The New Birth: Jesus Teaches Nicodemus: Part 1



Unity Through Humility: Part 2

Unity Through Humility: Part 2

And this will be an introduction sermon on many other sermons that God willing that we're going to be looking at We're looking at the new birth from the scriptures, it's it's huge regeneration
MacArthur said this he said Next to the God the doctrine of election, which is an eternity
God which God decreed This is no doubt the greatest miracle there is in this life
And what is surprising to so many people and you have in evangelical circles
So many books that are written on How to be born again
How can I be born again? It's a good question And and actually
I don't know why so many people's written so many books because The answer is very simple
You and I contribute nothing to being born again We cannot make this happen it is something
God does and Jesus gives the analogy of birth a first birth in Which we had nothing to do with and a second birth in which we have nothing to do with now conversions different Conversion is believing conversion is faith.
It's a gift that God gives in Conversion and repentance repentance and faith are like twin sisters.
They go hand in glove They're like one coin two sides of the coin You can't separate
But election There's a lot of people have a hard time with that because they had no control of it.
Absolutely It is the sovereign work of God. It is what God decreed and the same with Regeneration it is a sovereign work of God and aren't you glad if?
We had something to do with our salvation. We'd mess it up if We had something to do with our salvation.
We would lose it But not God when God has something to do with in which he does he has everything to do with it from beginning to end
It's perfect. Now. We're not perfect but he but once we are born again that sanctification comes in process of obeying the
Lord and being Sanctified by God through the word and through prayer and so forth.
We desire the things that God loves and Desires, so we've got more to say about that.
So we're looking at the new birth and Jesus in this breaking ground we're looking at and maybe another sermon on this because I don't believe
I can get everything packed in on this But we're looking at Jesus teaches Nicodemus.
Jesus teaches Nicodemus. So please bow with me for a Moment and prayer as we seek the
Lord's face within this hour of worship as we open the Word of God and break the bread of life As I speak to you and as you receive the word and that the
Spirit of God would help us to Have ears to hear what the
Spirit is saying What the Word of God is saying and that he would open our eyes and open our hearts
And that we would be so focused and engaged in what we're about to hear because it's so critical.
Amen Let's pray Our Father and our
God We do praise you Lord we adore you
Lord, we thank you for the great salvation that has come to us through your one and only Son Jesus Christ your begotten
Son and Lord my our prayer today is that Lord you would speak to us through your word in which you have
We pray Lord you'd bless it, but Lord you've already blessed it But we need your spirit to bless it to our hearts
And we look as we look to you and we look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith Lord, I also pray that Speaking of the third person of the
Trinity Lord would pray that your blessed Holy Spirit the Spirit of truth the true teacher
Will bring many sons to glory in this day. Just not only in This little gathering but Lord across this world where even where your people are being persecuted
Comfort them Lord and that persecution That they would endure it Lord, we praise you.
We thank you for the blessing that you've given us. We thank you for the much truth Lord and help us to be sober and vigilant in this because much the more truth that's given the more
Accountable were you going to be Lord we thank you that Within ourselves.
We cannot believe the gospel. It's only by grace through faith We thank you father for the
Blessed Spirit. Thank you for the new birth that only you can give And we praise you we thank you that salvation is 100 % of you
Lord bless your words May we have ears to hear what the Spirit says to the church for your honor and glory and we asked us in the name
Of Jesus. Amen In his Bible exposition Commentary I was reading
Warren Wearsby Had really a great quote opening words of the studying of this great chapter
John chapter 3 Quote he says this Not only was
Benjamin Franklin speaking of Benjamin Franklin. We all know who he is, right? a great statesman and inventor but he was also a great correspondent and received letters
From famous people for people from all over the world one day He received what could be well have been the most important letter he ever came to That came to his desk
It was from the well -known British preacher George Whitfield the great evangelist and The new
Awakening Great Awakening quote He says this
Whitfield says this I find that you grow more speaking to Ben Franklin that you grow more and more famous in the learned world as he wrote and he saw those goes on to say as you have made such progress in investigating the the mysteries of Electricity Whitfield said this
I now humbly urge you to be give diligent heed to the mystery of the new birth
He said is the most important interesting study and when you
Mastered it. It will richly repay you for your pains in quotes. There's also a another
Conversation that somebody came up a little lady came to Whitfield one day as he heard she heard
Whitfield preach the great evangelist out around the fields and He preached on born being born again so much almost in every sermon he preached it
Repentance being born again, and he said and she said this and she asked the question
Why do you preach you must be born again all the time And he looked at her and said you must be born again
That's the reason why That's how critical it is This is absolutely important.
