F4F | Perry Stone's Pseudo-Profound Bovine Scatology

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever listened to a preacher or a teacher and when you're listening to them it just sounds like they're not saying anything.
Like you've heard the words and there are words and there are words and there are words and there are words.
But the point that they're making is really not what the biblical text says.
You have no idea how they're getting that from the sentences that they're supposedly reading out from the scriptures.
And they're filling your head and they're really entertaining, they're really engaging. But at the end of the day it's like there's no substance at all.
Remember that commercial from the 80s? Well I did. Where's the beef? Yeah.
Where's the beef? Where? There's nothing in this. This is a nothing sandwich that you're serving up here.
Where's the beef? Yeah. Well we're going to be heading over to Cathedral Church and their guest preacher
Perry Stone yeah of Manifest. And we're going to listen as he's supposedly preaching about Job and there's like no biblical point.
But man he's engaging. Oh he's entertaining. Oh he says it with passion and stuff like that but he says nothing, nothing, he says nothing.
Where's Perry Stone? Where's the beef? That's the question we want to answer. So if you've ever heard that, experienced that, go ahead and subscribe to our channel.
Like this video and don't forget to ring the bell. So let's head over to Cathedral Church as we check in with Perry Stone as he's going to supposedly be preaching something from the book of Job.
We'll see if we can make heads or tails of it. Here we go. Job chapter 29 and verse 10. I have never preached this message before.
Job 29 verse 10. Job 29 and verse 10.
Maybe I misheard him. You know the voice of the nobles was hushed and their tongue stuck to the roof of their mouth.
Okay let me let me back this up and then just try this again. Job chapter 29 and verse 10.
I have never preached this message before. It's new to me and so bear with me because there's several different rabbit trails
I could take and I want to focus on the thought at hand and I'm going to ask you a question.
Have you had a restlessness that has come into your spirit that at times you cannot get over for weeks or months?
I'm feeling and detecting that there are people who've had a restlessness that's come into their spirit and it's lasted a while.
If this is you, well that's vague. That's huh. And you can't explain it and you can't pray it away and you can't go to your brothers and sisters and intercede and it break.
Has anybody been there? Raise your hands right now and wave it this way brother Stone. A restlessness, a very strange restlessness.
I'm feeling it right now. Can't you feel that? Yeah there's a restlessness here.
I'm restless because I don't feel like we're going to hear God's word taught properly at all. I'm going to tell you what's happening.
Are you ready for this? I'm going to read the text but I'm going to tell you what is happening. Job 29 and 10.
Job said then. Okay. Job 29 and 10. He's going to read it out.
I said I shall die in my nest and I shall.
Job 29 verse 10. See that's
Job 29 right there and that's verse 10. The voice of the nobles was hushed and their tongue stuck to the roof of their mouth.
Maybe he's reading second Job. I. Okay. I'm coming back.
Shall multiply my days as sand. For the next few moments I'm going to tell you what your situation is.
God is stirring up your nest. What?
He's doing what? God is stirring up my nest. I feel like you're stirring up my irritation here at this point
Perry. What are you talking? I don't have a nest. All right.
Like I said, there's a nothing burger here and you can't figure out why
God is stirring up your nest. Now this is absurd.
This is ridiculous. You can't figure out why God's stirring up your nest man.
He ain't stirring up my nest Perry. I don't got no nest and the God's not stirring it and this has nothing to do with Job because what you just said doesn't make no sense.
Now we must look at the verse to understand why Job who is in a precarious, terrible, horrible position writes the word that he writes and says the phrase that he says.
According to Job chapter one, we do not know where Job actually lives. Some suggest.
Yeah. So why did Job write something about a nest? I could,
I were Job 29 verse 10. I see nothing about a nest.
So we got to hunt for, see if we could find this. All right. Nest. We're going to look for nest and I'm looking in the old
Testament. Job 29, I thought I shall die in my nest and I shall multiply my days as the sand.
Job 29, 18. Okay. So let's, let's just say that Perry, you know, he's getting old like I am.
So, you know, we, we old guys, I mean, sometimes we misspeak. So he, he, he just misspoke.
He wrote this down wrong. He meant Job 29, 18. Then I thought
I shall die in my nest and I shall multiply my days as the sand. See, there it is. It's 29, 18.
And so he's supposedly going to tell us. So why did Job write this? I shall die in my nest statement.
All right. Please enlighten us, Perry. I'm waiting for some good sound biblical exegesis here and I, I'm concerned that we're not going to get there with you, but we'll keep trying here.
