Kyle and Jemar Have Revealed Who They Are, We Should Believe Them

AD Robles iconAD Robles


It's a different gospel with different fruit. This is my opinion, based on Scripture as you will see. God judges the heart...but the fruit seems apparent.


I was on the phone with a brother of mine, a brother in the
Lord that has been helping me with some of my content online and organizing some things and things like that.
And we had a call today at 10 in the morning and he called right at the end of when
I was doing the video you're about to watch. And so he calls me, he says, hey, what's up, man? And he asked me how
I'm doing. And I was about to basically do what most people do, which is just to lie and say
I'm doing fine. But I wasn't doing fine. So I started telling him about, you know, sort of my feelings about what has happened in the last week regarding Jamar Tisby and Kyle Howard and their ridiculous comments about this
Christian brother who's forgiven his brother's killer, essentially, right? And so he was talking to me about this and just saying, you know what,
Adam, like I was just in Galatians chapter two. In Galatians chapter two, Paul says, he's talking about how he opposed
Peter to his face, right? It says this, it says, when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face because he stood condemned.
For before certain men came from James, he was eating with the Gentiles. But when they came, he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party.
The rest of the Jews acted hypocritically along with him. When I saw their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel,
I said to Cephas before them all, if you though a Jew live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the
Gentiles to live like Jews? Paul confronts him to his face, says he stands condemned for the sin of not eating with certain brothers because they were different.
They were ethnically different. They look different. That's, it was just that minor infraction.
Some would call it a minor infraction. It's a major infraction. Paul says it's out of step with the gospel. It's contrary to the gospel.
It's a different gospel. And Paul confronts Peter to his face about it. Now, if that's, if not eating with someone who looks different was enough for, to get
Paul to confront someone to their face with aggression, with words of condemning the act and saying it's out of step with the gospel, how much more should be said and done about folks like Jamar Tisbee who takes this beautiful gospel moment and turns it into an opportunity to drag white people through the mud.
What you're about to watch is gonna be my raw sort of real reaction to what has transpired this week.
And I'm not gonna monetize this video because I don't want to, you know, farm rage clicks, so to speak.
But I just want you to understand that this is not an act for me, man. This stuff, I hate this stuff.
I hate this stuff. This is out of step with the gospel. It's a different gospel. If you preach this kind of a gospel that puts these divisions over our unity in Christ constantly, consistently, after you get rebuked, you still do it,
I'm sorry, but you have no right to claim the name of Christ. You have no right to call yourself a
Christian. What good is saying you have faith if you have no works? And worse, if your works are evil, it's no good.
It's no good. So what you're about to watch is different from a lot of the videos that I've ever done in my entire life.
And so I hope that you find it helpful. You know, if you don't like it, I totally understand. You know, don't watch it if it's not your cup of tea.
I get it, but I've had it. I've absolutely had it with this unchristian behavior, dragging
Christ's name through the mud and turning on your brothers because of the color of their skin.
Paul didn't eat with people because of their ethnicity, but what Peter did was nothing compared to what
Jamar and Kyle Howard and others like them have done in the last week. Last night,
I was fully intending on doing a video this morning where I was gonna take some of these issues that we've been talking about this week, you know, regarding this trial and the brother of the murdered victim, you know, apologizing, there's been a lot of controversy around this and rightfully so.
And yesterday I was planning on doing a video where I would mock it and it would be kind of a mix of anger but also some humor.
That was my intention, but, you know, this morning I woke up and I'm just, it's really weighing on me how serious this issue is.
It's a foundational sort of Christian issue, you know what
I mean? And I think a lot of people are noticing it. I've noticed more people reaching out to me about, you know,
Jamar Tisby and Kyle Howard and the different things that they've said about this. And it's not just them, but it's a lot of other leaders in the woke church movement as well.
And it's a serious issue. So what I wanted to do instead was, and this might be angry, you know, we'll see how this goes, but I do have anger about what
I've seen from these professed Christians regarding this. And so I wanna start off with some scripture.
The first thing I wanna read is 2 Timothy chapter three, the first nine verses.
Here's what it says in the word of God. It says, understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.
For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self -control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness but denying its power, avoid such people.
