Tape 2 - What the Bible Teaches About the Blood


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


And if you want to turn with me to the book of Hebrews The ninth chapter beginning with verse 11 now.
I just want to teach you from the scripture I don't want to preach to you, but I might slide off every once in a while I'm gonna try not to But I want us just to I want to teach you from the scripture and tonight
I want us to look at the subject what the Bible teaches or what the scriptures say about the blood of Jesus Christ And then tomorrow night.
I want to show you how you are reconciled how God removes all the guilt from your life Tomorrow and I would about how
God removes all guilt from your life All guilt is forever removed from the life of the Christian how that actually takes place now
There are responsibilities and God doesn't put up with sin He doesn't tolerate sin and just because he's removed the guilt from your life doesn't mean you do whatever you want or whatever you please
And we'll talk about that further But the book of Hebrews is the New Testament book that is equivalent to the book of Leviticus in the
Old Testament Now the key word in the book of Leviticus The Yikra in the
Hebrew is the word holiness. And if you will break down the word Leviticus, it says Levite Ikas Levites it comes from the tribe of Levi.
That's where he'd get his name from lebi and they were the tribes of priests They were the priest men of the nation of Israel and the key word being holiness and the key word in the book of Hebrews Is better be tte are better Better Christ is better than Moses Christ is better than Aaron The New Testament covenant is better than the
Old Covenant. There is something better than Judaism There's something better than the Old Testament sacrificial system.
There's something better than the tabernacle It's Christianity better than and that's what the book of Hebrews and if you will understand the book of Hebrews You can understand the book of Leviticus, but you can't understand
Hebrews unless you understand Leviticus So I urge you to read the book of Leviticus and we'll try to point out some things to you now
Let's look at verse 11 and read through and some of this will be familiar to you But Christ being come and I priest of good things to come
By a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building now the tabernacle
Of course, you know, that's the Mishkanah in in the Hebrew. That's what they built out in the wilderness They built them a tabernacle and God told him how to do it
And and that was the place that God met with them in the tabernacle was the place that Israel met with God now
We meet with God in Christ So he is the tabernacle not made with hands and it's not of this building verse 12
Neither by the blood of goats and calves are in the book of Leviticus you read about goats and calves But by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption
For us how long is eternal redemption? Forever forever that's one saved always saved you can find it all through the
Bible But I'll point it out to you as we go Just in case we Baptist have been really found guilty about all one saved always say that mean you do anything you want
That's utter foolishness, but nevertheless some people hang on to that because they can't hang on anything else, but never select verse 13
For the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifies to the purifying of the flesh how much more
Shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God?
Purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God and for this cause he is the mediator of the
New Testament That by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the
First Testament They who are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance
For where a testament is there must also of necessity be the death of the testator
For a testament is a force after men are dead Otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator lives
Whereupon neither the First Testament was dedicated without blood for when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law he took the blood of calves and of goats with water and scarlet wool and hyssop and Sprinkled both the book and all the people
Saying this is the blood of the Testament which God hath enjoined unto you Moreover, he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry everything in the tabernacle and almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without Shedding of blood is no remission without the shedding of blood.
There is no forgiveness of sin You cannot nor can anyone else have forgiveness of sin without shedding of blood.
There has to be some blood somewhere Would you pray with me father? We lift our hearts to thee as we stand upon holy ground
Our being trembles father as we approach thy holy presence Lord father realizing that we have the access through the
Lord Jesus Christ. We do come boldly asking that you bless us Knowing full well that you will we thank you
Lord that we can talk with you because we belong to you and we are thy children But father as we look into this wonderful passage of Scripture as we think about the marvelous blood of the
Lord Jesus Oh Lord Jesus, it surpasses our mind why you would shed your precious blood
It goes beyond our thinking why you would leave the heavenly portals of glory to walk the sandy shores of Galilee as a
Carpenter and as a stranger unto your own people and to be rejected by your own people and even your own family
Would say that you were mad yet to give your blood that we might have eternal redemption
So father, I pray that you'll teach us by thy spirit And I pray that the
Holy Spirit of God would unveil our minds and open our spiritual eyes and ears that we may see and hear the things that the
Spirit said and Then father they might be applied to our lives in our daily walk that they might make us more effective and faithful happier
Joyous confident Christians as we travel this earthly pilgrimage looking for that home
That is not in the earthly plane But that home that will forevermore be in the presence of our wonderful Lord for that day
We anxiously await and eagerly anticipate the day when you shall call us home But until we reach that time
We pray that the song of Moses in the song of the Lamb will be real in our hearts father bless these people tonight
Because they've come aside from a busy schedule searching something for their heart So father we trust you'll give it to us and we trust you and love you and believe you and we adore you and we want
To love you more just help us father to be what we ought to be but teach us and help us to be teachable
Because we ask it and thank you for it now in the wonderful name of Christ until he returns. Amen there are those who
Equate the blood of Christ to the Old Testament in the sense that they say well We don't want blood and if you will check some of the present movements today you'll find as I've told you before that there are those who are trying to take all songs in Reference to the blood of Christ out of the hymnals.
