Sins of the Father - Rebuttal

AD Robles iconAD Robles


This is a response to a rebuttal about my tweet concerning reparations and the sins of the father.


Yeah, I said recently that, you know, I don't have too much of a gigantic Twitter following or following on YouTube even
Relatively big but but not that big in general But whenever I get a tweet or or a message that that gets a lot of pushback you can you can bet it's one of two things either what
I said was really stupid or Struck a nerve and so here's something
I said that did get a good amount of pushback. This was in the context of The beady onion wheelie trying to defend himself for saying that opposing
Reparations is of the devil. And so we what he said was he didn't say that opposing it was of the devil He said that of you know, not wanting to engage in a conversation about it is of the devil
But even as backtracking is is preposterous because I'm not gonna entertain the idea that it's okay to make the sons pay for the sins
The father's because the Bible is really clear on that. Here's my tweet said he says I won't even entertain a quote conversation
That seeks to make sons pay for the sins of the father's because the Bible is crystal clear on that That's not the influence of the devil.
That's hearing and believing the words of the Shepherd. How do you like them apples? And so even his kind of backtracking was stupid
So so anyway I got some pushback for this people were saying that this is not as black and white as as you say are saying it is
Look, I thought it was pretty easy to look at the Bible and to say look when you're talking about civil penalties
You know the person who does the crime does the time is so to speak, you know
You can't punish somebody else for somebody else's crime Like that's not how it works and and we kind of know that intuitively at least
I thought we did I thought I thought people kind of knew that intuitively but In case you don't there's a very clear verse about it in the
Bible And so I thought that was that was something we could all agree on but apparently it's not Yeah, I got a couple people pushing back and I'm not gonna
I'm not gonna name this person he's a professor I think But he's not a blue checkmark. So I'm not putting him on blast or anything like that And so he responded and I'm gonna read it in my
I'm gonna read it in the way that I read it in my mind here's how I Have this guy sounding in my mind.
Here's his snarky response ready? Because the second commandment is not in the Bible The second commandments are on the
Bible and then he quotes the Second Commandment, here's what the Second Commandment says in part says this is about this is about idolatry the
Second Commandment and And it continues it says you shall not bow down to them or serve them speaking of the idols
For I the Lord your God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me
So he said You know, so my claim that look the civil penalties can't be paid for by the sons
You know, the sons don't pay for the sins of the father, you know that that kind of thing He's saying the Second Commandment refutes that Which to me is super preposterous, but let's talk about it because he wasn't the only one who said this
So let's talk about the Second Commandment You shall not worship them or serve them for I the
Lord your God Am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children on the third and fourth generation of those who hate me
That's Exodus 20 verse 5 Deuteronomy 5 verse 9 says the same thing. It's just a restatement of the
Ten Commandments Exodus 34 Verse 6 and 7 it says then the
Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed the Lord the Lord God Compassionate and gracious gracious slow to anger and abounded in loving kindness and truth who keeps loving kindness to thousands who forgives iniquity
Transgression and sin yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished visiting the iniquity of the fathers and the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generation
So there you go So there you go. Now this guy also later in a threat he started saying that original sin the idea of original sin means that you're
Responsible to pay for the sins of your father your father Adam and you know You could there's a few different ways you could you could go about proving that but here's one that I found it's 1st
Corinthians 15 and Adam all die. So also in Christ shall all be made alive
And so he said he so see the sons can pay or should pay for the sins of the father and so To me like let me let me tell you how this argument works for me
Right because because if you say that that the second commandment says that the sons Can be put to death for the sins of the father.
You've got a problem now. You've got a real problem Because there are verses that say the exact opposite if you're saying that this is the context here because remember the context was civil penalties we were talking about reparations a restitution for a civil crime that happened in the past Visiting that iniquity and making the sons of those people, you know, and again we can squibble with that because it's not even that it's just the skin color of the people
Pay for those sins and so so we're talking about civil restitution So if you're saying that the second commandment what it says there is about civil restitution now
We've got a contradiction because Deuteronomy 24 verse 16 says Quote father shall not be put to death for their sons nor shall sons be put to death for their fathers
Everyone shall be put to death for his own sin So now we've got a bit of a problem.
Don't we we've got a bit of a problem Now now here's the question What what do you do in this situation?
Right? What do you do in this situation? Because we've got two verses they both seem to say something different Do we just do we just pick one over the other?
Okay. Well, I'm gonna pick this one So sons can be held responsible for the sins of the father Now we don't do that No, we don't do that.
Do you see how many verses say the one thing versus how many verses say the other thing? Well, there's three verses that say this one verse that says this that's how we do this