For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning but never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
Just as Janus and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also opposed the truth. Men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith, but they will not get very far for their folly will be plain to all as was that of those two men.
That's 2 Timothy chapter three. I wanna also read to you from Romans chapter 16.
This is Paul describing unbelievers and people who cause divisions. Listen to how he describes them.
This is starting at verse 17. He says, I appeal to you brothers to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you've been taught, avoid them.
For such people do not serve our Lord Christ but their own appetites. And by smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the hearts of the naive.
Also wanna read one more. This is something that I've read a number of times recently with my children in our family worship time.
You know, my kids are small. So we don't get too aggressive with family worship. We try to keep it simple.
So I read a lot of the same things over again. And we do the Lord's prayer because it's something that's good for them to remember and all of that.
You know, oftentimes my kids will ask me, what do they pray for? And so we'll do the Lord's prayer. And at the end of the
Lord's prayer, this is what Jesus says. He says, if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you.
But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your father forgive your trespasses.
And in the Lord's prayer, one of the things I teach my children to ask God because this is how Jesus taught us to pray, right?
So I'm not, this is not new to me, but this is what Jesus taught me how to pray. And so I teach my children what
Jesus taught me how to pray. One of the things that we pray to God, we say, God, forgive us our debts as we've forgiven our debtors.
So in the way that we've forgiven our debtors, that's how we want you to forgive us. That's a scary verse.
That's a scary verse. Let me start off by saying that I did not follow this trial of this woman who looks like she killed, murdered rather, this guy, this black guy in his house.
I didn't follow the trial. I wasn't on the jury. I don't know the details, but she was convicted of murder.
And so let me just start off by saying that I think it's quite simple what the penalty for murder is.
So if you're convicted on the evidence of two or more witnesses for murdering somebody, then what should happen is the death penalty.
That's justice. Life for life. You see what I'm saying? You kill someone, you pay with your life. That's justice.
And I could point to numerous scriptures that call this justice. So this is not my opinion. Again, this is something
Jesus taught to me. And so I teach it to others. So if you kill someone, the just penalty for that killing is the death penalty.
And so she gets 10 years in prison. And so I can definitively say that that's an unjust verdict.
I don't have to play any kind of partiality games. I don't have to play any kind of emotional manipulation on you.
I don't have to do any identity politics to know that if you're convicted of murder, the just penalty for that murder is the death penalty.
Okay, so it doesn't require any of that nonsense for me to know that there's been something unjust that has happened here.
That's a fact, okay? That's a fact. But then we have this scene here, this beautiful scene.
And honestly, like, you know, I'm not a big crier. You know what I mean? I don't cry often, but I'll tell you what.
I mean, when I see this picture and I hear what happened and I hear what this brother said, man, like, you know, it gets you to that point.
You know that point where you're about to cry and you know you're about to cry. I haven't actually crossed the line yet, but it's gotten me to that point because it's powerful, man.
It's powerful. And we know the gospel of Jesus Christ, right? Like those of you who watch this channel, many of you at least, you're
Christians, man. You know how amazing this is because this man is practicing what that Lord's prayer says, that difficult, difficult passage, forgive others their trespasses, right?
That's hard, man, because this is like the, like in many ways, this is like the ultimate trespass. Man, you killed my brother and he's forgiving her.
And not in just like a BS kind of way, right? Like not just like, you know,
I forgive you, but I still hate you. You know what I mean? Like, not like that. It didn't seem like that at all. It seemed genuine.
It seemed genuine. And we can explain that as Christians, right? Because this man is the worst sinner he knows.
This man right here is the worst sinner that he knows because he knows what he's like.
He knows before a holy God that he is not right before that holy God, except through the forgiveness available in Christ and Christ's sacrifice and Christ's righteousness that's been imputed to his account.
He understands that very well. And so it's no big thing to forgive someone of such a serious crime when he knows the very serious nature of his crime and his rebellion against a holy
God. He understands that. And so for him, this is something that he must do. This is something that he should do and he did it.
And it's beautiful because it's so uncommon. It's so uncommon because we know again, I'm the worst sinner
I know. I know how difficult a time I have to forgive people, even minor infractions.
It's difficult for me. And so to see it play out so publicly in such a way that it's like, man, this guy gets it, man.
