Daniel 5 | The Fall of Belshazzar

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Pastor John and Pastor Jeff teach through the book of Daniel. You can join live on Wednesdays at noon.


King of kings Tell me what you think of when you hear the phrase king of kings.
The one who's really in charge. Yeah Well, he's the most supreme
Yes All kings that ever existed. He's ahead of them all and he's ahead of us.
We will be kings and priests one day I don't have to teach the class
You said the one who's really in charge Almost implies that there are those who think they are in charge, but they aren't really
Jeff and I just got a chance to sit with some other pastors in our region and At one point time we were trying to anticipate what's going to happen in 2024
Okay, something's gonna happen in 2024 Couldn't it be great if it was in 2023?
Yeah so yeah, what's going to happen in 2024 obviously we have elections coming up and and Somebody's going to be sitting in the
Oval Office Years after that But according to everything you guys said
Whoever's sitting in that Oval Office isn't ultimately in charge He is or he is not
And if we really believe our scripture
That whoever is going to be sitting in that Oval Office is actually there by appointment of God And if we believe in a big picture of God which we do
That whoever's sitting in that Oval Office isn't going to do anything except God allows it to happen
These are all very very comforting things As the heading of Daniel 5 says in my
Bible the hand writing on the wall Absolutely, right We are going to we're going to look and consider
Belshazzar today and the concept of King of Kings is so It's central
I mean we we've talked about the first six books First six chapters in the book of Daniel are going to be the sovereignty of God on display
Which leads us then after that from 7 through 12 the sovereignty of God in prophecy
So you can believe the prophecy that's proven by the sovereignty of God in display.
So today we are shifting from More of a discussion of Nebuchadnezzar to a discussion of Belshazzar Before we do that, do you want to open us with a prayer?
Absolutely Father God, we do turn to you and confess that you are the
King of Kings the Lord of Lords We can trust in your sovereign plan and father as we begin to open the word today
We pray that we would we would rest in you Lord Your word says that you turn the hearts of Kings like a watercourse
You've got our sovereign over the kings of this earth So we do trust you teach us many lessons
Lord from your word today and make applications that only your spirit could know To do in our hearts
Lord We pray that you would speak individually to us but from your word as you make application to our hearts
So thank you for your word speak Lord. Your servants are listening we just very brief
Recap of what we've seen so far as we move into Daniel as we approach the book of Daniel We recognize captivity has occurred and if you go back we recognize that the northern kingdom already gone
It lost ten tribes the southern kingdom holding on some Kings better than others and eventually things went so bad
So bad that the Shekinah Glory departs from the temple and as the
Shekinah Glory departs from the temple that last That last force of protection that for Judah is gone and and so they are actually captured brought into captivity which brings us into the book of Daniel what
Babylon would do with nations that they've captured is Strip them of their of their heritage
So that they become almost Homogenous amongst each other and one of the things stripping them of their religious beliefs
Creating a sense of order within the within the Empire And so you had these these four young men
Daniel Azariah Thank you And they were considered to be of the better And so they were going to be brought into the king's presence and they were going to be taught instructive
Food We learned how Daniel and his his friends
Withstood that and how God blessed them. They remain faithful. Then Nebuchadnezzar has a dream
It troubles him. Nobody can tell him the dream All of the wiser to be put to death but Daniel speaks up But he's able to interpret the dream and Nebuchadnezzar is impressed by this young man but nothing really of substance happens at that time because then
Nebuchadnezzar makes a golden image and Mandates that everybody bow down to the golden image and if they don't it's going to go bad.
In fact, they create a fire of furnace and Hanani, Azariah, and Mishra, otherwise known as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego they refuse and They're put into the fiery furnace
But it looks like there's four in there and not just three and one like the Son of the Son of God Then Nebuchadnezzar has another dream and this one troubles him and and Daniel is brought and he interprets the dream and at this
Point in time it appears as though Nebuchadnezzar's profession and confession is more genuine than after the first dream
And that takes us through the first four chapters As we get into this chapter
We are brought into Awareness of King Belshazzar Which is slightly different than Belteshazzar Belteshazzar is
Daniel's Babylonian name Belshazzar is the king
It basically interpreted Belshazzar means Bell Murduk, is that how you say it?
