MUST WATCH for Southern Baptists - Founders #ByWhatStandard Recommendation and Review

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Here are some comments and my recommendation for the cinedoc "By What Standard" on critical theory and social justice in the SBC. Along with a play by play of the first 3 minutes. Watch the movie here:


Well, all right. Well, happy Monday. I hope that everything's going well for you so far this week and I hope you had a good weekend.
I know I had a pretty good weekend, although it was sort of stressful. Me and my wife are currently looking to buy a house soon and if you've never been through that process, it can be very frustrating.
But anyway, thank you so much for tuning in. Before we get started today, I wanted to say did you catch my last video, my video on Friday?
It's called Where have I heard this one before? If you have not, it's a short video and I think you'll find it entertaining.
But it's really interesting how this pagan group of internet scammers has identical thinking, identical logic, identical thought process to many of the woke people in Christianity today.
Now, pagans, they kind of have an excuse because they're pagans. They hate God, they hate reality, and so they want to do whatever the heck they want to do.
So there's a, there's a, there's a evil kind of consistency to it. But Christians have no excuse.
But if you have not watched it, it's about the Sakawa boys in Ghana. I highly recommend it. It's an entertaining video and it's very short.
Anyway, today's video, I want to talk about the Founders Ministries Synodoc. By what standard?
Now, if you have watched this channel for a while, you know that I've been a supporter of this Synodoc as soon as I heard about the
Synodoc. I keep repeating the word Synodoc because I am entirely convinced that they invented the word
Synodoc. I've never heard it before. But when I heard it announced and I heard who was involved,
I was very excited about it. Then when they launched the trailer, I did a couple of videos about the trailer where I fully supported what happened in the trailer, even if I fully didn't understand exactly who the players were, like that whole situation with Rachel Denhollander, which
I'll talk about at the end of this video, probably. I didn't know what she looked like. I knew who she was, but I didn't
I didn't know what she looked like. And so I didn't know when she was pictured in a kind of a fuzzy sort of image.
If they showed her clear image, I wouldn't have known. But I did know it was a woman, though. And I thought they were making a point about women teaching, which was not really the point that they were making.
But I did know that. So I didn't know it was Rachel, but I knew it was a woman because the Southern Baptist Convention does not support transgenderism yet.
But anyway, so you know, I was a supporter of this from the beginning. Now, having seen it, I am even more of a supporter of this video.
I think it's a really good movie to get someone introduced into these topics at hand.
It's a good way to sort of if someone's not sure what to make of all this social justice stuff, not sure why it's a problem and doesn't really have time because, you know, they're too busy with life.
Because let's just face it, there are a lot of people in the pews that they hear this social justice stuff, but they don't really have time or the kind of jobs where they could sit at home and listen to podcasts and YouTube videos all day like me.
A lot of people are working with their hands. A lot of people need to pay undivided attention to their work. And so they don't have a lot of time to read books about this or blog posts or watch
YouTube videos about it. But they might have a couple hours on a weekend to sit and watch a documentary like this.
And I think it's done in a way that will engage people. I think it's done in a way that'll give someone a sort of a bare bones idea of what's going on and why this is a problem.
And it'll give them some confirmation, which I think is important because a lot of people know this stuff doesn't sound good when they hear it, but they're not sure exactly the nuances of the issues and stuff like that.
So this is a very good introduction for people that are interested in, they want to make sure that, you know, their churches are doing the biblical thing.
They want to make sure that they're not involved in any, how do I put this?
Involved in any compromise, I guess I should say. But they don't have a whole lot of time to read a whole bunch of materials.
There's a lot of people like that. And this is a great video for people like that. I want to, what I want to do is
I want to play the first three minutes of this movie and comment on it. And hopefully this whets your appetite a little bit to watch the rest of the movie if you have not seen it yet.
But one of the things that I think is so well done about this video is it really contrasts, juxtaposes, if you will.
I like that word juxtapose. It's one of those words that I like, but like, a lot of people say it to try to sound smart, you know what
I mean? So I don't, I try not to use it too much. But this movie really contrasts the kind of man that I really do want to be like, and the kind of man
I would never want to be like. And I don't just mean that all the people that I agree with in this movie fall into the good category and all the people that I don't agree with in this movie fall into the bad category.
