CARM Newsletter-2011, May-18


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First attempt at a Video version of the CARM newsletter. May 18, 2011.


How are you doing? This is Matt Slick. I'm trying something different with the newsletter because there's just so much to do.
I'm getting so busy that I'm trying to find more efficient ways to do all kinds of stuff. And that's why
I'm going to give this a try, this newsletter here. It's a little bit different approach, but what I'm hoping for is feedback from any of you out there who, if you like this or if you prefer the written form of the newsletter, this way you can kind of just shoot it, get it out there, get it going, send out a link to it on the newsletter list and then get some feedback, hopefully.
So I just want to give you an update on what's going on. I have been extremely busy. You know, I'm supposed to do the newsletter once a week, but what's happening is it ends up to be about once a month.
And then I have to force myself and get a schedule in there and get it done, get it written. It really is amazing how much there is to do here.
So I would really appreciate if you would pray that I wouldn't get sick like I did last weekend, but that I'd know what to do, what the
Lord would want me to do and what direction He'd want me to go in and how to utilize my time better. It's really difficult. So I'm sitting at the desk right now.
This is where I do most of my work. I sit right here and I work on these two 24 -inch monitors and I'm here hours and hours a day just answering emails, doing video editing work or writing things, doing various things that I have to do.
The phone's right here. Hopefully it won't ring while I'm doing this video. I'm just trying to really work this ministry.
It's a lot of work. So anyway, here's some stuff. I'll kind of keep you up to speed on what's going on.
We have the miapic .com site. That's the Spanish version of CARM. That's miapic .com.
It's going well. We have Google Analytics on that. I'm talking to the guy in Bogota. His name is
Carlos. That's where he's from, Bogota, Colombia. We're in contact on a regular basis.
He's a great guy. He loves the Lord. He's been doing a lot of translation of the CARM site from English into Spanish.
The Lord has sent him. He's a godsend. We're supporting him financially. It takes a bit to support him down there.
Also, we're sending him a computer so he can do video editing. He can have a dedicated system in Spanish for video editing.
A dedicated system for doing what he has to do in the Spanish version because his computer is like five years old.
So we're helping him out there. That's where some of the funds are going. We're choosing to help different people in different ways.
So that's good. Also, hopefully by the end of this week, Lord willing, maybe next week, it's kind of tough, we're going to get the
Spanish version of the English schools of theology, apologetics, and critical thinking and get those ready and released on the
Meopeek site as well. All right, good news. Facebook hit 5 ,000 likes.
Our CARM Facebook page, it's been up about two months, I think, maybe give or take a little bit more,
I don't know, and 5 ,000 likes and that's a pretty good number. So praise God for that. Also, CARM has been averaging about 40 ,000 page views a day, 23 ,000 or so unique visitor, wait,
I'd say 23 ,000 visitors a day and about 14 ,000 or 15 ,000 of those are return visitors every day.
So that's really a good thing. The radio show is doing very well. We've got a lot of callers coming in, more and more people from different places.
Last night I interviewed a guy from Tunisia, believe it or not. So that's doing well. A lot of good feedback there.
Also, my book, The Influence, is doing well. You can go to the CARM home site and you can see what's going on there.
You can see the book, The Influence, and if you've read it, you know what, would you please go to Amazon and just put up a nice little review.
Hopefully, because it's in Kindle right now, hopefully next month I'll be talking to the publisher. We should be able to get it out there in regular book form.
And that's how things are done now, apparently, unless you're some big author and I'm not. So anyway, that's that.
Also, I kind of mentioned in the last newsletter that I was going to be working on the family teaching course.
That's on the shelf again because I'm so busy with so many things. In fact, one of the things
I've been focusing on a lot has been video work. And the reason I have been, I really do feel led of the Lord to do this, is because, well, basically the up -and -coming generation, well, they're into smartphones.
They're into iPads. They're into YouTube videos and things like this.
And they don't really read nearly as much. So, you know, CARM is a reading kind of interactive site.
You got to read. You sit there and do this. And they would prefer, I'm finding this out, to have more interaction.
They leave comments under videos. So, they're working a lot on that. That's why I'm doing this this way. To communicate with you a little bit differently.
There's also, hopefully, to learn another way of doing this. So, I've been doing that and it's been rather laborious to try to teach myself how to do video editing.
How to do the right lighting. How to do the right shooting. The right angles. The right this is. The right that. And make it so it's presentable, palatable, enjoyable, and things like that.
So, it's been a little bit tough to do all of that. But, you know, it's the way it is. You got to do all of it.
And so, hopefully, by God's grace, we're going to get that working. So, they can put out one or two videos a day.
That's what I'd like to do. Hopefully, we're getting some video editors who I can just upload some stuff FTP. And they can do editing and upload it to the
CARM videos website, which is what you're watching on this. So, I've been doing a lot of that.
And not answering as many emails. It's just, you know, it's a technology curve. I got to get to it. I also have released several new videos on atheism.
And you might be interested in this. I did a video analysis on Rob Bell's book,
Love Wins. And that took me a while to do. As I said, learning stuff. And, you know,
I read the book, quoted the stuff. I'm telling you, that guy just flat -out contradicts Jesus. Flat -out. And you should check out the video.
It's on the CARM videos thing there. And actually, I think it's about it. In this format, there's not going to be any love or hate mails, unless I really kind of work that in and read some stuff to you and do a love and hate mail version.
But for now, we're just going to do it this way. So, I would really appreciate it. Really would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to email me.
The email will be listed here at the bottom. It's right down here, the email. Just email me at this address. Give me a feedback.
What do you think? Do you like this format? Is it easier?
Prefer the written one? Positives? Negatives? Just love to hear from you. Okay, I think it's about it.