Radical Generosity



Please take out your Bibles and turn with me to 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 Hold your place at verse 1.
I want to begin by simply saying I am thankful to be back in This pulpit this morning.
It's been feels like a long time having taken two weeks away I'm thankful for brother Andy preaching for me and those in my stead and brother
Mike and Andy as always Just continuing to do the work of pastoring the church and I'm so thankful for them
And for the deacons and for everyone else, so we're very grateful Jennifer and I for having had the opportunity to be away with our family.
It was refreshing and we are encouraged Well this morning we're going to talk about the subject of radical
Generosity the gospel has been called the greatest story ever told
That is not to insinuate that it is just a story Like a fable or a myth
It is a true story every word of it is fact and yet it is still a story
There are many ways in which the gospel story can be described stories of redemption a story of love a story of forgiveness a story of reconciliation
But It would also be appropriate to categorize the gospel as a story of Radical generosity because at the heart of the gospel story is the idea of giving
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son The word grace which we are
Very in love with as a church, and we should be it's in the very title of our church sovereign grace
It's on that banner over there grace. We love the word grace. Well the word grace means gift
Something that is given and not earned Christ himself came to give himself a ransom for many
So the story of the gospel is a story of Generosity and Today as we continue our study of 2nd
Corinthians as we have been going verse by verse through this book We find ourselves at the beginning of chapter 8 where Paul is now going to say to the
Corinthians some important truths about the subject of Generosity he is going to call them to generosity and through this remind all of us of What it means?
To be a cheerful giver So with that let us stand together and we will read
Verses 1 to 15 of 1st Corinthians chapter 8
The text says we want you to know brothers about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia For in a severe test of affliction their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part
For they gave according to their means as I can testify and beyond their means of their own accord begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the
Saints and This not as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the
Lord and then by the will of God to us Accordingly we urged
Titus that as he had started so he should complete among you this act of grace
But as you excel in everything in faith and speech and knowledge and all earnestness and in our love for you
See that you excel in this act of grace. Also. I say this not as a command
But to prove by the earnestness of others that your love also is genuine
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sake
He became poor so that you by his poverty might become rich and In this matter
I give my judgment this benefits you who a year ago started not only to do this work But also to desire to do it.
So now finish doing it as well So that you so that by your completing it
Out of what you have Or excuse me So that your readiness and desiring it may be matched by your completing it out of what you have
For if the readiness is there it is acceptable according to what a person has not according to what he does not have
For I do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened But as a matter of fairness your abundance at this present time should supply their need
So that their abundance may supply your need that there may be fairness as it is written
Whoever gathered had nothing left over and whoever gathered whoever gathered much had nothing left over and whoever gathered little had no lack father in heaven
I Come to you in Jesus name. I Pray Oh God first and foremost
That you would in This time fill me with your spirit for Lord apart from the
Holy Spirit the sermon will be meaningless and useless and Will have no effect pray that you would forgive me of my sins
Pray that you would keep me from error Pray God that you would
Fit me for this time and I pray God for the congregation under the sound of my voice
I pray that they would hear the Word of God today and Lord God that you would open the hearts of the believers and Whatever way this message might prick their heart toward greater understandings of your truth and God for any unbelievers
That they would see the great gift that has been given in The person of the
Lord Jesus Christ to all who will believe That they would recognize that salvation itself is a gift and that gift becomes the model for all giving all
Generosity for Christ himself is our hope our
Savior and our model. So now
Oh God as we study together Again, I pray
Be with us Enlighten us Teach us
Through your word by your spirit in Christ's name Amen, we have been in a lengthy study of the book of 2nd
Corinthians and For those of you who are new with us this morning, or maybe perhaps visiting with us
