These 10 Pastors Were Confronted PUBLICLY and This Happened...

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I was shocked to hear about Joel Osteen, John MacArthur, Full Interview: Preacher Kenneth Copeland Defends Lavish Lifestyle (Inside Edition), Pastor Accused of Misconduct With 16-Year-Old, Justin Peters confronts Todd Bentley, Kicked Out Of Charis, and Local Pastor Calls Out False Teacher. YouTube demonetized my main channel, so I made this second channel to fight back against censorship, in case one channel gets completely taken down. To help me in this fight, you can 1) subscribe, 2) watch the videos until the end, and 3) help fund the creation of more videos using these links: Patreon - Become a Member - PayPal - [email protected] Venmo - @TreasureChrist Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! I can't do any of this without you all!


The more famous a pastor is, the more likely it is that someone will eventually protest against that pastor.
Let's take a look at 10 times famous pastors were confronted publicly and I'll share my thoughts about them.
You definitely don't want to miss the last one. Number 10 is when six people were arrested at Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church for calling out
Joel's false Christian teachings. The men are members of a congregation called
Church of Wealth. They argue they were trying to warn parishioners at Lakewood Church that Pastor Joel Osteen was spreading a false message.
But for that, the six members of the Church of Wells are now charged with trespassing and disrupting a public meeting.
They were escorted out of Osteen's services and Lakewood Church property after reportedly yelling and quoting scripture.
What one person might call a disruption, the other person might call what God's telling them to do. After they were arrested, the six men sang songs while they were being charged.
These men singing religious songs outside a Harris County courtroom are facing charges for disrupting services at Lakewood Church last
June. Now, one year later, they've gone through trial and the case is supposed to wrap up Wednesday afternoon.
These men were willing to face the legal consequences of their actions, but they felt a conviction to tell people the truth and confront the lies of Joel Osteen with a non -violent protest.
Personally, I'm encouraged by the boldness of these men. Number nine is when several people walked out while John MacArthur was preaching about God's design for marriage.
Well, this morning we come to Ephesians 5 and the subject of marriage. And this is going to be a very politically incorrect experience for all of you.
Some of you need a seat belt because at some point you're going to feel like you need to get out of here and avoid any more of this offense.
But God's design is clear. And of course, the world hates all of this. I don't know if it was incidental or if it was, you know, another issue, but it was about this time in the early service that several people got up and walked out.
So, thanks for sticking with me. And I don't think they were together. They were leaving from all sides.
I understand that this is hard to hear because you've been so conditioned by the culture. But in the frame of reference of living in the light of all that God has granted us in Christ, this is the pathway to blessing, right?
Amen. Let's pray. Whether or not this was an actual protest, what we do know for sure is that many people are indeed offended by what the
Bible clearly teaches about how God designed men and women to have different roles within the family and the church.
Number eight is Justin Peters confronting false teaching at Andrew Womack's Karis Bible College and then getting kicked out of the college.
The ending to this story is pretty interesting, so make sure you don't miss it. You won't be able to see me because I'm kind of like around the bend and I'm low because I'm sitting down on my scooter.
So, you won't see me, but you will hear my voice. If it is always
God's will to be physically healed, then what do we do with all the many examples in Scripture, Old and New Testament of faithful servants of God who were not healed, who were sick and were not healed?
We could look at David. Get my book, He Healed Them All, not long after your question. Well, Jesus in John chapter 5 told
Bethesda He had won out of altitude. That's because they weren't looking to Him and were following Him. Say, for example. Are you going to argue with me?
What are we doing here? No, I'd just like a... Well, I'm trying to answer you. Okay. It's okay. Okay, what's the answer?
Get my book. But anyway, apparently he said that Dr. Dr. Butendag, he is the dean of students there at Keres.
He's from South Africa. But apparently a year or so ago, he issued an order, an edict, or whatever you want to call it, that banned yours truly from Keres Bible College.
And I had no idea. But kind of in putting the pieces of the puzzle together, apparently he probably made this decision after I put up my first video, my visit to Keres nine months or so ago.
So, that's the best I can tell. But anyway, this was complete news to me. And I told the security guard, who was very nice, by the way.
And I told him, I said, I'm sorry. I had no idea. This is complete news to me. We did everything by the book.
Here's my name tag and all that. And so, he was very polite. And he said, well, I'm...
And he almost actually seemed kind of apologetic. And he said, I'm just doing my job.
And I said, no, I completely understand. And I get that. You're doing your job. And he asked if he could escort us out.
And so, he did that. I had to stop by the little boy's room first. And so, we walked out.
