Inerrancy and Harmonization: What's the Problem?


After a bit of discussion of current developments concerning the ravaging hordes running about the internet burning and looting, we played a portion of the comments made on the recent episode of Unbelievable on the subject of the gospels, inerrancy, and harmonization. Important stuff! Note sure about the schedule for the next two weeks as I will be up in glorious Colorado, but we will make something happen as we have in the past.

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that's what we're gonna be talking about in this week's episode of The Dividing Line but I don't have
OCD so anyway welcome to The Dividing Line you know every day is an adventure these days it truly is
I um the the world is an odd place it it truly truly is uh you know there are so many topics that I could address right now and I'll be honest with you how much how much pushback uh detestation anger can any one person take
I mean uh there there are a couple that that I'd I'd like to address but I'll just be honest with you
I'm I'm heading out of town I've got my my major yearly rides to do at high altitude and getting to go spend some time some of my best friends in the whole world and it means a lot to me speaking of three different churches in the
Denver area by the way but I just you know
I suppose I could just light these fires and leave them all to rich and I just leave town because he answers the phone anyways and you know sometimes
I'm over on this side of the office and he's on that side of the office and now that his he's a little bit closer is he moved his office he used to be around a corner
I really couldn't hear anything now I can hear a little bit more and uh so you know why not you know just just uh flip the pins throw the grenades and leave town you know maybe
I'll forget my computer drop my cell phone uh whatever and just have a couple weeks uh to relax and do you find my conversation sanity um do you find my conversations disturbing uh well you get some interesting phone calls you get some some interesting interesting phone calls um you should have an automatic little thing that you press you should have a little bank of recorded things and you're like under one of Matthew 18 you know and there's just that recorded response to Matthew 18 and James White's a
Jesuit and you click that one it might be a little bit easier or we could just have it as a part of the options when you when you call in if you think
James White's a Jesuit press one if if you're a King James onlyist uh and uh think that Stephen Anderson and Peter Ruckman are
God's gifts to the church press two you know uh you know but but the response would be the same in each one you are the weakest link goodbye no no no no there'd be all sorts of stuff it'd be cool recordings don't you remember what we used to do with 2662
LDS and stuff like that we could we could have some great recordings uh available for these if you're a jihadi uh press three and uh your your call will be automatically traced and sent to the
FBI you know there's just all sorts of stuff that we can do here uh but uh yeah
I won't do that uh I I won't do that but uh you do have the the phone lines open because um not for calls hold on hold on don't don't don't go crazy uh
I I announced yesterday and I'm going to discuss a topic other than the lynch mobs with the pitchforks and um and torches and uh effigies of me that are being burned across the internet um by the religious and the non -religious alike uh basically uh but I did throw out uh a uh open invitation now someone's gonna have to contact brother
Flynn at Megiddo Films because uh I just posted on Twitter that I'm blocked uh by uh by brother
Flynn um I I don't know why uh why why would that be I mean he's felt the freedom to go after me on his program and and for for hours on end and then blocks me on Twitter it's really interesting
I've noticed I've said a couple times with only a small amount of uh of of exaggeration that both
Facebook and Twitter have had to bring entire new server farms online uh to hold
Brandon House's uh block list because if you if you show any uh if you express anything other than his perspective he will block you
I mean you're you're just gone boom um it's uh it's it's it's amazing and so yeah somebody else in in channel was blocked by Paul Flynn too so uh you know that's that's that's his right
I mean I've blocked people in the past normally because they were acting like complete jerks but this is all being blocked sometimes preemptorily you know just I don't want to hear what you have to say well anyways someone might let
Paul know I I included him and Osama Dakdak and Brandon House um you can call the studio here
I gave the number on Twitter and here's the thesis of our discussion uh the gospel was uh magnified and proclaimed in the dialogues in Memphis I will defend that you deny it how's that I've got it queued up ready to go
Paul Flynn knows that in the program he did with Mark Carpenter they specifically stated that the gospel was not presented um what no it's not no
I don't believe I don't believe you're correct I all right whatever uh it was stated uh that uh the gospel was not presented and I have
I have it you know I've got these little programs here and these little programs play videos it's amazing you can actually play videos from from stuff that happened in the past these are these are recordings of events and so you don't have to just it's really neat you don't have to just go on the basis of uh you know what people think you can actually re -watch what was said over and over again it's really cool how it works it's great how how that how that how that happens and and so I can
I can just you know click on a few little things here on the screen and we can all watch as uh well as Yasir Qadhi asks me in the mosque to uh explain why
Jesus had to die and justification and and I have all this time and I I even took the time to contrast the
Christian perspective with the hadith of the of the man who killed 99 people which
I've done a number of my debates but I I did right there and and I I did so in such a way as to be motioning toward Dr.