They're trying to take any reference to blood You check your Sunday school lessons in the quarterly You will find very very few sermons are subjects dealing with the blood you will find very few messages on the blood of Christ You don't hear people preaching about it much
You don't hit because it is alien to the modern intellect the modern intellect abhors the sight of blood because equated with blood is death
Anytime there's spilled blood there is a possibility of death and so people are rebelling instead are it's repulsive to them
And they cannot accept it But I say to you it is a true feeling because where there is the shedding of blood there is death
But until there is that death until there is the giving of life Then there can be no forgiveness of sin. And so the
Bible has much to say about the blood I want to look first of all of what the Old Testament says about the blood of Christ now in the book of Hebrews in chapter 11 if you would just turn over a couple of chapters and if you got the right
Bible you just turn one page and you will Look down at the bottom of the page on the right -hand side and it says something about a young man by the name of Abel By faith in verse 4 of Hebrews 11 by faith
Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain By which he obtained witness that he was righteous
That he was righteous it witnessed that he was a righteous young man. It was a witness of what was already in his character
God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh Even though Abel is dead by his life
He can speak because we know what he did and through the testimony of what he did He speaks to us today and the
Bible tells us that it was by faith and indicates to us this great chapter on faith That's what it's about that.
He gave the firstlings of the flock We know that when you read the story, they certainly had to be taught the precepts of God by Adam and Eve Now what was the difference in Cain and Abel?
Well, you know it as well as I do Cain went out and he took some fruit of the land He took sand there's nothing wrong with being a farmer but he took some fruit of the land and he offered that as a sacrifice to God and yet God says
Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. There can be no remission of sin So Abel took an animal now an animal is sinless
An animal has no sin An animal cannot sin an animal has no
God consciousness is I said I think I told you this in our lectures on the occult and witchcraft with you that Mankind is the only creation of God that's in rebellion against God the plant world functions naturally the animals function
Naturally the universe functions in order naturally people are the only creation of God that are in rebellion against God Animals have no
God consciousness. They have a body and they have a soul they have no spirit man is a
Trichotomy he is a physical being he is a mental being and he is a spiritual being and that makes him distinct in that Spiritual being is that which has
God consciousness an ability to communicate with God now Abel offered an animal he offered a substitute
Cain offered something of his own his own works his own hands
He offered something and yet Cable gave the more excellent sacrifice simply because it was something not of himself something else died in his place a
Sinless life an animal sinless life Gave his life or lost his life for sinful man
And so right there it started Adam and Eve evidently did the same thing And of course, you know the the leaves that God used to cover
Adam and Eve That I mean that they used that God replaced it with the skins of the animal and the sinless animal dad
And so the Old Testament starts us out with the blood of Christ and it's coming on through and I might just mention to you that we're doing some studies on the
Old Testament and We're gonna be running them off and be sending them out one a month and we're gonna be trying to do this for about three
Years just starting the Old Testament and look at unique factors in the oak Not just a verse -by -verse study, but unique factors in the
Old Testament and just mail them out to people And so if you're interested in those you might want to remember it and write us and we're not gonna charge you for them
We'll just send them out to you if you'll do them, but the scripture talks about this now, you know that God gave
Noah 120 years to preach the righteousness of God to the people and the people would not get right and at the end of a hundred and Twenty years all the people are that whole generation
God found eight people Noah his wife his three sons and their wives eight people were all the people that were right with God out that entire generation and God sent a flood and destroyed the entire generation of people every man woman boy and girl and so the
Bible doesn't have much to say for the next 1 ,600 years for 16 centuries after it talks about Cain and Abel a little bit
There's not much in the scripture about the blood of Christ. In fact, you find very little recorded history for those 1 ,600 years now the flood was and Noah was in an ark and the first Recorded act in the
Bible after Noah came out of that ark The first thing he did was what he offered a sacrifice
The first thing that man did was offer a sacrifice to God and so we see it moving along now
You know the story in Genesis the 22nd chapter of Abraham and Isaac I wish I had time to go in and take
John the 8th chapter and show you how John the 8th chapter in Genesis 22 Correlated together in there, but Jesus said before Abraham was
I am but prior to that He said Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and he was glad around chapter 8 verse 56 of John Jesus said
Abraham knew about my day. He saw it he rejoiced in it and he was glad and so we come down into Genesis the 22nd chapter and We find that the angel the
Lord stopped Abraham from offering his son and in the thorn bush
With thorns around his head was around and Yet the scripture said in Genesis 22 that God will provide himself as The lamb and the
Hebrew does not allow you to say God will provide himself a lamb. It says God will provide himself
The lamb, but it was not a lamb it was a ram Now the ram is the strong one of the sheep family and the
Bible says all we like sheep have gone astray Christians are like sheep and the strongest one in the sheep family is the
Lord and So indicating there that it was a ram the strong one of the sheep family that was caught in the thorn bush
You say how do you know they're thorn bushes because where they were that's all it grows there And if you'll check it out
If you'll check out the story of Moses when he spoke to the burning bush You'll find that God spoke to him from a thorn bush again
The thorns play an awful important part in the blood of Christ dear people. That's why they stuck them on his head
Oh, yeah on the head of the ram They stuck the little circle of thorns on the head of the ram and the
Bible indicated that all through the years and so Abraham in offering Isaac, what would he have done?
