Three Biggies



So to the Thessalonians 1st Thessalonians chapter 1 the
Bible says that Two is better than one Bible says that a threefold cord is not easily broken and with that in mind,
I want to ask us to consider the opening words of The Apostle Paul as he writes to the church at Thessalonica Well, this is one of the earlier letters of Paul To a church that he was by God's grace used to establish and that as you read through first Thessalonians and Also second
Thessalonians. You will find that it is a joyful letter in the most
Profitable way for Paul because the church of Thessalonica has given Paul great joy not like in some of the other letters where Paul is
In need to correct and instruct and rebuke but the church of Thessalonica has been to joy has been to Paul a great joy and I want to use that thought to look at several things in the first opening verses of the first chapters and Ask us to consider.
What was it that caused Paul this great joy and if you
Consider it as we read it his unceasing Thanksgiving and his continual prayer
My brother Stephen had asked me if I had a title to put up on the screen But that was after he told me
I was the substitute pastor and some of you are laughing
But I don't have a title but I do have a title it's called the three biggies
And I don't want to have my northern accent misunderstood where I'm saying the three piggies because I'm not I'm saying the three biggies
But I want to read the first three verses in this first epistle to the church at Thessalonica And then we'll ask
God's blessing To open our ears and our eyes and our hearts and our lives So first Thessalonians chapter 1
Paul Silvanus and Timothy to the church of the
Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ Grace to you and peace from God our
Father in the Lord Jesus Christ. We give thanks to God always for you Making mention of you in our prayers remembering without ceasing your work of faith
Labor of love and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our
God and our Father, let's just ask God's blessing on his word father again.
We come now. We pray Holy Spirit That you would come upon us in a way That it will be effectual that even as we consider these words and the thoughts
That our lives will be transformed that we would become more like the
Son of God who so loved us that he gave himself for us So Lord be with us bear your arm do it only you could do
Changes make us more like him who is the altogether lovely one. We ask it in his name.
Amen So as I said, I want to talk about three biggies and You'll see the three biggies there in verse 3
But I want to mention a couple of things before we actually look at them. I Want to establish something in the very beginning of our thoughts this morning
That I do not want to just consider three things And the three things are there if you look at it verse 3, there's faith
There's love and there's hope And I would think if we spent time on those three subjects we would certainly be blessed and we would certainly
Be those who have come to God for truth, but that is not what my ultimate intent this morning
I Don't want to just look at three things, but I rather I want to look at the demonstration of three things
Because you see there is a Difference I do believe there's a distinction between things and the demonstration of things and That as we begin to look at what
Paul says in this opening in his opening remarks That it's important for us not just to consider faith and love and hope
But what Paul really focuses in on in these opening verses is that he is thankful for the demonstration of faith love and hope
And he attaches words to those three things. He says in verse 3 He considers the work of faith and then the labor of love and then the patience of hope
And this is not the first time that Paul has spoken of these three things as a matter of fact if you just flip over in the same epistle to chapter 5 and Look at what
Paul says there. He says in verse 8 of chapter 5, but let us who are of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and Love and as a helmet the hope of salvation and so there again, he mentions those three things and Not only that but I'm sure many of us would remember that in first Corinthians chapter 13
Paul speaks of of those three things with faith
Hope and Love in 1st Corinthians 13. It's interesting because Paul doesn't say it in the same order as he does in 1st
Thessalonians and I think there's a reason why we need to consider it in that way of faith love and Hope but in 1st
Corinthians 13 If you read through it Paul wants to expand if you will on the on the reality of love
And so I believe that's why he switched the order But that the real order the rightful
Lord because these things really build upon another as I hope to Demonstrate to us that he puts love at the end because he again and then he goes on to that great explanation of love
And I would ask you to think about that this morning that these three things as we look at the demonstration of them that these are and that's why
I titled it the three biggies that that faith and love and hope on our essentials
I Will go so far as to say if you do not possess faith and love and hope
I do not believe you can have a right relationship with God Again they are
So essential to being born again. So essential to being part of Christ's body and So we must possess all three
Because all three are foundational And let me seek to Prod you to think further on that.
It says certainly in the Bible that without faith. It's what it is impossible to please
God Then if you would remember that it also says if we do not have love no matter what we do it profits us nothing and And then again a
Third time I ask you to remember if only in this world we have hope what is the Apostle say?