It may feel as if we're jumping into the middle and in a sense you are because you haven't heard everything that came up to this point, but the good part is
Chapters 8 and 9 stand sort of separated from the rest of the book is somewhat unique Within 2nd
Corinthians. In fact, there are those in the scholarly community that actually believe this was an entirely separate letter that has been
Brought into this letter and and I don't believe that's the case I believe that the language and the flow of the argument continue from chapter 7 8 and 9 and into chapter 10
But the point that I'm making is 9 and 10. I'm sorry 8 and 9 are a subset of the book chapters 1 through 7
It's Paul's defense of his ministry against those who would call his integrity into question
And he talks all about his ministry being a ministry of the new covenant He talks about his ministry being a ministry of reconciliation he gives wonderful theological truths, which we have spent many weeks breaking down and going through and In chapters 10 through 13
He goes on the offensive against what he calls the super apostles those who are opposing his work
And when we get back to chapter 10, you'll see that he continually shows his ministry is true against those who would call it into question but right in the middle
Between chapters 1 through 7 in chapters 10 through 13. We find these two chapters where Paul focuses on an offering
Which the Corinthian Church was supposed to be gathering to take to the church in Jerusalem so Paul focuses from chapter 8 verse 1 to chapter 9 verse 15 on the subject of Generosity in their offering and so what
I have decided to do is I'm going to take three weeks Lord willing Today next week and the week after to break down chapters 8 and 9 to discuss the subject of Generosity specifically what
I have entitled radical generosity You see Paul is encouraging the
Corinthians to imitate the Macedonian brothers who were tremendously benevolent in their giving and We're going to observe that he appoints
Titus and two other men to handle the care of the offering Which is being received by the
Corinthians. And so Next week as we continue in this study of generosity We're actually going to talk about how the business of the church actually requires integrity and men to take care of business
Isn't that interesting that the Bible actually talks about a man who's in charge of the money and two other men that are responsible to Work alongside of him and they come together to administer the work of the business of the church
So next week we're going to talk about that and then in the third week
We're going to get to chapter 9 and we're going to see that wonderful passage that we we repeat so often in this church
That passage in chapter 9 where Paul says that all of our giving is to be not coerced
Not under compulsion not meant to meet some minimum Percentage standard, but rather our giving is to be from the heart according what
God has placed in our heart and it is to be not under compulsion because God in fact loves a
What kind of giver? A cheerful giver So that's the outline for the next three weeks and we're going to begin again today looking at verses 1 through 15 where Paul introduces the subject of this offering and Discusses the importance of generosity now
I want to make mention of One thing before I give us the outline and that is that the whole reason for this offering
Which is actually mentioned several times in the New Testament Is that the church that was in Jerusalem at this time was a church that had great need?
And there are several reasons for that in the book of Acts chapter 11 You don't have to turn there, but I do want to read just a few verses to you
This is in a chapter 11 verse 27 It says now in the days in those days prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch which is where Paul was at the time and One of them named
Agabus stood up and foretold by the spirit that there would be a great famine all over the world this took Place in the days of Claudius So the disciples determined everyone according to his ability to send relief to the brothers living in Judea And they did so sending it to the elders by the hand of Barnabas and Saul So even as early as Acts 11 the church in Jerusalem, which is where the church was born by Acts 11 the church in Jerusalem was
Experiencing tremendous difficulty one because of famine and two because of so many of them having become destitute because of their following after Christ There were many issues if you remember one thing about the book of Acts.
What was what was the reason? Little quiz time. What was the reason for the first deacons the proto deacons to be chosen in the book of Acts?
Because they were having to feed people right they had a daily distribution of food and the deacons were in charge of Distributing the food properly to the
Hellenistic Jews and to the the Greek speaking or the Greek speaking Christians Greek speaking
Jewish Christians and the The Hebrew speaking Jewish Christians where there was a divide there
And so there were these men that were chosen to to distribute food. Why did they need a daily distribution of food?
