F4F | John Gray Turns John 3:16 into a Tithing Text


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. All right, let me put you on the spot.
Let's see how good your Bible memorization is. Do you know by heart
John 3 .16? Chances are most of you do. John 3 .16
is one of the quintessential passages that teaches us the good news of the forgiveness of sins in Christ, that Jesus didn't come into the world to condemn the world, but in order that sinners like me and like you, that we would be saved.
And all we have to do is believe. In fact, even the belief, the ability to believe is given by God as a gift.
That's kind of more advanced theology. We could talk about that later, but you get the idea. John 3 .16 is a good news text.
What if I told you that many of the mega church pastors nowadays, when they use
John 3 .16, it's not in order to proclaim what Jesus has done for you. It's instead to give you a guilt trip, kind of like, you know, the way your mom would when she was writing you down because you were being lazy and stuff like that.
She'd say, I carried you in my womb for nine whole months, and this is how you treat me?
You don't even clean your room, you don't take out the trash. I carried you inside of my body.
I'm not joking when I tell you that John 3 .16 is being used this way.
We'll give you a quintessential example of that today. In fact, what we're going to do is we're going to head down to Relentless Church.
John Gray is the vision casting leader there. He's the guy who came up through the ranks of Joel Osteen's ministry, took over Ron Carpenter's church, changed the name to Relentless Church, got into legal problems.
Apparently he had some kind of a tryst with another woman, and to smooth things over, he got his wife a $200 ,000
Lamborghini, but that was all back in 2018. So it doesn't matter today, right? Well, let's do this.
All right. So, well, here we go. Let's go ahead. Just run right to it. Let's whirl up the web browser here.
We're at Relentless Church, and this is from week four of their Intentional series. Intentional series.
And here John Gray is going to begin the job of preparing the people of Relentless Church for the, well, next week's.
It'll be the week after this sermon is preached. Next week's, well, first fruits offering, which is part of the
Mosaic covenant. And here he's going to read out the Gospel of John chapter three and multiple verses in it.
And we'll give him credit. We'll give him props for at least doing that. But wait till you see what he does with this text.
He's not going to proclaim Christ. No, he's going to start preparing you to get your checkbook out and start writing a big old fat check.
I'm not making that up. Let's take a listen. Here we go. And today's sermon title is
Intentional Generosity. Intentional Generosity. I want you to go to John chapter three, starting at the 13th verse.
John chapter three, starting at the 13th verse. This is a conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus.
It happened at night because Nicodemus did not want to be seen in public with Jesus. And many of us have a private
DM level relationship with Jesus because we don't want people to know that we really need him.
And I'm grateful that we don't have those people here, but there are people who will attempt to access Jesus in private places, but don't want to publicly acknowledge him because he's not good for your brand.
He's not good for the circle of people that you want to be accepted by.
Now real quick, I want to point this out. And that is, is that that watch right there mysteriously looks like a
Rolex to me. Now, I'm not an expert on watches, but that looks like a
Rolex to me. You know, it just has kind of that, that look to it. I used to work in the corporate world and I knew a lot of sales guys who would wear those kinds of watches for the purpose of demonstrating their power of generating wealth and things like that.
So, you know, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, you know, so he's preparing everybody for their first fruits offering.
He wants to open up to John chapter 316 and you'll note that he doesn't stay focused in his preaching as a result of it.
He's a little hard to track at times, but we'll see if we can't continue to sort this out. Strange that you want to be accepted by less than the one who accepted you.
I'm trying to preach it already. John 313, these are the words of the
Lord Jesus and they are worthy of honor. If you have the ability to stand, I ask that you please do.
These are the red letters, blood, blood soaked, the new covenant.
Now, real quick, he makes reference to the new covenant here. Not a bad thing to make reference to because we're not under the
Mosaic covenant. So we're under the new covenant as Christian believers. And he recognizes that the red text has something to do with the new covenant.
We'll talk about that distinction a little later. Ratified by his death and his resurrection, the red letters carry weight.
The whole Bible is holy, but those red letters have a demonstrative authority. All scripture is
God breathed. That means every single passage of scripture is red letters.
