Symptoms of Translation (02/15/2004)


Pastor David Mitchell


Let's turn to Colossians chapter 1 and we're going to read
Colossians chapter 1 verse 12 through 13
And it talks about being translated God has translated us
So let's read this together Giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet that means fit to be partakers of the inheritance of the
Saints in light and And We're still talking about the father there found in verse 1 the father who has delivered us
It is he that delivers us from the power of darkness And it is the father who has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son so we've been delivered and Many times in the
New Testament when you see the word saved or salvation. It's the same word as this word for delivered It literally means rescued rescued
So he not only delivered us from the power of darkness But he has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son.
The translating is what he does after the delivery and Really, it is the end of the whole thing.
It's the reason for it. God did not just save us to save us from hell Although from our viewpoint, that was a good thing
But he saved us To bring us unto himself so that we might know him and we might have a personal relationship with him and that we might see him as Lord of all rather than certain
Masters that we used to have before our salvation Sin habits in the world the flesh the devil himself
Terrible masters that we had When Jesus saved us he set us free from those masters and he became our only
Lord and he has translated us into his kingdom and So we began to talk about that a little while back and we specifically moved into an area of conversation
It has to do with some symptoms of translation It's appropriate this time of year.
We talked about a head cold If you get a cold you have some symptoms that go with it In fact, if someone tells you
I've got a cold so I'm not coming into work today But they don't have any of these symptoms. You kind of wonder if they're just skipping work, don't you?
Because there are always symptoms that go with it. And so with this idea of translation when
God the Father has translated a person From the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.
There are things that go along with it. It's inescapable So we've been listing some of those things last
Sunday We just listed the first one in and took the whole time on it. And that was That you love the brethren.
So let me have you read 1st John 3 14 if you would turn there We spent most of our time in Hebrews chapter 10 verses 23 through the end of that chapter last
Sunday And it literally talks about church attendance
Which relates to what we're going to read here in 1st John 1st
John 3 14. We know that we have passed from death unto life Now we're talking about symptoms of translation or you could just say of salvation how is it that you can check your own salvation out and Determine if you've been translated
Translated from a kingdom of darkness into a kingdom of light. How can you know? Well, here is a way the
Bible says we can know in fact it says we may know That we have passed and that is in a tense.
That means it has already happened We may know that we have already passed from death unto life
Because we love the brethren he that loveth not his brother abides still in death
So there's your first symptom. Is that you all of a sudden have an ability to love?
Your brothers and sisters in Christ in a way that you could not do that in the flesh You can love them even when they're doing things that are disgusting to you
Even when they do things that hurt you even if they say things to you that are harmful or hurtful
Even if they don't do everything right in the way that you want them to do things for you
You still can love them because if you have this kind of agape love that only a saved
Translated person can have because it's God's love if you have agape love
Then your love does not depend on the other person and what they do or don't do it depends on that love that God's put in your heart that comes from him and so Only a translated person can have this.
So if you're checking out your salvation today, you ask yourself the question Do I love my brothers and sisters just when they're doing what
I want them to do? And everything's going fine, or do I love them even when they're not pleasing me?
great question to ask and that is God's kind of love and the lost world knows nothing of it and Carnal Christians can't know anything about it.
But those who are walking in the spirit walking with the Lord Have this as a symptom of their salvation and it leads down to Hebrews that we touched on last
Sunday because why? Why would you not want to be in church if you love the people that are there if?
You love the brothers and sisters Why would you possibly want to not be with them? When the meeting is called and so that's what we talked about last time was loving the brothers and church attendants
Now and how they relate now, let's move into a second area this morning Turn with me to John chapter 5 verse 24
John chapter 5 verse 24. We're going to look at a second symptom that you would have if you are really saved
John 5 24 verily verily or truly truly I say unto you Now Jesus is speaking here
And he says I'm gonna tell you something that is doubly true truly truly
I say unto you he that hears my word and Believes on him that sent me has everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation, but is already passed
From death unto life So what is the symptom listed there? No It's the result of it, but look at it again specifically.