No, that's not how that's not how we do this What you do is you read the Bible the way you would read anything you read it in its own context
Right you read it in its own context and I am committed as a Christian I believe this words of scripture are perfect.
I believe they're infallible I believe that they're inspired and so I you know at the outset Understand that I I believe everything the
Word of God says and God is not a contradictory person He doesn't contradict himself. So I know that this doesn't contradict now
This is one of the easiest ones like Bible potential Bible contradictions that I could possibly imagine
Um, it's very straightforward as I'm not I'm not even really Confused as to I'm not even really understanding why this is such a confusion
But but but before I even get into the potential contradiction Let me tell you how this sounded to me when
I read it. So i'm saying i'm not going to entertain a conversation that Letting the sons pay for the sins of the father is biblical because it's so obviously not
And then this guy says who was the second commandment not in your bible To me when I heard that it sounded like this ready.
Imagine if I said this I'm, not even going to entertain a conversation that it's okay to kill jews just because they're jews
And then somebody comes up to me and says what is amos chapter 2 and not in your bible And amos chapter 2 is a is an oracle of god saying how he's going to come in judgment and wrath against judah and um and um
And uh israel and all that kind of thing. So so so that's how it sounded to me. It's like What does that have to do with anything?
What does that have to do with anything? So here's what's going on here and I want to say this in as patient as a way as I possibly can so Exodus chapter 20 the 10 commandments.
We're talking about covenantal law here Covenantal law and god Is saying that god can visit the iniquity and will visit the iniquity of the fathers on the children
So in other words pagans gone peg, right pagans gone peg And so pagans hate the lord and guess what?
Pagans are going to create more pagans And so when they have their little bail worship sessions and the some of the kids end up dying in those bail worship session
But the ones that somehow make it through and are become adults They're going to be bail worshippers, too
And they're going to and and they're going to hate god as well because their parents taught them to hate god And so so so that's going to continue through the generations until god does something about that, right?
And so so here's what the second commandment means god Remember, we're talking about god.
He's speaking. He's visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children okay, so god has um
The prerogative and the ability to do things that we cannot God can judge an entire nation for a national collective sin
So I think god will come in judgment against the united states because of the sin of abortion, right?
And I might suffer some of the consequences of that because the economy will tank Someone will come and dispossess us of our land and i'm not going to be immune to that just because i'm a christian
I'm not going to be immune to that even though god is not judging me personally I'm an american so I will be affected by that god can do that, but we can't
And so the context of the second commandment is talking about god And the covenant that god makes it's a covenantal law thing.
That's what the ten commandments are deuteronomy chapter 24 verse 16 where it says father shall not be put to death for their sons
Nor shall sons be put to death for their fathers But everyone shall be put to death for his own sin is a law that comes in the middle of all kinds of civil laws
And so we're not talking about what god does this in deuteronomy 24 We're talking about what god commands us to do with each other.
And so I can't hold you responsible for the sins of your father God might be able to visit the iniquity of your father onto you, but that's not how it works for me and you
God won't allow me to do that with you Even if i'm a judge, even if i'm a king, even if i'm a civil governing authority that is not allowed
Okay, and so while god can judge entire nations and while god can judge generations and while god can hold you responsible for um for a collective sort of guilt type thing and that kind of thing that's fine and Nobody's refuting that god judges nations.
Nobody's refuting that god God absolutely visits the iniquity of the fathers on the children
But he also shows steadfast love covenantal love to the thousands of generations of those who who love him so god works covenantally through people
Christians create other christians pagans create other pagans that this is what it's saying Okay but On the civil realm in the civil realm how we deal how god commands civil governing authorities to treat people.
It's individual I can't hold you responsible for the sins of your father Okay, that's how it works on the civil on the civil level
And so these are two separate contexts I was only talking about the civil level I will not entertain
Something so preposterous on its face I won't entertain it. I can explain how the word of god, uh teaches certain things
I'm not saying i'm not going to explain of course One of the one of the roles of an elder is to teach and to and to exposit the word of god
Obviously i'm not saying that but but if you come to me and say well It could be okay to kill jews just because they're jews.
I'm not even going to entertain that thought I'm going to rebuke you Likewise if you start talking about reparations and making the sons pay for the sins of the fathers or even worse
It's not even that good even that would be better but it's actually making people with a certain melanin count pay for the sins of uh of Other people that had similar melanin counts maybe because we're not even sure if they did sin
But maybe they did maybe they didn't but they've got the right melanin. No I'm not going to entertain that and no good pastor should
I will not entertain that All right, so I stand by I completely stand by what I said, absolutely