Because many of them had become destitute many of them had become poor many of them didn't have anything and the church was being forced to support and and Provide the food that was needed
It's an interesting reality Oh, by the way, if you want to learn more about that brother Bert and brother Andy are about to start their class in the
Academy Shameless plug, I guess They're going to be going through the entire book of Acts when the
Academy starts back in eight weeks study And I'm sure that's going to be part of it talking about what was going on there in Jerusalem You see the
Bible says that Christ gave a command He says you're going to be my witnesses in Jews Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria in the end is of ends of the earth
And if you follow that that's Acts 1 8 I think if you take that verse that verse actually becomes the outline of the entire book of Acts the church starts in Jerusalem then spreads to Judea then spreads to Samaria then spreads to the end of the earth of the ministry of The Apostle Paul and other others like him
Well, what's happening in that church of Jerusalem is that church of Jerusalem is under persecution
That church of Jerusalem is experiencing famine that church of Jerusalem is in need and so Paul as he's going out to these different places as he's making his way through Galatia and the
Galatian region as he's making his way across the sea to Macedonia and Down into Achaia as he's doing these things
He's telling the churches many of which like the church at Corinth had a prosperous financial amount
Saying look, there's a church over here that is destitute and hurting and You who have so much can bless those who have very little while we take it back to them
So correct collect this money so the money can be taken back So this is what's happening as Paul is going throughout these churches
He's preaching the gospel, but he's also seeking to minister to the church and Jerusalem And one of the things that could be on Paul's mind
I'm I can't read the mind of the Apostle and I can't say this for certain But one of the things that could be on Paul's mind is that this could be a unifying offering
Because what was one of the divides in the early church the divide between? Jewish Converts to Christianity and Gentile converts to Christianity.
We see that in Galatians. We see that in other books There's all these divides that had come up between the
Jewish Christians and the Gentile Christians and Paul saying to the Gentile Christians many of Which you had a lot.
Look, you've got your Jewish brothers and sisters who are in Jerusalem and they're suffering you can bridge the gap in your love by showing them your love through your offering
So again, we see Paul going through these churches calling the churches to be generous
So Here's the outline for today Verses 1 to 5
Paul talks about the Macedonian Offering remember that's where Paul is while he's writing this
Paul is writing from Macedonia and The Macedonian churches would have been the churches of Philippi Thessalonica and Berea You probably remember
Philippi and Thessalonica because there's Bible books named after them the church of the book of Philippians the book of Thessalonians first and second
But who are the Bereans? The Bereans were the ones when Paul went it says they searched the scriptures daily to see if what
Paul was saying were true Many people today when they say you should study the scripture to see if what somebody's telling you are true they tell you to do what be a be a
Berean so Those are the Macedonian churches and that's the
Offering that he talks about in verses 1 to 5 and then he talks about the the commendation of the Corinthians in verses 6 through 8
He gives us the ultimate example of generosity in verse 9 And then finally he provides a practical exhortation in verses 10 through 15 and Lord willing we're going to get through all of this today
Not because I'm in a rush, but because I think it all holds together as a unit of thought So let's begin looking first at the
Macedonian Offering verse 1 it says we want you to know brothers about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia stop right there
Paul is talking about the offering that the Macedonian Christians have taken and received for the
Church of Jerusalem But notice what he calls the offering he calls the offering a grace of God Have you ever considered the fact that when you give to God?
That's actually God's grace in your life Number one if you give to God God has been gracious enough to give you the means by which to give right
You have not done anything on your own nothing that you have that is is not that you've not been given, right?
and So if you have the ability to give that's a grace of God if you have money in your pocket to give that's a grace
Of God and the desire to give it is also a grace of God So when
Paul describes the gift from the Macedonian Christians He doesn't say hey look at this great thing.
They did he says no look at this great grace of God in their lives The ability to give and the desire to give and the willingness to give is a grace of Almighty God So he says in verse 2
For in severe test of affliction their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of Generosity on their part.
