

Pastor David Mitchell



All right. So, so here we are anyway, this is, uh, this is a Renaissance painting of Paul preaching in Greece.
And, um, so I don't know why I picked him preaching in Greece, other than the fact that in this chapter, mainly what he's going to talk about to the
Jews, he always speaks to the Jew first and the Gentile is that he, uh, he has been called to be an apostle to the
Gentiles. And we, we know that from our studies of the scripture, don't we? But so there he is, uh, preaching to the
Gentiles and it was quite a sermon in the book of Acts. Quite an amazing sermon right there, but that's, that's what we'll be talking about and, uh, let's see if I can get that to move forward.
It's not wanting to. Okay. So, all right. So we, uh, let's review just a little bit.
So we kind of had the context of coming into chapter 11. We know that the scripture says in Romans chapter three, and in the old
Testament that there's none righteous. No, not one. There's none that understands. There's none that seeks after God. And in Isaiah, we found this, uh, all our righteousness is, is filthy rags.
And there is none that calleth upon thee that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee that that was the verse
I'd never seen my whole life until when I was focused on this study back when we were preaching on this, and I did a little word study on that word stirreth.
There's none that stirreth. That's amazing. There's no, there's no natural human being that can open his eyes or wake up and, uh, take hold of God.
Wow. Have you ever seen that verse until the other day? I'd never seen that one. I bet. I just wish
Otis were here to have coffee. I would have brought that up at coffee and he would have had me on the top of the head and said, that's a good one, brother
David. Yeah. He would like that one. I don't know. He never brought it up. I don't think we'd seen that one.
That's just amazing. And it talks about the depravity of man and how man is so much in a sinful state in his natural state that he can't even seek
God and won't seek God. So what does that do? That means salvation is of God because you can't get saved unless the Holy spirit comes and opens your eyes and your ears.
And you talked about it Sunday school. Uh, he's got to visit you. You have to have a visitation.
Now, sometimes in the Bible, Lord visitation was talking about God as a negative, very negative thing. Because he visits with wrath, sometimes nations, you know, and whole nations, or sometimes even, even his people,
Israel were taken captive when he would visit them because they had been in sin and turned away from God to idols.
And he would visit them and bring a foreign nation and take them captive and they'd be gone 70 years. And then they'd start praying and God would answer their prayers and bring them back to the promised land.
You know, the story, it's a cycle, beautiful picture of the Christian and in our Christian life, how we, we, uh, things start going pretty well for us is when we better be careful because we stopped praying as much.
And we kind of move away from the Lord and things are going great. We're taking care of ourselves. And then all of a sudden tribulation hits the
Lord, bring some tribulation, some trouble. And what does it do? It brings us back into prayer, brings us back into recognizing we can't do any of this without Christ.
Without me, you can do nothing. And then we depend on him and then things start going well again. So it's a cycle in our lives too.
So we talked about that. Now it even says God hit his face from us.
People hate these doctrines. They don't seem fair, but you got to understand fair to who a fallen race who hated
God and turned from him. Not fair to a fallen grace. That was already on its way to hell because God said in the day you eat the fruit thereof, you shall die.
That means to be separated from me. That race is not fair to that race. The race of, if you went on and you read the passage in Romans three, that goes down past verse 12, it lists how we are.
It says our tongue is like an asp. It will spew venom on other people.
You know, it talks about all the things, how we've gone our own way and won't follow God. That's not fair to people that hate
God. Now I know you didn't feel like you hated God, did you? But you know why? I've got a theory about that.
Did you ever feel like you hated God? I know you didn't. What'd you get saved at three years old or four?
That really, you were a bad boy. That's interesting.
All my kids got saved at three. I'm better preacher than your dad. That's what it is. He'd probably listen.
I didn't mean that. All right. Well, well, not, you know, very early age though. Right. So you don't, you probably never perceive that you hated
God. I don't think any one of us did, but I have a theory about that. I'll bet you that lost sheep, even in your law state, you don't hate
God like a goat does. What do you think? Is that a good theory? All right. Find me a verse for it. That's what we used to do with Otis.
He'd say these amazing things. And we say, no, that's gotta be in the Bible somewhere. Let's make sure it's in there. And it always is with him.
It was, but, uh, you know, the Bible says the human race hates God. So not fair. Well, you know,
God has his face from sin, doesn't he? The father can't, cannot glaze upon a glaze.
Can't look at sin. What's the word I'm looking for? Gaze is funny. I said glaze and I thought, well, is it graze?
No, look, it's look, you can't, uh, my brain is a little overused the last two days, by the way.
So if I get a little bit confused today, just raise your hand. Correct me. If I say a word, it's totally, obviously wrong.
Okay. So, um, anyway, I don't even know what that, what I'm talking about at this point, but God, okay.