It is a Chapter that is full of great truth and the new birth regeneration
Is no doubt one of the most important doctrines of the faith found within the pages of Holy Scripture from Genesis to Revelation out of the 66 books of The Bible and of all the theology that this little
Bible has of these great 66 books Which are inspired of God all scripture is important and all scripture is given by inspiration
God and God Very no doubt about it. All of it is Important that we do not someone came to RSC spro says what's your favorite scripture and the
Bible? He says all of it I have to amen to that but let me say this, but when it comes to believing in God and Through the
Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. No doubt in John chapter 3 of the gospel here the new birth is no doubt a key topic
I Would say it ranks in the top three of all the great scriptures and doctrines in the
Bible It is so important that without it You and I will never see or enter into the kingdom of God That's how important it is
It's important that I preach it with clarity from the words of God and It's also important that we are engaged and we are understanding
What is being said because it's absolutely critical women from the when a believer dies
If you are a believer You and I that as Spurgeon said that would be your greatest moment and we better know
That we are right with God. You better know that you and myself are born again of the
Spirit of God It's absolutely critical So what
I'm preaching today, we need to be engaged and The next several awards days. I'm gonna make a series out of this on the new birth
It is so important so pray for me as I bring this message to you and That God the
Holy Spirit will be the true teacher Through the Word of God as we look into the Word of God now, let me say this
In addition in this great chapter, we see Jesus in three different roles.
We're going to be coming up to this The first we see him as a teacher He is a teacher from God To teach men and He is a great teacher
We see this in verses 1 through 21 in this section in which we're about to embark on This is groundbreaking
The second thing we see Jesus as is the bridegroom first he's the teacher now we say we see him as the bridegroom in verses 22 through 30 and Then third we will see him in this chapter
We will see him as the witness in verses 31 through 36 So we see him as the teacher the bridegroom and the witness and all in this chapter
All in John chapter 30 and a great this is such a great chapter in it Wonderful verses actually are one of the most familiar verses will be coming up as John 3 16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him believes in him should
Not perish But have everlasting life there. It is if you want to not perish we must
Believe in him now. We must know what it means to believe as we already looked from the verses as we have looked at that There was many that believed in his name when they saw the signs which he did in John 2 verse 23
But Jesus did not commit himself to them because he knew all men. He's the discerner of all hearts and Then it says and he had no need that anyone should testify of man for he knew what was in man
He knows the hearts of men. And again, let's keep this in mind as We come to John chapter 3
Jesus knows exactly what is in the heart of Nicodemus? He knows this man's heart just like he knows your heart and my heart
He knows our thoughts. He's omniscient But here he is
Jesus in the flesh and This is a very interesting conversation as This old sage this religious sage comes to Jesus by night now
As I mentioned in John chapter 2 verse 23 and 25 through 25 This is very critical because there's a connection there
As as come to Jerusalem for the Passover. Jesus has won the undying hatred of the
Sadducees which the Sadducees is a party of the priest who controlled the temple in those days as we know we
Read that Jesus drove the merchants out of the temple because they polluted the temple and Jesus publicly denounced the way of the
Sadducees and How they were treating God in The Lord's house they turned it into a place of merchandise
And it should have been a place of prayer And by the way again, the Sadducees would be like the liberal theologians of our day
That's the Sadducees But there's another party that's part of the
Sanhedrin as well This Jewish these the
Jewish leaders were the Pharisees. They were considered more the conservative theologians as we would have in our day so The liberal theologians and conservative theologians is nothing new under the
Sun. They have in that day as well The Pharisees were very strict
Strict to the law of Judaism and actually there was so strict to it. They added so many other laws to it.
It was absolutely ridiculous They thought it was just a sin to God to even on the
Sabbath To pull a look into a mirror and to pull a gray hair.
It was just absolutely that's one example of how ridiculous they added to the law of God that they were so fearful of Of Breaking the law and they added to it.
They probably started well We don't know exactly how they start. We do know that they started somewhere in inner
Testament period of those 400 years of silence Somewhere the Pharisees came up and they were actually considered like the original
Puritans But they went corrupt Because how did they go corrupt?
They they got away from the Word of God They drew away from it they came away from it and that's what that's when problems happen well, these
Pharisees were Very strict to holding up the law.
Well, the the Sadducees were made would been applauding what
I would consider this jab at men whom the Pharisees think are obsessed with power and Temple rights at the expense of other
Commandments The Sadducees and the Pharisees were at odds against each other like the liberal theologians are at odds against the conservant theologians today
But this isn't enough and this is isn't entirely surprising is it that a Pharisee would come to see if This firebrand
Nazarite named Jesus That his views would line up with his own
Can I say this? We as we would see this learned Religious leader of the
Jews is in for a big surprise He's in for a big surprise John chapter 3 let me read it to you.
I like to read the first 10 verses of the text And then we will begin to work our way through to verse 3 today
And like I said, this is only breaking ground as we embark on this because there's so much here
Within our text. Let me read John chapter 3 verses 1 to 10 beginning at verse 1 verse 1
There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews This man came to Jesus by night and said to him rabbi
We know that you're a teacher come from God and no one could do these signs that you do unless God is with him
Jesus answered and said to him most assuredly I say to you Unless one is born again.