We are of all men the most pitiable So again these three things faith
Love and hope our essentials And as I said if we were to consider just those very things it would be a great profit
But as I say at for this time, I want to suggest something different than the definitions and As we read through it he says that he is
Thankful to God and full of prayer for the demonstration or the work of faith and the labor of love and the patience of hope
This is what caused Paul the joy this is what caused
Paul to rejoice and and give thanks that there was actually an outworking of faith and love and hope that there was a a
Visible labor attached to the love that they had and I will show it to you right here in this epistle
That there this work of faith had a demonstration there their labor of love
Was demonstrated and certainly their patience of hope also was noticed
His gospel was so powerful and and these things were so evident in these
Newborn Saints that the Paul was convinced because he says in verse 4 of this
Same chapter. He says knowing beloved brethren your election of God There was something about the demonstration of faith and love and hope that gave
Paul Comfort and in in a great sense Assurance that they were truly the elect of God.
I want us to think about these things in our own lives Because that demonstration of those things shine so brightly in them
And we need to ask ourselves You and I can make all the claim we want that we are the children of God But does it show
Is it demonstrated in our lives Cannot people see that we are new creatures
Because again Many will profess
But in many ways few possess a right relationship with God Remember what
James says? James says that Faith without works is what dead being alone
That same writer says show me your faith with Out your works and I will show you my faith what by my works well,
I believe that we could rightly say love without labor is dead being alone and That hope without patience is dead being alone.
And that's the point this morning that our lives ought to be a living demonstration That it's not just words that we speak but it's the reality that we are truly of the new creation
That we are part of the new covenant that was ratified in the blood of the
Son of God Do we not realize and I don't want I want to stick to my nose, but do we not realize that that reality of being in a new covenant demands new creatures
It demands a new life All things have passed away.
The old covenant is gone. The new covenant is Here and if we possess it then those dead works have to go also
Remember what Paul says in another epistle. He says that we are living epistles known and read of all men and As I say again faith love hope are essential not electives
Now you could choose vanilla or chocolate That's an elective
You could choose surf or turf. I mean, I'll take everything. That's why I'm not picky, but that's an elective
But If there is not a work of faith in our life if there's not a labor of love
Evident in our lives if there is not a true patience or perseverance of hope then we have no real claim to be part the body of Christ ratified in the new covenant
So with that as an introduction, I want to just spend a few minutes together with the aid of the
Spirit of God And consider the outworking of it as Paul lays it out here and then in a few more scriptures
I might quote a number of scriptures this morning You don't necessarily have to turn to them if you'd like to that's great
But I want us to make sure that we understand that Words alone are of no real use
That you and I even as the Apostle John says in one of his letters that we ought to love indeed and truth
So let us consider then the work of faith because that's what he says in verse 3 remembering without ceasing your work of faith
Now This might sound too simple for some this morning
What I'm about to say, but I think many times The things that are most simple the things we stumble over the most the essentials and the
Truths of those essentials are many times to some just so simple and yet we struggle over them
And and so I want to make this point that look what Paul says. He says remembering without ceasing your work of faith
He does not say your work for faith It's the work of faith
Paul was not rejoicing Because of the fact that they had worked enough to acquire the faith
That would give them salvation That's impossible It was the work of faith not the work for faith
I'm sure that many of us would in our mind go to that scripture in Philippians where it says we are to work out our salvation not work for Work it out
Demonstrate it let it come to its its fruition That you and I could no more work for faith
Than that we could create a world or a universe And so Paul's rejoicing was for the
Demonstration and the work that came out of their faith Because here's the point friends and I'll just make sure that we understand it if you and I can work for our faith
Then we don't need a Savior. I Don't need someone to stand in the gap for me if I could work it out myself
Or I could work for it. I need a Savior. I Need someone
Who could Pay the price That I can't pay nor do
I want to apart from Christ in the Spirit of God so this is not a simple thing and yet it sounds so simple, but It goes right to the heart of the cross.
And so when Paul says that he gave thanks Let us remember he was not just thanking that there was enough
Faith in them so that they could become the elect of God Reality is the other way, isn't it?
They were the elect of God and God worked that faith in them, didn't he? Where's God who works in you both to will and to do the things of his good pleasure?
But nevertheless as we think about it This work of faith is
Produced in them and and it's noticeable and I'm going to show that to you in a couple of verses in this epistle and in a couple other places, but I ask you to think about this when
You remember when Jesus was challenged and then they said to him what woman what must we do?
