False Calvinism



Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ. Based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry.
Mike Abendroth, 2016. The show, this new show, the show that's going to air fairly soon, it's for Fred.
Fred, here's to you. I received in the email from someone, ancientroadpublications .com
forward slash tracks, forward slash Calvinism false doctrine, dot html, that's not ml car, that's html, the false doctrine of Calvinism.
And it goes on to say, or it starts with, out of the gun, out of the shoot, there are not as many people in the religious world today who identify themselves as Calvinist, yet the system of theology formulated by John Calvin and his followers has permeated most
Protestant denominations. Although each of the five points which define Calvinism are clearly refuted in Scripture, most denominationalists accept one or more of the five.
Let's briefly examine these points in light of Scripture. Well, I always appreciate someone, in this particular case,
Kyle Pope, who wants to look at the Bible. What does the Bible say? Let's be Bereans. They were commended because they were students.
They were taking into consideration what does Paul say in light of the Bible, and that's good.
We are men. We're fallible men. We don't talk with God -breathed, divine inspiration, theopneustos,
I paused there for a second because I almost thought my phone was ringing. It's on the vibration mode, but who knows.
Total hereditary depravity. For ease of memory and explanation, Calvinism is referred to, even by its own proponents, as the
TULIP DOCTRINE, an acronym formed from the first letter of each of its five points. I guess that's what an acronym means.
Anachronistic. Calvinism argues that as a result of Adam's sin, man has inherited a sinful nature from birth.
This nature is depraved to such a degree that man can do no good unless God empowers him to do so.
According to the Calvinists, man cannot choose good, cannot obey, cannot believe, but only can choose and do evil.
All right. Well, I think that's a fairly good explanation. Kyle's okay there.
There's a picture of John Calvin there, 1509 to 1564. I'm surprised there's not a
Servetus picture there or something. And here it gives the Bible answers. Now the problem with this little
Ancient Roads publication, it gives the quotes of the Scripture, but only a reference, not the full verse.
And I think he should give the full verse because there's nothing like looking at the verse and then looking at the context, of course, to find out.
Total hereditary depravity. I haven't heard the hereditary part before, but I get it. I can go with it.
The Bible teaches something different about human nature and the consequences of Adam's sin. One, sin cannot be inherited,
Ezekiel 1820. Really?
I mean, this is out of nowhere land. This is called you get your degree from the internet.
Now there are people who did not go to seminary. I know Lloyd -Jones didn't. I know
Spurgeon didn't. But they just as well could have, and they were so gifted that they didn't need to, and they studied enough that they would have easily qualified and known plenty.
Sin cannot be inherited. Okie dokie. So no federal headship, no looking at the first Adam and the last
Adam. No Romans 5. Oh, what do you know? He says also, men die spiritually as Adam died because they imitate his example of disobedience.
I didn't really know there were people who believe this. Now think of Romans chapter 5, 12 and following through verse 21.
Paul is talking about justification by faith alone in chapter 3b, 4 and 5.
He gives some benefits of justification by faith alone, right? Peace with God, we've obtained access, that type of stuff.
And then he goes on to say in verses 12 through 21 in Romans 5, what one man does affects many, right?
That's what's going on here with Jesus who dies for the ungodly, Christ who dies while we were yet sinners.
Can one man affect so many? And what does Paul do in chapter 5, verse 12? He says, yes, let me give you the illustration of Adam.
And you see in Romans chapter 5, 12 and following, a wonderful symmetry.
Here's Adam the first Adam, here's Jesus the last Adam. And let's just take a look.
If you're not going to have federal headship, one man's sin credited to all those in him, and then one man's righteousness, his righteous life credited to all those in him.
If you lose the symmetry, you've lost everything. So let's think symmetrically with this man's grievous error.
They imitate his example of disobedience. So you're born innocent, you're born neutral, you're born good, and you watch people and then you disobey.
A categorically falls by empiricism, but more importantly by biblical issues.
That means if I then follow Jesus's example, think symmetrically,
Romans 5, then I will be saved. See, no can do.
Adam's sin, this guy goes on to say, leads all men to physical death because it deprived all men after him of access to the tree of life.
Oh brother, children possess a nature that exemplifies subjects of the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19, 14, really?
Now, such awful, horrendous, horrific, sinful interpretation does not then make
Calvinism true, but it sure leads me to that.