This is interesting because essentially what he's saying is This church really was a church that did not have a lot to give
These churches were not like the church in Corinth Which if you remember as we studied the introduction to this book and back when we did 1st
Corinthians we talked a lot about this Corinth was a Bolstering metropolis it was a place where a lot of commerce was done it was a it was a port city had ports on both sides and and Rather than going all around the the peninsula
The the ships would be lifted up out of the sea carried along and put back into the sea in that place where it was that little infamous there between the two seas was where Corinth was situated and because of where it was situated it was a place where a lot of commerce was a lot of money was a lot of things were flowing through the church or the
City of Corinth and and the people of the church of Corinth would have been much more well -off probably than their
Macedonian neighbors to the north and So Paul talks about it.
He says in a test of affliction their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have Overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part and then he says for they gave according to their means as I can testify and beyond their means of their own accord by the way
If I were outlining this as a way to give if I were looking at this and saying here here's some things we can learn
About giving one we give according to our means can't give what we don't have So we give according to our means
But notice what Paul says here. He says they give according to their means and beyond their means
They did go above and beyond They did rise to the occasion and I love verse 4 because he says begging us earnestly
For the favor of taking part in the relief for the Saints not only did they give according to their means not only did they
Rise above their means and give over and above they also Asked to be able to participate they begged to be able to participate
The Greek word here literally means to ask earnestly or to plead In fact one commentator.
I think made an interesting point on this Thank you. If I remember correctly was
MacArthur who said it may have been that Paul didn't even seek an offering from these churches because of their poverty and Yet because they knew the need in Jerusalem was so great
They reached down into their pockets and gave and said we want to give we want to Give we we plead with you for the opportunity to minister to these churches
Because they want to take part in what? The relief for the Saints I want you to notice what's not here
Notice there's nothing in here about give so that God will prosper you in the next couple of weeks
I am going to point this out a few times but the prosperity gospel, which is so commonly taught in Television and the internet and on the radio and in many churches is not the gospel of Jesus Christ The gospel that if you give
God's going to give to you and that's the reason why you give is a false gospel
Not only is it? Wrong in and of itself that that that's the method and reason for giving but it also shows that your gift is more selfish
Because your only motivation for the gift is that your personal account will increase
Paul doesn't say that here He says they gave according to their means beyond their means of their own accord meaning they gave it
According to their own free will watch out Calvinists. They did it by their own free will Begging earnestly for the favor of taking part
Not in their own prosperity, but for taking part in the relief for those who didn't have
They were more concerned that there were churches that that was hurting. There was a church that was in need
There was a church that was destitute. There was a church that was hungry They were more concerned that they would be taken care of to the point that they're able and desirable to reach down and make this offering
Paul is really Holding up the Macedonians as an example here
He's saying they gave according to their means above their means they gave it because they wanted to they begged us to be able To do it and they did it for the right reason they did it because they knew there was a need
They knew there was a church that had a need In verse 5 he says in this not as we expected, but they gave themselves
First to the Lord and then by the will of God to us. Can I say this?
