Dead Men Walking Greg Moore & Dawain Atkinson Episode 5
Listen to all Dead Men Walking episodes here: On this episode of the Dead Men Walking our Guest was Dawain Atkinson. Dawain is the the host of The B.A.R. Podcast Biblical And Reformed, Founder and CEO of The Bar Network, and an all around great guy and brother in Christ. We discussed his testimony, and how the Lord saved him, his journey from the New Apostolic Reformation into Reformed Theology, and touched on race and culture inside the Christian community. You can support The B.A.R. Podcast by visiting The Bar Gear and picking up some great podcast swag! Enjoy!
- 00:00
- Well, hello. Hello. Welcome to another episode of dead men walking.
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- Thanks for listening guys Just want to jump on here very quickly before we get into the episode and tell you a little bit about this
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- Episodes guest on this episode. We talked to Dwayne Atkinson and he is just a great guy
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- He runs the bar podcast biblical and reformed He's been doing that for about five years and he called me up and said hey
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- I want you on my show and I said well I want you on my show and We talked for a little bit and he called in he's from,
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- North Carolina North Carolina Sorry, that's I don't even know if that's their accent He doesn't have an accent, but I hear
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- North Carolina here kind of a draw a little bit, but who knows? I'm not an impressionist.
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- That's probably a horrible accent. I don't know what they sound like But anyway, let's get back into this
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- We talked about his testimony and how he was saved and then kind of got into the
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- NAR movement the new Apostolic Reformation movement for a few years that actually pushed him into Reformed theology we talked about some of the things in NAR that he saw that actually pushed him towards a different theology
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- We talked about how he got saved how he started the podcast I talked a little bit about how
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- I grew up and how I wrestled with reformed theology for a few years and then we got into a little bit about like race and Social economic status within Christianity and how your theology can be affected by that.
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- It's about 40 minutes long So a little shorter than some of our podcasts, but I think it was really good
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- I really appreciate Dwayne calling in and talking with us giving us this time
- 01:41
- It's a I think it's a great episode and I would encourage all my listeners if you guys Regularly listen to podcasts, which
- 01:48
- I think you might since you're listening to this podcast Go check them out on Apple Spotify all the other places you get podcasts
- 01:54
- It's called the bar podcast bar bar podcast biblical and reformed. You can also follow
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- Dwayne on Instagram Dwayne Atkinson You can probably just search that name I'm not sure what his Instagram handle is
- 02:05
- I follow him and he's got all kinds of good updates there But he has all kinds of resources Podcast is great.
- 02:11
- And the interview was great. So Stick around and up next is Dwayne Atkinson from the bar podcast.
- 02:18
- Enjoy guys Exploring theology doctrine and all of the fascinating subjects in between Broadcasting from an undisclosed location dead men walking starts now
- 02:37
- Well, hello everyone. Welcome to another episode of dead men walking. I'm your host
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- Greg Moore I just want to say thank you to everyone who's been reaching out on social media We do appreciate the likes the shares the subscribes on Apple podcasts
- 02:52
- Spotify Google Play all the places you can find your podcast and we definitely like the likes and follows on social media
- 02:59
- Instagram dead men walking podcast Facebook dead men walking podcast YouTube dead woman men walking podcast
- 03:07
- It's all labeled the same very easy to find and I'll tell you what we couldn't do it without Listeners like you spreading the
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- Word of God advancing his kingdom and ultimately bringing glory to him Well now that I got the business out of the way there.
- 03:20
- I have a very special guest on the line today Dwayne Atkinson Dwayne.
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- How are you, sir? I'm doing great, man. How are you? I Am great Dwayne reached out to me, which
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- I was very surprised He runs a very successful podcast named the bar podcast, which by the way
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- Dwayne. I absolutely love that name biblical and Reformed what a great acronym it drew me right in I you know
- 03:44
- I search on Apple and I found it went all this just the name alone I got to get in there and start listening and I've been following for a while now and you just have great guests on your
- 03:55
- Interview style is phenomenal. And when you reached out to me I just absolutely loved it because there's such a brotherhood in the podcasting community and even so much more within the
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- Christian and reformed community It was just so nice to have you reach out and say hey, let's do something together
- 04:11
- I was totally excited to do something with you and we're gonna get in to a little bit about that podcast
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- But first just for people listening. Do you think you could just give us a little background of who you are?