Murduk Murduk protect the king. That's basically what
Belshazzar means Belteshazzar Murduk, Murduk protect your servant.
It's very similar but slightly different but It is a basically the name is acknowledging the supremacy and the power of Murduk When you have the bell in front of it, so that's who this guy is
Belshazzar He is the son of Nebuchadnezzar Now there are a couple of kings that if you look at the full lineage of kings, there's a couple of brief kingly Acknowledgements, but you have basically
Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar and he is his son This does also become important as as this chapter unfolds
So now we move into the chapter. We're going to take it a couple of times, pieces at a time
And this is a story of the sovereignty of God It is a story of one who thinks he is all that.
It is a story of somebody who has been given by God's appointment a throne to sit on And who is going to absolutely abuse
Everything that would be acknowledging God and is going to get judged forward.
So here is this king over a great kingdom and the first thing that we're going to encounter is how he basically is just Promoting himself up in a grandiose way.
Would you give us the first four verses, please? Yes King Belshazzar made a great feast for a thousand of his lords and drank wine in front of the thousand
Belshazzar when he tasted the wine Commanded that the vessels of gold and of silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken out of the temple in Jerusalem Be brought that the king and his lords his wives and his concubines might drink from them
Then they brought in the golden vessels that had been taken out of the temple the house of God in Jerusalem and The kings and his lords his wives and his concubines drank from them
They drank wine and praised the gods of gold and silver bronze iron wood and stone
What's in Belshazzar's mind? What's going on at this point in time? He thinks his
God's greater than the God of Israel. Yeah, that's definitely true. What else is going on at this time?
I think it's interesting that there doesn't seem to be a transition between Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar Not according to you.
And certainly Belshazzar hasn't learned from Nebuchadnezzar's example Right.
I mean the end of chapter 4 is about Being able to be humbled and Nebuchadnezzar realizing that and there's no clue that Belshazzar has grasped it.
It's abrupt, the change. Yeah Yeah And in fact that what you just said is going to show up later in this chapter
He's going to be reminded of a whole lot of things. Belshazzar has this high opinion of himself.
His kingdom is basically the power of the world at that time, the known world at that time.
He has no reason to think he needs to bow down before anybody, submit to anybody and And I think that what we've got at the very beginning is,
I love this word engrandizement I had to look it up to make sure I had it right. Belshazzar, he has grabbed, notice 8 ,000 of the
Lords, that kind of implies that there's more than that out there All right, that's a lot, that's a lot of people of power and prestige and everything else, but but he basically brings them and their wives
And concubines, cucumbers, there are There are thousands of people here and it's all to honor
Belshazzar and they're going to have this this big party What's of interest, if you were to go into the history, at this exact moment
When Belshazzar has summoned a thousand of his Lords, their wives, their concubines, they're having this big party
Cyrus is preparing a siege At the exact same time
Now, I honestly don't know, I can only imagine that That Belshazzar would have had a certain amount of intelligence
Organizations, lookouts, know what's going on But everybody's either asleep at the wheel or they're afraid to tell the king
Asleep at the wheel, soused Or they're afraid to tell the king of what's going on they
As a military guy, it befuddles me that all of this preparation that was going on by Cyrus Was totally unknown in the kingdom
But here's Belshazzar having this big party and if I'm the guy that says
There's this dude Cyrus and he's about to lay siege on your kingdom I don't, I've got this king who's having a big party.
No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean you I'm having this king who's having a big party. Do I want to be the Debbie Downer?