God can't look upon sin. He cannot gaze upon sin. I got the word right that time.
So, uh, doesn't it make sense that he hides his face from us and until we're covered by the blood of Jesus.
And then at that point, he sees us with the righteousness of Christ and he looks square at us and loves us.
Right before that, not so much. We're we're only, we're only, uh, able to be in the presence of the father because of Jesus and the
Holy spirit who puts us in his presence. So, you know, these things make sense if you study them through, but the average
American today, who's just been to churches that don't speak on these issues, but they talk about how, uh, what, what
Christianity is today in today's world, it's, it's all about making people happy that you being happy and having stuff.
That's what Christianity is about. God's a genie in the bottle. You rub it and say, here's what I need. That's Christianity today.
And so when you see the truth, it looks really bad. It makes God look bad and we don't like God to look bad.
So let's change that truth a little bit. Let's just don't talk about those things because rather than taking the time to understand how all that works and how it is the truth, uh, let's just don't talk about it.
Well, what happens when you water things down is you get an extremely weak church. And when you get a weak church, you get extremely weak families.
And when you get weak families, that's what the nation is made of. And that's where we are today. And our leadership in Washington, they're watered down so badly.
They don't even have a clue that God's into this thing. They think it's their thing. And you know what? They use the people to build their own power rather than using their power to build the
American people. So it's all backwards. Anyway, I spent the weekend talking about it. So it's kind of on my mind.
Now, Paul also talked about the wrong kind of righteous, and he's talked about the Jews. He's addressing some
Jews and he says, you know what? He says, I bear record. They got a zeal for God, but their zeal is not according to knowledge.
So what does that tell us? Unless you take the word of God and you share that with people, they can't get saved.
You can't, there is no salvation without the water and the spirit. The water is the word of God without the word of God.
Nobody gets saved. Prove me wrong on that. You can't do it. Prove me wrong on it.
You have to have the word of God. Now it doesn't have to be in a written form, but it's talking about written form and the sections we're talking about, but it can be you telling them the word of God, right?
But they have to hear it. That's why we have to witness. And so zeal without knowledge does not equal salvation.
Right? We learned that. All right. For being ignorant of God's righteousness, they went about to establish their own righteousness.
That is the wrong kind of righteousness, human righteousness, where you do what you want to do. You think about Cain and Abel.
Why was God, why did God not receive Cain's sacrifice? Cause he did what he wanted to do.
He, he was a, he was a farmer, not a rancher, so he didn't have any livestock. So he just took a bunch of vegetables to God.
And God had said, I want a blood sacrifice because it'll picture Jesus dying. You can't picture that with a turnip or a, you know, a peach you can't.
And so God didn't receive it. And he went on and killed his brother. Cause he was jealous because the brother got it. Right. The brother was a rancher like Texans and he had animals and he killed one of them, offered it to God and God received it because it was a blood sacrifice.
It was God's way. Cain did it man's way. Wow. You can learn a lot from that. That's humanism, isn't it?
Well, that doesn't work in the world. It doesn't work in the church and it sure won't get a person to heaven seeking to say, well,
God, here's what I'll do. So you'll take me to heaven. I'll do this for you. Try that if you want to spend eternity in hell.
Right now, you guys, I'm not talking to you. You know, I'm not talking to you. And, uh,
I'm probably not talking to you guys on the internet because you wouldn't be on here if you were goats, most likely, but this is the message, all of us.
I mean, my job is to, to not win the world of Christ. My job is teach you how to witness. That's all a minister is for is to teach you how to be light and salt in the world.
So take this knowledge to your friends. They can't get saved without the right knowledge.
All right. Now that brings us the wrong kind of righteousness. Okay. Now here's the right kind of the very next verse in chapter 10, verse four,
Christ is the end of the law of righteousness. Everyone that believes that's the right kind. So we spent a lot of time talking about that.
Now, the very end of the chapter says, have they not heard? It's talking about not only the
Jews, but the Gentiles, have they not heard? All right. And then it goes on and says that the gospel has gone to the whole world.
And I was found of them that sought me not. It says in the old Testament, he's quoting Isaiah. And I was made manifest to them who didn't even ask for me.
That's the Gentile. So he's addressing the Jews saying, look, you need to understand that without Christ, you're not saved and the
Gentiles are saved with Christ, even though you think God won't save them. And that's what Paul's teaching the
Jews again. And again, is that yes, God will save a Gentile. That's what Paul meant. When he said Jesus died for all men, he meant all kinds of men, which is what the
Greek word normally means. It doesn't usually mean every individual. He usually means some, uh, some people from every people group, all kinds of people he died for, not just Jews.