And he was very nice. So, I will say that everybody that I talked to there was nice.
They were nice people. But they are being taught bad theology, bad doctrine.
Word -faith theology is biblically bankrupt. It is a false gospel. So, Justin Peters got kicked out of Keres Bible College a year after he had already been banned from the college for visiting and making a video about his visit.
Personally, I'm really encouraged by Justin Peters' boldness in calling out false teaching. There are few people who have as much knowledge as Justin does about the false prosperity and word -of -faith gospel.
Number 7 is pro -choice protesters interrupting Joel Osteen at Lakewood Church. Of course, these protesters are the ones who are completely in the wrong.
It is interesting to me, though, that they are protesting at Joel Osteen's church, since to the best of my knowledge, Joel has never publicly said anything about this issue.
I think these protesters just chose the biggest, most well -known church they could find, since they're just protesting
Christianity in general. Number 6 is Kenneth Copeland being confronted by Inside Edition reporter
Lisa Guerrero about controversial comments he made about why people like him need private jets.
Let's first see what Copeland said, and then we'll take a look at some highlights of the conversation between Lisa and Kenneth Copeland.
To summarize, Kenneth Copeland says that 90 % of his ministry is dependent upon having a private jet and that he can't fly commercially because commercial airplanes are filled with demons.
I actually kind of wonder how much better the world would be if Kenneth Copeland couldn't do 90 % of his ministry.
Now, let's take a look at and comment on some of the highlights of Lisa's interview with Kenneth Copeland.
How are you, sir? We'd just like to ask you about why you don't want to fly commercial. Why have you said that you won't fly commercial?
You said that it's like getting into a tube with a bunch of demons. Why do you think that? No, no, listen to me.
Just sing it. Not the people. The main reason is because of the need. If I flew commercial,
I'd have to stop 65 % of what I'm doing. That's really the main reason. So Kenneth Copeland wants us to believe that he's doing so much good for the world that it would be absolutely terrible for him to fly commercial like normal people because that would deprive the world of 65 % of Kenneth Copeland.
And what the world really needs is more of Kenneth Copeland. Isn't it true that you want to fly commercial so that you can fly in luxury?
How much money did you pay for Tyler Perry's Gulfstream jet, for example? Well, for example, that's really none of your business, but...
Isn't it the business of your donors? Listen, I paid. You kind of caught me off guard here, okay?
That's a pretty creepy smile. Lisa brings up two good questions here. First, she asks about Copeland's desire to fly in luxury, which we'll learn more about a little later.
And second, she brings up the good point that Copeland buying a private jet is relevant because his money comes from people who have donated to his ministry.
I love Inside Edition. You got to get this now. Hey, you listening to me? My wife thinks Inside Edition is, oh yeah.
Now, thank you, Lord. Help me. Let me pray. Again, that was kind of weird and creepy.
Well, let me just ask you a really simple question. A lot of people think it's unbecoming for a preacher to live a life of luxury and to fly around in private jets.
What's your response to that? Very simple. It takes a lot of money to do what we do.
We have brought over 100... Let's see. The latest figures just came out.
122 million people to the Lord Jesus Christ. This is where it starts to get really bad. No, Kenneth Copeland did not bring 122 million people to Jesus Christ.
He has brought 122 million people or whatever the actual number is to his distorted false prosperity gospel version of Jesus Christ.
Kenneth Copeland has done more damage to Christianity than people who directly hate and attack
Christianity. Without the airplane that we have, that I bought from Tyler Perry, and I didn't pay anywhere.
Tyler's one of the greatest guys. He made it. He made that airplane so cheap for me, I couldn't help but buy it.
Kenneth Copeland just had to buy his multi -million dollar private jet because it was on sale.
Can you imagine anyone who is more out of touch and unrelatable to average people than this man?
My question then... Okay, all right, but I want to get to the demons because people are very concerned about that comment.
Give me a chance here, Inside Edition. I love your eyes. Another creepy, cringey moment from Kenneth Copeland.
Do you ever... Do you ever use your private jets to go visit your vacation homes, for example?
Yes, I do. Wait a minute. I thought the private jets were for ministry purposes. What's Kenneth Copeland's excuse for not flying commercial to go to his vacation homes?
Could it be that for Copeland, it's all about money and luxury, and that the ministry is just a scam to acquire more money and luxury for himself?
Again, getting back to the comment. You said that you don't like to fly commercial because you don't want to get into a tube with a bunch of demons.
Do you really believe that human beings are demons? No, I do not. And don't you ever say I did.
