Satan’s Devices for the Blinding of Eyes (John 9:8-23 Jeff Kliewer)

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Sermon Notes: Satan’s Devices for the Blinding of Eyes


Budget for anybody who has questions, okay, so we'll do that prior to the congregational meeting so we can get all those questions answered ahead of time
Okay, we have been praying for Portugal for the last two weeks. We have missionaries over there and Gary and Terry Cameron have come back from the field.
So they were here with us in first service So be praying for Portugal over the next two weeks as part of the
Portuguese prayer challenge Next guys, we have a men's retreat down at Harvey Cedars on April 28th and 29th.
So mark your calendar begin to make arrangements. You can ask us for information on that to sign up It's Friday and a
Saturday at Harvey Cedars down in the shore There After this week there will be no more child care during first service
Because all the families with kids tend to come to this service So there's no reason to have child care unless something changes we could go back to having child care during first service but for the beginning next week child care will be offered only at second service and For those interested in vacation
Bible school and volunteering this summer. There is a meeting After second service next
Sunday originally it was gonna be this week not this week. It's gonna be next week All right, that's it for the announcements
Michael. Do you have any others? We're good. All right, let's pray Father your word says
I was glad when they said to me Let us go to the house of the Lord and father. We thank you that you have brought us to this place
Not for us Lord, but to worship you We're here for your namesake to lift up the name of Jesus we pray that you would put us in the right frame of mind
Lord that we would put distractions out of our minds and we would focus on giving you glory
Help us to sing for you're worthy of our songs Help us to pray and to listen to your word
Help us to draw near to you Lord drawn near to us that we might draw near to you
We pray that your Holy Spirit would be present in this room as We meet together two or more gathered in your name
We pray that you would work among us and draw us closer to you. We pray that those who are not saved would believe the good news of Jesus Christ and For us who do believe we pray that we would see you more clearly
That you administer in our hearts so work among us Lord We love you, and we praise you and we offer this worship to your name for you are worthy
I'll turn back to pray when the darkness
Oh When the darkness
My heart will Oh Praises together
So we're gonna be singing next. I love the first verse It focuses us a little bit more on God's grace and his mercy
And all this song is his mercy is more The first couple lines what love could remember no wrongs we have done
Omniscient all -knowing counts Right.
So if we're sinners We put our faith in Jesus Christ He doesn't remember our sins anymore
He throws them into the sea Separates them as far as from the east from the west and we are free
Oh Since they are many riches of kindness
His mercy
Mind ourselves
That mercy is our deliverance from the judgment that we are owed while grace
Is extending blessing to the unworthy They are closer related
But as we sing about mercy and his grace His death on the cross is the payment that we deserve
That he put on himself So that we could be free that weak by his blood can say we are redeemed
His promise that he will never leave us or forsake us And his promise of salvation are all true if we put our faith in him
Let's sing about the cross the grace that he gives us through it Oh I Oh By his
By his The great divide he crossed for me three
Your cross is all all I need to see
Oh Let's pray
God this is our prayer that you would open our eyes to behold wondrous things from your word
We pray that you would give us eyes to see spiritual truths That you would give us vision to see deeper into the things of God The Spirit searches all things.
Yay the deep things of God and we pray that you would give us eyes to see truth as found in your word
We pray Lord for any that would listen to this sermon that has not yet come to believe that Jesus is the
Christ The Son of the Living God we pray that you would open their eyes to see
Christ and to believe in him Open blind eyes That they may believe the good news
Thank you father for your word to us Help us to be trained by it in Jesus name.
We pray. Amen. I Want you to think of people?
