Behold Your King Matthew 21:5

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March 28,2021 Morning Service of Faith Bible Church, Sacramento, CA Message - Behold You King - Matthew 21:5


Well, good morning and welcome to faith Bible Church is some new faces out there and we'd like to welcome you especially and we pray that you would sense the love of the body here and that's our our desire is to love each other and to serve the
Lord that way and Without the love of Christ. We're really an empty gong an empty empty sound
There's nothing coming from us, but empty words, but With Christ we can do so much more.
So welcome this morning. I wanted to share For most you're familiar aware that next week today.
Obviously is Palm Sunday next week resurrection Sunday Is we've invited? Iljin Cho and his wife
Lauren out as pastoral candidate. He will be preaching I'm in the main service next week
We're also at 930 in the morning inviting you all to come out And to have a little more one -on -one and some personal time with them
He's also before the service gonna share some they're gonna share some of their testimony just a few little facts about themselves
So that should be good. So really make a point of coming out to that So that's 930 next
Sunday, and there'll be refreshments in the fellowship hall. So Nothing should keep you away at least obvious things.
Anyway, so look forward to seeing you all there and And then following resurrection
Sunday on the 11th, there'll be a business meeting that's when we're going to have the opportunity to listen to each other and to talk about Iljin's visit and What that would mean for our church and if there's a and we'll have a vote if there's a vote to call or not to call
Whatever the Lord wills and so that's the week following on the 11th after the morning service so I Wanted to read as we prepare our hearts for worship this morning.
This is a glorious day and Anticipation of next week resurrection
Sunday, and we're looking forward to pastor John's message as he talks about the triumphal entry
Psalm 145 says I will extol you my God My God Oh King and I will bless you your name forever and ever
Every day, I will bless you and I will praise your name forever and ever
Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable and then jumping towards the end of that Chapter 145 the
Lord is righteous in all his ways Gracious is in all his works. The Lord is near to all who call upon him to all who call upon him in truth
He will fulfill the desire of those who fear him He will also he also will hear their cry and save them
The Lord preserves all who love him, but all the wicked will be he will destroy My mouth shall speak the praise of the
Lord and all flesh shall bless his holy name forever and ever And I would add amen to that.
So if you would if you would Join with me in opening our service and prayer this morning
Lord God, we thank you that we've been able to gather this morning father May we praise you father because you are worthy of our praise and just anticipating the the death and resurrection the celebration of that father is just Spectacular.
It's overwhelming Lord to see the grace at work and how you have planned all of this and Lord You have given us hope we have hope like no other on this earth father, but for the believer
We have eternal hope in you father So we thank you for that May we honor you this morning with all that we do as we lift our voices as we hear the truth of your spoken from the gospel from your word father, we just give you praise and Ask that you would go before us
Lord and may we be found acceptable in your sight Lord and and Lord through it all
May we have the mind of Christ that we might see our lives and the the matters of this world that they can be so discouraging at times father, but when we look through your lens, we know that you are
Victorious you are Lord over all and we have nothing to fear father So we thank you that we can celebrate you this morning and we give you praise in all things in Christ's name.
Amen Good morning and to God be all the praise and we should praise him all the time and let's stand and sing.
I Sing the mighty power of God I sing the mighty power of God Thank you, please be seated and the scripture reading
Jim Pershinger. Good morning Our scripture reading for this morning is
Matthew chapter 21 verses 1 through 11 Matthew 21 verses 1 through 11
And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, I will come to Bethpage unto the
Mount of Olives Then said Jesus to disciples Saying that to them going to a village over against you and straightway
You shall find an ass tied and a coat with her Use them and bring them unto me and if any man shall say out on to On to you you shall say the
Lord hath need of him them and straightway He would send them and all this was done that might be fulfilled which was spoken by a prophet saying
Tell you the daughter of Zion behold, I can come with unto thee meek and sated upon an ass a coat fell full of an ass and The disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them and brought the ass of the coat and print on Put on them their clothes and they said him
They're on and very great water to spread their garments in a way others could cut down branches for the trees and Stored them in a way and the multitude that went
Before and that followed cried saying who was then to the son of David. That's it.
