The Command of Baptism

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Matthew 28:19–20; Acts 2:38, 8:36 Pastor Rob Kimsey November 19, 2023


Passages first, let's clear up the word ordinance. What do we see this word ordinance?
Well, very simply when you hear this word just think of command a command an ongoing command or rather instruction to follow given directly by christ himself a continuous command or instruction ordained by christ hence ordinance second
Why do we see baptism? Before jesus started his earthly ministry.
Of course, we see that with john the baptizer Jesus himself was baptized by john the baptist.
So what's going on there? What was john the baptist doing with water baptism?
In other words, why would john be baptizing people with water? Well, the origins of water baptism are sometimes connected to the ritual washings that were prescribed in the old testament
So we can look at two passages and both are going to be in leviticus. So hopefully you're there already
Leviticus chapter 14 is the first passage looking at verses Eight and nine
So if you're not there go to leviticus leviticus chapter 14 And I sort of intentionally did not mark my bible so you have time to flip there as i'm going there
Leviticus 14 14 Look at verses eight and nine It says the one to be cleansed and let's just before we start
I guess let's keep it in the right context This is statutes for cleansing a leper some instructions given to the nation through yahweh who spoke to moses
It says in verse eight the one to be cleansed Shall then wash his clothes
And shave off all his hair and bathe in water and be clean Now afterward he may enter the camp, but he shall stay outside his tent for seven days and it will be on the seventh day that he will
Shave off all his hair He will shave his head his beard and his eyebrows even all his hair
He shall then wash his clothes and bathe His body in water and be clean
So the text tells us that persons who had become ritually Unclean were thereby required to bathe because of their spiritual corruption
And we can just go forward a few chapters Now as you're reading that passage, we do have baptism forms out there
I am not going to make it a requirement to shave your head if I baptize you But if you want to shave your head, that's cool
Leviticus 16 is our next passage So just a few chapters over and this is in the context of a very important chapter for us from the old testament
This is the day of atonement The atonement for the forgiveness of sins and in the context of the day of atonement look at verse three
Leviticus chapter 16 starting in verse three. We'll just look at a couple passages here It says that aaron now aaron is the high priest of the tribe of levites
He is the high priest. It says aaron shall enter the holy place with this With a bowl from the herd for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering
He shall put on the holy linen tunic and the linen undergarment shall be next to his body
And he shall be girded with the linen sash and attired with the linen turban
These are holy garments Then he shall bathe his body in water and put them on You see in a similar way aaron as the high priest of the levites was required to bathe
Before and after entering the most holy place on the day of atonement
If we skip forward hundreds of years, we see that john the baptist was doing something similar
Specifically john the baptist was calling his fellow jews to recognize that they were as sinful as the gentiles
He told them that they equally were in need of forgiveness and cleansing Hence the term a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins
We can look to the gospel of mark as a help here in the first chapter of mark It says this john the baptist appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins
And all the region of judea was going out to him and all the people of jerusalem and they were being baptized by him in the jordan river confessing their sins
And john was clothed with camel's hair and wore a leather belt around his waist and was eating locusts and wild honey
And he was preaching saying after me One is coming who is mightier than I And I am not fit to stoop down and untie the strap of his sandals
I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the holy spirit
That's important for us to think about and understand third Why were people that were baptized by john told later by the apostles that they needed to be re -baptized
Well, the easiest way to think about this is that christian baptism is not the same thing as john's baptism of repentance
Not the same thing we can clearly see this because the christians really all the the professing believers in ephesus who had
Already undergone the baptism of repentance were still required to be baptized into the name of christ
And you can find that passage in chapter. I'm sorry in the book of acts chapter 19 the first seven verses
Jesus himself took the baptism of john Because it prepared people for the coming messiah
Jesus's baptism was used to point to himself as the fulfillment of the prophecies of the messiah and as a fulfillment of john's hope
Anybody that had received john's baptism would have had to be baptized again Because jesus had not yet died for their sins