Whatever this guy is saying, I'm pretty much going to take the opposite view because he is acting like he doesn't understand anything.
How can you be this far off unless you've got such a hatred? Jesus said, let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.
So you're born good, you're born as a child with the kingdom of heaven in view, exemplifies subjects of the kingdom of heaven.
He talks about their nature. Is that what Jesus is talking about in Matthew 19, 14, the nature of the children?
And what does it mean for two such? What might that be? But that would get us into all kinds of biblical things that I'm sure he doesn't want to talk about.
We're talking ancient road publications. Very ancient. Jesus, although a descendant of Adam according to the flesh, was free of sin.
What does that have to do with anything? Calvinists would believe that men are sinful.
First we have Adam's sin credited to our account, and then consequently, that's important, consequently we're born sinful.
We have sin natures, Psalm 51, you can go there if you want, you can go to all kinds of places.
Ephesians 2, Ephesians 4, these things show that human beings do not inherit a nature that is sinful, nor do they inherit the guilt of Adam's sin.
This guy basically, he's a Pelagian, Kyle Pope, well, I guess that name,
I guess names mean things, right? Names must mean things. Unconditional election.
Oh, this is going to get good. This is only going to get gooder, going to get better gooder, good better best, gooder better best.
According to Calvinism, this is under unconditional election, since man is depraved, the only way that anyone can do good is if God elects some whom he chooses to save and thus empower to do good.
It is argued that this election is unconditional and that it is not based upon anything that man does, but purely upon God's choice.
I like that part, purely upon God's choice. If God is the one who chooses those whom he will save, then it is argued, he is the one who chooses those whom he will condemn.
Man has no role in this election. Well, man has no role in this election, but the focus is upon, exegetically,
God choosing unto salvation. I can't think of anywhere the word predestination is used under damnation. If you'd like to talk about logically or exegetically or what about Romans 9, we can do that, but let's stick to unconditional election just for a moment.
Salvation is a matter of God's choice, but the Bible teaches that God has set terms and conditions by which God will choose, and then he gives the subpoints.
These are under his biblical answers. God accepts those who fear him and work righteousness, Acts 10.
So, it is salvation by fearing God and working righteousness. This is
Pelagianism, and this is what happens when you get the kind of King James only deal going and people have no idea what's going on.
God desires all men to be saved and come to obedience, 2
Peter 3 .9. Okie dokie, I'd like you to read 2 Peter 1, 1 and 2, and then ask yourself some questions.
I'd also like to know if God desires something to happen, I wonder if he'll get what he wants. Maybe his arms are too short.
Maybe he can't do that. Of course, God gets what he wants. God has chosen to save all those who are in Christ, so he is using an election that is corporate.
I believe that was, what was his name? Schrank? That's my doctor. That's my internal medicine guy.
Robert Schrank. Robert the Shack. Jesus Calling.
The Shack? Robert Shack? Robert Stack. That's the
Untouchables. That's Frank Nitti. That's Elliot Ness. Love that show.
That's why we're dating ourselves. This is corporate election is what he's trying to say because he can't get around the word election.
Only those who choose to obey the gospel are in Christ, 2 Thessalonians 1, 7 -9.
That's what he says. Our Bible answers. See how mixed up this is?
Mixed up. It's a mixed up, muddled up mess, except for Kyle Pope. Limited atonement.
By the way, just read Ephesians 1, verses 4 and 6, with 5 in there.
And you'll say, you know what, I might not like it, but this is unconditional. It's based on who
God is. That's it. That's it. God chooses, he does whatever he wants. I see how he chooses 12 disciples and not the others.
I see how he chooses Israel and not Edom. I see how he chooses, chooses, chooses, chooses.
Limited atonement. This is according to Ancient World Publications. Kyle Pope, by his own descriptions, a
Pelagian, I'm sure he hopes to be a semi -Pelagian one day, I would hope that same thing for him too.
Since salvation is based upon God's predetermined, unconditional election, the Calvinist is forced to conclude, gun to the head, that Christ's death was only for the elect.
He did not die for all men, since God predestined some to condemn. See how they love to use that language, that none of the
Westminster Confession 1689 creeds would use. Calvinism, because what the creeds are trying to do is to show the asymmetrical, we talked about Christ's symmetrical death in Romans 5, but there's an asymmetrical election.