He is an easy I commit a name of the Lord Who's done in the highest And when he was coming to Jerusalem All the city was moved saying who is this and the multitude said this is
Jesus the prophet of died Nazareth of Galilee May the Lord I speak to real his word
Let's stand and sing praises to our Savior whom we glorify
Thank you so much David and thank you Jim for reading the
God's Word Well, good morning Great to see everybody. I encourage you to open your
Bibles to first Timothy First Timothy chapter 6
If you want to warm your fingers up, we're gonna go to a couple of passages this morning So I like to go like this kind of warm my fingers up and get them ready.
I Think you'll be able to keep up with me Yeah, you're warm, yeah, you've been playing the violin
I'm warm. It's my second sermon. So I'm ready to go Takes me one sermon to warm up so first Timothy chapter 6 and then we're gonna go to Matthew in just a moment, but first Timothy chapter 6 first of all and Let's before we go any further go to the
Lord in prayer. Amen Father we're so Humbled so thankful for this day
That so many of us God in the days in which we live we can gather together safely and worship you
Father what a wonderful blessing. What a wonderful joy To be able to gather together with like -minded believers and to worship you
God Lord on a day like this as we think about our country It's very hard to not for a moment
Want to fall on our face and to seek your face for the sake of our nation God We know what's going on We're shocked
We can't even believe and we know God that the only answer is not a law.
It's not a new president It's not a new senator a new governor The only answer for what ails this country in this world is the good news the gospel of Jesus Christ We think back to this day some 2 ,000 years ago when the
King of Kings rode into Jerusalem on a young colt and announced to Jerusalem to Israel to really all of the world that the promised
Messiah the hope The hope for all mankind had indeed arrived So Lord as we turn to your word this morning
We ask God that you might indeed give us individually as believers a burden a Burden father to carry the good news of Jesus Christ to those around us
Lord we think of neighbors that we interact with that are not Christians. We think of family members God.
We need your grace We need your help to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ Father that's what this country needs.
That's what we need. That's what Unsafe people that we interact with at the bank and at the store our neighbors they need
Jesus Christ. They need hope So we pray for that God We also ask father that the
Holy Spirit this morning might be pleased to teach us To open our eyes of understanding to your word
God that you would be glorified. We will glorify the King of Kings Lord we pray this in the name of Jesus Christ and for his sake.
Amen. Amen So Palm Sunday see it on the sign
Palm Sunday the day on the church calendar when
Christians around the world celebrate and remember What scholars refer to as Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem?
It is the day that Jesus wrote into Jerusalem on the back of a young donkey a young newly born
Colt According to Scripture It is the day that Jesus declared to Israel that he was the long -awaited promised
Messiah King according to Scripture It is the day that tens of thousands of people recognized him as Savior and shouted
Hosanna Hosanna, which means save us save us now all according to Scripture It is also the day that marks
Jesus Christ last day last week of earthly ministry in Just a few short days.
We know that he came into Jerusalem on a Sunday, which was the first day of the week and Then on Friday He took that long walk to Calvary Dragging the cross after being beaten and scourged wearing a crown of thorns being spit upon and He would go to that cross and die what doctors tell us who have researched it the most unimaginable and horrific death that anybody could ever perpetrate on another human being which is death by crucifixion all according to Scripture and Then three days later after he was buried he would rise again from a sealed tomb that was guarded 24 7
By Roman soldiers 24 hours a day seven days a week. He would rise from the tomb again according to Scripture Now the last month or so If you've been here or watching online and if you are watching online greetings
We've been studying the Lord Jesus Christ And we have seen how the scripture declares in no uncertain terms that Jesus Christ is both
God and man 100 % God 100 % man while he was on the earth and that he was life and that he was light and This morning what we're going to do is unpack the rich truth that surrounds
What the scripture tells us about Jesus Christ being King? And that's what
I want to speak with you this morning the kingship of Jesus Christ now not just in memory of What happened 2 ,000 years ago on Palm Sunday?
Not just that But looking at this through the lens of how?
Should it impact our lives today? What should it be? What is the significance to Christians and to unbelievers living today people that maybe they they think there's a
God? They're not a hundred percent. Sure Maybe they grew up in church.
They don't really Believe all that stuff. What is the point of this day?
That's what we want to look at today So our focus and remembrance of what Christ did on that day is the history changing declaration and announcement
Behold your King and that is the sermon title today if you have the notes behold your
King Over 100 times in the New Testament We read this title for Jesus Christ that he is
King out of that 100 times Three times he is referred to listen to me.
