Developments in the US, Some Tweets I Forgot Tuesday
Caught a few of the amazing stories coming out about how the left has used the US treasury as their own private slush fund, then moved on to a couple of tweets I forgot to cover Tuesday, one from Stephen Wolfe about a biblical theology of climate change, the other from Eric Conn about my desperation and irrelevance. Also covered some of the upcoming stops, and debates, on the next trip (which begins in about ten days).
- 00:29
- So you remember the movie signs and the little girl with all the half -drunk
- 00:36
- Cups of water around and she wouldn't drink them because they were stale Well, I've got to get my nice cold yummy stuff out of the refrigerator to have for the program and here's one of her red cups and you know
- 00:55
- It does sort of taste a little stale It's I mean it it's just water but maybe it's the film of dust.
- 01:02
- I live in the desert, you know, and I bet you anything it has some of this has dehydrated it has evaporated and So it's probably more salty
- 01:14
- I mean, there's a lot of stuff in our water There's there's much much stuff.
- 01:20
- I remember when summer came back from Georgia. She was like I'm back in Arizona and water has a real taste
- 01:27
- Oh, yeah, oh yeah,
- 01:34
- I'm gonna I'm gonna need my My my My thing is in the door of the refrigerator there, brother please
- 01:45
- Unless you just want to put music on for a second while I go get it. There's no reason to be that anyway
- 01:54
- So Twitter always Distracts me right before the program starts.
- 02:02
- I Like most people United States if you're outside the United States I apologize for this even though people outside the
- 02:07
- United States often follow what's going on here There is a
- 02:15
- Effort underway. Yes. There is an effort underway to I don't know sort of Thank you, yeah, yeah,
- 02:26
- I'll be best I'd be best water a plant with it though, you know, let's just do something do something positive with it, um
- 02:36
- Cuz the heat's coming believe you me I've felt the Sun the past few days
- 02:41
- It's gotten up like 87. So it's like ah, come on. It's only February. Give us give us a little more, please
- 02:48
- Before it starts all over again Um that there's there's an effort going on to you know, maybe
- 02:58
- Bring some responsibility to government spending the
- 03:04
- United States is 37 trillion dollars in debt And most other nations are in similar levels of debt in comparison to GDP and We've all known that When we pay our taxes that money is being used by the leftists
- 03:27
- To promote their own causes they have to they people don't support Transgender ideology this kind of stupidity that the the standard
- 03:41
- American Goes no, I do not want a male competing against my daughter in track and field or anything else
- 03:50
- Uh, the only way you prop that stuff up is to have plenty of money to promote it and and Convince people that this is what we're all about and this is good and all the rest of stuff
- 04:04
- And so all this information is coming out About everybody who's been on the dole
- 04:12
- Christianity today You know, we're praying for Meg Basham who wrote that excellent book last year.
- 04:25
- She's fighting cancer now, and so we're praying for Lord to give grace and healing
- 04:32
- But she was exactly right as to what's been going on And it's not just government money.
- 04:38
- There's there's money coming from other sources going into seminaries and Bible colleges and All sorts of ERLC type
- 04:50
- Organizations why the Southern Bapst Convention still even has the ERLC. I have no earthly idea outside of deep state and man, if this isn't the year
- 05:04
- I Forget where they're meeting. I saw it recently, but if it was a
- 05:09
- Dallas If this isn't the year where the SBC Pulls the plug on that stuff and Gets rid of that stuff.
- 05:19
- It's gonna be all over cuz I mean it's happening politically in the nation And a lot of people are very happy about it when you find out the amount of money that has been
- 05:32
- That that we have been spending to promote transgenderism in Zambia This kind of stuff
- 05:39
- You're just like really now might be the time to realize that Russell Moore was as Tom Buck said a
- 05:48
- Democratic operative and always has been and He took a lot of people for a ride and fooled a lot of people but the people the
- 05:57
- ERLC are still his his people and Man it's just time to start fixing this stuff
- 06:07
- But look, I'll just be honest with you I I Just don't know if there are enough adults left in the country
- 06:18
- To turn this ship around I'll just I'll just be honest with you There's gonna have to be some painful decisions made and there's got to be some sacrifice made and And there are two nations minimally two nations maybe more living within the borders of the
- 06:39
- United States and that other nation has no intention of Sacrificing for the future of this country.
- 06:48
- They want to destroy this country. They want to be a completely different country They want to be aligned with the
- 06:54
- CCP and things like that so they're not going to sacrifice and so I just I Get all the vibe stuff that people are talking about right now
- 07:09
- Well that vibe hit a really sour note this morning
- 07:16
- First first thing I see when I get up this morning and and hit the computer is
- 07:23
- Paula White Being chosen by Trump pastor
- 07:28
- Paula White Those words do not go together Try impastor
- 07:37
- Paula White Heading up some thing that Trump is starting on faith or whatever and I'm just like oh man.
- 07:48
- How does I? Just think I just think he chooses her because he thinks she's cute. That's I don't see any other reason for it he has the
- 07:57
- Spiritual discernment of I don't know what but anyway Yet as it may we just We are seeing lots of stuff.
- 08:08
- I love seeing the the executive order and I love man. Did you see how fast the
- 08:13
- NCAA? responded it's like Okay, all right no more guys.