If you understand the context and who he's talking to, you'll see that that's what it means. Verse 21, but to Israel, he says all the day long,
I've stretched out my hands to disobedient and gain saying people, and that introduces chapter 11.
All right. So here we are. That introduces it, a disobedient people speaking to the
Jew first and then the Gentile in the Roman church. And he says, I say, then hath God cast away his people.
Who's that? The Jews are the Gentiles. That's the Jews in this context.
He's looking back at the old Testament. He's speaking to a group with Jews, Gentiles, goats, law sheep, and save sheep all in the same audience from both groups, and he says that God cast away the
Jews, God forbid for, I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin.
Why does he tell the crowd that? Because they won't listen to him. They're Jews, half the crowd. Anyway, the Gentiles listen to everything.
They just want to hear something new, right? They don't care. They just want to hear something new. Well, it was a new message, so they're good to go.
But the Jews are sitting there. Why should I listen to you? And he tells them, here's why you should listen to me. I'm a Pharisee, the Pharisees.
And I was on a road to Damascus and something changed me. And I'm going to tell you about it. Then he gave his testimony to these
Jews and many of them got saved, right? God has not cast away his people, which he foreknew.
Now I want you to watch this a little bit as we go through these few verses right here, because right there, he says,
God has not cast away his people. But in a minute, it sounds like it seems very clear that he has cast away his people, right?
And, um, so follow along here. Well, don't you know that what the scripture says to Elijah?
So, uh, so he's all always telling the Jews stories they're already familiar to teach him a new truth that they have not seen in those old
Testament stories. How Elijah made intercession to God against Israel saying, Lord, they have killed your prophets.
There was a time when Moses got angry at the people and said, God, they're not my people. They're yours. Do what you want to with them.
And then when God came to Moses said, you know what? I think I'm gonna kill them all. Moses said, no, wait a minute.
They're my people. He said, I don't want you to kill them. Remember that funny? Well, uh, Elijah had the same feeling.
He said, look, all they're good for all the Jews are good for is they kill your profits all day long, all through the ages, they've killed your profits, they dig down your altars.
And he says, I'm left alone. I'm the only saved person on the earth. Have you ever felt that way? Like, like I'm the only
Republican left and I'm kidding. That doesn't mean you're saved. I just had to throw that in.
Uh, so I'm the only saved person left. I'm left alone and now they want to kill me.
Can you, can you feel Isaiah's anxiety? Is he walking in the spirit of the flesh right there?
He's in the flesh. Like we, what we're all, uh, treasure and earthen vessels and God knows it.
Right. He made us this way on purpose, but what said the answer to God, to him?
Paul says, do you remember the answer? He said, I have reserved to myself 7 ,000 men who have not bowed the knee to the image of bail.
So Paul starts talking about a remnant. Now he, this is very crafty.
He sat in the stage here to teach some stuff. They don't want to hear, but he points out, you already knew this.
You just didn't, you didn't know. You knew it is that God always has a remnant.
Listen. Yeah. They were killing the prophets. The Jews were listening. They had whole groves of trees. They would go out and worship those trees instead of God.
I'm talking about the Jews would do this. They learned it from the people they hung out with. That's why you got to teach your kids.
Don't hang out with bad people in high school or junior high, high school, elementary school.
Seriously, even in a Christian school, until we find them, they might be there. Now I'll tell you what, Paul's like a hound dog though.
He's looking for them all the time. And when we find them, they're asked, you know, they have to leave.
Right. But you got to teach your child. Don't hang out with people that have, you know, fruit.
That's not right. And you can tell if you'll watch teacher, children, young children, that certainly because it will influence them to worship bail.
Do you see that? You know, I got 7 ,000 that didn't worship bail. That means how many thousands were there by this time,
Bill? I don't even know. I mean, um, a half a million or a million in the millions of people where you kind of looked into it when you saw if they had enough water out there, you know, but it was in the millions already or close.
Wow. 5 million. Whoa. So, so yeah, so you got 7 ,000 out of 5 million that are saved.
The rest of them are talking like they're saying, walking like they're saved going to synagogue, I mean, not synagogue, but the wilderness tabernacle walking in there playing.
Like, Oh, this used to laugh at me when I'd say play in light, but you know what I mean? Right. Playing like they're saved and they're not, but there's a remnant that is saved.
Now let's go back and look at these things. He says, um, has
God cast away his people? Now, even asking the question is interesting because as you, as we progress through this chapter, it starts to sound like God has cast him away.
For a season so that the Gentiles could come in to play. Right. All right.
So he says no, but did he, well, if we drop all the way down to verse 15, which obviously we're not there yet, but if you drop down to verse 15, it says for if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, that means, listen, it's real interesting to do a word study on the word world in the new
Testament, because it means a lot of different things. And you only know by the context, because it's the same word Aeon, which means age actually.