He is referred to as the King of Kings capital K King of Kings lowercase three times and See that begs a question
What does this title mean King of Kings what is the significance of not labeling somebody
King Jesus but King of Kings and we get some help here in 1st
Timothy chapter 6 In verse 15, you'll notice how? the
Apostle Paul refers or describes to Jesus Jesus Christ In verse 14, it's talking about Lord Jesus Christ's appearing, okay
Which he will manifest in his own time now look carefully He who is the blessed and only potentate the
King of Kings and the Lord of Lords now look at that verse because the word potentate means sovereign
What it's saying is that Jesus Christ he alone and We have to get this when it says potentate if we substitute the word sovereign.
He is the blessed and only sovereign What it's telling us is that Jesus alone is the blessed and the only the singular the solitary the one and only sovereign the one over everything
Over everything in Absolute control over everything.
That is what this word Jesus is the omnipotent all -loving omniscient present everywhere
King of Kings above all Kings That is what
Paul is establishing in verse 15 in other words Take every
King you've ever heard of in high school history college world history humanities take every
King that you've ever heard of throughout the six or seven thousand years of human history from the
Pharaohs to Nebuchadnezzar to Alexander the Great to Julius Caesar to the Emperor Constantine to the
Queen of England to the King of England to the Queen of Belgium to the King of Belgium to the King of Spain to the Queen of Spain take anyone you've ever read about From the least probably the
King of Thailand what a reprobate Take any
King any Queen God's Holy Word describes in very specific very
Accurate laser intense truth that Jesus Christ is
There's no greater King There's no more powerful King. There is no more sovereign
King than King Jesus he is the blessed and only sovereign
King of Kings Now on this day
Some 2 ,000 years ago this King mounted a young down donkey He rode over West or sorry east of Jerusalem from the
Mount of Olive and he rode down down the road into the Kidron Valley being followed by thousands of people both in front of him and behind him and along the sides of the road and He went down into the
Kidron Valley on This young donkey with the mother donkey next to him He's got blankets on that donkey that people have put on there people are cutting branches palm branches tree branches
They're taking their coats off. They're laying it down He goes down into the Kidron Valley and he comes up that hill into Jerusalem and they're shouting
Hosanna Hosanna and he announces his kingship and This event marks his last six days or so depending on how you count your days on the earth in direct fulfillment of numerous
Old Testament prophecies so that the people of Jerusalem in that day could say behold
Your what King? Okay. Now let's go to Matthew 21 where Jim read and let's go ahead and plant some roots and anchor ourselves to Matthew 21
We'll go to a couple of other verses on this journey this morning Shortly after Jesus was baptized
Right after he had finished his 40 -day fast and had been tempted By the devil in the wilderness of Galilee Jesus began to preach that the kingdom of heaven
Was at hand the kingdom of heaven was near it was right around the corner
He wasn't saying it was like right next to you. It's it's at hand. It's nearby Now who is the king of this kingdom when he's preaching the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
It's near Who is the king of this kingdom? King Jesus So now we can go through the
Gospels At least 20 more times in Matthew alone and we find Jesus Christ preaching and teaching about the kingdom of heaven and We find him teaching and preaching about how the citizens of this kingdom were to live and this concept of the kingdom that is ruled by a king
Circles back to a question that I challenged you to ask if you can think back It Circles back to this question that I challenge you to ask and it's the question the same question
That is that is that is posed as Jesus rides his way into Jerusalem, and it's this question please
Focus on this question Who is Jesus Christ to you? be honest who
Exactly is Jesus Christ to me and See what's interesting is this is the very question that this event
Brought to mind to tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people.
Did you hear me? Because look at what the text tells us in verse 10 When he had come into Jerusalem Matthew 21 10
When he had come into Jerusalem All the city was moved saying
What? Who is this? dearly beloved friends and visitors to our church
That is the question That we need to be asking ourselves this morning as we think about Palm Sunday.
Who is this man? Riding on a baby donkey that is causing such a ruckus.
Who is this? Not to my neighbor not to somebody else not to the guy that cut you off on the way to church this morning
Not to dr. Fauci Who is this? this
Jesus This was the question on their minds and it's the question that God's Word confronts each and every person ever born
Since the fall who is this now? Let us make sure we understand something.
The setting is a Passover week Okay. Now, let's get this in our minds the average population according to historians not just People that are
Christians, but any any historian the average population of Jerusalem in the first century
Small town would have been 50 to 75 thousand people however during the
Passover week during the Passover week The Jews would keep a record of the number of lambs
Slaughtered because they're celebrating and remembering what the Passover from Egypt, right?