So, Bobby Bo's guilt, that too No, well you know they have a tendency of shooting the messenger
Yes And so almost the arrogance and the pompousness, the whole bit of Belshazzar is really put on display here
Because now what they're going to be doing is they're just going to indulge themselves. They're going to have wine
They're going to be making merry. I got to believe the feast was was just amazing Belshazzar when he tasted the wine that he commanded that the vessels of gold that Nebuchadnezzar They bought the wine, they all drank the wine, the kings, the lords, the wives
Concubines, everybody was drinking the wine and getting soused perhaps, but just having a great great party
Sandy and I were in Ireland many years ago and We were looking for a place that we could go and like a tavern where we could have dinner and something like that Couldn't find anything and this one young lady says well if you go to Kilkenny at about eight o 'clock, maybe nine o 'clock
You're gonna have a good crack Which that got our attention In Ireland crack just means a good laugh
Good time. We use that word is the crack up But that's what they were doing.
They were all gathered around They were having a good time and they were indulging and not only him But he said everybody here all my lords all the wives all the concubines
Let's just let's just go for it. And so they were indulging themselves Without any conscience.
They were just indulging themselves blind to what was going on But then they take it to the next step and they are going to defile the temple of Jerusalem It's he said to take he commanded that the vessels of gold and of silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken out of the temple in Jerusalem be bought
Then they were drinking out of them There is absolutely no regard for the temple for the
Yahweh It's it's just more Booty that we have taken from a conquered kingdom.
It means nothing more than that. In fact, the stuff looks kind of good Let's use it.
Let's just use it. And is it this is an outright defilement against Yahweh, which will be
Will be noticed But even takes it one step further And they drank wine and praised the gods of gold and silver bronze iron wood and Stone Isaiah 14.
Sandy if you would get Isaiah 14, there's a couple of verses there the the idea here that's really presented is that Belshazzar is
Acknowledging that there are gods small G But each one of these gods small
G that he's got here Gold silver bronze iron wood stone are gods.
They are figurines. They are representations that man makes And there is no need for a
God over all of it. It's there He is this he is all of that sandy. What do you have there?
I'm sorry Yeah How do you fallen from heaven or star of the morning son of the dawn
You have been cut down to the earth You who have weakened the nations?
But you said in your heart. I will send to heaven I will raise my throne above the stars of God and I will sit on the
Mount of Assembly in the recesses of the north I Will ascend above the heights of the clouds.
I will make myself like the most time Then the shazar is placing himself in a position that He and his people are the ones that are building creating and establishing these figurines and he's calling them gods
And what a contrast if you just go back a chapter to the chapter 4 verse 37 now.
I never can Ezra Praise and extol and honor the king of heaven
For all of his works are right and his ways are just and those who walk in pride
He is able to humble. Yes And how far and how how totally but shazar has fallen from that profession
From his father where right now He's he's defining the gods as to those things that he can control and there is no
God over Over here. No, you're equating what sandy quoted as referring to Belshazzar I I am saying that the attitude
I will make myself like the most high because that's lucifer. That's lucifer. That's satan
Satan is the one who gives that thought to belshazzar in the first place belshazzar
You do not need to follow after the profession of your father You you are that you are all of that now have a big feast
Use it because you've made these gods and that's all you need. You don't need anything else
So it is lucifer's Profession brought into the heart of belshazzar
That he is he has he has been elevated to king and he's basically In in denial or or ignorant of the fact that the reason he's up there in first place is god put him there
In the first place. He's in total control He's about to have a rude awakening
In the midst of this feast of a thousand Lords their wives their concubines and his wife by the way is there too
Uh, there's an uninvited guest Rick rich i'm gonna ask you if you would read please verses five through nine five of chapter five
Immediately the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote the frame
Wrote on the plaster of the wall of the king's palace Opposite the lampstand and the king saw the hand as it grew
Then the king's color changed And his thoughts alarmed him.
I love the I love the emotion. He puts into that one. That's why I picked him out Good He turned white
And his thoughts alarmed him His limbs gave way and his knees knocked together the king called gladly to bring in The enchanter the chaldeans and the astrologer the king declared to the wise men of babylon
Whosoever reads this writing and shows me its interpretation Shall be clothed with purple and have a chain of gold around his neck and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom
Keep going And be a third ruler in the kingdom then all the king's wise men came in but they could not
Read the writing and make new to him Make new to the king the interpretation
Then king belshizar was greatly alarmed and his color changed and his lords were perplexed
It's not written here, but I can use my imagination this feast
Uh would have been more than wine and food There would have been dancing.