But in this, there are many usages of the word world where to the Jew, the Jewish mind, it meant the
Gentiles. The world, like we use it as Christians, the world system in the bad sense, right?
That's Satan's world. We're not part of that world. This means the Gentile world. So look here.
If the casting away of the Jews be the reconciling of the Gentile world, what shall the receiving of the
Jew be except life from the dead. So Paul did say God cast away. Did he not? Or did he imply it anyway?
Or you said, well, if he did, if he did cast them away. And then the Gentiles got saved. So, I mean, he's sort of implying
God cast away, but then he has an argument that God didn't cast them away.
So how can you reconcile those two? See you when you read Bible, you need to think about the
Bible. You need to contemplate what is really being said here. What are all these little words mean when you put them together?
Well, think about it. There's a couple of clues. One is there was a remnant of 7 ,000 people that God did save.
Okay. And they were Jews, but even up above that, look at verse two, look at the last word in verse two.
Do you find that interesting? He didn't see, he didn't Paul didn't contradict himself.
Paul, Paul said this, he said, look, um, God has not cast away his people.
He didn't say God didn't cast away the Jews. That's not what he said. What he said was God did not cast away the
Jews that he foreknew. You see it. Do you find that interesting?
He did cast away the rest of them though. And then he talks about a remnant in verse four, but if you don't read that carefully, you miss that.
And especially if you grew up church, it's Armenian where you don't even believe this stuff. Anyway, you, you won't see it, but it's there.
And by the Holy spirit being your teacher, you shall find it. All right.
So yeah, he did cast Israel away so that the Gentiles could be, come in and be saved, but he didn't cast away the elect
Jews that I say, I meant to say he did cast the Jews away so that the
Gentiles could come in, but he didn't cast away the elect for known Jews. In fact, my mentor, dr.
Rocky Freeman was a Jew and he was a Jewish believer and most brilliant man that I've known in so many years, but he's in heaven now, but, uh, so he didn't cast away the elect
Jews, the four known Jews, but he cast away the rest of them. And that's how you can answer that.
Now, if you don't believe it, if you don't believe God ever cast away a Jew, the Jew, the Jewish nation, look at Jeremiah 14, 10, thus say it, the
Lord and to his people, thus have they loved to wonder. Now you have to know the nation of Israel.
God tells us everything that happens in the old Testament. They're real true historic stories, but they are types or pictures of us spiritually.
So here's the picture of a Christian. If he's not careful, if a Christian is not careful, and I mean, every day, careful, thinking about what he's thinking about, thinking about where his eyes are wandering around, you think about where your mind is going off, you know, cause that, that brain of yours is not saved yet.
That's part of your old man. Now the new you lives in there somewhere and he is can't, he can't sin and he's always monitoring.
But we got to get better at monitoring because look what, here's the picture. All right. So thus sayeth the
Lord. Now you got to understand that you read the picture though. When you see Israel in the bad sense, that's a picture of your flesh.
The part of you that is the part of you. That's not going to get saved till the rapture. That's when that one gets saved.
Right. And when you're changed in the air, so it's still, you know, it pictures the fleshly side of you, the old man.
So it doesn't quite work the same for us as it does these Jews here, but the Jews as a nation, like that huge part of the
Jewish people who stayed in the wilderness because they weren't saved. That picture is the flesh and the ones who made it through the promised land.
That picture is the spiritual man as far as the Christian. So let's say the Lord God to this people, don't find it interesting.
The prophet doesn't say his people right there. This people, because most of these people weren't his people.
By this time in history, thus have they love to wander. They have not refrained their feet.
Therefore the Lord does not accept them. He will now, he will now remember their sin and visit their sins.
Wow. That's interesting, isn't it? So they won't, they didn't refrain their feet.
And so therefore, uh, God doesn't accept them, but let me ask you a question.
The few Jews that did refrain their feet, why did they refrain their feet? Were they better than the other
Jews? They just had a less of a sin nature than the other Jews, or were they the same in that respect?
So why did they guard their feet? Why, why were there things they wouldn't do? See, now let me ask you a question.
Paul said, all things are lawful for me, but not all things are expedient. Are there things we shouldn't do words?
We shouldn't say ways we might not should dress. I, and you know, I'm not a legalist.
I hate I'm on the far spectrum from that, but are there, are there things we shouldn't do when we guard our feet places we shouldn't go
Myron hits on that a lot stronger than I do, doesn't he? It's interesting. And, uh, and he never puts it in a legalistic way.
Like you have to live like me, but it's say, I don't like, I don't do this. I don't drink alcohol. He said, he said,
I believe the Bible teaches you can have some with moderation. He said, I don't drink it. Cause I don't want to be a part of some guy getting drunk, killing somebody in a car, so I don't want them to think it's okay.
