TikTok ADVICE for Men Will Send You to HELL! | Pastor Reacts
Masculine Tik Tokers are making videos telling men how to be real men. We’re gonna take a look and see if they line up with what the Bible says about being a man!
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- 00:00
- You're the king of your life. You build the man you're going to become and nobody's coming to save you. Yeah, that is some of the worst advice
- 00:07
- I have ever heard. Try and lift heavier free weights each week, not just doing like the same circuit of easy machines, because that's not going to build you know, the mental and physical toughness.
- 00:15
- To be manly, according to the Bible, actually has very little to do with lifting heavier weights than last time.
- 00:22
- Your primary purpose as a man is to level up. And if you will focus on leveling up first, everything else will come.
- 00:28
- I don't know what the sigma this guy's talking about. TikTok advice is it's setting you up for things that are very fleeting, but do not satisfy your true role as a man.
- 00:41
- Is there anything good about this at all, or is this a stinky pile of diaper trash? Masculinity has become a weird industry as of late.
- 00:54
- Lots of young men. And I suppose grown men are wondering what it means to be a man in today's culture.
- 01:00
- Enter the masculine TikToker who lifts weights, eats meat, rides on yachts,
- 01:06
- I don't know, and tells men how to be real men. We're going to take a look at some of these TikTokers, but as always, we're going to see if they line up with what the
- 01:13
- Bible says about being a man. Yes, the Bible has some things to say about it. By the way, if you had to guess, like before the video goes any further, which way do you think these
- 01:22
- TikTok videos are going to go? Right. But first, if you're new here, welcome. My name is Nate Sala, and I'm helping you become the effective
- 01:29
- Christian that you were meant to be. That includes understanding what the Bible has to say about being a man, even in today's culture.
- 01:35
- Make sure to like and subscribe. And if you think this video is helpful, share this with somebody else, please. It helps me get the word out about this ministry.
- 01:41
- All right, let's do it. I don't care what age you are. You'd be 14 hearing this. If you're a man enough to hear this message, you're a man enough to take control of your own life and know that you're the king of your life.
- 01:51
- You build the man you're going to become and nobody's coming to save you. And that's the best news you will ever get. You're free to do it.
- 01:56
- Let it go. Go build your kingdom because there's nothing you can't do. Trauma is not real. As long as you become a man strong enough to forget about it.
- 02:06
- Yeah, that is some of the worst advice I have ever heard. Let me back up.
- 02:12
- If you live in a world where God does not exist, then this advice makes a lot of sense.
- 02:18
- I don't care what age you are. You'd be 14 hearing this. If you're a man enough to hear this message, you're a man enough to take control of your own life and know that you're the king of your life.
- 02:27
- You build the man you're going to become and nobody's coming to save you. And that's the best news you will ever get. Yeah. So it's just three things here, right?
- 02:34
- You are the king of your own life. You are the one who is in control. You know, you're, you're building your own life and there is no one coming to save you.
- 02:44
- These are to quote Vodibachum lies from the pit of hell, but they make sense if God does not exist.
- 02:52
- Why? Well, because if God does not exist, then you're left to fend for yourself in a world that as Richard Dawkins says, has no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pettiless indifference, right?
- 03:07
- But actually, well, so wait a second. Even if there is no God, you're still not in ultimate control over your life.
- 03:14
- You're still subject to the laws of nature, right? I mean, you're getting old. What if you get sick or you're walking across the street and all of a sudden you have a heart attack, right?
- 03:22
- Or you get hit by a car or you get struck by lightning. What if you fall in love with someone who cheats on you?
- 03:29
- As it turns out, even in a world where God does not exist, you're still not in control of a lot.
- 03:36
- So no, you're not the King of your own life. The King of your life is time and death.
- 03:43
- Those are ultimately what you bow the knee to in a world where God does not exist. That means that all that hard work and toil and success that you had in this life, it's just like a big sandcastle.
- 03:57
- You know what I mean? Because when you die, the tide comes and just takes it all away. He who dies with the most toys is still dead.
