Kenneth Copeland Says COVID-19 Is DESTROYED!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Kenneth Copeland is a prosperity teacher and faith healer from Texas who says just about the weirdest things he can think of on a very regular basis.
His doctrine is false, his teaching is unbiblical, and his mannerisms are just nothing short of insane.
The man should not be a Bible teacher, let alone one of the highest -paid, most popular teachers in the nation, but regardless of whether or not he deserves those things, he has them nonetheless.
I guess rain falls on the just and the unjust, as the Bible says in Matthew 5 .45. But in any case, today
I have a video for you of Kenneth Copeland speaking through a phone in front of a microphone at some sort of a charismatic get -together.
And what he says is really nothing short of bizarre. Watch this. ...scriptures this morning as they came out of that song, and then the lungs and breathing you, breathing
God down into our lungs, and people rising up, and I knew in my,
I said it out loud with my mouth, our breakthrough has come, and glory to God, the destruction, the final takedown of this synthetic virus that has been made by men as a weapon has fallen, it's destroyed.
So let's deal with this using three biblical points, shall we? Number one, first, it's important that I remind you of what
Kenneth Copeland said before this in the context of the statement. He says that he was praying, and then all of a sudden, he saw a vision of a blanket of blood, and then he saw some gold.
That's not in the clip that I showed you, but it is in the full clip, which will be linked in the description. Then after some of his signature
Kenneth Copeland incoherent rambling, Kenneth says this, quote, and I knew in my spirit, and I said it out loud with my mouth, our breakthrough has come, and glory to God, the destruction, the final takedown of this synthetic virus that has been made by men as a weapon has fallen, it's destroyed, end quote.
Now please don't get distracted by the language of synthetic virus, regardless of what you think about the origins of COVID -19, that is not the point of this video.
Kenneth says that the virus has finally been taken down and destroyed, but this is absolutely untrue, we know this.
COVID -19 may not be as prevalent as it was, and I think there's a really good case to be made that most people's response to it has been way overdramatic, but regardless of what your political views are, hopefully every single one of us can agree that it still exists, it still is in the world, it hasn't been wiped off the map, as Kenneth Copeland implies.
And that is my first problem with his statement here. The problem is that this is a direct lie to thousands of people.
Colossians 3 .9 on the other hand says, quote, do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices, end quote.
You see, the old unredeemed self makes a practice of deceit, but let's all remember that part of being a new creation in Christ is telling the truth and avoiding lies.
As Christians, our goal is to represent things as they actually are. We don't want to be overly dramatic or deceiving, but Kenneth Copeland, he breaks this command pretty much every time he preaches, and more than that, let's all remember that this is probably the third or fourth time he's declared the end of coronavirus.
How many times does he have to do this before we realize it's just not working? He's a fool, and he's a simpleton, and he's taken us all for a ride.
Watch this video from over a year ago in 2020 where he blows the wind of God on COVID -19.
Check this out. COVID -19! COVID -19!
I blow the wind of God on you.
You are destroyed forever, and you will never be back.
So I have a question. If he destroyed COVID -19 in the year of 2020, never to return, which is what he says, then why does he again have to pronounce its final destruction in 2021?
Surely it can't get any more final than being destroyed to never return again. That's what
Kenneth Copeland said in 2020. But here he is in 2021 saying it all over again, so I'm just going to say it.
This man is a liar, and he's a fraud. We are commanded in Scripture to tell the truth, especially for those who are in church leadership.
And this man doesn't seem capable of doing that. So the first problem with this statement from Kenneth Copeland is that it's just a flat out lie.
And that brings me to point number two. The second issue that I have with Kenneth Copeland pronouncing the final death of COVID -19 is that it gives people false hope.
Virtually every deceptive religious group out there, the ones who twist the Holy Scriptures for their own benefit, they do the exact same thing, albeit in a different way.
As a very common example, they'll often make a prophecy about the end of the world. And then that prophecy inevitably doesn't come true, so they just make up another one.
And every time they make up a new end times prophecy, they encourage their followers that this one is the right one.
And every time, they let their followers down and demonstrate how truly foolish and unbiblical they are.
So Kenneth Copeland, he may not be quite as nefarious as David Koresh or Jim Jones, but he certainly finds himself using their playbook pretty often, which is of course very concerning and very dangerous.
Proverbs 13 .12 talks about what happens when someone is given false hope, when it says, quote, hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life, end quote.
So the fact is, Kenneth Copeland knows that his audience needs to hear these kinds of bold statements and predictions to have hope.
So he just makes them up. He does it pretty much all the time. And when these things are inevitably exposed as lies, these people will be heartbroken for a short time, only until these prosperity gospel charlatans find a new and exciting way to manipulate their emotions.
And the cycle goes on and on and on. It's really quite sad. And this brings me to point number three.
I have an important question to ask about all of this. When are these people going to be held to account for the ridiculous things that they say?
When is the Christian world going to stand up and say, enough is enough? Kenneth Copeland is a false teacher, and he's lying to his congregation, and we're just not having it anymore.
Well, unfortunately, I can't assure you that that will happen on this side of eternity. But what I can assure you is this, none of this situation will be ignored by God.
God takes false teaching very seriously. Second Peter 2 .1 says this, but false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the master who bought them, bring in upon themselves swift destruction.
So it is clear that the Lord will punish false teachers and those people who lead others into myths and foolish ideas.
But let me tell you, that's also one of the reasons that this channel was created. I would love to be used by God to help people out of these unbiblical movements, perhaps even the false teachers themselves.
When we get angry about their deceit, and we are allowed to get angry, let's not forget the perilous position that these people will find themselves in when
Judgment Day comes. I would love nothing more than to see Kenneth Copeland repent and apologize for all of his lying and manipulation.
So let's all pray that Kenneth and his entire audience would repent and turn to the truth of God's Word. And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open.