Sundry Laws: How Do They Apply Today


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We continue With both microphones on there we go. We continue our study this evening in Leviticus chapter 19
Leviticus chapter 19 and once again, let us ask the
Lord's blessing upon our time a grace heavenly father as we open your word once more
Even in these brief moments, which we have together. We ask that you would honor your name That you would honor your character your holiness amongst us this evening as we handle your word
May we do so recognizing that our Lord and Savior taught us to believe these are the very words of God So may we bow before his authority may we accept may we understand and may you change us to your honor and glory
Pray in Christ's name this morning. We began looking at this 19th chapter and we saw that in essence the
Overarching theme is our holiness our walking in holiness what it means to Be in covenant with God and to love him and to demonstrate that love.
I did not plan that the text we just read from Deuteronomy would be read this evening, but I I can't imagine a better text to read along with this because it very much
Repeated many of the themes that we mentioned this morning and certainly demonstrated the centrality of the call to love
Yahweh your God and I'm afraid that that is a an element that is so often missing as people seek to look at this text of Scripture is
The concept of the fact that if we do not love this God if we do not desire to glorify
This God then any law he's going to give no matter how extensive it might be no matter how minimal it might be
No matter what aspect of life it touches Any law that this
God is going to give to us is going to chafe. It is going to be a burden Central to this understanding is that we desire to love
God and that we recognize that God is holy and that holiness is something That is attractive to us not something that is repulsive to us
We know that anyone who remains in their sin anyone who is in rebellion against God Will find that holiness that is his to be something that is
Repugnant and repulsive and we cannot argue somebody into loving the holiness of God.
That is clearly I think obviously a work of the Spirit of God in a person's heart
And so we began looking at chapter 19 and we came to the section that I mentioned
In at least this particular printing of the English Bible that I have in front of me is entitled sundry laws
Which is what you do when you really don't want to put a whole bunch of sub subtitles in and just go
Well, these are laws and there we go. But as we will see they are very important laws.
I want to look specifically at Verses 9 through 18 if we can get through them this evening
I don't know that I can but I will do my best. That's certainly my goal Now when you reap the harvest of your land
You shall not reap to the very corners of your field nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest Nor shall you glean your vineyard nor shall you gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard?
You shall leave them for the needy and for the stranger. I am Yahweh your God You shall not steal nor deal falsely nor lie to one another
You shall not swear falsely by my name so as to profane the name of your God. I am Yahweh You shall not oppress your neighbor nor rob him the wages of a hired man are not to remain with you all night until morning
You shall not curse a deaf man nor place a stumbling block before the blind, but you shall revere your
God I am Yahweh. You shall do no injustice in judgment You shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great but you are to judge your neighbor fairly
You shall not go about as a slanderer among your people and you're not to act against the life of your neighbor
I am Yahweh. You shall not hate your fellow countrymen in your heart. You may surely reprove your neighbor, but But shall not incur sin because of him you shall not take vengeance nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people but you shall love your neighbor as yourself
I Am Yahweh now It's very clear that these verses in this section have a very close relationship to one another
They speak very broadly of the proper relationships that are to exist amongst
God's people as they live as A people in the promised land and we looked especially at verses 9 and 10 very briefly this morning just simply to note their overarching meaning and to recognize that At the end of verse 10 it says you shall leave them for the needy and for the stranger the needy and for the stranger now the stranger would be
The non -israelite the one sojourning in the land the needy would be the Israelite who for whatever reasons
Has maybe lost their inheritance whatever other Situations might arise maybe foolishness on their part or foolishness upon those before them and they've lost their inheritance.
They are needy and Therefore Provision is to be made for them now notice.