Whoa. That was pretty interesting. Definitely not a good look for someone as famous as Kenneth Copeland, who claims to represent the name of Jesus Christ.
But it's a biblical thing. It's a spiritual thing. It doesn't have anything to do with people. People...
I love people. Jesus loves people. But people get pushed in alcohol.
Do you think that's a good place for a preacher to be and prepare to go preach to a lot of people?
When somebody in there is dragging some woman down an aisle, it made me so mad to see that on television.
I wanted to punch the guy out myself. I can't be doing that while I'm getting ready to preach. Again, whoa.
So Kenneth Copeland actually is saying that it's about being around sinful people on commercial airplanes.
He's saying that if he flew on commercial airplanes, he might not be able to control his anger at what he sees on these airplanes.
I kind of think that if Kenneth Copeland can't control his emotions in this way, maybe flying private versus commercial isn't the real question we should be asking about.
You have how many planes? We have the Gulfstream, and we still have our Citation team.
And then we have a little small airplane. But those are the two ones that we use, and we use them all the time. And other people use them too.
Kenneth Copeland, just like Jesse Duplantis, owns not just one, but multiple private jets.
The obvious question is, why is having multiple private jets necessary? Of course, the answer is that it's about the luxury, not about the actual need.
Besides that, I need my clothes when I get there. And you have some fancy clothes. I mean, for a pastor, you are living a life of luxury.
You've got great homes. You've got great planes. You drive in limos. I'm a very wealthy man.
You're a very wealthy man. Yes. And some people would say that, is it appreciated? May I add something to that?
My wealth doesn't come from offerings alone. Because you sell things, books and DVDs.
Yes, and I have a lot of natural gas on our property. Didn't know that, did you, babe? Again, that's just pretty inappropriate and creepy, calling this reporter, baby, with that weird smile.
One thing to note here is that the only reason Kenneth Copeland has that much property in the first place is because of the money that people have given to him.
Now I do. Yeah, you do. Isn't that wonderful? Well, I guess. It's wonderful for you. So final question is, a lot of people maybe have a misunderstanding then about what you do in prosperity preaching.
So the final question is this, to those critics that say that a preacher should not be living a life of luxury, what is your response to that?
They're wrong. It's a misunderstanding of the
Bible that if you go into the old covenant, do you think the
Jewish people believe you should be broke? Are you saying that Jewish people appreciate money more than real?
They believe in wealth. Some people would find that offensive. Wait a minute now. I'm not talking about some people.
I'm talking about the Bible. The blessing of Abraham. Abraham was extremely wealthy, and he had covenant with God.
It's not the Jewish blessing, it's the Abrahamic blessing. God, I get excited talking about it because I love it.
Kenneth Copeland loves talking about how wealthy Abraham was, but notice that he doesn't say anything about the persecution and suffering of the early church.
Copeland loves twisting and presenting a one -sided view of scripture that fits the life of luxury he enjoys living.
Number five is John Lowe, a pastor who went viral for confessing to a particular sin and then receiving a standing ovation from his congregation, and then being confronted with the real truth from his victim and her husband.
First, here is the beginning part of his supposed confession. I committed adultery. It was nearly 20 years ago.
It continued far too long. It involved one person, and there's been no other or any other situation of unbecoming conduct for the last 20 years.
I will not use the Bible to defend, protect, deflect my past sin. I have no defense.
I committed the adultery. And here is his congregation giving him a standing ovation in response.
And now, here is the victim and her husband exposing the pastor's lie and presenting the truth about what really happened.
If you love us, please let us talk. For 27 years, I lived in a prison. It was not 20 years.
I lived in a prison of lies and shame, lying to protect the Lowe family. For years, I thought
I was a horrible person having suicidal thoughts, not realizing what had been truly done to me, that I was a victim and I would still be in a prison if my brother, and many of you know him
Edgar Wolfe, had not approached me just two weeks ago with what he had seen as a teenager that bothered him all these years.
His pastor in bed with his younger sister, a t -shirt and underwear on.
People knew but were too afraid to come forward. And they have now. The lies and the manipulation have to stop.
I was a prisoner and you kept me in your prison. I'm a prisoner no longer. I was just 16 when you took my virginity on your office floor.
Do you remember that? I know you do and I have plenty of other stories that I could bring to your remembrance. You did things to my teenage body that had never and should have never been done.
If you can't admit the truth, you have to answer to God. You are not the victim here. We just played parts of this video, but the lesson we can take away from this is that it is far too common that spiritual leaders take advantage of their power and harm others.