And so there's sort of a logical order of things. He had not yet been raised from the dead
Establishing that he was in fact the promised messiah. He is the christ
So as we look to the new testament for more clarification on this command the command of baptism
We can see that in the gospel of matthew and the acts of the apostles That it clearly demonstrates that christian baptism
Is that which only born again believers take part in so that you can understand the biblical reason for baptism two helpful and clear reasons for baptism number one the consequence
We'll see that in in matthew and number two the command we'll see that in acts
Two helpful and clear reasons for baptism number one the consequence
Read with me now in matthew 28 Let's start in verse 16 It says the 11 disciples proceeded to galilee to the mountain which jesus had designated
And when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubted And jesus came up And spoke to them saying
All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth
Go therefore And make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit
Teaching them to keep all that I commanded you and behold I am with you always even to the end of the age
And if we're just going to look at verses really 19 and 20 we have to see that the consequence of baptism is
Kind of a multi -layered consequence As we see in this verse, there's a couple things to consider the concept of the triune god or the trinity
It comes directly from jesus himself Sometimes we read over this but notice he did not say baptize them in the names of He didn't say baptize them in the names of he said specifically in the name singular of the father son and holy spirit
It does clearly connect the three -in -one nature of the father son and holy spirit in the role of salvation for the redeemed sinner
The disciples were to baptize converts because baptism unites the regenerated sinner with Jesus It symbolizes their death to sin and their resurrection to new life
So baptism symbolizes submission to christ More than that a willingness to live god's way and identification with god's people
Another consequence of baptism is that it identifies us with christ It identifies us with christ
We can just think about the phrases in christ or in the lord and how many times those phrases are used in the new testament
In christ or in the lord as a phrase is repeated more than 160 times in paul's writings alone
This clearly points to the unity that a christian enjoys with christ
Because our life is bound up with christ As new creations the christian lives dies eats drinks and breathes in christ
Paul writes in galatians chapter 2. He says i've been crucified with christ. It is no longer
I who live but christ lives in me And the life which I now live in the flesh.
I live by faith in the son of god Who loved me and gave himself up for me?
As the first act of obedience for the new believer Baptism is primarily a symbol of a christian union with christ
It signifies the forgiveness and cleansing which comes through christ alone by faith alone
The consequence of baptism is not salvation That comes through faith alone in christ alone baptism symbolizes that the christian
Has died to self And is now alive in christ
It symbolizes their submission to christ and identification with him Paul writes in his letter to the romans in chapter 6
He says this or do you not know that all of us who were baptized into christ.
Jesus were baptized into his death Therefore we were buried with him through baptism into death
So that as christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the father So we too might walk in newness of life
In other words going under the water symbolizes being united with christ It symbolizes being united with christ in his death and his burial
Paul says coming out of the water symbolizes a christian's resurrection with christ to newness of life
One consequence of baptism Is that it identifies us with? jesus
Another consequence is that we publicly profess faith in jesus There's a public proclamation being made and this is an important principle
Considering that jesus said that those who confess him before men look at what jesus said even earlier in this gospel
Matthew chapter 10 Therefore everyone who confesses me before men.
I will also confess him before my father who is in heaven But whoever denies me before men
I will also deny him Before my father who is in heaven For us as regenerated believers
Baptism is an important public Profession of faith in christ that you know him and even as we consider
Moving on in chapter 20 or i'm sorry in verse 20 It says that teaching them to keep all that I commanded you
As we ponder jesus's statements in connection to the consequence of baptism. We can ask a question of the text
How is jesus with us? It says that I am with you always even to the end of the age.
How is jesus with us? Well, we can see in the eyewitness accounts of the gospels that jesus was with the disciples physically until he ascended into heaven
And in the acts of the apostles we see he will be spiritually present through the holy spirit
Really the beginning of the book in acts chapter one. It says this And gathering them together referring to christ.