That's not it. That's really not it. Although I do think that a lot of these things that I'm talking about here, they do fall into one camp more so than the other.
But, but this movie does a really good job showing you men who speak directly to you, men who speak to you with respect, men who, who, who, who trust you enough that look, even if you don't like my opinions,
I don't have to hide them from you. I'm going to tell you exactly what I think, why I think it with conviction, with cert, not certainty, but, but with, with confidence and, and, um, and I'm not going to, you know, use weasel words.
I'm not going to try to wiggle out of things and stuff like that. It shows you men like that. And then it shows you people that their language is weasel words.
I would never want to be a man like that. Never. And so let's just, let's just play the beginning of this video and, and, and we'll comment on it as we go.
Okay. So the movie starts, uh, with kind of an interview or it's, it's actually a link to a
YouTube video from sovereign nations. And, uh, the video is, is, is, is
Michael, um, O 'Fallon interviewing two atheists, which is a very unusual way to start a video from a
Christian perspective. It's called by what standard. And that's God's standard. This is a very unusual play by the founders guys, but I think it's good because it gets your attention right away.
It really does. Now, these two guys, uh, I really like these two guys. I mean, I like them in, in, in general.
They're obviously not on our team, so to speak. Um, but I think that actually helps. I think that actually helps.
So let's listen to what these two atheists have to say. I have had in the back of my mind that if this were at the height of the new atheist movement and when, you know, we were extremely involved in that, if I wanted a plan, if I were going to design a plan to bring the whole thing down, the whole, all of Christianity, let's end
Christianity. How do we do it? Yeah. How would you do it? Make them woke. Yep. It'll eat itself from the inside.
And then I'd be, this is interesting because they're, they're saying, okay, if, if I were one of these crotchety old atheists that likes to think that, you know,
Christianity has never done anything good for society. And they said that they used to be that way. They're not like that anymore.
Lots of atheists, by the way, are changing in that way. A lot of atheists have gone from thinking that Christianity is the worst thing ever to realizing that it's actually a good thing, even if they're not
Christians. Now, obviously that doesn't save you. We all understand that, but that's a good realization because that's exactly what the
Bible says will happen. People will see the law of God. They'll see this people blessed by God and, and, and their societies and things like that.
And they'll say, wow, like God is so close to these people. They're there. That law is so righteous.
Of course they're prospering. And that's, that's a biblical thing. But anyway, what he's saying is if they were going to devise a plan because they don't think
God exists, so they think they could actually destroy Christianity. You can't, but if they were going to try, they would do it by introducing this social justice stuff.
And you know why they think this number one, they've studied social justice and they know what the results are, but they also know from experience because social justice actually infiltrated atheism as well.
I used to, I used to debate with a lot of atheists and stuff like that. And I remember when I started to see sort of like an atheist civil war online.
And if you remember, there was this thing called atheism plus atheism plus, and what atheism plus was, was okay, we don't believe in God, but we do believe in all this social justice stuff.
And a lot of atheists were like, no, I don't. You know what I mean? And, and there was a civil war and it really fractured the atheist movement.
And so they know from, from experience that this kind of identity politics game, this kind of social justice nonsense, that's not based in anything except for feelings and socialism and all kinds of shenanigans.
They know it's cancer. It's cancer for any movement. They know that from experience. I'm not the old guard atheist there for,
I alluded to earlier, but if I were the old school, angry atheist, it's like, let's just throw rocks at the cathedral until it falls down.
I'd start making woke pastors and sending them in because they're going to tear everything apart because they're gonna make everything about identity.
It's inevitable. And that's all I talk about. These guys are on point.
These, let's just be honest. Like, like these guys have studied this issue very much. And again, they have experienced it as well.
And so they can speak prophetically a lot better than a lot of people who are, who claim to be, you know, quote unquote, woke
Christians, because woke Christians are not operating in reality. They're not operating in reality.
This whole thing of identity politics and identity games and the black church, the white church, whiteness, blackness, that's not, that's all fantasy.
And so they're, when they talk about these issues, these two atheists can actually be more prophetic than Christians who buy into this stuff, because these two atheists are actually operating in God's reality to, in this issue, in this issue.
So this is a very interesting way to start. Let's continue the beginning of this movie. So I really do think it's time just to say, look.