- 04:24
- The you know kind of where you came from and where you are now just just to give background on people listening
- 04:31
- Sure. Sure. Sure. So, um, again, my name is Dwayne and I love to start off by saying husband of one wife father of four kids and The opposite would be very difficult
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- I Am a country boy born and raised in a small small town called,
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- Turkey, North Carolina grew up in a You know both parent home father mother excellent people the picture of Christianity and what it's like to be a
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- Christian came from their excellent example grew up in the church
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- Was a musician played drums in the church You know fairly athletic.
- 05:17
- So I also was in the sports And those that know that are musicians that are athletes sometimes that lead to a life of lasciviousness sure, where you
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- You you think you're the man and you become a womanizer and that was me. I thought
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- I was a man I thought I was a player but I had a facade of the good guy because I was always at church
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- Every Sunday no matter what I did Friday Saturday night. I was always on the drums at church
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- Just thinking that you know, that was that was my makeup for all the bad. I did the night before And God used the very thing that I was riding on which was my pride
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- He used my pride to bring me to my knees back then back in those days, we didn't have a
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- Cellphone I think I had a cell phone, but you know, you still use the house phone Sure, and so I got called on a three -way call from two ladies that figured out who they you know
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- They both both been dating both of them. They figured it out oh, and they called me and they busted me and that night
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- I rolled on to my knees and Said Lord, I'm just making a mess of my life You know couldn't in my heart and I wish
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- I could say that was happily ever after man, but unfortunately because And I didn't realize this until several years later when
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- I got off my knees I immediately turned the TV in And some people in your crowd right now just saying hmm.
- 06:46
- They're gasping when I said that But the reason why I turned the TV in is because being an athlete being musician
- 06:52
- Where do you look to find the best athletes and musicians you look to TV? So I thought because you was on TV that mean you were at the best pastors and preachers and that Led me on a road man into Word of Faith Where you know moved,
- 07:09
- South Carolina as I met my lovely wife, you know attended a huge Pentecostal charismatic
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- Word of Faith Church was on staff and then I actually started to migrate into New Apostolic Reformation Connected with air quotes an apostle and went through that whole ordeal and Yeah, all of that brother
- 07:35
- Wow, and and guys is slowly By you about you know, cuz what happens is man, they're gonna show their true hand, you know
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- It may be in the beginning look like oh, this is the next move of God But then when you see the how it's not biblical
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- How it's not scriptural and then how they use it to manipulate people and then I got to a place
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- You know this I can't be a part of this, you know, this is not biblical. It's not scriptural Manipulating people and I just pretty much was turning my back on all things
- 08:08
- Continuation is all the center my back on all of that but I connected with a gentleman at my previous job
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- And he heard me talking about Calvinism and I was like, yes I'm you know, I was at the time thinking
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- I was gonna prove Calvinism wrong. I'm like, yeah, you know and then he said Hey, you want to learn about Calvinism?
- 08:28
- Yeah, sure. So he brought me in his office and We went through the Westminster profession
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- Literally line by line every day during his lunch break. We would go through it and when it was over I realized that I was reformed.
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- I was a Calvinist and That started the journey man to to where we are today and he actually suggested, you know
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- Things to listen to Ligonier grace to you, you know truth for life and I started listening to him then
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- I then I found out about podcast and I will listen to him on podcast and then I've heard a couple podcasts that were actually
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- Theologically sound but yet fun. And so I was like, whoa, wait a minute. I can do this Like I like to have fun and I'm not the smartest guy so I can maybe get guests on that are really smart
- 09:20
- And Yeah, and that's and that's how we are here man with the bar with the whole network now and just Just a great ride man, but that's kind of the backstory up to the present so What years was it from the time you were saved to the time you kind of got in?
- 09:38
- To NAR to the time you you got into reformed theology okay, so Saved was 20 26 they was probably 2006
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- Got into the NAR probably around 2009 in the pan sure and was in that until I guess started coming out of it.