- 04:05
- Ladies and gentlemen, you're free to do it. Let it go. Go build your kingdom because there's nothing you can't do.
- 04:12
- Trauma's not real as long as you become a man strong enough to forget about it. I don't care. Yeah. Go build your own kingdom.
- 04:19
- There's nothing you can't do. It's ironic because this tough guy is probably thinking that he's preparing other men to be ready for the world.
- 04:26
- When in actuality, what he's doing is he's selling bedtime stories to cope for the fact that if God does not exist, nothing ultimately matters.
- 04:35
- By the way, this is precisely what the Bible teaches. Look at this
- 04:40
- Ecclesiastes chapter two, verse 14 says, the wise person has his eyes in his head, but the fool walks in darkness.
- 04:47
- And yet I perceived that the same event happens to all of them. He's talking about death.
- 04:54
- The wise person in this life dies just as much as the fool dies.
- 05:00
- Look at this verse 15. Then I said in my heart, what happens to the fool will happen to me also.
- 05:06
- Why then have I been so very wise? And I said in my heart that this also is vanity for of the wise, as of the fool, there is no enduring remembrance.
- 05:17
- Seeing that in the days to come, all will have been long forgotten. How the wise dies, just like the fool.
- 05:25
- You can replace wisdom in this passage with whatever this
- 05:31
- TikToker is trying to sell right now, right? Probably, you know, money, fast cars, beautiful women, trading on being a successful businessman with sub 10 % body fat and expensive haircut and Armani suits.
- 05:45
- It's all vanity, ladies and gentlemen. Why? Because you're going to die.
- 05:52
- Death is who you ultimately serve. If you want to pretend that God does not exist and you can protest and you can say, ah, that's not true.
- 06:00
- All you want until death comes for you. And that's when you find out who you really are.
- 06:07
- You want to be a man like a, like a man after God's own heart. Step number one, recognize who's really in charge.
- 06:15
- You're not the King. Jesus Christ is King. And he says, all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.
- 06:24
- A real man knows how to bow, knows who to worship because we bow and we worship the true
- 06:33
- King because real leaders are servants of God. How can a guy become more masculine? Three things a man can do is first of all, not just go to the gym, but actually try and lift heavier free weights each week.
- 06:45
- Not just doing like the same circuit of easy machines, because that's not going to build the mental and physical toughness. It's funny because like, you know, the masculine, the masculinity industry has this weird relationship with gym culture, which by the way, gym culture is a real thing in today's day and age.
- 07:02
- Like I'm not sure where you're watching this video from, but here in America, gym culture is just this other interesting subset of our society.
- 07:09
- But here's the thing to be manly, according to the Bible actually has very little to do with lifting heavier weights than last time.
- 07:19
- And we're going to talk about what the Bible has to say about being a man in, uh, just a moment. Second, actually like approaching attractive girls.
- 07:27
- When you see them, it's mentally difficult. And when you take that initiative, you start to sharpen the sword of mental toughness.
- 07:34
- And it's really attractive to a girl. And three. So, so are you following this? So to be manly is to make sure that you're lifting heavier weights each week.
- 07:43
- And it also means approaching very attractive young girls and talking to them, I assume so that you can get their phone numbers.
- 07:50
- And then from there, like what, like a couple of dates and then what, right.
- 07:55
- But again, all of this trades on vanity. What happens when time gets ahold of you and you can't lift weights anymore?
- 08:04
- The heavy ones, right? Maybe you injure yourself because you're going crazy on the weights. Are you no longer a man?
- 08:11
- What happens when you stay single your whole life, but you keep trying to approach attractive girls, young girls, but now that time has slapped you all over the face and body.
- 08:20
- Now you're old and attractive girls won't even look at you anymore. Are you no longer a man? You see how none of these things really matter.
- 08:29
- TikTok advice is it's setting you up for things that are very fleeting, but do not satisfy your true role as a man.
- 08:39
- As a matter of fact, they're setting you up to satisfy your flesh. Look at this Galatians five verse 19.
