream.
But in that dream, I was feeling things like I was touching. I could feel wind. I could feel movement. I could touch things.
I thought, wow, you know, I'm really here. And then I would open my eyes. I'd say, well, if I open my eyes, I'll know if I'm in my bed or not. And then I'd open my eyes and I would not be in my bed.
I would be in that place. I was seeing. So I knew. Teller of tall tales. The Bible talks about us going everything, not just in the spirit, but body, soul, spirit, the whole package going.
I mean, OK, watch the words. I'm going to back this up. She says the Bible talks about us going everything, body, soul and spirit.
No, it does not. Where in the Bible does it teach that you and I are to be able to travel forward in time, backward in times, body, soul and spirit?
Where does it say that there is no biblical text at all? If I open my eyes,
I'll know if I'm in my bed or not. And then I'd open my eyes and I would not be in my bed. I would be in that place. I was seeing. So I knew. And the Bible talks about us going everything, not just in the spirit, but body, soul, spirit, the whole package going.
I mean, Paul said in the Bible, he went into the third heaven, whether in the body or out of the body, I do not know. He said it twice. Paul wasn't talking about time traveling.
And not only that, he wasn't describing a normative experience that all
Christians are supposed to have, or those who've had the proper time traveling activation are then supposed to have.
Let me, let me explain. The text in question is found in second Corinthians. This is
Paul writing against the so -called super apostles who claimed that they were, they had a, they were greater apostles than the apostle
Paul. And they always made sure wherever they traveled that they were going to charge money. And they legitimately slandered the apostle
Paul. Why? They claim that the apostle Paul had somehow done something evil by virtue of the fact that he didn't charge money when he came and preached at the church in Corinth.
Yeah, the super apostles always made sure to charge the highest dollar. And it's, this is their context for this, by the way.
What Paul is trying to do is to get these people in the church at Corinth to open up their eyes that they're being deceived.
These so -called super apostles are instead false apostles, deceitful workmen who are hell bound and are deceiving them.
So Paul says in second Corinthians 11, and yes, this is the context. I wish you would bear with me a little foolishness.
Do bear with me for I feel a divine jealousy for you, since I betrothed you to one husband to present you as a pure virgin to Christ.
But I'm afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere, pure defoesion to Christ.
For someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we've proclaimed, or if you received a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from when you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.
Indeed, I consider that I am not the least inferior to these super apostles.
You have to put that in quotes. Even if I am unskilled in speaking, I am not so in knowledge.
Indeed, in every way we have made this plain to you in all things. Or did I commit a sin in humbling myself so that you might be exalted because I preached
God's gospel to you free of charge? I robbed other churches by accepting support from them in order to serve you.
And when I was with you and was in need, I did not burden anyone for the brothers who came from Macedonia supplied my need.
So I refrained and I will refrain from burdening you in any way. As the truth of Christ is in me, this boasting of mine will not be silenced in the regions of Achaia.
And why? Because I do not love you. God knows that I do. And what I am doing, I will continue to do in order to undermine the claim of those who would like to claim that in their boasted mission, that they work on the same terms that we do.
For such men, the so -called super apostles are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.
Rob Hodgkin and Katie Sousa, they are false Christians. They are wolves in sheep's clothing, disguising themselves as Christian ministers in order to deceive you.
No wonder even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it's no surprise if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.
Their end will correspond to their deeds. And that is an allusion to the doctrine of hell.
So I repeat, let no one think of, think of me foolish. But even if you do accept me as a fool, so that I too may boast a little.
What I'm saying with this boastful confidence, I say not as the Lord would, but I'm saying this as a fool. So what he's going to do here is
Paul's now going to speak way more highly of himself than he ought in order to make a point.
And he's going to remind them by doing this, he is acting foolishly in order to make a point.
Right? So what I'm saying with this boastful confidence, I say not as the Lord would, but I'm saying this as a fool.
Since many boast according to the flesh, I too will boast for you will gladly bear with fools being wise yourselves.
For you bear it if someone makes slaves of you or devours you or takes advantage of you or puts on airs or strikes you in the face.
This is exactly what the so -called super apostles were doing to the Christians at the church of Corinth.
