Sunday Morning, November 10, 2019 AM

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Sunday Morning, November 10, 2019 AM “THE LORD IS OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS” Part 2 Jeremiah 33:14-26


Concerning your son whatever it is that you want to do father. We ask that you would do it help us to trust you help us to Really grow into The shape that you have for us in Christ Let's to grow into it to be built up into it
To flesh it out fill it out and really live and love
And speak as your son in this world would have us to speak and live
You pray all these things Asking for these graces seeking these mercies knowing that It's your son with whom you are well pleased pray these things in his name.
Amen. Oh, well
Thank you again. That was very kind of you I will I will share this with Becca.
I promise That's a very touching thank you very much You know people keep on asking me well, how's the church going that's what you're supposed to ask a pastor, you know
Well, how's the church going? and And I just have nothing but Thanksgiving really just honest to goodness is a joy to be your shepherd to work with the other elders and To shepherd this flock you all are a joy
And it's a great blessing for my wife and I to be here. Thank you for praying for Sophia she's in the hospital several days this week and You know, it's not been easy not been easy but thank you for praying for us
You know God was good at answering the prayers and that's why she's home Feeling better and the kids are on the mend.
So and just keep praying. Thank you so much That's the greatest greatest gift you could give to to me and to my family that you be in prayer for us
Thank you very much. I Invite you to open your Bibles and turn with me to Jeremiah 33 and we'll be reading verses 14 through 26 again this morning
We are to keep in mind the need for Jeremiah to walk by faith and not by sight
That was his need as he was in prison for preaching the Word of God It was the need of the exiles the
Jews living in Babylon away from their homeland and about to receive some very bad news about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple
It's our need as well to walk by faith and not by sight whatever the news is
That is on the horizon or in our hearts, whatever it is We have the need to walk by faith and not by sight and we've been given this promise that The Lord says call to me and I will answer call to me and I will answer
This is what he says Jeremiah. This is what he says to the exiles. This is our promise that we
Capture in Christ we would call to God and he will answer us Now as I read verses 14 through 26 of Jeremiah 33
Let's remember what we began to talk about last week that as we focus in on Our true righteousness.
It is the Lord who is our righteousness This means two things first that our righteousness is personal
It's all about who this Lord is this branch of David this reigning branch
From David the righteous King Jesus Christ, not only is our righteousness personal, but it is also
Permanent we're gonna see that this morning From our passage if you please stand with me as we hear the word of the
Lord through his through the Spirit Christ speaks to the prophet.
Here is the words of our King Jesus Christ Jeremiah 33 beginning in verse 14
Behold days are coming declares the Lord when I will fulfill the good word, which
I have spoken Concerning the house of Israel and the house of Judah in those days and at that time
I will cause a righteous branch of David to spring forth and he shall execute justice and righteousness on the earth in those days
Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will dwell in safety and this is the name by which you shall be called.
The Lord is our righteousness for that says the
Lord David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel and the
Levitical priests shall never lack a man Before me to offer burnt offerings to burn great to burn grain offerings and to prepare sacrifices continually
The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah saying thus says the Lord if You can break my covenant for the day and my covenant for the night so that the day and night will not be at their appointed time then my covenant may also be broken with David my servant so that he will not have a son to reign on his throne and with the
Levitical priests my ministers as the host of heaven cannot be counted and the sand of the sea cannot be measured so I will multiply the descendants of David my servant and the
Levites who minister to me and the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah saying have you not observed what this people have spoken saying the two
Families which the Lord chose he has rejected them thus they despise my people no longer
Are they as a nation in their sight thus says the Lord if my covenant for day and night stand not and The fixed patterns of heaven and earth
I have not established Then I would reject the descendants of Jacob and David my servant not taking from his descendants rulers over the descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, but I Will restore their fortunes and will have mercy on Them this is the word of the
Lord may be seated. I know it's no surprise to you that a child would fixate on their favorite shirt or pajamas or blanket and never
Bear to let it out of their sight or off their person and in short order this treasured object becomes very dingy and stained and It is incumbent upon parents who are wise and knowing to buy an exact copy
Of the treasured item maybe two or three and To have them on hand
So that the child always has their favorite shirt It's hard to keep something unstained it's hard to keep it fresh and clean when it's always being worn
I think you probably have a Familiarity a story or two about your favorite shirt and as soon as you realize it was your favorite shirt
The washer ate it or It's a moths ate it or something happened to your favorite dress shirt something always is staining and it's difficult enough to keep our clothes
Unstained what about our reputations? Something you can't ever take off you can never get rid of it you you have your reputation that others believe about you your family your friends your co -workers what they believe about you and We know the stress and strain of keeping that unspotted
We want others to think well of us and some of those motives are good we also have a different type of stress and strain the
The the thoughts we have of our own selves our self assessment
That is Incredibly difficult to keep clean unless we are
Some sort of sociopath and have no guilt at all That we have this internal understanding of our reputation to how we view ourselves and it can be very very stained and We have a stress and a strain of keeping that right.