It says he commanded them not to leave jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the father Which he said
You heard of from me For john baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the holy spirit not many days from now
Here in verse 20. He is reiterating what he had previously promised The holy spirit would be jesus's presence that would never leave them and it's the same for every regenerated redeemed sinner
John 14 26 But the advocate the holy spirit whom the father will send in my name
He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you Jesus continues to be with us today through the holy spirit baptism is a wonderful celebration of the holy spirit's continuing ministry of regenerating unbelievers
And as we'll see in the passages from acts this was so at the very beginning of the church
At the founding of the church by the holy spirit and this ties back to the idea of a public confession a public confession identifying oneself with christ in the historical context a public confession was
Very significant because it identified a person as a christian Which could have resulted in their persecution and even death
That's why this was such an important post -conversion practice Because it verified the sincerity of someone's profession of faith in christ
I'm willing to lose it all Jesus christ is my lord and savior
And they're ready to go to death to make that public profession very significant And in the command of baptism, we see this connection to the command of teaching to observe what jesus had commanded
One commentator made this note really on these two verses in matthew He said although the act of baptism has absolutely no saving or sacramental benefit or power
It is commanded by christ of his followers The only exception might be physical inability
As in the case of the repentant thief on the cross A prisoner who has forbidden the ordinance or a similar circumstance that is beyond the believer's control
The person who is unwilling to be baptized is at best a disobedient believer
And if he persists in his unwillingness There is reason to doubt the genuineness of his faith
If he is unwilling to comply With that simple act of obedience in the presence of fellow believers
He will hardly be willing to stand for christ before the unbelieving world
Very convicting And it's true I think we need to think about this command in identifying as a consequence of baptism
That there's an element in there that shows unity in the body of believers in the church of christ
One of the practicing of the one another's is that we teach each other and instruct each other We hold each other accountable
This is really what we do in the body of christ as members of a local congregation We serve one another
Any another consequence of baptism is that water baptism identifies members of the church with one another
It helps us in establishing bonds of fellowship Bonds of fellowship that extend beyond anything else beyond any other social cultural racial barriers
This transcends earthly things Think about it like this the universal church every professing believer
When they gather locally that is a visible image in the local congregation
So the universal church is a visible image in the local church
In other words the character of christ church is physically manifested in this act of baptism christians of all nations of all places over all time
Have faith and confess faith in the same and only triune god
God the father god the son and god the holy spirit. What an important consequence to baptism
That it becomes an essential aspect of manifesting the body of christ the church to the world to the unbelieving world two helpful and clear reasons for baptism number one the consequence of baptism
Is that it identifies you? with christ in making a public profession of faith and shows unity in the church of christ
And number two the command And for the command we can look to the acts of the apostles. So turn with me to chapter two
Acts chapter two and we'll look at just a a few verses there
Acts chapter two Just like the consequence the command is also multi -layered
There's a lot going on here in these passages really two things. We need to consider with the command of baptism
First is the requirement or the prerequisite the prerequisite
Which is of course salvation? So what must be done first before a person is baptized?
salvation salvation Now the second thing to consider is the practice the practice the clear biblical practice of baptism in the scripture is by immersion
To be fully dunked or immersed in water Historically in the church.
There's only two ordinances that have been recognized in christian orthodoxy baptism and communion
We need to remember that an ordinance is an outward invisible sign Which was ordained by christ as a symbol of a deeper spiritual truth or reality
And so we can look to to acts to for help here Let's look at even starting in verse 36 acts chapter 2
Read along with me starting in verse 36 This is really the closing statement of a very powerful
Sermon that peter is giving at pentecost So he's given this wonderful sermon and his closing statement the way he lands the plane
He says this in verse 36 Therefore let all the house of israel know for certain that god has made him both lord and christ this jesus whom you crucified
Now when they heard this Referring to the crowd that had assembled there They were pierced to the heart
And said to peter and the rest of the apostles men Brothers, what should we do?