There would have been entertainment. There would have been all of this stuff going on. We've seen movies
You got a picture for what this That had to be a pretty big hall by the way for all of those people
And then one uninvited guest shows up Thing Just no not the thing thing was the thing
It no, it was with the anyway one uninvited guest shows up or should I say a piece of a
Human hand shows up Wall and then on the wall, is it behind him, but it's somewhere where he can see
And the unexpected event from all of the entertainment, perhaps the uh, the court jesters
Everybody that was there intended to make the king happy Uh and entertained and and just joy enjoying the time all of a sudden this finger starts to write on the wall
That would freak me out all by itself Meanie, meanie, teckle, parson
As he writes on the wall, but the king sees the hand and um
It it basically blows his mind it says here the king's color changed
His thoughts alarmed him, his knees gave way and his knees knocked together
That's a picture of total Fear I mean from merriment
And and all the wine and all the festivities And using all of the the choice
Chalices and everything else that were in the storehouse to this goes on And and and he he is totally overtaken he turns pale perhaps
He starts to quiver. This is the great king This is the great king who was in charge of everything.
This is the great king who answered to nobody But it goes bad for him and so he calls out loudly
And I was really expecting you to just scream that one out, but that's okay Who does he who does he who does he call for?
Enchanters, the astrologers. Why those guys? I don't know, they shouldn't do anything before, why did they think they were going to do something now?
The implication here Is they've had these guys this group of guys have had their chance before couldn't do it and Daniel saved the day
But belshazzar again is putting his trust in these individuals. The implication here is that there's this group of wise guys wise men
Have not lost their ability to go in front of the king and to say What the king wants to hear?
So that the king is pleased because what they said saddest does this sound familiar to you?
What a yes, man Are there yes men in life today Doesn't it sound a lot like where jeff talked about when in first kings 22 7 and 8 candy
Find that one if you would first kings 22
These guys are going to come in and they are going to fail They're not going to be able to do it and the the king is beginning to become alarmed
It says king belshazzar was greatly alarmed and his color changed
And his lords were perplexed Now it doesn't say so here
But I gotta think that the wise men Are afraid for their own lives at this point in time because the
The reputation if you're a wise man, and you can't do what the king wants you to do. You're probably
Not yeah, that that's going to happen, too Go ahead and read that passage if you would but But jehoshaphat said
Is there not here another prophet of the lord of whom we may inquire and the king of israel said to jehoshaphat
There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the lord Micaiah the son of Imlach But I hate him for he never prophesized good concerning me but evil
Jehoshaphat said let not the king say so This sounds so familiar because here here is belshazzar his father had learned the lesson we're going to learn that in the next section uh
And the wise men had failed his father before but He calls these guys back again because they're his comfort zone
They're they're the ones that that answer the questions the way he really wants it to be answered
Yes, man, if you want if you want to call it that But at this point in time he is not even acknowledging the opportunity to call for daniel
Why not? He's afraid of the truth Absolutely Absolutely, by the way, you skipped one one great quote sunday morning when you were talking about truth
You you talked about pilot. What is it? You can't handle the truth. Oh You're good, man
Carol could you give us uh the next section of A 10 through 12,
I guess Did we do that? No, no 10 through 12 But when the queen mother heard what was happening, she hurried to the banquet hall.
She said to belshazzar long live the king Don't be so pale and afraid about this
There is a man in your kingdom who has within him the spirit of the holy gods
During nebuchadnezzar's reign this man was found to have insight understanding and wisdom
As though he himself were a god Your predecessor predecessor king nebuchadnezzar
Made him chief over all the magicians enchanters astrologers fortune tellers of babylon
This man daniel whom the king king named belshazzar Has a sharp mind and is filled with divine knowledge and understanding
He can interpret dreams explain riddles and solve difficult problems Call for daniel and he will tell you what the writing means
The queen has a memory that apparently belshazzar has chosen to ignore the queen has a recollection of of nebuchadnezzar's interactions with the enchanters
But then the success that daniel brought and the queen has a remembrance
Of the wisdom that daniel brings and shows And and so her advice to to belshazzar is bring in belteshazzar
He's the one he's the one that can do it for you It doesn't indicate here a resistance from belshazzar
But I get in my imagination almost can see his shoulders slump it's like oh no
Not that guy And you you can almost Picture in in his mind.