It's not forcefully taken From one group of people and given to another group of people instead it is the produce of the land and We can recognize as we mentioned this morning that when you harvest the land there are different levels of Completeness I guess we might say and how that might be done
Obviously in our modern day with the machines that we now have you could harvest the land significantly more fully than you could in a day when you would be reaping by hand or by very primitive tools and So even when even today when the harvester goes through the field there is going to be
Stuff that is blown about knocked about it's going to end up on the ground And there's going to be those areas that you know you don't exactly get
I mean I I guess I am I'm not certain of this my understanding is that Farm equipment today is pretty advanced and in fact they've got tractors now with GPS and So you can
I mean You know it used to mean something about about plowing a straight row
You know you'd put your eyes down there and you'd you'd keep your eyes on the goal and all the rest that stuff now you just got to make sure your
GPS is working correctly and You've got a good fix on the satellites, and just let the machine do its thing
Well back in the olden days, and this was really the olden days there would obviously be
Things that were left over because you'd miss a section you wouldn't you wouldn't have perfectly straight furrows, etc
Etc and the point is there would be food left either in the field or Fruit in the vineyard and even when you were trying to harvest fruit from the vineyard there be stuff
That would be dropped to the ground and so the point is that this was to be utilized obviously however
The poor and the needy Would have to come get it doesn't say and you shall gather these things up and place them in the central storage houses
It doesn't say that The poor and the needy would be able to come and to freely enter into that land and to be able to gather
That which would provide for them and provide food and sustenance for them and when he makes this command
God says I am Yahweh Your God so clearly there is not only the provision for the poor of the land
But there is also I think we need to see a subtle rebuke and Prohibition of not only a sense of Entitlement on the part of the person.
This is my land everything. That's mine. I want anybody come on my land again Anything for me You have that kind of an attitude, but there's also a rebuke of greediness here
You know you think of the story that Jesus told the man who you know saw the all the produce and he builds himself barns and bigger barns and so on and so forth and there was this this this attitude of Self -sufficiency and greediness that was that was being rebuked there
I think you have the same type of rebuke here as you are told no
You shall allow these individuals onto your land, and you shall allow them to Reap from the very corners of the field and from so on and so forth the gleanings
They will this will provide for them Something that is important to them in regards to their sustenance and their survival in the same way in the rest of the section you have
Laws of what might be called general equity without which no society can truly survive you shall not steal nor deal falsely nor lie to one another and so there is to be a
Recognition of the proper fact that God provides to individuals
Their own property the things that God has given to them They come from his hand and they belong to those individuals you are not to simply remove property from someone else's possession you shall not steal and of course this would be the case of The Israelites together with one another they were not to steal from one another that would cause great division in the land
That would cause great problems amongst the people But likewise you shall not deal falsely now here.
We start talking about an underlying attitude if you do not steal from someone it's because you have a respect a
Respect for God and respect for that individual and for the law that God has established in the order in the land
The same way when we're talking about dealing falsely That is in gauging in commerce engaging in any kind of buying
Selling all the kinds of interaction that we have with our fellow citizens
This is not to be done on the basis of falsehood in other words the positive command would be you shall be a people marked by truth a
Mark of the people of God is we recognize our God is true Our God is truthful in what he says to us and therefore we want to reflect him
Even in those situations where that might be to our detriment You know that in many cases
Situations in our land today the idea is you got to get ahead You've got to get ahead.
You've got to you've got to have an advantage over someone else and to assume truthfulness on the part of many in our society is unfortunately to show oneself naive and So we have to have all sorts of contracts, and we have to have all sorts of well
No offense to anybody I know we have somewhere on here, but we got to have a lot of lawyers and they've got a they've got to draw up those contracts and when those contracts are broken they get to go to court and and we all get to pay the tax money to have the judges and and everything else and and Unfortunately, it's just assumed especially within business that it's a it's a kill -and -be -killed type of a context and The idea that a man's word is his bond
Is obviously something that's more for the history books than it is for reality in our experience today
But to reflect God and to reflect God's dealings with us and his commandments with us.