- 10:11
- I would say about 13 14 and then 15 is when the whole reform journey started sure, so I have had so many discussions with with believers that came out of word of faith or prosperity gospel kind of that NAR movement and when we say
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- NAR for any of those people that Are listening that don't know what we're talking about. That's the new apostolic
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- Reformation Very signs and wonders works driven that kind of theology probably the most famous link to that would be
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- Bethel out in Redding, California with Bill Johnson and his elk and There's there's a lot of controversy surrounding that biblical
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- Heresy controversy things like that and I discuss those things all the time. It's You know,
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- I see I listen to talk with so many people that That movement has actually pushed them after going through it to actually a more foundationally sound doctrinally and theologically sound view of God and I almost go
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- I absolutely love it because it's like the Lord will use anything for his glory and I've met some of the strongest brothers and sisters in Christ who have went through that and said, oh no
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- It took me being you know entrenched in that to see exactly what you just said man will always show his hand
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- If it's not pointing to God, it will eventually point to man and it puts them You know kind of on that that different path.
- 11:43
- I have you know, something similar I grew up in a non -denominational church, but definitely almost like an assemblies of God type
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- There was obviously speaking in tongues and it was based on Pentecostalism and you know
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- It took me a long time to realize that Pentecostalism has only been around for geez a hundred years I mean you look at you know, obviously the
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- Bible and our early church fathers right up through the Reformation I mean none of this none of these shenanigans were really going on until just the last century or so But it's been so entrenched in Western Christianity and growing up like that I just thought oh all churches are like this, you know, and that's where I come from But so so I remember, you know, just very quickly to kind of put us on the same page
- 12:25
- I remember asking my youth pastor and my pastors some some very You know deep theological questions at the time
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- I didn't know what I was questioning and they didn't really have answers for me They just said well, this is the way we believe and you know
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- If you tell a kid that you know a curious kid like myself who was always asking why and wants to know more
- 12:44
- Oh, that's just the way it is. Well, then it just makes you dig into those things much deeper So I tell everyone
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- I said the sinner's prayer at 7 I got saved at 24, which is The more
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- I talk to reform folks do they go? Yeah, that makes that makes sense when my heart was truly regenerated
- 13:01
- It was when I had you know, no band. No car. No girlfriend. No job No prospects and the
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- Lord humbled me to a place that said you you need me and he drew me on to himself And and that's when
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- I was actually saved and I actually wrestled with reformed theology for maybe eight years
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- I I just grew up and I wasn't even exposed to that I mean I was homeschooled and we read
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- Edwards and we read John Newton and in Bunyan and and all these people but I wasn't told about that theology.
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- It was a very strict. This is what you believe Yeah, these guys are okay, but don't get too into them and for about eight years and up until like my early 30s
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- Maybe 30 31 I didn't even want to say I was Reformed or Calvinist or anything like that because I thought there was a stigma to it when in fact then
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- I just realized Oh, no, I just believe the Bible. I just believe what the Bible says in my systematic theology in the way
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- I view it Has a label but in at the end of the day I believe in 100 % of what the
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- Bible teaches and I believe my theology Reformed theology can reconcile the entire
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- Bible to where I think some other theologies can't you have to kind of use some tradition and do some mental gymnastics to Explain certain verses and things like that So I was a little bit different as in I actually you know
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- Like I said, I would ask my I asked my I remember 13 years old. I asked my youth pastor He said why do people go to hell and he said well because they don't believe in you know,
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- Jesus and I said well Is an unbelief a sin and he said yeah, and I said well didn't Jesus die for all sins and he said yeah
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- And I said why isn't everyone in heaven then and he just looked at me and said, oh, that's a good one And you know walked away and I didn't know at 13
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- I was asking him about a limited atonement doctrine, but it didn't make sense in my mind Have any good answers, you know, or you know, we grew up believing if you backslid far enough boy
- 14:57
- You could lose your salvation and I would bring verses to him and say well What about where it says like he only you know, the father holds in the hand and can't be plucked away from him
- 15:06
- Oh, no, no, no, but if you sin, you know bad enough, you know, and then so then it you know
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- I had fear like oh my gosh if what sin if I do something wrong today if I died today
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- I'm going to hell and I was thinking about eternal security and perseverance of the Saints and it was just Absolutely insane when
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- I look back on it going, you know unfortunately a lot of my youth leaders and pastors didn't do me a whole lot a lot of good when asking me these questions because they
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- Didn't want to veer off a certain doctrine or theology and in you know and really try to explain it but by the grace of God, you know, he did save me and Look where we are now.