He has just gone from so supreme And and so high and mighty and so aggrandizing
And having such a great party to having an uninvited guest and writing on the wall and becoming like a like a little school girl just Afraid of his own shadow not knowing what to do
Calling for his wise guys who have always answered him the way he wants it to be
Figuring the party can come back on they can't do it And the queen says you remember your dad
Let's go back a chapter and let's read that Remember remember what he said at the end
Now I nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honor the king of heaven for all his works are right and just And those who walk in pride he is able to humble
King belshazzar that is now you And and you need to get daniel here.
You need to hear truth And like the king said about mikhail,
I don't like this guy. Yeah I hate that. I hate that guy He has nothing good to say about me.
So so here comes daniel And janet i'm going to ask if you would read 13
To 16 Then daniel was brought in before the king the king spoke and said to daniel
Are you that daniel who is one of the captives from judah whom my father the king brought from judah?
I've heard of you That the spirit of god is in you and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom are found in you
Now the wise men the astrologers have been brought in before me that they should read this writing and make known to me its interpretation
But they could not give the interpretation of the thing And I have heard of you that you can give the interpretations
And explain enigmas now if you can read the writing and make known to me its interpretation
You shall be clothed with purple and have a chain of gold around your neck and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom the plea for help here is actually going to be concluded with a
A pompous proclamation that he's the one that can bestow favor and he's the one that can give reward but What I found interesting is the way that it's worded here
Are you that daniel? Which gives me the impression he's never met the man
Now nebuchadnezzar would have had a son named belshazzar
Nebuchadnezzar Actually, I think belshazzar was his grandson
And the queen was the queen mother the queen mother near the wife nebuchadnezzar
That very well meet there are a couple of brief Kings in between i'm going in verse 11 where it says
And king nebuchadnezzar your father Yeah, your father the king If if it means grandfather
That's possible could refer to ancestry. Yeah, it could refer But he would have grown up in the house the the time between Nebuchadnezzar's reign and the beginning of belshazzar's reign is only a few years
Which really has to imply that belshazzar would have experienced what nebuchadnezzar lived
Yeah, how old was Daniel at this time Well, I have something written here which seems way out of It's in the 80s or 90s.
Yes. He is. Oh, yeah. Yeah, he is. Yeah Yeah, he is. He takes over reigns
I'm, sorry. He he comes in in the third year of the reign of nebuchadnezzar
We believe he is like 15 years old And nebuchadnezzar reigned for many years and then there was a few years in between And then we have king belshazzar
And it doesn't really tell us where within the reign of belshazzar
But daniel is an old man at this point in time. That is a true statement In fact as we continue on beyond this and we get into chapter seven just as an oh, by the way
Uh, we go chapter six you're going to teach that that's king darius when he takes over Uh, and then in seven the first year of the reign of king belshazzar of babylon, so it's going to go back in history
It is going to go back in history. That's where his uh, visions start But you're right he is he had
If he met him as a child under his father he clearly has had no
Relationship with him over the years because he looked at that. Are you that are you that daniel? Now he does say
I have heard I I have heard that you can do this. I have heard that you can do that verse 14
I have heard that the spirit of of the gods is in you and in verse 16 I have heard that you can give interpretation.
So his reputation remains There's no reason why he would not have even acknowledged it
Except that he's all that and he doesn't need anybody and and perhaps going back to I hate that guy.
Yeah You know, he called the guys he would wanted to hear from the enchanters the chaldeans and magicians because they were going to tell them
What he wanted So he brings him by name
And then he he he is acknowledging here that nobody else can help me
So There's nobody else none of the enchanters nobody else that has come can give me
An interpretation i'm down to my last hope Basically what he is saying as much as he is probably aware and maybe even concerned about what?