- 08:22
- Oh, no kidding. No no more guys in women's sport What a bunch of cowards
- 08:29
- I? Mean honestly if you believe the stuff you were saying before If you're if you believe the stuff that you were putting out six months ago
- 08:40
- You're just gonna roll over now and go. Oh, okay Well, you know what that means is
- 08:48
- When the Democrats win the next election whenever that will be I don't know it just goes right back again
- 08:54
- Just do do do do do do you can never? That's why I said starting on Inauguration Day I I love the defunding of Planned Parenthood.
- 09:06
- I love the Mexico City policy. I love Wow, you can actually protect a border.
- 09:11
- Isn't that amazing could have been done for the last four years It was being purposefully kept open by the
- 09:17
- Biden regime to change the nature of the United States of America There's no question about this. No one can argue that All you can do is scream at people when they tell the truth about that I Yeah, that's all that's all good stuff, but it's not supposed to be being done this way
- 09:34
- That's my problem You you mark it down you you write it down from Inauguration Day onward what
- 09:44
- I'm saying is If this Constitution and this nation is going to survive
- 09:56
- Um We can't be doing it the way it's being done right now because we aren't electing a president.
- 10:03
- We aren't electing a Congress the Congress because the left
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- Will not be bipartisan hates the Constitution violates their oath of office rights left and center makes money off the stock market and all sorts of money laundering in the process because Almost half of the elected officials
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- Really more than that when you include the rhinos and all the Republicans that are have other priorities other than the nation
- 10:36
- The legislative branch is Functionally defunct So its role has been picked up by the judicial Wasn't there supposed to be that way and in essence every four years we elect a new king
- 10:56
- No, and and the the greatest disadvantage that the
- 11:02
- United States has over against Russia over against China Other rising powers like India The only
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- The biggest the biggest disadvantage that we have is that we can't think long term
- 11:24
- We think in four -year blocks maybe even two -year block We don't think long term and they do they play they're playing the long game
- 11:33
- We play the short game. And as long as it keeps functioning this way, there's nothing we can do about it because All you have is a short game
- 11:42
- You can't look at your at your allies and say five years from now
- 11:48
- This is what we'll do Because they know you got no idea what your nation's gonna be doing five years from now or even worse
- 11:57
- You know in the last two years of Trump's administration You can't tell somebody that the
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- United States is gonna do something consistently 18 months down the road You can't you can't function that way.
- 12:10
- You just can't function that way We were able to do it once because Half the nation wasn't made up of traitors, but this is where we are
- 12:24
- So You know, I'm watching some of this stuff coming out and just the the insanity of the left
- 12:37
- And What did I say last year how long would it take
- 12:44
- Before the Democrats would be talking impeachment Now I said that if they won the house that they would be filing
- 12:55
- Charges of impeachment against Trump, you know During the inauguration
- 13:02
- That's just basically what happened. It took him three weeks Before you've got this wild -eyed crazy man in the house
- 13:13
- Drawing up articles of impeachment Why because Trump said well, maybe we'll take over Gaza.
- 13:19
- I I don't think he really means that and If he does he's he's thinking about making what
- 13:27
- I saw a cartoon Gaza Lago Making it a
- 13:34
- European Holiday destination with casinos and stuff like that That's that's probably he wants to get it get it all sort of leveled off so that when he gets out of office
- 13:46
- He can sort of take that over and make Gaza Lago Like that, you know, but that's not that's not impeachable.
- 13:54
- He hasn't done anything. He talks out loud He's already taken more questions From the press in three weeks than Joe Biden did in four years
- 14:05
- There's no question about that So he talks out loud and they're gonna we're gonna get him on Just I'm sorry,
- 14:15
- I just don't think we have a functional Government, this is not how it's supposed to work and you can go.
- 14:24
- Yeah, but it's working. Okay now, okay Sorry, I think long -term You know
- 14:31
- Once you have kids and once you have grandkids you start thinking a little more long -term and You know that makes you go.
- 14:40
- I'm not so sure about that. Yeah. Yeah boomer. It's like, yeah. Okay, you're all still kids, too
- 14:48
- So anyway, I'm just watching this stuff and it and it's it's just absolutely the stuff they've come out with and the people who have taken money
- 14:56
- The churches what are they doing with it? Are you talking millions of dollars?
- 15:03
- Well, why? Did you know that we could apply For millions of dollars so rich.
- 15:10
- Why weren't you what? What were you thinking? That's your job, man. I Mean we're sitting here, you know, and it's like well it's
- 15:23
- COVID and it's ugly and people don't know what they're gonna do and and hey, let's let's just go to the government and Now we're not and we're not even talking
- 15:35
- Loans, you know grants government grants. Really? Seriously, how what did they have to do to get that money?
- 15:43
- That's what I want to know. What or what will they do? Yeah. Yeah.
- 15:48
- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, always follow the money You know someday in eternity.
- 15:54
- We're gonna see all all the bank accounts will be turned over to the heavenly doge
- 16:01
- And We're gonna see where the money came from where it went and I'm just glad that this is still a small ministry big reach but you know, it's just it's just me and rich and We don't have properties and all the rest that kind of stuff out there.