- 15:47
- I get to talk to Dwayne from the bar podcast and it's absolutely an awesome thing
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- So you you started the pot. How long have you been doing the bar podcast? So technically five
- 16:02
- I say officially by iTunes standard or in a couple quarters.
- 16:08
- Sure So so you're you're kind of you're old school here. I've only been going a couple months
- 16:13
- I've obviously been listening to podcasts for jeez. I would have to at least say eight or nine years I mean I was in on the early days of podcasting
- 16:21
- I think Rogan and Corolla were my first two that I started listening to when they got really popular.
- 16:28
- Obviously, we've seen a resurgence and and just Just a plethora of podcasts for not only reform but for Christianity in general, which
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- I believe is awesome So it's so good to see guys like you out there who've been doing it a long time and Tell me a little bit about how
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- I mean, what was your thought there? I mean, I know you touched on it a little bit. You said hey, I'm listening to podcasts
- 16:54
- It sounds like there's guys smarter than me, which is the same way I feel let's bring on smart people and listen to them such as yourself
- 17:01
- Said hey, let's let's let's do some podcasting and try to get some fun guests on as well.
- 17:06
- Was that the main? motivation for starting the podcast Honestly the the original vision.
- 17:13
- I left this out of the the backstory Whenever I started coming out of the whole movement and everything even before I met the guy that walked through the
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- Westminster Confession I started a page on Facebook called be not deceived. Okay, and be not deceived is a
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- Discernment page it started out real spooky, you know Conspiracy theory but as our theology group
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- The page grew and we just pretty much exposed false teachers, you know word -of -faith guys stuff like that And so there's a whole team that runs that page and so the vision was when
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- I got inspired to do podcast was we'll all get on there at one time and we actually did it on Internet radio we had this broadcast called
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- Was a warrior for truth. Okay, and we got on internet radio every week as a group and we just talked about different topics
- 18:04
- When I found out about podcasting I Wanted to take that idea to podcast and the whole group get on talk about different topics, whatever whatever well as you know
- 18:18
- Starting a podcast. It's hard to get people in the same place at the same time That's right on the phone or anything like that.
- 18:25
- It's hard to do two people. Can you imagine doing seven or eight? right, and so I Kept Warren trying to get down trying to get them on get them on and off and I was actually ready to just Give up on it on podcast all together and I went to Steve Lawson actually preached in Greenville, South Carolina, which is near me and me and my wife went to it
- 18:50
- You know Steve Lawson anytime you get a hand free. You got to jump and do it. And so we went and Sitting right behind me with Todd frill from wretched radio.
- 18:59
- Sure and Soon as the program was over, you know, I turned around the hey, that's real, you know
- 19:05
- I introduced myself and I picked him the idea of my podcast He was just blown away number one that I was african -american and at a reformed event.
- 19:14
- He was like, I just don't see that man And when I told him about the podcast, he's like, oh you need to do this
- 19:21
- He needs this you need to do this man that you know, it needs your voice, you know We don't see that many brothers doing it, but you know sure and so that Sparked the idea of okay.
- 19:31
- I can't get these folks all eight people on at the same time What I can do is I can interview people
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- And I literally just started, you know shooting emails in the request And people just started saying yes, you know and and you know top real, you know
- 19:47
- He told me that night that he would he would come on and he came on and a couple other guests and and that's that's
- 19:53
- Pretty much how I got going man It almost didn't make it but by God's grace We got it.
- 19:59
- And so the whole my whole purpose for the show what I realized I wanted to do it that way
- 20:05
- Was I wanted to be a resource? Because for me podcast helped helped me grow my theology
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- I was listening to crisis centered and you know All of those really deep podcast and that's what helped me understand things and hear conversation
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- I've never heard before and so I wanted to be that same kind of resource not necessarily on their level
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- But kind of an entry like, you know, somebody Google's reform theology. I want them to find the bar and we're like Oh, let me listen to this.