What is the symptom? listed here that If you have this symptom you have already passed from death unto life
You got half of it brother Burge, what's the other half? Yeah You got it the word an ability to hear the
Word of God You've been given an open ear that can hear
God's Voice and sense God's heart and mind when you read the
Word of God that you didn't have when you were lost That is very vivid in my salvation experience because I did not like the
Bible before I got saved I tried to read it a couple of times because I thought that by reading it
God would have to let me in heaven when I died I Had a system figured out where he'd have to let me in I was gonna meet him at the gate and say
I read your Bible and smile real big and hope he let me in that was my plan for salvation and Yet every time
I would try I never got past Genesis Never got past the flood got right in that area and I'd get so boring that I just lay it down and quit
Every time all the way through college from a little boy all the way through college on and off I tried that system never could hack it and then when
I turned 24, I got saved in my car driving to work one day and Not long after that I heard the
Word of God preached by dr. Rocky Freeman Which was the first preaching I heard after my salvation and it just came alive
And all of a sudden I wanted to study the word every day vivid change in my life
But Jesus says in John 5 28 that this is true of everyone in the sense that you once Were at a place where you couldn't hear and now you find that you can hear truly truly
Jesus says he that hears my word and Believes on him that sent me has everlasting life
Shall not come into come condemnation, but is already passed from death into life rather verge the belief
Is least as far as how we as men look at it from our viewpoint is a result of the hearing
It comes second not first now the way it's taught most churches today is Belief is something you can work up yourselves
From within you just make yourself believe and then all of a sudden you're saved It just doesn't work that way if you look at the great
Apostle Paul's salvation experience It's so vivid that he had to have an ear that would hear
Jesus first before he believed anything and The belief is a result at least in our way
I think with God it just all happens at once but we like to study things sequentially Now let's turn to John chapter 8
Turn over to John chapter 8 about verse 47 now, let's look at this a little bit further
He that is of God Jesus says Heareth God's words, isn't that the same thing?
He said earlier? He that is of God hears God's words
Ye therefore hear them not Because you are not of God So now he puts it in the negative as well and he's speaking to a group of Pharisees in this passage
Religious people who studied the Bible every day of their life some of the few people that were able to have access to written the written word in their day and They studied it and yet Jesus told them you are not of God because even though you're reading and studying the
Bible You're not hearing God's Word that amazing people like that all around us People sitting in churches all around us today
With a Bible and they study these things so that they can out argue you any day And yet they don't hear what
God's heart is in the stuff. It's just it's just a legal thing to them And it's been that way since this time and Jesus warned he said he that is of God hears
God's Words when he studies the Word of God you can say it that way When a person that saved studies the
Bible he hears God's words Ye therefore hear them not now he's talking to the lost
Pharisees The children of the devil as he called them. He said you don't hear
God's words because you're not of God Now, what does that tell me? What kind of person is it that will ever be able to hear
God's words Only the person that's off God The children of the devil will never hear
God's words You can put it on the radio. You can put it on the TV You can put it in the easiest to understand a little booklet
You've ever written and give it to them and they can read the booklet, but they won't hear
God's words in it Jesus said then answered the Jews and said and to him
Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan and has a devil You see when
Jesus told these religious leaders that they did not have God because they couldn't hear God's words. They said well then you're demonic
Because we know we're God they were saying because we're religious, you know, we're religious
So you must have a devil because you disagree with us Jesus answered
I have not a devil But I honor my father and you do dishonor me and I seek not my own glory there is one that seeketh and judges
Truly truly I say unto you if a man keep my saying he shall never see death
If a man keep my sayings my words He shall never see death now turn to John 17 in verse 6
John 17 6 I have manifested thy name and to The men which thou gavest me out of the world
Thine they were and thou gavest them to me. Jesus said and they have kept thy what?
word For I have given unto them the words which the father gave us me and They have received them.
You see this great symptom of salvation They have received God's words and have known surely that I came out from thee
And they have believed that thou didst send me So if it's true that the first symptom of salvation is that we love the brethren
With a gop a love the second symptom is we have a love for God's Word Not only do we love his word, but when we study it we hear his words and We know him
Now go to Romans chapter 8 verse 15. We're gonna see a third symptom third symptom and Remember, these are not for judging the people sitting around you this morning to figure out if they're saved or not it's to look at one's own self and To test one's own salvation
Do I love the brothers and sisters? They come that God brings into my life in my local church is the first place to look and Then all over the world as I find my brothers and sisters.
Do I have a love for him? number two, do I have a newfound love for the word that I didn't have before my salvation and And now number three
Romans 8 15 for ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear But you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry
Abba father The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God Another great symptom of salvation in your own life.