He cannot see the kingdom of God Nicodemus said to him how can a man be born when he is old?
Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born? Jesus answered most assuredly
I say to you Unless one is born of the water of water and the spirit
He cannot enter the kingdom of God That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the
Spirit is spirit Do not marvel that I said to you you must be born again
The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it But cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes.
So is everyone Who is born of the Spirit The Nicodemus answered and said to him
How can these things be? Jesus answered and said to him. Are you a teacher of Israel and do not know these things?
Most assuredly I say to you we speak what we know and testify what we have seen and You do not receive our witness
If I told you earthly things and you do not believe How will you believe if I tell you heavenly things
No one has ascended to heaven But he who has came down from heaven that is the
Son of Man who is in heaven I'll stop right there when a few verses extra, but that's a bonus for us
There's much here, right? There's much here and it's so important. Let's look at verse 1 verse 1
There was a man of the Pharisees Named Nicodemus a ruler of the
Jews. That's what the scripture says. I Like what MacArthur says
Here we have a worrying sinner We have a worrying sinner He's worried, isn't he?
He's concerned and he's got a right to be concerned this verse Actually introduces us to this man this
Pharisee by the name of Nicodemus Nicodemus meant in the
Greek Victor Comes from the Greek word Nike, which was means
Victor Scripture tells us that he's a ruler of the Jews He was a member of the
Jewish ruling council of the Sanhedrin the Sanhedrin body Basically, I've already mentioned a little bit about it, but it actually consisted of 70 elders within that religious group very very strict to the code of The law
That Body actually controlled Judah Jewish matters in Jerusalem and Also had great moral authority
Elsewhere in the Palestine and even outside of Palestine Sanhedrin included again both
Sadducees and the Pharisees and as we will see and As you read scripture, and you know the
Word of God. This is the group that literally crucified our Lord as Leading as a leading
Pharisee Nicodemus was a very spiritual quote -unquote spiritual
Social leader. He was a prominent man. He was wealthy as A Pharisee he was trained to believe that by obeying each
Technicality of the law of God. He was somehow attaining God's approval by his good works and A place in what the
Jews called The world of the world or the age to come that would be the kingdom of God and that's why
Jesus knows everything about him and he knew his heart, but That that's the reason why he's worried that's the reason why he's full of anxiety
He's got a reason to worry and that's the reason why he's so fearful And you have a lot of people that's in the same group here
They're doing it everything that they can to somehow earn their way to heaven Within their own good works as they labor and labor and labor
Somehow to earn their salvation. Yeah any wonder why the cults are Going door -to -door and out there as I go in Cartersville And you see this just not in Cartersville on the street as a as a milkman
I'm driving my milk truck and I see right on the corners of the streets every time I go through there on the corner the
Jehovah Witnesses has their stand out there giving people their watchtower and Promoting people there are constantly evangelizing and they're promoting their false teaching
That includes everything that there's faults about the kingdom of God there Because there's so far away from what the
Word of God says about they twist the scriptures And you know that they twist the scriptures about who Jesus is.
That's the most important That's just one cult and any wonder that they're out there doing so much of this because somehow they think they're earning their way to heaven the more that they can do the more that they can earn their way to heaven and Stack it up Thinking that this is going to please
God not so Did they would they would ever think that what
God sees is a stench before him? And that's exactly what the Word of God says
And we will see this in this text All Nicodemus sees before him is a judgment to come
Condemnation and that's why he's worried rightly so rightly so Well, that's a little introduction to Nicodemus we've got more to say to him later on but let me let's move on look at verse 2
This man came to Jesus by night, let's stop right there. There are so many books been written on this
Why did Jesus come? I'm sorry. Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus by night? Well, we don't know actually know that why
Nicodemus came to Jesus by night. Perhaps he came to the Lord for instruction to Keep from being embarrassed publicly in the daylight
So that he might return to the Jews with additional learning We don't know we can we can guess all we like to but we actually don't know
Really the main point of the story is of the that this religious man did come to Jesus.
Isn't that what's important? Whether it's by day or by night.