Okay. So this is, this is, this is the next scene of this movie is talking about right after the critical theory, uh, adoption, uh, resolution at the
SBC convention, uh, passed right after that vote passed. This is that night.
What, what Tom Askell thought about the whole thing. This is so, this is a great way to get someone interested because this is exactly the point.
Let's listen to Tom. This is, we have a book. It says this.
If you believe the book, that's good. We're on the same team. If you say, yeah, I believe the book, but because the position
I'm in, you know, I really can't say much then, you know, go get a different kind of job.
I said, and checked on my Twitter, you know, you told me not to. I read Jerry's Twitter.
I ain't read mine. Got people texting me all over the nation saying, what happened?
Can I talk to you? What happened? I'll tell you what happened. What happened?
We've been played. We've been played.
Yeah. Yeah. That's right. We've been played. He he's absolutely right. This guy is seeing clearly what happened and what, one of the things that I also like about this movie, and I'm going to be candid with you.
I find this stuff, this kind of topic that I'm about to discuss right now.
I find it so distasteful. I'm not interested in it. I really don't like it.
And that's sort of the political maneuverings, the procedural maneuverings that happens behind the scenes at things like the
Southern Baptist convention, but it's less, less, you think it's just these crazy Baptist. It's not, there's all kinds of procedural maneuverings and political things and, and, and, and secret groups and, and, and back backroom deals and shady committees in the
PCA as well. And in Presbyterian conventions as well. And I find it disgusting. Now I've talked to people about this a lot.
I've talked to people in the Southern Baptist convention as I've talked to Presbyterians as well. And the topic that I've said is, is this biblical in any way?
All this stuff, it just seems so yucky. It's like, it strikes me like Congress strikes me.
I just, it's a hive of scum and villainy. Every time I go into Washington DC and I pass these buildings where I know there's shady deals going on, it just gives me the willies.
Is it really disgusting? Or is it, do I need to get over that? That's the question I ask people and I've come to, to a place right now where I think it's something that I need to get over because this is how things get done.
And I don't think we need to lie or be shady or any of that, but these kinds of procedural maneuverings, if, if we're going to play the game, we got to play the game the right way.
And the reality is brothers and sisters, I think the progressives have our number when it comes to this game.
We can get played like this. And this movie will show you the procedures, the, the, the, the, the, all of the, the maneuverings that happen in order to get this resolution on critical theory adopted by the
SBC convention. It is not because the majority of people thought that this was a great resolution.
Okay. It's not. It's because there were levers pulled and maneuvers made and all kinds of things done in order to just push it through, even if people didn't fully understand it.
And this movie does a good job of showing us exactly how that happened. Now, I think that conservatives ought to be learning how to play this game minus the line minus the shenanigans minus the shadiness, because the progressive side of this debate is willing to do all kinds of things that I think a good
Christian should not do. But we should learn how to play this game to look in a perfect world.
We shouldn't need this procedural maneuvering in order to get things done. We shouldn't need it, but look around.
I I've, I've come to realize over the last few, you know, you know, five to 10 years that we do not live in a perfect world.
And so we need to play this game with them. We need to play it unto
God. We need to play it to God's glory, which means that we can't break his law. We can't do shady things.
We can't bend the rules a little bit, but we can play this game. And that's another great thing about this movie.
If you, if you're interested in the procedural maneuverings that happened at the SBC convention in order to ramrod this thing in and watch this movie, it's a good one.
Let's continue. What do you think makes the
SBC the best? Okay. So this is, this is where this is the last thing
I want to show because this is where you get to really see the difference between a man that you should seek to emulate and a man that I would never want to be like, never
Tom Askew, that, that, that the way he spoke, you know, a few, a few minutes ago, it was just a, he spoke the way that, that men speak to each other.
He spoke directly. He spoke with gravitas, gravitas.
I mean, and he, and he's not despairing. I mean, that's the thing I love about Tom Askew. This brother's not in despair.
He, he, he, he couldn't believe what had happened. I mean, that, that, that, that clip we just saw was him almost, almost at midnight that night, just like, you know, kind of debriefing with his, with his friends and stuff like that.
But I didn't see a man in despair. I didn't. I saw a man who knew that the progressives had their number and he's ready to go to war if necessary.