I think this is why we feel such frustration when another person Has a new holy passion
When they have a new righteous zeal and they begin to share all about Their new holiness their new endeavor in holiness their new
Understanding of living in a righteous way and they when they talk about it with all sorts of zeal we want to change the subject or Change our particular location.
We want to go somewhere else We don't want to hear about it because immediately it is it is
Interpreted it is gathered up by ourselves as something that is yet another blemish on us another mark against us because we don't have the same zeal as this other
Holy person we don't have the same Intensity about this righteous way of living and so we don't want to hear about it because it just adds to The strain of how we feel about ourselves and every time we try something new anyway
That zeal is very often Sometimes a covering for the fear that we have this new endeavor and this new act of obedience this new
Attempt to do something good for Christ something good for God Either for our own persons or our families or our church, whatever it is.
We begin to We begin to wonder if it's going to end up in failure like so many of the other new endeavors that we had and The great zeal and the energy that we have at the beginning
Covers up and tries to hide that fear that maybe we're not going to get it done Maybe this is going to end up like with failure just like the last time
Why did it fall apart? Maybe we just didn't follow Christ well enough. We didn't pray enough Maybe we didn't have the right attitude.
We we weren't kind and Unselfish Perhaps it was just short -sightedness just a mistake and Then there's the situation where you're in this is going to happen because it's
Thanksgiving coming up and Christmas is going to come up and you're Going to be hanging out with your relatives and for the 15th time
You're gonna hear a story from one of your relatives and it will be one of their achievement stories
It will be it will be about how they achieved something how they alone in the situation
Understood what was really going on how they alone? knew the answers and took the right actions and how so many people didn't listen to them and Therefore they ended up in the way that they ended up obviously and what is so carefully airbrushed out of that story
What is so progressively edited about that story that the 15th time you've heard it
Is that that person's own? failings that person's selfishness that person's
Cutting tongue that person's failures that that's all taken away. And so the achievement story comes out again now listen
Our justification is not in our reputations our justification is not in our records and Any new passion any new investment any new achievement all of these will fail to confirm us before God our righteousness is
Personal in that it is in the person of Jesus Christ Talked about last week that Christ saves seats at his table from his throne
We only have our acceptance with God as we are in Christ Jesus through faith
Alone, it is the personal righteousness of Jesus Christ, which imputed to us reckoned to our accounts by faith
It is only that which covers us and brings us into acceptance Before God and that righteousness never fails
Not only is this righteousness personal because it's in Christ, but because of who Christ is That righteousness never fails
Christ's glory as our righteous robes
Never frays Christ's glory as our righteous robes never frays
Where is our Savior Christ? He is at the right hand of the
Father He has a name which is above every name He is the ruler of the kings of the earth
He has been given the highest exalted position He is all -glorious now
Where are we? By faith, what does the scripture say?
We are seated with him at the right hand So we look at the text in verses 17 through 18, we have this connection that is stunning
It says the Lord says the Lord David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel and the
Levitical priests Shall never lack a man before me to offer burnt offerings to burn grain offerings and to prepare
Sacrifices Continually and this this man who sits upon the throne that was promised to David Those he gathers to his place
By what name will they be called? The Lord is our righteousness because the king from David eternally reigns
Those he reigns over those who are with him in his place
They are forever Accepted to the before the face of God. They are welcome before him in all of their worship
Christ's glory is our Standing the exaltedness of the righteous branch from David that exaltedness that glory is what assures
That those who are with him in him for him as his glory is what assures that his people are forever accepted
Before God forever righteous in God's sight forever known by this name.