- 08:45
- Now the works of the flesh are evident, sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these.
- 09:01
- I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
- 09:07
- That's exactly what this kid is trying to tell people, uh, in TikTok, be led around by what is sensual, get into the gym and seek after the idolatry of having bigger muscles.
- 09:19
- That's not what the Bible tells you to do. It actually commands the opposite. Look at Galatians five again, verse 16, but I say walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
- 09:30
- Verse 22, but the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self -control, self -control against such things.
- 09:44
- There is no law and those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
- 09:50
- Well, that takes you right back to self -control again, doesn't it? Uh, did you know that Adam in the book of Genesis, by the way, that his name has some interesting implications in the
- 10:00
- Hebrew. So, and I've talked about this before in previous videos, but one of the things that God said when he created mankind in Genesis chapter one is let us make man in our image after our likeness.
- 10:14
- Well, then the question is, what does it mean to be made in God's image? If you notice God creates the universe and the world in chapter one of Genesis, but not in a single moment, you know, not like that.
- 10:25
- He creates over a span of six days. The question is why? And even then, when you like really pay attention to the details, he only creates certain things on certain days.
- 10:35
- And then he stops. Look at this, Genesis chapter one, verse nine. And God said, let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place and let the dry land appear.
- 10:44
- And it was so God called the dry land earth. And the waters that were gathered together, he called seas and God saw that it was good.
- 10:54
- What? So, so on one of the days, God really only seems to be separating the like water from the land.
- 11:04
- And then he, then he stops and he considers that good. What's going on, right? Well, as you continue to read the whole account here, the whole creation account, you realize that what
- 11:13
- God is doing is he's modeling for us what it looks like to know when to stop to not just create and create and create and keep going indefinitely, but to know when to say, this is good.
- 11:25
- And that's enough. And then God creates mankind. And what does he do? He says, let's make man in our own image.
- 11:32
- I think this image bearing entails knowing when to stop, when to say enough is enough and to control ourselves.
- 11:42
- What makes me say that? Well, if you look at Adam's name in the Hebrew, you have three letters. You have
- 11:47
- Aleph, Dalet and Mem, right? If you look at the last two of those letters, they become the word for blood.
- 11:55
- Did you know that the Hebrew understanding of blood is that it's the place of the passions of the, you know, the desires, you know, it's all stewing in you and your blood, that's where it all lives.
- 12:07
- But then you have this other letter Aleph, which by itself is a word which means to lead or perhaps to rule.
- 12:16
- Okay. So then what happens when you put all these letters for man or mankind together, you get this idea of controlling your desires.
- 12:28
- This is what mankind is supposed to do. This is what men are supposed to do.
- 12:34
- That's why self -control is one of the fruits of the spirit. Men are supposed to know when to say that's enough.
- 12:42
- We need to control ourselves. So step two for being a man, if you're paying attention, be self -controlled.
- 12:49
- Amen. Don't pursue the desires of your flesh. Like these Tik Tokers are trying to, you know, invite you to do right.
- 12:59
- That's not only a recipe for disaster in this life. It's a recipe for hell in the next life. Women anyways, dude, it's not even about women.
- 13:05
- Women are secondary. This is the most, okay. So this is the most important thing you got to understand women like finances, like fitness, like happiness, like anything else are secondary to your primary purpose as a man, your primary purpose as a man is to level up.
- 13:19
- And if you will focus on leveling up first, everything else will come the money, the finances, the fitness, everything else.
- 13:26
- If you are in that frame of mind, like my job is to make this thing that I have control over the most powerful bat version of itself.
- 13:33
- This avatar that I have in this video game, we call life like this is the most important thing to do. And you've got 20 to 30 to do that.
- 13:40
- Now, if you decide to get hitched up and start having kids yet, you can work your way through it. Yeah. You can come out in your thirties and forties and have a great relationship.
- 13:46
- Still some, some people pull it off. It's pretty unlikely. Statistically speaking, the stats are against you.