And this is what Katie Sousa and Robert Hoskins and others are doing today. To my shame,
I must say we were too weak for that, but whatever anyone else dares to boast of while I'm speaking as a fool reminder here,
I also dare to boast of that. Are they Hebrews? Well, so am I. Are they Israelites?
So am I. Are they offspring of Abraham? Well, so am I. Are they servants of Christ? I am a better one.
And he says, I'm talking like a madman here. Pay attention with far greater labors, far more imprisonments with countless beatings, often near death.
Five times I received at the hands of the Jews, the 40 lashes, less one, three times I was beaten with rods.
Once I was stoned and he's not talking about, you know, having marijuana in Colorado. He's actually talking about being stoned to death, being rocked to death.
Three times beaten with rods. Once I was stoned, sorry. Once I was stoned.
So one time he was stoned three times. I was shipwrecked a night and a day. I was adrift at sea on frequent journeys in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, dangers from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers in toil and hardship through many a sleepless night and hunger and thirst, often without food and cold and exposure.
And apart from the other things, there's the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches who is weak and I'm not weak, who is made to fall and I am not indignant.
So if I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. The God and father of the
Lord Jesus, he who is blessed forever knows that I am not lying at Damascus. The governor under King Aretas was guarding the city of Damascus in order to seize me, but I was let down in a basket through a window in the wall and I escaped his hands.
That's all part of the context. Now we get to the next part. So I must go on boasting though there's nothing to be gained by it.
I'll go on divisions and revelations of the Lord. I know a man in Christ who 14 years ago was caught up to the third heaven, whether in the body or out of the body,
I don't know. God knows. You'll note this is not a text that's a prescription.
He's describing something that happened to him in the context of speaking foolishly in order to pop the bubble of the so -called super apostles, right?
I know a man who in 14 years ago was caught up to the third heaven, whether in the body or out of the body,
I don't know. God knows. And I know that this man was caught up into paradise, whether in the body or out of the body,
I don't know. Now, didn't Katie Susan just say that, oh, we're supposed to be translated, uh, body, soul, and spirit, all, all of us into, you know, into forward in time or backwards in time.
And this was a proof text. Paul doesn't even know what exactly was going on. He had some kind of a vision and he doesn't even know if he was in the body or out of the body.
He doesn't know. God knows. And he heard things that cannot be told, which man may not utter on behalf of this man,
I will boast. But on my own behalf, I will not boast except of my own weaknesses, though, if I should wish to boast,
I would not be a fool for, I would be speaking the truth, but I refrained from it so that no one may think more of me than he sees in me or hears from me.
So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelation, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited.
Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, my grace is sufficient for you.
For my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may rest upon me for the sake of Christ.
And I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.
For when I am weak, then I am strong. So you'll know, you now know the context of what
Katie Sue says, supposedly using as a proof text for the so -called Christian time travel.
Listen again. Seeing, so I knew, and the Bible talks about us going everything, not just in the spirit, but body, soul, spirit, the whole package going.
No, it doesn't talk about us doing that at all. Talks about the apostle Paul doing that. And he didn't even know if he was in the body or out of the body.
Paul said, he went into the third heaven, whether in the body or out of the body, I do not know. He said it twice. Philip was transported.
He was baptized in Ethiopia, Munich, and it says he completely disappeared and showed up in a town called Astos. So the whole package went, you know, the apostle
John did it too. And that's not a, Philip is not an example of Christian time travel.
It does that. And nor is it a prescriptive text that says, because Philip got, you know, taken away in the spirit to a different town that that means you and I can.
No scripture says that. Yeah. And you know, the idea I've been transported in the spirit and I've been translated in the spirit, as you know, transfer our audience, transport in the spirit is what you're saying.
Body, soul, spirit, the whole thing being physically moved from one place to another instantaneously. I've been translated in the spirit where I have gone and ministered in different regions of the world in the spirit while still being like in my body.
What are you even talking? This sounds like like new age astral projection. Sometimes it'll happen to me in worship and meetings in one place.
I'll be translated in the spirit to carry it away. But what you've been getting from God is not only that's moving through space.
