Daily Devotional – September 2, 2020


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God’s Word


are in the middle of the week again already and another another week is whizzing by right in front right in front of our eyes and here we have second day of September into the ninth month of the year already and just think we only have a couple of months till election day and then chaos will be over and COVID will be gone and yeah well
I don't know about any of that but nevertheless it is Wednesday and I hope you're having a good one. Well I like to read in my leisure reading some of the leisure reading
I do is people who've done hikes and especially long rigorous hikes and a few years ago
I read about a guy let's say past the prime of his life in you know my age and he's wanting to do a through hike of the long trail in Vermont and that's a that's a trail of about 280 miles a hundred of those miles overlap with the
Appalachian trail maybe you've heard about that that's a 2 ,000 plus mile trail that goes from Georgia all the way to to Maine well anyway this guy he was wanting to do a hike from the south end of Vermont along the long trail all the way up to the border of Canada Canadian border and he's doing this in late spring early summer now you say well which was it late spring or early summer well we're talking about Vermont so you could be in the middle of June and be late spring and I suppose technically by the calendar it is but you know we usually think of June as being summertime anyway
I can't remember exactly whether it was you know the end of May early
June but one thing about Vermont that time a year is you know especially the trails they can be pretty muddy because they get a lot of snow and in the spring the snow melts and that creates muddy conditions on the trail so in the southern part of the state there's some areas that are pretty boggy and nevertheless the trail maintenance people they've put down like logs or narrow timbers to to walk on through those boggy areas and so this guy's this guy's navigating through this boggy area he's being ever so careful one foot in front of the other on this narrow log to navigate through the bog so he doesn't
I mean mud everywhere very carefully but all of a sudden yeah you get to pick you