To do the works of God You remember their answer. You remember his answer believe on him who sent me
I didn't give a whole long litany list of things that they had to accomplish. That was the very thing that they were being forced with by the
Jews and the ruling class Jesus said believe on him who sent me
So the real issue is this friends. There's the work of faith in our lives manifest itself before others
I I want you to look at this epistle in 1st Thessalonians chapter 2.
Let's look at a couple of verses verse 13 Look what he says
Paul says this for this reason we thank God without ceasing because when you receive the
Word of God Which you heard from us you welcomed it not as the Word of men But as it is in truth the
Word of God which also Affectually works in you who believe
For you and watch this for you brethren became imitators of the churches of God which are in Judea in Christ Jesus for you also
Suffered the same things for your own come from your own countrymen just as they did from the
Jews Guess what? the church of Thessalonica was known for their work of faith even in the other churches and Throughout the surrounding region
Was something about these people They received the
Word of God. It was effectual and and they were a changed body We need to ask ourselves
Is that The way we are seen
As a body who affectionately believes in the Word of God It couldn't be concealed friends looking first Thessalonians in the in the opening words again
Look at verse 8 look what he says. So he's thankful. He's he's full of joy in The spirit and then verse 80 says for from you the
Word of the Lord has sounded forth Not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but in also
Also in every place your faith towards God has gone out so that we do not need to say anything
For they themselves. What is it that what is the day there? It's the work of faith the those very demonstration of your faith in God that they themselves
Declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you and how you turn from God From I how you turn to God from idols to serve the living and true
God and then we'll Read this and then we'll read it again later and to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead
Even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come those those three things are in there again, by the way, right?
But it was the demonstration The church has noticed the work of faith in the church at Thessalonica Further in this same epistle there was a point where Paul was concerned about them
And rightfully so because he is the one by God's grace That was used to establish the church and in in chapter 3 of this first epistle.
He's concerned about their welfare and their faith And so he sends
Timothy Back to them. I want you to look at it first First him first Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 6 and so he says this but now that Timothy Timothy had gone back to make sure
That the work that he began was continuing and and it was increasing
And he says in verse 6 but now that Timothy has come to us from you and brought us good news of your faith and love and That you always have good remembrance of us
Greatly desiring to see us as we to see you Again it was the faith and the working of faith
That Timothy came back and addressed and brought Paul great joy you remember
I thought about this and Abraham believed
God right how it was faith agreed Abraham took his son up the mountain to sacrifice him and that's the work of faith
See the distinction again, you can you can you can have people can say they have faith all they want but does that fate work?
now I'm gonna tell you why that's a Work of faith to take your only son up a hill to sacrifice him.
I Thought about this scripture and I'm just gonna read it to you It's John 15 if you want to turn there
John 15 a couple of verses because I think this ties into the fact that that faith without works is dead and that the thing that Caused Paul the great joy was the work of faith or the out workings of that faith
And in John 15 Jesus said I am the true vine and my father is the vine dresser
And every branch of me that does not bear fruit He takes away
And every branch that bears fruit he prunes That it may bear more fruit.
You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you Abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine
Neither can you unless you abide in me? I Am divine you are the branches he who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit for without me you can do nothing
Anyone does not abide in these cast out as a branch and is withered and they gather them and they throw them into the fire
And they are burned My friends my brothers and sisters as Sure as the work the productive results of an apple tree is the production of apples
So the the productive results of faith is the outworking of faith in our lives
And that people can't help but notice You know, we could spend a whole lot of time thinking about current events
What's happening over there in the Middle East what's happening around the world? and you can
Be like many I heard one person said the other day that they weren't gonna come out of their house
Friday because it was a day of rage. I Thought to myself and he said that very
Very assuredly that that he was gonna stay at home and work at home and he wasn't gonna come out he wasn't gonna take the chance and And I thought to myself man
Where's his faith? Man you could go out on a sunny day and You don't have to get hit by a lightning bolt.
You know, maybe it's just a cinder block falls off a building in you You go out into eternity
We see the outworking of faith is that we
Demonstrated that it shows it's a reality. I Want you to look second
Thessalonians just real quick second Thessalonians and Paul again in the second letter Says this many of the same things that he says in the first letter
Paul Sylvanus and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians in God our
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ To you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ now watch what he says
We are bound to thank God always for you brethren as it is fitting because your faith grows
Exceedingly and the love of every one of you abounds towards each other so that we ourselves boast of you among the churches of God for your patience
Faith in all your persecutions tribulations that you endure
See it again he's he's full of Thanksgiving because It was something this church was known for It was a continual source of thankgiving.