He wasn't gonna offer Isaac He himself was God wasn't about to allow it God knew what he was gonna do before Abraham ever started out because he would have been offering sinful man
For sinful man, and God will not allow that it must be sinless life offered for sinful man
So God said take the animal. He doesn't have any sin. There. He is taking So sinful man
Isaac got up off the table his life was preserved because sinless life Gave its life for him and we come on down through the scripture and they came to Mount Sinai After Israel came out of Egypt.
It's very strange to me and one of our Old Testament studies we have this incorporated that when the people of Israel came out of Egypt and God said put the blood on the lintel and the
Doorpost I think many of you know and if you don't know I want to educate you on the fact that all the anointing in Old Testament all the priests all the prophets they were anointed with a vertical and horizontal sign
Always and ever Jewish tradition says so Roshan I've been Ezra and all the
Jewish rabbis of old even Testified to the fact that every time a prophet or every time a priest was anointed in the
Old Testament It was always with a horizontal and a vertical movement Always and ever and so when a
God said I want you take the blood and put it on what? on the lintel and the doorpost the vertical and the horizontal a
Vertical horizontal said you put it up there and when I see the blood I'll pass over you I told you last night it was on the 10th day of Nisan that God told him take the lamb
It was on the 10th day of Nisan the very same month and the very same day that the Lord Jesus walked into Jerusalem, although Hundreds of years had gone by thousands of years had gone by and on the very same day
That God told him to take that Passover lamb out of the Egyptian Passover To start that nation of Israel and the first form that great nation as he brought them out of Egypt in their modern
Context why it was the same day that the Lord Jesus walked into Jerusalem, but you see there was one time when they did not anoint
They didn't anoint in the vertical and horizontal. They anointed the king with a circular They took
Jesus and he took a cross which was the horizontal and the vertical but you see they put a crown of thorns on His head anointing
King and King David King Saul all kings were anointed with a circular fashion always endeavor
And so this is indicative of what God was doing prophesying all these things are through the scripture
So we come on now when God got him out there 50 days later They reached Sinai after they came out of Egypt 50 days journey went by and you know as I know that it was 11 days
Journey from Egypt into the palace the promised land in 40 11 days took him 40 years and only two men
Joshua and Caleb ever made It nobody else got to go Moses couldn't go cause he sinned Aaron couldn't go cause he sinned all the old people died off because they
Sinned God let a new generation come on in Joshua and Caleb led the people in only Joshua and Caleb being those two
But now in Mount Sinai most people misconstrue Mount Sinai All most people know about Mount Sinai is that they got the law but two things were given at Mount Sinai God gave ten words see most people think it says thou shall not kill
It's not written that way dear people. It's only ten Hebrew words Ten words, that's all the
Ten Commandments in Hebrew are just ten words. They're not ten sentences They are ten words and those ten words are translated into sentences in the
English But they were just ten words that God gave them now He gave them something else you see because the law showed the holiness of God and God's absolute
God said if you don't keep every single one of these every moment every day of your life
If you ever break one of them, you are immediately in separation from me And so God had to do something rectify that so right at the same time there
I just very quickly following the giving of the law. He said I won't tell you how to make a tabernacle The tabernacle was man's approach to God That's the law
Separated man from God because there's not a person here me you and you've never met anybody and I have a young man that writes
Me all the time from the state of Georgia I get about two letters a week from this boy and he's cut him down now slowing down a little bit and all he's hung
Up on the Sabbath. He's hung up on the law He wants to keep keeping the law and all this he quotes all these people tell me and then it's strange to me that in the
Sabbath is only mentioned two times in all the New Testament after the book of Acts only twice on two scripture
And in those it's just talking about that the Judaistic Judaizers come in trying to legalize the
Christians You can't just get out of the book of Acts you got to get out of the book of Acts and Find out what the
New Testament is all about most people hung up on the book of Acts a book of Acts is a wonderful book But there's a progression of Christianity and a maturation of maturity that follows with it
But you see the tabernacle was the access that man could have to God It was the only way that man could come to God and so God gave it now when you walked into the tabernacle if you get
Through the door and we're breaking this down and we're spending several Old Testament studies on the tabernacle showing how each thing in that tabernacle was a part of Christ even the color symbolism and the numbers and all these things in the footage and the cubits and and all these things in drawing pictures of them and and getting these out and and they're most interesting and very educational in the scripture but the first Visible thing that you see is the altar of burnt offering where the sprinkling of the blood continued from morning until night
From daybreak till sundown from the moment that Sun came up to the moment that Sun went down There was a constant sprinkling of the blood on the altar on that altar of burnt offering
Which was the first thing that you saw once you got inside the tabernacle now There were two or three compartments in there and one of the compartments, of course
Was the holy place and the most conspicuous thing in the holy place was the golden altar of incense
Which was constantly being sprinkled with the blood Always inside that other priest and just constantly sprinkling that altar of incense with the blood but you see that was where the veil was and the veil separated the holy place from the holy of holies and Nobody could go into the holy of holies now everybody all the
Israelites could come into the outside place only the priests Could go into the holy place only the high priest
Could go into the holiest of holies and he could never go and if you'll read your scripture
It says he never could go he said he could go but not without blood if anybody entered behind that veil
God instantly struck them dead Instantly they lost their lives
Why you recall the story when they were bringing the Ark of the Covenant back from battle and it began to fall over and to me
And threw their hands up on it to stop it and God killed them both right on the spot God doesn't need you
God doesn't need you holding up anything for him God's been holding this universe together for years.