So they're sacrificing lamb after lamb after lamb and they kept count So they estimate anywhere from half a million to a million people would come to Jerusalem during Passover week
So one I mean more than one scholar suggests it could be a million So what we're talking about is this huge mass of humanity from all over Israel Coming into Jerusalem to celebrate the
Passover week and the King of Kings rides into Jerusalem With this surrounding area literally teeming with people mobs of people.
They are everywhere. There's tents There's campfires all over the place. There's people coming and going they got to go into town to get goods to get food
They're talking they're visiting. They're going to the temple. They're dragging their sacrificial lamb there is this just this mass of humanity around this little bit of village and Jesus takes this primary high point in the history of Israel's calendar year for his interests
The population is swelled and he enters verse 10 He enters all the city all the city was moved
Who is this? And Then the multitude said this is
Jesus The Prophet from Nazareth of Galilee and You see people today have to answer this very question for themselves or this passage in this day
Will mean nothing to them. We already know
More than they did because in verse 5 it says behold
Behold your King Believers today on Palm Sunday are left with a question.
How do you regard Jesus Christ? Does this King? Have the proper and biblical place in your life.
Is he? King So today we want to consider the impact of these three life -changing words
Behold your King and we'll be focusing our attention on Christ's presentation is
King We'll be looking at the peculiar nature of his kingdom and then the practical ramifications of his kingship the circumstances and events of Christ's presentation of his kingship were
We're basically historically different than any King that you could ever think of There were crowds, but there was no pomp and circumstance.
There was crowds, but there was no coronation ceremony There was a parade, but there was no marching band.
There was no music. There was no Queen there was just crowds and crowds of people looking at this man riding on a young donkey and one of the
Challenges that the events of Palm Sunday are to believers today is to understand this
That the very nature and Definition of Jesus's kingship should be molding and shaping and guiding and directing a
Christian's life Because please listen to me true Christians that have true somebody who has been truly born again our subjects in his kingdom
Jesus Christ is the sovereign king of the universe. He is not a vassal king
He is not a figurehead He is the Messiah King the blessed and only sovereign king of Kings Christians have a king and he is the king of Kings and see whether we're acknowledging that kingship
Whether we're living in light of that truth day -to -day moment by moment decision by decision doesn't really matter
Because he is still king of Kings so let's examine these three aspects of Jesus Christ kingship number one.
We are confronted with the Kings Presentation now, let's take a look at the uniqueness of the
Kings presentation Matthew 21 verse 1 Now when they drew nude near Jerusalem This is talking about this crowd of disciples that had been following him down from Galilee down and down to the
Mount of Oliver Thousands of people following him. We know that right from the feeding of the 5 ,000 those kinds of things
So five six seven eight thousand people following him people in front of him They come to Bethphage at the
Mount of Olives east of Jerusalem and Jesus sent two disciples and here's what he told him to do
Go into the village opposite you and immediately you will find a donkey tied and a colt with her loose them and bring them to me and if anyone says anything to you, you shall say the
Lord has need of them and Immediately he will send them now. What about this presentation of Jesus Christ as King?
First of all, the King is presented riding on a young donkey The cult there is the word for a foal or a baby donkey
So Jesus did not ride into Jerusalem on an adult donkey he told the disciples to go into this village right near where they were and There they would find a donkey tied and a colt with her in the very village
And if you think about this what a wondrous demonstration of his deity How could
Jesus a mere man know that there would be a donkey with his mother with its cold tied up in this village?
impossible So as God he was omniscient he wouldn't he knew there would be a mother and a donkey a
Colt tied in that village and of all the ways that Jesus Christ could have entered Jerusalem He rides on this baby baby donkey.
Why why why ride on a baby donkey verse 4? All this was done
That it might be fulfilled Which was spoken by the Prophet So Jesus Christ the
King of Kings wrote in on a young colt in Fulfillment of prophecy that was written down Zechariah said these words 500 years earlier
That the Messiah would ride into Jerusalem on a colt and notice verse 5
That the King is presented as the people's King because it says tell the daughter of Zion The term daughter of Zion referred to the people of Jerusalem and in a general sense all of Israel.