So I ask you before we move on to the second of the three biggies
Is there? Outworking and a working of our faith
Or is it just words is it just We could say many things concerning the faith
But the real issue is do we live in? Demonstration of the faith.
Well, that's the first one. I want to take a few minutes and look at the second one Come back to first Thessalonians Verse 2 chapter 1 we give thanks to God for you always making mention of you in our prayers
Remembering without ceasing your work of faith and then he adds your labor of love
Your labor of love Now I would say this whether he is speaking directly of their love for God Or their love for one another or their love as it was demonstrated throughout the region in the city and The surrounding churches we could probably spend some time in that.
I am at this point Comfortable in thinking that either way
They're vitally connected And I want to show it to you and ask us to think about it.
In other words that this whole idea of labor of love
Is something that is intricately tied together with love for God that it that love for each other love for others is a
Demonstration is the productive results of love for God I'm gonna read you something from Hebrews my brother
Mike's favorite book in Hebrews chapter 6 it says concerning the outworking of faith love and hope
Versus the false faith and the false love and the false hope he says but beloved we are confident of better things concerning you
Yes things that accompany salvation, you know what a company salvation friends faith love and hope
Though we speak in this manner for God is not unjust listen now to forget your work and Labor of love which you have shown towards his name
Then he says this in that you have ministered to the Saints and Minister that's why
I say to you faith without works is dead. Love without labor is dead and although we can and ought to praise
God and and Demonstrate in many ways our love for God. Where is the real outworking of love to be seen in?
God's people and in others Let's think of that story of us not our intent, but think of the
Good Samaritan Who was the one that really loved? Sure wasn't the priest
Uh -huh, other side of the street When the Levite either oh He got a little closer.
He looked before he went on all the side of the street It's the Good Samaritan Who? demonstrated a labor of love
For someone he didn't even know John says this to us
Beloved let us love one another for love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows
God and he does not love Does not know God for God is love in this
The love of God was manifest towards us that God has sent his only begotten Son into the world
That we might live through him in this is love not that we love God But that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins
And then he says beloved if God so loved us. We also ought to love one another
It must be a demonstration Must be an outworking now now listen that demonstration is different in in so many different ways because we're all so different I Don't expect you
To call me or text me at 4 o 'clock in the morning to tell me you love me But at times brother
Mike will text me at 4 o 'clock in the morning. It tells me he loves me Ha ha ha
My point is it's it's different But there's there's a labor attached to our love friends
Settle down boys. I want you to go back and look in first Thessalonians again.
I'm gonna read Pretty much the same verses, but I want you to see it Look what he says again in verse 6 of first Thessalonians 1 you became followers of us and of the
Lord I received the word in much affliction joy of the Holy Spirit. You became examples to all in Macedonia and Achaia who believe
From you the word of the Lord has sounded forth not only in Macedonia and Achaia But in every place your faith towards God has gone out so that we do not need to say anything my friends
We ought not in a great sense Our lives or to demonstrate that we are those who have faith in those who?
labor in love For they themselves verse 9 They themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry and how you turn from God To serve the living and true
God and then as I said to you before and to wait in first Thessalonians chapter 2 look again in verse 6 and and this is interesting because Paul's Work of faith and Paul's labor of love and ultimately
Paul's hope Was the very thing used by God look at it in first Thessalonians chapter 2 in verse 6 what he says
This is what he did before them He says nor did we seek glory from men either from you or from others when we might have made our
Demands as apostles of Christ, but we were gentle among you Just as a nursing mother cherishes her own child
So affectionately longing for you. We were well pleased to impart to you. Not only the gospel of God, but our own lives
Why because you had become dear to us For you remember brethren our labor and toil for laboring night and day
That we might not be a burden to any of you. We preach the gospel of God you see
Paul Had a faith that worked And Paul had a love that labored
And that was to a great extent used by the Spirit of God along with the truth of the gospel and of the coming of the
Son of God that Friends our love has to have hands and feet
I Was not love And you know what love that doesn't have hands and feet will sooner or later end
Because it's not real love is Love that many times is a labor
Just like marriage at many times is a labor Now I have a chick that's been with me for almost 50 years and She'd been laboring
But she loves me I want you to look in 1st
Thessalonians chapter 3 See it's all intertwined through these epistles and one of the things
I think sometimes when we look at 1st Thessalonians 2nd Thessalonians People get so focused in on the rapture and supposive a second coming and and well not not the supposed second coming
He's coming. I Can't help it friends I get excited and my tongue gets tired but but many times
That becomes the prominent thought in these two epistles and we lose sight of the the very
Heartwarming thoughts and and and truth that Paul is speaking to them about about the demonstration in their lives
The first Thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 11 look what he says Now may
God our Father Himself and the Lord Jesus Christ Direct our way to you and may the
Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and To all just as we do to you
So he may establish your hearts blameless and holiness Before our God and Father and the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ with all the Saints in 1st
Thessalonians chapter 4 In verse 9 look what he says But concerning brotherly love you have no need that I should write to you for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another
And indeed you do so Towards all the brethren who who are in all
Macedonia, but we urge you brethren That you increase more and more
So here's a question We took down a wall We anticipate growth, we've seen growth and It's joyful And it's good
But let me ask you a question Do we see growth in one another in love? How many churches there are that are more concerned about adding an addition?