Do you now have a Spirit that lives within your spirit
That's one with your spirit that testifies to your spirit that you are God's child now
Do you sense that if you don't sense that if you're not sure of that then you lack this great?
Symptom of salvation and you should certainly look at your own salvation to see if it's real or counterfeit
Because if one is saved The Many things that can come in life as we study the physical examples of them in the book of Joshua In our adult
Sunday school class. We see the battles that were fought which picture spiritual battles in our lives
There are many things in our lives as adults in particular that can bring fear
Children have their own kind of fear We had Matthew sleeping On the couch in my study
So he'd be close to us last night because we didn't want to sleep with Ben because Ben's got this bad cold well,
Matthew doesn't like like to sleep by himself and Certainly not in a strange room
So throughout the night there were many occasions when he would get up and come and he always goes like this
On the side of the bed scares you to death I mean it just you wake up and you don't know what's happening.
Just a little Like that and then you know, it's him. It's too dark in there
Okay, so mom goes and pulls the blind all the way up, you know And then she comes back and I'm looking at her
I said, I don't like that now people can see in and see us sleeping So next time you fix this problem, don't mess my problem up.
I don't like blind up. I know just for tonight I said, okay, so we go to sleep all of a sudden
Says a Person could shoot through that crack. He says Little kid now, what's he thinking, you know?
All these fears and I can hear her say your father will protect you and I'm thinking not with that window up.
I can't you know So we had an interesting night of fear last night both
Matthew and myself But the kinds of fears that we as adults have are different they're more subtle They're the kind where you wake up in the middle of night.
You lay there and you gentlemen wonder Am I going to make able to make ends meet?
And someday we'll have you ladies come up and tell what you think of in the middle of the night Not being a woman.
I'm sure it's different. But do you have fears I Call these adult fears
But what do you do when that happens what is it you're able to do that maybe Matthew's not quite
Able to do yet. You've all done it You tell me there's no such thing as monsters or no such thing as this no such thing is that so you don't have to Worry about it.
Does that work? No It doesn't matter what you tell them the fear still there that you as an adult.
How do you deal with it? You pray you say Lord, you know I know that you haven't given me this spirit of fear
And I know that you don't have that. It's not part of your nature Would you please remove it?
And then it goes away you go right back to sleep And you just pray and you ask the
Lord to take whatever burden it is. That's on your heart away Because he can bear it and we cannot
Now if you don't have the ability to do that And you don't know how to deal with fears and fears are in your life all the time
You lack a very important symptom of salvation and that is that yes
It doesn't say we don't have fear. But what it says is God hasn't given us a spirit of fear
Which is a spirit of bondage to the fear Where we are a slave to that fear and it begins to change our very life
It's not that way for a saved person the fear can be there but you're not in bondage to it and you have in fact received the spirit of adoption which even in the midst of the fear says to you, but you're my child and After all,
I'm sovereign And after all I am omnipotent And can take care of all your needs
So, do you have that voice that says that to you in times of fear I'm your father just like you tell the little child
I'm your father I'll take care of all your needs. You don't need to worry.
You don't need to fear Now we get upset with our little children when we tell me no such thing as monsters
They're not and they certainly don't live under your bed And then they come back in 30 minutes later
But Why don't you just go to sleep? I'm telling you dad's gonna protect you we get upset with him, but you know sometimes
We know full well God is sovereign and he's our father and he owns everything in the universe and it's all ours because we've inherited it and we say
But God, I'm still fearful So we can learn from Matt. I use him because not here today
See so you make sure you show up because I might use you if you're not here Okay Let's go to the next one
When we're saved all of a sudden we have a newfound love for the brethren and you found love for God's Word and we have a new nature
That witnesses to our spirit that we are God's children first John chapter 3 verse 10
Turn to first John 3 10 and also Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 the fourth symptom of Salvation or of translation is
Good works now. I don't really want to phrase it good works because we get all kinds of ideas
Tied in with that But let's just call it Experiential righteousness,
I like that one. It sounds doctrinal doesn't it? Experiential righteousness
You know that when you've been saved that you have been made righteous because you've been given the very righteousness of Jesus Christ God took your sins placed them on Christ on the cross
Trent Translated them to him Or imputed them to him and then he took his goodness and righteousness and imputed that to us
So we know we have the righteousness of Christ But there is such a thing taught in the
Bible as Experiential righteousness, which means some of them call it experimental. I don't like that word sound like I'm experimenting with it, but it's experience
It is has your lifestyle changed? since your salvation
The sin habits that used to control your life. Are they gone now?