Yeah, according to the Apostle Paul in 2nd Timothy, chapter three, all scripture is theanoustos, it's
God breathed. That means you don't put a heavier weight on red letters over and above the other ones.
That's just a convention for the purpose of identifying actual words that Jesus has spoken.
When they are repeated, they still make devils flee. He's really good at theatrics, you know.
Red letters. There's power in the red letters. There's truth in the red letters.
There's deliverance in the red letters. And there isn't in the black ones, really? These are the words that are recorded.
No one has ascended to heaven, but he who came down from heaven. That is the son of man who is in heaven.
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the son of man be lifted up.
That whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that through, but that the world through him might be saved.
Saved, saved from what? The wrath of God. We'll talk about this. In fact, let's do the biblical work now.
I always love it when these guys give me the opportunity to open up the biblical text. So let's do that, shall we?
So what we're going to do, let's go back to the text in question, because this is one of those passages where we learn, you know, really from even
Jesus himself that, well, all of the Bible is about him and especially the Old Testament. And that being the case, we can see types and shadows that point us to Jesus in the
Old Testament. So let's see here. The Nicodemus passages, this is the
Nic at night passage, because Nicodemus comes to visit Jesus. Yeah, I write my own, I write my own jokes.
Anyway, so Jesus here is talking to Nicodemus. We'll start at verse 12 and we'll kind of focus in on this.
If I have told you of earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things? No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, that is the son of man.
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the son of man be lifted up so that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.
Now, if you want to hear a full sermon on these two texts combined with Ephesians chapter two, verses one to 10, that was my sermon from this past Sunday that these were the assigned readings for this past Sunday.
And we'll put a link down below to the audio of it at the Kongs of Inger Lutheran Church in Oslo, Minnesota website.
Don't you know, yeah, we'll put a link down to it below. I think I named it the anti -venom to darkness or something to that effect.
And if you want to hear how these texts should be preached with exegetically focusing on what the passages are about and hear
Christ proclaimed for you for the forgiveness of your sins, then go ahead and click on that link and you can listen to that sermon after watching the video.
But all of that being said, let's do our little bit of work here. So you're going to note here that Christ says that as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the son of man be lifted up.
So he's likening himself to that bronze serpent that Moses was commanded by God to make.
So let's take a look at the passage in question. The passage in question is Numbers 21,
Numbers 21. And while I'm here, while I'm here, let's do a little bonus work, shall we?
Hang on a second here. I'm going to duplicate this tab and I'm going to go to the book of Exodus chapter 20,
Exodus chapter 20. Now, let me ask you a question. Do you have a nativity scene?
Some people do. Some people don't. Some people believe that if you have a nativity scene, that you are, well, committing idolatry because you're not supposed to create a graven image.
Right. Or do you have artwork depicting Jesus on the cross or Jesus walking on the water or Jesus, you know, victoriously coming to conquer while riding on the clouds of judgment?
You know, there are some people who, and I would argue, mistakenly believe that all images of Jesus, artistic depictions of him somehow constitute idolatry.
But that's not true. So this is a little subtext of all of this. And you're going to note that Exodus chapter 20, verse three, we get this commandment.
You shall have no other gods before me. You shall have no other gods. First commandment.
And as a confessional Lutheran, we Lutherans recognize that what follows then is not a separate third command, but is instead a subset of the first commandment.
You shall have no other gods. So subset 1a, if you would, you shall not make for yourself a carved image of any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water underneath the earth.
You'll note that this includes depictions of any kind of animal whatsoever. OK, so pay attention to the details.
You shall not make yourself carved image of any likeness of any thing.
Now, think about your house for a second. Do you have artwork depicting animals, whales, dolphins, bears?
Do your children own teddy bears or things like this? If you do not properly understand what is being forbidden in this passage, then
I could mistakenly teach you that you are committing idolatry, idolatry by having a teddy bear.
But that's not what this text is saying. We'll talk about this here in a second. You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth.
You shall not bow down to them to serve them. So this is the creation of an image for the purpose of saying this is my
God and then bowing down to worship it and all that kind of nonsense.
For I, the Lord, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love and keep my commandments.