Or another building or a bigger church And adding love for one another
That's not what Paul was after was it and that's not what was demonstrated Concerning brotherly love we have no need to teach you
But we urge you that you would increase more and more As I said no what
John says in first John we are to love indeed and in truth
Hmm parents is not raising children a labor of love
Okay, at least one person's listening It is a labor, isn't it?
But it's a loving labor Listen, I will turn it the other way around children is
Not obeying your parents sometimes a labor of love. Oh I forgot
Parents are never wrong it takes
Activity it takes energy It takes fortitude.
It takes a labor Do you remember?
The story the account of Jacob and his love for Rachel Do you remember what
Oh Laban Worked up in his mind. Well, you can have my daughter's hand.
You could have my daughter He didn't just want a hand, but you can have my daughter.
But guess what? You got to work for seven years first And you know what happened?
You know what it says it says Jacob served Seven years for Rachel and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her
Man, this church had some some great things going on friends And again,
I say to you that everyone Demonstrates love but every one of us ought to be laboring in love
Are you? You know,
I and I've said this to you before and I say it again real quick to me There's three kinds of people in the churches.
I don't care. I've been a number of churches over many Years, I've been a Christian and been involved in ministry and there's three kinds of people in the church that there's those that are sitting in the boat and they got their hands on the oars and they're rowing and Seeking to move everything forward and That's a labor of love and then there's another group to me who is sitting in the boat and They're really happy that other people are sitting in the boat rowing
And they want to encourage keep rowing brother keep rowing sister, but they themselves
Don't really like to row Don't really like the labor and then there's a third group that sit in the boat and unfortunately, these are the ones that are rowing in the opposite direction and you know what happens when you have
Energy going this away and energy going that away nothing Or if if one's greater than the other you just keep going around in circles
So think about it friends Paul was thrilled because of their labor of love and in any body of believers there ought to be and there was here a true work of love and That leads me to my last point for this morning go back to the first chapter
That's why I said these are three essentials. You can't you can't have two You got to have all three of these and It's what he says again in verse 3 verse 2
We give thanks to God always for you making mention of you in our prayers remembering without ceasing your work of faith the activity that comes out of a heart filled with faith your labor of love the the energy the the outworking the demonstration and then he says and Patience of hope in our
Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of God and our Father I'm gonna ask you a question this morning
You don't know I can answer it. You might not even answer it as you ought to Do you have a sure hope of Of being with God forever and ever
Or do you just have a hope so and I'm gonna tell you what a hope so is a hope so is nothing but a disguised hopeless and that you and I have to Look at these words that Paul rejoiced in in the patience of hope in our
Lord Jesus Christ It was a sure hope
It was an anchor for their souls and it was done in Great patience and perseverance
Jesus said in your patience or in your perseverance you possess your souls and you know what friends their hope wasn't in a pastor
Pastors Their hope wasn't in a system Their hope wasn't in a manner of living and and their hope wasn't even in a church their hope and look what it says
It says it Patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ Their hope wasn't in a what it was in a home in his coming in his finished work
In his resurrection and most assuredly and we'll focus on that for just a moment in his coming again
Friends if you only hope so that Jesus is coming again. You really have no hope
And if you have no hope I say to you again, you are of all men the most pitiable
Titus says this For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts
We ought to live soberly righteously and godly in the present age looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great
God and Savior Jesus Christ that this church not only were they
Those who had a work of faith and a labor of love But they had an expectation
I'm gonna say this that when this church met I gotta believe there must have been electricity in the air spiritual electricity
They had a hope. I know I'm offline, but I'm gonna say it cuz Cuz cuz
I can't right now when we sing when we sing together and I know brother
Adam commended our singing and But when we sing together, I think sometimes we sing like we're going to a funeral we don't sing like those who have hope
Guess what some of you don't even sing. Oh You know brother.