He came to Jesus That's what's important In a sense he was a seeker of the truth kind of like our philosophers today there's truth seekers as you see this all the time
I Said there's a motorcycle gang out there. I Say I've seen them they've been around for quite some time ever since I was a kid and they ride these
Harley's around and I notice in the back of their leather jacket says freedom seekers
Freedom seekers. Yeah, many people that's out there seeking for freedom or seeking the truth but All the truth is right here
And these wonderful pages of Scripture all in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the way the truth in the life
Well out of 6 ,000 Pharisees in that day according to the Jewish historian Josephus Here's Nicodemus the only
Pharisee that actually approached Jesus in that time outside of Nicodemus I would say the the only other
Pharisee that can encounter Jesus as I know of according to the scriptures found We see him in the book of Acts and he's by the name of first of all the
Saul of Tarsus He was a persecutor of the church And as you well know if you know the
Word of God he gave us later on it after his conversion 13 about 13 epistles and the
New Testament Interested that Nicodemus being a Pharisee comes to Jesus and Jesus goes after Paul Saul in the book of Acts Both were converted
But the Apostle Paul had a much higher calling upon him a chosen vessel
Paul was as you well know, let me speak a little bit about Paul here
After his conversion, he's knocked down from his horse on the road of Damascus he's blinded for three days and then he's filled with the
Holy Spirit and the scales come off his eyes and He is wide open
Wide open as a bond slave of Jesus Christ Paul's account on being a
Pharisee describes in detail. What a Pharisee is go with me to Philippians chapter 3 real quickly this is very enlightening because Outside right along with Nicodemus this kind of tells us a little bit about what how a
Pharisee what their duty was and Who they are if you go to Philippians chapter 3 look at with me to verse 4 to verse 6
Paul says this though. I also might have confidence in the flesh in which he does it but he's basically bringing this
If you look at the following the Burton, I'm sorry the verse before for we are the circumcision and He's talking about who worship
God in spirit and the spirit rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh whatsoever
So he says and then he says though. I also might have confidence in the flesh he's getting ready to just tell us about all this he used to be in his
BC days He was very religious folks like Nicodemus He says this if anyone else thinks he may have confidence in the flesh.
I'm or so he's actually using sarcasm here and then he says this circumcised of the eighth day the stock of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin a
Hebrew of Hebrews concerning the law a Pharisee Concerning zeal persecuting the church concerning the righteousness, which is in the law blameless
Then he says in verse 7. Let me read this a little bit here because it tells us there's a transition but That's the hinge folks.
That's the hinge that gives us the revelation But what things were gained to me these
I've counted lost for Christ And notice what he says
Yet indeed I also count all things lost for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my
Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish as a manure heap a dung the old
King James says that I may gain Christ And then he says and be found in him
And notice what he says this is the gospel right here folks not having my own righteousness
Which is from the law But that which is through faith in Christ the righteousness which is from God by faith
There you have long you have gospel the gospel as I mentioned last
Lord's Day the law says Be righteous and the verdict is basically, you're not righteous and then the gospel says
That righteousness is provided in Jesus Christ That's the gospel and then it then in his pursuit for God after salvation is sanctification in verse 10 that I may know him
That I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being conformed to his death
If by any means I may attain to the resurrection from the dead, but you get the point he was once one of the most religious men that ever lived right along with Nicodemus a
Pharisee was a very studious very studious and strict to the law
But the law cannot save them The law only adds to the their condemnation now again
As we look at Nicodemus, it's very important that He's a strict
Pharisee, which is meant that he lived by the strictest of religious rules.
I want you to think of this What's such a heavy burden such a heavy burden? That's why
Jesus said if you look in Matthew at the end of chapter 11, I believe
Jesus says to the people come unto me All your heavy burden heavy laden and I'll give you rest.
You know what he's talking about And then he says take my yoke upon you and learn of me for my yoke is easy
My burdens light, you know what? He's telling people in that day Rather than being yoked up with the law which brings condemnation.
He says you take my yoke My yoke is light. My burdens light.
My yoke is easy in that wonderful and Jesus is the only person in the flesh folks that fulfilled and kept the law perfectly perfectly
No one else did it So as Nicodemus comes to Jesus by night he's coming to the one that kept the law perfectly
He's coming to the right source He's coming to the right man religious rules
Stacked on top of another on Nicodemus the burden becomes heavy but Jesus knew his heart and Jesus knew that He wasn't going to put out a smoking flax here.
He he He was going to work with Nicodemus and he was going to give him the truth he was going to teach him
Many rules that was added on so that they tried to please God these
Pharisees So many Pharisees were hypocrites Hypocrites play actors because they could not keep the law.
I believe there's a scripture in Psalm 119 says it speaks about The way of perfection that I cannot keep but thy law is higher than that that's paraphrased
And the law is so high the standard is so high. No one can keep it only Jesus kept it now
Go with me to Matthew chapter 23. Let's look a little bit how the Pharisees look like Before God and I want you to keep this in mind
You notice that in the Gospels that Jesus is scolding and scathing and blistering
People in that day who he preached very hard against did you notice who he preaches hard very hard Against are the self -righteous
Pharisees The sinners he offers an invitation to come to him graciously and with we will see later on God -willing in chapter 4 the the mixed breed prostitute the
Samaritans it was basically mixed and They were looked down at there was Samaritans and the
Jews looked down at him and here this prostitute it comes to Jacob's well and Jesus just basically begins to evangelize her and says
Give me your drink of water and he graciously gives her the gospel but Nicodemus he is he
Evangelizes Nicodemus in a totally different way Completely different way and that tells us something about evangelism, doesn't it?
We need to Be aware of our audience and and how to present the gospel we always present the gospel the law and the gospel, but we must do it in a in a somewhat a
Way of wisdom in the way Jesus did Because he knew the person of course We don't know the hearts of men do we like Jesus does but we need to pray and ask
God give us wisdom and how? We should talk to this person and this person about the Lord Jesus Christ You can even start off by a simple a simple question.