So God's covenant people Jerusalem was sometimes referred to as Zion because Mount Zion is the highest and most prominent hill in Jerusalem and 500 years earlier
Zechariah specifically says Because your Bible will have quotes there
Behold your King is coming to you. So understand that Jesus was not just any king
He wasn't just anyone's King. He was Israel's King. This was
God's People's King This was the promised
Messiah King the seed of David From the root of Jesse.
This was him That God had promised Israel and who they had been waiting for for thousands of years
Well more likely centuries, sorry about that third Another unique aspect of his presentation is the accolades and praise if you look at verse 8
It says a very great multitude And in the Greek a great agree a great multitude because of the math that we can do.
We're talking 125 ,000 up to a million. Let's round it off half a million.
That's pretty big Sacramento's what 1 million people in the Sacramento proper half the size of Sacramento Some of the people were lining the roads
Some of the people were disciples who had been following Jesus some were in front some were behind him and they were all shouting what?
Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna to the Son of David verse 9 blessed is he who comes in the name of the
Lord and then later verse 15 The people in the temple including the children were saying again
Hosanna to the Son of David the word Hosanna means salvation or Save save us
Save us save us now as they refer to Jesus the Son of David This is they knew that the
Messiah was to come in the line of David and they add blessed as he who comes in the name of the
Lord that comes from Psalm 118 and notice the chief priests in verse 15
Notice their reaction when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did and The children crying out in the temple saying
Hosanna to the Son of David what it was their reaction. They were indignant they were they were angry and They say do you hear verse 16 what these are saying?
See they knew See they had connected the dots They knew because Old Testament prophecies signaled the coming of the
Messiah King and these prophecies were being fulfilled Right in front of their very eyes and they were blind to them
He had just healed Nazareth Lazarus had just come out from the tomb after being in there for a couple of days
He had fed 5 ,000 with to a couple of loaves and fishes he had he had made the blind
See the deaf hear the mute talk the lame walk all you know, this is before these things
You know what? One of these is it's called a smartphone Before the smartphone word -of -mouth traveled fast.
They knew that he was born in Bethlehem of a virgin They knew about his miracles.
They knew about his cleansing of the temple. They knew and they're like they're indignant Do you hear that?
These children are saying the very words that belong only to God and Notice what
Jesus says He goes. Yeah Yeah, I heard it
But don't you know your Bible Look what he says Verse 16.
Yeah, I got it. But haven't you ever read? Oh Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants you have perfected praise
Jesus is quoting Psalm 8 and he's quoting a Psalm that confirms his deity
Because that section of Psalm 8 that he quotes to refers to God Psalm 8 where he's quoting from says this
Oh Lord our Lord How majestic is your name in all the earth who have displayed your splendor above the heavens?
From the mouths of infants and nursing babes you have established praise
Jesus receives the praises of the people and the children and then he explains it
Quoting a Psalm where children are praising God. What is he doing? He's confirming once again his deity
King Jesus deserves the same praise as God the Father not just because he's a king
But also because he's God see the form in nature and the substance of Jesus's presentation as king was totally different than any other king in the history of the human race
It was in direct fulfillment of numerous Old Testament prophecies Setting this king apart from every other king these people had ever seen or heard of Jesus declares his kingship
By riding on a baby donkey into the streets of Jerusalem into Jerusalem on the week of Passover directly fulfilling prophecy and establishing his kingship
Now second there is the peculiar nature of Jesus's kingdom
See, there's the King's presentation in this passage. And then secondly, there's the peculiar nature of his kingdom see a king has a kingdom you can't be much of a king without a kingdom and Jesus's kingdom is peculiarly and uniquely different from any other king in history
What was what kind of king is this King what was his kingdom? What is his nature who were to be his subjects?
What are his laws? What about the government of this kingdom now on one hand? This kingdom is like others in which the subjects the the the the citizens of that kingdom
Wait on the king and sit at his feet Now who were Christ's subjects on Palm Sunday?
some humble unlearned fishermen Who sat at his feet people like Peter?
Following this example a True disciple of Christ a subject of the King must do what his disciples did sit at his feet
Hear his words obey his commands. You see here's the deal on this
Palm Sunday Church No matter who we are Rich poor
Middle class Slave There might be people even watching by video that are grieving over a loss
There might be somebody else rejoicing in a new job no matter who we are
After receiving his grace Disciples are to live under his rule and do his bidding
Jesus is King and Believers are subject to him
See Second Jesus his kingdom is peculiar in that the laws of his kingdom are written on his subjects heart
Jeremiah 31 33 The prophet says this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days declares the
Lord I will put my law within them and On their heart.
