The Kingdom of God v. the "kingdom" of Satan

AD Robles iconAD Robles



For to begin with, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you.
And in part, I believe it. Indeed, it is necessary that there be factions among you, so that those who are approved may be recognized among you."
That's the Word of God. That comes from 1 Corinthians chapter 11, and Paul is, of course, talking about the church context.
When people gather together, he's saying, look, I understand there's divisions there. And actually, in part, that's a good thing, because that way you can see who's who, what's what, whoever is true, whatever's right among you, it can be made manifest, in other words.
So division, as much as our churches like to pretend like division is the worst possible thing, and unity is the prime directive, divisions, according to the
Scripture, can actually be pretty good. And I think we can apply this to the nation at large, as well.
Everyone in the media is lamenting all of the deep -seated divisions, and I gotta be honest with you, like,
I've promoted here on this channel, you know, if the mainstream media is pushing it, there's a very good chance that it's a lie, and I don't think this is excluded.
I think this idea of the divisions being a bad thing is actually a lie.
I'm leaning in to the increased divisions that we see in the nation. How could you say that?
How dare you say that, A .D.? We need to be unified as a country. Well, you know, there are certain ways that we do need to be unified.
However, I'm not gonna pretend like the big chasm in front of me, the big canyon in front of me isn't there.
It is there. There are different ways of looking at our nation today, and I believe it very, very differently than Nancy Pelosi, or Ted Cruz, or, you know,
Russell Maher, or Barack Obama. Like, we really have very little in common. Very little in common.
And to be honest, like, people are very worried about fracturing the different parties in our—oh, the conservative party's gonna be fractured.
Well, you know what? So be it. Because that's how it's gonna have to be. I'm not going to compromise on my fundamental beliefs.
Now, let's talk about this for a second, because I was starting to think about this. I saw this
Gab post from a guy named Michael Witkoff. It looks like Michael is an orthodox
Christian. I'm not sure what version of orthodoxy, but in any case, here's what he said.
This was shared by Andrew Torba. He says this, The reason the left wins and the right loses politically is simple.
The left has a clear, well -articulated vision for the kind of world they want to create. The right has no goals, no vision, and plays entirely by the left's rules.
When the left is in power, they ruthlessly leverage it to create their nightmare dystopia. When the right is in power, it does nothing.
How could it? It doesn't know what to do with power because it has no plan or strategy in the first place.
Now, I think Michael gives a little too much credit to the left. I don't think that their vision is as clear and as articulate as he says it is here, but I do think that even in their confusion—because it's very easy to find them in contradictions.
You know, you've seen the meme with the guy who's sweating it out, which button to push, and that's really true. I mean, there's a lot of inconsistencies in their vision, so it's not as clear and articulate as a lot of us would like to think.
However, there is one thing that does unify the left, and that is a hatred of God and a hatred of his anointed.
They are anti -Christ. Everything that they do—all the schemes, all the plots, all the conspiracies—all of it is to attempt, as stupid as this is, because you obviously can't beat the
Lord and his anointed, right? Obviously. But everything they do is for that, and you know what happens?
He who sits in the heavens sees their stupid little plans and their plots, and he sits up there, and he laughs at them in mockery.
He sits in the heavens, and he's there right now—excuse me—and he's laughing at how stupid and how futile and how puny they are.
And so that is something that unites them. So, you know, they have different—everyone on the left has kind of different angles for what they do.
You know, I'm only for LGBT, and the people that pretend to be for LGBT, they're really not for it. They're for something else.
But really, at the end of the day, what unifies them is they hate the Lord. They hate the world as it is, and so they want to tear down the world as it is.
That does unify them. So there's a little bit of confusion on their side, of course, but what does unify them is they hate
Christ. They hate his creation, and so they're going to destroy it. And once they do destroy it, they don't know what to do with it, but they're going to do something because they think they are
God, and so that's very true. And here was my comment. I reposted this, and I made a comment, and I've actually been thinking a little bit about this over the last, oh,
I don't know, a couple months or so. I think that the very word conservative is a scam, is a trick, is a spell, because the word conservative actually encourages you to do nothing.
The word conservative encourages you to sit on your hands when you're in power, because think about it.
Listen, words are powerful. Let's not pretend like the word couldn't actually influence how you think.
Using the word conservative influences, in my opinion, how you think. Words have power, and they also influence—because it influences how you think, it also influences how you act.
And so this is why, when you see the right in power, you see, you know, Ted Cruz, and we've got
Trump, the president, we've got the whole Senate, and all this, and nothing happens. Why? Because what they're thinking their job is, is to conserve what they've been given.