He's gonna use somebody in Elgin, Illinois Because you don't help God you think God's not gonna get it done.
I got news for you God will walk right by you me and everyone else to get it job He doesn't need us.
He just chooses let you have a blessing of being used and if you don't do it He'll get somebody else to do it, but he'll get it done.
Don't you worry about it? He'll get in most people think well if I don't do it then God's hurting Well, if God depended on us to get it done, he's hurting
He's hurting either way he goes if he depends on us I just think the Lord he done he'd be caught in a bind sure enough if he depend on people
He just chooses to use people if they're and you get the blessing and the joy and the happiness of it but you see dear people that was that that veil and that veil was constantly being sprinkled with blood and The high priest once a year
Yom Kippur Day of Atonements He walked in of that blood and there was a gigantic Ark of the
Covenant Oh, there it was and there were the little caskets there was a little caskets of gold and the lead and and one was within another made out of wood and it was all down in there and an acacia wood and and there it was and there were the cherubim and the presence of God the
Shekinah glory that Manifestation of the glory of a living God was in that place
Radiating with a light and the majesty of the Lord and he trembled as he walked in with the blood and he sprinkled the blood
Over the mercy seat because God saw the mercy seat and under the mercy seat was the law the rod that Aaron had that budded and the manna that God gave ah
When God looked down he saw that law and he says my people are guilty They are unholy but then that man came in once a year and sprinkled the blood over that mercy seat and God said when
I see the blood I'll pass over you and God completely covered all Their sins not forgave them covered
Passover passed over their sins waiting. I'm in history when Christ would go to cross
Nobody's sins were ever forgiven them. Nobody's sins were ever forgiven them
Nobody's sins were ever forgiven them until Christ died on the cross
David's sins were never forgiven until Christ died on the cross. They were covered Passed over that's why they had to go to paradise to wait on him to die
That's why I didn't go immediately into heaven because they were not fit to go until he died and that's why he descended into the lower parts and Set captivity free and Ephesians says he led captivity captive being the firstfruits of them that slept
He went and got him and that's why Paul said when he was caught up to paradise He was caught up into the third heaven and he called it paradise.
That's why it's been changed now There's no purgatory limbo animated suspension or soul sleep.
You go immediately be with the Lord That's what it's all about the Holy Holies the highest act of worship Was the offering of the blood and the blood in the
Old Testament was needed for everything to consecrate your home consecrate priests consecrate the Child the deepest penitent on account of sin the highest festival always never the way to fellowship with God was through the blood
Always ever through the Old Testament now this continued for some 1 ,500 years Shiloh Mount Mariah the temple there in Sinai the desert for about 1 ,500 years this continued on And then we come into the
New Testament time and a quarter years approximately 400 years between the Old and New Testament the intertestamental period where you have first and second
Maccabees and you have Judas Maccabeus and Mattathias Maccabeus the Maccabean revolt and the zealots and and all these were the
Jews were falling Barqoba and other false messiahs And it's a time of very troublesome times amongst the
Jews and many of them were slaughtered and you can go to Israel today if you take a tour and see the Hebrew fortress Masada where the
Jews got in there and you read in the Bible where they Were surrounded for three years and rather than give up the men killed the women and children and killed themselves rather than surrender and become slaves
They decided they would just end it all now. Now, what's the Lord Jesus? That's what the Old Testament says about the blood
What's Jesus say about the blood Jesus says the same thing without the shedding of blood. There is no remission of sin
You'll notice when John the Baptist made that alarming announcement The first public announcement of the Lord Jesus Christ in his earth in the ministry called him what he said behold the
Lamb of God behold the Lamb of God Indicating that he was going to die
Indicating that he would do away with the Old Testament sacrificial system. Here's the Lamb of God Yes, the
Old Testament sacrificial system all of Judaism all of Israel. Yes, you have your sacrifices
You have your own goats and your own calves your own heifers You have your own lambs and they're only good for your own sin
They can only take care of your sin and you got to do them every day and some of times you got to do them Three times a day sometimes seven times a day.
Sometimes you got to do them seven days in a row Sometimes you got to do them seven months that are all this stuff went on and on he said but here's the
Lamb of God He's gonna do it once and for all and he's gonna take away the sin of the world
He's gonna bear the sins of the world. That's what the word means The Lamb of God which takes away no, it doesn't read that that's what your
King James says it means Behold the Lamb of God who bears the sins the way he doesn't take him away until you ask him to He won't take him away.
If you don't ask him to he bears them all that's what happened on the cross But you don't get them taken away just automatically cause he died just because you believe up here
He died don't transfer it down here It doesn't matter to a hill of bean if you don't make it applicable in your life and appropriate in your life
Then nothing ever happens and he could die a hundred times that would make any difference But you see he had much to say about it The Lord Jesus declared plainly that his death on the cross was the purpose for which he came
He said the Son of Man has come to seek and to say that which was lost He kept trying to teach the Apostles about his death in Jerusalem one time
Peter said Lord No, sir, everybody else turn away from you, but I want Lord. You can't go up there and die He said no, sir. Lord. You're not going and many times.