- 16:24
- It's just just us in our little old office and So we're not owned by anybody and That allows me to say what
- 16:33
- I need to say, even when that makes a lot of people really not happy at all so anyways, uh,
- 16:41
- I Forgot a couple things on Tuesday, I apologize. Um, I I forget what the context was but oh
- 16:55
- This just a few hours ago I was following a link on Twitter Tony cost
- 17:05
- I did a Hour and 45 minutes, I think with Tony last night on the
- 17:10
- Septuagint as Reddick text stuff like that live on YouTube and I reposted the link if you want to catch all that and Tony was responding to somebody
- 17:24
- Who had asked him he had made a comment about a Lutheran who had said something about The Septuagint and I knew he was talking about Corey Mahler.
- 17:34
- We talked about Corey Mahler and so I Was following up on The comments of that and I ended up on Corey Mahler's timeline on Twitter And I made the comment because I started reading through The Racist and and I and I mean just the old standard definition of racist color of skin based animus
- 18:06
- I Had seen somebody posting stuff About what they were saying about sub -saharan
- 18:13
- Africa and they were they were mocking black Africans And I mean these people what
- 18:20
- I commented I said Corey Mahler is clearly running for the Grand Wizard of the KKK Because You just you just read his timeline just today just just past 48 hours and It's just filled.
- 18:36
- I I don't know how I Think he has been shut down by Twitter in the past but He keeps coming back evidently you can say whatever you darn well, please on Twitter right now and you're not gonna you're not gonna get shut down and and that's what he's doing
- 19:00
- But someone in Responding to that couple people and this is why it's significant to me a couple people respond to what
- 19:08
- I'd said, which just simply a factual observation of the Vile stuff that Corey Mahler spews on a
- 19:17
- Regular daily basis while claiming to be a Christian and bringing the Word of God to the people and all the rest this cultic blather that he does
- 19:27
- A couple people said so why are you doing the same thing and lying about Stephen Wolfe and saying he's the same thing as Corey Mahler and When two people say that they're allegedly not the same people
- 19:45
- I Start going, huh? Because no rational person says that a rational person knows
- 19:52
- I've not made that connection. I've not made that accusation When I responded to Stephen Wolfe on Tuesday I put the entirety of his statement in big
- 20:05
- Bold letters on my screen read all of it in context
- 20:12
- Um and never once said this is the same thing as Corey Mahler So it's a lie.
- 20:19
- And so you sit there and you go. Okay. Why do people start lying? Were they told to do this is this a is this how this works is
- 20:28
- Okay, we don't want to respond to what he said so what we'll do is we'll start a
- 20:38
- Narrative a new narrative to sort of blow smoke across The real issues that that were brought up Maybe that's how it works.
- 20:48
- So maybe these people I didn't didn't spend the time to go look Can pretty much guarantee there were sub 200 follower and on accounts
- 20:58
- But it does make you wonder if that's not exactly how it works, okay We've got it we got a problem with that last program
- 21:08
- It's gonna be really hard to respond to it in any meaningful fashion, in fact, we'll never do that Wolfe has said a couple things
- 21:17
- But again not interacting with the substance. He can't interact with the biblical substance. He would never do that he would not he knows better than to do that and So all you get from Wolfe since Tuesday is
- 21:32
- I'm the one Representing the historic reform perspective, that's that's all he wants to give he's not gonna engage text to scripture
- 21:41
- He's not gonna engage it. You know anything else that I said in Defending Christian worldview analysis and the necessity of doing that in a secular world and the consistency of doing that from a reformed perspective
- 21:55
- Any of that stuff? He's just not gonna he's just I could go there. Was there something that I know?
- 22:00
- Okay So So you just but you have to you have to say something just enough to keep your followers
- 22:09
- Going yeah. Yeah, but without actually doing the work of doing any kind of interaction with it
- 22:16
- But I did find it fascinating. So there were two screens. I even left them up since Tuesday That I forgot to get to on Tuesday would have made us go somewhat longer, but it would have fit better then
- 22:33
- But I want to get to them today and I apologize for having forgotten them. They're back behind My accordance
- 22:42
- Bible software Out of sight out of mind. So I closed
- 22:48
- I I dropped the accordance windows like oh Got that. Oh well
- 22:53
- One was a Stephen Wolfe Tweet Where He he says in my judgment.
- 23:02
- The claims of climate change are exaggerated And The policies proposed to fix it are absurd
- 23:13
- But we Protestants it's a rather general Term there, you know,
- 23:19
- I should put those someplace like out of the camera view because the problem is
- 23:26
- Yeah. Yeah there. I see it doesn't look quite as there you go. I Have these things in my ears now, which means
- 23:33
- I can't put other things in my ears now Do you need me to bring my wife down here and you know, have her ever tidy?
- 23:40
- Sure You know, you realize you could you could you bring her to the RV? That money realize you won't be able to find anything for the rest of trust me.
- 23:49
- Trust me. That's that's my life at home The reason I have ten of everything is because the first nine were put in a good place
- 23:56
- I would never ever think you forget We all know where my wife puts that's true.
- 24:02
- That's true. They're in the Phoenix City dump or the Goodwill. Oh, okay Yeah, good. Well loves my wife.
- 24:08
- They call it. Is she all right? Yeah, we haven't seen you We have a Goodwill near us.
- 24:14
- And yes Yes, the the Goodwill near us knows us and the Ross near us has a single lane that says
- 24:20
- Kelly on it Yes, that's for returns, but the rule of thumb in our house Remember? Oh, yes, if you haven't worn it in six months, it goes.
- 24:28
- I haven't used it for six months yet. Don't need it Now it goes but there is a logical problem there.