God has been showing you this accessing the eternal realm for moving through time. And what was interesting, you shared about this when we were down doing the shows for God TV in Orlando, you shared about this and I was watching your episode while I was watching the episode.
I was in the back with Tony Kemp. Yeah, that's right. She's taught this false doctrine that she's cooked up herself in her spiritual crystal meth lab.
She's spread this false doctrine on God TV. And we were praying for you as you were doing the show.
And I was watching the one camera. It was like this. It was a three camera setup. And I could see through the camera monitor you. And while you were sharing on this, the only language
I have for it is I was watching you face and it was like this overlap of images of you. And at first I thought it was a glitch on the camera.
Kind of like Samara. That's a sign she's a demon or she's possessed by a demon, dude.
Right. But I'm watching the cameraman and it wasn't. And then after the show was done, I asked him about it. He said, I didn't see anything. And when I asked the Lord about it, he said, no,
I was showing you that what she's teaching is true. Right. And the phasing was like past, present, future. All in the now.
All in the now. So there's proof that this is true because Jesus talked to him, told him that when
Katie Sousa looked like Samara, that that was proof that the past, present, future were all just squishing together in the now.
Uh huh. What I want you to do is share a little bit with everybody because I think as Christians, we're getting used to the idea of transport and translation in the spirit in space.
As Christians, we're getting used to the idea of transport and translation in the spirit in space.
What are you talking about? No one's getting used to these ideas because no one's doing it.
This is not a Christian practice, nor is this some kind of an activation that we can somehow be activated into.
This is all lies and poppycock. But this is a whole new thing about moving through time.
This is a whole new thing. They just admitted it. They have gone beyond the scripture.
They're not staying in bounds with what is written. They're way beyond the scripture.
If it's a new doctrine, it's untrue. Good point. I just want to count on that for just a second more. Wow. That was a really good point because nobody else has brought that up.
Yes, we have been translating and transporting, you know, through space, but we're staying in this now moment realm. So this is different because it's traveling through space and time.
Okay. And that's really important for us to know because space and time are totally tied together. Okay. I mean, think about it. Even, you know, we live in three dimensions of space, height, depth, width, or coordinates longitude, latitude, altitude.
But we all. Yeah. Now she's using all of the polysyllabic words that she knows. She's now probably run out because I don't think she's capable of any further polysyllabic word.
Also live in time. Like if you want to find the location of a plane as it's flying over, you need to know the coordinates, the longitude, the latitude and the altitude, where it was going to be in space.
Okay. The location. But in order to find the plane, you'd have to actually know what time it was going to be there, those coordinates. And that's how it is with when we go back in time and even forward in time.
When we go back in time. That's what it's like when we go back in time and forward in time. Where in scripture does it say we go back in time?
No biblical text says this. Go back to where a problem came upon our bloodline. And so when we travel, we actually go to the location that problem came on.
Like, let's say a cancer first came in your bloodline, you know, 50 years ago on your mother who, you know, lived in a toxic region or something, you know.
Okay. Let's just go with the analogy here. All right. So my mom, she doesn't have cancer.
But for the sake of argument, we'll pretend that she does. And she got that cancer because of exposure to toxic elements 50 years ago in, you know, at an
Air Force base in Europe because she was an Air Force brat. Okay. All right.
So I travel back in time and I travel back in time 50 years to the place where my mom was initially exposed to these toxic elements.
What am I supposed to do? Okay. Just because I've arrived there, you know, and all that's accomplished is now
I'm exposed to those toxic elements that then also resulted in my mom getting cancer, which means 50 years from now, if I'm still breathing,
I'm probably going to get cancer too. Am I showing up in the past in a hazmat suit in order to get rid of the toxic elements that my mother was exposed to that gave her cancer?
This is absurd. Where a spill was or something chemicals. Okay. So it actually happened to her at a specific time and at a specific place, a location in space.
So when we go traveling through time and space, we don't, we don't just go back to the, you know, it happened 50 years ago. So 19, whatever, you know, 60, whatever it was.
Right. We don't just go back to that time, that date. We actually go back to the location where it first came upon us because time and space are intricately tied together.
Right. So you got, you made your point. But again, where does the
Bible teach this? And what am I supposed to do when I get back in time in order to prevent my mom from having cancer?
