Why Is ‘Same Sex Attracted Christianity’ SO Confusing?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about the same -sex attracted Christian movement and why it's super confusing.
But before we begin, as always, let me establish, this is not meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
So for those of you who do not know, the same -sex attracted Christian movement is a movement which basically says that the church has largely been making a bunch of mistakes when they try to help people who struggle with the sin of homosexuality.
In their view, the mistake is that the church tries to deal with this problem by helping these people become heterosexual instead of homosexual.
You see, in the view of Side B Christians, as they are sometimes called, you can be a Christian and be a permanent homosexual at the same time.
All you have to do is not act on the desires that are in your head in a sexual way. And they think it's unrealistic in any case to assume that homosexual
Christians could ever change and become heterosexual. At least, they believe that most of the time, that's unrealistic.
Indeed, many of the leaders in the same -sex attracted Christian movement will encourage homosexual
Christians to create deep friendships with people of the same gender to somehow fulfill their underlying desires in a godly way.
So the point of this video is really simple. The Side B movement, or the same -sex attracted movement within Christianity, is really confusing and absolutely ridiculous biblically speaking.
Not on every point, but on many points. So let's look at some comments today coming from one Nate Collins.
He's involved with, in fact, he founded an organization called Revoice, which is in many ways at the forefront of this same -sex attracted
Christian movement. Nate Collins offered this statement in an interview with Christianity Today, quote,
Even the phrase sexual orientation can be unhelpful because it puts sexuality at the center of orientation.
We are sexual beings. God created us to have sexuality. We will inevitably at some point experience our orientation as sexual.
But that doesn't mean that the orientation itself is a sexual orientation. Now, what it is exactly,
I don't know. That is something that we Christians have a vested interest in thinking about theologically, end quote.
Are you also confused? Because I know that I am. The word salad you just heard is very typical in the
Side B Christian movement. Many of them speak using terms that are more typical of pink haired gender studies professors than actual biblical teachers.
They do not have the theological clarity most of the time that should be characteristic of a movement which knows what it's talking about.
So let's read what Collins says after this to get more of an understanding here. The interviewer from Christianity Today, he asks in the article, quote,
When a person considers himself gay, we tend to understand that he means he is sexually attracted to people of the same sex.
But you're saying that that's not necessarily the case? And Collins's answer is this, quote, That's exactly right.
I think there's a lot of ways that we experience intimacy and desires for intimacy. So the desire to not be alone in your life, the desire to have companionship, to have close, intimate, emotional companionship.
These are all things that we experience in relation to orientation that are not intrinsically sexual, end quote.
Okay, so now we begin to understand the word salad a bit more, but it still doesn't taste very good, does it?
Basically, Nate Collins is suggesting that a male Christian can have a gay sexual orientation and still not be sexually oriented towards men.
Are you keeping up with this? He's saying that sexual orientation is not a helpful category because it boils down gayness or being gay to sexual desires when it's not really just sexual.
In his view, you can be oriented towards the same sex and simply want an emotional rather than physical relationship.
That's his point. And ladies and gentlemen, I just want to humbly say the words that everyone's already thinking.
This is a big heaping pile of unbiblical nonsense. It really is. There's no other way to call it.
There is not a single comprehensible biblical thought that occurs in this entire interchange.
So in this video, I just want to show you one biblical way to respond to these things when you're standing in the face of the same -sex attracted
Christian confusion that we see so often. The first claim is that sexual orientation is not a helpful category because it boils down being gay or boils down orientation down just to your sexual desires.
And I would agree with Nate Collins that sexual orientation is an unhelpful concept, but he's wrong about why.
Let me say this as clearly as I know how. Sexual orientation is a concept made up by godless pagans to promote their godless values to an ever -increasingly godless culture, period.
The Bible does not talk about a category of sexual orientation in the way these people do, as if it's some sort of binding social category, almost scientific in nature.
We do, however, have several biblical categories for these things which are far better.
For instance, we have homosexual behavior as described in Romans 1. Indeed, Romans 1 26 through 27 says,
For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions, for their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature.
And the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
You see, it is clear that homosexual behavior of all kinds is sinful, 100 % wrong in the eyes of God.
That's an easy one. Then we have the category of temptation. We know that even Jesus was tempted.
Hebrews 12 8 says, For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
We also know that we can flee the temptation to sin. 1 Corinthians 10 13 says,
God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
So there's sinful behavior, and then there is the category of temptation. Of course, when
I say temptation here, that does not refer to committing any inward sin, any inward desire to sin.