The area of Saudi Arabia, some suggest the area of the Negev desert, that region.
But we do know there had to be plenty of water and plenty of grass because of the number of animals that he had.
It wasn't just a dry desert region because the Bible tells us in the beginning of the book of Job that he had 3000 camels, 7 ,000 sheep.
He had 1000 yoke of oxen and houses and 10 children that were older and each had a home of their own.
And the Bible calls him the greatest man in the East. Lightning fell and killed the sheep.
This isn't helping me understand why he wrote about a nest and why I should think God's stirring mine up.
Yeah. Killed the sheep. A group of nomads invaded on horses and rode off, pushing the animals with them and capturing his animals.
We know that a whirlwind, a tornado or a hurricane of some kind fell on the homes and killed 10 children who were feasting in the home.
This man lost everything he owned with the exception of three servants that survived and his wife who was critical of him.
Obviously, she married him for the money. No text says that.
Um, whoa. So we're now out of nowhere without any textual warrant.
We're judging Job's wife and basically saying she's a gold digger. Okay. I've never read any commentaries on Job that say that his wife was a gold digger, but Perry clearly put all the clues together and figured it out for us.
Can I go there? No. Because when he lost everything he had, she told him to curse
God and just die. Why do you? That doesn't prove she's a gold digger.
What's your husband to die because he's lost all the money. You're not going to get this. Go shopping at Macy's like you did.
Come on now. Come on girls. Help me out. And that's an anachronism right there, but I know the point he's trying to make, but I don't think you can just prove that because she said curse
God and die, that that means ergo she was a gold digger. And so she figured if he'll die, she'd go marry another one somewhere.
So you got to get rid of him first. How do you know she figured that the text doesn't say that you're, you're slandering
Job's wife. Wow. And he told her you speak like a foolish woman.
Now, here's what happens. The second attack comes to him, takes his health out, boils break out on his body to the point that his friends say in Job two, that when they saw him coming, they did not know who he was.
And for seven days, he sat in dust and just scratched the boils, but would say nothing.
And then as you progress from Job chapter three into Job, how does this understand?
Help me understand why God supposedly is stirring my nest. Over here at 29, you will hear
Job reminiscing about what used to be. Now stay with me because this is, this is the nest we're talking about.
Job begins to say in the book of Job, in months past, when I walked in the dark.
What is that cadence? In months past, pasta is something that you put like, you know, sauce on, you know, that's what pasta is.
What is, what is this cadence of his darkness? The light of God shined upon me and my children.
He then says later in the book of Job, when I washed my steps with, with oil, when
I, when I, when I washed my steps in, in, in butter, the rock poured me out rivers of oil, a metaphor.
You taking notes on this? Woo. You know, and I stepped on the butter, the rivers of oil thingy.
What is he saying? You know, this is, this is, I hate to say this.
There's a, there's a phrase and you're going to have to Google it because I'm, I ain't putting a link to it. But so there's this thing called pseudo profound, and I'm going to change the phrase.
All right. There's an actual journal article written on this concept, pseudo profound, and we'll just call it bovine scatology.
Kind of work out what the B and the S stands for. And I feel like at this point, what we're getting from Perry is, um, pseudo profound bovine scatology.
And this is all designed to make him look like, Oh, he's so smart.
He really knows his stuff. I mean, how do you know he knows his stuff? Well, cause I don't understand what he's saying.
You know? Oh, Oh, he's so deep. He's unfathomable, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, yeah.
This is pseudo profound bovine scatology. And if you Google that and replace the bovine scatology with other words, um, you'll find a journal article on this concept.
And I feel like that's what we're experiencing here. For the favor and anointing of God that was on his life in days gone by.
He also says that when I was in my former days of prosperity, when
I would sit at the gate, the princess of the nations would come and listen to me speak with my wisdom and the young men would sit silent while I would talk to them about wisdom and direction.
And we would say at this day, the business principles of how I have made it through faith in God. And then
Job continues to talk about when I spoke, the people blessed me.
I helped the poor. I helped the widow. I helped the fatherless though.
This still isn't helping me understand why God is apparently stirring up my nest. That's the mystery that we're trying to solve here.
Why is God stirring up my nest? Hmm. Those that were ready to die, I stood there with them to be a part of them in their departure.
This is Job talking. I was eyes to the blind. I was feet to the lame.
To those who had nothing, I was for them. And those who tried to disrupt the poor and abuse them,
I would reach in and break the jaws of the wicked. Break the jaws of the wicked.