Are you different are Your friends different the places you hang out.
Are they different and on and on and on? That's what this has to do with now. We have to understand making all those changes does not save a person
These are symptoms of having already been saved by the power of God having been delivered having been rescued
Having been translated out of darkness into the kingdom of light. These are some when you get in that kingdom
There's just different stuff to do Than what you did when you were in the old kingdom Do you find that true in our in our lives first John 3 10?
very clear in this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil
So whatever it is, we're about to talk about Brings to light who God's children are and who the devil's children are
Whosoever doeth not Righteousness is not of God Neither he that loveth not his brother
Now I think it's amazing how that statement is given It doesn't say here is how the children of God are manifest.
They do righteousness all the time. Aren't we glad it doesn't say that Because we're not perfect are we because we still walk in a body of flesh that is not saved yet That pulls against everything that God wants for us and everything that we want, you know to do for God But it puts it in the negative and it reveals who the children of the devil are the children of the devil are people
Whosoever doeth not Righteousness, they can't do righteousness It's not within them to do it
Neither they that love not their brother. They can't have a goth a love ties in with the other point.
We've already studied So this adds a new point though Those who do not have the ability to do
Righteousness and to walk with God and to fight those old sin habits and to win like Joshua did as he went into the promised land they were defeated and So That is the calling of the righteous person is as you are born again
One of the symptoms is you begin to have victory After victory after victory over the old sin habits in your life
And you in fact do become more righteous in the experiential sense of it you change people that went to high school with you if you were lost when you were in high school and then you got saved at the age of 24 like I did after they were all gone and then they meet you at the you know, the 100th anniversary or whatever you call it your graduation and and you're different to them because God has changed you little step by little step and It's not so much.
He made you righteous He called you righteous when he saved you but as far as the experience he begins to take away the unrighteousness little at a time and Since there can't really be a vacuum.
It just fills up with stuff you do for God and You may not even realize the change but your buddies from high school will see the difference and The ones that will see it the most are the ones that also got saved during that time period they meet you and they're saved
To what they want to talk to you about Hey, I got saved. Well, so did I man?
Isn't it great if you had discussions like that with old friends from the past that also got saved?
It's it's really wonderful It's because of this new nature So the new nature is in itself a great symptom of salvation and so are the good works
That stem from it. Let me give you one other one Ephesians 2 8 that deal with the good works
Ephesians 2 8 Ephesians 2 8 and 9 we talked about the salvation experience, but verse 10 is just as much a part of it
That's why it's connected to it in the scriptures For By grace or you save through faith and it not of yourselves.
It is the gift of God. No one saves themselves It's a gift from God. It is not of works
Even though we're talking about works right now Being a symptom of salvation The symptom doesn't cause the disease does it brother
Clarence? That's not how it works. Is it the symptom is not what causes the disease?
There is a disease that makes the symptom come forth. And so it is not the good works that cause salvation
No number of good works can cause a person to be saved The works are an outpouring from The salvation that had to take place first.
So here in Ephesians 2 8 and 9 we see the salvation taking place first We see that it's through faith.
We see that it's by grace. We see it's a gift from God It is not of works and no man can boast about it.
So it doesn't come from man Doesn't have anything to do with man in it. It's from God salvation is from God.
However Look what verse 10 says That when there is salvation present
It says then we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus For the very purpose.
That's what the word unto means of good works We were saved to do good works one of the reasons he saved us
We were saved unto Good works not only that but it says
God has before ordained. In other words. He has predestinated That we will walk in those good works if we are saved in other words when we are saved
The word should there in the English Would be more nearly translated would
From the Greek doesn't mean that you should but you might not doesn't mean that at all doesn't carry that sense
It is saying that you've been ordained that you will walk in good works When you're saved another great symptom of salvation
First Peter chapter 4 if you turn there, I'll give you the fifth symptom The fifth symptom is has to do with your speech
Believe it or not How you talk? Changes when you get saved first Peter 4 11 if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of God All the sudden your speech carries with it
Bible principles, which of course it never did when you were lost But after you're saved and you begin to study the word because you can hear
God's words and you're in the word Your speech will carry with it either words from God's Word or Principles from it and it will be there.
