The Bible AFFIRMS Transgenderism?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a TikTok video from a progressive Christian woman. The full clip will be linked in the description.
The name of this account is, quote, Disorganized Religion, and the person who runs it is, quote,
Pastor Sarah. So, I'm sure there's no biases here, right? In this video, she attempts to make a biblical case for transgender people being not only included in the
Bible, but get this, celebrated in the Bible. And what's more, she does this by using the very words of Jesus Himself.
And our goal in this video is simple. We want to offer a doctrinal review and Christian response to the claims made by this progressive so -called
Christian. So without any further ado, let's get right into it. Watch this. Are there trans people in the
Bible? Yeah, does it say they're going to hell? No, Jesus actually lifts up genderqueer people as model disciples.
Really? Yeah, Matthew 19, 12? There are eunuchs who are born that way, some who are made eunuchs by others, and some who will become eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.
So according to this progressive Christian, Jesus lifts up trans people as, quote, model disciples.
And what is the biblical evidence for this claim? Well, in Matthew 19, 12, Jesus says, quote,
For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.
Let the one who is able to receive this receive it. End quote. And there are several problems with her using this passage to demonstrate her argument.
Problem 1. Jesus is not lifting these examples up as good disciples just because they are eunuchs.
There is nothing inherently virtuous about being a eunuch. Rather, He is lifting them up as good disciples if they do this, quote, for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.
In other words, if they can be called a good disciple, they will be called that for the exact same reason that any
Christian will be. Because they follow Jesus diligently by His grace, even at cost to themselves.
It's that simple. But you see, it cannot be that simple for this progressive Christian. She needs for Jesus to have praised these examples solely on the basis of them being eunuchs.
Why? Because in her mind, eunuch means transgender person. And she thinks that being transgender is inherently honest and beautiful and virtuous.
So naturally, in order to make the passage fit with that paradigm, she makes it appear as though Jesus is praising the inherent virtue of being a eunuch.
But again, it is the sacrifice for the kingdom of God that is actually being exalted, not merely being a eunuch.
So already, you can see that this woman's modern leftist ideology is getting in the way of the actual historical meaning of the text.
This is fundamental to the progressive Christian's theology. If they didn't have double standards when reading the
Bible, they wouldn't have any standards at all. And this brings us to problem number two. Her take on this passage is completely out of historical context, as she seems to have little to no idea what a eunuch actually is.
So let's briefly go over that. Many progressive Christians believe that being a eunuch in the Bible is synonymous with being a transgender person in the 21st century.
But this is a flat -out lie. There is nothing else you could call it. You see, biblically, being a eunuch has roughly three common definitions.
Definition 1. A man who has been castrated by a ruler or governor in order to work in his royal court.
This is what Jesus means by, quote, made eunuchs by men. And eunuchs like this are mentioned, for example, in the book of Esther.
Definition 2. A man who is unable to procreate for one reason or another because he was born with some sort of birth defect or deficiency.
This is what Jesus is referring to in the passage when He says, quote, some eunuchs have been so from birth.
And definition 3. A man who voluntarily forgoes procreation intentionally for the sake of the kingdom of God.
This is what Jesus means when He says, quote, there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.
And an example of this would be the Apostle Paul, who chose celibacy to spread the Gospel more freely, as mentioned in 1
Corinthians chapter 7. So as you can tell, not one of these examples has anything to do with modern transgenderism.
You see, modern transgender theory says that you can be a biological man or a biological woman who chooses not to identify with their biological sex, and this decision must be acknowledged as true.
But that is not what a eunuch is. A eunuch is a biological man who, for one reason or another, does not procreate.
Biblical eunuchs were not men running around wearing skirts and lipstick and putting she -her pronouns in their bio.
Eunuchs are not modern transgenders by any stretch of the imagination. But naturally, the progressive
Christian making this video here anticipates this argument against her position. And here is her response.
Watch this. For the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Eunuchs are castrated men. Short answer, yes. But being a eunuch is not the same as being trans.
Trans can mean a lot of things. As you can tell, that's a very convenient refutation. Conservative Christians say that being a eunuch isn't the same as being trans.
And her response is, quote, trans can mean a lot of things. Again, how convenient. If the words don't actually mean the same thing,
I'll simply change the definition of one of the words until they do mean the same thing. But notice, folks, that it becomes very easy to argue like this when none of your words actually have to have real definitions.