Give me a drink of water or a comment Can always take him to the gospel, right?
notice in chapter 23 This is kind of a long I don't know if I I should read this whole chapter
But maybe I should very quickly to go through it Jesus gives the woes to the scribes and Pharisees and actually as you well know a prophet
Would give a blessing or a woe a curse a blessing or a curse and Jesus as the great prophet
Greater than a prophet, of course He's God in the flesh but he speaks as a prophet and Notice what he says to the
Pharisees and then then Jesus spoke to the multitudes in Matthew 23 to the multitudes and to his disciples and Then he says saying the scribes and the
Pharisees sit in Moses's seat And he knows the fair these people are listening even though he's speaking to the multitudes and his disciples
He knows that these people he's given warning and listen what he says the scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses's seat
In other words the full of pride they want to be seen a man. They want to sit in Moses's seat therefore whatever they tell you to observe that observe and do but do not do according to their works for they say and Do not do
That's a hypocrite for you Do as I say and don't do as I do
That's a hypocrite first for for they bind heavy burdens hard to bear and Lay on them and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves would not move them with one of their fingers
But all their works they do to be seen by men. There's their motive They all the works they do is to be seen a man not of God He says this they make their
Philosophies broad and enlarge the borders of their garments They love the best places at the feast and the best seats in the synagogues
Say a lot of that and they're sad to say in the evangelical churches Greetings in the marketplaces and be called a man rabbi rabbi.
I'm important Hmm. I'm the pastor. I'm the evangelist.
I'm the man of God Get the point But you do not be called rabbi for one is your teacher the
Christ and you are all brethren Do not call anyone on earth father.
Oh Wow, the Roman Catholics gonna need to take this scripture in the heart, but one is your father
He who is in heaven and do not be called teachers for one is your teacher the Christ But he who is the greatest among you shall be your servant
And whoever exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted but woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites
Notice how Jesus gives it to them for you. Shut up the kingdom of heaven against men For neither you go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are in entered to go in?
Woe to you scribes Pharisees hypocrites For you devour the widows houses and for a pretense make long prayers
Therefore you will receive a greater condemnation Woe to you scribes Pharisees hypocrites you for you travel land and sea to win prop one proselyte and when you and when he's won you make him twice as much a
Son as hell's yourselves has strong words Woe to you blind guides who say whoever swears by the temple is nothing
But whoever swears by the gold of the temple, he is obliged to perform it fools and blind
For which is the greater the gold of the temple that sanctifies the gold And whoever swears by the altar it is nothing but whoever swears by the gift that is on it
He is obliged to perform it fools and blind But which is greater the gift the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift
Therefore he who swears by the altar swears by and by all things on it
He who swears by the temple swears by it and by him who dwells in it He who swears by heaven swears by the throne of God by him who sits on it
Woe to you scribes Pharisees hypocrites For you pay tie the mint and nice and coming and have neglected the weightier matters of the law justice and mercy and faith
These you ought to have done without leaving the others undone blind gods who strain at a knack and swallow a camel
Woe to you scribes Pharisees hypocrites For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish but inside they are full exhortion extortion and self -indulgence
Blind Pharisee first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish that the outside of them may be clean also
Woe to you scribes Pharisees hypocrites For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly but inwardly full of dead men's bones and uncleanness
Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness woe to you scribes
Pharisees hypocrites because you build the tombs of the prophets and adored the monuments of the righteous and Say if we had lived in the days of our fathers
We would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets Therefore you are witnesses against yourselves and that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets
Fill up then the measure of the father's guilt serpents brood of vipers
How can you escape the condemnation of hell? I don't think there's
I Don't think there's any stronger words from our Lord found in Any of the
Gospels then what we just read Powerful, isn't it? Some of those verses hit me
I said, wow, I got a little Pharisee in me. I Need to have that that Pharisee crucified.
I Don't know. It's basically the Pharisee is just leaning all in the flesh folks And that's what he's doing.
He's he's religious outwardly Everything he does is about looks and to be seen a man his motives are wrong.
He prays for the wrong reason He gives tithes for the wrong reason. He he everything he does in a religious sense
He does wrongly But Jesus the discerner of the hearts knows exactly what's in the heart
And by the way, keep that in mind. The reason I read that is because he knows what's in the heart of Nicodemus And he gives
Nicodemus exactly what he needs To deliver him from such a religious system in the religious machine
Wow Nicodemus was deeply concerned in his quest for the truth, right?
He comes to Jesus by night Again, as we don't know the very reason could be because to spare his embarrassment.
