Paul Tripp "Comes Out" for Social Justice - But I am Encouraged!

AD Robles iconAD Robles


I love Paul David Tripp but he has come out as a social justice advocate. That being said I am very encouraged by it. Here is why. This is the article I mention:


This video has been in the hopper for a few weeks now. I wanted to make it when I first saw this article And this article came out either right during the
MLK 50 conference or shortly after and it's from Paul David Tripp And you know, you might call it sort of like his coming -out article
So he's kind of coming out as a as a social justice minded Christian But I actually found the article really encouraging in a lot of ways now
Obviously, you know that I stand against social justice as a technical term Of course,
I favor obviously biblical justice. And so you might be, you know wondering well How did I find this encouraging because this is just another sort of evangelical power broker that's coming out as a social justice warrior
And the reason I find it encouraging is actually basically because of what the article actually says I'm gonna take you to I actually decided to do this video today when
I saw a few people sharing The article but it was actually published this time by faithfully magazine, which is a social justice warrior
Christian magazine And so it's starting to get a little bit of more traction than I than it had before And so I do want to comment on it really quick.
It's a longer article So I'm not gonna read the whole thing But there's a few parts that I want to emphasize here and I'll tell you why
I'm actually quite encouraged by this So as you can see here, I'll link to this
It's from faithfully magazine, but Paul David Tripp actually posted this on his own blog first And I'm gonna link to the faithfully magazine one because I Want to get him a few clicks because the faithfully magazine goes away.
I will have no more material for my youtube channel That's actually a joke. But anyway, so here it is.
So Paul David Tripp wrote this article and here's how it starts He says this is my confession. This is my confession
I am writing today on the day following the 50th anniversary of the assassination
Assassination of Martin Luther King jr Because I have a humbling confession to make for all of my passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ Which has been accurate and faithful to the best of my ability the gospel that I have held
So dear has been in reality a truncated and incomplete gospel That is quite a confession a truncated and incomplete gospel
What the article goes on to say is that the gospel is all about grace and that is wonderful and true
But the gospel is also about justice and so we have to acknowledge that in the cross obviously justice was done
But then we as a people being a redeemed people and being made one man in Christ and being renewed and reborn
We ought to be a people that are concerned with the same justice that God is concerned with and so of course we offer
Grace, we we are ambassadors for Christ. We offer the reconciliation that God offers to all people
That's why we preach the gospel. But along with that preaching. It's not just we don't just preach for converting of people
You know, that's part of the Great Commission, but it's not the complete Great Commission So we make disciples of all nations
We baptize them we people convert to Christ and then we also teach them to obey everything that Christ commanded
That's the justice side of it. So our Preaching of the gospel if it's going to be complete it's going to be about offering grace and forgiveness of Christ and then also
Teaching people to know what justice is what righteousness is and teaching people to to do that to be
Righteous to be to promote just now We know we can't do that perfectly this side of heaven, but it's still the standard and so Christians should be moral
Christians should be just Christians should be righteous. And so That that's a very true thing.
And so if if Paul Drake David Tripp was not talking about that and and was not Was not, you know aware of that or preaching that then he is correct.
That is a truncated incomplete gospel Here's where I think he goes off the rails
I'm going to I'm going to go down to the bottom so you could read all This I've read it, but I'm not gonna go through it all and here's what he says.
He offers a challenge He says what about you? How balanced is your gospel bin? Have you been an advocate for grace but silent in the face of injustice?
Have you been comfortable with the segregation of the Christian community or with subtle personal and prejudice
Where is God calling you to confession repentance and brand new ways of living? It is so wonderful and freeing to know that we don't have to hang our heads in shame or be paralyzed by regret
Because Jesus bore our shame and carried our penalty and the one who forgives us right now is with us to empower us to live
In a new way He is not so uncaring and unkind as to ever call us to task without going with us and supplying us
Everything that we need That's beautiful, that's an absolutely beautiful God, I mean
I love Paul David Tripp This is not a critique of Paul David Tripp. I love the brother. He's very good and he knows the gospel
There's no question about that. And I'm glad that he's yearning for a more complete gospel, but let's not forget that justice and injustice is a
Biblical priority and it's also defined by the Bible This is why I'm so encouraged by this because this movement of social justice war is a lot of my
Friends who are social justice warriors pastors that I respect that are social justice warriors What this signals to me is that there is a yearning for a more complete gospel gospel that offers grace but also provides
Justice and and and and law essentially law that shows us what justice is But the the short term right now people are missing what justice is
And I think the reason they're missing is because they've been taught out of hand that the law of God does not apply to the civil realm
The law of God does not apply to society it applies to the Christian it applies to the church but when you go to the law of Israel, it talks about what justice is what the general equity of that of Justice in the the political body that was
Israel. We don't apply the general equity anymore people dismiss that out of hand They say that that's crazy that what are you a theocrat?
What are you a barbarian? You want to go back to the law Russell Moore has said that Not exactly that but but he's talked against theocracy
The reason why I'm confident is I think that there is still an inconsistency with Paul David Tripp And I think that he will feel the weight of that I think that all these brothers
Matt Chandler Eric Mason the beauty Evan wheelie They will start to feel the weight of the inconsistency.
It is very good that they're concerned with justice that is a great and good and righteous and holy thing, but you'd better be the right justice because Lots of people are concerned with their conception of justice, which has nothing to do with God's we got to go back to the scriptures
We got to go back to the Old Testament civil code and see what is the general equity? How does this specific civil code that was specific to Israel?
How does it apply to the United States today? Because once we figure that out once we figure what the general equity of that law is and how it applies today
That's how we implement justice. We don't do it by by adopting what the world says justice is
That's that's the opposite of what we do. And so I'm very I'm very enthusiastic and I'm very
Optimistic that guys like Paul David Tripp who have seen this inconsistency in themselves will continue to see the inconsistency and will will march forward to a more
Unified idea of what social justice is biblical justice and what it is not and I think that when we look at the
Bible What we'll see is that it's not anything like what the world says it is I hope this was helpful.