FBC Morning Light – January 6, 2023


Encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today's Scripture: Genesis 11-12 / Matthew 5 / Psalm 5 Music credit: "Awaken the Dawn" by Stanton Lanier, https://www.stantonlanier.com/


Well, a good
Friday to you. Here we are about to wrap up the first week of the New Year. Week number one is about to be in history books, and only 51 more left to go in this year.
Here we are, Friday, January 6th, and we're reading today in Genesis 11 and 12,
Matthew chapter 5, and the fifth psalm. Remember this new Bible reading plan that we're following on Saturday and Sunday, we read just the
Old Testament passages and don't read anything in the New Testament or in the
Psalms. So tomorrow it would be chapters 13 and 14 of Genesis, and Sunday chapters 15 and 16.
Well, today in chapter 11, you know, the book of Genesis, the title
Genesis means beginnings, the book of beginnings, and there's a lot of good reasons for that, because we really see the beginning of everything.
We get a lot of insight into humanity, into fallen humanity, why man is the way we are, and how does fallen man function?
How does he work? What makes him tick? How does he think? We find some of this in chapter 11, with this account of the building of the
Tower of Babel. This might seem to some to be some fascinating story about man trying to build a tower thousands of years ago or something like that, but it does give us some insight into man's way of thinking.
So this humanity comes together and says in the first few verses of this chapter, let's make bricks, let's bake them, and then they said, let's build ourselves a city, let's do this for ourselves, and a tower whose top is to the heaven, and let us make a name for ourselves.
You see the self -focus of all of this? Let's build ourselves a city, let's make a name for ourselves, let's build a tower that will reach to heaven.
We don't need God, we can do anything that we want if we just put our mind to it.
That ancient idea is a modern idea. After man landed on the moon in 1969,
July of 1969, there was a song that came out that said,
I can't remember all of it, but there was a line in it that said, there isn't a thing that man cannot do if he takes one small step and tries.
Of course it was built off of that statement of Neil Armstrong, one small step for mankind, one giant leap for mankind.
One small step for man, giant leap for mankind. There isn't a thing that we cannot do if we take one small step and try.
If we just put our mind to it, just take a step at a time, we can build a tower to heaven, we can make a name for ourselves.
We don't need God. It was that attitude that caused
God to reply as he did. He said, oh, you don't think you need me, huh? Okay, I'll tell you what
I'm going to do. I'm going to confuse your tongues, your tongue, I'm going to confuse your languages, and I'm going to scatter you abroad.
You were supposed to go throughout the whole earth and populate the earth as I commanded you to do, but instead you wanted to congregate together and make yourselves great and make yourselves a name and all that kind of stuff?
Well, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to scatter you, and you're not going to be able to be the united humanity that you think you can be, and it's still that way today.
Now, there are great desires for global unification among some, but you've got the renegades that have no desire to do that at all, unless it's on their terms, unless they're the rulers of it all.
This chapter also gives us some understanding of why are there the different language families?
I'm not a linguist, and I don't have all of this mapped out in front of me, but you and I both know that there are language families, and there are distinctions between these language families.
Our English language, we can trace it back to a lot of our
English language back to some Greek vocabulary, and so on and so forth, and so can a bunch of other languages of the
West. But that's quite a bit different than, say, some of the
Asian languages, Chinese, Japanese, and those languages have some commonality to them, but they're different from the language of the
English -speaking person. Why is that? You have the answer for it here.
I know the secularist looks at this and says, that was just a legend that was created to try to explain why there are different languages.
Okay, well, you explain why there are different languages. How is it that these language families have come to pass?
I have their theories, but their theories, just like the theory of evolution, is simply a theory that denies the potential that what we have written in the book of beginnings is history.
I suggest it is history, and I think we have a good understanding, a good basis for understanding why there are all the different languages.
Why? Because man in his pride said, since he's all of one language, he's going to be all of one mind, and we don't need
God. We have our own power, we can do whatever we want to do. We can do whatever we want to do.
God scattered us and made us realize, no, you can't. He hasn't stopped us from trying, has he?
I don't think he will any time soon. Let's thank God for the insight that we have into the human mind and heart that he reveals in the book of beginnings.
Thank you for these things, Father, and I pray that we would recognize our total dependence upon you, and our responsibility to live as you direct, and as you see fit.
We pray in Jesus' name. All right, well, I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and Lord willing, we plan to gather together for church on Sunday, and we'd be glad for you to meet with us, studying the book of Philippians in the adult
Bible study time, morning service, and then evening service as well this
Lord's Day, so join with us. We'd be glad to fellowship together. Have a good day.