This Guy Doesn't Know What He's Talking About - Good Faith Part 2

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Woke Church Being Kept in Check - Good Faith Part 3

Woke Church Being Kept in Check - Good Faith Part 3

All right, all right, well This is the second installment Can true racial reconciliation happen part two now?
I don't really remember it's been a while since we did part one I don't really remember exactly all that went down, but I'm sure it'll come to mind and after all who cares
Who cares about racial reconciliation and can it happen can it not that kind of thing?
I think we'll just jump right into it I believe this man over here was saying something about how the gospel is all about how you behave
Or something like that The major part of the gospel is about how you how you do the law
Hey, I guess is how it goes, but we're gonna leave that aside as serious as that could be
We're gonna listen to this guy now who I'm sure has a very very different opinion
I'm sure that there's no possible way that they picked people that basically agree on everything
Just a few minor nuanced details and you know, maybe he's a little more concerned about this or that or maybe he's
He's very troubled or fearful or worried or something like that or think something's very dangerous
Maybe that's what's going on here. I'm sure that he's very very concerned.
We'll find out All right, dr. Yancey. Can we hear your perspective on dr. Yancey? Thanks for having me
You Darryl and I'm never gonna have a lot of debate because I agree I Called it.
I promise you I have not seen this. I do not watch these before I do the video. I Called it.
Did I not call that? I of course they have nothing to debate about. Of course I'm sure he's got a couple of concerns.
He wants he has a little bit of pause maybe or something like that But basically he's agreeing with everything that this guy is saying.
It's definitely not by design. No This was supposed to be a debate.
We wanted to really did debate the issues That's why we brought these two guys who agree about basically everything
This stuff, you know, this stuff is pretty bad and and you know, it doesn't everyone thinks it's bad
I mean if you look here This video has a little over 3 ,000 views part one of my review of it has a little over 2 ,000 views and you know
It's just like, you know, I've got very few, you know subscribers compared to their 183 ,000 subscribers
Amongst there and you got to figure the people that are subscribed to the gospel coalition, you know They're pretty milquetoast.
You know what? I mean? They're not gonna be your hardcore, you know conservative conservative They're not gonna be very based at all and even they don't care
Nobody cares about this topic. It is a ridiculous topic racial reconciliation. Nobody knows what it is.
Nobody cares what it is Nobody wants to hear two black guys with a white guy moderating What their thoughts are on this nobody freaking cares
That's the bottom line, but man did I call that that this is why nobody cares because it's just so it's just so derivative
Everything is exactly like the last time we talked about racial reconciliation at nothing's ever changed.
It's always the same nonsense Nobody freaking cares. There's never any progress.
There's never any pushing forward. There's never any Clarity, it's always just this huge muddy mess of nonsense words
And it's the same thing every single time the first hundred times we talked about this. It was the same
Nonsense, and it's still the same nonsense. And this is the proof that nobody cares only 3 ,000 views out of a hundred and eighty three thousand subscribers for comparison
I have less than 20 ,000 subscribers and two -thirds the amount of views on my first episode.
I gotta be honest I think I get throttled a lot of the time on YouTube because I'm a little spicy. So Let's I guess we'll listen to it.
It's just ridiculous. It's just ridiculous I could I call that I knew you're not gonna disagree on basically anything the first words out of this dude's mouth
I don't know what kind of debate this guy agree with everything and they really yuck it up Man, I make a man from a little bit different angle, but maybe that maybe
I'll have a little more concern Maybe I'll be a little more troubled with almost everything you said So, let me just go ahead and give you started some of my remarks you probably remember the famous first scene from the movie
The Godfather That's the scene with the Bonsera where he comes to the
Godfather seeking justice How could you forget that scene? I'm interested actually,
I'm pleasantly surprised by how this has started Well, maybe not how it started but how he continued because I like The Godfather I like so, you know the
Sopranos and I like I just kind of like mafias type stuff So maybe
I'll like this Correct. Maybe you know a big part of that scene was the
Godfather said well, you're not my friend and that is a part of it But other part was when the
Godfather Teaches us about justice. You see Bonsera had his daughter Who refused to have sex with her boyfriend beaten?