Daniel is going to say he realizes he has no hope This writing on the wall has taken and rocked him to the course so much that he's got to find out what's going on here
He tells him now the wise men the Enchanters have been brought to me to read the writing and make known
Its interpretation, but they could not show me. I have heard that you can Now if you will do this, this is his request if you will do this for me
Now, I know you can If you will And he's pleading to him with maybe a certain amount of skepticism
But yet he's willing to ask him and then he makes this proclamation if you do it, I will give you
The cloth of purple around your neck And I will make you the third ruler of the kingdom.
It's as if it's his to bestow because he still is in control He still is the great one
Now we go to Daniel John are you ready? You got a big one 17 to 23
Then Daniel answered Said before the king let your gifts be for yourself Give your rewards to another yet.
I will read the writing to the king Make known to him the interpretation O king the most high god
Gave nebuchadnezzar your father a kingdom and majesty glory and honor Because of the majesty that he gave him all people's nations and languages trembled in fear before him
Whomever he wished he executed whomever he wished he kept alive Whoever he wished he set up whoever
He wished he put down But when his heart was lifted up and his spirit was hardened in pride
He was deposed from his kingly throne and they took his glory from him
Then he was driven from the sons of men. His heart was made like the beast and his dwelling was with the wild donkeys
They fed him with grass like oxen and his body was wet with the dew of heaven Till he knew that the most high god rules in the kingdom of men and appoints over it whomever he chooses
But you his son Have not humbled him Although you knew all this
And you have lifted yourself up against the law of heaven They have brought the vessels of his house before you and you and your laws your wives and your concubines
Have dropped wine from them And you have praised the gods of silver gold bronze and iron wood stone
Which do not see or hear or know And the god who holds your breath in his hand and owns all your ways you have not glorified
The proclamation to everyone First of all,
Daniel says I don't want your honor. I don't want your bestowing of all this kind of stuff that that's not that's not for me and I and I and I love the
The strength of Daniel to just step back and not let that be he says nevertheless.
I will tell you about the writing And what it has he promises that he will do it, but he starts out
By really recapturing what he should already have known How he should have already been reacting to the thing
He said that god gave your father Nebuchadnezzar greatness and majesty. He did that for him
They gave him all the peoples and nations and languages and he killed who he would kept alive he would
But your dad Nebuchadnezzar's heart was wrong And so god dealt
With him brought him down from his throne and his glory was taken from him These have to be stories that Belteshazzar was aware of about the legacy of his father or grandfather
He says to you he knew all these things Daniel is saying you knew all these things
So the the accounting of the history would have been passed on right but the real question is did he know it or did he
Just know it Okay, did he understand what happened to his father or did he acknowledge what he what happened to his father
More importantly did he acknowledge why it happened to his father or did he just know that the actual events of history
That didn't occur He was driven He was fed grass until he knew
The most high god rules the kingdom of mankind And sets over it whom he will the
Phrase there Indicates Nebuchadnezzar's acceptance of the sovereignty of god king of kings
It indicates that his father grandfather Did go there But then we get into some horrible words here 22
Read 22 again. Tell me john But you his son Beltshazzar have not humbled your heart.