That's beautiful. That's absolutely beautiful. And many Christians have called it out for how beautiful it was.
But the reality is that not everybody thinks this is beautiful. Not everybody thinks this is beautiful.
A lot of people are pissed. A lot of people are pissed.
So Kyle J. Howard, Kyle J. Howard is an evil man.
Let's just be honest about this, okay? He's an evil man. He plays stupid.
He plays like a wounded puppy. He plays like this victim all the time, but he is evil.
Everything that happens in the news, whether it's good, whether it's bad, whether it's indifferent, whatever it is, he thinks, the first thought that he thinks is how can
I use this to stick that knife into white Christians? That's the first thing that Kyle J.
Howard thinks. And if it's not the first thing that he thinks, and he actually takes time and considers how to use these things, if it's not just coming off the top of his head, that's even worse.
That's even worse. But you see, here's the thing, man. It's become nice to assume someone is dumb because Kyle J.
Howard doesn't seem like a very smart man. No, he doesn't. He seems like a bit of an idiot. No question about it.
But let's not do him the disservice of just assuming he's an idiot because he sounds like an idiot and he talks like an idiot and he tweets like an idiot.
No, that's not what it is. See, he's using that as a weapon. He's using that as a weapon.
And the way he's using it is the way that people have been using it since the beginning of time.
Because in the Bible, when the Bible talks about heretics and the Bible talks about people who sneak in and who appear godly, but yet their hearts are not right and they're just plundering people and they're taking the church out to the woodshed and they're causing divisions.
Does it talk about someone like J .D. Hall with harsh sounding words and direct speech?
Does it talk about people like that? No, it does not. What it says is they have smooth sounding words.
We just read it in Romans 16. Smooth sounding words and flattery. Those are the ones who cause division.
They cause division not by angry sounding words. No, they do it by smooth sounding words and flowery language.
And man, if this was in modern times, they'd do it with heart emojis and kissy faces. That's how they cause divisions.
That's exactly, I mean, all you gotta do is scroll down Kyle J. Howard's feed and there's hearts everywhere, kissy faces.
Look at this. This is the kind of person that Paul warned you about in Romans 16.
This guy is causing divisions and he's doing it not because he's an idiot, he's doing it intentionally.
And the reality is he's farming a lot of naive people for money. That's what
Kyle J. Howard is doing. He's using his poor wounded puppy, like poor me.
I was driving into Atlanta and I saw a cop and he was about to shoot a black guy and I just got triggered in the emotional trauma, the racial trauma.
And you know who falls for that stuff? Here's who falls for that stuff. Second Timothy three, what does it say?
Among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women. You know how he farms the
Christian church? It's primarily women who he farms. He is taking advantage of women.
He's taking advantage of a godly gift that God gives to women, the desire to nurture, the desire to take care of, the desire to protect.
This is not a bad desire because between me and my wife, I love my kids and I take care of my kids and I treat my kids well.
But between the two of us, if you sat in our house for a minute, it'd be very clear who is more nurturing.
You know, when I'm changing my son's diaper, my two -year -old's diaper, when I'm changing it, it goes a lot differently than when their mother changes it.
I'm not mean to him. I'm just, you know, just a little, I'm a little more of a man. I'm a little more of a brute.
And so I'm just doing it to get it done quick. And my wife is, when you see my wife change his diaper, it's much more smooth.
It's much more delicate and things like that. And oftentimes if you ask my two -year -old who you want to change your diaper, it's,
I want mommy to do it. Because women are nurturing, right?
They don't want to see anybody suffering. They don't want to see anyone in pain or trauma or be a victim and all of that kind of stuff.
And so you know what Kyle J. Howard has done? He is farming your women for money.
He's taken advantage of a godly gift that God gives to women, the desire to nurture, the desire, and he is playing as if he is a child.
Because what kind of a man sees a police officer pulling over a black guy, guns pointed at him, and assumes that, oh my goodness, this is a racist and it's trauma, trauma, trauma, and decides the first thing he wants to do is tweet about it, tweet about it.
You're not traumatized, you sick man. You're not traumatized because if you were traumatized, you don't pull your phone out of your pocket and tweet about it instantly.
Kyle J. Howard is one of these men that Paul's talking about. How do you think these men crept into households to capture weak women?