She was beaten by her boyfriend and a friend Bonsera want the men killed The Godfather a criminal overlord.
That's not justice stated That is not justice your daughter the violated is a lie and Even when he agrees to take justice, he he talks about having careful men to make sure that they are not killed
See just I've never hated the Godfather more than I do right now Why is he doing this to the
Godfather if you're gonna if you're going to be talking about this? Yeah, they got that is not justice.
You gotta at least attempt to do the to do the voice at least an attempt I mean my that one's terrible.
My godfather voice is terrible But you got at least attempt you got to make this interesting.
Okay. Have you ever heard anyone make the Godfather sound more boring than this? But justice can be corrupted if we're not careful
Justice can lead to revenge. You know, the Godfather is the fictional movie and we know this
But as Christians we know that there's a truth here that Justice can turn into revenge and even people who are victimized
Can become victimizers themselves? Research has shown the kids who grew up in abused families their parents abused them grew up to abuse their parents or their parents are elderly
So we know that just because someone's victimized does not mean that what they want is justice because sometimes what they want is revenge
You come to me. Okay on the day of my daughter's movie. Does this happen in real life? Yes, it does when casual.
Yes, there is a there is a mafia in real life. There's a for sure There's a mafia in real life. That's that's true.
Although I have heard this what I've heard. I don't know I mean, I don't have any mafia connections or anything What I've heard is it's not it's not what it used to be.
It's very it's a lot smaller enterprise different kinds of things I don't know but Yeah, there's mafia in real life in Response to pastistas put a press for Jean and that but that movement what
Castro created was movement of reprisals and Taking away of rights and even though the
Cuban people have been oppressed. It did not justify the movement that came after that I think of the family of Nick Nikolaus Romanoff Who his family him his wife and his kids were killed because he supported autocratic rule
That movement was seeking justice and what they got was revenge So, how do we make sure that instead of justice instead of revenge we get justice?
well the answer some people may not like but it comes down to the instruments of justice cannot remain in the hands of a single group even the group that's victimized as Christians we understand this because we understand the nature of human depravity
And if we want justice, then we have to find ways in which everyone has a seat at the table
That's just that's not that's not correct That's not correct The way you get justice is to have everyone have a seat at the table.
What in the world are you freaking talking about? That's not how you know, you have justice
Wait, what are you what are you talking about? That's not you can't do one person can't be in charge
That's how you know, you're gonna go into revenge. What? That's not true.
Oh ma 'am You know these these people, you know, I've come to terms with the fact that I hate talking about this because it makes me
I feel like it makes makes it seem like I'm kind of tooting my own horn here, but a
Lot of the people that have found their way into evangelical leadership have tremendously low
I don't want to say IQs, but I think that's part of it But they have a low grasp of the material that they present
They might be very good communicators and I think a lot of times they're really not that good communicators either
They're just very good there. So they're not like stupid. That's why it's not not really low IQ because it's not really
They're not stupid They like they understand certain things like and I think a lot of these people understand how to do like the back office schmoozing like the
Sucking up the kissing up that you have to do in like corporate environments and stuff like that I was never really cut out for corporate environments like I did well in them
You know I was always a top producer when I worked for another corporation like a large corporation and I was promoted a couple of times but there was
I always knew that there was a cap for me because I was I was never the kind to just Go through the motion
And so like a lot of these guys like this guy's this guy doesn't have a freaking clue what he's talking about it
Everyone having a seat at the table does nothing to guarantee that you have justice You could have a tyrant of a rainbow coalition.