It might not be that noticeable to yourself But others around you will notice it
In fact that old crowd you hung around with before you got saved will not like it They'll begin to notice it through the years
It becomes more prevalent as you grow in the Lord your speech becomes more like the oracles of God What are the oracles of God the oracles of God are the things that the
Jews had in the Gentile world didn't have? What was it? That was first of all the oral tradition of God's Word that came down from Adam All the way through down the godly line
And then when Moses penned it and put it in written words so that we had the written
Word of God those are the oracles of God your speech are supposed to be as God's Word If any man
Minister let him do it as with the ability that God gives him that God and all things may be glorified
Through Jesus Christ to whom be praise and dominion forever and ever Amen, our very speech will be different.
Look at Ephesians chapter 4 verse 29 Ephesians 4 29 let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth
But that which is good to the use of edifying The only thing that should come out of the mouth of a believer is something that will make another believer stronger make him grow
Anything that comes out of your mouth that doesn't do that is coming from the devil himself
You say well, how can that be if I'm saved because if you're walking in the flesh it can be Why is it that more often than not it's your
Christian brothers and sisters that hurt your heart more than anybody else in the world Doesn't usually tend to do that It's because all of a sudden they found themselves in a place where some corrupt communication did proceed out of their mouth
It was not from God. It was from the flesh or the devil That does not bring edifying to the hearer
It tears down the hearer. It makes him feel badly. It makes his heart hurt
It sets him back for several days. If not longer That's not from God Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but only that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace to the hearers and I find it interesting that the very next verse is the one that says grieve not the
Holy Spirit of God Whereby you are sealed into the day of redemption It grieves the Holy Spirit when words come out of our mouths that strike at another
Christian rather than building the other Christian So what is one of the symptoms of salvation is that our very words?
Are seasoned with the salt of grace the grace of God and they edify and lift up other believers
All right. Let's go to another one first John 3 13 The next one is that you will be hated by the world itself a
Symptom that you've been translated from the kingdom of darkness is that the kingdom of darkness no longer likes you
Because you have made it clear that you are not part of that kingdom First John 3 13 marvel not my brethren at the world hate you
John 7 7 the world cannot Hate you
But me it hated now that seems like a contradiction, but keep read on Because I testify of it that the works thereof are evil
So when you see the world hating you who are they really hating? They can't really hate you
Because all they're looking at is flesh. They don't see the real you anyway, so they're not hating you who are they hating
Christ in you? They're hating Christ in you So if the world does not hate you who are they not seeing
They're not seeing Christ in you and I'm not saying that you're not saved necessarily
You may have some of these other symptoms and so you may know you're safe But you may be to the place where you're not walking in the spirit enough where the world notices
If you walk with the Lord though, the world will hate you John 1516 you have not chosen me
Jesus said so I don't like the bumper sticker that says I chose Christ you have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and Ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain now there's an interesting symptom of salvation and We're going to end with those same two verses at the end of Hebrews chapter 10 today that we have several times in this study
We are not all of those that fall away Notice that this backs that idea It says if you're saved you have fruit that not just that you have fruit, but you have fruit that remains it doesn't go away
That whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name he may give it you These things
I command you that you love one another If the world hate you
You know that it hated me before it hated you If you were of the world the world would love his own
But because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.
Therefore the world hated you Remember the world the word that I said to you the servant is not greater than his
Lord if they have persecuted me They also will persecute you if they have kept my saying then they'll keep yours also
But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake because they know not him that sent me another symptom of salvation is
That you're not a friend of the world John 17 14
I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them
Wow The very thing that is the greatest blessing in your life was the day your eyes and ears were open to hear
God's words That's the very thing that causes the world to hate you I have given them thou word and The world hath hated them because they are not of the world even as I am
NOT of the world I pray not to the father that you would take them out of the world But thou should keep them from the evil one while they're in the world
I added that last phrase They are not of the world even as I am
NOT of the world sanctify them set them apart Through that truth Thy word is the truth.
That's what sets us apart. That's why they hate us We have God's Word in us first Peter 3 14
But and if ye suffer for righteousness sake happier you be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled
Little children should be listening to this because this world gonna change so much between now and when you're our age
You see when this world comes after you He said don't be troubled don't be afraid of their terror
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts always have a special place for God in your heart that you never let the world into that place
Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asked you why you believe the way you believe
Always be ready to give an answer, but do so in meekness and in fear not haughtiness and pride which
I've seen so often In people Christians who purport to be arguing the faith
Don't bring pride and haughtiness into it. It should be with meekness and fear First Peter 4 12 beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial
Which is to try you as though some strange thing had happened to you But haven't you had even asked this yourselves, but had your your
Christian brothers and sisters and loved ones Just say I just don't know why
God did that or let that happen We have a tendency to blame
God But look what it says here. He says don't think it's strange
Concerning the fiery trial which is going to try you.