I will write it Flip over to Romans chapter 1
Hold your place there in Matthew 21, but over in Romans Romans chapter 1 verse 19
Romans chapter 1 verse 19 because what may be known of God is
Manifest in them For God has shown it to them verse 18 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all
Ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth and unrighteousness Because what may be known of God is manifest in them
For God has shown it to them chapter 2 verse 15
Who show the work of the law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness and Between themselves their thoughts accusing or else
Excusing them You know, there might be someone watching by video or even here this morning.
You're not a Christian Well, God has given you his law written on your heart
Without even knowing a verse of this book God has given you the ability to know right from wrong.
You don't need any more proof than that that there is a God Jesus his kingdom is different than other kingdoms
At this time back in Matthew 21, there's no New Testament So the laws of God other
Kings would have him written on steel other on stone other on parchment other on lambskin
His laws were not announced by a herald coming to the city square of Jerusalem Blowing a trumpet and saying here ye here ye thou shalt not kill thou shalt not commit adultery
Thou shalt have no other God before me. He does not write to his laws that way they are written on the fleshly tablets of a person's heart
Beloved when someone is truly born again their heart becomes his heart Their will become subdued to his will their persona
Molded day by day moment by moment event by event to Christ persona
His desires become their desires his glory their chief aim and his law
Should become the very delight of their souls First John chapter 3 says for if our heart condemns us
God is greater than our heart and knows all things beloved if our heart does not condemn us we have confidence
Towards God now there is so much more that we could say about this peculiar kingdom
I mean it is a kingdom in which riches have no part in its glory The king of kings of this peculiar kingdom arrives poorest of poor on someone else's cult
This is a peculiar kingdom different than any other and there's a final aspect here in Matthew 21 to this kingdom
And it's the practical effects of Jesus's kingdom. See there's the King's presentation There is the peculiar nature of this
King's kingdom and then there are the practical obvious effects of This kingdom verse 10 the first one one effect is all of Jerusalem was moved and When he had come into Jerusalem, what does it say some of the people?
Everybody I Guess what in the Greek all the city means all the city
So if you're sitting here and you ain't being moved today, you better check your mover Come on If all the city is moved there we better be moved a little bit
Now, what does this mean? It means Listen, it means that everybody that was there had something to say about it
Everybody felt something all the city was moved as Jesus Christ rode through the streets
Some were asking who is this? Who is this verse 10?
Others, this is Jesus Remember the guy that just raised Lazarus from the dead Remember the guy that fed the 5 ,000 remember the guy that turned loathed in the fish.
I mean remember remember remember this is him This is the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee. Who is this?
It's the prophet See, this is the true effect of Christ's kingdom wherever it comes
People are stirred one way or the other this is so important to get Friends listen to me.
It is not the gospel if it does not stir It is not the gospel if it doesn't make some people happy and others angry
It is not the gospel if it doesn't make some enemies and just a few friends
Look at Matthew 10 We forget these things look at Matthew 10
Matthew 10 verse 34 Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth.
I Did not come to bring peace but a sword For I have come to set a man against his father a
Daughter against her mother and a daughter -in -law against her mother -in -law and a man's enemies
Will be those of his own household He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me and he
Who does not take his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me He who finds his life will lose it and He who loses his life for my sake will find it you see one practical effect of this
King's kingdom is that it moves people a Second practical effect is back in Matthew 21 in verse 12 people's worlds are turned upside down Matthew 21 verse 12
Then Jesus went to the temple of God and Drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple and Overturned the tables of the money changers in the seats of those who sold doves
And he said to them it is written My house shall be called a house of prayer
But you have made it a den of thieves See Jesus went to the temple and there sat men selling doves to be used in animal sacrifice and Jesus looked at them and with with it with a deep
All the way down to his toes Righteous indignation and fervor he overturned the tables he set them flying and he soon emptied the whole court of these merchants who were making a gain of godliness and Making religion a stalking horse for their own pleasure.
See this is a practical Example of what Jesus does when he comes into someone's life.
They are changed Their lives are effectively turned upside down You see we don't worship in a temple anymore
Brick and mortar has been replaced by flesh and blood church buildings like this is just a place we gather to worship
But it's not the house of God and God doesn't live here He lives in the people here
This building isn't holy The believers body is holy 1st
Corinthians 6 1st Corinthians 6 1st
Corinthians 619 This building isn't holy Our bodies are now
The temple of God 1st Corinthians 619 or do you not know? That your body is the temple of The Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have from God?