You could have a tyrannical rainbow coalition, obviously It just doesn't make any sense at all You don't have to you know, you can't be sure to have justice if you have one
Christian or a white Christian Maybe a white Christian. I don't know. We don't really need white people anymore, you know got a
Christian you got a Muslim You got a Buddhist you got a Satanist and then now we know because we've covered all our bases
We've got justice in our no. No, that's not how you know that you don't have a freaking clue What you're talking about one has nothing to do with the other and in fact when you have that kind of a diverse sort of Coalition deciding what's just and what's right they're coming from different planets are coming from different worldviews and so it's not just if you have a
Amalgamation of everything making the decisions that doesn't make any sense Because God is real sometimes
I wonder if these people even think God is real like God is there and he's not been silent He's told us exactly what's what this is why
Christian nationalism is necessary It's necessary for us to have a nation and have an identity in Christ in Christ as a and and as a local kind of group of people were
Self -consciously Christian and we do Christian things and of Christian traditions and of Christian institutions like that's that's necessary because You know people so, you know
United States is a melting pot, you know this is and by the way being a melting pot is not necessarily a good thing because if you could put a you could
Put a lot of ingredients that don't have a lot to do with one another and and they're they're totally different They don't they don't mesh well together and you can get a pot a melting pot of disgusting filth
That's Necessarily a good diversity is not necessarily a good thing Like it would not be good if if every city had a council and it had one
Christian representative and one Muslim representative and we were all deciding we're kind of you know, you know picking and choosing a minimum combining and we have a now we
Have a cook or Islamic regime or something like that. That wouldn't be good. That wouldn't be good people say
Well, what about the what about the Muslims that live in your culture? They don't they don't they don't want a Christian view of justice too freaking bad because that's what justice is
That's what justice is and the thing is, you know, even even as far as he's talking about the the the movie
You know the Godfather. How did the Godfather know that that wasn't justice, right? How did he know?
Well, because he's got some kind of a worldview that says that dictates what justice is and what it isn't now
It's a skewed worldview obviously, but he's got a worldview and everyone brings that kind of a worldview together and so justice isn't a
Combination and somehow we figure out what's like right in the middle and we get them We met the melting pot of worldviews and we put them all together
We make this disgusting stew and out pops justice that has nothing to do with what justice is I don't care what a
Muslim thinks justice is I don't I Don't care what a Buddhist thinks
I don't care what a Jew thinks justice is I simply do not care and I don't want to make any accommodations for their view of justice because oftentimes
Jews have a horrendous view of justice and That either people are making this argument right now
Look, you're making me go against my religion as a Jew because I want to murder my kid and my religion wants me to murder
My kids people are making this argument right now That's why I don't care what Jews have to say about justice because I've got a book
From the Lord. I don't need the Talmud anyway
This guy's clueless. I mean it just doesn't know what he's talking about the way we find real justice is
That we Bring everyone in there. No, no, I can already hear the arguments
He can only put two sentences together the way we find justice is
That we we get everyone in there, but Freaking talking about it reminds me of that scene in in in no country for old men where the where the the villain is in that convenience store and The guy is like babbling because he's he's terrified of the villain the villains a terrifying villain
What a very scary villain by the way weird movie weird movie, but a very scary villain and he's just mumbling
Spitting over tripping over his words. He thinks he's got to close, but there's the middle of the day He doesn't have to close it, but he's he's terrified
So he's he's can't figure out what to say and and the villain just looks at him He's like chewing like he's eating something and he just looks at him.
He's like you don't know what you're talking about It's just terrifying
He doesn't know what he's talking about Deprived who is this guy? How can I not depravity when the group that benefited from the injustice?
Has a say at the table, how is that acknowledging, you know, how's how's how's that because are they not going to Maintain their injustice.
We've a given us here the table and The detractors are correct if we keep the same polarizing conversations we have
Individuals who've gained from the injustice of the past will continue to fight Justice subtle and overt ways.
They have no reason not to I am actually Stupefied by how dumb this person sounds
I have to assume he's not dumb because otherwise he wouldn't have been invited here He sounds like a complete idiot.