I can already see people typing. Oh my goodness, these people, these theonomists, they're so scary. They use this warrior language.
Oh my goodness, very scary. Grow up. Okay. Grow up.
But anyway, so you see Tom Askew and he's this guy, he's got gravitas, he's got conviction. He's, he's a, he's a man that, that I think that, that, you know, look,
I'm not a big on the celebrity pastor thing, but if you wanted to, to, to, to see a man who's operating in this whole debate and, and does it in a way that, that, that should be emulated.
I think Tom Askew is one of those guys. Good, good on you, Tom. And I hope that you're feeling better, man.
Anyway, let's compare that to this dude. I don't even know who it is and it doesn't even matter.
I don't want to know who he is. Getting interviewed by, it looks, I think it's
Hannah Askew, one of the, probably the most non -threatening people that I could have possibly imagined.
Look, listen to how this, this, this young lady, not threatening, asking some questions. Yeah, they're direct questions.
Yes. But watch, watch the weasel words come out. This is, there's, there's, there's a, there's a comedian that I follow.
He's hilarious. And I, he's very problematic in many ways. His name is Owen Benjamin. He would call this wizardry.
He would call, this is how a wizard operates. A wizard doesn't really do magic. I don't know if you knew that. A wizard doesn't really do magic.
What a wizard does is he misdirects you. He misdirects you and all you got to do, it's like the Wizard of Oz. So like the
Wizard of Oz is he, he, he's got this big flashy display where he's got this hologram and fire and everything's just like, whoa, this is amazing.
But really he's just misdirecting you because his little platform is right here behind the curtain. All he's doing is his little shenanigans there.
It's just all about getting you to see the big stuff, like the wild stuff. But really you don't, all you got to do is question him once and you're like, well, obviously he's not a wizard.
This is wizardry. You're about to see a textbook example of wizardry. This is a Hannah Askell talking to,
I don't really care who it is. Best denomination in America. Our stance is on, uh.
So this, why do you think the Southern Baptist Convention is the best denomination in America? Okay, good question,
Hannah. Just, just, I'm going to put it, just simply put that we stick to what the scripture has to tell us and we don't, we don't, we don't budge from that.
We stick to what the scripture has to tell us and we don't budge from that. Fantastic. Fantastically said.
Well said. You're going to see why this is just wizardry in just a second. This guy knows that's what he has to say in order to distract you.
He can say that stuff over here and you're like, oh yeah, right on biblical, biblical, uh, fidelity.
Yeah, that's great. We stay, we're convictions. Yeah. This is why it's just wizardry. Let's listen. I'm grateful that I'm, I'm not seeing the
SBC do what some conventions are doing in terms of stepping away from their, their, their values and stances on biblical hot button topics.
Biblical hot button topics. We're not, we're not going to back down. Yeah. This is just a wizard spell. You ready for, you ready for the wizardry?
Here we go. He hit all the things he needed to hit. Well, we're not backing down from the hot buttons. Nope. Nope. We're not because we're the
Southern Baptist Convention and we don't back down. We believe what the Bible, all that's good stuff, man.
Don't get me wrong. It's not a wizard spell because I disagree with it. You'll see why it's a wizard spell. I'll put it that way.
So speaking of biblical hot button topics, speaking of biblical hot button topics, again, let's just put this in context, right?
He's got a camera in his face. That's, that's a little bit intimidating. I can understand that. I've had cameras in my face before I've been on live
TV in New York city before, where I knew that there were probably a million people watching me and it's intimidating no matter who's interviewing you.
But let's just put this in context. This is, I think this is Hannah Askell. I'm not sure interviewing this guy.
So yeah, a little bit of intimidation. You got a camera in your face, but it's like the most non -threatening person you can imagine asking you a question.
So speaking of hot buttons, you just said that we don't back down from hot buttons. Speaking of hot buttons, right to my next question and talking about,
I'm sure you've seen the chatter on Twitter and just conversations that have been going around about women pastors and women preachers and the woman being the president of the
SBC. What are your thoughts on that? How do you feel about a woman being president of SBC? I don't know that I have a comment on that, honestly.
Yeah. What do you think scripture speaks on women preachers or pastors? Would you be willing to talk about that at all? I'd say the
Bible does. The Bible does speak upon it. Um, since I'm honestly representing Lifeway, um, um,
I'd rather let Lifeway answer that question. Absolutely. I appreciate your time so much, Rob. Thank you so much.