You ought to read Chosen by God, R .C. Sproul, and he will say, I believe in the appendix, one of the appendices, that there is unconditional election, of course, in the
Bible, and there is a condemnation. And if you want to talk about predestination that is double, you ought not to think symmetrically, but asymmetrically.
And we can talk about that another time, and we have on No Compliments Radio, but that's only on reruns, Fred Fridays. The Bible answers, it is clear that not all men will be saved.
Well, okay, at least he's not a universalist Pelagian, but the Bible teaches that Christ's atonement was offered to all people.
Yeah, okay, so you might be saying, this is a time where I start to chew on my microphone.
Oh, it says he's a propitiation for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2 .2. Then they're all going to heaven, pal.
Who's going to pay for your sin if it's already paid for? Nobody.
Where are they going to pay for that sin if it's already paid for? Nowhere. You are either a universalist or you're a particularist, and you might try to hedge, you might try to say you're a four -and -a -half -point
Calamus, you might try to say this, that, or the other. But he makes sin for the whole world, not just the
Jews. He's an advocate, John is talking about, for not just Jews, but Gentiles.
Though all will not be saved, all could be saved if they would turn to Christ. Mark 16 .15
-16, which isn't in the original, and Acts 17 .30. They could be saved if they would turn to Christ, but they can't turn to Christ, so God has to work first.
You see, you ought to read B. Warfield's The Plan of Salvation, short little booklet, probably get it online for free.
You ought to think in terms of how God saves. Is it autosotirism, self -salvation?
Is it God alone saving? Irresistible grace, here is his definition.
Let's see. Oh, before I move on to irresistible grace, back to limited atonement.
Kyle, the Pope, says, Jesus' atonement was not limited, and anyone and everyone who accepts it can benefit from its saving power.
Now, grammar aside, if you do accept it, you will benefit from its saving power.
That's true. And Jesus' atonement was not limited. It was a wonderful, awesome, incredible, has the power and the quality and the infinite righteousness of Christ.
So it could save a billion, trillion more people than it did save and will save. That's not the point.
Everybody limits the atonement. Do you limit the quality of the atonement? It doesn't save some people.
He died for some people, and they're still not saved. Yeah, but they didn't believe. Isn't that unbelief a sin too?
I think so. You ought to read John Owen, The Death of Death and the Death of Christ. That would probably cure you of any of this stuff.
And then you wouldn't be so fast to just throw out a verse like 1 John 2 without thinking of the ramifications.
As you know, this is Mike Ebendroth, No Compromise Radio. We're on Monday through Friday. We used to be on a local radio show here.
We're no longer, but you can get us on iTunes and download us. You can also get us through Worldview Weekend.
Occasionally, I like to host. Well, I always like to host, but occasionally I do host Wretched Radio. And we've got a new book out,
Sexual Fidelity, No Compromise, the one this fall coming out. I can't quite announce yet, but it should be out in the fall.
And you can order through NoCompromiseRadio .com. There's a little link to the right with the book, and you can order the book.
If you've got a men's group or you are a retail shop or you have a bookstore at your church and you want to order 10 or more, we can give you a discount.
You have to write me at info at NoCompromiseRadio .com, and then I will send you those things.
It's been fun. My daughters, they are the shippers and the receivers, and they get the books.
They pack them up and send them and print little nice NoComedia labels. That's always fun.
And it's a little family affair. Remember that old show, The Family Affair? Was Billy one of the kids?
No, no, no, no. Where's Cooley when I need him? Buffy and Jody. Yeah? Yeah, I think so.
And those were the days where we used to watch Johnny Quest. I think we did watch Leave it to Beaver sometimes.
I love Lucy. What did we watch that was really cool? Star Trek. I remember sitting at home watching that.
Batman, Tarzan. Those were the days. And then now we have no creativity and we're back to the same things.
Tarzan, Batman, Superman versus Batman. I've not seen the new Star Wars movie. I know some of you probably think
I should. Some of you think that it's pagan. So, come one, come all. Irresistible Grace.
We're looking at this ancient Rhodes publication written by Kyle Pope, who, as far as I can tell, especially when
I'm thinking about how he views the nature of man, is a Pelagian. Full bore.
Full bore. Irresistible Grace. He's trying to say Calvinism's bad, and this is how he goes about doing it.
If you'd like to say it's bad, I suggest a different way. If men can do good only because God makes them do good through the empowerment of His grace,
Calvinism next argues that once this grace has been bestowed upon someone, it cannot be resisted.