Do you think they did it sounding like J .D. Hall, aggressive and all that? No, that's not how he did it.
They did it the way Kyle J. Howard has did it, with hearts and kissy faces. That's how he captures weak women.
Now in context, I think this verse is talking about widows primarily, but guess what? It's also talking about the women that have effeminate husbands.
Right now, if your woman is giving money to Kyle J. Howard and you're that woman's husband, you're letting
Kyle have his way with her. That's what you're doing, you effeminate, effeminate man.
Dude, this is the reality. How many of these words describe what you see Kyle J. Howard do in his
Twitter feed every day? Ready, listen to this. Lovers of self. How often does
Kyle just, I'm a reformed theologian, I'm this, I'm that. Lovers of self, lovers of money.
He makes money off this grievance hustling. Everything that happens in the news, the first thing he thinks of is how can
I farm white people for this one? How can I farm their guilt for this one? How can I make money off this?
Absolutely disgraceful, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, treacherous, reckless, heartless, unappeasable.
There is no appeasing the woke church. There is no appeasing the woke church. If you see a black man forgive a white woman for killing his brother unjustly, you see a white, a black man doing it and you're white and you say, wow, that's awesome, that's awesome.
They're gonna find something wrong with that. Oh yeah, you think that's awesome? Yeah, well, you don't do this over here.
You don't support this Marxist stuff over here, this socialism stuff over here. Therefore, it's not awesome. It's absolutely sick and disgusting.
He's farming your women. He's creeping into households and capturing them, farming them for money.
That's what Kyle J. Howard is doing, it's sick. It's absolutely sick. Now, so again, we have to get over this idea of Kyle J.
Howard is just a fool, he's just an idiot. He's not an idiot. He's absolutely not an idiot, but he is evil.
He is evil and he knows what he's doing. He's causing division intentionally on Twitter every single day, every new story that comes out, his first thought is how can
I use this against white people? How can I use this to farm white people the way I want to? He makes money off this stuff.
It's absolutely sick, it's absolutely sick. Now, here's the thing, here's the thing. Even if he was stupid, okay, because some of you out there might think, yeah, but he's not that smart anyway.
Even if he was stupid, see, God doesn't play partial games. If he's smart, I happen to think Kyle J. Howard's quite smart.
He knows exactly what he's doing. He knows the best ways to do it. He's going after your women with his heart symbols and his kissy faces.
That's not geared towards men. That's geared towards women and effeminate men. And he wants to farm you, your guilt.
He's farming your guilt using hearts and kissy faces and smooth talk and flattery, just the way the Bible says that they would do it.
Romans 16, 2 Timothy 3, he's talking about men like Kyle J. Howard. That's who he's talking about.
And so, even if he was stupid though, God doesn't play partial games. If he's stupid or if he's smart, I happen to think he's smart.
It doesn't matter. The evil that he does every day on his Twitter is the same. It's just that simple.
Absolutely unbelievable. Now, a lot of people have sent me this article by Jamar Tisby, Washington Post.
A lot of people have sent me this article about Jamar Tisby. Now, Jamar, look,
I happen to think that Kyle J. Howard is intelligent and he knows what he's doing. Jamar is more intelligent.
Jamar is essentially coming from the same place as Kyle Howard. He's trying to farm you, your white guilt.
He's trying to turn that into money. He's trying to turn your desire to not be racist into money.
That's what he's doing. He's farming your women. That's what Jamar Tisby is doing as well. But he does it in a way that's a little bit more palatable, let's say.
He's a little bit more intelligent sounding, a little more high -minded than Kyle J. Howard. I was talking to someone yesterday and the analogy would be like,
Jamar is James White, like I'm Kyle Howard. Like, I think that the intelligence level is that kind of an analogy, right?
That's how I see it. But man, white Christians do not cheapen the hug and message of forgiveness from Botham Jean's brother.
This article is full of slander. And you know, this is the thing.
Jamar is just like Kyle. Whenever something happens in the news, the first thing that Jamar thinks, this sick man, this absolutely sick man, the first thing that he thinks is how can
I use this against white Christians? Man, what a twisted worldview. What a twisted worldview. Unbelievable.