We cannot steal We cannot deal falsely. We cannot lie to one another The people of God are marked by truthfulness and God is glorified
When we act in such a fashion You shall not swear falsely by my name so as to profane the name of your
God I am Yahweh now of course, it's rather unusual these days for People to take much in the way of oaths
To swear by the name of God or anything else any longer But it's certainly we know that there were various oaths that were taken in the temple there are things associated with that we think of the
Nazarite vow and and issues like that and Here you have a prohibition of swearing falsely by my name
Obviously to invoke the name of the covenant God of Israel to invoke Yahweh's name
Was to say that I swear by the greatest authority there is when when we when we swear by something
We are in essence saying well I am invoking the highest authority that I can invoke to To guarantee the truthfulness of what
I am saying to you now well, obviously if you do that in such a fashion so as to lie to seek to deceive
To cheat or in any other way you are you are showing absolutely no respect whatsoever
For the one by whom you have sworn So if you've sworn by the king then you're showing disrespect the king if you swear by the very name of the covenant
God of Israel Then you are denigrating that God and you are profaning his name you're making his name a common thing
So obviously there is supposed to be some kind of of true weight
For someone to say I swear by God in the same way that Paul for example in Romans chapter 9
He he says my conscience bears a witness the Holy Spirit testifying together with my conscience
I am NOT lying. I have severe pain and grief in my heart for my fellow countrymen He's basically saying
I I can tell you with all the honesty that I have and the Holy Spirit is testifying with my spirit
This is true. Despite what all the the Jews have done to me. I truly desire to see the salvation of my fellow countrymen and so obviously to to make reference to those higher authorities is
To either honor them because you are honestly saying yes, this is the case here is the reality or to profane the name of Yahweh by associating him with falsehood and so obviously if the if the
Jewish people were to go about in doing business with the people around them and swear by the name of Yahweh that that their their scales are accurate or that they're going to Fulfill the conditions of the contract and so on so forth and they became known as the people who never did that Then what would be the reflection upon the name of their
God? the pagans the peoples of the land would rightfully Denigrate that God as a
God that has no meaning as a God who is not the creator of the universe Verse 13 you shall not oppress your neighbor
Nor rob him the wages of a hired man are not to remain with you all night until morning
And so the assumption is that you're going to have to have some kind of interaction with your neighbors
It's not like here in in the valley certainly in my neighborhood people move in and out all the time and We have those six to eight foot solid block fences now
You know I I was I was looking at at Google at the street level
Google stuff I was looking at my old houses where I lived back in Pennsylvania long long ago and I was
I was looking at them, and I was surprised to discover that in one of the houses I lived in Charlemontown, Pennsylvania The They've put up they put up a fence
That's a fence you can see through But they they put up a fence because back in the olden days We didn't have a fence around the backyard and so I could go running through the backyard
I remember one of my like one of my fondest memories of childhood doesn't happen here, but back then we had fireflies
Y 'all know fireflies if you're a native here. You're going what? Did they start forest fires?
No no that's that's not what they're about And it was really gross because what we would do is we once it was dark we'd chase those fireflies around we get these we get the you know a glass canister, and you'd catch them and Then we discovered that if you take them and you squish them on your tennis shoes
Your tennis shoes will glow for a little while and the next morning will be really gross
But we're kids who's thinking about what they're gonna look like the next morning You know until then you're running around with glowing stuff on your shoes
This was before kids had the shoes that lit up and all that kind of stuff and that you know So this was this was how you made your shoes glow back when
I was a kid Before the internet and cell phones and things like that so anyway
I was I was looking at that, and I just noticed that We just had so much more ease of access
You knew who your neighbors were here. It's a sort of like you know we're all fenced in and and it's just And that's not the way it was obviously in the ancient world you were going to be you're you're actually in many ways
Dependent upon your neighbor for many things You couldn't have the the nice little you know
I'm safe in my little box type of a situation in that context And so you were not to oppress him or rob him you were not to deal falsely with him in Other words there was a an incumbent duty upon people who are in covenant with Yahweh the creator of the universe
To act in such a fashion as to be a neighborly person to not rob that person and if you hired that person if you if you brought in a fellow
Israelite and Hired that individual to do work The wages of a hired man are not to remain with you all night until morning
It wasn't like you you gave somebody a 30 -day contract and at the end of 30 days you had to pay up No, that's that's not how it worked especially because most of the time you'd be paying somebody and something other than money you'd be paying them in food in sustenance and something like that and So the point is that there was to be a prompt rendering of payment to the hired man because that hired man that may be the only way that he can have sustenance for that day and so there is to be a great concern about Integrity in how we deal with others and how we deal with our neighbors and that really comes out in verse 14
You shall not curse a deaf man nor place a stumbling block before the blind
But you shall revere your God I am Yahweh now there's there's
There's almost no parallel to these aspects of the loving aspects of the law of God in the surrounding cultures of that day when you hear the first you shall not curse a deaf man a curse would be a spoken thing and So the obvious idea is that you can get away with with cursing a deaf man
Because he's not going to hear you now a curse was considered to have Meaning behind it you are you are actually wishing and and and invoking
Some kind of judgment upon some which means there would have to be some kind of reason for it And the point is the the deaf man could not respond to the speaking of such a curse because the deaf man cannot hear
That curse I mean if you really wanted to say that there was this person had done something tremendously evil and that there was a curse upon Them because of God's law then you would have to go out of your way to communicate to the deaf man what it was the person had done wrong the idea is he lacks the ability to hear and Therefore you shall not curse the deaf man or obviously in the same context
You shall not place a stumbling block before the blind But you shall revere your
God I am Yahweh so it is not just simply well be a nice person and don't do this
It is a demonstration of reverence for God because God has made that person in his image and God could have taken from you your gift of sight
God could have taken from you your ability to hear you have blessings from God and Therefore if you mistreat those individuals you are demonstrating
You do you are not thankful and do not recognize the blessings that you yourself have therefore you are not revering
God You are not showing reverence for God who has made every man and placed him in the position that they are and so there is to be a a
Kind of simple human respect that is based upon a reverence for God if we have a true
God who has made us as his creatures That's the very essence of any type of meaningful law is the recognition of the value of human life and that Value comes from the fact that God has made us.