Progressive Christians are unfettered by things like accurate definitions or proper exegesis.
So oftentimes, they can just make things up. Like for example, saying that eunuchs in the Bible are trans people on the basis of no evidence whatsoever.
And this is something we need to watch out for. And by the way, contrast this with what the Bible says.
In John 17, 17, Jesus says, quote, sanctify them in the truth. Your word is truth.
The Bible puts an emphasis on speaking the truth of God's Word and acknowledging it as such.
But progressive Christians distort God's Word in order to promote an unbiblical worldview.
And with that, let's see the next argument used in this video. Watch this. But here's how this passage affirms genderqueer, trans, gender nonconforming, and intersex people.
Go on. First, it says some people are born eunuchs. Jesus affirms there can be more than just male or female at birth.
No, Jesus did not say that. What He said was, quote, for there are eunuchs who have been so from birth.
That's it. When you look at this with the biblical definition of a eunuch in mind, it tells a very different story.
He is saying that there are men who are unable to procreate from birth. But this does not mean that they are not biological men, nor does it mean that they don't identify as men.
And Jesus does indeed affirm that gender is binary in Scripture. In fact, this occurs just a few verses before in the very same chapter.
In Matthew 19, 4, He says this, quote, Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female?
End quote. So this progressive Christian says that Jesus affirms more than two genders, but Jesus Himself would beg to differ.
And let's just remember that twisting the words of Jesus to affirm something that He would have undoubtedly thought of as evil is a very serious sin against God.
It's incredibly unbiblical. But let's see what she says next. Watch this. Weren't they also outcasts?
Yes, while some eunuchs had high -power jobs in the royal courts, they also faced a lot of discrimination. So it's notable when a
Christian Philip runs into an Ethiopian eunuch along the road, and the eunuch says, what is there to prevent me from being baptized? Philip doesn't say, well, you can't be a
Christian because you don't fit the gender binary. Philip stops the chariot, goes down to the water, and baptizes them. So this argument, despite being completely false, is very common among progressive
Christians. Here she quotes the example of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch from Acts chapter 8.
And she says that despite being a eunuch and, quote, not fitting the gender binary, he was still baptized by Philip.
See? Transgender people are model disciples, right? No. Let's slow down here. First, the entire argument here hinges on the assumption that eunuchs are synonymous with transgender people.
This is an assumption that we have already blown out of the water in this video multiple times.
There is absolutely zero logical or biblical evidence to prove that this was the case, and there is a mountain of evidence to the contrary.
And second, again, the way she phrases this is meant to affirm the inherent beauty and virtue of being a transgender person.
This also goes against the context of the passage, though. You see, Philip did not baptize the
Ethiopian eunuch just because he was a eunuch. There was nothing inherently virtuous about that in and of itself.
In Acts 8 .35, it says that Philip explained to the eunuch the good news of Jesus Christ in detail.
And some manuscripts of this text actually include a verse about the eunuch believing in Jesus. But even if that's not in the original text, we know that he would not have been baptized unless he did believe.
You see, in the Great Commission, given in Matthew 28, Jesus says, quote, Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. End quote. Obviously, we're talking about believers.
And with that said, the main point is this. The eunuch was not baptized as an example of how empowered and beautiful eunuchs are for not fitting the gender binary.
He was baptized because someone preached the true Gospel to him, and he believed it. In other words, this progressive
Christian has taken the emphasis off of believing the Gospel and put the focus instead on being a transgender person.
This is the perfect example of their worldview in action. Progressive Christians constantly exchange
Biblical truths for their ideological agenda. In that TikTok, first we saw Jesus' words being misquoted in order to affirm something that is not in the passage.
And then we saw the word eunuch being changed and manipulated to mean something it does not mean. We also saw her ignore a passage from the exact same chapter she was reading from that contradicted everything she said from Jesus' own words.
And then we saw the Gospel being compromised for the sake of modern leftism. The progressive
Christian worldview is truly bankrupt of Biblical truth, and it promotes an evil and unbiblical agenda.
And we hope this video has demonstrated that to you in some practical way. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a
Biblical critique. Please pray for this channel and for anyone discussed in the video. And if you're looking for teaching resources or trying to find a new church, check out the teaching ministries and church networks linked in the description.
And by God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word. Thank you so much for watching that video.
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