And peter said to them repent repent And each of you be baptized in the name of jesus christ
For the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the holy spirit
That amazing truth that at the time of your salvation The the Milliseconds that are in your mind as you're calculating and god reveals to your heart
That you are a sinner And you repent and believe in the gospel that flash in that moment.
You were sealed with the promise of the holy spirit instantly And so we can see some important things in this even looking at verse 38
Well peter clearly says that if you want to follow christ You need to repent of your sins
You want to follow christ men? What should we do? repent Turn away from your sin
Return to god and be baptized in the name of jesus christ for the forgiveness of your sins
And to repent means simply to change your thinking To change the way you're thinking about your sin to turn back
To turn away from sin and to return to god In other words to change the direction of your life from selfishness
From acting like there's no account to give Living like a practical atheist as if you're not going to meet god someday to change from rebellion against god and his laws
That's repenting But it's not enough to turn away from sin. You must turn to christ
And in turning to christ we depend on him for the forgiveness We acknowledge he is the lord of our life
And we will not live for our own, but we will live for jesus We are under his guidance his purpose
It's more than belief in jesus as savior because even the demons believe No, but this is acknowledging that he's not just your savior.
He is your lord And this is important that we understand that we cannot save ourselves only god saves us
Baptism therefore identifies us with christ and with the community of professing believers
It's it's a condition of discipleship And it's a sign of genuine faith as christ is your lord
When we think about the command of baptism and the prerequisite of salvation We can see that baptism is the outward symbol of an inner conversion
In other words when a christian is baptized it centers on the death and resurrection of jesus
As the means of entering a new life with god Baptism cannot take place until an individual has placed their faith in christ and repented from their sin
Baptism does not produce salvation Salvation proceeds baptism and salvation is the only biblical prerequisite for baptism
Another important observation must be made that according to the book of acts. There is no evidence
Of ever delaying baptism after a profession of faith in christ One commentator on acts pointed out these immediate examples
Let's just stay in acts Start quotation throughout the book of acts
Baptism is shown in the closest possible association with conversion The 3 000 souls converted at pentecost were immediately baptized chapter 2
As soon as the ethiopian believed in christ he stopped his chariot so that he could be baptized chapter 8
As soon as paul received back his sight after his conversion. He was baptized chapter 9
When cornelius and his household were saved peter Ordered them to be baptized in the name of jesus christ chapter 10
As unbelievers in corinth were being won over to jesus christ. They were also being baptized
Chapter 18 When paul found some disciples of john in ephesus who had only been baptized for repentance
He told them about jesus The one for whom john was merely preparing the way and when they believed they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus chapter 19
I think in our contemporary times. We don't take this command seriously enough And weigh the really important significance of baptism
There is not one example in all of scripture old and new testament of a baby being baptized
This practice is not from the bible another important consideration Is that if a person was baptized as a child?
But then later in life gets saved baptized as a child
But later received genuine salvation The reality would be they were baptized as an unbeliever
That is not what the bible teaches In such a case the scripture would require that person to be baptized again as a genuine believer
Really to be baptized for the first time biblically Just think about it when a christian is being publicly identified with christ in baptism.
It should not be lightly regarded The very name and reputation of jesus is connected to everyone who professes to be connected to christ and I think that we need to say that Really baptism is not fitting for those who deny the words of their profession by the example of their lives salvation proceeds baptism
And the second layer of the command of baptism is the practice by immersion And for that we can just turn a few chapters over in chapter eight
So go to acts chapter eight. I think we'll start in verse 26 See this really awesome historical eyewitness account
That there's this brother philip. He's one of the disciples a ministry partner And it says in the context of philip doing some evangelizing
He's in samaria And in verse 26 of chapter 8 It says that an angel of the lord spoke to philip saying rise up and go south to the road that descends from jerusalem to gaza
This is a desert road So he rose up and went and behold
There was an ethiopian eunuch a court official of candace queen of the ethiopians
Who was in charge of all her treasure and he had come to jerusalem to worship And he was returning and sitting in his chariot and was reading the prophet isaiah
Then the spirit said to philip go over and join this chariot And philip ran up And heard him reading isaiah the prophet and said
Do you understand what you're reading? And he said well, how could I unless someone guides me?