- 13:52
- And what you're going to find is that most men are in some state of quiet desperation. They got hitched up. They added some kids. They got a dead end job.
- 13:58
- Now they don't have a lot of options. They don't have a lot of flexible or move or pivot or go towards something.
- 14:03
- Now they see what they're finally passionate about. By the time they're 30 they're stuck paying a mortgage. Notice how he talks about things.
- 14:09
- Notice what that betrays about his values. They're stuck feeding mouths. They're stuck taking care of a wife. Yes, you've got to do that.
- 14:15
- If you're in that set of circumstances, is that ideal? I'm telling you right now, young men, I'm telling you right now, it is not the ideal situation.
- 14:22
- Take your 20 to 30 and focus on yourself and be the best, most bad, biggest, fastest version of yourself and everything else that starts stacking up for you.
- 14:33
- I, boy, I don't know what the Sigma this guy's talking about. You know, it's interesting.
- 14:40
- All of these videos, they share the same underlying assumptions and presuppositions. Have you noticed that not one of these videos has actually spelled out what a man is.
- 14:51
- Not one of them has defined a man. Not one of them has pitched a clear vision about the purpose of a man.
- 14:57
- What these videos are doing is speaking and taking for granted the presuppositions that color their advice, that, that, that shape the words that are actually spoken.
- 15:07
- But if you plumb the depths of this language, you're going to find all kinds of values that are completely out of whack with what
- 15:13
- God desires for men. And God should know because he created mankind. He created men, just like he created women.
- 15:21
- He has a specific reason and a purpose for us, but it's not what these Tik Tokers are telling young men. These guys think that to be a man means to be in control of yourself, you know, to, uh, to focus on strengthening your physical body, to not settle down, don't get married, don't have kids, but to wait until you're much older.
- 15:44
- Like what did this guy say? Like you like focus in your twenties and thirties and then get married like in your forties and fifties.
- 15:50
- Like what, why do you need to do that? Because you need to figure out what you want to do with your life.
- 15:57
- That's, that's ultimately, that's ultimately what his point is. You need to figure out what you want to do.
- 16:03
- That's not what God wants you to do. Men, are you watching this video? I think the demographic is still largely men in my audience, right?
- 16:11
- Uh, some of you will get married in your twenties, but you should know that you probably won't stay with your wife.
- 16:19
- That's literally what this guy is saying with a straight face. And why does he say that? Well, you know, the stats are against you.
- 16:25
- Okay. So, so the number one thing that you should be doing is leveling up. You know, you should be improving yourself.
- 16:31
- What does that mean? Nate? Who knows? I don't know. Just follow your own desires. Follow your own kingdom building pursuits.
- 16:38
- Follow the stats, right? Cause the stats will tell you don't get buried according to this guy. And then you're a man.
- 16:45
- Now that's, that's all you, that's all you have to do. Again, ladies and gentlemen,
- 16:51
- Ecclesiastes tells us that all of that is vanity. Everything this man's like, uh, is saying sounds exactly like what
- 17:00
- Solomon was railing against in Ecclesiastes. You know what God says to do the opposite, get married and have children.
- 17:06
- By the way. Uh, so I'm about to go over this passage, but, uh, this app that I'm using to read the Bible, it's called logos,
- 17:12
- Bible software. And I highly recommend it to you. If you are a serious student of God's word, a lot of great features for you to go deep in your studies.
- 17:19
- I've partnered with logos. You can actually check out some great features and discounts over on my logos page.
- 17:24
- So go to logos .com forward slash wise disciple for more. Okay. You know, what's interesting.
- 17:30
- The same type of flexibility that this TikToker advocates for is the same type of flexibility that a lot of the
- 17:38
- Jews desired when it came to marriage in Jesus day. But Jesus corrects this by appealing to the created order in Genesis.
- 17:46
- Look at this, uh, Matthew chapter 19 verse three and the Pharisees came up to Jesus and tested him by asking, is it lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause?
- 17:56
- There's that flexibility, right? Oh, you know, we can get married, but man, if things sour or they get bad, right.