So I don't want to beat this guy up too much. Okay. So, so don't find him.
If you know who this guy is, don't find him. Don't beat him up too much because imagine if you had one of your worst moments on video and put into a synagogue, you know, you know what
I mean? I wouldn't want that. But the reality is, here it is. This is why the progressives have you by the balls.
This is why they win. This is why. Because they've got this guy in fear.
This is a man who's terrified to lose his job. I understand because I've got three kids.
I've got three kids and they're all under five years old and I've got a wife and I need to provide for them.
I need to. And so if I had a situation where I knew, and you don't know what this guy knows.
I have no idea who this is. This guy could be a committed progressive. I have no clue.
He might be, but I don't think that's what this is. Nope. I think this is a guy who probably knows exactly what the
Bible says about this. And he knows where he stands. And I bet you he's conservative. I bet you he's conservative, but he's a conservative man who is in a state of fear because he thinks if he answers, he's seen it happen before.
He knows. Maybe he's been told directly. Maybe he's just been, it's like that chilling effect that he's seen things happen.
But if he answers the wrong way here, he's on, he's on the chopping block and he knows it.
And so the progressives, they're the ones that do this kind of stuff. They're the ones who, if you say the wrong thing, you take the wrong position, you ain't woke enough.
Well, that's going to be your livelihood. They've got him and he's terrified and he doesn't want to lose his job.
And who could blame him because he's probably got a family too. Men, here's what we need to do.
We need to get ourselves into situations where we do not have to go along with the crowd to do evil.
Where when a young lady comes up to you and asks you a very simple question with a simple answer, and you know, the answer that you can look into the camera and confidently say,
God has spoken. And this is what God says.
And so if you want to be mad at me, fine. But that's, I'm not the one who's saying that that's
God. What other choice do I have? I don't answer to life way.
I answer to God. This is a coward's way out.
And, and I'd like to think, and guys, again, I don't want to beat this guy up because I'm not in this position.
I'm not in this position. Where if I say the wrong thing, then my livelihood is, is at stake.
I mean, everyone kind of is these days because all they got to do is put you on CNN and, and you know, that's the end, but I'm not in this position, but, but guys, we need to put ourselves in a place where, where we're not fragile in this way, where we, we just get done talking about how strong the
SBC is and how we don't back down and on the hot buttons. And then someone asks you a hot button and a girl asks you a hot button and you can see like, it's, it's, it's sad the way, the way his body language just, just, just drops.
And he knows that he, this is wizardry. You pull the curtain and it's just like,
I'm not in this position.
I'd like to think that if I was, that I would not be like this. I don't know that I would be.
I, I, I'm well aware of how much of a coward I can be at times, but this is, this is, this is what we have to resist.
We have to resist this. If you do the right thing and you say, this is what God has said, and who am
I to change what God has said, whether I work for life way or not, who am I to not be clear about this?
Especially after I just got done saying, this is why it's the best, you know, denomination ever. You might, your, your life might be more difficult if you do it that way.
Russell Moore is famous for, for this kind of an answer. Oh, well, you know, complementarianism should be about complementarity.
It's just like a coward, what a coward men, we, we ought not be this way.
We ought not be this way. I think it's time to find all of us need to find our big boy pants and get ready for war.
Because if our jobs depend on us answering like this, where it's like, I don't have a comment.
You might as well just kill us now. You might as well just get, just get it over with. Don't be castrated by the woke refuse.
Just don't go along with it. Just say, no, you want to fire me for saying what the Bible says when
I know what the Bible says. And so do you fire me. It'll be the biggest mistake of your life.
That's the attitude we should be bringing to this because I've thought about it. What happens if I, you know, if I get fired or if I, you know, get into a state of want because of what
I say on YouTube and stuff like that, what happens? Well, that'll be tough, but I'll try to use it to my advantage, but I'll trust
God with the results, man. Let's, let's, let's, let's act like as if we actually do trust
God, like, like if we actually believe the verse where it says, you know, what can man do to me?
You know what I mean? What can man do to me? If God's on your side, what can man do to you? I don't know.
I hope I don't come off as too aggressive with this guy. I feel for him.
