The End of Social Justice in Evangelicalism - Total Unbelief

AD Robles iconAD Robles


#NoDespair2020 This is the telos of the whole movement.


Alright, well, welcome to another week. I hope you had a great weekend, I sure did. And I hope you had a good
Lord's Day yesterday. Today is Monday, June 22nd, year of our Lord, 2020.
And a couple things before we get into it. If you're new to the channel, please subscribe and click the little notifications bell so you're updated every single time
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I'm sending out old school AD content that I find extremely helpful, and hopefully you will as well.
That's something you should consider doing. And also, I would recommend checking out a video I dropped on Saturday regarding Beth Moore, Chick -fil -A, and the
Babylon Bee. It is fantastically hilarious. I don't normally drop videos on Saturday, so you know if I do,
I really wanted to get it out. So I hope you enjoy it. Check it out. I dropped it on Saturday. It is...
Spicy. Anyway, I wanted to get to this thread. I'm not going to ever talk about this woman again.
If I have anything to say about it, unless she's platformed by like Gospel Coalition or something like that,
I will never speak about this lady again. But I'll tell you right now, JoLumen, I think her name is, if she was a
Christian version of Titania McGrath, in other words, if she was a fake person, her Twitter feed would look identical to the way it is.
I can't believe. In fact, I'm wondering if maybe she is a Christian version of Titania McGrath, because she is absolutely insane.
This is insanity personified. First, I want to commend her, though, because if she's not
Titania... Well, first of all, if she is Titania McGrath, the evangelical version, then good on you, whoever started this page.
But if she's not, and she's a real person, these are her real beliefs, which is very possible as well.
That's the beauty of Titania McGrath. If JoLumen is a real person, then I want to commend her honesty, because there are a lot of people that believe what
Jo believes, except most people aren't man enough to actually say it. Most people don't have the cajones to actually come out and say it, but if you look at their actions, you see that they actually do believe almost everything that JoLumen believes here.
Some people were calling her the female version of Bradley Mason, which I find hilarious, because I thought
Bradley Mason was the female version of Bradley Mason. Anyway, so, I want to go through these, and I want to show you what
I mean. And the reality is, I think this is a very biblical way to approach things.
Like, you don't really go by what people say to decide what they believe. Instead, you go by their actions.
Do you want to know if somebody has faith? Well, look at what they do. You know what I mean? I'll show you my faith through my works.
That kind of thing. And anyone can say they have faith, but it's about what you do, right? And so, I want to analyze
JoLumen. I don't really care if JoLumen is real or not, or what she believes, but I want to show you that there are a lot of big
Eva, celebrity, conference speaker, blog writer type people that believe a lot of the foundations of this insanity that JoLumen is putting into words.
The first thing I want to show you is that Jo's profile here says, Faith Deconstruction and Decolonizing.
Colombiana. La Colombiana. She puts that she's got a degree in ministry, and of course, she puts her pronouns there.
She, her, hers. That's why I wonder if she's Titania, because it's a little on the nose.
I mean, I know there are real people that believe this kind of stuff, but she's got her pronouns in her profile.
By the way, there are a lot of big Eva people that have their pronouns in their profile. But anyway, her hashtag is decolonize your faith, which is actually upside down.
The faith of Jesus Christ, the gospel of the kingdom of God is all about colonization.
You got to get that kingdom of God to colonize more and more people every day.
In fact, the whole process of regeneration, I'm sorry, not regeneration. Sanctification is what
I meant. The whole process of sanctification and teaching others to observe everything that Christ commands.
That's what that is, is a call to colonize. We ought to be spreading the culture of the kingdom of God as a distinct culture, like Christians should have a distinctly
Christian culture, and it needs to take over everything else that you learn from worldly sources.
The Christian faith is a faith all about colonization. Now, I'm not talking about the violent kind of colonization.
I'm talking about how your mind changes, repentance, how you're regenerated, how you're sanctified and conformed into the image of Christ.
That's what the Christian religion is all about. And so to say that you're trying to decolonize it,
I kind of know what she's saying, but really the kingdom of God is all about colonization. There's nothing wrong with that.
So let's go into this one by one, and I'll tell you what I mean, why I think that there's a lot of people who believe this, but don't have the guts to really say anything about it.
Here's what Jo says. She says, since conservative Christians keep coming at me here. So this is why
I respect this, because she's saying, look, I'm not hiding any of this. This is what I believe. I respect that. She says,
I am a Christian, and I believe proselytizing is violence against another. Everything she doesn't like is probably violence.
Now, the reality is that no Big Eva person would actually say this, but they act like this is true.
How many people did we see saying, don't evangelize at the Black Lives Matter riots and protests?
Don't do that. That's not the place for that. They don't want you to evangelize. How many Big Eva people want you to not evangelize at the abortion clinics?