So I don't drink it. Well, you know, that's, that's kind of what it's talking about. Refrain your feet from something.
Are there things we don't do that we used to do? There should be things we don't do that. We used to do a modern
Christian does not get that. Now the younger Christians, they're not getting that. It's it's all about, well,
I'm saved. I can do anything I want, you know, and technically you can, but you know, the
Lord won't be pleased with it. And he might take you home early. There's scripture that says that too, from your viewpoint, be right on time from his viewpoint.
But anyway, therefore God didn't accept them and he will now remember their sins.
Wow. You know, now think about this though. If that group of Jews are not, um, refraining their feet, what else do you think they're not doing?
Do you think they're doing their sacrifices? They're supposed to do that picture Jesus taking their sins away. Are they just forgetting about that?
Or maybe they're taking their cripple land lamb that they can't sell it to market and offering that to God, you know, who knows, but they're not saved people anyway.
These people he's talking about, they're not saved. They're just religious. If they were saved, they would be refraining their feet in some manner.
They'd be different than they were. You see? So there's a lot in that little verse. Then said the
Lord unto me, pray not for this people. Whoa. What, what if Lord came to your preacher and said, quit praying for these people?
How would you like that in an audible voice? He says, David, wake up. You need to stop praying for your church.
They're so evil. They're not, you know, I'm not even with them anymore. Would that get your attention? If I got up and say that told you, that's what the
Lord told me to do to tell you. Yeah, it would. Because especially since God doesn't speak in an audible voice.
Now you would really be paying attention, but, um, this is exactly what happened here.
When these he's telling the prophet, God is speaking to his man. Jeremiah, he said, look, when these people, your people that you lead when, when they fast,
I will no longer hear their cry. They can fast all they want. I'm not going to answer their prayers. All right. And when they offer a burn offering, now watch this one and oblation,
I will not accept it. Now, how would you like to be an old Testament? June? The only thing that saves you are those offerings.
And God says, you know, you can offer it all you want. I'm not accepting it anymore. Now that works a little different than in the new
Testament. Doesn't it? There's a coffee thing discussed right there. If we ever start having coffee again, we win.
I should say when we start having coffee again. Pretty soon since the governor removed the face mask thing.
Isn't it? We could do it now this week. We'll do it. All right. I'll send you guys a text.
Uh, okay. Except for Raymond. Cause he doesn't get texting. So I guess I got to send an email to Sharon. So whatever.
Um, think about that though. Now they like, he, he can, they can make these animal offerings and God wouldn't accept it for him.
But let me ask you, what's the difference there. That's not Jesus. Is it? That's a picture of him. And the point is these people have rejected
Christ anyway, in their hearts, because they're not saved. So for them to give an offering is no different than for a goat to walk right in this church and sit there with you and worship, and God doesn't accept their worship.
That's all it's saying. Does that make sense to you? That's that's what that's equal to now. But boy, this is amazing.
Not only that he said, I will consume them. Okay. Now you're going into life and death situation.
I'm going to consume them with the sword. I'm going to kill them with famine. I'm going to kill them with disease.
Does that last one ring a bell in America? In fact, the whole Western world that has rejected
Christ and become secular. Now, then said, I, ah,
Lord God. Now, so now the prophets talking behold, the prophet saying to them, you shall not see the sword.
Neither shall you have famine, but I will give you assurance, assured peace in this place.
Prophet tries to remind God, you're not supposed to do that. And that never works. It never works to tell
God you're not supposed to do that. We do it all the time. First thing, something happens in our life where we think, well,
God shouldn't let that happen to me. I'm I'm his, uh, peculiarly loved person.
Shouldn't happen to me. And then the Lord said to me, the prophet, the prophets prophesy lies in my name.
So now you come back. He was telling them more about how these people are besides you, Jeremiah, the other prophets that are out preaching in the land today with over 5 million people who tell, who knows how many prophets or people that claim to be prophets in Jeremiah's day, they're prophesying lies in my name.
God said, it's another reason I'm going to kill him. You think you got preachers in America today, preaching stuff.
That's totally a lie. I sent them, not God said, you know, a true preacher has got to be called and sent by God, he can't just be elected by the church.
He's got to be elected by God first. And then the church can say, yeah, we kind of see that we'll put our hands on you.
That's how that works. And that kind of preacher does not preach for money or power or anything else.
And, you know, when I guess it was in Sunday school this morning, you were asking, you know, uh, do we rather please men and God we do, don't we?
And I'm sitting back there saying, no, I don't anymore. And I don't know what you meant. You meant generally, but I don't,
I don't, I would not rather have the praise of men than the praise of God. And I've been that way a long time, probably since I was in my thirties.