Yes as sinners, but also as sufferers it's easy for us to look at the world around us and especially in the dark days in which we live and we see the shenanigans of the folk around us at times and we say look at the sinner and Truly every person is a sinner and is guilty and responsible for our sin
But it's likewise true that people are sufferers Very often people are suffering from the teaching of their own family,
I Was deeply moved by a movie that's in theaters now called
Jesus revolution now caveat disclaimer
I don't endorse all of the theology of the movie you wouldn't go to this movie
To try to learn theology because there's some aberrant kind of hyper Pentecostal Aspects to it at some points, but here's why
I say that I was moved by it it Reminded me to have compassion for sufferers one of the characters in the story, his name is
Greg and Greg was raised by a mother that had him very confused
She would lie to him often. In fact, she would bounce around from house to house from man to man
I think she was married something like seven times and she told him that His stepfather left them and that's why they were moving to California The truth was as you would find out if you watch the movie spoiler alert that she left him and and he had been lied to and so he grew up confused about his
Father and why would this father that he loved reject him? he also then began to get indoctrinated into the worldview of the hippies of the 1970s in California So he was told by some friends that if he took these drugs, it would expand his mind and he was taught things about God Monism that God is in everything that everything is
God and This kind of doctrine got into his thinking and he became essentially a hippie he was also captivated by fear and So when he began to see the truth of the gospel and he saw some of his loved ones come to faith
He sort of ran away because he was afraid of being hurt. He was afraid that the truth that he was seeing
Might be a disappointment. It might not last and so because he was so afraid he started to run
But through the power of the gospel He did come to saving faith and this young man grew up to pastor one of the largest churches in California Greg his last name is
Laurie is also an evangelist Who goes around sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
The Lord has blessed him in many ways You know when I think of the generation that's growing up around us
Are they really all that different than the hippies of the 1970s? They are likewise blinded by confusing teachings
Confused by what they hear and what they see all around them and in very many ways they are indoctrinated into traditions
That they hold to be true But are really just man -made traditions and many of them are captured in fear
I was sad to see a young man Step off of the school bus
In February of 2023 and Wearing a mask on his face run home separate from the other kids
The mask on his face was a security blanket to him even when he was alone and running through the neighborhood
He still had a mask on my face on his face. And you know, it broke my heart. I Was sad for him because what that symbolized to me as I saw it
Was fear a young man who's afraid and certainly in many ways the whole culture became
Captivated by a spirit of fear a couple of years ago you know, I just went to the doctor because I turned 45 and there's a mandatory visit and so it's a well visit and I went in and they put my my finger in one of those oxygen tests and The oxygen blood ox test kept reading 85 as Then I should go to the hospital 85 % my blood ox was so low and so then they took that little device and they said let's switch it out
The machine must be wrong. They brought in another machine and sure enough. It's still registered 85
This went on for five minutes Until finally I said well, maybe if I didn't have a mask on my face, my blood ox would go up And she kind of like alright take it off.
Sure enough. It climbed as Within seconds from 85 to 90 to 95 right on up to normal blood oxygen so evidently there's a connection here between oxygen flow and The device covering my face, right?
And it makes me sad to think that schools were Forcing now if someone wants to wear a mask let that be between the parents and the child
But schools were forcing children to inhibit their breathing for eight hours a day in a school building
All because not of science, but a spirit of fear fear confusion and traditions these things enslave people and It's deeper than just the control that this allows those in positions of authority
Ultimately this cuts against the gospel itself and let me show you why let's turn to John chapter 9
Confusion Is a tool of the enemy Tradition is a tool of the enemy and fear is one of his specialties
Confusion tradition and fear Are tools or devices that the devil uses to blind the minds of unbelievers
So they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ John chapter 9 of course is a very famous story about the healing of a blind man
But have you noticed in the gospel of John that the miracle per se as such only occupies the first seven verses of John chapter 9
What is the rest of the chapter if you'll notice the chapter is 41 verses long?
What is the rest of the chapter about well, it's really about the opening of blind eyes
To see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ You see the seven verses are the physical healing but that physical healing
Points to a spiritual healing that must happen to all people Lest they be lost
We need eyes to see that Christ is glorious We need to see true beauty in the face of Christ majesty
Majesty as of one only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth
The only begotten Son we need spiritual eyes to believe and that's the point of John chapter 9
There is a physical healing but that is Indicative of spiritual healing now if the problem is blindness
Then what does that look like? We know from 2nd Corinthians 4 4 that the devil blinds the minds of unbelievers
So that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of God in the face of Christ But Satan uses devices to do that and the three big devices that Satan uses to blind unbelievers are
Confusion Tradition and fear and we're gonna see that today in John chapter 9 verses 8 to 23
I had to stop there because beginning in verse 24 is The blind man who now sees
Operating with clarity and Scripture and truth and courage and it is the answer to what we're seeing in the previous verses
But first we must see a portrait of unbelief. What are we up against church? How do we bring light to a dark world
Well, we need to understand the characteristics of this darkness and it is confusion and tradition and fear
So notice that there is a spiritual force behind What takes place back in John chapter 8 verse 44
Jesus identified what was blinding the Pharisees and That spiritual force is the devil
He is the God of this age John 8 44. You are of your father the devil and Your will is to do your father's desires
Of course, they turn around and blame Jesus and turn it on its head because in John 8 48
It says the Jews answered him. Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?