You can't have one without the other. They were created at the same time in Genesis one versus one through 25. We see God bringing forth time and space.
That's correct. In Genesis one, God does create time and space.
Beginning. God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning, the beginning is now the beginning of time created the heavens and the earth is space.
Got it. Okay. I'm not that. Absolutely. Genesis one is teaching the creation of time and space.
This doesn't mean that you can travel backwards in time or that you even need to.
One of the things as Christians, we need to get our head around is that time and space is a created substance. It is. God creates it in Genesis one. Now it's, it's not that a substance that time and space don't exist.
They do exist. They were created substance, like a bubble inside the eternal realm. Right. And the way God dumbs it down for me is once again, the eternal realm is his realm, the realm of I am, which is always present tense.
So time and space exist as a bubble within the eternal realm of constant present tense. So we can access, we can access because for God, he's not the great.
I wasn't the great. I will be. He's the great. I am. So he, but he created time and space. Right. More, more fast talking poppycock here in order to bamboozle those who don't know their
Bibles and basically say, well, I guess this biblically checks out. He referenced Genesis one.
Yeah. So what, where in Genesis one, does it say that you and I can travel backwards in time or that we even need to.
It's time and space, but we don't have to experience time and space in three dimensions of past, present, future. Yeah. Right. So that's important to realize.
So like, let me share the scripture because it proves it. Okay. So it's Hebrew. All right. So she's going to prove this from Hebrews one.
And I'm reading from the amplified classic. That's important for people to know. Hebrews one from the amplified classic. What exactly are you proving again here?
But in this last days, God has spoken to us in the person of his son. All right. Let's all right. Hebrews one great text, by the way,
Hebrews one long ago at many times. And in many ways,
God spoke to our fathers by the prophets. But in these last days, he has spoken to us by his son, whom he appointed the heir of all things through whom he also created the world.
And here's the thing. The world, the word for world is Aionos.
That's the age or eternity. It's a little more than the planet itself.
He created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature. And he upholds the universe by the word of his power.
Okay. So we've taken a look at the text from the ESV, but she's reading the amplified classic.
Oh, okay. Because why? Because she's looking for a biblical text to make it easier to twist and smuggle in her time traveling doctrine into.
All right. Here we go. Who he appointed heir and lawful owner of all things. Also, by and through whom he created the world, the reaches of space and the ages of time.
Wow. Right. Aionos here definitely has that implication.
It's not merely the planet, but also the ages and reaches of space and everything.
Yes, I think that the amplified is doing a fine job of making it clear that Aionos is a little bit more than what you would expect.
But all that being said, all that proves is that Genesis one is correct.
And you got another cross reference to Genesis one that God created time and space.
That doesn't mean you can travel backwards in time. Made, produced, built, operated and arranged them in order.
So see, even here, I mean, physicists call space and time space time. Yeah. Because they know you can't have one without the other. Okay. But even here, this proves it because Jesus made what the quote reaches of space and the ages of time.
And he produced and he built them and he operated them in order. That doesn't prove that you can go backwards in time.
We're here in this realm right now. This is the temporal realm. It's the now moment, right? Okay. In this realm, without the help of the spirit and our empowerment from Christ, we can only be in this now moment.
We can't travel back in time. Right. Okay. And we can't jump forward in time because in this temporal realm, time is always moving forward, but it's moving forward at a steady pace.
So it's not like without any supernatural help, we can jump forward five years, 10 years in time. We can't do it. Okay. No, but because Jesus made the reaches of space and the ages of time, those are all, like you said, you described it as a bubble.
It's similar to what my experience is that eternity actually doesn't just mean forever. Right. Eternity contains the now moment, but it also contains all the reaches of space and the ages of time.
Meaning when you can access the eternal realm, you can, let's say you had something come up in your family. So when you can access the eternal realm, where in the
Bible, just give me a clear passage that explains how I go about accessing the eternal realm.
Just one clear text would help. They haven't got any. Line that started 500 years ago in Paris.
Right. You can actually, if you access the eternal realm, you can actually travel back 500 years time, 500 years. No text says this.