Here's Jamar's words from the Washington Post. This is where we should get our news, by the way, according to Russell Moore.
In a high profile case this week, former police officer Amber Geiger, who is white, was found guilty of the murder of Botham Jean, a black man in his
Dallas home. On Wednesday, the same day, Geiger was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Brandon Jean, Botham's younger brother, made a victim impact statement in the courtroom and then sealed his words with a gesture.
He says, if you are truly sorry, I know I can speak for myself. I forgive you.
Brant is a Christian and his brother professed to be one. He urged Geiger to turn to Jesus. I think giving your life to Christ would be the best thing that Botham would want for you, he said.
Brant went so far as to say that he didn't want Geiger to face jail time for the 2018 shooting in the
Dallas apartment complex where both Botham and she lived. He pleaded with the judge to let him hug his brother's murderer, a request the judge granted.
The courtroom embraced the grieving brother of a black man, wrapping his arms around a white female former officer who had killed his brother, instantly went viral.
Some viewed Brant's actions as a stunning example of forgiveness, a moment of grace and tenderness that briefly bridged the chasm between races and provided an example for all to emulate.
Although Christians of different backgrounds shared a variety of responses, this moment was especially celebrated by white
Christians. It seems to indicate a desire to hastily move on from the wrong done and offer a perfect picture of reconciliation.
Jamar Tisby, you are a sick individual. You are absolutely disgusting.
Unbelievable. Yeah, this moment was celebrated by Christians.
He says, especially white Christians. I don't know how he knows this. I'm sure he hasn't done any research on.
This is just one of those things he says. So it's especially white Christians. That's not how I saw it. Anecdotally, I saw tons of people celebrating this.
Blacks, whites, Latinos, Asians. I saw all kinds of people celebrating this, all kinds of Christians, I should say, because this is a
Christian thing. What happened here is a Christian thing. And the reason why I would have celebrated, I don't tweet about this kind of stuff all the time.
I don't post about this kind of stuff all the time. It's just not my style. But why I would, why I might do that is because I know how difficult and how ungodly
I can be where I don't forgive someone for a minor infraction. Meanwhile, this guy is forgiving someone for a major infraction, and he does it because he knows how much he's been forgiven by his heavenly father above.
And so he sees that example of love and he wants to emulate that. It's a Christian thing to do. So Christians, of course, would celebrate
Christian things that are done in such a public way, such a powerful, impactful way where all kinds of people,
Christian and non -Christian, can see this and be like, wow, that's different. That's something.
But Jamar Tisby, in his sick head, his sick worldview, his worldview that is not derived from the scriptures, derived from something else, from whatever passions he has, he wants to farm you white people.
And so what does he say? He says, what this indicates, the fact that white Christians, in addition to other Christians, celebrate this event, what it indicates is a desire to hastily move on from the wrong done.
Are you out of your mind? Perhaps with, he goes on, he says, perhaps with just the right amount of compassion, some believe we can erase the color line.
But when another black man has been murdered by a person charged to serve and protect, forgiveness should neither be demanded or assumed.
A society built around white superiority is also built around white innocence, an assumption of the intrinsic moral value of all white people and the purity of their intentions regardless of impact.
White innocence assumes black forgiveness. So people are celebrating Brent's gesture of forgiveness.
Such a sentiment is praised as an admirable example of Christian faith in action. Of course, Jesus urges his followers to forgive.
Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. For if you forgive other people, when they sin against you, your heavenly father will also forgive you.
This is what I told you I read to my sons the other day, because it's a simple concept.
It's a hard saying, but it's a simple concept that even kids can understand. And my kids are baptized believers in the
Lord Jesus Christ. And so they're learning from a kid perspective what this is all about. Jamar goes on.
From a certain perspective, Brent is simply following the dictates of his conscience and his faith.
I ask you, is Jamar Tisby writing from a Christian perspective? Because here's what he says.
He says, from a certain perspective, Brent is simply following the dictates of his conscience and his faith.
What perspective is that? That would be the Christian perspective, Jamar. I mean, I have no reason to believe you understand that, none whatsoever, except your profession, which
I don't believe, because your works are evil. Jamar, your works are evil.
And I don't know exactly why you're doing it, but I know you make money off of it. So that's one reason. Just like 2 Timothy said, lovers of money.