Now, one of the reasons why we know that this isn't a blanket prohibition by God regarding the creation of any and all images of anything in heaven or in heaven or under the earth or in the seas or on the earth or anything like that is due to the fact that God would never command
Moses to break this commandment. OK, so you'll note in Numbers 21, this is a little subset of this.
At the end of this, God commands Moses make a fiery serpent, a nechashim seraphim, and set it on a pole and everyone who is bitten when he sees it shall live.
Now, if it was against the commandment, you know, regarding images, then
God, well, he ordered Moses to sin. But that's not how this works.
So we understand then that the prohibition regarding images is for the purpose of creating an image to which you will bow down and say, this is your
God. So you as a Christian are free to have artwork depicting Jesus as an infant.
You have you have freedom to have stained glass windows that depict Christ, you know, in his earthly ministry, giving sight to the blind, walking on the water, calming the storm, raising the dead.
You have you can depict Jesus before his crucifixion or after you have that freedom.
But what you do not have the freedom to do is to then somehow venerate that image and bow down to it.
I bow down to you. No, no. Yeah. So so much of what we see then in Roman Catholicism is an abuse of the freedom that we have in as Christians to depict artwork of Jesus.
So and I know that some of you are sitting there pulling your house hair out going, no, you can't depict Jesus. Yes, you can.
There is no prohibition of regarding artwork depicting Jesus. The prohibition is the prohibition regarding idolatry and the creating of an image for the purpose of bowing down and worshipping it.
So, yeah, that's that's a little bonus material. Thought I would throw that in there. And the way we know this is because God commanded
Moses to make a fiery serpent. And that technically, well, let's take a look here.
That falls under the likeness of anything that is on the earth. Mm hmm.
Now, you'll note that in the history of Israel later, the northern kingdom, they set this bronze serpent up for the purpose of worshipping it.
And God ordered that it be destroyed. So what God gave as a gift, they turned into an idol later in later generations.
Then God had it destroyed. So, you know, keep that in mind. So we recognize then that as Christians, we have freedom to, you know, have a nativity scene and artwork depicting the life of Christ.
And there's no sin in going to a movie where somebody is depicting Jesus, you know, so you can you can watch the movie
The Passion of the Christ without any fear that somehow you are committing the sin of idolatry.
You're not. And those who take, you know, the Exodus chapter 20, verses four through six and somehow turn this into the banning of all artwork depicting
Jesus, they've misappropriated this text. And again,
Numbers 21 is the way we part of the reason why we know that. And you'll think about God ordered then the embellishment, the artwork for the tabernacle itself, which depicted angels and all kinds of other things that are in heaven and on earth.
And all that was done without breaking that commandment regarding idolatry. Keep that in mind. All right.
Now, all of that being said, coming back then to the text in question in Numbers 21, we get an account that was kind of weird.
And here's how the account goes from Mount Hor, this is Mount Sinai. Children of Israel set out, by the way, to the
Red Sea to go around the land of Edom. And the people became impatient on the way. And the people spoke against God and they spoke against Moses.
Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? Now, this is a slanderous question, by the way.
This is what we call a loaded question. In logic, a loaded question will assume some part of the answer.
And so you have to act. It's never safe to answer a loaded question. You have to address the loadedness in it. And you're going to note then that what the children of Israel are doing here is accusing gods of purposely bringing them into the wilderness for the purpose of killing them.
That's slander. And it describes to God motives that are far from God at all.
In fact, it makes no sense. Why would God bring the 10 plagues of Egypt on Egypt and then mightily set the children of Israel free from slavery in Egypt?
Have them miraculously walk on the bottom of the Red Sea with a wall of water on the right and a wall of water on the left.
And they made it through safely. And then when the armies of Pharaoh came in after them, you know, the sea closed in and drowned them all.
I mean, God was leading him by a pillar of smoke by day, fire by night. God was miraculously caring for them, giving them manna from heaven, even miraculously gave them water from a rock.
I mean, all of these things. And here they are, they've set out on a journey to head towards a promised land and they're accusing
God. The whole reason why he brought them out there was to kill him. Man, rather than praise and worship or humbly ask
God for their needs, they grumble. But then they said, there's no, there's no food, there's no water. And we load this worthless food.