He said I can't go to Jerusalem there They said let's go to Jerusalem. He said I can't go my times not yet My time's not yet and they didn't understand that little phrase.
I'll just my time isn't yet He says not time for me to die He knew when it was time for him to go and he wasn't going before and they couldn't get him before he had an appointed time in history
God had set out time and that's what he was going to me and so it tells that he clearly stated that in connection with His death that would have to be the shedding of the blood now
You can read Psalm 22 you read Isaiah 53 and you can read Psalm 110 You can read all these other
Psalms Psalm 2 you read all these others about the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus And the other passages about the trial of Christ and all these things
He clearly stated that he confirmed the teaching of the Old Testament offerings that man can live only through the death of another
He told and himself said that if he didn't go then nobody's sins will be forgiven He said except I go and he said can you drink of the cup that I drink you can't
It's an impossibility People say I want to be like Jesus you can't be like Jesus You're not commanded to be like Jesus you can't be like Jesus only
Jesus can be like Jesus but you can give him your life and he'll come into your life and he'll live his life through you and You will be a mirrored image of the
Son of God, but to be like Jesus You got to be perfect and you can't be perfect But you can get his perfection working in your life.
You can get his perfection working in your life There's a vast difference dear people. There's a vast difference most so many
Christians are defeated today because they can't be perfect So many Christians are unhappy today because they can't be perfect they are disturbed because they came you can't be perfect God No, God says be ye.
Holy. Yes, but how do you get it? You get Christ put your account You get his
You can't get all your righteousness is as filthy rags You just accept his and say
Lord. I thank you that I got your righteousness and that's perfect righteousness That's perfect righteousness.
You can't do anything to get except just trust him the Lord's dedication on the last night of his earthly life
He instituted what we call the Lord's Supper and you read that in Matthew the 26th chapter He said for this is my blood of the
New Testament Which is shed for many for the remission of sin his shed blood frees us from the guilt
We're going to talk about Tuesday Wednesday. We'll talk about cleansing by the blood that doesn't deal with guilt that deals with the pollution this
His death on the cross removes the guilt The guilt we'll talk more about it tomorrow night it takes away the guilt, but you're still polluted
You're still defiled Unclean, but the blood takes care of that too.
And I thank the Lord that it does It takes care of that too, and he bestows on us his life Well, Jesus had something to say about the blood and many times he taught about it in many ways
Now the Apostles also had something to which come out what the Bible says about the blood Well, it says there's no veiling of the blood the veils been written to Christ died on the cross that veil you don't sprinkle the veil anymore
Well, only the high priest could go in there But now who goes you can who can go to the presence of the
Lord you can I can anyone get there's no more veil No more high priest.
I don't need this pastor to go in there and pray for me I like fun to pray but I can pray too. I Can talk to the
Lord too He doesn't have to get him a little box in there and you go sit in a little chair and sit beside him and kill
Him all you can talk to the Lord Go put my money in a little box So I can talk to somebody by my problems.
Who's probably got as many problems as I got. I Just save my money and talk to the one who's gonna talk to anyway,
I just bypass him Pay him to talk to him for me. I just save my money and talk to him myself Talk to the
Lord tell him my problems. Tell him what it's all about and he and he'll help me tell him what's bothering me
The Apostles still keep the blood in a prominent place in Hebrews the 9th chapter verse 12 by his own blood we read it
See you done forgot it already We just read a few minutes ago. You start hunting your Bible. See if you know, it's nothing new
We just we read it while ago. Just just keep your finger there and it'd be alright our Lord by his own blood He entered in once into the holy place.
How often did the high priest of Israel go in once a year? Every year he had to go every year.
He had to go Christ went one time One time he died once and for all
Once and for all the book of Hebrews talks about what it talks about Christ as the high priest of Christians the entire book of Hebrews shows how
Christ has taken the place of the entire Old -testament sacrificial system and he is the high priest
He is the one that offers the blood to God Not the high priest as it was in the days of Israel in verse 14 that we read the blood of Christ shall purge you your
Conscience we're gonna see how it does that way you tell me I get in peace of mind when you find out how the blood Of Christ just purges your conscience.
Oh Listen, there's so many things about but when I it's just exciting to me to know where you are We talked about that fountain filled with blood that flows from Emanuel's veins a little rock
Every 32 seconds a little rock in a mountain stream is purified every 32 seconds
As long as it stays right out in the middle of that stream Uh -huh. Where are you? You are in the stream that flows from Emanuel's veins spiritually the blood of Christ Flows out from the throne of God and you are right in the middle of it and constantly
Moment -by -moment of your life spiritually you are being cleansed Purified by the blood of the
Lord. Jesus Christ is constantly spiritually being applied your life That's why you are always ready to go to heaven the moment you die
The moment you die you ready to roll you're ready to roll. You're not gonna get ready And if you waiting on getting ready brother,
I just look the way you live now. You ain't never gonna get ready If I look the way
I live I doubt if I could ever make Don't have to worry about that constantly being purified constant the blood of Christ purge your conscience
Hebrews 10 verse 19 having therefore brethren boldness Brother when the high priest went in there he went in there trembling
Trust in the Lord that he would forgive them that he wouldn't bolt him to death that he wouldn't kill him on the spot
Wipe out the whole nation as he told Moses he was gonna do it Exodus 32 He said
I will kill them all the Lord if you can't forgive them forgive Lord Just take all their sin putting on me, but Lord forgive them.