Giving begins with ourselves Meaning the first thing that we offer to the
Lord is Ourself, we say
God use me. However, you will My bank account belongs to you my time belongs to you my talents belong to you
I Give myself To you and you know what if I don't have a lot of money
That's okay, because God may still use me in a way that glorifies him through my talent
And if I don't have a lot of talent, I may still have time to get better And I can take the time to get better And so God wants us
He wants all of us God doesn't want to be
Something that sits on the shelf that we take down every once in a while when we need him Neither does he want us to consider ourselves that to him the
Macedonian Christians gave themselves first to the Lord They understood that they belonged to God they had been purchased by Christ they had been bought with a price
So everything they had and everything they did and everything they possessed
Belonged to God But notice they also gave themselves to others Notice what it says in verse 5 it says and this not as we expected but they gave themselves first to the
Lord and then by the will of God to us Paul speaking there of course of himself and His entourage he's talking about his people that they gave themselves to him
But also they're giving themselves to the Church of Jerusalem. They are making themselves Available they're making themselves open and willing they're giving themselves to others
Again they're a tremendous example of generosity in verse 6
Paul moves to talk about the Corinthians and Paul commends them and it's interesting that Paul commends them in verses 6 through 8 because in his
Commendation of them we can only remember just a few chapters earlier that he has been considerably hard with him
He has been talking about the fact that some of them have actually Gone to the point where they're calling him to question his own ministry, and he's been defending himself for seven chapters
But now he's going to commend them And I want to say from the outset, this is in no way flattery
But if you notice what we're going to see in this commendation is Paul is pointing out a very important truth
Regarding the Corinthians read it with me as he says in verse 8 Accordingly we urge
Titus That as he had started so he should complete among you this act of grace by the way verse 8 or verse 6
Talking about Titus Completing among them this work of grace that actually is going to connect a lot to next week's sermon because Titus is the man that Paul's Going to send to begin to collect and manage the offering
So he this is what he means when he says we urge Titus that he as he had started So he should complete among you this act of grace.
He's going to come and Help you along with two other men that we will see but then in verse 7
He says but as you excel in everything in faith and speech and knowledge and all earnestness and in our love for you
See that you excel in this act of grace also now
Friend of mine Well, not really close friend, but a gentleman I've met recently and a nice godly man named
David Wrote a commentary and in his commentary on this particular passage.
He believes Paul's being somewhat sarcastic And while I love David, I I don't think that's the case.
You can disagree with me and we can have a discussion later He thinks Paul is sort of being sarcastic and saying because of all the things you think you have you should do this, too
I'm not sure I see it that way Because I think that if you read 1st Corinthians and even earlier in 2nd
Corinthians I think it is true that the Corinthians have excelled in many areas. In fact,
Paul tells them in 1st Corinthians. They have every gift They have it all they have all of these gifts, so I don't think it's necessarily sarcasm, but he is making a point
Here's the point he's making as you excel in everything in faith and speech and knowledge and in all earnestness and In our love for you as you excel in all these things as you have all these things
See that you excel in this act of grace also notice he's calling the offering an act of grace He's doing that again.
By the word the word grace is all through here And what he's saying he's saying if you have these things which you do you have faith you have
Speech you have knowledge you have earnestness and you have our love if you have all of those things, you know else you should have generosity
If you if you exceed in all those areas and you don't exceed in generosity, that's a major area of failure
So if it is true and it is that you have faith and speech and knowledge and earnestness and love
See that you also excel in generosity in this act of grace
Because why number verse 8 I say this to you
Not as a command But to prove by the earnestness of others that your love also
Is genuine this verse this this verse is hard y 'all It's hard.
I spent some time with this verse this week thinking about this because I just Paul says
I'm not commanding you to give But this is a test I'm not telling you you have to do this
But I am telling you this is an opportunity to show the genuineness of your love. It's a powerful thought just just for a moment
I'll I'll just give some dead air unless you think what he's saying. I'm not telling you what you have to do
But I am telling you this is an opportunity to show whether or not your love is genuine. It reminds me of when
Paul Sent the letter to Philemon Do you remember the letter to Philemon?
Philemon was a man who had a runaway slave that runaway slaves name was
Onesimus and That runaway slave had met the Apostle Paul he had gotten saved and Paul is sending him back to the master and he's sending him along with this letter and this letter says to Philemon I Could command you
But I'm not going to you know, what is right
Receive him as a what a brother Not as a slave, but as a brother. I Won't command you but you know what to do
I'm not going to command you but you know, what's right? And that amazing
That's so much of what we have in the New Testament Does not come by way of command but rather by way of example
Paul's looking to the Corinthians. He's saying look at the Macedonians and look at that They didn't have anything and they have reached down as far as they could they've given over and above what they had and they've done
So joyfully and willfully and they've done so because of the right reason you
Have an opportunity and I'm not going to tell you what you have to do, but you know what to do you know what the right thing is and this becomes a test an
Opportunity again notice the text To prove by the earnestness of others that your love also is genuine now
We get to verse 9. I want to say That it was very much in my heart that I thought maybe
I would preach a whole sermon on verse 9 I've decided not to but Unless the
Lord moves on my heart and I come back next week and change my mind But as of now I've decided not to But I want you to understand something in verse 9
Paul gives one of the most profound passages in the New Testament not just on the subject of giving
But on the subject of Christology You know what Christology is. It's the doctrine and study of the
Lord Jesus Christ and Paul is talking about giving Paul's given the
Macedonian Example the Macedonian offering he said look at that. Look at what they have done.