We know that Jesus was tempted, yet Jesus never desired to sin. He remained internally pure all the while.
James 1 14 says, But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.
So there is also this kind of internal temptation that's a luring, an enticing of your own fallen desires.
You're actually tempting yourself by desiring things that God has forbidden. This kind of temptation, even if you do not act on it, is sinful.
And Jesus, being sinless, did not experience that kind of temptation. I don't believe there's a convincing biblical argument to be made that Jesus ever struggled with same -sex attraction.
Let's make that very clear. The point here is, we don't need the category of sexual orientation, because we already have clear categories in the
Bible that tell us everything we need to know about these things as Christians. But another idea from some of the people in the same -sex attracted
Christian movement is that you can have all the homosexual thoughts you want in your head as long as you don't act on them, and that's okay.
This is an extraordinarily unbiblical idea. In fact, it's dangerous false teaching. Now, I don't know if Nate Collins believes this.
In fact, I don't really think he does, just to be clear. But it has to be present in this video because it is present in the movement at large.
This is where another biblical category becomes helpful. Lust. Remember Romans 1 26 says, quote, for this reason
God gave them up to dishonorable passions, end quote. So you see, it is not just the actions, but also the passions, the desires, the lusting after things
God has forbidden that are sinful with regard to homosexuality, and really with regard to many sins.
So again, we have perfectly good biblical categories that cover all of these things. We do not need the worldly concept of sexual orientation because we can study scripture and understand sin, temptation, and lust.
So instead of desperately trying to integrate secular concepts into the church and use them in any way we want, we should study biblical terms and use those in the church.
That's the first issue. The second claim Collins makes is that you can be gay and not sexually attracted to the same sex.
To that, I would respond by humbly asking the question, what on earth does that mean? If you're not attracted to people of the same sex, then you are by definition not gay, and therefore his comments would not be relevant to you.
On the other hand, if you are attracted to people of the same sex, then you are gay, and therefore his comments are needlessly confusing to you.
Either way, this interview of Nate Collins and much of the gay Christian movement in general are doing nothing more than just confusing people with their self -contradictions.
Again, this is where the Bible stands in sharp contrast to the wisdom of men. For instance, the
Bible makes it clear in the passage we read earlier that the passion, the desire to be sexual with someone of the same sex is wrong, and the behavior is also wrong.
So if you are having those passions or are acting that way, repent and trust in Christ.
Join a solid church that doesn't preach any of the revoice nonsense that you see here and ask them for help.
I recommend the list of churches that can be found on Founders Ministries, link in description. Now on the other hand, with regard to the rest of Nate Collins's comments, the
Bible has a category for those who only want to have friendships with people of the same sex.
Get ready for this. It's called being a person and having friends. It really is that simple. Jesus had many friends.
David was friends with Jonathan. Proverbs 27 17 says, quote, iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another, end quote.
The desire to have friends of the same sex and to have close bonds with them, bonds that are not sexual, that's totally normal.
It's a biblical thing to do. It's a blessing from God. It doesn't make you gay. It doesn't make your orientation change at all.
But Nate Collins is suggesting that if you want enough friendship with people of the same gender, that means you might be a person with a homosexual orientation, but it's just not a sexual orientation.
Again, the concepts used in Side B, same -sex attracted Christianity, they're just confusing or plain wrong.
So if you have homosexual lusts or sins, repent and slay them by the power of the
Spirit. Christ can help you. He is all -powerful. If, on the other hand, you do not have lusts or sins towards the same sex and you simply want to have solid friendships with other people, then pursue those friendships and thank
God for the fellowship that he gives you. Do you see how at every level of this topic, the
Bible has clear, easy, and effective answers for you? And by contrast, do you also see how at every level of this issue, the same -sex attracted
Christian movement has yielded confusing, contradictory, and unhelpful answers? It's pretty easy, folks, to see which way the wind is blowing.
All you have to do is walk outside. So please, stay away from the confusing theology of much of the
Side B, same -sex attracted Christian movement. They are not biblical, generally speaking, and most likely they're going to confuse you.
Stick to biblical truth instead. And please know this, I do not offer any of this correction from a high -and -mighty position.
I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. So let's pray for this movement and all who are in it, that they would stop the confusion, and by God's grace, that they would turn to the truth of God's Word.
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