That is why we see Western culture Collapsing into moral and ethical chaos is because we no longer have a creator.
We no longer have a God Who gives meaning to life and that we are to reverence and revere
Even in our treatment of our fellow man, that is no longer something that is relevant to most people in our society
You shall do no injustice in Judgment. Wow, I Hate to go through this so quickly
Because we could expand upon this section almost indefinitely in light of what we see today unjust judges are a curse upon any people
Judges Judges are a blessing. We see the establishment of judges within the people of Israel and What is absolutely necessary for those judges that they be righteous?
that they first and foremost recognize that they are subservient to God himself and That the authority they have is derivative from God himself
Just judges are a blessing upon any land therefore unjust judges are indeed a tremendous curse a
Tremendous curse because they they shake the very foundations remember in the Psalter We're told that justice is the foundation of God's throne well if the judges are to reflect and the only judge is ever going to be truly just is one who recognizes he's supposed to reflect the
God who made him a Judge who reflects God's justice is going to be a judge who is not going to be impressed by the money you have
He's not going to be impressed by the big name. You have he's not going to be turned by a bribe
Because he's always looking first and foremost to the one that he is Representing to his fellow man.
That's what the judge is supposed to do He is always going to be seeking God's wisdom in giving the proper judgment that's what a judge will be held accountable by God for doing and So you shall do no injustice in judgment.
You shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great See, there's the two extremes and we see it all the time
We see that people who are great They've got they've got the money and they get the they get the lawyers and So there is there are those judges who will defer to those who have power who have influence
Who can guarantee a nice cushy retirement, whatever else it might be, but there's also the other side
Notice both sides of the path are marked off here. You shall not be partial to the poor
Just because a person does not have a lot of money doesn't mean that you shall stick it to Everybody else and say well, let's just even everything out here.
That is not a biblical concept You shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great
But what are you to do the positive command you are to judge your neighbor?
fairly God has given the standards The standard is truthfulness
Righteousness judgment God's law gives us the framework in which to judge these things There is a commandment to judge your neighbor fairly
You shall not go about as a slanderer among your people and you are not to act against the life of your neighbor
I am the Lord a person who goes around amongst the people as a slanderer a
Person who is always looking for the the newest juicy bit of information and is always always reading between the lines
It might indicate this This person said that it might indicate that that person spreads
Disorder breeds distrust lays a foundation for anger and violence
Amongst the people and Just as that was very true in that day my friends.
We now live in a day where we can slander people instantly and to thousands hundreds of thousands we possess through technology the capacity to absolutely
Ravage someone's entire life and oh how people are doing that today.
Oh the shaming and the bullying Electronically that is being done by the politically correct today my goodness and yet Sadly, I see it amongst
Christians. I See many a Christian who's just as has just as much an itching ear to hear the newest thing
Did you hear about so -and -so? The Bible says that we are not to accept
Accusations except on the witness of two or three witnesses and Yet all you've got to do is get the same story repeated two or three times and man
We're on top of somebody we live in a day where we need to really go back to biblical standards at this point
Because I am deeply concerned I am deeply concerned in light of the technological capacities of The enemies of God that The kinds of attacks that we could see in the future will be of such a such a
Character that none of us will be able to defend ourselves against them. We already seeing it. I see it happening right now
We already know that if you will stand up for anything moral and ethical in our society you will be ravaged
But We're starting to hear I heard a story. I have not spent a lot of time studying it but about someone in the press where a governmental agency
Basically hacked their computer and placed files upon their computer and then charged them for having the files upon their computer that kind of power and ability in the hands of corrupt people
Could be an extremely extremely damaging thing
You shall not go about as a slanderer among your people at least amongst ourselves at least amongst ourselves
We should always be the first ones with a word of forgiveness and the last ones with words of condemnation
Let grace mark ourselves. Let grace mark our language and our approach
Truthfulness and honesty always be the goal that is ours and You are not to act against the life of your neighbor
Act against the life your neighbor you mean you mean attack them physically with a sword or something? No, but but there are things that we can do that can endanger our neighbors
By not doing certain things or by doing certain things we can endanger our neighbors lives. I mean you know
I Understand that there is a house in fact. I run by it fairly frequently.