So there are clearly spiritual Undertones going on here to what we're about to read now early in the chapter
Verses 1 to 3 John 9 1 to 3. We saw that it was a theological question
That gave rise to this miracle. They saw a blind man and asked who sinned him or his parents and Jesus gives a theological answer essentially appealing to the sovereignty of God To display the work of God it was part of God's secret decree his plan from before the foundation of the world that this man would grow up blind and Then in due time in season be healed and display the glory of Jesus Christ.
This was God's plan The miracle takes place and in verse 7. He went and washed and came back seeing and So the gospel is pictured in the miracle
Now, let's read verses 8 through 23. We'll take it in sections corresponding to The three major points confusion tradition and fear.
So the first thing I want you to see is the confusion caused by the enemy John chapter 9 verses 8 to 12 the neighbors and Those who had seen him before as a beggar were saying
Is this not the man who used to sit and beg? Some said it is he other said no, but he is like him.
He kept saying I am the man So they said to him then.
How were your eyes opened? He answered the man called Jesus made mud and Anointed my eyes and said to me go to Siloam and wash so I went and washed and received my sight
They said to him. Where is he? And He said
I do not know. I don't know. So in this section notice that there are liars
Who are speaking out of turn? I don't know if they realized what was controlling them
But if you look halfway down the passage others said who are these others now notice There's division some and others in the next section.
There'll be some and others There's always the division a dividing line that Christ causes the
Christ himself is the dividing line Some will believe others will reject here the others
Insert some doubt as to whether this is even the guy that that used to beg there
Is this even the same man or is this some kind of ruse? Look what they say? No There was no healing here
But he is like him in other words, he's just a look -alike there are the seeds of confusion the
Enemy is seeking to distract people from hearing and believing now
Where is the blind man now seeing? Spiritually at this point in the text
It's debatable whether he saved or not It seems like he was obedient to the
Lord and he had faith and now he has some measure of faith But I want you to notice that something something that happens through the rest of the chapter
He has a logical progression from a physical healing to believing that Jesus is
Lord as He searches things out as he considers notice the progression look at verse 11
Who is Jesus to him in verse 11 the man
The man called Jesus Look at verse 17 having considered further
Discussing with the Pharisees being pressed on this in verse 17. He's progressed to say he is a
Prophet a bit later the conversation turns to the Messiah ship of Jesus look at verse 22
He's understanding That the Pharisees don't want to believe that Jesus is
Christ and if any confesses that Jesus is Christ That one is to be put out of the synagogue, but then finally in verses 35 to 38 you see the end of the progression
More than a man more than a prophet indeed the Christ. Look what it says Jesus found him
And asked do you believe in the Son of Man Now Son of Man is a title for the
Christ It comes from Daniel chapter 7 the Son of Man who's at the right hand of the Father and all
Jews understood this title to refer to the Christ in Verse 36 he answered who is he sir?
That I may believe in him Jesus said to him
You have seen him I See he said the blind man
He's now seeing the one who healed him and It is he who is speaking to you
Now prior to this he understood. Yeah, he's the man. He opened my eyes.
He is the man. He is a prophet But here he is the Son of Man and look at verse 38 the progression ends with him identifying
Jesus as Lord you see that Lord I believe and then it says and he worshipped him.