There's no question They made this calf and and Lord they did the grossest of all sins. They performed idolatry, but God put it on God said
I'm gonna get them all and God plagued the people and killed every one of them Let the new generation come on the scene, but here it says having therefore boldness
To enter into the holiest by the blood of Christ when you go to God and pray you better make dead short
Young people you better make dead sure you better listen to me instead of talking to your friend You get yourself in trouble if you don't two ways one you get yourself in trouble me
Secondly you get seven trouble with the Lord Okay When you talk to the
Lord you better make dead sure Dead sure that you know you're going there because of the blood of Christ and not any worth in your life
When you talk to the Lord, there is nothing in your life that merits you talking to God There's nothing good in your life that would warrant you to approach a holy righteous.
God. The only access we have is Jesus Christ and We approach the throne of God how trembling no
Afraid no, do we approach God? Scared no, and we approach him with apprehension.
No, sir. We approach him boldly Boldly Lord because we are in Christ and the blood of Christ has been applied to our lives
Therefore we can only To the Lord knowing always that he always hears us.
He always answers us and he always cares We don't have to go in my prayers.
Just don't go through the top of the wall I my prayers don't reach a ceiling if you're a Christian they do
If you're a Christian every time you pray your prayers are hurled to the very throne of God They are taken there instantly in the power the
Spirit of God sees that your prayers get there And the reason they're not answered the way you want to answered is either because you're living in disobedience and rebellion
Oh, you don't believe they're being answered anyway, so why pray them? Utter foolishness to pray something.
You don't believe gonna happen anyway Well, I knew God wasn't gonna do it when I asked him Well, that doesn't surprise me
You have not because you ask not and when you do ask you ask to consume it on your own lust
That's another reason God doesn't but that's all right There says boldness to enter in the wholeness by the blood of Jesus Hebrews 12 verses 22 to 24
You are come to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant and to the blood of sprinkling
How did they sprinkle the blood morning and night morning and night always sprinkling the blood on the instruments in tabernacle?
Always how you do it's always and ever being applied to your life spiritually spiritually by faith
You just trust the Lord to do it and it's just constantly you're just sprinkled. That's why you always holy Cause you a saint.
Do you think you're a saint? I Mean if you just look at the common terminology common definition of saying but I think the
Lord we don't have to go with a Common definition of a saint. I don't have to pay seven thousand eight hundred and forty two dollars to the
Pope to become a saint. I Just thank the Lord. I don't I'm a saint You're a saint if you're a
Christian why because you're constantly be made holy by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ Oh dear people,
I don't make a difference in your life to know that you're always holy in the eyes of Lord And if you sin
God will whip you but it doesn't destroy your relationship with God as far as your position is concerned
You still remain a child of God when your child's discipline. You don't kick him out of the house and disown him
You just whip him so he'll come into a closer fellowship And that's the way
God does that's the way God does if you read Hebrews 13 12 Wherefore Jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered without the gate
But amen, he didn't do it in the organization. It wasn't because of organization that you got it
It didn't do it by being a Baptist. No, I won't get it No being a Catholic won't do it being a
Presbyterian won't do it being Episcopalian Methodist. No, I won't do it No, he suffered outside the gate He went outside the gate did he out of any organization no organization anything he just died on his own
All in Christ all Christ out there all alone hanging on that cross Nobody to help him there.
He was he paid it off He did it all and then Hebrews 13 20 now the
God of peace that sees God of peace. Why don't you have peace? How come you don't have peace?
I was at the motel last night standing at the Holiday Inn and there's some young people out there about One o 'clock in the morning playing around swimming pool
I'll stand it stepped out on the balcony out there and they're out there just goofing off none It's a little girl tearing holler. Peace, brother.
I Said the only one way you gonna get it Huh? See because they can't hear because they listen to music turned up 120 decibels and they're not used to hearing said what?
And heard some boy come straggling over to me and I said you said peace. He said yeah I said only one way you gonna get it now that's it through the
God of peace through the Lord Jesus Christ Pascal the French physicist
Said that every man has a God ordained and a Vacuum within their life and it remains a vacuum until it's filled with the peace of God through Jesus Christ That's the way you gonna get it
You'd run a hollered all day and you ain't gonna ever have it And the reason you hollered all time because you hadn't got it
If you had it, you wouldn't have to tell me about I'd see it in your life They just walk away mumbling something to themselves and man real freaky.