That's a guess Some suggest Nicodemus wanted to a quite uninterrupted conversation within With the new teacher come from God, maybe he wanted some more time with Jesus That's a possibility
Like I said, we can just kind of just fill in the gaps there and guess at it But we don't know exactly his real reason but I tell you this folks
Jesus knew his reason Jesus knew his motive Jesus knew him just like he knows you and me
Isn't that wonderful the one that loves us the most? Knows exactly
What we need he tells us the truth the one that tells us the hardest truth
Loves us the most We need to keep that before us
Jesus is a teacher come from God verse 2 There's a small plural pronoun word that throws a great deal of light in this conversation
Notice what Jesus Nicodemus says to Jesus rabbi we we We know that you are a teacher come from God the we indicates that Nicodemus was representing the religious leaders as well
Nicodemus uses the word rabbi interesting basically means teacher and You notice
Jesus already mentioned about that and Matthew 23, you're not to be called that Because they like the prominence they they that that was about their pride
It was a title it was just to be prominent a preeminence like Others in the church at the time of the
Apostles Theatrophies comes to mind Jesus knows the hearts he knew
Nicodemus's heart What Jesus is very familiar with the term teacher
He acknowledges the Lord Jesus Christ as teacher and a rabbi come from God.
Well, he gives respect That's interesting in it. You're a teacher from God You do these signs of these wonders
And he says it never no one could do these signs or miracles that you do unless God is with them Jesus could have took that flattery, but Jesus didn't take the flattery folks
I Interested in spite of all his learning Nicodemus did not recognize the
Lord Jesus Christ as God manifest in the flesh. Did he know? Scripture says
God and Jesus is God in the flesh because we looked at John 1 1 3 5 in the beginning was the word the
Logos the word was with God the word Logos was God He was in the beginning with God all things were made through him and without him nothing was made that was made and him was life and the light was the light of men and the light shines in darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it and Basically now we're come to verse 3 here.
The light shines in darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it Nicodemus doesn't get it
Jesus is the light and he shines on the darkness of men and Now in Verse 3 is very critical
May God help us to truly engage our souls on this verse folks From our
Lord Jesus Christ himself who came from heaven to teach us about the new birth and give this revelation Now keep in mind this truth is in essence
Nicodemus was asking in a sense Who are you that that's basically what in the sin in his?
it's interesting because if you notice in John in the text in John 3 here
And we come to this it says Jesus answered Him and it's interested that Jesus answered.
There's no question It makes you wonder why did they why did the translators put answered but you know what
I think about that It's almost like Nicodemus Had a question in his heart
About who Jesus really was Jesus answered it's almost like Jesus is reading this religious man's heart
Who are you and that the most important question who is Jesus and how we answer that's critical
The miracles you showed is from God. He Nicodemus says you do all these miracles.
You must be the Messiah The anointed one the deliverer to come redeem us the
Jewish people from the tyranny of the Romans Who are you truthfully who are you honestly,
I think Nicodemus had this in his heart and then the text says Jesus answered
It's almost like in the hearts of a little many many people that even come to church who is
Jesus And Jesus says this folks and here it is, here's the truth
Most assuredly in other words, the old King James says verily verily Truly truly
Amen, amen you will see this 25 times in this gospel and when
Jesus says that He's making a declaration of truth at the beginning is basically we say amen after a truth is said, right?
Amen, that's a truth all the promises of God are yes and amen but Jesus puts his amen at the beginning of the statement because he is the truth and He is and Jesus says amen.
Amen Hear this truth truly truly in other words He is about to give a revelation and you know, what else he's doing when he says that he is correcting a false statement
He is going to correct Nicodemus in the false statement in which he believes you get that and Then Jesus says truly truly
I say to you unless one is born again. He cannot see the kingdom of God You notice what
Jesus does? He goes directly to his heart He's not going around From his mind he goes right to his heart
You notice that the way the Word of God is is such a discerner of hearts it Pierces to the core of your being it reads, you know
We've come to read the Word of God, but it turned it brother Keith mentions is a great deal But it turns around and it reads you rightly so and Actually, Jesus does not give in to Nicodemus's flattery as I said and him doing miracles
Jesus saw what was in Nicodemus's empty searching heart and Jesus read his heart
He discerned his heart and then he cuts it Lovingly and he gives him what he needs not what he wants
Isn't that wonderful about our Lord? He loves us that much Even though he wounds us and it cuts and it's hard but on the other end folks.
It has great benefits It is the thing that people push away
But it's the one thing that will heal their soul more than anything else And that is the truth and Jesus said that he said you shall come to know the truth and the truth shall make you free
And it wonderful have such a wonderful God. You must be born again What does that mean you must be born from above Miracles signs wonders were not what was the most important thing there?
What was the most important was the great miracle of regeneration in that interested?
It Nicodemus is focusing on all those miracles that he did and the Bible says that he did so many miracles
That even the books all the books could not contain what he did and many miracles.
He did would not written in Jerusalem when he cleansed the temple that was a miracle, but there was many other miracles he did and The miracle of regeneration
Jesus goes basically says this is the miracle that you need This is the miracle that's most important.
Basically, that's what he's saying Regeneration you must be born again.