And it's only because when I got saved, I knew the different, like I was 24 when
I got saved, so I knew what it was like to be lost and I was so thankful to be saved. I honestly did not care what people thought.
I left the biggest church in my head, Texas, and we had the best position. We were the teachers of the junior and senior high school groups.
It was huge. And we walked right out and had, had, uh, three, four teenagers.
Then it was all we had in our youth group then at that point. And we left a church with hundreds and hundreds of people and ended up with one that, you know, had seven or whatever.
So I honestly, we've all got to get to the place where we don't care more about what people think than what
God thinks. And I think, you know, only by the grace of God and the Holy spirit's work in our life, we, we, we arrive there now, are there moments when we care and that I agree, bill, there are times we lapse into thinking, well, you know,
I want them to love me, right? Want them to love me. I sure want them to like what
I'm teaching. And that's kind of the same thing, isn't it? So we have to always be on guard, but predominantly.
I think this group and you guys out there, you, you care more what God thinks about you than man predominantly, but this group, they cared more what man thought than God and there they are.
And, uh, so he said the prophets are prophesying lies. I sent them not neither.
Have I commanded them neither spake eye into them. They prophesied to you a false vision.
That word vision means the dreams of where you're supposed to go with your life and they're telling you wrong, incorrectly divination, like they, what they're consulting with, um, familiar spirits to figure out what to tell you.
Rather than with me, God said, they're getting their information from somewhere else than me that they're preaching to you.
That's frightening to think about. Isn't it a thing of not, it's not even, it's not even from God's viewpoint, it's not even real.
I mean, it is real, but he's just saying, you know, it's not me. And the seed of their heart, they preach from that too.
Therefore, thus say the Lord concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name. And I sent them not yet.
They say sword and famine shall not come into this land by the sword and famine shall these profits be consumed.
So you had preachers telling the people you don't need to worry about being overthrown or famine or pestilence.
You're going to be fine. And God said, they're telling them lies. And he said, the truth is those very profits.
I'm about to consume them with the sword and with famine and the people too. So, you know, in America today, what
I hear so many of the popular preachers just saying, you know, God loves you. I can almost talk with the same boys.
God loves all of you. He wants you to have everything. And he just wants you to be happy.
And you could put up by 7 ,000 people in here preaching that stuff. Couldn't you. You're going to be okay.
You know, nothing can touch you. That's what they were telling him. And this just buried like a few days or years from right now, they were all going to be destroyed.
And the people to whom they prophesy shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and the sword and they shall none won't be enough people left to bury the dead because so many of them dying at once, did you not see that on TV this past year?
Do you remember the white vans, hundreds of them in New York city, refrigerated vans with people being put in there because they couldn't bury them fast enough.
And you don't think, you know, we got to wake up. Ooh, this is not academic. This is
America right now. And that was just a warning. It's sort of over now that one, but that's just a warning.
So they're cast out on the street because there's nobody, not enough people to bury them or bury their wives or bury their sons and daughters, where I will pour their wickedness upon them.
If God doesn't do that to America, he's got to apologize to America. And, you know, I say that tongue in cheek because God doesn't have to apologize to anybody.
But you look at Greece, you look at Rome, you go back before that Babylon, you go back for, uh, not before that, but to Persian and yeah, it is before it
Persian empire. They're all gone because of these same kinds of sins of idolatry.
And, uh, immoral acts that they would do to each other. Therefore, thou shalt say this word into them.
Let my knives run down with tears, night and day. Let them not cease for the virgin daughter. My people is broken with a great breach.
Their virgin daughters were doing unseemly things, immoral acts.
And God sees that stuff. God notices though, when, uh, when a society goes to that point with a very grievous blow.
Wow. It was grievous to the Holy spirit. You asked today in Sunday school, brother bill, can, can you grieve or quench the
Holy spirit? This whole nation had done that at this time. If I go forth into the field, then behold, the slain with the sword will be there.
And if I enter into the city, then behold that are sick with a famine will be there.
Yay. Both the prophet and the priest go about into a land that they know not. That means they're going to be scattered and taken captive.
Has thou utterly rejected Judah? Has thy soul loathes
Zion? Why has thou smitten us?
And there's no healer for us. The prophet asks, we looked for peace and there was no good.
And for the time of healing and behold, what we found is trouble. Are we getting there as a nation?
I don't mean as a Christian group, but as a nation, are we not getting there? Listen, you're you're it's funny.
That thing that happened last night, Paul and I were out there with our binoculars. That's a little thing. They were just probably just having fun, but nothing like that's happened in 66 years on that place out in that little country area.
And that music was disgusting. It every cuss word you can even imagine was coming out loud enough to play it for a mile.
There's no way you could have protected your, if my grandbabies had been out in my front yard playing, they would have heard every one of those words.