Preach like a Pentecostal preacher here. Yeah. Okay. That's what that cadence is.
Now here's a man that would have been a fine friend to have. Here is someone that had he been a part of your life, that if you had a financial need, he would have helped you out.
That if you had a family problem, he'd have sat down and counseled you. And here is a man now after talking about, don't miss it.
After talking about, don't miss it. Miss what? After this is a man, don't miss it.
Oh, I'm ready. I'm ready. There's a camera. What do we get? What do we want to miss? What is it? It's got kind of like foghorn, leghorn.
Pay attention to what I'm talking to you boy. Pay attention. Yeah. About all the blessings that he had, he makes this statement, and I was ready to die in my nest.
I was We went all that way to circle right back to verse 18, not 10 by the way, to circle all the way back to verse 18.
That same guy says I was ready to die in my nest. Don't miss it. Don't miss it
Pay attention to me while I'm talking to you, boy. Pay attention while I'm talking to you. Okay. All right. Fine.
Bye. Bye What's the point exactly? Let me back this up. I don't understand a thing he's saying all the blessings that he had he makes this statement and I Was ready to die in my nest.
I was ready I was so content and I was I'm going somewhere whether you I'm setting you up You ain't going nowhere
Your wheels are spinning in the mud Perry. I'm in fact, I don't even think you have wheels at this point
I'm going somewhere. I'm I'm getting ready to make a point here Well get on with it.
Would you I? Was so happy and I was so rested and I was so blessed with prosperity
That I said to myself I'll stay in my comfort zone I won't just You know, he didn't say that Huh?
Yeah, Joe wouldn't know the concept of a comfort zone and there's no scriptural biblical textual proof of him
Feeling like he needs to say in his comfort zone, you know, that's that's a modern thing
Okay, stay in my nest and I'll just have a happy old life and raise my kids and grandkids
Leave them an inheritance when I'm gone, but I'm gonna stay in my nest the he didn't say that that's
No, and so so God is stirring up my nest which means God's making me move outside of my comfort zone
That that's where this is going. Really? Really rest of my life
Now he does not stay in his nest But his nest is shaken up He is cast out of the nest touch your neighbor and say this neighbor.
Oh, you didn't hear me now I got jumped on you too fast say this neighbor God is gonna stir up your nest
I Guess you have to say it that way.
God is gonna stir up your nest This is a nothing burger.
Where's the beef? Dude, there's nothing in this. This is Pseudo profound bovine scatology is what we're dealing with here and This guy is a world -famous preacher man on television and stuff and broadcast from Israel Thingies and he's saying nothing, but he's smart, man
I I know he's smart because the reason why is cuz man when he talks I have no idea what he's talking about Yeah, so God's gonna stir up my nest which means he's gonna kick me out of my comfort zone.
That's not what Joe 29 is about at all.
Oh, this is painful. I just I mean, let's take a look at Job 29 just So Job again took up his discourse and he said let's see we make some sense of this text.
Oh That I were as in the months of old as in the days when God watched over me
See, he's he's in his suffering right now when his lamp shone upon my head and his light and by his light
I walked through the darkness as I was in my prime when the friendship of God was upon my tent when
Almighty was yet with me When my children were all around me when my steps were washed with butter and with then the rock poured out
For me streams of oil when I went out to the gate of the city when I prepared my seat in the square the young Men saw me so he's he's reminiscing about you know
What his life was like before all of these calamities came upon him He doesn't know that the reason why he's being made to suffer is because the devil has asked to sift him
He doesn't know that he doesn't understand what's going on here that the devil's basically saying the reason why
Job loves you guys because you Blessed him so much curse him and and he'll curse you.
That's that's the the thought of what's going on here So it says so the young men saw me and withdrew and the aged rose and stood the princes
Refrained from talking and laid their hand on my mouth The voice of nobles was hushed in the tongue and their tongue stuck to the roof of their mouth
When the ear heard it called me and blessed and when the eye saw it approved But because I delivered to the poor who cried for help and the fatherless who had none to help him
The blessing of him who was about to perish came upon me and I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy
I put on righteousness and clothed me. My justice was like a robe in a turban. I Was eyes to the blind
I was feet to the lame. I was a father to the needy this is a beautiful picture by the way of Christian sanctification of The life of one who is a penitent sinner
Who is bearing the fruit of the Spirit in their life? I mean this sounds like an exemplary Example of a man who was rich in good works in love toward his neighbor as well as fervent faith in God I this this is showing through this this description here is amazing.