- 20:33
- Let me listen to this Yes, right and kind of get an introduction to it. So that's kind of what where I'm coming from on that Oh, that's awesome.
- 20:40
- Let me ask you kind of a I don't know if it'd be personal question But just something that's stuck in my mind
- 20:48
- Because there is such a strong and vocal Minority black voice in reformed theology
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- I mean when I when I just want God to do a work in me I get on my treadmill and I put on Shilin and I get preached to and then
- 21:05
- I go listen to body and it's just like I just get destroyed for the day and The I mean you look at in music and you look in preaching and there seems to be such a strong Reflection in the black community in reform.
- 21:17
- What why do you think that is? I don't know. I don't know if that's too personal for you But I've always just went there is such great men in women in that Minority group that have taken hold of reformed theology and just exploded it
- 21:31
- I mean, I think the resurgence of reformed theology is due to reformed rap Because you guys attack the culture and and it's just in it's such a great
- 21:43
- I mean besides it's you know, it's obviously the Bible and the message of the sovereignty of God and all those things
- 21:48
- But it was it's just insane to me how effective That community has been for reformed theology.
- 21:56
- Can you speak to that a little bit and maybe give your two cents on why? Yeah, that is Well, so I mean for sure
- 22:03
- Shilin was was major for me as well It's what you have to think about especially when it comes to the art of hip -hop
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- Because it's so poetic because it's so much you can put in the lyrics
- 22:19
- You know, it has a driving force with it You know those guys take that talent of wordplay and then put in found biblical
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- Teaching you know that that takes it to the next level but as far as The influence of African Americans, I think and this is
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- I can only speak for me sure for me I think what what makes it
- 22:43
- I guess explode or so dynamic is because we It's a mixture some of us have never heard sound biblical teaching ever
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- You know, like we only heard the fluff the you know, we only seen the pimp preachers
- 23:01
- You know, we only seen that some of us Actually have solid backgrounds like myself like everything that I grew up believing
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- It was was lined up with reform. They always just didn't call it that like we believe in the Trinity We've been starting to God, you know
- 23:18
- So I think it's either you can expose to it for the very first time super excited So you want to spread the word or you getting your what you grew up with confirmed?
- 23:28
- You know and you have words for it. That's the first thing I told people was now I know
- 23:33
- Why I believed it sure, you know growing up like like the guy told you he said, you know
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- We just believe it where there are certain things in Scripture that we grew up Knowing it but not knowing exactly why or how to explain it
- 23:47
- I think there's two things playing there and both of those things working together brings the excitement that you get from Woody from HB Charles, you know from from all those solid guys, you know,
- 24:00
- Charlene as the guy on my team see Barlow There's just a excitement in order that that you want to spread that word that that that truth
- 24:10
- Out there to not only to not only confirm but also to motivate and to push people towards them
- 24:18
- Sure, and you know, I would add to that too. I found that a theology liked reformed theology that is consistently and constantly
- 24:28
- Pointing to Christ Pointing to God and his sovereignty. It really makes everything else seem secondary whether it be social economic status skin color
- 24:37
- Where you grew up how you talk? I mean even in the you know the the white churches that I've been part of and I would my first pastor when
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- I came back to the Lord was black and was a predominantly black church and It was just it was a season of my life where the
- 24:53
- Lord really taught me how to praise and worship and and all those things but you even see segments in certain types of theology to where it's like a certain type in certain socio -economic status of a person and Because the theology that they're teaching almost teaches towards that to where?
- 25:10
- when I believe in an all -sovereign all -powerful all -knowing God who everything I do is for his glory and knowing my place is a deprived depraved
- 25:20
- Sinful man who needs his grace and mercy every day. I'll tell you what I look around It doesn't really matter what color or where you come from or how you talk because we're all on the same playing field
- 25:31
- All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and we desperately need him So yeah, that's that's good.