And to me, that's disturbance of the peace. And I was thinking about getting my gun and riding over and see what it was.
And I thought, well, like there's 200 of them and I don't know how to work my assault weapon yet. I got a couple of them back there.
I do know how to work though. I got some old, I got some old Chinese assault weapons and I, you know, like what's that in American?
Like the M one or something. I know how they work and they're loaded and ready to go, but I mean, things are just changing all around us.
And I don't think we're asleep to it. I think we see it and we have to keep preparing for it.
We acknowledge Oh Lord, our wickedness and the iniquity of our fathers. The prophet says, but we have sinned against you.
He's trying to repent on behalf of all of them and hope God will receive that. Isn't he? Isn't that what a minister should do though?
He he's like the priest to the people. He's between the people and God, and he's trying to intercede for him.
Do not abhor us for your namesake. Now that's a good prayer, isn't it?
He's saying, look, these are, they're supposed to be your people. Don't abhor us for your namesake.
Now keep, keep, look what he keeps going here. He says, do not disgrace the throne of your glory. This is the prophet praying.
He is praying things to God and reminding God of things. God has promised. God doesn't need to be reminded, but many of the prophets pray that way.
David prayed that way all the time. Remember these things and break, not that covenant with us.
What covenant is he talking about? Do you think he's going back to the mosaic covenant? I don't think so. Cause that's what they've broken and that's conditional.
And God could just say, well, look, you broke the conditions on that covenant. I'm free from that covenant.
I can kill every one of you now. But I don't think he's, I don't think he's reminding God of the mosaic covenant.
I think he's going back 400 years before that to which one Abraham at covenant, which was unconditional.
And he just said, I'm going to make you like the stars, the sea. And he said, well, you wipe us all out. There won't be any Jews that look like stars.
I don't mean of the sea of the sky and the sand near the sea. He said, it won't be that way.
You need to remember what you promised. Are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles that can pray and cause it to rain like I can,
Jeremiah said. I see you, Jeremiah is sitting here thinking, you know, I think he's going to kill me too. Don't you think?
Think about it. Do you ever, do you ever have concern that with this nation going the way it's going, that you could be in danger because of it?
Yeah. So you pray for your nature, your, your nation, and that's what he's doing.
He said, can God, let me remind you of something. Do you know any of among the Gentiles that know you like I do and can just say, would you make it rain and it'll rain?
Or I say, would you make it stop raining? So you can punish these people and get them right. And you'll make it stop raining. What's the answer to that question?
Nope. There weren't any among the Gentiles that could do that. Or can the heavens give showers when they ask or not thou he,
Oh Lord, our God. We will wait upon thee for thou has made all these things.
Wait upon God. We will. Um, that,
I don't know where that came from. That was strange. Wasn't it? Then said the Lord to me, though Moses and Samuel stood before me, this gets a little scarier even yet.
My mind could not be toward this people. So now he's telling Jeremiah, look, you're a great man because you know me and you walk, walk with me all your years.
But if, even if Moses appeared and Samuel appeared right here and they asked me right now, he said, my mind still couldn't be towards this people, cast them out of my sight and let them go forth.
He tells the prophet that why is this story even in there for us to read today?
What is the new Testament say? What's Paul say in the book of Romans? He said, it's written for those of us who are in the end time.
These things that were written a four time were written as in samples for those of us who live at the end of the age.
Now, everybody that read that verse for the last 2000 years, it wasn't written to them because they were not at the end of the age yet it's written to us because we are, and this is written to us to learn something from it, get this people and cast them out of my sight, man of God.
I'm not going to, you're not going to change my mind with your prayers because it's not my will to answer your prayers.
You're praying outside of my will right now, even though he was quoting things
God had promised. But what he wasn't recognizing is God promised that to the elect, the children of Isaac, right?
Only that pictured the spiritual ones, not the whole nation. And it shall come to pass.
If they say to me, whether shall we go forth, then now shall tell them thus say at the
Lord, such as are for death are going to go to death. Wow.
What does that mean? People that have ordained to die are going to die and such as are for the sword, they're going to die by the sword.
And such as are for famine. They're going to die by famine and such as are to be captives will be captives.
And those are the ones that will still be left alive so that they can pray for 70 years and get
God to answer their prayers. And then they come back into the promised land. So there'll be a remnant that will be saved and that interesting, just a remnant.
And I will appoint over them four kinds, say it's the Lord, the sword to slay the dogs, to tear their bodies apart after they're dead and the fowls of heaven, to do the same, to clean them up and the beast of the earth, to devour and destroy them.
Is that the God that today's preacher preaches about on TV? You think he loves everybody.