Yeah, man real freaky of it. Yeah Because they know nothing about it and see if you don't know anything about something the best thing to do to get out of it
Just say it's freaky or it's it's way out or you don't have to worry about it See if you think and then you don't have to worry about it that way you just pushed out your mind
See and Pete that's what people do today They think because they don't think about that just solves a problem But that's not what the Bible says now the
God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus The great shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant
The everlasting come our Lord Jesus the great shepherd of the sheep and if God brought him from the dead He gonna bring you from the dead
God can bring him out even bring you out. Why because of the blood the blood would have been in vain
Well, the Old Testament Christ the Apostles. What's the New Testament rest of the New Testament just quickly Romans 3 24 25
Being justified now watch this. Listen if you don't get anything else I say you get this verse Now listen to me carefully how much have you got to do to be right with God now,
I believe you ought to work I believe you I believe I don't believe a pastor anybody else on standing big you do something for God You got enough people right here enough men and women right here to do anything
This church ever needs done if ever one of you do it You got enough people right here to get the job done if everybody do it
But you see some people got to do six or seven things Got a big people stand nursery and I understand that a lot of people would want to be in here
But somebody's got to stand it. Why should everybody else keep your kid and then you don't want to spend a night in there? Understand you see but we all got to work at it together
We got to work out together You look if you got two hundred and three people in Sunday school now, I know a lot of those are children But let's just assume that about a hundred and three of those children
That leave you a hundred adults working for the Lord Jesus just had twelve look what he did, but he had twelve that were committed
We got out of a hundred and out of that hundred you got about a fourth of them that are halfway committed and either that Fourth about half of them are really committed
And that's what it is almost any place you go and that's why the job can't get done. But dear people listen to this being justified freely by his grace
Justified free you are just in the eyes of the Lord justified freely by his grace through the redemption
That is in Christ Jesus through what works through baptism Through the sacraments.
No, sir through faith Get it in his blood being justified freely by his grace through the redemption
That is in Christ Jesus through faith in his blood If you just put faith in his blood to do the job for you that the
Bible says it'll do you are immediately Justified in the eyes of God and it's free. You are justified in the eyes of God Justified in the eyes of the
Lord 1st Corinthians 10 16 the cup of blessing which we blessed on at the Communion Is it not the communion of the blood of Christ?
Is it not having fellowship with him because of his shed blood Ephesians 1 7 we have redemption through his blood
Ephesians 2 13, but now in Christ Jesus you who sometimes were far off are
Made nigh by the blood of Christ But now you we were all alien to God we're all enemies of God you are a
God -hater just like I was I don't care if you raced around church Most of you don't think you were but you were a
God -hater living in your selfishness Living in your greed and your egotism until you found Christ. I Just went one way you will know you lived a righteous lost life and I lived an unrighteous lost life if there be such a thing
But My Bible says you were far off, but you've been made close now You've been made close by the blood of Christ.
You've been brought into the very presence of God himself with a personal dynamic Relationship through the blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ and then first Peter 1 2 says to the elect unto obedience and Sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ verse 19 of first Peter 1
Redeemed by the precious blood of Christ first John 1 7 the blood of Jesus Christ his son
Cleanses us from all sin first John 5 6 This is he that came by water and blood even
Jesus Christ not by water only not by natural birth Now you don't have to be a doctor to know that there's water
And we could go talk to the people who had the baby today They tell you that there's water involved in natural birth you ladies know that got a nurse sitting down here
She knows I you know that don't you go sure golden knows that Well, I'm not doctor, but I know that and it says that he didn't just come born naturally
But it was for the purpose of dying People are born in the world to live he was born in the world to die
You asked to live in Christ. He died that you might live He descended that you might ascend
He was buried that you be might may be released He was taken captive that you may be free and this is he that came by water and blood even
Jesus Christ not by water only but by water and blood and then Let me just close by saying what's heaven got to say about it a book of Revelation a
Book of Revelation. I'm utterly amazed about these little tapes. We've had on the book of Revelation they've gone across the country and I've had more people and I appreciate the help that your churches as Given and making these tapes available to people and that are just wanting to study the
Bible today But the book of Revelation has a lot to say about it I'll just give you one or two Revelation 5 6 on the throne
John in the Isle of Patmos when John the Apostle was up in the olden age He said he saw a lamb as it had been slain and in verse 9
He says thou art worthy for thou was slain and has redeemed us to God by the blood
But even in the future now watch it the song of victory over the defeat of Satan is
Revelation 12 11 and it says the song that they sing is they overcame him by the blood of the
Lamb Now I told you when I was with you in January on this study on the occult and witchcraft
There are only four weapons that you have as a Christian The name of Christ is something that Satan hates and abhors the name the word
The cross and the blood you have no other weapons than that Those are your spiritual weapons the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ the power that's in the name of Christ is unbelievable and The Word of God that's sharper than a two -edged sword the
Bible nowhere says you are to run from Satan It says you're to flee sin, but you are to resist Satan You are to resist him and if you will quote him scripture, he has to flee tell him to go
Quote him scripture and say now go and he has to go. He doesn't have a choice and the cross and the blood
Most of us try to live our Christian life without utilizing the weapons of God in conjunction with Ephesians a sixth chapter beginning around verse 12 10 and following down through there with a whole armor of God Most Christians don't have a slightest idea what the armor of God is all about.
It's just something you've read No wonder People's lives are torn apart as they are but they overcame him
By the blood of the Lamb from the closing of the gates of the Garden of Eden to the opening of the gates of heaven
There runs through the Holy Scripture a golden thread and it's the blood of Christ That unites the beginning with the ending and that gloriously restores
What had previously been destroyed? By the wiles of the forces of evil in causing man to sin and sin to be propagated
Throughout all time and to permeate every person that you'll ever meet everything you'll ever touch
You shall never meet anyone that has not been contaminated seriously By sin and disarranged by the fall in the sin, but through the blood of Christ it has been restored
God has no other way of dealing with sin or the sinner except through the blood of Christ The blood must have the same place in your heart that it has in the heart of God and we need to take time
And we need to take trouble to learn the full blessing and the power That's in the blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ and you can rely on the Lord Jesus to reveal to you the power that's in the blood of Christ and I thank the
Lord that the That he's opened the doors for us to be together this week and to study about what you have in the blood of Christ Listen to me carefully and I'm gonna turn the service over to your pastor
There's gonna be a great tendency. I tell you now before it ever happens There's gonna be a great they're gonna be more things come up in your life to keep you from being here this week
This is not gonna be like a revival meeting There are gonna be more things come up in your life to stop you from being in these services this week than you dream possible
And if you're not very careful You'll let Satan rob you of a joy and of some knowledge.