- 24:34
- We live in Arizona. Yes, so six months is summer So there there are two months when it can get cold.
- 24:41
- Yes How do you know never mind let me get back to what
- 24:47
- I was doing here All right But we Protestants must stop applying quote biblical theology end quote to questions that can only
- 24:58
- Can only be understood fundamentally in their own domains So this this was before the long thing that he wrote in fact,
- 25:07
- I would imagine That it was to push back on this. He was attacking the biblical theology of climate change book
- 25:17
- That Pretty sure is published by g3 and So he was mocking they said it was it was
- 25:25
- Yeah, he says in this this is the tweet where he says it was dumb To say things like that.
- 25:31
- So But we Protestants must stop applying biblical theology to questions that can only be understood fundamentally in their own domains.
- 25:38
- So Climate change is not a theological question is what he's saying Do carbon emissions warm the earth or cause more catastrophic weather events is not a theological question
- 25:49
- It's a question of science and to the scientific investigation think that we can dismiss such questions by appealing to theology has frankly made us dumb and Also unwilling to enter these fields
- 26:00
- Not every question can be answered by simply having the right and then very last word quote worldview end quote.
- 26:07
- So This was the background for the longer thing that we examined last time and so I should have and I probably should have brought it up Even before the other one and it would have flowed a little bit more accurately, but again,
- 26:21
- I Defended the biblical theology of climate change book
- 26:29
- By specifically pointing out that the Domain That is
- 26:39
- Climate science Well, one thing it's very obvious The domain that is climate science is corrupt and it's been corrupted by money
- 26:50
- Oh, and the money is a root of all sorts of evil. Where'd we get that from scripture? and when we analyze the data and We can go back and find
- 27:04
- Entire months a hundred years ago That were that are warmer than they are today, even though the carbon dioxide level was significantly lower
- 27:18
- We need to have an understanding of natural law That comes from creation
- 27:26
- To be able to even begin to analyze that it's not being analyzed right now It's just being used for political purposes being used to enrich
- 27:33
- China Which builds all the wind farms which take fossil fuels to actually?
- 27:40
- Lubricate them and keep their running and then when they fall apart We have to bury them in the ground and it's just it's complete societal suicide.
- 27:47
- It's ridiculous, but All that could be analyzed on the basis of things like Romans 1 and Why men are doing what men are doing to other men?
- 28:00
- Because that's really what's behind all this stuff Mankind has lived
- 28:07
- Since creation Recognizing that God's the ones in control the wind and the waves he causes
- 28:15
- You you see in Scripture. He brings drought and famine as judgment upon Israel.
- 28:21
- He's in charge of the weather It's not outside of his purview.
- 28:26
- That's theology And of course then you still have this the standard misrepresentation
- 28:34
- Thing that we can dismiss such questions by appealing to theology. No one's no one's dismissing questions by appealing to theology
- 28:42
- We're saying that the analysis of the data is under the realm of theology that when you analyze data as a
- 28:50
- Christian and have a Christian worldview and you you look at God's world as God's world
- 28:58
- Rather than looking at the world as if it's a random result of natural processes and then you try to slather a little bit of Religiosity over here in the corner to make you feel a little bit better when you get close to death
- 29:13
- That's not the Christian way that's not the Christian way so this really this was February 1st, so this was five days ago.
- 29:22
- Well, okay I'll take that back. That's when I screenshot it. Well, that's exactly when it was written or not.
- 29:30
- I Don't know But you know when he says it's a question of science answered through scientific investigation
- 29:37
- I would like to think that Stephen Wolfe is aware of the fact that one's view of creation has a massive impact on what one even
- 29:49
- Identifies as scientific investigation. I remember when
- 29:55
- I I've told the story before but it's been a number of years when I graduated from college. I was a double major Bible in biology and I Was department fellow anatomy and physiology studied genetics
- 30:10
- Got a got a decent science background. It was a long long time ago now, but I've kept up with some of it and So one of the first books that I read after I graduated was
- 30:26
- Dawkins the blind watchmaker Because it was sort of a you know, there are a lot of people talking about it and the challenge that it made to Any kind of biblical creationism and by the way, someone said you you're assuming all this stuff about Stephen Wolfe And what they were talking about was
- 30:45
- I had said I asked the question on the program Is he a biologist guy and No one no one has answered that.
- 30:56
- I Guess I'm just gonna have to put straight out there Is he a biologist guy? Is is he a creationist?
- 31:03
- I I'd like to know It it it would be interesting to have that kind of information when we're talking about stuff like this
- 31:13
- But I read the blind watchmaker and I didn't have
- 31:22
- Any Christian responses to it? This was before the Internet Before Al Gore decided that we were gonna no longer have any snow and all the rest that goes up He was inventing the
- 31:36
- Internet at the time he's very busy with that and and we all need to thank him for inventing the Internet But as I read
- 31:46
- Dawkins presentation of neo -darwinian micromutational evolutionary theory having just graduated with a major in biology and only a few months earlier
- 32:00
- I had been taking my senior boards my Biology professors who were not who while claim to Christians were not creationists.