And the worthless food is the manna that God is giving them from heaven every day. So as a punishment for their sin and grumbling and speaking against God and Moses, Yahweh sent fiery serpents in among the people and they bit the people so that many of the people of Israel died.
Now, a little bit of a note, the Nechashim Seraphim, these are the bronze desert adders of that particular region.
And they are not called fiery serpents because they had a cool fiery paint job. No, they're just kind of a bronze colored snake.
The issue, the reason why they're called fiery serpents is because if they envenomate you, you feel like you're on fire from the inside and that's the experience that you have while dying.
So it's a horrifying, terrible way to die. So as a result of this, many people died.
And then the people of Israel came to their senses and they came to Moses and said, we have sinned for we have spoken against Yahweh and against you.
Pray to Yahweh that he take away the serpents from us. So Moses prayed for the people and Yahweh said to Moses, make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole and everyone who is bitten when he sees it shall live.
So Moses made a bronze serpent, set it on a pole. And if a serpent bit anyone, he would, he would look at the bronze serpent and he would live.
And here's the interesting thing. That bronze serpent is a type and shadow of Jesus.
And let me explain that God, rather than removing the fiery serpents, rather than removing the curse, he gave them a special miracle linked to that, uh, that bronze serpent, you know, his word was attached to the bronze serpent, which then is a foreshadowing of Christ.
And Christ then takes this picture to himself. So back in Moses's day, anyone who was bitten by a bronze desert looks at that thing.
And what happens? They live, they live. And in the same way, then hear the words of Jesus.
Jesus says that as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the son of man be lifted up, referring to Christ's crucifixion, and so that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.
And the idea then is this scripture is clear that God made Christ to be sin who knew no sin so that we would be the righteousness of God, each and every one of us, because of the deception and sin, the deception by the serpent in the garden of Eden, uh, and our, and the rebellion and disobedience of our first parents,
Adam and Eve, you could argue that sin is the consequence of quote unquote being snake bitten, snake bitten by the false words and deceptions of the, of the original serpent.
And so Christ then is the anti -venom. He is the solution, the miraculous solution to us who have been envenomated by the lies of the devil.
And so how does this happen? Christ takes our sin upon himself. He was pierced for our transgressions.
He was bruised for our iniquities. Chastisement that brought us peace was upon him.
Uh, or as the gospel says in first Corinthians 15, uh, Christ died for our sins, for your sins, for mine.
And so it's right then that the symbol of the snake then is the symbol used for Christ because he takes all of the evil upon, of the whole world into himself.
And he becomes the sinner whom God punishes so that we can be forgiven, pardoned, and reconciled to God.
That's the idea here. And it's a beautiful picture of, uh, of what's going on and the types and shadows are just rich.
And this is, this applies to every single one of us because all have fallen short of the glory of God.
Each and every one of us deserves hell as a consequence and as a right punishment for our sin and rebellion against God.
But God doesn't give us that he gives us Jesus. And so then the call is for us to repent and to believe.
So as Christ says, just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the son of man, uh, be lifted up that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.
And then we get the passage that we're all familiar with for God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Perish in what way is probably a good followup question here. And this is where the passage then goes for God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him, whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already because he is not believed in the name of the only son of God.
And this is the judgment light has come into the world, but the people love darkness rather than the light because their works are evil for everyone who does wicked things, hates the light and does and does not come to the light lest his work should be exposed.
But whoever does what is true comes to the light so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.
So you'll note that, uh, this is a great text and kind of the kicker at the end of this is in verse 36 of chapter three, whoever believes in the son has eternal life.
Whoever does not obey the son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.
So what is it that we're saved from the wrath of God that we've all earned because of our rebellion and Christ, this is great news.
And this is because of God's love for us. God demonstrates his love for us in that while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for our sins. Jesus dies, not for his friends, for his enemies, you and me.
And by his death, it is his kindness that leads us to repentance. So we who were under the dominion of darkness, children of the devil, now because of sin, we are reconciled to God.
We are adopted back into the family of God and all of this because of what
Christ has done. That is what this text is about. It's such a beautiful gospel text.