The Lord is our righteousness Jeremiah is in prison. The Jews are in exile
They have a pressing need to know that their standing with God does not depend on whether or not
Jerusalem stands for another day because it might not They need to know that their relationship to God is not dependent on whether or not the temple remains
Unspoiled because it's about to get burned down So, how are they going to understand?
their relationship to God in the wake of the temple's destruction and the burning of the
Holy City and the toppling of David's throne and the loss of the Promised Land, what do these
Jews have to look forward to I Mean what's left? Why continue?
Why obey the instructions sent by Jeremiah to be fruitful and multiply to pray for the prosperity of their oppressors?
Why not just give up? Why not just you know close the book on their culture that well, that was that was a good ride
We're done Why not just intermingle with the nation's and go out quietly into the brutal night of an uncaring history
Because God promises them a new covenant He just promised them a new covenant
He says this new covenant will be forged in your land To which you're gonna go back
It will be birthed from their people
It will be birthed from their people And they will continue
Pray for me, and they will be marked by his ruler
Something remained for this people in that land
In God's plan the new covenant They had that to look forward to This new covenant was not a betrayal of the old but it was a fulfillment all the other covenant pinnacles that you could think of from Noah and Abraham and Israel and David these were the foothills of the mountain they were the lead -in to the mountain the new covenant so When the city when the temple when the throne when the land were all cut down by the acts of God's judgment and burned in his holy wrath
God's covenant remained standing Unsinged Undamaged Without even the smell of fire on it.
Just like Jeremiah and the Jews We need assurances that the seats that Christ saves for us from his throne will never be revoked
In our suffering in our doubt when we sin when we obey
We need to know that the glory of Christ which clothes us as our
Righteousness will never fray in this text.
There are three reasons why our Righteousness is permanent in the new covenant.
These three reasons are not exhaustive. This is just what this text says first Christ's glory as our righteous raiment is interwoven with God's created order second
Christ's glory as our righteousness is sown with God's covenant guarantees third
Christ's glory as our righteousness is fitted by God's unfailing mercies first the glory of Christ which we wear as our righteousness the
Merits of Christ the perfections of Christ which cover us by faith by which God accepts us
That glory is Interwoven with God's created order and notice verse 19 the word of the
Lord came to Jeremiah saying this says the Lord if you can break my covenant before the day and my Covenant for the night so that day and night will not be at their appointed time then
My covenant may also be broken with David my servant so that he will not have a son to reign on his throne
And with Levitical priests my ministers that imagery
Can you stop the day? Can you stop the night? Can you interrupt the cycle of?
Sun moon and stars from day to day the month the year can you interrupt that can you stop that? Well, then good luck stopping my promises to David Now that is those are some reinforcing pillars to our faith when we hear words like that about God's Promises the oncoming destruction of Jerusalem Sped toward the
Jews like a freight train with no brakes on a steep downgrade. They're not going to avoid the collision
It's coming. So here's what they need to know When their world comes completely undone
When the lights go out God's promises have not failed
The world will come undone for them. The lights are going to go out Those that's the language that Jeremiah used of the destruction of Jerusalem in chapter 4 of Jeremiah verse 23
He says I looked on the earth and behold. It was formless and void
And to the heavens and they had no light So when you read Jeremiah chapter 4 your he will say that says the
Lord I'm bringing judgment upon Jerusalem upon Judea and all these things will come about and they will be destroyed
What does Jeremiah see what is the visual expression of that judgment that destruction?
The world will come undone formless and void the lights are going to go out Now when that happens what happens to God's promises
What Does it mean for God's promises to Abraham Israel and David What about his promise to Noah that the lights wouldn't go out?
I? Mean, how does this all fit together? Well at the very least consider the comforting reinforcing nature of these terms
God tells Jeremiah in the exiles of his day that the cycle of day and night which God commanded from the beginning of time
This steady on never -ceasing routine which have been clicking along for about 1 .25
million days by Jeremiah's time That was as soon fail as God's promise to David what
God had promised 400 years ago to David was as infallible as what he had established 3 ,400 years ago in the creation week
So as expectant as we are that the Sun will come up and the stars will shine
So certain we ought to be about God keeping his promises That's reinforcing to us.