He then commends the Corinthians you have all these things you have faith you have love you have all these things
So show yourself true show your love true in this offering and then he says for you know the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ That though he was rich Yet for your sake he became poor so that you by his poverty might become rich Beloved One of my favorite verses in the world is 2nd
Corinthians 521 God made him who knew no sin to become sin for us that we could become the righteousness of God in him
We call that the great exchange at 2nd Corinthians 521. We studied it just a few weeks ago. I Think this verse is it's parallel Here's why in 2nd
Corinthians 521 God made him who knew no sin Jesus to become sin for us. That was the work on the cross
He became our sin bearer So that in him we could become the righteousness of God his righteousness becomes our righteousness well this passage in 2nd
Corinthians 8 9 Actually parallels that in a great way, but parallels it by describing the incarnation of Christ and If you don't remember what that word incarnation means
It means to take on flesh To be incarnate means to become flesh
The Bible says in John 1 the Word was with God and the Word was God and the
Word became flesh and Dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory of the only begotten the
Father full of grace and truth You see what? Paul is saying here is
That Jesus Christ Though he was rich Became poor.
I want to ask you this question and just in your mind. You have to answer out loud When was Jesus ever rich on this earth?
He wasn't on this earth Now a lot of people really really really try to stress the poverty of Jesus.
I don't think Jesus was in poverty But Jesus weren't rich either
Jesus was raised the son of a carpenter and He spent most of his ministry being taken care of by other people the women often were the ones who were giving the money for The ministry and he did say at one point
Foxes have holes birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head So when was he rich?
before the incarnation the eternal triune
God Has always existed Father Son and Holy Spirit There has never been a time
When there was not Father Son and Holy Spirit God didn't become a Trinity in the New Testament God didn't become a
Trinity at creation. God has always been the blessed triune God and in John 17
When Jesus is praying to the Father He says father
Glorify me with the glory that we shared Before the world existed
Glorify me with the glory that we had before the world existed because what Christ did is in the
Incarnation he who was rich took on the poverty of Humility by becoming a man
You understand we call that in theological terms we call that the humiliation of Christ You understand it wasn't just going to the cross that was a humiliation
It was coming in who's being a man that's humiliating to God that's stepping down That is what is he who was on the throne came down to earth in his
Humiliation he who was rich became poor In fact, I want to read to you from Philippians 2
Listen to Philippians 2 verse 5 Have this mind among yourselves Which is yours in Christ Jesus who though he was in the form of God Did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped
But emptied himself by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men and being found in human form
He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross
He was in the form of God, but he did not count that something to be held on to the word grasp But he didn't hold on to that but he emptied himself and Became a man
He didn't empty himself of his divinity. He didn't cease to be divine. But what happened in this great miracle
Which we call the hypostatic union The full essence of the divine
Second person of the Trinity the God the Son United with a full human
Person and Christ became The God -man We call that the hypostatic union the word hypostatic simply means nature
So it's the union of natures the union of the God and human nature in one person
See God is one being with three persons, but Jesus is one person with two natures and so in that act of Humiliation he who was rich became poor for what reason?