Although you knew all this the the first indictment that Daniel has against him
Is all of this information is truth valid and there is no reason because you knew of it why you didn't know it
Or why you didn't act on it And the why he didn't act on it is because you've never humbled your heart
It's really is a clear picture of a heart that is hardened and unwilling to submit to the sovereignty of god
This king who had set up this great feast for a thousand of his lords their wives and concubines dancers entertainers and wine and everything else
This is who he really is You have not humbled your heart And he wanted to show that how great he was
He really did he was this feast was all about his Pride all about his prestige all about his position and it's brought down and then the indictments in verse 23
You have lifted yourself up against the lord of heaven You were a mistake big mistake
The the reality is that there is one god and it is Yahweh You have acknowledged and made offerings to gods of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood
No, there there is one god And you have lifted yourself up against the lord of heaven
You have not just lifted yourself up to a throne and thrown feasts you have lifted yourself against you've taken the vessels of the house
Before you your lords your wives your concubines and you drank wine you you've basically you have you have
Lifted yourself and you have desecrated not only not acknowledging him, but you have used his his vessels for dishonor
And then you praise the gods of gold and silver You you find the things that you can make and you can control
You will bow into them, but you're still the king But you're going to bow to them
And then at the end of it In all your ways you have not honored god That is the that is the proclamation that daniel it's no no, no doubt about that says
I hate that guy But but he speaks truth um if if a if a pastor stands in the pulpit
And proclaims sin and judgment Righteous judgment from god
And he is speaking truth And somebody in the congregation is perhaps caught up in one of the practices
And denial and feels offended Truth is truth
Truth never changes truth is what it is. We need to hear truth Daniel is giving him truth
And now here's what he's got to say in specifics uh carol if you would
If you would give us 24 to 28 Hi patrick
Therefore he sent the hand that wrote the inscription. This is the inscription that was written many many
Take kill arson This is what these words mean many god has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end
You have weighed on the scales and found wanting you have been weighed on the scales and been found wanting
Paris Your kingdom is divided and given to the medis and persians
The words are from god That hand was sent by god
To to write these down and to give a strong proclamation For egregious actions given to uh
Given to him How does belshazzar? respond strangely
In what way yes He elevates the individual who has basically condemned him
What does he not do Big enough way to go It's almost like he's in denial that anything could happen because he after all he's the king
But yeah, you're right. He he his response is strange if we if we consider it But it's not strange if we take it from the world's point of view
He's the king and i'm going to give this guy his dues because he spoke to me, but i'm not really concerned about it anyway
Wow 29 belshazzar gave the command that daniel was clothed with purple
Chain of gold was put around his neck and a proclamation was made about him that he should be the third ruler of the kingdom
David had sinned previously First of all, he was supposed to be in the front fighting with the men and he wasn't
He was staying behind and then he went up on the roof and he
He Probably knew what was out there, but whether he did or not He didn't avoid what was out there.
In fact, he lusted after what he saw was out there And so he sinned with Bathsheba I read too what
Bathsheba may have known and she tried to entice. She wanted to entice him We can't necessarily say that one way or the other yeah, we can't but we can say about daniel
Not daniel david, he did what he was in fact, it was so bad She got with child and to cover it up.
He has the husband come back. He refuses to stay with his wife And he hasn't killed him
And then he's confronted By a prophet and he tells him a story about a man who had a lamb
You are that man and how did david respond when he was told you are that man He really did
God gave a message of judgment and and dan david repented
There is no indication of belshazzar's repentance or even acknowledgment
That this was in fact truth. In fact, it gets to verse 30 And rick if you would read verse 30
That very night belshazzar the chaldean king was killed That very night the me received the kingdom being about 62 years old
Don't mess with god. He's the king of kings. I got four observations for being a godly leader.
First of all accept the sovereignty of god That belshazzar had only accepted the sovereignty of god instead of elevating himself except the fact that there is only one king of kings
And that you're maybe put in because accept the fact that it's god who establishes kingdoms and it's god who applies appoints earthly kings
Yeah, you're a king and there's there's no denying of that but accept it For for what it is and then finally accept the fact
That earthly kings are accountable to god. He did not do that godly leaders
Can have that perspective Godly leaders are in fact given counsel, but godly leaders need to accept the fact that they are accountable to god
Do you want to close us in prayer? Yes, absolutely so father, thank you for your word and Wow, lord.
Thank you that we are under grace and not under the hand of your judgment Thank you that you have not weighed weighed and found wanting us and that we would be
Destroyed but you have instead sent your son and that by faith looking to him
We are counted righteous and weighed righteous in your sight not by our own Merits, but by the merits of the one to whom we look jesus christ our savior
So thank you god, and we we pray that we would learn well from what we've heard today and always confess that Jesus is king of kings and lord of lords