Also space to Paris. Right. Because all the reaches of space and the ages of time are contained in eternity. And we are. That's not what
Hebrews one said. You just literally made that up.
Wow. As you said, you and I are seated in the heroes arise videos right here, right now in space and time. But scripture tells us we're also right now seated in places.
So what does that mean? We are inside of space and time. We are also outside of space and time in the eternal realm. So as we talk about this, and I know this is a bit of a head stretcher, but you're going to see it's not just esoteric knowledge to make us feel all
Christian. There's going to be an incredibly practical application. Incredible practical application.
Nonsense. There is no practical application of Christian time travel. It's not real.
It's a completely made up thing. It's not even biblical. It's like you guys are smoking peyote or something.
And then you're taking your trips and like, whoo. Yeah. Christian time travel. Yay. Yeah.
What you need to do is check yourself into a drug rehab center. Unlocks miracles in your life. So we're not talking about we travel in time by like projecting our thoughts.
We're traveling in time by connecting to the eternal realm that we're connected to through Christ. And in the eternal realm, there is. And that's what
God was getting to me in the hotel room and say, you're connecting to the eternal realm. And that's how your time traveling. This is nonsense.
No, I need you to understand in me. It's not at the beginning and at the end in me. It's beginning in the end all at once. So all of time is available to him all in the present tense.
Yeah. He's the Alpha and Omega beginning in the first. I mean, he's the same yesterday, today and forever. And because he created the coral reaches the space and ages of time.
And he lives in us. Right. That means we have access at any time through any reach of space. Exactly. Or any age of time because of Christ in us, the hope of glory.
And we were talking in the red room beforehand, as you said, and Jesus actually models this to us. This is where we're going to really demonstrate.
These people are deceitful. Katie Sousa is a flat out liar. By the way,
I teach Greek. I have a degree in biblical languages.
And what she's about to say is just absolutely preposterous. He does.
Absolutely. There was a scripture you were talking about where he ministers. It was the man with the crippled hand, right? Yes. The man with the weird hand. I'm trying to I think it's
Mark three, but I definitely want to look at it because I don't want us to just guess. So let's let's find it here. Okay. So yeah, it's it's in Mark three.
Here it is. So this is this is going to be Jesus modeling for us time travel. Watch this.
I mean, seriously, this is such bad magic that like a three year old kid would spot the sleight of hand is coming up on it.
So in Mark, right? And this is exciting because if Jesus models it to us, yeah, that not only shows that it's possible, but then he also says to us that we're to do the work that he did.
And we see if Jesus modeled for us Christian time travel and it says that we're going to do the works that he did in greater works, that means we can
Christian time travel. Unbelievable. Absolutely absurd.
It says in second Thessalonians said in the end of days, God's going to send a great delusion. I think this is proof that the great delusion is here.
Now, buckle up. Things are going to get really bad on planet Earth. You can prove to that he we actually are invited to do the same thing.
So it is Mark three. I'm going to start at verse one. And it's basically it talks about Jesus going to the synagogue in there with a man there with a withered hand. And in the
Amplified Classic, it says that it was as a result of an accident or a disease. So that's really important to note, to note, because that means that there was a time that that accident or disease happened and a location in space that happened.
I don't know where it was for this. All right. Let's take a look at the text because she keeps referencing the so -called
Amplified Classic. So here's, here's the account.
Again, Jesus, Jesus is the he here. He entered the synagogue and a man was there with a withered hand and they watched
Jesus to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath so that they might accuse him.
And he said to the man with the withered hand, come here. And he said to them, it is not, is it, is it lawful on the
Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill? But they were silent and he looked around at them with anger and grieved at their hardness of heart and said to the man, stretch out your hand.
He stretched it out. And his hand was restored. The Pharisees went out and immediately held council with the
Herodians against him. How to destroy him. Did you see the time travel bit there?
There is no time travel bit here. Okay. It's not there. Not even in the
Greek, but watch what they do. This is a fast. Right. But somewhere in time and in space in the past, he had an accident or disease.
Right. Come upon it. Okay. So then it says there's a marker inside of time of where this got in. And Jesus has given us a
GPS to find it. Right. Okay. Really? So, okay. It doesn't explain the circumstances of why this guy has a shriveled hand, but you're right.