So that we by his poverty
Might become rich Beloved That ain't got nothing to do with your bank account
That has nothing to do With your 401k That has nothing to do with the size of your house
What car you drive or how fat your wallet is That has everything to do
With the spiritual riches in Christ that we receive by being in him through his poverty we
Become rich because guess what? We got the greatest retirement plan of all People ask me are you prepared for retirement?
I plan to preach till I'm dead. I'm gonna preach till I'm dead If I die in the middle of a sermon,
I told Mike come stand on me and finish it He'd be this tall
Yeah But that's the reality is we have
One riches in this life. I don't want to I don't want to discount this we actually have riches in this life We have the spiritual riches of knowing he are his and he is ours
We have the spiritual riches of being filled with the Holy Spirit of God We have the spiritual riches of his presence with us in our daily walk
We have something that even the Old Testament saints didn't get to experience and that is the permanent
Indwelling of the Spirit who came at penny cost and has lived inside of every believer ever since We have that wonderful blessing
But we also look forward to a kingdom We look forward to that eternal state
Where no more suffering no more pain no more sorrow Where we will live in the new earth forever in a state.
I can't even imagine So with that let me finish now
By looking at the practical exhortation, this is verses 10 to 15 and we'll This gives a lot of practical points and this will be how we draw everything together
He says and in this matter I Give my judgment this benefits you who a year ago started not only to do this work
But also to desire to do it if you if you go back to 1st Corinthians 16 And you read that's that books about a year to 18 months before this and that's what he's talking about He says you you started this offering about a year ago
So now verse 11 So now finish doing it as well so that your readiness in desiring it may be matched by your completing it out of what you have
For if the readiness is there it is acceptable according to what a man has not according to what he does not have
Notice what he's saying. He's finished what you start That's a practical exhortation.
You started this don't give up Don't put it aside You put it in your heart to give you put it in your heart to join together for the ministry to this church
Now that you've done this don't put your hand to the plow and look back You started completed
I'm sending Titus to you we're gonna learn about that next week. I'm sending Titus to you to help you complete it don't give up now and Understand this give into proportion to what you have not to what you don't have
And we're going to see next week how he told them and first Corinthians he says on the first day of the week You were to take and set aside an offering
There to do this every week so that they can build so that when Paul gets there He doesn't have to beg he didn't have to plead it'll all be ready to go
For if the readiness is there it is acceptable according to what a person has not according to what he does not have for I Do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened
But as a matter, but that as a matter of fairness your abundance at this present time should supply their need so that their abundance may
Supply your need that there may be fairness now. I want to say this two very practical things here number one
Paul says I'm not telling you That they're destitute and you have so what you need to do is you become destitute and give all your money to them
That's not what he's saying He's saying that there needs to be an understanding that at this point you have and they don't
So at this point you can bless them There may come a day when they bless you. In fact, they're going to bless you spiritually because they're going to pray for you
They're going to thank God for you. They're going to lift you up. They're going to minister to you through prayer They're going to bless you but at this point in the
Balance of life you happen to have an abundance and they have a lack and so you have an opportunity to bless them
You have an opportunity to be a blessing to them not according to what you don't have but what according you do have and not to burden you to the point of poverty, but Understand that right now you have an abundance and they have a lack
Now I want to say something and if I don't say it I feel like I'll I'll hear about it later. And even if I I just feel like I need to say it
This is not an endorsement of communism I'm saying it because One of the most vicious evils ever perpetrated on man is communism
And if you want a sociology lesson later on why that is I'll be happy to give it to you
But do you know why communism is such a dangerous evil? because it it forces a balance it forces a sharing
Not by will but by coercion You will never be generous at the end of a gun you will never be generous out of a demand
Paul is telling this church You have a lot they have a little there's an opportunity to balance the scales here
There's an opportunity to show your love to them by taking out of your abundance and giving them so that they will have their needs
Met that's not communism. That's simply Christian love Communism Points a gun in your face and says you must give this or your family's going to be taken away from you.