You are not your own If you're truly born again, you belong to King Jesus For you were bought at a price
Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are gods not yours
Romans 12 verse 1 Romans 12 verse 1
I Beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice
Acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service be not conformed to this world But be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove.
What is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God? See the table is turned over the king of kings a true
Christian is not their own Psalm 2
Psalm 2 please Beloved behold the king of kings a true
Christian is not their own if he's King When truck when Christ truly comes in he will drive out the buyers and the sellers
He will wipe out all manner of self -seeking how How convicting a passage to be studying
And to be up here and to know That I am the most self centered wretch at times
I Just want to hide behind this pulpit, can I do that?
You probably will vote me out The rest of the sermon I'm gonna hide. Okay, and I'll tell it from down here
Guilty as charged listen
No one should think That Jesus Christ is their King unless their world has been turned upside down The practical application of the kingship of Jesus Christ means the person has stopped living for self and they now live for the king of kings
Now are we talking about perfection? Come on, let's be honest
No, but what are we talking about growth understand it's better than it was
No, it isn't Let me read what one man prayed may the king of kings
I'm sorry. I didn't put this in your notes. I got This is the last week of school.
I'm off. I don't have to teach school for two weeks Can you do a jance with me and jump up and down?
Do you know the feeling do you remember that feeling? I mean you couldn't wait teachers on Friday. We're saying I can't wait to get out of here
I'm one teacher says John I'm leaving at 230. I Was getting my lesson plans done
I Cleaned my desk and I ran for the hills Listen to this prayer may the king of kings come into the temple of our hearts and Drive out our selfishness
May he turn out all those things Which would hinder us from serving him?
God help us to live to thee and to live for others by living to thee and not live unto ourselves
So Palm Sunday Behold your king Psalm 2 verse 6
Reflects it's a messianic psalm. Okay, so it's prophetic messianic
Talking about Jesus talking about the Messiah and it reflects the father's great joy on this great day
Because look what he says Talking about the triumphal entry verse 6
Well, I'm gonna start at verse 4 he who sits in the heavens shall laugh
The Lord shall hold them in derision Then he shall speak to them in his rest wrath and distress them in his deep displeasure
Okay, check this out Yet I have set my king on my holy hill of Zion I Will declare the decree the
Lord said has said to me you are my son Today I have begotten you
Ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possession friends one day
God the Father will give the kingdoms of the world to his son fully and completely When he reigns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and we're told about that in Revelation 19 see the presentation
The peculiar nature and the practical application
Jesus is reigning right now But his kingdom is not fully in the world yet that will come when the new heavens and the new earth are formed and See what this promise in mind
The coming kingship of Jesus Christ. Our prayer should be that of the Lord's prayer how he taught the disciples to pray
Our father which art in heaven Hallowed be thy name. What comes next thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
This is a request When we pray that prayer that part of the
Lord's prayer. It is a request for Jesus Christ to reign In its fullest sense when we say that I kingdom come it is an affirmation
It is an affirmation that you're willing to relinquish the rule of your life
So the Holy Spirit can use you to promote his kingdom and Whatever way he chooses
Are you willing to do that? Let's pray I Want to give you a few moments to think about that Just quietly before Barb and Dave come to lead us in a closing hymn
Would you think about that thy kingdom come thy will be done and just quietly in your own heart
Reflect on the notes that you took or the scripture verses that you read Behold your king and use this time to pray and then
I'll lead us in a closing prayer Just ask yourself the honest question
Who is my king and be honest
Lord Jesus King of Kings. I Pray that you would come in to the temple of our hearts and And drive out our selfishness pray
God that you would turn out all those things Which would hinder each one of us from serving you
Help us to live for you help us to live for others by living for you and Help us to not to live
For ourselves we pray in Jesus name. Amen Barb and Dave How appropriate the words all glory and honor?
to our Lord Jesus Christ And let's stand for our closing song Is Oh present.
To thee before thy passion they sang their hymns of praise.
To thee now I exulted our melody we raise.
Thou didst accept their praises, accept the praise we bring.
Who in all good delight is thou good and gracious King.
Amen. The Lord Jesus Christ is our good and gracious King. It's been a beautiful time fellowshipping with you and we are all dismissed.