This is not a one -off incident, but rather, this kind of abuse has happened in far too many other churches as well.
Christians, especially pastors, are called to live above reproach, to be a light to the world.
This means that we must call out and expose anyone, even those we thought we trusted, when we see them doing something evil.
Number four is Justin Peters directly confronting the false teaching of Todd Bentley. Your name and Jesus will look at them and he said,
I never knew you depart from me, you workers of iniquity.
This man is a worker of iniquity. Which man? You. He preaches a poem. God bless you.
This is a true promise, though. This is a true... Don't hit me with your crook. I'm just trying to bless you.
Well, thank you, sir. I'm not giving you my anointing because I have nothing to give. Thank you.
Just bless him and just pray. Hallelujah. So anyways, if you would like to text 67076 and just send a message, get ignited.
You can be on that list. We just bless our friend tonight. You know, that is a true scripture, by the way.
That is a true scripture. If you do not know the Lord in intimacy, you can do miracles.
You can move in power. You can move in signs and wonders. Now, it might seem that Todd Bentley is being very gracious here and that Justin Peters is just being unnecessarily mean.
But the reality is that Todd Bentley has done some of the darkest, most disturbing things I've seen any supposed
Christian pastor do. I said, God, I've prayed for like 100 crippled people, not one. He said, that's because I want you to grab that lady's crippled legs and bang them up and down on the platform like a baseball bat.
Todd Bentley is a despicable liar, and he's bringing shame upon the name of Jesus Christ.
Justin Peters was absolutely right to call off the false teaching of Todd Bentley. Number three is a man who interrupted a
Joel Osteen liquid service to say this. This is a King James Version Bible.
It says to put a difference between the holy and the profane. This Bible says no man ever walked out of a confessional with his sins forgiven.
This Bible says that God loves you. This Bible talks about a one world religion, which you are being primed for tonight.
You must turn your back on what is profane. This church is profane.
You must turn, repent, believe the Bible, obey the Bible. You will not make heaven.
This Bible says repent. It says, Lord, Lord, why do you say you love me and do not the things which
I do? Some might argue that it's wrong for protesters to be disruptive like this. However, I see what this man did as being loving.
He proclaimed the truth boldly and clearly, and he accepted the consequences for what he did without violence.
Number two is John MacArthur being interrupted and confronted by someone who claims to be a prophet of God.
Afterwards, listen to John MacArthur's response. Here's how
John MacArthur responded to this incident. Spiritual gifts and tongues and prophecies and prophets and all of that have ceased is a heresy.
And the doctrine of cessation is wrong and that he is a prophet. And he there's a text in first Corinthians that says, let the spirit of the prophets be subject to the prophets.
If you were a real prophet, you wouldn't behave in such a way. That's a sad situation of all the things that you could get upset about.
To be consistent, I think that if that supposed prophet was correct in his criticism of John MacArthur, then what he did would have been loving and good.
However, unlike Joel Osteen and Todd Bentley, it's simply not true that John MacArthur is a false teacher who needs to be confronted in this way.
And number one is a Calvary Chapel pastor confronting a false teacher in a way that shocked everyone.
Thank you tonight. I appreciate you very, very much. God bless you. You wanted to say something to the
Calvary Chapel. Hey, you guys know me as the few that are here from Calvary Chapel is Pastor Scott.
It's good to see a few of you over here and then a few of you in the back and over on the side. I just wanted to say that, yes,
I did talk with her last night and I didn't know much about her ministry. She was kind enough to give me as many materials as she could on the spot and her men were perfect gentlemen to me inside.
And for the rest of these seven days that she's here, any of you that come and any of our friends that come, we need to be deeply respectful.
We need to show an intense love to them. But above all of those things, we need to spend all of our time at the deepest place of prayer, praying that God indeed would protect all those who hear this false message that comes from her lips.
Because God's message is not miracles, but that the shed blood of Jesus Christ would cleanse humble sinners.
And when miracles are emphasized, Jesus is the God. Sir, okay, guess what?
I didn't say it, they did. You all heard the words that he spoke and his blood is upon his hands, not mine.
This woman's name is Dana Muldoon and she is a blatant false teacher who teaches similar things as Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland.
On her website, she even sells an anointed stone of David, which is obviously nonsense and a scam.
To end this video, let's just remember that sometimes it's good and appropriate to publicly call out false teachings and false teachers.
At the same time, there are people who think they are calling out evil, but who are simply wrong or misguided in what they are doing.
Let's keep the Bible and the gospel central in all that we do. God bless you all. Thank you so much for watching.
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