I don't have a good voice. I don't care and guess what God doesn't care sing
You have a hope I have a hope we have a hope If you only have a hope so don't sing that's all right
Paul says this in Ephesians says therefore remember that you once Gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcised by what is called circumcision
Made in the flesh by hands that at that time you were without Christ being aliens from the
Commonwealth of Israel Strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God, but now
In Christ Jesus you who once were far off have brought near have been brought near by the blood of Christ Have you been brought near by the blood of Christ this morning friend?
Do you have a hope? Are you patiently waiting? Many people have a hope and wait patiently for a vacation
Wait patiently for a baby to come brother Dan. Congratulations Wait patiently for this to wait patiently for that and it and it shows there's an excitement.
This is a There's if it will a demonstration that can't be held back Listen do you have a hope today?
That Jesus is coming again and that he's coming for you Because it's one of the other friends.
He's coming for you. He's coming against you Make no mistake about that You could blow me off.
You could blow Mike off. You could blow Keith off You could blow the greatest preaching the blood of the Apostle Paul of guess what
Christ is coming What's your hope? Paul says we are saved in this hope hope of the coming of Christ But hope that is seen is not hope for why does one still hope for what he sees?
But if we hope for what we do not see we eagerly awaited with perseverance
There's a commentator. His name is McLaren. Some of you might have heard him some of you might not anyway I was reading something about him or by him and and he said he tried to describe the hope that Paul really was driving at and it wasn't just a stagnant hope wasn't just a like a sit still hope and It was the kind of hope that as you as you're on The ocean and you and and the storm is coming at you that that you drive right through it
Because you're the hope you have It's an expected. Hope it's an active.
Hope It's a visible. Hope that's demonstrated in our life And that's what
Paul had said right in those verses How you turn from idols to serve the
Living God and to wait for his Son from heaven who he raised from the dead even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come
They demonstrated their faith the work of faith the labor of love and And they also demonstrated the patience of their hope in private
It says the hope of the righteous will be gladness, but the expectation of the wicked will perish
They had gone from being aliens and strangers with no hope to a people with a sure hope because of Christ Listen, my friend if you don't have
Christ this morning, you are hopeless Can I say it a nicer way?
Sure. If you are without Christ this morning, my friend you are hopeless
Because that's the truth It doesn't matter whether I say it you say it
Doesn't matter whether makes you happy or sad. It's still true to have gone from aliens to children
I Don't know why he saved me friends.
I Really don't I brother Mike was praying. I was thinking I don't know why he saved me
And he could save a lot better than me But he did save me and I have a hope
And I'll wait And it doesn't matter what happens in this life. Oh it matters, but it doesn't matter
Because my hope is really not in this life. Anyway This world is all messed up almost said something else where's your hope this morning friends
Are you thankful that you've gone from hopeless to a sure hope? Let me close it to you this way
Are we not ready and willing to wait patiently for his coming again as I said, he's
When he comes he comes with all power And authority This is no infinite savior
This is the mighty god that's coming He's coming again with all his power all his authorities coming again with all his angels.
It says Man, what a day that's gonna be Don't you think
When the sky splits He comes with all his holy angels and he comes with all the redeemed and he comes to bring us to himself
And he comes to bring us to the wedding feast He comes to join us to him forever and ever
My friends he's not the The weight worth it I don't know how else to say it it is
That's my expectation And I know that that this hope will be manifest and guess what in that day there will be no more sin
I don't know about you But as I grow and by god's grace the thing that offends me more than anything else in my own life is my sin
But I have a hope that in that day it'll be free
I'm free now in christ, but i'll be so much more free then Isn't it great that our hope is?
There's no thieves in heaven I had no robbers in heaven. There's no missiles in heaven by the way in case you didn't know
But there's christ My last word to you is this it's not my word.
It's jesus word And I say this to all of us whether Particularly to those who do not believe
But also to us that do believe because there's an application I believe That can be made towards us when jesus said come unto me
All you who are who labor and are heavy laden I will give you rest
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls
But my yoke is easy And my burden is light and isaiah says
Everyone who thirsts come Come to the waters and to you who have no money come buy and eat
Come and buy wine and milk without money without price. Why do you labor?
Why do you spend money for what is not bread and your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to me and eat Incline your ear
And come to me here And your soul shall live
May god bless his word Let's pray Our father in god again.
We thank you for That will sit and move and wait looking for the blessed coming to that end lord.