- 25:38
- That's good stuff. Let me Just go back just a little bit and I'll ask you this question and we're doing this all
- 25:45
- Without any type of pre -interview or anything. So I appreciate you being able to just you know respond on your feet here
- 25:51
- But when you said you got into NAR and then you kind of saw you know In that movement how man was kind of glorifying themselves
- 25:57
- Can you give a few examples of maybe what you saw to where you just said hmm this
- 26:02
- I don't think this is lining up With what I believe or no, I don't think that's biblical What were some of the things that you saw that made you just kind of step back and say wait a minute
- 26:13
- I got to think about this Well, so I mean just NAR an example
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- I mean NAR within itself is an example of needing to be In a position because you have to have a special title.
- 26:26
- You need to be an apostle or a prophet or whatever You know, you're you're looking to exhort yourself above Regular Christians and that that within itself is an issue also
- 26:40
- Because you know the the Bible talked about requirements of an apostle that was one of the things that just kept weighing on me was the requirement you have to see
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- Jesus you have to see him a sin and You know, and I can't imagine any of those guys being old enough or myself
- 26:57
- Right being old enough to have seen that And so it really like there was no clear -cut example because the thing about NAR is it blends so much with a word of faith and Charismatic charismania that it all sounds and looks the same
- 27:16
- Just you know that the titles are different You know, I've seen you know
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- The whole healing lines and the fire lines and the prophesy lines and sure and and at the end of the day
- 27:27
- It was all all about the money line Really made a difference and you know determined what they did and didn't do, you know, it was all about the money
- 27:39
- So for me, it was then, you know them man having to be exalted man
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- Trying to create a position for themselves that actually goes against what scripture says that position is for or What it what it means to obtain that position and then just man's greed
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- To use that power use that name use that that system to manipulate people out of money
- 28:06
- Yeah, and I think that's what it really is about too, you know sometimes some of the the dings that I get from some of my
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- Maybe charismatic or Pentecostal or even just outside of the reformed theology Kind of camp is they say jeez you look on Instagram or social media all these places and you see the reformed
- 28:27
- Memes and the and the calling out and they just go man. It just seems like you guys are just you know
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- Putting other people down or trying to you know mess up someone's up someone's ministry
- 28:39
- Why can't we just all you know, hold hands and get along and my response to that is the almost every person
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- I talked to who comes out against NAR or word of faith or prosperity gospel they're doing it from a place of love because they want people to know the truth because I've seen people caught up in those type
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- Of ministries and theologies for decades and it not only stunts their growth in their sanctification process but it actually puts them on a path that is ungodly unbiblical not scriptural and And in can really ultimately lead to death and hell and I always ask them
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- I say look at it, but if you knew anyone who is an you know Immediate danger would you warn them and they say well, of course
- 29:25
- I would well I think that's what we're doing here now Obviously sometimes you get you know, some of these guys like a
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- Kenneth Copeland and he just serves it up You just go. I can't even believe that there's people who actually follow this this this man, you know
- 29:43
- And look at what I don't ever want I don't ever want to be Gonna say what's funny is seeing the word of faith people look at Kenneth Copeland and Say he looks crazy, but they're doing the exact same thing.
- 29:57
- Just not in front of the TV I mean in front of the camera, right, you know and not making crazy faces, but they're doing the exact same thing
- 30:04
- But it's funny to see he didn't criticize him too. I'm like that is Calling the kettle black.
- 30:10
- It's nuts. They're like, oh he's out there, you know blowing on kovat 19 and asking for planes
- 30:15
- We're not that bad. We're just down here barking like dogs grave -soaking and handing out Christian tarot cards
- 30:21
- It's like what are you guys talking about? The dead men walking podcast is sponsored by Greg Moore at informed solutions realty with over 50 ,000 residential commercial and property valuation transactions completed
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- Greg Dead men walking is also sponsored by Meriwether farm as followers of Christ We are called to feed the poor show compassion and mercy and make disciples of him
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- And that's exactly what Meriwether farm does through farm and food ministries Meriwether farm is dedicated to serving the underprivileged and those in need in their community
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- 32:27
- Rationalization of scripture is a very powerful and dangerous thing I mean anyone if you're not measuring yourself against the
- 32:36
- Word of God You can rationalize just about any sin any doctrine any theology to fit what you need it to fit
- 32:44
- So you can go on doing what you want to do, which is generally just Rebellion of God and pridefulness.