That would be in time and space. So it could have been a congenital defect while he was in utero being developing in his mother's womb.
That's one possibility. It could be a result of a construction accident, or maybe somebody poured acid on him.
We don't know the circumstances, but definitely this is going to occur. Some, something's going to go wrong in time and space for sure.
But where does Jesus give us the GPS coordinates that make it clear that we can go back in time and fix the problem in the past, you know, and then therefore have it manifest as whole in the, in the present.
That's not there. So the long and the short of this is that Jesus tells that man to stand up. Right. And then he says this, he says, stretch forth thine hand.
Right. And he says, when the man stretched it forth, it was completely restored. Okay. Now, when you look at the language, just to talk this through and to help the audience, that sounds to me like Jesus shows up, does what
Jesus does. He sees an issue. He deals with the issue. He says, be healed. The man's healed. But that all sounds to me like it's happening in the present, but there's something inside of scripture that God showed you that actually shows, yes, it's happening in the present and space and time, but in the eternal realm, it's happening through a type of time travel.
So where in the text is it show that in the eternal realm that this was taking place via time travel?
Note the body language of Katie Sousa at this point.
You know, I would love to get a body language expert because I think her body language shows that she knows she's lying.
Watch what happens. It actually shows, yes, it's happening in the present and space and time, but in the eternal realm, it's happening through a type of time travel.
Absolutely. And see, that's why we have to, you know, be a brand and study so we can find out these things. So I began to look at the... She keeps touching her hair.
Yeah. Just saying. That's because God led me to the scripture. And the word stretched forth there is actually the Greek word ektano.
You know, part of that word is ek, and the word ek, if you look it up in the Strongs, you can simply do. Okay. Now let me show this to you so you can see what's going on here.
Stretch out your hand. Okay. Lego to anthropo. Jesus said to the man.
Okay. Ektanon. Ektanon tenkera. All right.
So ektanon is the verb and its lexical form is ektano.
All right. And let's take a look at what it means. And I have to make this a little bit bigger because older eyes.
All right. Ektano. To cause an object to extend to its full length in space, to stretch out.
Okay. Now, it is true that this Greek word ektano is constructed using two
Greek words. Ek for out of. And then tenon, sorry, teno, you know, that's the second half of this.
So in Greek, you take the two words, you stick them together and they create their own new word. Here's the thing.
What she's just done here, she's identified the correct word. Ektano.
She's broken it back up into its two composite words, ek and tenon.
And now she's focusing on the word ek. But the word ek is not the word being used here.
The word being used is ektano. That being the case, referencing the ek, the out of, is not a proper way of working with the biblical language or working with Greek at all.
So again, when this word appears, it means to cause an object to extend to its full length in space or to stretch out, to extend in time beyond normal expectation to draw out at length.
That's what ektano means. Breaking it up into its composite parts doesn't change the definition of the word ektano.
She's just engaging in a fast one. It's a sleight of hand. So watch again what she does here.
Be a brand and study it so we can find out these things. So I began to look at this because God led me to the scripture. And the word stretched forth there is actually the
Greek word ektano. Part of that word is ek. And the word ek, if you look at part of that word is ek.
The word itself is ektano. Up in the strong, you can simply do that. It denotes origin. It denotes the time, the place and the cause.
One of the definitions of ek does have to do with origin. Okay, let me explain here.
But that's totally besides the point. So I'm opening this up and I'm going back into my lexicon here.
Here's the word ek. And let's put this away. So ek, it goes in front of words.
But by itself, it could be a marker denoting separation from, out of or away from.
That's one possible definition of ek. Scrolling down, there's another possible definition of ek.
Marker denoting the direction from which something comes. Marker denoting origin, cause, motive, reason, from.
That's another possibility. But that's for the word ek. The word in question is not ek.
The word in question is ektano. And let's see if there's more options here for the definition of ek.
You'll note that there's subcategories to the definitions. There's a lot of definitions as it relates.
Marker denoting temporal sequence. And you'll note that the word can't mean all of these things at once.
But it's completely immaterial that ek means those things because the word in question isn't ek.