And he invited philip to come up and sit with him Now the passage of scripture, which he was reading was this
As a sheep is led to slaughter And as a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he does not open his mouth
In humiliation his judgment was taken away Who will recount his generation?
For his life is removed from the earth and the eunuch answered philip and said
I ask you earnestly Of whom does the prophet say this of himself or of someone else?
Then philip opened his mouth And beginning from this scripture He proclaimed the good news about jesus to him
And as they went along the road they came to some water and the eunuch said look water What prevents me from being baptized?
And philip said If you believe with all your heart you may
And he answered and said I believe that jesus christ is the son of god
And he ordered the chariot to stop and they both went down into the water philip as well as the eunuch and he
Baptized him Yeah, we can just hone in even on verse 36.
A quick note here is the importance of the old testament And what prophecies were made about the messiah?
And some of the so -called preachers today Think that the old testament is not relevant
And i've been preaching here since january And you know, it's not my habit to publicly talk about people
But there is a false teacher Out there who is one of the biggest preachers in america.
His name is andy stanley And I will publicly call andy stanley out and call him to repent and believe in the gospel
He is telling people that we need to cut the old testament out of christianity He is a marked man.
He is a false Teacher so mark him and do not follow his ministry and we can talk about that maybe privately
One -on -one, but I I do need to say that we have false teachers out there I can't imagine a person in the in the in the pulpit saying you know what?
We need to cut out the old testament from christianity. We don't need the old testament And so that it's it's very very sad that we have that kind of teaching in the pulpit
That a so -called preacher thinks the old testament is not relevant today. What in the world?
But this new testament account clearly shows that philip led this man to faith in jesus christ by using the old testament
What was predicted about jesus what was predicted about the coming one the messiah Because jesus is the christ.
He is found in the pages of the old testament Because the messiah is found in the pages of the old testament
So don't ever avoid spending time in the old testament because god's word applies to people in all ages
So kind of a rabbit trail there, but that's important to state this passage in acts clearly shows that baptism was a sign of identification
With christ and that and and with the christian community It's true that philip was the only witness, but it was still important for the ethiopian to take this step
For us we can simply look at the greek word for baptism The greek word means to immerse to immerse to sink to dip or to dunk
And there's an implication in the meaning of the word itself in symbolizing A christian union with christ in his death and resurrection
We see this throughout the acts of the apostles There's an important pattern that we see throughout acts which clearly indicates that a christian would be baptized in water upon the profession of faith in christ
And as we can connect this passage back to matthew 28 There is a command that a disciple was to be baptized and taught to obey all that christ had commanded
That's why we see from the very start christian baptism was always a practice carried out after conversion
Paul says in ephesians chapter 4. He says there's only one body and one spirit Just as also you were called in one hope of your calling one lord one faith
One baptism one god and father of all who is over all and through all and in all
The practice of immersion in water also has a deeper connection to what baptism symbolizes
The practice of full immersion is clearly supported by the meaning of the greek terms that are used but also by the practice of the early church as Portrayed in acts and what baptism meant for them
Under the authority of scripture. It is clear to see that no other mode of baptism provides an adequate picture of christ's complete uh work for us
The the complete picture the the full Design the the christian's complete identification with christ is by immersion
Because it's a picture of christ's death burial and resurrection It's illustrated in water baptism by immersion
And the logical implication is that for a true christian it is therefore a necessary act of obedience
The command of baptism should be the desire of every true christian What a delight
What a delight and joy it is for the christian to publicly be recognized as being united in christ
Two helpful and clear reasons for baptism number one the consequence and number two the command
The command of baptism is demonstrated for you in the prerequisite of salvation and the practice of immersion and When thinking about the gospel in connection to baptism
It may seem too simple or easy to understand that salvation precedes baptism
But I think we would do well to pause and think about this we are not saved by baptism
We are saved by the love of god But god demonstrates his own love toward us and that while we were yet sinners christ died for us
Just think of the expression of the supreme love of our heavenly father for lost sinners
Salvation for the sinner is only made possible because of the love of god The father commends this love toward them in the supreme gift of christ
Before salvation we were all lost in sin But god so loved us that he gave his son that we might be saved
The father is the one who provides salvation for the elect because he loves them This is only possible because of christ because he is divine
Jesus is the son of god and therefore the savior of sinners Jesus is the only person who can save from sin and he is able to save He is willing to save he is ready to save and he has the power to save all who believe in him
Jesus is the loving lord listening longing sincere supreme and the most satisfying savior because he is the christ of god
And this christ went to the cross and died for sinners The scripture says that he gave his life as a ransom for many
Meaning all who will believe in him the death of christ was the cost of salvation for sinners
And out of god's deep love and compassion. He willingly paid that price And what a price
What a thing that has been purchased Jesus made reconciliation with god possible for our sin
We may live Because he died and he was raised And how much more should we live now for him rather than for ourselves?