- 32:09
- They're evolutionists. They were darwinian theistic evolutionists You know
- 32:17
- Throwing all sorts of questions at me and I'm drawing the Krebs cycle and electron chain transport and all the like that kind of stuff on the on the board and Had been doing genetics work
- 32:33
- Only a matter of months earlier as I'm reading Dawkins I come to conclusion this doesn't work
- 32:41
- Because Biological You know the structures of the cell body are complex
- 32:53
- They're not made up of just one step at a time There can be literally in some instances for example in the eyes
- 33:02
- There can be hundreds of things that have to come together in the exact right way
- 33:08
- To have the function That you that you have and the neo -darwinian model of a of a single mutation
- 33:19
- You couldn't have enough mutations happen randomly to give any kind of Advantage in reproduction and so you might have amazing mutations take place and There's this one animal in this one species that has
- 33:40
- You know 40 % of what it needs to build this new body part
- 33:47
- And it just randomly gets killed by a falling rock, you know, I mean because again
- 33:53
- Their person, you know, they cannot have Providence. You can't have God doing any of this kind of stuff from Dawkins perspective and so you get startled over again and So I had come to that conclusion reading the book
- 34:10
- And I remember I flew over to Albuquerque. I don't remember where I went But it's one of the first times
- 34:15
- I had flown to Albuquerque to speak On a
- 34:21
- I don't remember what topic was and over lunch I Was talking with some guys and I was telling them about what
- 34:32
- I had figured out on my own reading Dawkins and They they said you're talking about intelligent design irreducible complexity
- 34:41
- I Said yeah, what what and they introduced me to the first few books on that subject
- 34:49
- I had come that conclusion on my own and I had come that conclusion analyzing the data from a
- 34:56
- Christian worldview and It come the same conclusion that many other people have come to Along those specific lines and so, you know when it when
- 35:10
- Wolfe talks about Scientific investigation that is a feel like there is a there's theological there are theological presuppositions
- 35:20
- Underneath that Did you lock the truck? Oh, you'll do that right now for me
- 35:29
- Appreciate that. I'm Adam. I just looked over at my keys and I went Rich was working on something in the truck and we live in Phoenix.
- 35:38
- So All of a sudden it struck me and I'm like Yeah, let's make sure the the truck is locked
- 35:47
- So sorry about that live program So anyways, there are presuppositions of scientific investigation the other tweet
- 35:57
- That I had had does sort of fit into something This was a couple weeks earlier, this is
- 36:04
- I screenshot this on the 24th of January and it's from Pastor Eric Kahn up in Ogden and He says the
- 36:15
- PWC crowd a PWC is the post -war consensus Wilson white
- 36:22
- Barry et al has been imploding at warp speed
- 36:29
- Likely because they are losing so badly and getting desperate They were relevant for a second because of kovat, but now their moment has slipped away.
- 36:40
- This is January 23rd 2025 now As you know, there is a conference coming up in April and Stephen Wolfe is the sort of the big speaker
- 36:56
- At this conference, but Pastor Kahn's gonna be there and Brian Salve are gonna be there and As far as I can tell
- 37:09
- Calvin Robinson is still gonna be there as far as I can tell Now I had I had a friend contact me and say that he had heard that wasn't the case
- 37:18
- But I'm like I haven't heard that and something tells me that if his Name and image disappeared off of that website.
- 37:27
- There'd be a lot of people talking about it And maybe you could look up the
- 37:32
- Christ is King defeating trash world thing in Google and See if the current website still hasn't because last time
- 37:40
- I checked he's still on it I don't know why what happened with the
- 37:46
- Anglican Catholic Church ACC which in of itself historically is an interesting phraseology
- 37:55
- Still there, you know rich says still there I Can't see why what happened with his being
- 38:05
- Delicensed and basically kicked out of the ACC which I think
- 38:10
- I Didn't take the time to count count it. I had read the article that he wrote about ordination
- 38:18
- I Think that was minimally the third group that he's been with in the past two years and You know, he could defend that on various grounds whatever
- 38:33
- But I can't see how what they did would actually impact his participation
- 38:41
- With the group in April if anything you just make him more of a sort of a martyr figure
- 38:49
- Because if you're not know what I'm talking about the fact that I don't know what I talked about this at all but Calvin Robinson who we talked about a few weeks ago, and he he went and did a webcast with Anthony Catholicism on on Twitter and They played some clips from the sermon that I did where I used
- 39:13
- Calvin Robinson as a sermon illustration it was a hour -plus long sermon and that sermon illustration was, you know, three minutes, but Obviously, they hadn't actually listened to the sermon certainly
- 39:29
- Robinson hadn't and Man, they're just going at it and they're just just slandering me right left the center
- 39:35
- I even contacted the Anthony guy on Twitter I said will you come on the program and defend what you said about me on your webcast?