He is the Lord who is deserving of worship That's what that miracle meant
Yes But the blind man took some time having physical eyes to see it took some time for his spiritual eyes to open to understand the implications of his physical healing the wonder the work points
To Jesus not just as the man or a prophet But as the
Lord who deserves to be worshipped now this progression requires logic
It requires rational thought to move from The mere brute fact of a miracle to proclaiming that Jesus is
Lord deserving to be worshipped Requires listening to what this one says Jesus was claiming in the previous chapter if you do recall
Before Abraham was born I am Well if he's a prophet and he speaks for God then you need to listen to every word he has to say
So the logic of accepting him as a prophet brings you to the point of accepting him as the
I am as Lord But what's happening in the text here the blinding of the enemy if you look back again now at chapter 9 verses 8 to 12 is
The seeds of confusion the devil is blinding minds by confusing the case
Proverbs chapter 25 verse 2 says it is the glory of God to conceal a matter
But the glory of Kings to search things out Proverbs 25 to what does that mean?
Well God uniquely Knows everything he's omniscient and he reveals only what he wants to reveal what he chooses to reveal to mankind
Some things are secret to God And man cannot understand these things we cannot fully understand why
God in his Providence allows the kind of Suffering that happens in this world
Some of the secret things of God Deuteronomy 29 29 are not revealed to us and they're beyond us
But those things which are revealed belong to us and it is the glory of a king to search things out
To search a matter out means to follow logically the progression of thought
Consider Solomon. He was a king and Two women came to him each of them claiming that this baby belonged to them
Saying that the other stole the baby from her Now an arbitrary king
Who doesn't understand truth and the searching out of a matter might just pick a side Oh, she's prettier.
You take the baby or you seem believable go along an Arbitrary ruling but the glory of the king to search the matter out devised a test to see which of the women had motherly instinct and so he said all right divide the baby in half and one of these women said fine that'll do and Sure enough the king knew that that was not the genuine mother of the child
He searched the matter out and he proclaimed that this other was the true mom and gave the baby to her
It was the glory of this king to search a matter out Church understand this the evidence is here with us that Jesus is the
Christ The evidence of prophecies written in the Old Testament fulfilled in him the uniqueness of his miracles
The perfection of his word written by 40 different authors over 1 ,500 years on three different continents and yet cohesively from Genesis 1 in the garden to Revelation 22 in the new heavens in the new earth the perfect consistency the glory of Scripture All of the evidence points to Christ, but there is a generation
That's confused about this book Because seeds of confusion are being sown in to them
Confusion is the enemy of truth and The devil does all that he can to confuse the minds of unbelievers here
Some of the neighbors are in view look at verse 8 the neighbors Some right away are noticing yet.
This is the same guy. What are you talking about? Others bringing these seeds of confusion kept saying no he looks like him.
He's not really the one and By the end verse 12 they're looking for Jesus, and that's good, but they don't know where he is
How will they know unless someone comes preaching? There is a generation
Growing up they call it Generation Z. Is that what they call the youngest generation I? Guess we were
Generation X. I don't know if there even was a why but Generation Z is confused and Being taught many things that don't make sense
Trained by even the the pillars of wisdom of this nation the
Supreme Court one of them Katanji Brown Jackson was asked. What is a woman and Famously said
I don't know I'm not a biologist this kind of it this kind of confusion sewn into the culture is
Meant to distract minds in fact there is an entire system of thought post -modern philosophy
Which aims at undermining the very ability to know anything? That there is no certainty that truth is never absolute that it's only subjective arbitrary and personal
These seeds of Confusion are purposeful
They're sown by the enemy Satan himself And that's the first thing we're up against confusion
Truth versus confusion now look at the second thing and that is tradition. We'll read verses 13 to 17
They brought to the Pharisees the man who had formerly been blind Now it was the
Sabbath day when Jesus made the mud and opened his eyes mark that Sabbath because that's what's going on here
So the Pharisees again asked him how he had received his sight and he said to them He put mud on my eyes, and I washed and I see now pause right there.
Do you notice how much? shorter that version of the story was Earlier when he's with the neighbors they're excited and these are his friends some of them
And he's the man Jesus he put mud on my eyes and sent me to the pool And then
I came back seeing here. He's being very guarded He's saying as few words as possible because I think he's picked up on the spirit of the
Pharisees You know he was blind not dumb And not deaf and he heard the
Pharisees walking around Jerusalem It reminds me of that joke
I heard about Facebook Facebook Has never made the blind to see or the deaf to hear
But it sure has allowed the dumb to speak. I don't know why
I even said that just just thought it was funny Facebook has allowed the dumb to speak well back to our text
Here he put mud on my eyes, but look how short and guarded he is with his words He put mud on my eyes, and I washed and I see he's being very guarded and short with his words then in verse 16 some of the
Pharisees said right away This man is not from God Referring to Jesus this man is not from God Why would he say that?