I ran It's just just off of one of the roads near us and and my understanding is it now it's fine
They're just normal people living there, but I noticed for a while it was sort of abandoned and stuff and Learned that it was a meth house
That someone had built a meth lab in that house. It's right next to a school I mean literally the back fence was right next to a an elementary school
Those places. I don't know if you ever noticed that but it's a really dangerous thing to do okay
Not only can you kill yourself, but you can like blow the whole thing up If you don't know what you're doing and most people who do that don't know what they're doing
So that that would be just a really obvious way where you could be endangering the life of your neighbor
But there could be simple things that you could do that would that would help to secure
Your neighbor's property or your neighbor's life There is to be that kind of well.
It's gonna be summed up at the end of verse 18 love your neighbor as yourself So do not act against the life of your neighbor simply means look beyond yourself
Don't just simply you know if you've got a stream flowing through your property, and it's I really like this
Think about what you're going to do with that if you do a certain thing to it Maybe damn it up or change the directions like that you might end up endangering your neighbor's life
Think about yourself living in a community rather than just me in my little box is
The idea that is clearly here You shall not hate your fellow countrymen in your heart in your heart
Now Sometimes we get the idea that when Jesus gave us the Sermon on the Mount He was doing something that had no one had ever thought of before Everybody had just always had the surface level view of the law well.
No that's not true Here you shall not hate your fellow countrymen in your heart
It was the surface level Externalism of the Pharisees That Jesus is primarily focusing upon When he says you have heard it said, but I say to you
He's putting that spotlight where it needs to be where the regenerate heart that loves
God's law is already going to be aware of these things you shall not hate your fellow countrymen in your heart, and you go well
Obviously that can't necessarily work for an unregenerate person Well obviously so many of these laws
Only make sense in the hearts and minds of individuals who have experienced
God's work of grace But there is guidance given You shall not hate your fellow countrymen why because if you harbor that kind of hatred toward one
It's easier to begin to harbor it toward another and to another you become hardened you begin to act on the basis of that hatred
That does not mean that everything will always be rosy between you and your neighbors
Because the next line is you may surely reprove your neighbor There are times when that's necessary now
I would imagine that They didn't have too much trouble back then with neighbors who played their stereos too loud after 10 o 'clock at night
There may have been some wonderful Jewish music being played on some type of instrument too late at night.
I don't know but There there would be reasons to reprove your neighbor that happens in a fallen world and sometimes you're doing things and yet you just don't even think and so there are proper times to reprove your neighbor, but You shall not incur sin because of him
That is do not do not act towards your neighbor in such a such a fashion as to sin before your
God Don't be self -righteous Be willing to live in peace and harmony with other people
This is the only way the nation is going to be able to Fulfill its purposes of reflecting
God's glory I'm speaking of the nation of Israel at this time Obviously for us as Redeemed sinners as people have been forgiven of our sins.
We can't even Contemplate storing up hatred in our heart toward anyone Because we ourselves have been forgiven
If you have experienced the forgiveness of God and Jesus Christ, then then you simply cannot
You cannot enjoy that experience of hatred now we can talk about hating evil and and that kind of thing
But there's there's a vast difference between hating evil and allowing that hatred of evil to become focused upon individuals
Recognizing that we were hateful in God's sight outside of Jesus Christ. We were all sons of disobedience
We were all under his wrath It's very easy for us to engage in self -righteousness and very easy for us to not hear these commandments
You shall not take vengeance That's repeated by the
Apostle Paul is it not we are not to take vengeance That Occurs in Romans.
We just we just have that section just for about we're getting there like I'm okay I'm not gonna say anything more about it.