I Was father to the needy I searched out the cause of him whom I did not know I broke the fangs of the unrighteous and made him drop his prey from his teeth
And then I thought I shall die in my nest and I shall multiply my name days as the sand my roots spread out to the waters and with the dew all night on my branches my
Glory fresh with me and my bow ever knew in my hand men
Listen to me and I waited and kept silence for my counsel This isn't about a comfort zone, by the way after I spoke they did not speak again and my word dropped upon them
They waited for me as for the rain they opened their mouths as for the spring rain
I smiled on them when they had no confidence in the light of my face. They did not cast down.
I chose their way and Sat as chief and I lived like a king among his troops like one who comforts mourners
So not only was he blessed by God as far as wealth that he had But he was truly blessed in the good works that he had towards His neighbor but calamity has struck him chapter 30 then says but now they laugh at me men who are younger than I whose fathers
I Would have disdained to set with the dogs of my flock Yeah, the the unrighteous now mock him what could
I gain from there from the strength of their hands men whose vigor is gone Through wanton heart hunger.
They gnaw the dry ground by night and waste and desolation. They pick stalled
Saltwort and leaves of bushes and the roots of the broom tree for their food. They are driven out from human company
They shout after them as after a thief in the gullies of the torrents They must dwell in holes of the earth and of the rocks among the bushes.
They bray under the nettles They huddled together a senseless nameless brood. They have been whipped out of the land and now
I have become their song. I Am a byword to them. They abhor me
They keep aloof from me They do not hesitate to spit at the side of me because God has loosed my cord and humbled me
They have cast off restraint in my presence now a little bit of a note here Scripture is very clear
Jesus is very clear that the scriptures testify about him and So in the types and shadows which the
Old Testament is in fact The New Testament makes it very clear that the Old Testament is type in shadow and it testifies of Christ So in some way then in the sufferings of of Job we can see a
Shadow of the sufferings of Christ the way he described himself as like a king and those who came to him had wisdom
That and saw and he sought out to help those who were poor and needy This this this sounds a lot like Jesus.
In fact when you read the gospel accounts, it is stunning you know how merciful and kind and full of wisdom
Jesus was and how he would take up the cause of Those who had no one to protect them.
No one to to care for them. Jesus would Meet their needs and seek them out in order to help them in their misery
And so what we see here then in Job sanctification described in chapter 29
Is a picture of what the Christian looks like why? Because the Christian is to look like Christ in his good works
And so because of that now we can kind of see the connection then and see how Christ himself
Really is the prime example of what Job is describing. He was experiencing in his life while he was blessed
But note the big turn now Job now is mocked and people are making songs about him and he's the byword of the fool of The person who is a mocker and a scorner and an unbeliever in this kind of a similar way
Jesus had experienced that big turn, too In fact, one of the things that Perry Stone said that people that knew him when they saw him in his misery
They didn't recognize him That's exactly how Isaiah describes Jesus in his sufferings when he says that you know
No one looked on his form that he was marred beyond all recognition Be and he was prophesying of the beating that Jesus received at the hands of the
Romans and so in some way There's a way to connect this back to Christ and to meditate on Christ goodness
His mercy his kindness and the great suffering that he was made to go through but Job's suffering wasn't vicarious
It wasn't for your sins and for mine But Christ's was and so the idea here is is that you know
We Christians also are called to suffer and to experience persecution and so the account of Job You know really should give us comfort.
It is is it is a book worth studying studying in our Mourning studying in our suffering studying in our persecution
And so you'll note that the big turn that Job experienced Christ experienced that but he
Jesus experienced that For us so that we can be forgiven So anyway
You'll note that you know you can take these texts and when you properly understand how they all connect back to Christ you can connect them back to Christ and preach him and challenge people to repent of their selfishness their self -righteousness their their
Sinfulness and to trust in the merciful one who suffered and bled and died for them and you can do that even from the book of Job the
Perry Stone well, I Don't know what he's preaching and teaching but I can tell you this don't make no sense and it really is
An abysmal Mishandling of this text he's trying to make himself look all smart and suck as you don't understand
This isn't about your comfort zone. It's the best way I can put it and don't worry. God isn't stirring your nest
That's not the point of this text either. So if you found this helpful Well, please share the information all the information on how you can share this videos down below don't forget to like it and subscribe to our channel and ring the bell and Fighting for the faith and pirate
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God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ It is vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.