What does that mean? You must be born from above. That's the Greek You must be born from above you must be changed
You must be changed from in the within to the out Change like Jesus says cleanse what is in the platter first inside the heart
You don't do it the opposite way it's not Reformation then on the outside Then inside it's inside and out.
That's the proper way You must be changed spiritually. You must be changed from within you must be changed.
Holy You must be changed changed changed Completely The new birth is a necessity
It is an imperative In other words to see and to enter the kingdom of God You must be born again
JC Rao said this if you are not born again, you will wish one day that you were not born at all
Wow because The only way we can enter into the kingdom of God is must we must be born again now
I will tell you again when Jesus says you must be born again.
He says it many times in this chapter We're not talking about the words of Spurgeon or the words of Luther The words of RC Spurrow or pastor
MacArthur as much as I love those godly men and there's some of my favorites and I read Them all the time, but folks we're looking at the
Lord of the church here. Jesus Christ himself said this So we must come with full attention engaged a hundred percent
Jesus when Jesus says you must be born again. We must be born again Whitfield's right, but more than that Jesus Is the one that's right on it.
Jesus said you must be born again born from above. That's a necessity It's something that God does fully completely and not something man does after all
Nicodemus has tried it all He's tried everything religious now.
He's empty He knows he cannot go any further and then he comes to Jesus by night And Jesus is basically saying start over and dump all your religion could you imagine telling somebody that's going to church for 90 years and Saying and and they still have not been born again of the
Spirit God they haven't shown in no evidence and all that they've done From their infant from their childhood to their old age they played church and then
Jesus comes and says you must be born again dump all your religion start over and enter into the kingdom of God It's basically what
Jesus is saying to Nicodemus Wow Born from above and otherwise you can never enter in or see the kingdom of God unless this happens
It must happen It's a bus it's a necessity and We better pay attention to this because if we're not born again of the
Spirit of God We will never see or enter into God's kingdom Heaven Because it's holy supernatural
Now is Jesus telling us something that we can't do Well, yes, he is in a sense.
It's something that God does Jesus gave these all -important words
But he's also given an analogy about birth folks And your first birth is necessary for physical life, right?
So is your second birth as a necessity for divine life? We you you and I had nothing to do with our first birth, right?
We didn't make that happen Same with your second birth
We have nothing to do with that Well, why all the books about how to be born again?
It's spurious and it's wrong. No one can actually tell you how to be born again and Jesus gives the answer
We're going to go in that direction That's why Jesus says in verse 8 the wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it
But cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the
Spirit You know the wind blows you can't see the wind, right? But they are effects
That we can see That's what Jesus is basically telling Nicodemus when one is born of the
Spirit of God there are effects now if we do not have anything to do with our new birth our salvation and Regeneration, how can
I be born again then? well, that's really an important question is and it's a good question because Everything I mean everything
Here is heaven or hell eternal life or eternal damnation Hangs on the hinges of that given the right answer now,
I'm gonna give you the right answer This is uh, this will be in the application if you go to the the chapter
Chapter 1 I want you to see this
We looked at it and it basically gives us the answer in chapter 1 look at verse 11 he came into his own and his own did not receive him
But what is verse 12 say but there's the hinge there's the revelation But as many as received him to them
He gave the right or the privilege to become children of God to those who believe in his name who were born
There it is who were born not of blood nor the will of the flesh nor the will of man, but of God Now the scripture says for by grace you've been saved through faith and that not of yourselves
It is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast in it it's all of God and God alone, but There is a receiving here and that's what the text is saying
Scripture also says that Speaking of Mary and she shall bring forth a son and you shall call his name
Jesus Jehovah saves. That's what it means That he will save his people from their sins his people
Those that God has decreed to believe before the world was ever
Created now does that mean we throw out the whosoever will God forbid not wherever the whosoever is we preach to whosoever
But only God knows those that are elect right? We don't that's why we preach to whosoever the general call to all people
The invitation is to all But God knows those who is
Will believe and that's more than just for knowledge that is eternally degreed in Eternity past in the doctrine of election.
Like I said, the doctrine of election is the only great doctrine grace
That's greater than to regeneration But I like what MacArthur said about this in order to get to heaven and enter into the kingdom of God You do not have to believe in the doctrine of election
Even though when you are saved you do believe in it But what's important is to get into heaven and get into the kingdom of God.
You must believe in regeneration you must and The scripture tells us right there for as many as received him
To many as received in there's three things. I'd like to Go to in closing here
Number one not a blood not a blood. This means that a person does not become a believer through having
Christian parents Salvation is not passed down by parents to a child through bloodstream there's a lot of people
I know to hang on to the relatives of Their godly parents children and they tang on their hope
Coattail to try to get into heaven all my dad my parents and they're great godly man
And that must mean I'm good. There's nothing in that blue. The Pharisees believe. Yes. Are we not Abraham seed?