Yeah, yeah. Can't resist God. Yeah, I guess you're powerful and He's not. Man cannot do evil to the point that he rejects the grace of God.
See how convoluted that is? That's all messed up. So, you're going to resist the grace of God, and you can say no to God when
He effectually calls you and gives you a new nature. I think many people, when it comes to Irresistible Grace, hear those words and say, yes, but there are people that I know that resist, say no to, and have for many years, to the general call.
That's true. But the effectual call, when God decides by the power of the Holy Spirit, remember God, I think
He makes things out of nothing. You ought to go to the passage in 2
Corinthians. As a matter of fact, I'll go there right now, because it's one of those passages where you think, wow, when you think of ex nihilo creation, and the power of God to create things out of nothing.
It says here in 2 Corinthians 4, verse 5 and 6,
For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.
For God, who said, let light shine out of darkness, has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
He uses creation motif, let light shine out of darkness. How does
God create? He just creates light. Let there be light. It's instantaneous. It's initiated by God.
God does it. God's active. The light's passive. He just says it, and it's done.
And when God says, it's time for you to be a Christian, similarly, has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
That's the way God saved. Monergistically. God alone working.
Alone working. Mono erg. Monergistically, God works. Can't go around saying that, you know,
God's going to give you a new life. He's the powerful God, and you're going to say no.
General call can be refused. Effectual call, you cannot refuse it. Here's what he says the
Bible gives answers to. Salvation is by the grace of God. Now, what's the next word you think he's going to say? You're right.
Salvation is by grace, but the Bible defines the nature of this grace. It's something in which one must continue,
Acts 13. It can be received in vain, 2 Corinthians 6. How many verses can we take out of context in one little paper?
God's grace is something from which one may fall, Galatians 5, 9. God's grace is something in which one can choose to be strong.
Be strong in the grace, 2 Timothy 2. Oh yeah, yeah, now I get it. It's the amplified translation.
And lastly, perseverance and preservation of the saints. We're looking here, Ancient Road Publications, about how
Calvinism is false. And if you just would read this, you'd say, no, your view of Calvinism is false, and your view of Pelagianism is false as well.
Since God has already unconditionally chosen all the elect whom He will save, and since the elect can in no way resist the influence of His empowering grace upon them, the
Calvinists finally must argue that God will do whatever is necessary to preserve the elect under the day of judgment. I sure hope
He will. If I could lose my salvation, I would. I sure hope it's true. He says, now, these are the
Bible answers. God can and does help His people. Well, that's good to know.
But this does not mean they cannot fall away. Those who are in Christ can be lost,
Acts 8, 2 Peter 2. Wow. See, there are just some things.
Now, I've been to Master's Seminary, graduated, MDiv. I've been to Talbot Seminary, one class,
Robert Soce, Theo 3. I've been to Southern Seminary, graduated,
DMin. And I've been to Ligonier Academy, DMin program. Just taking a couple classes with D .A.
Carson, Sinclair Ferguson. And I don't say all these things because that gives me street cred.
That just tells you how much I need to know. But I have done many things wrong, but I pick the right schools, usually.
At least to get the degrees. So we have here 2 Peter 2, verse 20.
After they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome.
The last state has been worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them.
See, I did not know in context those they people. They have escaped. I didn't know that was the bride.
I didn't know that was the bride of Christ. I didn't know after Jesus died for them that they could snatch themselves out of the
Father's hand. I can jump. If you'd like to say Calvinism is no good, of course you can.
I hope you just appeal to not Pelagianism. If you're going to try to push
Pelagianism or Lutheranism or something else, I could understand that. But this here by Kyle Pope is not going to help it.
This is like the same arguments that KJV -only people have that are emotional and not substantial and, as my father would say, a mile wide and one inch deep.
If you'd like to write us and say these are some topics you'd like to cover, you want to send in some quotes, you'd like to send in...
I don't know, you can do whatever you'd like. You can do that info at NoCompromiseRadio .com.
We appreciate if you tell your friends about the show and the podcast. Occasionally I think, you know, is it worth continuing?
And if you write and say, you know, we listen, keep going, I'm encouraged, it's positive, it's gay -lovish, then
I'm sure that will affect me. And right now I'm just tired, that's all. And that monster drink is now making me crash.
What goes up must come down. Spinning wheels. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 10 .15 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbcchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.