And the problem is, what they've been given isn't good enough, and many times it's actually awful, right?
It's actually awful what they've been given. So when Trump and the Senate brigade got into power a few years ago, the world they were given, the system they were given was putrid, and they took it upon themselves to just continue with, we've got to protect this putridness so it doesn't get too far.
This is why, often, when you talk to somebody about Trump's first election, right, and it was some—let's just say it was somebody who considers themselves conservative and stuff like that.
Oftentimes, when they describe how they felt—listen, guys, I described how I felt this way.
When Trump was elected, it was like, man, it's almost like it's a reprieve. It's like, great, man, we got a few years off of this insanity.
And that's how we think. And it's like, the reason why you look at the elections as a reprieve is because you are thinking your job is to conserve what you've been given.
At least we won't let it go any further than this. Like, now we can at least have four years where it doesn't go further.
By the way, guys, it often does go further in those four years as you're busy doing nothing. But that's what you think the goal is.
So, of course, that's what you're going to get. You're going to get no progress. See, the left is very good at words.
Let's just face it. They're better at language than we are. And so they've co -opted the idea of progress as if that's a leftist thing.
No, no, no. Progress is part of God's world. Progress is something that God intended his people to make.
Like, when God created the world, he created it. And what does the scripture say?
It says it was good, right? It was good. And then what did he do? He put Adam in the garden.
He gave him a helper. He gave him Eve. And Eve's job was to help Adam do what? To take dominion over the land, to work the land.
God told Adam, OK, here's a good thing. It's very good, right? Your job is to make it better.
Your job is to take dominion. Your job is to actually improve upon what I've given you.
Not because God couldn't do it perfectly and he needed our help. No, God condescended to us. He wanted us to help him.
He wanted to give us the privilege, just like when you when you have a son and your son is helping you do a chore. Is your son really helping you do the chore?
Not really, because, you know, he's just learning. Right. But but but it's it's a delight when you're a father and you have your son help you with something, even if they're not very helpful.
It's a delight to work together with him. Right. And it's like like that's the thing.
Like God, progress is not for the Antichrist. The Antichrist can't make progress.
They can only destroy. But somehow they've twisted it all up in our minds that that's the realm of the leftist progress and the realm of those who understand
God, understand who he is like, that that's the realm of just conserving what they've been given.
No, no, no, no. Adam's job was not a conservative job. Adam's job was a progressive job and he was intended,
God told him, work this land, cultivate this land, build a culture.
That's what God wanted Adam to do. Be fruitful, multiply. That's, by the way, that's still our charge to be fruitful and multiply.
And so anyway, the point is that even the word conservative,
I think, and I'm not the only one thinking this, it has to be discarded because we're the people that should be making progress.
By the way, I was thinking at first, like, OK, this is true in politics, right? Conservatives in politics obviously are do nothing.
But in theology, conservatism is a good thing because, you know, in politics, we have this constitution and, you know, it's manmade.
So, you know, maybe it's not perfect and so we can't really improve upon it. But in religious life, we've got this perfect word, right?
We've got this scripture and it is perfect. It's the perfect, holy word of God. So we can't improve upon that.
Listen, I don't think this is only for, this is for religion as well, because yes, we have a perfect word.
That can't be improved upon, the word of God. But our understanding of that word of God absolutely can and must improve.
And I started thinking about this because I'm going to have Conley Owens, the guy with the Dorian principle. And guys, if you have questions for Conley, I'm going to do a video with him where you guys can ask him questions live
I've got some pushback for him about his Dorian principle. I think it's going to be very helpful. But here's the thing.
So much of the pushback that I got were people saying exactly this. They said, anytime somebody comes with a new understanding of the scripture, it's always wrong.
And it's like, is that really where we're at? Like, we think we're at the pinnacle of understanding
Christ and what he is like right now, so much so that if anyone has a new understanding that seems to be biblically supported, that it has to be wrong because we can't possibly know about God any better than we do right now.
I just completely disagree with that. I think this attempt to not improve, it's almost like an anti -improvement.
Like, we're against any kind of progress, against any kind of improvement. This is poison.
This is poison to reality because God didn't create reality to be that way.
He didn't tell Adam, all right, Adam, I gave you the garden, now protect it. Don't do anything to it.
It's as perfect as it is. Protect it. Don't let it change. It's not the mission he gave Adam.
That's not the mission he gave us. And so this whole idea of conservatism, in my opinion, has to be abandoned.
I like the word reconstruction, rebuilding, you know, recreating. I like that, but that word has a lot of baggage to it that I don't hold to.
I like a lot of the reconstructionists, but some of the stuff I don't hold to, there's a lot of baggage to that word.