That's not the place for it. You're just going to look like an angry street preacher. How many people will tell you that there are certain places where you cannot evangelize because it is tantamount to violence?
This is a very common belief. Now, most Big Eva people wouldn't just blanket say that all proselytizing is violence.
I understand she's further along the spectrum here, but this is part and parcel of Big Eva.
There are times when you don't proselytize, and the Big Black Lives Matter riots don't proselytize there.
This is not about the gospel. This is about justice or whatever it is. You see, that's a very common belief, so Joe is willing to put it on paper.
Most are not, but many people believe that. She says, I am a Christian, and I believe LGBTQ plus people are divine and should lead us.
Most Big Eva people wouldn't say that they're divine, but they do say that we should have more leaders that identify as gay.
In fact, gay leaders are promoted aggressively in Big Eva. Everyone wants to have a pastor who's gay or what they would say is struggles against the sin of homosexuality or whatever it is.
This is a very common belief. They want people to be gay Christians and celibate.
That's promoted, gay Christians and celibate, and they want to sell their books to you, and they want you to be leaders in their organizations and stuff like that.
This is a very common belief. Now, again, she's further along the spectrum than most
Big Eva types, but she's being honest here. She says, I'm a Christian, and I learn a lot from people who do not share my faith.
Well, so do I, Joe. There's nothing really wrong with that. I find it interesting that she feels like this is a bad thing.
However, it is a bad thing when what you learn from them is against the Scripture. In other words,
I can learn from an unbeliever, so long as what the unbeliever is saying doesn't contradict what I learned from the
Lord who wrote the Bible. But the thing is, in Big Eva, they want you to read all kinds of white fragility.
They want you to read all this kind of stuff that comes from pagan sources completely. So, yeah, this is something that a lot of Big Eva people believe.
Again, she goes, I'm a Christian, and I don't go to church. Well, she's acting like this is an act of rebellion, but, you know, this is 2020 in June.
We've got coronavirus. Nobody goes to church anymore. I am Christian, and I don't believe that the
Bible is the Word of God. This is the key. There are many people that would say that they're conservative Christians solely because they believe the
Bible is the Word of God. But the reality is, as we've seen many, many times, it's one thing to say the
Bible is the Word of God. It's another thing to act like it. Because when I'll tell you, hey, you can't believe in reparations because you can't let the sons pay for the sins of the father, or you can't have welfare schemes and progressive tax rates and stuff like that because you can't treat poor people with partiality or rich people with partiality.
It works both ways. People won't respond. They won't respond to that. I mean, yeah, they believe that's the
Word of God, but it doesn't have any impact on their life. And so it's like social justice Christians and woke
Christians, they'll often say the Bible is the Word of God, so they don't go quite as far as Joe here. But they don't treat the
Bible, in many instances, like it's the Word of God. She continues.
She says, I'm a Christian, and I embrace sex positivity, which includes, but isn't limited to, sex outside of marriage.
Most Big Eva people are still against sex outside of marriage for the most part, although they don't take it as seriously as they ought.
I am a Christian, and I believe everyone has access to God. Everyone. Yeah, so do
I, through Jesus Christ, though. She goes, I'm a Christian, and I do as I please, which is not to say
I can harm anyone. That's never okay. Well, see, the problem here, Joe, is that you're a
Satanist then. You understand what I'm saying? Because this is the law of Satanism. Do as thou wilt.
Do as you please. That's Satan's law. So the thing is, if she's
Titania, then this is a very interesting thing for Titania to say. If she's a real person, she's just revealed herself and who her true
God is. She's a Satanist, because that's the law of Satanism. Do as thou wilt.
Satanists, by the way, also say that they can't harm anyone. That's never okay. But they say, do as thou wilt, right?
That's Satanic law. That's not God's law. A Christian has a law, has a moral code, has commands from the
Lord that they have to follow. Now, this is, you know, do as I please kind of thing.
That's not really something Big Eva says, granted. They don't fit all of these characteristics,
I admit. She continues. She says, I am a Christian, and I know. Christianity has been used as a weapon of white supremacy for so long that any
Christian who is inactively dismantling white supremacy is harming people with their ideology.
So here's the violence of evangelism, right? It's actually violence to be a Christian if you're not dismantling white supremacy.
And who's willing to bet that this is the phony baloney kind of white supremacy that you can't really identify, but you just have to go with it kind of thing?
I'm willing to bet that that's what she's talking about. She's not actually talking about real white supremacists, like people that wear the hoods, people that actually hate black people, people that don't think that blacks and Latinos should have rights.
You know, like the two people like that that live in the United States? Those people. I don't think she's talking about those people.
But you see, like, this is the thing. This quotation here, you could have put this on any social justice warrior that says there are conservative evangelicals
Twitter feed, and it would be totally at home. You wouldn't have to change anything about this. I am a
Christian, and I know Christianity has been used as a weapon of white supremacy for so long that any Christian who isn't actively dismantling white supremacy is harming people with their theology.