I'm not joking. He sounds very much like it like Like out of his depth but like how could he like how could you be out of your depth in such as a
Lame conversation like this is nothing terrifying about this. He agrees with everything. He said he's he's not he's not making any sense none
What is he talking about? Does anybody know really want to have justice sustaining justice?
Let's bring them in to the conversation. We must have reconciliation. We must have unity unity and justice have to happen together
Another argument here. Why did they bring these two if they're the same person to have the same opinions?
Why is this? Why did they do this? Did they do it because they want to show like there really is no debate like they're trying to be a little sneaky
I Just don't get it. I mean At least this guy could this guy's position
I found extremely awful and abhorrent and I hated every single thing that he said and maybe not every single thing
But I hated the whole thing But at least he could put two sentences together. This guy can't put two sentence.
I don't even know what the freak he's talking about How can I ask people of color to enter into conversation with others given the emotional toll that's had on them
How can I ask you of color guarantee? This guy's gonna be like that's how I'm into this conversation And come to the conversation in a way when it's not a fair conversation because they bring this emotional baggage.
I Understand this critique Because I too understand what it's like to pour my heart out on racial issues to a majority group member
And have them swatted away because as it is nothing This conversation is gonna be costly for all of us, but it's probably more costly for people of color
There's no doubt about that Of course because everything is more costly for people of color people of color are always a victim literally no matter what and so if You invite me to this conversation and then you don't agree with me
You're just dismissing me and it hurts me in my heart and my soul cuz I'm an emotional being and like, you know
If you don't agree with me Then it's gonna cost me a lot and it's you just perpetuating an injustice if you don't agree with me
You just perpetuating the injustice What is the alternative to not have the conversation so people go read a book and then come back and do what
I want you to do Unfortunately a lot of what's happened in our society under Antiracism has to tell whites go and do it people color tell you to do.
Yeah, that's what you're saying And that's not gonna do it. That's not gonna get us to justice even though it's uncomfortable
We have to have these conversations and they have to have be important conversations. I have to put myself out there
I want to hear from the person who has emotional pain and I want to be there for them
But I have to know that because every emotional pain does not mean that I have to agree with them if they head towards revenge instead of justice
So we have to have those sort of conversation. Also, we don't have to agree with you If you think you're heading towards justice because we just don't have to agree with you
You're a freaking adult You're a grown man and just because you're coming to me and you're crying because yeah
I don't know your grandpappy had to suffer through, you know, Jim Crow or something like that Doesn't mean that I have to agree with and I feel bad for you that you're crying
Of course doesn't mean I have to agree with your cockamamie plans today Okay, doesn't mean
I'm dismissing you doesn't mean I'm dismissing your emotions It means that your plans are stupid and just be any amount of crying doesn't make them not stupid
Right. It doesn't make them not stupid. So you're a little idea about how everyone needs to get a seat at the table
That's how you have justice. That's a stupid idea. It's a stupid plan. It doesn't make any sense It doesn't matter how often you cry about it.
It doesn't make it a smart plan I might feel bad for you and I might say they're there and I might not tell you to your face that it's stupid at The time but I'm not gonna go along with it just because you're crying
This is the thing like like this is and this is why social justice I just saw John today mentioned a video
I did in the past Social justice often worms its way into churches through women through women's ministries through women
But this is why they this is why the set looks the way it does a very effeminate set this is why they choose the men that they choose to engage in these debates and often they choose women because they
Gospel coalition is trying to appeal to women here this is why he's talking about emotions and things like that because that appeals to women and so Women are often swayed by this kind of thing, you know, and it's a man starts saying
I'm so emotional I feel really sad. They might just go along with it. They want to nurture them They want us they want to put you know, make it right, you know what
I mean? So they'll go with their cockamamie plans, but you see we're men, right? And so if your plan is stupid and it won't work and it's unbiblical and all of this kind of stuff
No amount of crying is going to work on us At least it shouldn't
That's the way it should be How do you bring everyone on board? We have to create a place for everyone to be involved in this conversation space
Maybe a place in the table the space. I don't have the right to dismiss Anyone's concerns because I don't understand them just like they don't have the right to dismiss my concerns because they don't understand my concern
We must hear from everyone concern people of color have an interest in receiving justice
But whites have an interest in not experiencing revenge We have to understand all those concerns if we really want to get to where we want to get to Justice will occur when we begin to work together
Here's what research says about how we really convince people to work with us. We build rapport
We admit when they have a good point. We try to understand where they're coming from We do those things that research has shown
You have a conversation polarization works against justice We should want a less polarized society for justice because what polarization does is it creates the need to have enemies?