And the cross reference is just, but alas,
John Gray, this is not what he's going to preach about. And by the way,
I've listened to this whole sermon. He at no point, other than just reading the text out, actually talks about what this text really is about.
Watch where he goes with this. So let's let him spin this out. I love the messages, intentional generosity.
You may be seated on the surface. This scripture may not immediately bring to mind the idea of generosity when thinking of scripture and the contemporary context of church giving next week, one week from today, we will bring.
This text has nothing to do with church giving. At all. Our first fruits offering to the
Lord, first fruits offering to the Lord. It is a, it is a once a year gift above and beyond our tithing offering that you and your family pray about, ask the
Lord, and then you all make a decision. Everybody say it's my decision. You make a decision on what you want to give above your tithe and offering.
Now, by the way, the first fruits offering is a part of the
Mosaic covenant and it's not part of the new covenant in Leviticus chapter 23.
I would point you to this Leviticus 23 verse one says, you always spoke to Moses saying, speak to the people of Israel.
Say to them, these are the appointed feasts of Yahweh that you shall proclaim as holy convocations.
They are my appointed feasts. So the first fruits was an actual feast that is associated with the
Mosaic covenant. Christians are not required to keep these feasts. They are all a type and shadow of something to do with Christ.
And I'll give you a text that shows you, shows you that in Colossians chapter two,
Colossians chapter two, we hit, we hear this wonderful text about how Christ has canceled the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands.
He set it aside, nailing it to the cross. And so the great news regarding what
Christ has done for us. And then he says these words in verse 16, Colossians 2, 16, therefore, let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food, drink, or with regard to a festival, a new moon or a
Shabbat, a Sabbath. Watch. These are a shadow of the things to come.
The substance belongs to Christ. So they are the types and shadows that find their fulfillment in the life of Jesus.
And this is the reason why Christians are not required to keep the Sabbath the way the
Mosaic covenant guys did, you know, stops working at Friday night at sundown.
Don't work again until Saturday night at sundown. Yeah, we're not, we can actually light our furnace on, on a
Saturday. Yeah. And God's not going to send us to hell for doing that. You get the idea. We're not under the
Mosaic covenant. So we learned then that one of the feasts of the Mosaic covenant, which is a type and shadow, so Yahweh spoke to Moses saying, speak to the people of Israel, say to them, when you come into the land that I give you and reap its harvest, you shall bring the sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest and he shall wave the sheep before Yahweh so that you may be accepted on the day after the
Sabbath, the priest shall wave it. Uh, so, uh, yeah, uh, that's, that's, uh, you know, that finds its fulfillment in Pentecost Sunday, by the way, uh, the feast of weeks in the first fruit offering.
But, uh, that's, that's for another lesson. So already we've got a weird thing going on here at Relentless Church because he's taking the first fruits offering, the first fruits of the
Mosaic covenant and turning it into a Sunday that they're supposed to give above and beyond their tithes and offerings.
Mm hmm. I've told you that I'm believing God for a particular amount so that we can have our women's transitional house.
All right. So he's going to believe God for a specific amount and you're going to note in their theology, uh, they give in order to get, that's an interesting thing.
Now I'm going to fast forward just a little bit in the message and continue on and see how he's handling
John 3, 16 and, and, and laying out his theology regarding this. At no point does he actually preach the gospel.
Yeah. At no point does he preach the gospel in this sermon. And in person. John chapter three talks to me about the power of generosity.
Really? John three is all about generosity. It's all about God's love and mercy.
I said, normally we talk about generosity because when you're doing something like first fruits, oftentimes, even with offering, because there's something in us that just gets afraid when we think about somebody taking something from us.
We see offering as a moment of loss. This text has nothing to do with offerings or tithes or any financial giving.
As opposed to what it actually is, which is an opportunity for expansion. So giving is an opportunity for expansion.
This text is not about that at all. And this is a weird non -biblical teaching regarding giving.
Perspective is everything. Offering is not a moment of loss. It is an opportunity for expansion.
This message will not be long, but it will be powerful and it will be life changing. Stay with your boy. Yeah. I listened to the whole thing.
My life's worse because of the sermon. Just a moment. So I guess it was life changing.