It's also humbling to us because man can be very arrogant Currently all sorts of people in our culture are all into confession
Confession is good for the soul even in these confessions
Arrogance Just permeates man is so arrogant.
He thinks we can destroy life on earth in ten years Man is so arrogant.
He thinks that we can actually burn the whole Amazon rainforest Why because man is a
God man thinks he is a God? Man thinks he is a God who can save humanity and the planet or he thinks he's a
God Who can destroy humanity in the planet? Now the
Jews failed to keep covenant with God But they ought not think they're so powerful that they can keep
God from bringing to pass his promises They're not gonna cause
God to fail even if they do so, who do we think we are? Right, who do we think we are? Can we keep the
Sun from rising? Can we hold back the night? Then how in the world do we think that by some failure or by some mistake on our part that we could ever keep
God From doing exactly what he promised to do In that kind of humbling language our faith is reinforced by these pillars, but these pillars are established upon the doctrinal bedrock of the preeminence of Christ We make this connection that God's covenant promises to David and his covenant promises today about the day and the night that these
Are connected by the sovereign Word of God. Yes, but it's more thorough than that God's goes so far as to say in verses 25 and 26
Thus says the Lord if my covenant for day and night stand not and the fixed patterns of heaven and earth.
I have not established Then I would reject the descendants of Jacob and David my servant not taking from his descendants rulers over the descendants of Abraham Isaac And Jacob, but I will restore their fortunes and I'll have mercy on them.
So God says to Jeremiah and the exiles. Let's do a thought experiment. Can you imagine if I had not established
The cycle of day and night can we even go there with our minds?
Can we even envision a world in which we live where? There is no
Lunar cycle to know what day of the month it is where there is no Movement of the stars to know what day of the year it is.
Can't can we really do that? He says if it were possible that I had not even established the created order
Then it would be possible that I won't keep my promises what God promised to David he brings about through David's seed
As you read in your text the word descendants descendants descendants there at the end of the passage That's the word seed every time
What what God promised to David he brings about through his promised seed the son of David Jesus Christ the righteous branch
So God is saying this created order Will not fail
My promises will not fail concerning Christ concerning the son of David why?
Well the created order cannot fail because all of its revolutions all of its cycles all of its rhythm and dance
Make up a ceaseless spinning festival honoring Christ Creation can't stop spinning
Because it's all about Christ and Christ is never going to stop reigning in glory The heavens are telling of the glory of Christ their expanse is
Declaring the work of Christ's hands day and today pours forth Christ's glorifying speech night into night reveals
Christ honoring Knowledge, how is it that all of creation is about Christ? Colossians 1 15
Christ is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of all creation first rank highest position
What verse 16 for by him all things were created both in the heavens and on earth?
Visible and invisible whether thrones or Dominions or rulers or authorities all things have been created through him and for Him he is before all things and in him all things hold together
He's also the head of the body the church, and he is the beginning the firstborn from the dead so that He himself will come to have the first place in everything preeminence in all things
So our Jeremiah and the Jews worried that God's promise to David concerning his eternally reigning son might fail
Well the whole of the whirling universe would as soon fail Day and night will stay on the dance floor
Sun and Moon will keep in step and on time until when? Until Christ has the preeminence in all things
Until he comes to have the first place in everything having utterly Reconciled all things to himself whether things on earth or things in heaven
That's what the Hebrews evangelist said Hebrews 10 11 through 17 He quotes
Jeremiah 31 the new covenant, and he says that after He having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time.
Where is Christ? He sat down at the right hand of God Waiting from that time onward until his enemies be made a footstool for his feet and as Hebrews said earlier
We don't see all things subjected to him yet, do we? But we know that they will We know that they will the glory of Christ is interwoven with God's created order
Why? Does the earth spin? Why do we have day and night?
Why do we have? Seasons, why do we know the day on the calendar the day of the year?
Why do we watch for Haley's Comet on its? many decade orbit What is it all about?
It's about Jesus Christ He has preeminence in all things