What is he blinded by the blind man is standing before you able to see and you're already drawing conclusions
This man is not from God. Where did that come from answer? Tradition he goes on to say for he does not keep the
Sabbath Now isn't the Sabbath part of God's law in Exodus 24
We're told that you're to rest on the seventh day So what's wrong with the reasoning of these folk
The answer is their traditions have gone beyond what is written Jesus said in Matthew chapter 15 verse 3.
Why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? and In chapter 7 verse 24 of this book of John.
He said do not judge by appearances, but judge with right Judgment you see the tradition of the
Pharisees had gone beyond what was written To absurd Applications now was the
Sabbath made for man or man for the Sabbath The Sabbath was made for man
Not man for the Sabbath It was a day of rest. You see this is news also to Generation Y You're supposed to work six days out of every week
Imagine that well if you do that Especially in an agrarian society if you're plowing if you're working hard you need a seventh day to heal
For your body to recover you've been breaking your muscles down. You need a day of rest
For your muscles to regroup and recover, right? So it's a day of healing that's the point of the
Sabbath So what better thing to do than to open blind eyes on the Sabbath you see?
But here is how the Pharisees by their tradition have turned everything upside down this is from the
Mishnah chapter 21 Maimonides is the one who's recording it and referring to the sages that went ahead of him and he says this
Regarding the Sabbath the Torah states on the seventh day you shall cease activity this implies
Ceasing even the performance of certain activities that are not included in the categories of forbidden labors
The Torah left the definition of the scope of this commandment to the sages
In other words the Pharisees get to say how that actually works out in practice
And they forbid many activities as Shavuot forbidden now these activities include a
Person who levels crevices in the ground is liable for performing the forbidden labor of plowing
Okay Leveling crevices is a big deal in the
Mishnah According to the Pharisees to level out any crevices because remember they're they're an agrarian society
They plow and they they sow seed if you level the ground Then that's plowing well, how far does this go a
Person who has mud on his feet may clean it off on a wall Or on a beam but not on the ground
Lest he level crevices a Person should not spit on the ground and wipe it with his feet
Lest he level crevices you really have a thing about this leveling of crevices now, by the way, did you catch what that just said?
When Jesus saw a blind man, he could have very easily looked him in the face and said eyes open
And just like that his eyes would have been open instead he spit on the ground and that spit leveled some crevices and Then he made mud of the spittle and he applied it to the man's eyes and sent him to the pool of Siloam meaning sent
You think he might have done that on purpose You see Jesus does not regard their man -made traditions with respect.
I Mean it's their truth, right? Shouldn't you just know? He regards God's Word with respect and that's the difference by the way between You have heard that it was said in the
Sermon on the Mount Again and again or in Matthew 19 where it says Have you not read?
When he's defining marriage as between a man and a woman. He says have you not read and Refers back to Genesis chapter 2 verses 21 to 25
But when he says you have heard that it was said But I say he was not denying anything written in the
Word of God. He often is contradicting or adding some new thing
Compared to what they used to say This is what they say. And so in the
Mishnah they go on to say It is however permitted to step on spittle that is lying on the ground as one walks without having any specific intent
So if you step on somebody else's spit you didn't mean to do that, that's good But it is forbidden for women who often play with almonds or the like to play with them on the
Sabbath Lest they be motivated to level crevices What?