Jesus didn't care about that. They he knew that they must be born again It's not in the bloodstream
Second nor the will of the flesh nor the will of the flesh listen to that In other words a person does not have the power the ability in his own flesh to produce the new birth
We cannot make that happen. The Holy Spirit must make it happen That's how critical it is
Although he must be willing in order to be saved, but it's God that makes the person willing
People says yeah, what about my choice? Jesus says Have I not chosen you you have not chosen me, but I chose you
Jesus is the one we first come to God and we think oh, I'm the seeker. No.
No God's the seeker. He was there first The only reason we seek God is because God first sought us don't you love but God Does even this through the greatest grace yet in order to be saved through his mercy and his grace the
Holy Spirit does the work? Of regeneration God does and we're going to look at that later on Third not the will of man not the will of man.
In other words man cannot save nothing can't even save a flea Only God through Jesus Christ saves to the uttermost so how does the new birth take place?
The answer is very simple the last Very last three words of verse 13, but of God but of God But of God, you know what that means what if I ready to go to the g3 and the whole theme is the sovereignty of God salvation
Regeneration, it's God's work From beginning to the end that's why the
Bible says Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith So we fix our eyes on him and this is why
Jesus said this to Nicodemus later on you will see this again later on We will see in Verse 14 as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness
Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up and whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life
One person came to Spurgeon one time and says, how can I know that I'm elect? Jesus says let's go to Jesus Go to Jesus and you'll find out and see if you're elect
And Jesus said that no one can come to the father Except through me unless the father draws him and Jesus says he that comes to me
I wouldn't know why is cast out notice that the responsibility of God's sovereignty and then a responsibility of man.
We do not both are on the same track We don't understand it, but they run parallel if one is born again
First 2nd Corinthians 5 17 therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation old things have been passed away
Behold all things have become new. What does that mean? That basically means after a person is regenerate old value systems priorities the beliefs the loves the plans are gone
Evil and sin are still present. The dead man still is hanging on our back. That's what Romans 7 is about the dead man stinks and He's gonna stink it to the day we go into glory, but I'm telling you would have put that that Sin and that evil dead man to death
That plagues us God's persists perspective. Once again,
JC Ryle says this what's the effects of being born again? Listen to this to be born again as it were to enter upon a new existence
To have a new mind to have a new heart to have new views new principles
New taste new affections new likings new Dislikings new fears new joys new sorrows new love to things once hated new hatred to things once loved new thoughts of God and ourselves and the world and the life to come and salvation
In quote he packed it in didn't he? In other words when the scripture says old things have passed away behold
All things become new that's what it means to be born from above folks. And this is what happens in regenerate in regeneration it is a supernatural act and then we can go and tell people this has happened to me and and in an experience by faith and Something God has done and it's not something we cannot
Attribute anything in our salvation that we have done, right? I like what Paul Washer says not even ninety nine point nine percent of God and 0 .1
percent of us. No, it's all 100 % of God. Amen There's much more to say but I must close this out
Let me give you a question What's important is?
What's important is? Have you been born again? Have you been born again?
Have you experienced this new birth? Are you changed from inside and out?
What about the effects can someone
I like what old dr. J. Vernon McGee said he said this years ago I heard him through the Bible.
He said If you were to stand before a court and a jury of people and the judge were to ask you
Can can they find enough evidence on you that you are a true child of God?
That you are a believer in Jesus Christ a disciple of Jesus Christ Can they find enough evidence on you that you are a child of God Jesus said it
We know we know people by their fruits and includes us Just not the false teachers.
Yeah, the false teachers we could say discern, but what about us? David says search me
Oh God And see if there be any wicked way in me Have you been born again?
Have you been born again? That's what's important. I pray so go to Jesus and see
Let's pray. Oh father. What's such a great revelation that you've given us your word is so powerful
The truly truly the amen. Amen. I say to you unless one is born again.
He cannot see the kingdom of God. Oh my How important this is for all of us?
It stops playing it stops us in our tracks and play in church being religious
And it brings us right into a relationship of reconciliation with you Lord through your son the
Lord Jesus Christ this great salvation That is in your one and only son in whom you loved
Who is the Lamb of God? your lamb Upon a cross and Father we know that being born of the
Spirit of God is all by your grace alone. Nothing else for your glory alone and You have supplied the necessity the necessary condition to come to Jesus We thank you for this
How gracious you are? by grace of by grace on Lord The only thing that comes to my mind here
The only thing that we have contributed to our salvation is our sin the only thing that we have contributed to salvation is our sin that made it possible and the
Lord Jesus Christ Paid the ransom in full Father we cannot thank you enough all in the person and works of Jesus The power of God into salvation your power your mercy your compassion your right hand your tender loving compassion
Giving us the Lord Jesus Christ your son at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light And all the burdens of my soul rolled away
It was there by faith. I received my sight and Lord now. I'm happy all the day. We thank you
That there is a salvation And we thank you for the Savior who bled and died in our place that we can have eternal life
We praise you we thank you and we bless your most holy name in Jesus name