Qadhi and I was saying uh well for example like like the hadith of the man who killed 99 people and I was wanting if if I in in any way misrepresented that hadith please feel free and no he was just nodding his head yep yep that's what it says that's what it says and for a lot of folks that's an amazing thing to watch they've never seen that before they've they've never seen a
Muslim scholar in an imam in a in a mosque uh sitting with a
Christian who is narrating the Muslim hadith and he agrees with his narration it's an accurate narration he's accurately representing what it says what it means and presenting in such a way that it communicates to Muslim people now one of the problems a lot of people have is and again this this goes back a ways but for years and years now this ministry has been involved in witnessing to Mormons and people who are now parents with with teenage kids were once kids themselves who went out with us to the
Mormon temple and they can testify very very clearly that for decades
I have taught people that you have to overcome language barriers in witnessing to people from other faith perspectives some people only like the idea of faith perspectives uh but you know from another religious viewpoint whatever and you have to overcome language barriers because the danger is they may hear you using certain language and interpret it in such a way um that they will put a meaning into your words that you don't want there and that will end up sort of short -circuiting what you're attempting to do you may think they're following and then half an hour into the conversation everything goes off the rails you wonder what happened and what it was is you just you hadn't been communicating all along and that's the problem and so I sit in a mosque and when
I explain the necessity of Christ's death I do so in such a way that I quote a hadith so as to present a contrast so that people can understand what the real difference is and that's not the first time
I've been in a mosque and explained that um there is a uh there is a video out there
Mark Fitzpatrick okay you're right um there is a video out there of me in the mosque in Erasmus South Africa uh and the debate was on salvation and so one of the issues that had to be dealt with was to me and I think to serious
Muslims as well one of the key issues is can
God forgive sin without his law being propitiated and Islam says yes that's what the whole story of the nine the man that killed 99 people actually is 100 by the time
I got done that's the whole point is that Allah can arbitrarily forgive egregious mass murderers with his law remaining broken no justice done
God's law does not require justice in Islam and when you think about there are a lot of Christians that struggle with this issue when you ask them well you've accepted the idea that atonement is necessary you may have accepted it when it was presented to you as a child you may have accepted when you presented to you as a young young adult whenever it is you accepted the message but a lot of Christians are really befuddled when you press the issue and say why why can't
God just forgive why does his law have to be fulfilled why why is it necessary for there to be atonement what you you've got it you've got to deal with this and you're dealing with Muslims if you're dealing with Muslims majority of my my critics aren't dealing with Muslims they they may encounter
Muslims they may pass out of track they may say repent and believe the gospel but that's not dealing with Muslims actually engaging them their worldview their beliefs so that the gospel is understandable to them that's different issue that's a different issue it's real easy to to talk to people on the street have a five -minute conversation go yeah
I'm really engaging the Muslim people no you're not that may start something but if you can't go beyond that if you can't if you can't get to this level of discussing of even answering the question why is atonement necessary then you're not really engaging the subject so anyway what's really neat is
I have right here on this wonderful computing device this videotape where I can replay what
I actually said over and over again and we can listen and we can go look the gospel is presented look
I talked about things like repentance and faith and atonement and justification the nature of justification and and the relationship of faith and works wow