That's not love And that's not what God calls us to do. So this is not that You know the one thing in accent
I'm sure Bert and Andy are going to talk about this the one thing in the book of Acts that you will always note in The giving when the people sold what they had and gave it was always voluntary all
New Testament giving is free will offering
There is no new by the way, this may surprise there's no New Testament tithe There's no requirement
That you give But there is this Christ becomes the example who
Was rich and became poor so that through his poverty we could become rich now We who have look out at those who don't and we say let us now take what we have and be generous
Not store in our silos. So so high and so vast So we say look what all
I have and then our life is taken from us. Remember that parable This very night your life is taken from you beloved understand this the government will never solve our problems of generosity
And it's not supposed to be their job, but the job of the church is generosity
We are called to be generous with one another and I want to say this. I Truly believe this
Our first Commitment as a church is to this church
Within this body if you are a committed member of this body if you have committed
Through covenant to be part of this church Sovereign Grace Family Church. You should never Go without What you need?
That doesn't mean we're all going to make the same amount of money doesn't mean we're all going to drive the same car doesn't Mean we're all going to live in the same house
But if I knew you were hungry and I didn't feed you I'd be in sin if the church knew you were desperate and Hurting and we did not come and solve that for you.
We would be in error we would be in sin and The only time where that would be a difference and where there would be a difference in that is the the
Thessalonians When Paul wrote to Thessalonians, he did say this. He says if a man doesn't work he shouldn't eat So there is a sense in which we will call you to responsibility as well
If you're a person who refuses to work We're going to call you to repentance if you're a man, you should be working
If your family doesn't have Your responsibilities to take care of them. And so I'm gonna get off my soapbox now
But I said, like I said, these could be two or three other sermons I'm kind of pushing it all into one here But you understand what I'm saying this whole idea of fairness do not let you read the word communism into this text because it ain't there
But what it does say is this and we'll end verse 15 He says as it is written whoever gathered much had nothing left over and whoever gathered little had no lack
What is he quoting? He's quoting Exodus and he's quoting
Exodus here verse 16 or chapter 16 verse 18 in regard to the gathering of manna and What's the point that he's making?
He's making the point That God is providing to his people
Some have a lot some have a little But God provides and God is the one who's going to ensure that through his method
There would be no lack because you remember what the whole manna thing was if you took too much what would happen to it? It would rot right like wouldn't be there the next day
God made sure everyone had enough If you're a part of this church, I truly believe
God will make sure you have enough I Believe that I believe that's what our job is to make sure each other have enough
Can we do above and beyond that? Can we can we support missionaries? Yes, and we do Can we help poor people who come to the door?
Yes, and we do can we support ministries like set free and the nest and Things like that.
Yes, we can But it starts here It starts by ministering within the body and ensuring that within this body there's no need that goes unmet and That is through all forms of generosity.
So many of you have been generous to me in different ways Oftentimes not with any kind of money but just with your time and your love
Beloved are you being generous with one another? I've seen it so many times But I can tell us this we just need to continue to do that Next week.
I'm going to talk about something I'm going to tell a story next week about how many years ago. Well, not many so only a few years ago
We had almost all the money we had stolen from us. I'm gonna talk about that next week
Because I want I'm not I don't want to I don't want to talk about that because it's a good thing I want to talk about it because it showed us how we need to work on managing our money
You know what we do with managing the money now But I also want to talk about this God has exceedingly and abundantly replaced everything that was taken from us
God is faithful and he calls us to be faithful So let us by his grace continue to seek to be faithful to be generous and Our in our giving of ourselves our time and our treasure
Let's pray Father we thank you We thank you for Christ who is our example of giving and as we are about to take the
Lord's table Lord We are going to remember what he gave for us giving his self on the cross taking the penalty of our sin and Lord We thank you for him
We thank you for all that we've learned today Help us Lord to apply this to our lives and be even more generous than we ever have before and we pray it in Jesus name