I do because I don't know what this guy has seen. I don't know what he has seen. I don't know what he's been told, but it's, it's obvious that something is driving the bus comes to this answer.
I want you to watch this again. Around about women pastors and women preachers and the woman being the president of the
SBC. What are your thoughts on that? How do you feel about a woman being president at SBC? I don't know.
That's how you defeat someone who's, who's, who's, who's trying to distract you. That's how you defeat a wizard.
You just ask them a direct question and this is what he does. Um, um, um, no, that I have a comment on that.
Honestly. Yeah. What do you think scripture speaks on women, preachers or pastors? Would you be willing to talk about that at all?
I I'd say the Bible does. The Bible does speak upon it. Um, since I'm honestly representing
Lifeway, um, um, I'd rather let Lifeway answer that question. God has spoken, but right now in this moment on this topic,
Lifeway is my master. That's a sad state of affairs, man. You know, after watching that and thinking about it a little bit, this, this isn't really the time in my opinion, you know, the slap high fives and to, and to, to be bop, you know, all over this kind of thing.
Um, this is a time to really reflect on our, on ourselves here because Christian, the temptation to give answers like you just saw with this interview with Hannah Askell and then this guy, the temptation and the pressure to do it that way is immense.
And people have built theologies to make that kind of an answer more winsome than direct answers like Tom Askell.
Tom Askell is a villain in some corners of, of, of, of the internet right now, because he speaks to you directly like a man.
But I want you to hear the words of Christ because the pressure is going to be immense on us to provide answers like this, man, this is not a time for us to say, well, this man's bad.
No, this is a time to reflect on ourselves because I see too much of myself in the way that this man answered that question.
I want to be as humble as I can be about this. Listen to the words of Christ. And I hope this encourages you.
Christ says to the sermon on the Mount, he says, you are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall it saltiness be restored?
It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.
And that's hard to hear. You're the salt of the earth, but if you lose your saltiness, you're no longer good for anything.
Here's also what he says. He says, you're the light of the world. A city set on a Hill cannot be hidden, nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand and it gives light so that others,
I'm sorry, it gives light to all in the house. Christian, listen to this in the same way.
Let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven.
Let us not hide our light behind weasel words behind non answers behind.
Well, my employer, go ahead and ask them. I have no comment. Let us not lose our light.
Let us not lose our salt in that way, but rather let us be bold. Let us, let us be okay with saying thus says the
Lord. When the Lord actually did say, let us be okay with that. Let us have courage to do that because these days that kind of does take courage from time to time.
And so I just want to leave you with that and encourage you with that. I hope that this review was helpful. God bless.
Now I wanted to end this video talking about the, uh, the, uh, Rachel did
Hollander controversy, which there is none in this movie. They very clearly don't, they just don't go into it too much, but, but you may have heard that a founder's ministry thinks that Rachel den
Hollander is a literal demon, like, you know, like a, a spiritual entity. Um, if you've heard that and you believed it,
I mean, shame on you, obviously shame on you. Um, but there's none of that here. There's none of that here. What I do like about that whole controversy though, is that only idiots will fall for it and not watch this trip.
This, this documentary idiots. If you're, if you're, if you believe that whole thing of that, that, that founders thinks that Rachel den
Hollander is a literal demon, uh, and that's what their trailer said, and that's what this movie is going to be about. So I'm not even going to watch it.
If you believe that you are an idiot. Okay. You're stupid. You're way stupider than you ought to be, but there are very few people like that.
And so those people won't watch the movie. That's not the target audience of this movie. Anyway, the target audience of this movie is people that are fair people that have a modicum of intelligence, people that, that don't just believe everything you read on the internet kind of thing.
Um, and, uh, Rachel D is not featured that much in this movie. Um, and I don't know why that happened.
I don't care. I thought it would have been nice to explore that a lot more in depth and maybe they will, I don't know what's going to happen, but, uh, yeah,
I just wanted to comment that in here. Um, anyway, I hope this was helpful, not really a full review, but I hope it wets the appetite enough because you've got about two hours and see how long is this movie?
Yeah. About two hours. I'm a little less than two hours, um, expanding on these topics and more.
So I hope that you found this helpful. And I hope that you recommend this movie to anyone who's interested in these things.