Not that I have the knowledge. It's God's Word But something that'll help you be victorious in your everyday life
And if you'll stay with it, I believe that at the end of this week, I believe that you'll have a grasp
Of what the blood of Christ is really doing in your life spiritually That you'll come out with a lot of the happiness that you've been trying to get in a lot of other ways
That's not to say that you everything fits together, but I find that many times. It's a misunderstanding
These are two important times and the recent Christianity is in the shape. It's in right now
Is because we Christians are so wrapped up in what we want to do That we care less about anybody around us and I had a lady and it's happened to me about three times now in the last four years
I was over in Georgia and I was sitting with the pastor on the platform and one of the ushers came up and handed him a
Note and he handed it to me and it said to mr. Freeman and I opened a note
And it was fun said I am a lady and I am NOT a Christian But I came into your church tonight.
Of course, she didn't know, you know, my church or his church She said I've come into your church tonight and Said I need help in my life
But the people around me were talking so much now wasn't just young people there were young people and adults sitting around this lady and If some of you adults will make you young people sit with you
You don't have as much problem and if you're sitting around young people, then you keep them quiet I don't have to be my job to have to take
God's time to do it It's your job to do it and she said I could not hear anything going on And so therefore
I am leaving and she left and to my knowledge She didn't come back
Now that's an isolated instant and I could give you some others exactly like it is extremely dangerous
To Interrupt When God is speaking to hearts, it is the most dangerous game that you can do most dangerous game you can do
I Know that it's not done maliciously. It's just dumb because we don't think we just don't think but these are
God's moments So let's pray father. I Thank you for the adults and the young people who are here tonight
Lord, I know that many times we caught up and get caught up in the trials of the day. We forget about you
Lord, we have forgotten how holy you really are The word holy doesn't mean anything to us anymore
The holiness of God doesn't ring to our hearts anymore The righteousness of God doesn't frighten us anymore
The wrath of God people scorn and spurn and laugh and joke
About the wrath of God But Lord, we know it's real and Yet Lord, we thank you as Christians that the blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ has been applied to our lives spiritually And when he used the word to death sky on the cross
Translated it is finished That same word has been applied to our lives
Redemption it is finished Redemption has been paid for and we are now in Christ and Lord we thank you that as Christians spiritually we are seated in the heaven is because we are in Christ and Because we're in Christ We are seated in the heavenlies at the right hand of God One day we shall spend an eternity in the very presence of our
Lord Jesus Father I pray that you will erase all the problems that are in the minds of these people as they lift their hearts to you
We confess to you our indifference We confess to you our selfishness. We confess to you the things that we've done today that we should not have done the sins of Commission the sins of thought word
Deed we thank you for the cleansing power of the blood of Christ as it works in our lives
We do not see it working We don't feel it working But the word tells us that it's working and so we believe that and we accept it and it gives us a joy
It gives us a peace to know that all of our sins are forgiven That there's no guilt in our life
That we are justified before you now Lord, and you do not look at us as unholy hell -bound and hell -deserving people
You look at us as righteous in Christ Jesus You look at us as Saints in Christ.
Jesus. We're called the people of God. We're called the children of God We're sheep, but we thank you we have a shepherd
We've been wandering but Lord we thank you that we're on the way home Heaven is home
Father bless the men of this church Bless the ladies of this church Bless the young people of this church for our visitors who've come help them to understand
That this church believes and preaches the Word of God and because it does preach and teach the
Word of God We must say to them in honesty Lord and convey it to their hearts without the shedding of blood.
There is no forgiveness of sin There may be a member of the church or not a member of a church or this church another church
Our people are not members of any church could be here tonight And they've never had the blood of Christ applied to their life because they've never trusted him
They've never invited him into their life personally. They've never committed themselves to him now father
I Pray that you'll speak to their hearts and help them know that Jesus died on the cross
But if they don't appropriate that in their life if they don't accept it into their life by a personal invitation to you for forgiveness of their sin and To commit themselves to you by being willing to turn away from their past life and to turn their lives over to you
Then that blood is never applied to their heart and life and they are lost forever father,
I pray that They'll understand The blood of Christ must be applied to their heart by faith
If they'll just trust you put their faith in you the job will be done
For this we are grateful all the peace that comes to our mind the peace that comes to our heart the peace that permeates our being and the peace that gives us with one another and other people to know that all of our sins are gone and the joy and the
Peace and the happiness and the thrill of salvation Floods our soul.
We can only lift our hearts to join the Saints of old in the hallelujah chorus of the ages
The great majestic a symphony of salvation and for that we are grateful
Lord, thank you Thank you for saving our souls and for making us ready through your son