I don't want to steal anybody's thunder, but it's coming and so it is interesting to notice that that's also quoted in Hebrews chapter 10 and So it is taken as a given
That these words continue to have relevance to the people of God in The New Covenant you shall not take vengeance nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people
Sounds very much like hating someone in your heart That's the negative You shall not allow that kind of well as the book of Hebrews says that root of bitterness to grow up inside you
There are some people just sort of want to feed those types of things, but no You're not to do that You can't because the positive command that finishes verse 18, which we all know is a commandment
There are Lord and Savior repeated He repeated knowing that his audience would know very well where it came from and He never said and just because I'm quoting this doesn't mean that you're actually to look at the entirety of the law and and and seek to understand it and and make
Application and he never said that so he knew that by quoting this
Paul knows that by quoting from the same verse There is a message being communicated in regards to the fact that God's law
Reveals his heart it reveals his nature and continues to do so Which is why the promise of Jeremiah 31
I'll write my law upon their hearts Means it becomes an internalized thing something that we love not something we hate not something we chafe under But you have the commandment you shall love your neighbor as yourself
Now here the Levitical law Transcends Anything that we can see in the ancient world
It transcends it because we have a personal God We have a just and holy
God and yet he has in mercy and grace chosen a people gives them gifts that they do not deserve and One of the duties that he lays upon this people is that they are to love their neighbor as they love themselves what an incredible commandment here in the midst of these sundry laws
Comes a commandment That Jesus identified as one of the most important in all of Scripture Greatest commandment love the
Lord your God with our heart soul mind strength and the second is like unto it You shall love your neighbors yourself now.
I don't know about you But I didn't see the part Anywhere in chapter 19 says and the second greatest commandment is going to be contained in this chapter
It's not there in fact, it's just Part of it's the at last part of a sentence.
It's just a phrase And yet Jesus said second greatest command
Second greatest man. You shall love your neighbor as yourself now obviously you can't do the second one if you're not doing the first one and If you truly are doing the first one the second one will come naturally and that's where the problem is
Because for most people they hear this command and they go I cannot do that. I Can't do it
You you don't know the people that I have you don't know the people of my you haven't been hurt like I've been hurt
But you see if you love the Lord your God by your heart soul mind and strength that action that obedience is
Absolutely transformative It's transformative When love for God is your passion
Then love for your neighbor as yourself will be the natural result it can't be reversed
You can pretend and you can be a philanthropist and you can do good works and you can do all sorts of stuff
But as long as you are not in proper relationship with your creator You will not have the proper motivations for love for your neighbor and so here you have the second greatest commandment and it comes right after things like Leave the gleanings in your field
Don't lie to one another Don't steal don't rob Think about your neighbor
You'll think about your neighbor if you love your neighbor And of course we remember the question it was asked of Jesus Who is my neighbor?
That's always a good way to get around it. Who is my neighbor? Well, it's whoever God brings across your path
Even when you're walking along the road story of the Samaritan So here you have the second greatest commandment and so on a very practical level
Let me just mention something to you once again as we close when you have people Who roll their eyes
They hear the word Leviticus and go you can't go there. That's just not relevant anymore
You have to ask if the Levitical law is not relevant anymore So you're telling me?
That the second greatest commandment that Jesus my Lord identifies is no longer relevant
Is that what you're telling? That not putting stumbling blocks before the blind cursing the deaf
Honoring the elderly honoring your father and your mother All that stuff is irrelevant to you've got to connect it all together and I Can't imagine too many people we'd be talking to it would not be taken aback
Because they don't know these texts They would be taken aback by the very challenge you would make so you're telling me that we shouldn't do these things to that this was just Stone Age morality and And then you can get down to the real issue the real issue is in their heart
They're not submitted to the God who wrote these things The God who gave us these things they're in rebellion, and that's their real issue
That's their real issue. That's what you want to get to That's what you want to be able to talk about and there is a tremendous way of being able to do so Sundry laws
Yes, sundry laws But they are laws that God gave and Jesus identified
The last half of a little sentence as the second greatest commandment love
Your neighbor as yourself. Let's pray to you a gracious Heavenly Father.
We do. Thank you for the beauty of your word We thank you for its message
And Lord as we have looked into your law this evening once again by your spirit you have convicted us of those places where by apathy by Neglect it's so easy for us to become comfortable with compromise
But may we be a people who seek to honor and glorify you in how we live May we be honest and truthful in all of our ways
And Lord use us as your servants to bring light Into this very dark land even in this coming week may we have opportunity of bearing witness to your truth
May we do so with the knowledge of your word It is honor and glorifying to you.