First fruits is a one time gift elder. And I'm coming to the house this week because I just want you to encourage me in the
Lord. I just feel like God wants to speak. Now, by the way,
I mentioned this. Let's do a little Google search here. John Gray, wife, car.
OK, hang on a second here. Yes, here we go. Houston pastor on his two hundred thousand dollar
Lamborghini gift. John Gray gave his wife a two hundred thousand dollar
Lamborghini for their anniversary. Two hundred thousand dollar
Lamborghini. And I think he's wearing a Rolex there. OK, about this next week, because I'm believing
God for some things in my own life from another Lamborghini, another
Rolex children for my family. For my health, this fast, we're on day 14 now, we got seven days,
Jesus, and I'm telling you right now, seven days. So he's been fasting for seven days or is going to fast for seven days.
And when you're being healed from diabetes, your blood sugar fluctuates. Last night, just being now, if you're healed from diabetes, you're healed.
You don't have to worry about your blood sugars. I stay transparent. It went into the 40s, which is not good.
So I've got to be careful because my mama said he didn't call you to die, to fast. So I've got to be wise, but I'm going to continue to make other sacrifices along with the rest of the congregation because I'm believing
God for breakthrough, if that's all right with you. Believing God for breakthrough. That's the carrot that's dangling out at the end of the stick.
Always in these churches, you know, you got to give your breakthroughs just around the corner. Give till it hurts just a little bit more and God will give you your breakthrough.
That turns it into a quid pro quo. A lot of times people get quiet about giving because they see church as a clog where your money goes, but you don't see a return on the investment.
Because of guys like you who miss, well, basically don't even teach the truth biblically as to how tithing and offerings work in the church.
By the way, we're going to be doing an upcoming episode in the very near future talking about what does the
Bible teach regarding Christians and giving. And we're going to use as our foil Robert Morris's blessed life teaching as to demonstrate what not to believe as far as he's concerned and we'll unpack what the scriptures do teach regarding how
Christians give and what are their obligations in the new covenant. And we sometimes incorrectly assume that your money is going to a man or a woman or an individual when in fact the currency.
I don't know, going to a man, an individual, you know, $200 ,000 Lamborghini for your wife.
I mean, I don't know why anyone would think that is not connected to the paper.
It's connected to your heart and the posture of your heart is what
God is checking for, not the amount that you give. I'm going somewhere. Yeah.
Yeah. It doesn't sound like you're going anywhere. Good. I'm going to fast forward just a little bit more so you can hear how he uses the
John text a little more specifically. And this is when I tell you that what you're going to hear next will encompass the totality of how he makes reference to what he read in the gospel of John chapter three.
That is not an overstatement. That's correct. That's an actual fact. And let's listen in a little bit more as he teaches us about what
John three is apparently about. Before we come next week with our gifts,
I just needed to remind you of the ultimate gift that was given to you and why we give first fruits is because God gave his first fruit first.
That is not at all what John three 16 is about. He is taking a gospel text and turning it into a law text.
So now when these people hear John three 16, they're going to think it's about tithing rather than about what
God has done to rescue them. Jesus was not the third born son.
Jesus was not one of 50 ,000 just random.
Ah, there's a difference between the offering of Cain and the offering of Abel. That's why one was rejected and the other was received.
Cain gave some stuff. He got out of the ground, most likely what was left over after he took what he wanted.
But Abel gave the first fruits to fattening. He gave the best animals, the best cuts of meat.
And God said, by the way, that is a complete twisting, uh, and ignoring of scripture regarding why, uh,
Cain's offering was not accepted and why Abel's was. So if you were to just do a word search in the
Torah, in the, in the law for a grain offering, you would find that there are grain offerings in scripture.
There is no prohibition in the Mosaic covenant of bringing a grain offering or a salad to God.
That's not the point. So why is it that Cain's offering was rejected while Abel's was, uh, was accepted?
Answer. It's found for us in the book of Hebrews chapter 11. Let me read it in context.
Now, faith is the assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen. This is the great hall of faith passage for by it, by faith.
The people of old receive their comm, uh, commendation by faith. We understand that the universe was created by the word of God so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible by faith,
Abel offered to God, a more acceptable sacrifice by what, by faith and the, uh, a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain through which he was commended as righteous.