Well, what it means is they had a game playing with almonds and if the almond would hit the dirt it would level a crevice
You see it would change the topography of the ground when the almond hit the dirt
Very concerned about leveling crevices It is forbidden to sweep the ground lest one level crevices unless the floor is paved with stone
One may however sprinkle water on the ground There is no suspicion that the person will level crevices since this is not his intent
One may not apply oil to the floor Even if it is paved nor may one blow dust from the floor nor may one wash it
This applies on a holiday and surely on the Sabbath These acts were forbidden lest a person follow his usual weekday pattern and thus come
Thus come to level crevices So the
Mishnah is extremely concerned with leveling crevices and so Jesus explicitly and deliberately spit on the ground disturbed the mud to level some crevices and Challenge the tradition of the
Pharisees and That's the conflict you're seeing here in John chapter 9
Now if you went to Cherry Hill East or Cherry Hill West you might find a couple of students who are concerned about leveling crevices
But if you went to any of the schools or if you watched a commercial on television
You will see the traditions of 21st century America and It's not
Sabbath concern. It is a new set of traditions that are equally designed to keep people from Christ Barack Obama in his campaign speeches
Would say this is not a Christian nation At least not just This is a
Muslim nation. This is a Hindu nation. This is a Buddhist nation He wrote this in his book the audacity of hope
What is his point in this campaign speech that he repeated again and again? It is to say and here is the tradition of 21st century
America There are many gods
Christian you can worship your God and That's true for you But when a
Buddhist worships this Buddhist idol or the Hindu the multiplicity of millions of gods or When a
Muslim the most sacrosanct of all it seems worships Allah the only verboden
Shavuot forbidden thing to do is to say that that God is nothing but an idol
The Tradition of our culture is to say there are many gods and whatever God you make to be your
God is your God and it's true for you and No one is to question another person's religion you see
The tradition of our culture has the same aim as the demonic blinding of the
Sabbath to the Pharisee It is a kind of Pharisee ism that keeps people bound from seeing that Christ is the only way to the father
If the devil can convince people that they are fine with their God and their God can save them
Just like the Christian God can save the Christian. He keeps people blinded to the truth
This is what we're up against traditions that little boy raised in Salt Lake City, Utah Who's taught that his
God is the offspring of a prior God from Kolob and that God has parents as well and Grandparents and great -grandparents so that all of the gods plural are a infinite regression
This is his tradition. He's been taught this by Mormonism his whole life That tradition keeps him from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God It's a spiritual war
Some with spiritual sight will come others by their tradition blinded will reject the truth.
That's right before their eyes We're up against tradition that's the device of Satan and there's one last one and that is fear
And Here we are introduced to a third group the parents So the crowds the neighbors they were confused
The Pharisees are blinded by tradition, but here the parents
Are kept from coming to Christ by fear the
Jews did not believe that he had been blind and Had received his sight until they called the parents of The man who had received his sight and asked them three questions.
Is this your son? Who you say was born blind was he born blind?
How then does he now see? His parents answered one.
We know that this is our son parents. You know your son, right? Can't miss that to That he was born blind
If you raised a blind son, you know that he's been blind his whole life easy question
But the third now is an opportunity. They are uniquely responsible To consider who is the man?
the Prophet the Lord But here's what they do they punt
Because of fear, but how he now sees we do not know
Nor do we know who opened his eyes ask him he is of age. He will speak for himself
Now in case you think I'm being a little hard on the parents here Maybe they just don't know yet Listen to John's commentary look at verse 22 and 23.
We're given the reason why they said this This is inspired by the Holy Spirit John writing these scriptures.
They anew stick comes from the Spirit of God God breathed so John knows this his parents said these things because They feared the
Jews For the Jews had already agreed that if anyone should confess Jesus to be the Christ. He was to be put out of the synagogue
Therefore his parents said he is of age ask him Now this week answer
Stands in contrast to what we're gonna get next week if this week we're seeing Satan's devices for the blinding of eyes
Versus 24 to 34 will be God's weapons for the confounding of enemies
That's the title for next week's sermon already started writing it because I love the way this man stands up with courage
To tell the truth we need to study that in depth next week But the contrast here set against that is how the parents cower in fear
And you say well, what's the big deal that you get desynagogued as the word in Greek? What is the big deal about being desynagogued?
Okay, this is not like being put in Facebook jail To be desynagogued means to be put out of Judaism You're out of Judaism You can't do business like you used to you can't go to any synagogue if we ever
God forbid needed to excommunicate someone because of Some some sin
Matthew 18 process. You know what they would likely do They just go to the church around the corner right isn't that the the consequence in in America That's not how it was in Jerusalem to be desynagogued meant you were out of Judaism You were out of Jewish life.