- 32:51
- I mean, that's what it all really comes down to because isn't that what sin is anyway, right? But yeah, so I think it comes from you know our camp or our tribe
- 33:03
- However, you want to say it it does come from a place of love I remember I was an early adopter of Facebook I think first six months that it was open outside of college students, and I've got stuff going back to like 2007 and 8 where I'm like calling out
- 33:17
- Todd Bentley when he was doing like 50 person meetings He wasn't even anyone and I just said this isn't right
- 33:23
- This guy's talking about punching people in the face and kicking them in the shins And then obviously we've seen what happened with him over the last 10 or 12 years
- 33:32
- And you know calling out I actually led a Bible study with a Bill Johnson book I think in 2008 when heaven invades earth.
- 33:39
- I got all the way through the book and I went well, this doesn't seem, right? I have so many issues with it and then immediately start posting and just having discussions and you know now we've seen it
- 33:49
- You know in 2020, you know, he's exponentially more popular and doing all those things But it's just one of these things were even back then before I even identified as reformed
- 34:00
- I had this heart of wanting to guard the truth and Really wanting to be like a
- 34:06
- Berean and script you know search the scriptures daily and measure everything up against the
- 34:11
- Word of God and not because I want to say you're right and I'm wrong and you know point fingers
- 34:16
- It's because I want people to know the truth and ultimately I want people to know God I want them to have a mature sanctified walk and actually
- 34:26
- Understand the character of God, you know, one of my favorite Bible verses obviously is Proverbs It says the beginning of wisdom is to fear the
- 34:33
- Lord and that's not to be scared of him But that word fear actually means to understand his character and have reverence for him
- 34:40
- And I think really the only way they can do that is truly Understanding his word that he's made available to us and a twisting of that through some of those movements can set people back decades in Their walk with the
- 34:51
- Lord, unfortunately But let's change gears here a little bit, I'm just gonna keep you for for a couple more minutes
- 34:58
- I did want to make sure that everyone listening here does check out the bar podcast Can you talk about where people can find that and maybe talk a little bit about who your guests have been and and what you guys?
- 35:10
- You know talk about on the podcast Sure. Sure. So You forgot one question, but I'm gonna answer it here man.
- 35:18
- You were talking about the name the bar. Oh, yeah And where did that come from? Yeah, so The I'll start there the name the bar
- 35:28
- Actually started in our Facebook inbox with that group. We were throwing around names and the first name was black and reformed
- 35:38
- And I was like, yeah, no, thanks, you know, I don't want to wanted to be one of those shows, you know
- 35:44
- So somebody came through and said biblical reform which I love, you know Bar loved it the name the logo, but I run into a couple haters here and there to say that it's
- 35:55
- It's a oxymoron, you know biblical is reformed or you know being formed is biblical, you know
- 36:02
- So that I run into that a little bit It's funny when I met Steve Lawson with my
- 36:07
- I have a shirt on and he said that's just a biblical is reform I said, yes see but Buyer or beer wouldn't wouldn't sound as cool on my podcast, right?
- 36:19
- So, um, but you can you can find the bar at the bar pockets calm
- 36:24
- Okay, and we also have a tab We have a network of podcasts that are all connected through the bar
- 36:31
- I call it the bar podcast Network and so you click on the bar podcast Network tab. You can find all the podcasts
- 36:37
- And the bar podcast is a 30 -minute laid -back conversation with with the guests
- 36:44
- My guests have ranged from very well -known speakers like Steve Lawson Mark Dever Lincoln Duncan That's a nice list even
- 36:57
- Nichols Mike Horton Call Truman a lot.
- 37:05
- I mean I've tasted after pretty much Oh Al Mohler I've tasted after pretty much all the big dog
- 37:12
- I was chasing after the late great RC right before he got really sick and And they told me, you know, it wasn't gonna happen
- 37:22
- And then I got the sad news a couple months ago that wasn't gonna be able to get dr.