That's not true either Polarization does not necessarily tend towards injustice
Not at all That's a nice talking point and it probably feels good when you're not that smart probably sounds very intelligent when you're not that intelligent
But it's not true. It's not true It's like it's the abortion issue is such an easy one to use.
It's like no We need more polarization on that the people that want to kill babies with impunity are our enemies
We need more polarization there We don't need to have the the pro -choice people the people that want to that think it's potentially okay to kill babies
And if for whatever reason and you know that kind of thing They don't need a seat at the table all of these premises are they're nice talking points
And they might convince stupid people, but none of this is actually accurate Research has shown if you have a conversation then people we will work with you
I don't want pro -choice people to be working with me. They don't need a seat at the table
They don't have the first clue what justice is It's evidenced by the fact that they think you can kill little babies with impunity
More polarization is actually good in that instance and there's many instances like that That's not the only one.
It's just the easy one So a lot of this is just talking points and and rhetoric, but there's this is empty this guy's
Presentation is just so empty and and and and again. I just can't Overstate this he can't put two sentences together
What is with this guy has is this how he normally is is anyone ever heard this guy speak before? Because he sounds like an idiot.
I have to assume. He's not and it's just he's just he's an off day or something he sounds Really stupid
Fight against and therefore you have people who see justice as their enemy rather than as something that they should want
If we want true justice balance justice, then we have to have racial reconciliation. We have to bring unity along with that You must some feel that internet such conversations.
Let's whites off the hook. I Would say that our desire to keep them on the hook can prevent us from finding true balanced justice
Because we're so eager to keep them on the hook that we don't there's no There's been no thought process here.
Like there's no if we believe in human depravity everyone like this is just like random thoughts It's it's almost like he didn't do any preparation whatsoever, but I see him looking at an iPad or something
So obviously he's prepared for this. It sounds like it's off the cuff and he's never spoken in public before What is the deal with this guy has to be held in check?
To some degree because human depravity does knows no race It manifests itself in different races in different ways perhaps, but it knows no race
Therefore we must find ways in which we must have this conversation if we are honest
We're honest. There are whites who don't want to don't care what we have to say
But we're also on this there people of color who really want revenge They really aren't seeking honest justice
For this reason, I believe we will not have justice until we have some sort of racial reckless association unity
This is not to say that justice is not something we strive for I'm saying that this is the best way to achieve it is to work together
The process of working together to find unity is a process of finding justice as well
You cannot divorce one without the other you cannot get justice first Because justice first usually is a group deciding what justice is for everyone and our human experience has shown how awfully wrong that can go
Thank you Well, let's a conversation like this. It's always helpful to start by defining our terms you specific that was so hard to follow and You know,
I'll put it on myself. Maybe maybe I'm just the idiot because that Sounded like a bunch of nonsense
Very difficult to find you barely he could barely speak is bottom line
So I don't even really know what to say. It is like what is what's the deal with this guy? I've heard the name before and I've heard it in a positive light
Letting the convenient thoughtful and things like that. Maybe he is but this was not his best Not his best moment,
I guess anyway, we're gonna continue this at some point. I guess they're gonna define Shalom Wow, that's interesting and We're gonna learn more about justice and racial reconciliation
I'm sure you're excited about it. I can you tell I'm excited about it. Hope you found this video helpful