You were an outcast you lose everything. So the cost is extremely high and They're counting that cost and they're unwilling to speak
About Christ to lift them up Now we live in a culture where the cost has gone from very minimal
You know, I'm born in 1977 when I grew up in Palm Harbor, Florida There was very little cost
To saying that I'm a Christian. We all went to the Methodist Church or this church or that church Everybody kind of had a church
But now in 2023 the cost for a young person to profess Christ in the classroom
Will be very high. Oh You believe in slavery You believe that men should be able to rape women like it says in Leviticus You believe this you believe that and of course, it's confusion inserted.
It's not the true right handling of God's Word rightly dividing it it is a perversion of the text
But here's my point if you confess Christ in the classroom today You will be attacked if you make a strong stand at your workplace unless you work for a
Christian employer You're likely to be demoted or kind of put off to the side and less likely to be promoted
If you're aggressive speaking the gospel at the park or at the playground or at the gym You'll be regarded as a fundamentalist and as arrogant
The only humble one is the one who says oh, I don't know But the person who has certainty is regarded as a bigot
That's the cost here. Now go to Saudi Arabia. You lose your head for converting to Christianity.
The cost is high everywhere Okay in America, it's getting more difficult
Don't let fear silence you like the parents So in closing, these are the three devices of Satan in John chapter 9 confusion tradition and fear
They're meant to silence the profession of Christ Christ is the one who opens blind eyes
He sends out messengers to tell others so that their eyes too would be able to see
Next week we get to see it done, right? with clarity and courage conviction
But here we're seeing the enemy. So in closing Maybe you're here this morning.
I'm not going to assume That every set of eyes in this building has been open to see who
Christ really is Maybe there's somebody here you've been confused
Or it goes against some traditions that you've been taught or maybe you've been afraid To make a stand maybe you've been afraid to give your life to Jesus for fear that your deeds will be exposed
It's costly to come into the light Understand this there is life in that light eternal life and joy and pleasures at God's right hand forevermore and What this world is offering you is nothing but confusion and tradition and fear
Come out of the darkness and into his marvelous light believe in the good news of Jesus Christ For you who have believed
We'll get to you next week We need to be as bold as the blind man now seen because we do see the light let's pray
Heavenly Father we thank you for this text The deep insight that we are able to see
Lord The enemy is like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour He comes to steal and kill and destroy
He wants to scratch the eyeballs right out of our faces, but we come to you the healer
And we ask Lord that you would remove the confusion and the traditions and the fear and help us to walk in the light as You are in the light
Lord I pray for those who have not yet been saved We pray that there would be a revival among the young people
Even as you saved so many of the hippies in the 1970s do it again Lord now with this generation
Z We pray that you would bring many to saving faith to repentance
Evidenced in baptism and continuing in the faith Not just praying a prayer but walking in the light and remaining in the light
God we pray that you would use this church this body of believers To be like the blind man now seeing
To boldly proclaim the truth Send us out to witness
Wherever you have us placed Give us courage
Lord, and we pray that we would get to see evidence Of your power
Lord, I pray that this summer when we go down the shore to Luke Frazier's Church at Island Baptist and Hear testimonies that we would have dozens of people go down to the water to be baptized
Pray that you do a mighty work in this church to save many And open our eyes
Lord that we may behold wondrous things in your word In Jesus name we pray amen
Amazing grace How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost But now am found
I was blind But now I see
It was grace That taught My heart
To fear When I first Believed How precious
Did That grace Appear The hour
I first Believed My chains
Are gone I've been set Free By God my
Savior Has ransomed me
And like A flood His mercy
Reigns Unending love Amazing grace
The Lord Has promised
Good to me His word My hope
Secured Again My shield
And portion As long
As life Endures My chains are
Gone I've been set free By God my
Savior Has ransomed me
And like A flood His mercy
Reigns Unending love Amazing grace
Shall soon Dissolve Like snow
The sun Forbid To shine
But God You called me And have mercy
On those who doubt Save others By snatching them
Out of the fire To others show mercy with fear Hating even the
Garment stained by the flesh Now to him who Is able to keep you from stumbling
And to present you blameless Before the presence of his glory With great joy
To the only God our Savior Through Jesus Christ our Lord Be glory majesty
Dominion and authority Before all time And now and forever