God's already told us it's going to it's his will Don't think it's strange as though some strange thing had happened to you
Do you know that it's strange when things are going smooth in this world? I? Mean we're not on the other side of the garden.
We're on this side of the gate outside of the garden There was a fiery sword put there to keep us out of that place.
We're walking in the thorns and the thistles We're walking in a place where you earn by the sweat of your brow and we think it's strange when things go badly
We should think it's strange when things are going smooth in this world And so God says don't think it's strange when the fiery trial comes.
It's coming at you from the world It's the world that brings it. It's not God. I mean, I know God's sovereign. I Know God has ordained it this way because we'd be fat dumb and happy if everything was smooth all the time
But it's the world that dishes it out Don't think it's strange that this thing has happened to you
But rejoice in as much as you are partakers of Christ's sufferings That when his glory shall be revealed you may be glad also with exceeding joy
What does that mean when Jesus glory is revealed at the rapture? All of the suffering and trials and tribulations and persecution that you went through Will be nothing more than a contrast of the unspeakable joy
That you will have when you're with him But rejoice in as much as your partakers of Christ's suffering that when his glory shall be revealed you may be glad also
With exceeding joy if you be reproached for the name of Christ happy are ye for the spirit of glory and of God rests upon you a symptom of salvation a
Symptom that you've been translated The glory of God rests upon you if you are persecuted for his name's sake on their part he is evil spoken of but on your part he is glorified and lastly
The seventh great symptom is found in John 17 verse 9 He says
I pray for them I pray not for the world Jesus doesn't pray for the world now
What does that tell you tells you he knows the elect from the non elect? He knows who's elect and who's going to be saved and he knows who is non elect and who are the devil's children
He does not pray for them He prays for God's children. I Pray for them.
I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me for they are thine and all mine
Jesus says are thine and all of thine are mine and I am glorified in them and now
I am no more in the world But these are in the world and I come to thee
Holy Father keep through thine own name Those whom thou hast given me
That they may be one as we are While I was with them in the world,
I kept them in thy name those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost but the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled
So the last symptom of salvation is that you are kept You're a kept one
You are kept safe from the world the flesh and the devil Safe in God's hand.
You are not one who could in fact fall away You are one who in fact whose fruit endures to the end and we'll close with the same two verses
We've closed each one of these sessions with Hebrews chapter 10 verses 38 39 now the just shall live by faith, but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure with him, but We are not of them that draw back
We are not of them that draw back unto perdition utter annihilation hell
But we're of them that believe unto the saving of the soul The greatest symptom of salvation is that your belief your believer doesn't stop believing
It can't happen all your buddies that are in those other denominations. They won't why you could fall away couldn't you?
What if you just start hating God? We're not of them that fall back
You Can talk about hypotheticals all day long if you want to but it doesn't faze me because I'm not of them that fall back
You know think about it. You've got some symptoms you love the brethren You love the
Word of God God's given you in nature that doesn't fear But it cries out of a father and says to you you're mine now
You have good works that you know, well, you couldn't have had in your own flesh Your speech has even changed
And all of a sudden the world doesn't like you like you are anymore But even through that you're kept
Every step of the way by Jesus Christ Seven great symptoms that you've been translated from the power of darkness into the kingdom of light
Let's stand and have prayer together Father we thank you for your power that works in us
That you didn't stop working the day you saved us, but you continue to work in us and you are able to present us faultless and To preserve us into the day of the
Lord Jesus Christ Thank you that you've given us these things to look at so that we might examine our own hearts to know if we're saved
Thank you that you give us the knowledge of our own salvation and the assurance of it from the
Word of God and from your Holy Spirit within Lord if there's any one among us today
That lacks some of these seven symptoms May they not just flippantly allow
Satan to take the seed from their heart before they think about it but may made they actually think about these things and go before the
Lord in private and seek thy face and Father we thank you for a time of fellowship.
We're about to have together. We ask you to bless our meal Thank you for healing Many of us in the room from the illnesses that have been going around We do pray for our brothers and sisters that couldn't be here today
Because they're under the weather we ask you to strengthen their bodies as well and bring them back soon in Jesus name.