God commending him by accepting his gift and through his faith, though he died, he still speaks.
And without faith, verse six says it's impossible to please God. So what's the difference between Cain and Abel?
Abel had faith. Cain had no faith. He was just going through the motions. He was going through the religious motions.
He had no faith or care or regard for God at all. He was just doing what
God, you know, he wants an offering. I'll give him an offering. And there is no prohibition in scripture against grain offerings.
They're a perfectly legitimate offering. The issue was Cain didn't have faith.
So by saying what he said here, John Gray shows he don't know his Bible. That's quite apparent.
That's somebody who understands who I am. Let me help you understand when my, when my wife cooks and the kids are there, let me tell you what blesses me.
I don't, I don't even say nothing. My wife brings me my plate first. Now I know some of you like, but we're in a different society and just hush.
Just get, get, just hush. I work hard. I take care of my family.
What does this have to do with John chapter three? I make sure they have everything they need. I would die for my family.
Don't talk to me about mine. I will do whatever it takes for my. What about that mistress that you repented of?
What you heard in the streets, in the blogs, when it come to my family, I'm dying for mine, I'm going to do whatever.
So when I come sit at the table, she wants to bless me and make sure my plate is there.
First. The only problem I have with my wife is she gives me a half a glass of juice or a half a glass.
And I'm like, I'm not one of the kids. Can I get a full grown man? Glass of juice, please.
Maybe she's given you a small glass. Cause you're a diabetic. Yeah. Just saying that's a possibility, but my son is always hungry and he normally wants to eat at the same time as me, but I got to teach him.
Don't you think you should save this for like family therapy? Why are you telling us all this? This has nothing to do with John three.
There's an order to this thing. You're my son, but all it is because I work hard. I get,
I get preferred first. It's a place of honor. She doesn't do it because I told her to her because I make her or because she's afraid she does it out of honor and respect.
Don't give God anything out of fear because that's not what he wants. He wants you to give it because you love him because he's been good to you because he's yeah, but scripture says we love
God because he first loved us. Don't you think that our love for God would increase and our generosity towards supporting the preaching of the gospel would increase if you preach the actual love of God, rather than turning it into a quid pro quo and then beating us on the head and basically saying, well,
God gave his best. Why aren't you given yours? Provided for you because he makes a way for it.
Proverbs three and nine says, honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of your crops.
That's what it says. Generosity. Somebody say generosity.
He gave his only begotten son. He gave the one of a kind. He gave the unique rare gift.
Ain't gonna never be another Jesus. And he gave his only one. He gave perfection for relationship with the flawed.
He gave up eternal intimacy for the potential of a conversation with you.
You got to schedule a meeting with your supervisor, but you can walk into the presence of the eternal
God anytime you want because of what Jesus did. Talk about generosity.
You can't even speak to your Congress person without scheduling a meeting. You can't even get up.
You can't even schedule an oil change for your car without an appointment, but you and I can walk into the
Holy of Holies and talk to God one on one and you telling me he's not generous.
Well, God is generous. So you better be generous to total manipulation and an abuse of the people under his care.
This text is about what God has done for us and because of his great love for us in sending his son to bleed and die in our place on the cross.
And he is using this to strong arm people and to guilt them into giving a big painful offering next week, the week after this one, in their annual first fruit offering.
But this guy is a money grubber. He's a prosperity preacher. And he's a manipulator of God's word.
And he teaches for shameful gain things he ought not to teach. And worse, he doesn't preach
Christ and him crucified for our sins. That text that he read out is all about that.
And he totally avoids that in order to talk about your need to give so that you can get your breakthrough.
Absolutely greedy, satanic and a mess. Best way I can put it. So hopefully you found this helpful.
If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description, as well as the link to my sermon that I preached this past Sunday on these exact same texts, you know, just do the comparison work and you'll see the, the difference between law, gospel, sin, grace, real biblical exegesis and a proclaiming of Christ and crucified for our sins.
As opposed to taking a gospel text and manipulating it and brow beating you and making you feel guilty.
Well, God's generous. Why aren't you? Yeah. Hopefully if you find this helpful. So again, all the information is down below in the description and until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.