Just loves everybody. All he wants is, is everybody to be saying he's not willing that any should perish is a great verse that Peter wrote that they take out of context.
Cause you go up the first verse, first chapter, it says, Peter says who he's reading, writing it to.
He says to the elect sojourners, he's only right to save people. I'm not willing that any of these elect sojourners should perish.
That's what he's saying in the context. They use it out of context to act like God's going to save everybody. Isn't that just like the preacher that says,
Oh, peace and safety. No nation will come and hurt you. Same thing, same thing.
And I will cause them to be removed into all kingdoms of the earth because of Manasseh, the son of Hezekiah, the
King of Judah for that, which he did in Jerusalem, Manasseh led them to worship in groves of trees and to worship idols and even worship gods that required them to sacrifice their babies.
To that God. And this is what God did to him because of it. He won't put up with it for who shall have pity upon the old
Jerusalem or who shall be moldy and who shall go aside to ask how thou are doing thou has forsaken me, sayeth the
Lord thou art gone backward. That's where we get our phrase backslidden.
You've heard that your whole life, right? This, it comes from right there. They've gone backwards. Therefore, will
I stretch out my hand against the, and destroy the, and I am weary of changing my mind about you.
God says, that's what repent means. I'm wary of changing my mind. I'm going to kill you. I'm killing you this time. Wow. So have there been times when
God cast away his people is my question? Well, certainly. And I will fan them with a fan in the gates of the land.
I will bereave them of children. I will destroy my people since they return, not from their ways.
God had given them many opportunities to repent. They wouldn't do it. Their widows are increased to me above the sand of the seas.
All the men were being killed in the battles and by the diseases I brought upon them against the mother of the young men, a spoiler at noonday came by surprise and killed their sons in battle when they didn't know they were coming and I caused him to fall upon it suddenly in terrors upon the city.
So there have been times when God cast away the Jews, right. But did he cast away all of them?
Look what Paul says. God has not cast away his people, which he foreknew. So the ones that were foreknown and predestined to be saved were not cast away.
Those are the ones that were taken captive. Now, what does that mean? Taken captive though they were left alive.
God saved them from this horror, a remnant and saved them and put them off in every nation of the world and kept them safe until 19, whatever it was when
Israel became a nation again, a little bit after world war two, because when they killed 8 million Jews, it made the
European union. I don't think that's what it was called at the time, but, uh, it made them have a heart for the
June. I said, yeah, we'll give you a little piece of land and we'll let you be a nation or they never would have let them be a nation again, but it was, that was prophesied as well.
Okay. So what sayeth God unto him? I have reserved unto myself 7 ,000 men.
There's always a remnant even. So then at this present time, also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.
So Paul looks out at the audience and he says, here we are. All of that was in our past and I'm looking at you
Jews and they're Gentiles out here. I'm the apostle to these Gentiles. But some of you
Jews can be saved the same way. If you just will whosoever will may come it's through Jesus Christ.
It's not through your old system of sacrifices because they all pointed to him. He died. He wrote, he was buried.
He rose again. And if the Holy spirit has given you an inclination to loving, he will save you.
Anyone who desires him, he will save you. And that was the offering that day.
And a lot of those Jews did get saved. And, uh, did you know, in the first century, most of the
Christians were Jews still. And then as the first century progressed though, that flip -flopped and it became more and more
Gentiles. Well, I think we're out of time today, but that's a pretty good introduction to Romans chapter 11.
And, uh, it's kind of interesting. You talk about Romans chapter nine. When I put it up there, I said, it's not in your
Sunday school quarterly, right? Because no church wants to talk about nine, but guess what? Paul's still talking about the same topic in chapter 11.
He's still talking about election. He's talking about remnants. He's talking about how most of the, the huge majority of them are not really mine.
And I'm going to reject them. And there's nothing that can save them. Not even God's man praying for him, not going to save them because they never were mine.
Kind of the same, but it's going to move, move on in. As we go into the future versus here and talk more specifically to Israel.
And it's kind of enlightening to read that. And so we'll get to that next time. Let's stand and have prayer together, Lord. We thank you for your word.
We thank you so much, Lord, that you saved us. You brought us out of darkness into light.
You awakened us, you changed our want to, you gave us desires for the savior that we never had before.
And we've never been the same since, and Lord will be with you always and with each other. Thank you that you didn't only connect us to yourself and to the father, but to each other.
And so Lord help us always be aware of the needs of each other and not to think on the things of ourselves, but on the things of others and board, we ask you to go with us now, uh, be with those who are not well today, uh, pray for Charlotte and these others that were, uh, prayed for earlier this morning and having, uh, all kinds of physical difficulties.
We ask you to strengthen them, help them bring them back. And Lord, we ask you to bless the meal we're about to have and the fellowship time, and we pray in Jesus name.