- 18:03
- If our wives burn our dinner too much, or they just get old and less attractive and we see down the street, there's a younger, more attractive, uh, female.
- 18:12
- We have the right to divorce them and marry again, right? Jesus. That's what a lot of Jewish men were arguing for in the first century.
- 18:19
- But Jesus corrects all of this. God ordained marriage in Genesis is there for a very specific reason.
- 18:27
- God told mankind to be fruitful and to multiply. That means have children if you can.
- 18:35
- And if you can't get married, um, if, if for some reason you choose not to get married, Jesus says, that's your choice.
- 18:41
- If you take a look at this particular passage, right? This is the conversation that he has later with the disciples, but here's the goal though, married, not married, do everything for the sake of the kingdom of God, which actually brings us right back to Jesus teaching in the sermon on the mount.
- 18:58
- Jesus said this in Matthew five, verse 16, in the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven.
- 19:08
- I keep coming back to this verse. Hopefully you're not tired of it yet. If you've seen my other videos because it's so crucial, it's a concept that is weaved throughout the entire scripture.
- 19:18
- Look at, um, Colossians three, same thing, whatever work you do, do it all for the glory of God.
- 19:25
- Amen. So that everyone will see your hard work and give glory to your father who was in heaven. So count that as step number three of being a man, right?
- 19:35
- I mean, my goodness. So you see, like I, I haven't provided even really an exhaustive list of what the
- 19:41
- Bible says regarding being a man. There are more things to be said about what it looks like to be the kind of man that God has made you to be.
- 19:48
- But already I've given you a few fundamental principles of what you can call biblical manhood.
- 19:54
- If we can even characterize that that way, number one, if you missed it, worship and serve
- 20:00
- Jesus Christ, obey him and only him. Amen. Number two, control yourself men do not be led around by your own desires.
- 20:11
- The desires of the flesh instead exhibit the kind of self -control that is commensurate with the image of God in you.
- 20:18
- And then number three, if you can, and it makes sense, get married and have children.
- 20:23
- This is why God created mankind in the first place, be fruitful and multiply. Don't wait until you're 50 years old.
- 20:31
- And finally, let's not forget. Number four, work hard as a husband and a father, but do it with the proper motivation, perform your work so that God gets the glory, not you.
- 20:44
- You're not building your kingdom. It's not about you at all. If you do that, right?
- 20:50
- Uh, if you seek your own kingdom, you seek your own self -glorification, it's going to crumble guys.
- 20:56
- It's going to disappear with the tide. The day you die. No, you're furthering the kingdom of our
- 21:01
- God. And we're serving him with the talents and the giftings that God has given us. And one day we are promised our
- 21:08
- King is going to return. And he will bring about a time where our hard work will be recognized.
- 21:14
- And our treasures will be given to us. If we have remained faithful, if we have stayed close to God and obeyed his commands.
- 21:22
- And guess what guys like that, that has nothing to do with how big your muscles were, how confident you were with the young women that you approached or the cars that you owned, or how much money was in your bank account.
- 21:37
- Amen. All right. Now it's your turn. Uh, I got a little,
- 21:44
- I got a little heated there. I apologize. Um, yeah, that's uh, look, what do you think about this?
- 21:51
- Tick tock advice? Is there anything good about this at all? Or is this a stinky pile of diaper trash?
- 21:57
- Let me know in the comments below. I'd love to get your thoughts. As always, if you made it this far, you got to join the Patreon community.
- 22:02
- If for nothing else, just to come and study the scripture with me, we're going to the gospel of Matthew right now. Or you can look at these videos that drop much earlier than they do here on YouTube.
- 22:11
- And now we're on rumble as well. I don't know if you knew that. Um, you can jump into one -on -one meetings with me.
- 22:18
- Uh, we can do exclusive trainings together. All of that is on the Patreon. You should definitely consider jumping on some kind of a support tier.
- 22:25
- It's how I make these videos in the first place. Well, as always, I'm going to saunter off and calm down some more, but in the meantime,