But something in that idea, something in the idea of rebuilding, having something to aim for, look, you hit what you aim for.
The first time I heard that was Gary North. I highly doubt he created that line, but you hit what you aim for.
And if you aim for, let's not let it get any further than this, that's what you're going to get. Actually, you won't get it because when you get elected out of office, they're going to go even further.
And by the way, they go even further under your noses while you're busy doing nothing. And so we need to gain ground here.
We need to advance our troops. We need to push forward the lines, like this whole thing of just like, look, let's not get it, let it get any worse than this.
You know how, what happens when you take the conservative approach where you just try not to let it get any worse? Here's what happens.
You've got a monkey wearing a dildo, reading storybooks to your children in public school. That's what you get.
And it's like, that's, it's not good enough, guys. It's not good enough. And then some people will say, oh, well, you know, conservative doesn't mean conserving the status quo.
Okay, fine. But that's what they always do. Okay, but let's just say it didn't mean that. It just means conserving the constitution.
Okay, fine. Let's go with that. Well, the constitution led to this, right?
The constitution also led to the monkey with the dildo. So clearly the constitution can be improved upon.
Like we can't just look back and say, oh, well, the people just weren't moral enough. Okay, fine. So now we need to consider the fact that the people weren't moral enough.
The constitution wasn't good enough. It's not good enough. And so we need to take a different approach. Now here's what people are going to worry about, right?
They're going to say, but AD, but AD, you're going to fracture the conservative movement. We're never going to be able to get elected again because not everybody's going to go with you on this, this reconstruction.
Okay. I'm not, I'm not advocating for that word, but I'm just saying reconstruction, not everyone's going to go with you. A lot of people are going to stay, want to stay conservative.
And I'm like, okay, so if it fractures, fine, because what's happening now is clearly not working.
And so if it fractures and we can't get anyone elected to the federal levels or whatever, the
Senate, whatever, guess what? So be it. I'm not trying to win elections here. We're trying to change the world.
We're trying to be faithful to God. We're trying to show who is, we want it to be manifest, who is true, who is right, who is good versus who's just compromising.
Who's just laying their down for CNN and MSNBC and, and, and the dildo monkey.
Like, like this is the, this is the reality, right? Like it has to be manifest who's true and who isn't.
And by the way, starting in 2020, man, it's become very manifest who's true and who's different.
It's getting clearer every day. And I think that's a good thing. There's deeper divisions now than there ever has been before.
And I'm wanting to lean into that because the thing is we understand that when Christ told us to go and make disciples of all nations, you know, yes, it'd be great if we could make disciples of politicians as well.
But if we can't, we still have the same mission, right? So if we can't get anyone elected, that's going to teach everyone to observe everything
Christ commanded. If we can't get anyone elected to the national stage, it's going to do that. We can still accomplish our mission, which is to make disciples baptized in the name of the father, the son, and the
Holy spirit, teaching them to observe everything Christ commanded in our small communities, in our families, in our churches, in our towns and stuff like that.
And that's what we have to understand. Like God is going to bless the efforts of his people, especially when his people are doing the right thing.
And so if this fractures the movement and we can no longer get Ted Cruz into the Senate, guess what?
Jimmy crack corn, I don't care, but we're going to still obey Christ. We're going to still accomplish his goals through his word, and through faith in him, by the way, guys.
This takes a lot of faith to let go of the big idol of, we must have
Ted Cruz in the Senate. Not so sure that that's a must, right? If we can get a good
Senator, and I'm not talking about Ted Cruz, I'm talking about an actually good Senator. If we can get a good Senator in office, great.
Let's go and do that. I'm not excluding that. But what I'm saying is that the goal can't be to unify with nonsense.
The goal has to be a complete Christian kingdom where Christ is honored as Lord in all the founding documents and in as many hearts as possible, and so that we're actually all aiming for the same thing.
Justice according to Christ, politics according to Christ, all of this kind of stuff. And so if that means we have to sit out the federal politics for a while, well then so be it.
We're still going to obey Christ in our families, in our churches, in our communities, and all of that kind of thing. And by the way,
I have a feeling that this is the way forward, right? This is the way forward. And even if it wasn't, and this means that the country is over, so be it.
Because we still have, as for me and my house, we have to honor God. And so this division thing,
I'm not going to buy into this idea that the big problem, the big thing we need to avoid is the division.
No. The big problem is disobedience to Christ and not taking ground for the kingdom of God.
What does it say in the scriptures? It says that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Gates don't advance, gates conserve. The gates of hell conserve their little kingdom of hell that they think they have.
And our job as Christians is to kick down those gates because that land belongs to Jesus Christ.