- 37:27
- MacArthur That was another one of my great whales that I was chasing That's not gonna happen, but I was able to get
- 37:36
- I Was the big yeah, that was one of my ones on my list and then but then
- 37:43
- I also interview local pastors one of my very first shows
- 37:48
- I Asked my guests, you know, who's your favorite preacher? And this was me, you know early in the reform thing and he said my my favorite preacher is my pastor you know, he does this is that and I still had the
- 38:02
- The charismatic mentality where you want to find the best and you know Follow the
- 38:07
- TD Jakes or whatever sure and that was like, wait a minute. I need to bring that back You know, I need to shine a light on these local guys.
- 38:13
- And so I have local pastor spotlight I do every so often and then
- 38:19
- I just interview other podcasters. I interviewed software companies I've had covenant eyes olive tree working with logos low guys
- 38:30
- Um I've interviewed, you know artists whether they're hip -hop artists or actual painters and sketchers um,
- 38:40
- I interviewed Rep tunes the guy to do the cartoons. I mean, it's just oh really?
- 38:47
- Yeah, man, yeah, yeah my man cock man, yeah, yeah, he's a great guy so um
- 38:54
- I just interviewed anybody man that I think would be a It would be a nice introduction to my listener um, whether it's a new book or if it's apparel whether it's art whether it's sermon whether it's encouragement or testimony and so That's that's pretty much what we do man
- 39:16
- Um at the bar and like I said, it's 30 minutes so that it we get in we get out
- 39:21
- We wish the appetite we make sure that the links are in the in the bio So that you can uh,
- 39:27
- I mean in the uh The show notes so you can go and buy the book or follow up or whatever needs to happen
- 39:32
- And uh, that's pretty much what we do Well, duane, thank you so much for being on today.
- 39:39
- I really do appreciate it I mean, you're an interesting guy you're brother in the lord. You're doing great work
- 39:44
- Uh, the podcast is phenomenal. And once again, you said that was the bar Podcast .com.
- 39:50
- Did I hear that correctly? Correct the bar podcast .com with one of the coolest names
- 39:56
- For a podcast, uh, like I said, it grabbed my attention and uh, I have a slight touch of add
- 40:02
- So i'm all over the place So when if you can grab my attention, i'm sure you can grab others that can concentrate a little bit more than three seconds
- 40:09
- But um, once again, I want to say thanks for coming on. I really appreciate you reaching out to me
- 40:14
- Um, i'm gonna have to be on the podcast for you too because we need to talk again. I definitely want to keep in touch
- 40:19
- Uh for any one of my listeners listening definitely go over to Apple or spotify or all the places you get podcasts.
- 40:27
- I'm sure he's on all of those I know I connect with you on apple podcast. Make sure you like subscribe. Give him some five stars.
- 40:33
- Let him know that you're listening But duane, thanks so much I love it.
- 40:41
- I love it. Yeah, so listen first before you get five stars Yeah, just don't give him five stars because he's a great guy.
- 40:47
- He wants to make sure he's bringing that content But i'll tell you what from that that list that you just rattled off to me, man
- 40:53
- I'm gonna have to dig back in the archives because you have some oh, yeah Yeah for sure and before we go man,
- 41:02
- I just want to shout you out the reason why I reached out to you Um, like I told you I have a six cent about podcast man, and I really love your approach.
- 41:12
- I love what you're doing. I love Uh, just just you can just kind of sense where this is going
- 41:18
- And so I just want to encourage the listeners man to lock in with this guy because this podcast is gonna blow up Oh duane, thanks.
- 41:25
- That's so kind. Listen, if uh, one person is ministered by it and it glorifies god, then we've done our job, right?
- 41:32
- That's it at the end of the day Awesome All right, brother. Well, I will talk to you soon
- 41:39
- And once again you guys if you're listening make sure you reach out and listen to the bar podcast
- 41:44
- It's a great show And you know, it was an honor having you on duane, uh, have a great day and guys thanks for listening
- 41:51
- Be sure to follow us on facebook and instagram at dead men walking podcast for full video podcast episodes and clips or email us at dead men walking podcast at gmail .com