- 39:43
- I'll think about it. I'll get back to you. Haven't heard a word Just a poof gone Because it was painfully obvious that neither him nor Robinson had actually listened to the sermon and I don't think they'd want to to be honest with you,
- 39:59
- I was Dealing with other issues, but I was dealing with Marian issues and that's something
- 40:04
- I've been doing for years and years and years There's nothing new about that. This was just a modern example of what happens with this kind of stuff
- 40:12
- So anyway, as far as I can tell he's still on the roster for for April at the at the conference, so So these so I have been saying what you're gonna see is you're gonna see an alignment of The people that are speaking at this conference
- 40:39
- Against Well, basically the people they used to have speaking at their conferences
- 40:46
- So they can make that break. I've said I believe sometime in November December the decision was made
- 40:53
- We're not gonna have anything to do with those folks anymore. We're gonna go ahead and go after them now We're gonna send the
- 40:58
- Anon army after them We have said in the past Doug Wilson Joe boot
- 41:05
- James White. These have been people who've given us great guidance We're dumping all that and They are now according to Pastor Khan the
- 41:13
- PwC crowd now, I'll mention it again That's empty verbiage it's a
- 41:27
- Glowing screen the glowing letters on a screen that have no meaning I am no more a post -war consensus crowd member
- 41:39
- Than I am a loony Democrat, okay So That that's
- 41:49
- What's the term now dog whistle? That's the thing that you use to get your unthinking followers to start barking and That's what the
- 41:59
- PwC thing is You know when they define Hitler bad Okay So evidently the
- 42:09
- PwC crowd is imploding at warp speed. I'm not sure what that's really supposed to mean
- 42:18
- But that that's you know, you throw that out there Keep your people excited and keep them beating the war drums and doing their
- 42:26
- Anon stuff and things like that And because we're losing so badly and getting desperate
- 42:32
- I'm not sure what we're losing at Because I can't get these guys to engage with any kind of biblical argumentation or anything like that And the reality is what
- 42:42
- I have predicted is taking place right now. What have I predicted? I've predicted that there's going to be changes taking place in their own theological formulations
- 42:52
- So as to come together in this movement, and of course some of them anyways had different theologies in the past and then
- 43:03
- Adopted a Reformed Presuppositional post -millennial theonomic perspective.
- 43:10
- We're real excited about that for a while but now they're moving away from that and I think a clip showed up I think this morning on Twitter that demonstrates that They know that they're moving their theology.
- 43:27
- They know they're changing their theology and they're sort of preparing People they've learned from what
- 43:34
- Jehovah's Witnesses did when the Witnesses totally blew the Prophecy that 75 prophecy years and years ago that Christ was going to return and that didn't happen
- 43:45
- They lost a million people over the next few years from their organization Now they change theology slowly.
- 43:52
- They prepare people for a change in theology before they actually make the change in theology and So, I think we're seeing the preparation right now well, you know, you you know
- 44:04
- Once you're once you're convinced you are wrong about something you need to you need to admit that you were wrong and that you'd him okay, so I think what we're gonna see is a movement toward a
- 44:17
- Wolfian Non -ventillian non -presuppositional non -christian worldview non post -millennial non -theonomic
- 44:30
- Perspective that will allow you to adopt the sacral Christian Prince type stuff
- 44:37
- Without the revivalism that Stephen Wolfe talks about revivalism the Puritan hope stuff that these guys had been talking about not very long ago
- 44:46
- But I've decided that no That Puritan hope stuff
- 44:51
- Puritans were a long time ago they didn't even have the Internet And so They were really thinking long -term and That's just not gonna get the clicks.
- 45:05
- You know, that's that's not gonna keep the Anon army anoning on our side and so Let's let's go a different direction
- 45:16
- And it's it's gonna happen. Just just watch just watch now how long that's gonna hold together as Some type of a movement
- 45:25
- I Can't imagine it'd be very long because I'm not sure how big it really is.
- 45:32
- I I keep wondering how many how much of this stuff is actually driven by server farms and By people that have you know, 25 accounts online at one time making up the
- 45:46
- Anons I Had like to think there aren't that many people who are have such Empty lives that they're living their lives anonymously on Twitter and just running around ravaging people anyway
- 46:01
- But evidently the PwC crowd myself Doug Wilson I think the
- 46:08
- Barry that's being referred to here is One of the editors at Babylon B. I think maybe
- 46:15
- But we're imploding and we're losing badly and we're getting desperate And I just go
- 46:22
- Okay You want to believe that I'll let you believe that They were relevant for a second this is this is the part
- 46:33
- I love this is how 1984 gets gets illustrated they were relevant for a second because of kovat, but now their moment has slipped away.
- 46:45
- I I think the first time I heard of Pastor Khan was with the
- 46:52
- All the stuff about haunted cosmos and The Nephilim and Bigfoot Okay during during kovat
- 47:05
- That's when I I think I I looked at it I Trying to remember when it started
- 47:13
- It's been a whopping two years, maybe three at the most Maybe four at the most but it's it's really short period of time and I had never heard of any of these guys before that and That's fine.
- 47:30
- That's great. That's wonderful You know, I didn't know who Wes Huff was Jeff tells me that if I had come with him up to Canada, I just don't like going to Canada, but That one year
- 47:42
- Jeff and Luke and I were in Palmyra, New York We visited the site of the first vision the first vision the growth the sacred grove and all the rest that kind of stuff
- 47:52
- Got soaked in a rainstorm. Um, and then I flew home from there and they went up to Canada to speak at the
- 48:01
- Ezra Institute and Wes Huff was speaking there and that's when I think I think that's when Jeff became familiar with him
- 48:07
- So Sure, there's there's people you know, there's us us old folks me and Tony Costa and all of us have been running around for decades and then the younger guys and When I hear the
- 48:23
- Encouragement that we have been to the younger guys. That's great. I think that's absolutely fantastic They need to be picking up the torch and running with it
- 48:31
- That's wonderful But the last line here they myself
- 48:37
- Doug Wilson were relevant for a second Because of COVID But now their moment has slipped away
- 48:47
- Wow hmm, and so I stopped and started thinking uh Okay, let's say 2020 okay.
