F4F | Is God Now Speaking Through Toys?

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever had a prophetess or prophet, one of the self -proclaimed types, use children's toys to reveal what
God is saying to the church today, apparently. If you've ever witnessed that, go ahead and hit the subscribe button and don't forget to ring the bell.
You've been deceived by a false prophet or prophetess. Case in point, we're gonna head over to the
Facebook social media of self -professed prophetess
Belinda Williams, and we're gonna tune in to a recent live stream that she put out on Facebook Live on Facebook of apparently the church where prophesies at, and she's going to literally be explaining from a child's toy, a toy of like a baby doll stroller and a baby in it, that there's a word of God attached somehow prophetically to this child's toy, and we're seriously considering naming this segment
Belinda Williams Chucky Prophecy. Just saying, just saying.
So let me whirl this up. I hope you're sitting down because we're gonna start off in the middle of the mayhem that is the worship service there at this place.
Here we go. Somebody call an ambulance.
Apparently somebody's wounded or hurt. See, you know, that doesn't look like Christian worship to me.
Doesn't sound like Christian worship. And the people shaking uncontrollably. Whoa, what is that?
All right, prophetess Belinda has taken the center of the circle. She's about ready to receive a word from God.
Here we go. I think she's shaking a flashlight.
And you'll note here that none of these people are, none of them are speaking in tongues. That's just straight -up gibberish or parcel mouth.
All right, was that a shofar or a vuvuzela?
Hard to tell the difference, you know. Hey guys, Mystery Vuvuzela Man here. I hope you enjoyed my video and I hope...
Could be a dying snuffleupagus. All right, things are settling down now.
Thank you, Lord. All right, so she just talked about a pram, and the pram, she's picking it up now.
All right, she's releasing the word for the year 5779.
Yeah, that's the new year. By the way, that's the
Jewish year. I need a prophecy bingo card.
Yeah, so birthing, yeah. How many times have I heard so -called prophets saying, this is the year of birthing.
Yeah, it's so prevalent that it is one of our prophecy bingo words.
Yeah, I'm not birthing nothing, lady. So the kid who pushed the pram out into the middle of the circle, he's being groomed now as a prophet, and this was a prophetic act on his part.
It's really sad that the people there think that this woman's hearing from God. God didn't send her.
None of the words that she's speaking are actually from God. You know, what she's speaking is absolutely gobbledygook and nonsense.
This has nothing to do with Christianity. Notice she attended
Apostle Maldonado's church. Yeah, there are no apostles on the planet today.
Anybody claiming to be apostle today, they're straight -up deceiving you.
Let's see all the proof for all those blind people who've been given sight under Apostle Maldonado's so -called ministry.
So apparently he's raising dead people too. I'd like to see the proof of that as well.
Yeah, so the pram is purple and pink. Whoo! That proves that I'm telling you
God's talking right there. You know, apparently those are very prophetic colors.
Who knew? Yeah, so it represents the destiny, plans, and purposes of God.
Again, God didn't send her. She's not speaking God's words.
She's speaking the delusions of her own mind and blaming it on God. The destiny of nations are bound up in the prophetic word of that pram.
Toy. No. Pink means new beginnings.
Who knew? Yeah, wow. I'll never look at pink the same again. Yeah, birthing new beginnings.
Again, this is just goobity -gook. Is that the right way to put it? I don't know. Just losing it at this point.
Yeah, no. The destiny of a priestly anointing.
Whoo -hoo! Kingly anointing. Because there's purple on the pram. Mm -hmm. See, it's got to be from God.
This is nonsense. Oh, wow.
He's releasing his DNA and a full revelation of our identity and stuff. You know, because of the toy.
Level of authority shifts.
Shifts, by the way, is one of our prophecy bingo words. Yeah, you want to learn how to prophesy?
Just grab a prophecy bingo card and speak with authority. Just throw in a bunch of word salad words, you know, from the cards themselves, and you'll sound like any old prophet like that.
I think you get the idea. So, clearly this woman is not sent by God.
Not at all. In fact, Scripture warns us quite clearly. Jesus warns us that in the last day there would be false
Christs and false prophets. This lady is going to be in the category of a false prophet.
None of the stuff she's saying makes any sense. She's speaking with authority, but none of the words that she's spoken have the authority of God behind her.
She's actually blaspheming God's name, taking it in vain, in order to deceive people into thinking that she's really something special when she's not.
So, you know, if you attend a church where people are saying this kind of nonsense and they're spewing prophecies that you can find on the
Fighting for the Faith bingo cards, you know you're dealing with a false prophet. Run away and find a solid church and don't expose yourself to these wingnuts, because these are the type of people that are going to hell and dragging a whole lot of people with them, all while claiming that they're worshiping
God. It's very fascinating and very awful. Now, if you found this helpful, please feel free to share this video.
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Fighting for the Faith financially. We are funded by our viewers and our listeners to our podcast, and if you would like to subscribe to our podcast, head over to FightingfortheFaith .com,
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So again, thank you for watching, and until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.