This would be right at home in Thabiti's Twitter feed. This would be right at home in Bradley Mason's Twitter feed. This would be right at home in any
Big Eva person's Twitter feed. Beth Moore, Russell Moore, like you wouldn't have to change a single word of that.
And that would have been said by one of them. This is the thing. Like, this is why I say that this is the end of social justice.
This is the goal. This is the telos of social justice is this perspective, because if you actually believe what
Joe says here and you're involved in this oppressor oppression narrative, then eventually you're going to have to come to terms with Christianity is one of the oppressors.
Eventually, you're going to have to deconstruct and deplatform and cancel
Christianity itself because it's white supremacy. I mean, Matt Hall said that if you look at the
Christian leaders of the faith of the past, he'll show you the rotting corpse of white supremacy. I mean,
Matt Hall, the second in command at Southern Seminary, could have said this exact tweet, and nobody would have batted an eye because this is what he believes.
It's indistinguishable. And so this crazy lady who's saying the Bible isn't the word of God.
She embraces sex positivity. LGBT people are divine. She doesn't go to church. She thinks evangelism is violence, is saying something that's identical to what
Matthew Hall is. How can that be? How does she end up with a morality that allows her to overlap something that we're supposed to believe is actually conservative
Christianity? Well, she didn't. Matthew Hall is just embracing extremely unbiblical positions when it comes to the issue of race.
Matthew Hall has adopted Joe Luman's theology when it comes to race. And that's a big problem for a guy like me.
You know what I mean? Here's what she says. She says, finally, I am a
Christian, and I believe people know what's best for them sometimes. That means people know what's best for them.
Sometimes that means running away from Christianity, and I applaud them. This is the trajectory. This is the thing. You've seen it from Jamar Tisby.
You've seen it from his whole group, Pass the Mic 101, stuff like that. Kyle Howard often talks about how he doesn't attend church because he's feeling too traumatized by it and stuff like that.
I mean, there is a normalization of running and rejecting the gathering of the saints.
This is common. I don't feel safe worshiping with my white brothers in Christ.
You hear Thabiti saying Christian unity. I don't say I don't understand it, but really, black unity is what's needed right now.
There's a trajectory of running away from the faith, and Joe Luman is man enough to say,
I believe that people know what's best for them. Sometimes that means running away from Christianity. Thabiti is too much of a coward to actually say this, but he believes it.
He absolutely believes it. You can see it all over his writing. That's the thing here. That's the problem here.
If you want to see the future of the social justice movement in evangelicalism, look no further than Joe Luman's Twitter feed.
This is the goal. This is what it's intended to do. The amount of abuse I experience inside of Christianity because of toxic people and toxic theology for me, it's one of two things, having a faith and reclaiming it however
I wish to or leaving the faith altogether. There is no third option. Again, this is identical from what you hear from Kyle Howard.
He's been abused in Christianity, and so he's going to believe whatever he wants to believe. But he's still a conservative theologian, of course.
See, Joe's got more courage than Kyle Howard. Joe Luman, she, her, hers.
Lumbiana, she's got more courage than Kyle Howard, ex -gang member. That's the reality.
Joe Luman's beliefs are almost identical to Kyle Howard's, if he just had enough guts to actually admit it.
So I'm going to stop there. I mean, this thread continues, of course. Actually, let me just finish the last two tweets.
She says, I have no responsibility to make you comfortable in my own space. More so, as a victim of religious abuse, I will not subject myself to re -traumatizing experiences or theologies to appease your discomfort.
You may leave. You may lie about me. You may go on tirades about me as the devil. You may ignore me.
You just may not demand a thing of me. You may not hurt me. I won't allow it. This is my space. This is my truth.
And this is how I treat others and their spaces. Anyway, so this is
Kyle Howard. This is Kyle Howard, identical to Kyle Howard's beliefs. Almost identical to Kyle Howard's beliefs.
Kyle Howard just doesn't have enough guts to say it. The BD just doesn't have enough guts to say it. Jomar Tisby just doesn't have enough guts to say it.
Joe Luman has enough guts to say it. So I commend her for that. But I want you to understand, those of you who are dabbling in social justice -y type stuff, this is the end result of what you're doing.
You're going to drive people, blacks, browns, La Cumbiana, like this. You're going to drive people into unbelief.
This is unbelief. You understand what I'm saying? She's describing her version of unbelief.
Kyle Howard has his version. Jomar Tisby has his version. The BD, Ian Yebwile, Beth Moore. They all have their version of unbelief.
And here's Joe Luman's version. And the more you push on this, the more you spread and appease these people with their fake theology and their fake demon gods and their satanic ethics, like do whatever you please, that's satanic.
The more you do that kind of stuff, the more people are going to think it's okay to be just like Joe. And if I were you,
I wouldn't want to answer for that one. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.