- 48:57
- Let's say March. Was it March April of 2020? I think is when Cove it all is
- 49:02
- March of 2020 Yeah, well, I start you started hearing about this weird stuff in China. So early early 2020
- 49:09
- Because I was supposed to fly up to Moscow and do a debate with Doug on textual issues
- 49:17
- Yeah, you had to cancel all those flights and stuff And I think that was in mid -march
- 49:23
- I remember writing to Doug going And on the way things are going if if I came up I might get stuck up there if they don't let us
- 49:32
- Let me fly home So let's just hold this off for a few weeks. Well, we didn't know how long those weeks would be and So What did what?
- 49:47
- What was I doing up until 2020? evidently nothing I Wrote all of my books before 2020.
- 49:55
- I wrote the potter's freedom the King James only controversy forgotten Trinity Forgotten Trinity was written in the late 90s
- 50:03
- Potter's freedom in the early 2000s Justification my faith I think was oh for scripture alone around the same time
- 50:11
- How many of The 193 debates I've done that I do before 2020 about a hundred and eighty of them um
- 50:22
- Pastored for years at PRBC How many missions trips to Salt Lake City Long before there was a church in Ogden long before there was a church in Ogden We were
- 50:37
- I was on KTKK radio in Salt Lake City in studio With a
- 50:43
- Mormon attorney as the host to BYU professors sitting across from me taking live calls Only for Mormons in Salt Lake City that was in the late 80s
- 50:54
- Okay, I I I'm doubtful that Pastor Khan was out of his teens
- 51:02
- And That ministry has had tremendous fruit over the years
- 51:10
- So it really makes you go, huh?
- 51:16
- What kind of a mindset do you have to have To create a
- 51:24
- PwC group, whereas that's meaningless We're not a
- 51:31
- PwC group, we're not post -war consensus Even if you use the
- 51:37
- Roman Catholic definition of that from Reno globalism anti -national sovereignty that kind of stuff
- 51:45
- Applying it to either me or Doug Wilson is Foolish, it's just Who are you trying to fool here?
- 51:54
- It doesn't make any sense so But but to say that Doug Wilson who is instrumental in founding
- 52:06
- Canon Press and new st. Andrews and You know no matter what you think about him
- 52:14
- He has had a lot of people have had to deal with what he's said and A lot of people have been encouraged to take stands because they they watch him going on university campuses and just in a cool calm collected way
- 52:32
- Dealing with the people coming after him That was all before kovat
- 52:39
- That there is a Strange Twisting of history that you have to be doing to say that Doug Wilson and myself
- 52:52
- Were relevant for a second, but only after 2020
- 53:00
- How do you how do you sit there and type that and then hit return without going?
- 53:06
- Ah, you know That just I don't make no sense I don't know either.
- 53:13
- I don't know either But interestingly, it was responded to by none other than Andrew Torba Who has said all sorts of Really strange things as well and he says it must be difficult to see your entire worldview dismantled and falling apart before your eyes on a daily basis
- 53:36
- I I should have and I need to I need to have this
- 53:45
- I'm bummed that Jeff's gifts, whatever you call them. There's a big argument about how you pronounce it.
- 53:51
- They can't have audio That really you have to you have to put on the screen that just ruins it because my favorite
- 54:02
- Clip Video clip that I would want to use and I you know what?
- 54:07
- I think I put it on on my desktop I I thought
- 54:14
- I did but I mean, you know, the problem is there's just so many things like that I Thought for sure.
- 54:21
- I had put this on my desktop and hope to be able to Use it again in the future.
- 54:27
- There's way way way way too many things in here and I really need to find out how to make the font size in The Finder window on Mac a whole lot bigger
- 54:40
- But somewhere on here I'm pretty sure
- 54:47
- I saved The mp3 or the mp4 of Let me just do it real quick here what
- 54:59
- In desktop No, I think oh man, no
- 55:06
- I meant in the in the name Yeah, it's not pulling up.
- 55:13
- Oh, well, you know what happened is I'll find it as soon as we we go off air It'll it'll pop up.
- 55:19
- But what I what I want to play at this point in time. Is that classic? clip from Cheers Where Fraser Crane is sitting next to the post guy.
- 55:30
- What was his name? What was his name? Cliff Cliff Cliff You can tell
- 55:38
- I did not spend a lot of time watching that stuff. But this is just I love it
- 55:43
- It's sitting there and Cliff has just said something really weird Well, if Fraser Crane just looks at him and he goes what color is the sky in your world and Cliff just sort of You know
- 55:59
- That's what I want to say Eric on is what color is the sky in your world when you when you typed this tweet and You literally said to the world that that I had done nothing prior to kovat
- 56:14
- I'm not really sure what I did during kovat that would even make me relevant You know we did you know, we didn't shut down at apologia and and certainly we
- 56:24
- Took some hits for how we respond to stuff on this program But what color is the sky in your world because evidently the sky in your world got invented in 2020 and all of history before that just Gone, I I don't
- 56:44
- I don't get it but Then with Andrew Torba saying your worldview
- 56:52
- Wait a minute Andrew Torba said your entire Worldview. Oh, no
- 57:01
- Andrew Torba needs to be corrected by Stephen Wolfe your entire worldview
- 57:08
- Dismantled and falling apart before your eyes on a daily basis. So I want to say to Andrew Torba to what color is the sky?