The word in question is ektano. She doesn't know Greek. She's never studied it.
She's not interested in it. She's just done some study and, you know, she's looked up things in Strong's Concordance and drawn her own conclusions.
Well, because one of the possible definitions of the word ek, which is found in the word ektano, talks about the origins of something.
Therefore, that proves that when Jesus told the man to stretch out your hand, that that means that he was going back in time dealing with when that fellow first initially had the problem that led to his stretching his hand shriveling up.
Baloney. That is just flat out flim flam. This woman doesn't know her biblical languages at all.
An event springed out of. So when Jesus said, stretch out your hand, Jesus is going back to the time the hand got withered.
No, he wasn't. He was just telling the guy to stretch out your hand. The place or the location in space, it got withered.
No, he didn't. Jesus didn't engage in time travel here. You totally made that up. And it's proof, proof, provable by your miserable understanding of Greek.
The cause, the accident or the disease that made it get withered. He healed it right at the root. There you go. See, this is normal for Jesus.
Yes. That this is total eisegesis. And it's a flim flam scam. And she's basically counting on nobody being able to fact check her.
Lady, I got a degree in biblical languages and I teach Greek. You're lying. Okay, normal for Jesus.
Now we see him doing that with sickness, but we also see him doing that with demonic manifestation. Right now. Watch this. This is going to double down on this book, but we're going to catch her in a flat out lie here in a second.
How do you know that? Like, you know, familiar spirits and spirits of infirmity and demons come upon our life and our bloodline at a certain time in the past at a certain location.
And it might not have even been in our life. Like you said, it could have been through our bloodline, our generations, those, our heritage. So how do we deal with that now if it didn't even happen in our lifetime?
So we can't even say, well, I'm going to, in my mind, bring back that time from 20. You are aware.
The time travel is not a necessary component of being healed by Jesus, right? Or for a demon to be cast out.
Jesus acted in the present that he was in and dealt definitively with the consequences of things done in the past.
You'll note that Christ dies for our sins and releases us from the curse of the law. And by doing so, he's undone all of the works of the devil and forgiven you of all of your past sins.
He isn't going back in time to make it as if you never committed them. Instead, he's forgiving and pardoning them.
Years ago in my life, but we don't even know when it happened, if it happened in our Exactly. But, but when we, this takes you right to the place without, it's like you have an automatic
GPS that it goes right to the place without you even needing to know exactly when it happened. And you don't need to guess. Okay. So this is in Luke four, right?
And so Jesus is now in the synagogue with this demonic force. It starts at verse 31. Okay. And he meets up a man who had an unclean spirit and the spirit actually talks to Jesus.
He says, I know who you are. You're the Holy one of God. Right. Have you come to destroy us? And Jesus tells him to be quiet. And then he says this. He says, no, he speaks to the spirit.
He says, come out. Okay. That were those words. Come out. Are the exact same words as stretch forward.
That's a tonneau again. It's a tonneau. Oh my God. No, it's not straight up line. Check this out.
So the quest, the text in question is in found in Luke four, and this will be our final point because I can't handle this woman another minute.
Okay. So here's the account. So what have you have to do with us? Jesus of Nazareth, have you come to destroy us?
I know who you are, the Holy one of God. So this is the demon speaking, but Jesus rebuked him saying, be silent and come out of him.
And the word for come out is not act. Tano it's X air.
Come on. That's the verb X air. Come on, to move out or away from an area.
This woman doesn't know what she's talking about. Details of Schmitt tells it doesn't matter.
Send your money to Katie Sousa so that you can receive your time traveling activation.
The woman's a liar. She's a menace. She's still cooking crystal meth, just the spiritual kind.
And unfortunately, there's a lot of people who love this recipe. Oh, because it just makes them feel so good.
But at the end of the day, they're just being fed garbage. That's killing them and lies that she's making a lot of money off of them from.
So hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information on how you can share a video is down below in the description.
And I'd like to personally thank all of our crew members. It is you who make it possible for us to continue to bring fighting for the faith to you and to the world.
If you would like to join our crew, all the information on how you can join our crew is also down below in the link.
And again, thank you for those of you who have joined our crew. We cannot do what we're doing without you.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.