God Centered Podcast - Episode 10 - God Centered Leadership - We Need To Be Consistent

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Thank you for watching the God Centered Theology Channel! Everything that we have and everything that we are is by the grace of God! https://godcenteredtheology.com


Welcome back to on the road. This is Andy Cain and it is September 10th 2024 in the year of our
Lord and this is on the road where we talk about all things God centered
God centered church God centered leadership God centered home all those good things that we just kind of cover whatever's on my mind and whatever is
Prevalent or I might be doing a special series or whatever the case Today I want to talk about some
God -centered leadership specifically God -centered leadership of the workplace now you may be in a position of leadership or You may be not in a position of leadership at work.
I Hesitate to use and I don't particularly like using the word management or manager
Because it comes across as you're simply Managing and keeping things in a certain line and things like that and there's always an element of that.
I mean you can't just allow things to go all haywire and crazy out of control, but There needs to be a focused on the biblical principles of God -centered leadership
God -centered leadership starts with God becomes down to man. So it's not so much why I think this would work but what we know
God has said and one of the things he talks about is having proper balances and having equity and things like that in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes and different places and If I was on the road
Hence the title of this podcast on the road I'd have time to really look it up and go through some exegesis and thing but this is more so just to take the the brick principles of Scripture or a particular section that I know well and Provide some commentary, you know while we're kind of rolling along here and so The thing
I want to talk about the most in as it relates to Leadership in the workplace is the word consistency.
We find consistency in Scripture We find consistency in who God is. He is a
God who never changes. He is consistent He is always who he is. He's always who he says he is
We never have to wonder for a wake -up one day and all of a sudden the goalposts have moved or the rules have changed or Salvation looks different.
It's that consistency that we can lean on it's that consistency that provides a sense of Really just structure and confidence and Just a sense of security and So leadership in the workplace if you're in a place of leadership, it's vitally important that you provide consistency for those under your watch care
If you do this you will naturally Have and of course, there's always exceptions to every rule.
So it's not a 100 % of the time thing here, but if you do this you will naturally have better A more efficient
Better productive just all around a better situation for employees and for fellow colleagues to operate better to perform better to Perform with confidence
Because I can tell you from experience. There is absolutely nothing worse. Well, I mean there's
Yes, there are literally things that are worse but one of the things that one of the worst things you can experience is to be in a place that has woeful inconsistency and double standards and Sometimes these things happen
Ignorantly, which is sad and you know You just hope that it comes to someone's attention that can be changed and sometimes it's on purpose
And you don't want to be a Christian in that position Allowing for or causing inconsistency and double standards which causes fear in The hearts and minds of those that are working with you or for you.
So for example if you Harp on every little mistake and act like it's an instance of something happening is what happens all the time when that's not true
So let's say over the course of a year Someone makes five mistakes and you act like they make a mistake almost every day or every week
That's gonna create fear in the heart and mind of that person to where they're gonna be Terrified to make a mistake and they're only gonna be trying to do things correctly
To avoid making a mistake to avoid having to deal with you coming at them in that way, especially if they see you ignoring or placating to or making excuses for someone else's mistake in Especially if that person makes more mistakes qualitatively than you do and so That that critic it actually creates an environment where more mistakes are made
Because when you're operating from a place of fear your mind isn't fully engaged in the task at hand.
It's engaged in. Okay How can I avoid? This negative reinforcement that is unwarranted.
And so inconsistency like that is is a horrible thing to have And so as God -centered leaders, we need to make sure if we're been positions of leadership to provide
Consistency which provides a security blanket for employees and those that work with you or and or for you
To operate and to perform and to focus on their work knowing that occasionally because everybody's human
We're all in sinful flesh We're gonna make mistakes and a lot of times if you handle mistakes correctly
It can be a learning environment and not a you did something wrong environment And if you have good people working for you or with you,
I Can I can you know? Tell you that they've probably already known they made a mistake
They're already looking at ways they can do to make sure they don't do it again And they're wanting to learn from it.
And so if you've got people like that with you you want to utilize that and As much as you can
Get out of their way. Let them do what they do and don't
Be inconsistent without how you approach them and how you quote -unquote manage or lead them you want to make sure there's a consistent understanding of what's expected because Anybody that's human is gonna know and witness and be aware of double standards
So another example would be something like time and attendance, you know If if someone's constantly coming in late and then someone else is not but the person that's not
Gets harped on if they are late a little bit They're gonna know about this and there's gonna be obviously resentment that can build from this and you don't want people resenting you because of your inconsistency you want them to trust that If you are able if they do make a mistake or if they do have an issue
That they can come to you and understand that you're gonna be so there should be some grace involved there and some grace applied to their situation now if you have somebody that is consistently having an issue and It can be documented and shown that this is consistently happening over a period of time
It needs to be addressed and talked about and this leads me to our last point God -centered leadership that is consistent is not going to be afraid of a challenge
They're not going to be afraid to allow the people that work with them or for them to push back express themselves now
Obviously you would need to have certain barriers, you know, don't be speaking disrespectfully.
Don't come at me don't Talk, you know down to someone or you know, there's certain lines.
You don't want to cross but Aside assuming those aren't being crossed. There needs to be a healthy
Environment where people can say hey look, you know, yes, I work for you. Yes. You are the quote -unquote boss
But a true leader doesn't fear a challenge and say look, I don't agree with this
You know, here's my area of expertise or here's my work history here's why I feel like I'm qualified to speak on this or You may not be qualified to speak on this
You may just not be like the way you you may not like the way you're being treated and say look I think I'm being treated treated, you know, unfairly and inconsistently here and The wrong way to react to that is say well, you just need to do what you're told
You know appeals to authority in certain situations to actually show weakness The way to handle this in a strong way is to say look
I hear you Let me take a self assessment do some self reflection let me take some time to really watch and see how
I'm handling things and let's reconvene and Talk about this again, and that will give you a chance
To look internally to make sure you're not being inconsistent But also gives that employee or fellow colleague a chance to see you make adjustments
So by the time you come back and reconvene, they may take the lead and say look man, you know, I really or Yeah, look man, you know, you can't really say look man to a woman, you know, look sir, madam
Whether you it's a boy or girl that yes, there are only boys and girls You know, it's the boy or the girl you're working for with, you know, sir, madam
I really noticed over the past few weeks. You really made an effort to be more consistent in this area. I really appreciate that Thank you so much.
This really made me feel better. So you these things get resolved when you talk about them
Not allowing or if you if someone attempts to speak up and you just shout them down or you know
Tell them why I'm the boss and you're not or you better just do what you're told or do it cuz you know This is what you're being told to do
That's not leadership. That is insecurity. That's micromanaging. That's what you don't want to do.
So God center leadership. Let's be consistent Let's be honest and thorough and transparent and authentic and all those good things.
So This is the podcast takes you from carpool to work. We have left carpool and now we're at work