- 57:14
- in your world How how is my worldview Being dismantled in in what way and when it's getting down to specifics these guys respond with memes
- 57:28
- They respond with winky memes and stuff like that when you press them and say how about giving us some facts?
- 57:34
- How about how about Interacting in a meaningful fashion You get nothing
- 57:42
- Except the Anon army and Then Torba said I would genuinely feel bad for them
- 57:48
- But then I remember how much they've slandered us for simply telling the truth such as And whenever I say such as I a couple days ago.
- 58:00
- I decided to start pushing back on All these yes on all these people that were slandering me and Just going back.
- 58:12
- Okay document it document it and 90 % of them just simply disappeared they just No response and since they're
- 58:22
- Anons, you can't push it, you know so so here
- 58:32
- Chris Honholtz sent me the The thing so I just sent this out.
- 58:38
- I just shifted the sound over. It was generally accepted sir. The Vulcans aren't it? And of course what it does is it then plays the next clip which is an old clip from Star Trek, but here you go
- 58:51
- What color is the sky in your world? Yeah, you didn't have it up here we go. Tell me What color is the sky in your world?
- 58:59
- I? Loved I loved how Fraser Crane sort of looks over at him I don't want to put it up because they'll probably ding us for for copywriters and like that But yeah,
- 59:06
- I need to I need to save that somehow to my favorite part of that They didn't put into the clip and that is he looks at him and he says
- 59:15
- Hello in there cliff Tell me what color is the sky and oh, he did that really hello in there.
- 59:22
- Hello in there cliff. Oh Man, that is really good. I need to I need to track that down Cuz this is all
- 59:29
- I've ever seen is just the four second. Tell me what color is the sky in your world?
- 59:36
- just I Just love it. I love it. It's the ultimate of peering into this foreign place this place
- 59:44
- Not not even sure I want to go I'm sure I want to go Anyway, uh, all right.
- 59:52
- Well, hey From the the happy irrelevant and I've been irrelevant my entire life was only relevant for a brief period of time during kovat
- 01:00:04
- Director of alpha omega ministries Thanks for listening to the program today Don't forget don't forget don't start the music.
- 01:00:12
- Don't forget I pull out a week from Tuesday so as normal That's going to mean
- 01:00:27
- Doing the program from the road Weather dependent travel dependent all sorts of stuff like that I'm going to be in Conway Well, I'm gonna be at Quatro Nelson's Church I'll sort of outside of Conway but same general area of Saturday and Sunday That following Saturday and Sunday and then doing some stuff at the seminary
- 01:00:56
- Monday and Tuesday and Then I head to Jonesboro and I've already posted the stuff.
- 01:01:04
- I don't know if we have that anywhere, but I posted on Twitter The debates are
- 01:01:09
- Friday and Saturday at 12 -5 in Jonesboro the first debate is a two -on -two debate on the extent of the atonement and Jeremiah Nortier as they would say in French Also called the apologetic dog one of those young guys the next generation that Wow, I've I think
- 01:01:34
- Jeremiah would say I've encouraged him tried to give Encouragement and direction for him, but he's part of that next generation he's younger than Jeff a good bit younger than Jeff, but Real sharp guy.
- 01:01:49
- He and I are teaming up to do debate on the extent of the atonement and then the next night Mr. Heschmeier from Catholic Answers And I will be debating is the
- 01:02:02
- Mass a perpetuatory sacrifice. He's gonna be defending that thesis And They'll both be at 12 -5 there in Jonesboro.
- 01:02:10
- Like I said, I posted the information and Then I pretty sure I'm preaching at 12 -5 on Sunday.
- 01:02:17
- I think I may have just invited myself And then heading back after that.
- 01:02:24
- So that's the next it's a quick trip relatively speaking Because then
- 01:02:30
- I'm heading for Louisiana in April I've got a debate April 4th in Livingston and then
- 01:02:38
- I'm gonna be trying to swing up into the northern part, Louisiana and Trying to set some stuff up right now there at some of the churches in that area as I head back from that so getting back on the road and Three debates set up right now.
- 01:02:59
- I'd love to see if we can get some some others Before we head back up toward,
- 01:03:04
- Colorado in late July and That's gonna be a weird trip because I'll be teaching
- 01:03:16
- Apologize to the apologetics or I'm pretty sure it's a apologetics class at the seminary intensive at the seminary in Conway and then hitting
- 01:03:27
- Colorado on the way back. That's gonna be a long trip Um, that's be a long trip and then g3 is in sept is the second weekend in September and I'm standing on my head right now to try to arrange
- 01:03:47
- Something with Chris Arnson in Pennsylvania and With Jeffrey Rice in Tullahoma And with a group
- 01:04:00
- I was just contacted about that wants to put something together With Jason Lyle and me and Eli Ayala in Nashville How I'm gonna make all that work right now.
- 01:04:13
- I do not know But we're gonna try so if you're in those areas maybe we'll be able to you know
- 01:04:21
- Work something out along those along those lines, but that's What 2025 is looking at and look at right now, so anyway, so next week should be
- 01:04:31
- Mainly normal we may have to move things around a little bit because we have to pick up the RV move at one place another all that kind of stuff, but Staying busy despite our desperation and our losing badly.
- 01:04:48
- I Hear that from the Mormons and the Muslims and it's all the time
- 01:04:53
- Really come on guys come up with something new. All right. Thanks watch the program today.