What a joy we have in salvation this joy This salvation is for all who believe on the name of jesus
It is for all people who will accept by faith That christ died for our sins according to what was written in the scriptures
This is the good news of christ Salvation brings the greatest joy
Not only in this life, but in the life to come Accept this salvation
Accept this salvation believe in christ Turn away from your sin
Return to god and be baptized Then simply extend that invitation of christ to others
Share the command from the king jesus to repent and believe Share your personal testimony
Let people know what god has done for you Let people know the truth that jesus saves sinners
Baptism is is an opportunity to testify about jesus It is a visible image of salvation for unbelievers and an encouragement
For believers One of the last bat it is the last baptism that I was able to attend and witness
This young man in his mid -20s Was being baptized and he stood before our small group and he was telling about his salvation
He gave his personal testimony A young man who had grown up with no bible no christ in the home
Uh raised by two women a very secular home and influenced by the lgbtq community
Very scientific analytical mind didn't believe in the bible thought christians were stupid thought the bible was stupid.
Just an unbeliever unbeliever And he's as he's telling his story He says that he was at a gas station
And he was pumping gas in his car A transient woman had come up to him And asked to borrow some money.
I don't have money for the bus. I'm gonna get lost. I need the bus money Can you give me money? He said he had five dollars.
He gave her five bucks He said he was just irritated and wanted her to get away from him. So he gave her five dollars
And she turned around and walked and I don't know if she even said it in a genuine way Maybe she had sensed his irritation with her.
So he gives it he's pumping gas. She comes up. Here's five bucks kind of shoe And as she's walking away, she says three words
Jesus loves you And he had heard the he heard the gospel he's not unfamiliar with the bible
But he said when he when he heard those words Jesus loves you He he it described his heart as just this rock
Just a a layer of crust and layers around it and he said he felt in that moment when he heard those words
Jesus loves you that god had taken a chisel with a hammer and just cracked his heart open
And he's declaring this testimony to everybody. That's how god reached his heart and his mind three words
Jesus loves you and as he was giving his testimony, I looked around and there were
Potentially unbelievers in this group friends and family came to witness. They're they're seeing this
They're hearing about it I look around at the believers. There's people crying
I'm wiping the tears out of my own eyes. You know, there's just dust in the air. Excuse me It makes you just remember what god has done for you
Baptism is an opportunity to testify about jesus It is a visible image of salvation for unbelievers and an encouragement for believers
The gospel of matthew and the acts of the apostles clearly demonstrate that christian baptism
Is that which only born again believers can take part in so that you can understand the biblical reason for baptism
Two helpful and clear reasons for baptism Number one the consequence of baptism is that it identifies you with christ
In making a public profession of faith and it shows unity in the body of christ the church
And number two the command of baptism Is demonstrated for you in the prerequisite of salvation and the practice of immersion