He goes on, but what must be understood is that when tragedies such as the murder of a black man by a white police officer occur, they often aren't just felt by one black person.
The black community feels the impact. If white people expect all black people to extend forgiveness as quickly as Brent Jean did, then they understand neither black people nor black pain.
Black grief is a community project. It is felt widely, but dealt with individually. Some go to therapy, some participate in demonstrations, others write op -eds.
Everyone is entitled to their own process. Yes, but a Christian is only entitled to one process,
Jamar. That's the reality. I know you don't understand this because you're an unbeliever. I get it, I get it.
You're one that Paul was writing about in 2 Timothy 3. You're one that Paul was writing about in Romans 16, where you cause divisions with smooth talk and flattery, and you cause divisions for money, essentially, is what you do.
I don't know exactly why you're doing it, but you do make money off of it, and that's fine. But you're a Christian, and so you know what?
We should be, you claim to be a Christian, I should say. So we should be able to assume your forgiveness.
Now, if you wanna write an op -ed piece, nobody's gonna criticize you for that. But you're gonna write an op -ed piece from a
Christian perspective, and forgiveness is a requirement for Christians.
Because as Jesus said, if you don't forgive, your Heavenly Father won't forgive.
And so if you're coming at it from a certain perspective of unforgiveness, then I'm sorry, your Heavenly Father will not forgive.
That's what the Bible says. And it can be black grief that you're gonna use as an excuse. It could be black pain that you're gonna use as an excuse.
But guess what? Jesus is not going to care about your black grief and black pain. What he's gonna say is, because he doesn't play partial games the way you do,
Jamar, what he's gonna say is, did you forgive? No, you didn't forgive? Well, guess what the next sentence says?
I mean, these are not my words. These are the words of Jesus. You quoted them in this verse, in this thing.
Here it is, Matthew 6. If you forgive other people when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.
Let's not forget the rest of it. If you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your
Father forgive your trespasses. Jamar, I know you don't care. I understand you don't care about that because you're an unbeliever.
I understand, I get that. I'm starting to see this more clearly. Here we go.
He goes, as Brent says, he speaks for himself. Yeah, that's right. He's a Christian. He speaks for himself and he does it.
Not because this was his own idea. He got this from the Lord. He got this from the Lord. And he's read the second part of that verse that you left out of this passage, where if you don't forgive, your
Heavenly Father won't forgive. He's read that. He's read that. And so let's continue.
No one should expect swift mercy from every black person. And the risk of offering such speedy forgiveness is that not nearly enough attention is given to the injustice itself.
What is lost in the tearful embrace between a murdered man's brother and the killer are the words of Botham's mother.
Quote, there's much to be done by the city of Dallas. She said, the corruption that we saw during this process must stop.
Instant absolution minimizes the magnitude of injustice. Is that right? Is that right?
Okay. We'll talk about that one in a minute. It distracts attention from the systemic change needed to prevent such tragedies from occurring.
The same Bible that urges forgiveness also urges justice. Learn to do right, seek justice, defend the oppressed, take up the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.
Black forgiveness as a response to white racism is an act of faith in God and of self -preservation. With all that black people have endured over four centuries of racial oppression, forgiveness protects the heart from the consuming heat of hatred.
It ensures that people who have been wounded don't have to constantly relive the injury. The act of forgiveness honors
God who forgives undeserving people. When someone extends it to someone else who is similarly undeserving.
No one should mistake black forgiveness whenever and if ever it is offered for complacency with racial injustice.
No one should assume the public act of mercy on the part of one black person eclipses the demands for change from an entire community.
Jamar Tisby, shame on you. Who's doing this? You've made this up. You're lying about people.
You're lying, especially about white people. Who is the one that says that mercy means or forgiveness means that there's no justice.
We don't have to worry about it because I grew up in churches that you would describe as white churches, okay?
I don't describe them that way. They're just churches of the Lord Jesus Christ, but you would describe them as white churches because you were a racist.
Those white churches have always taught, Jamar, that the cross of Jesus Christ is where mercy and forgiveness and justice meet.
That's where it meets. So this idea that people are saying, I don't have to worry about justice because forgiveness, this is a false narrative.
This is a false narrative. Black forgiveness, are you out of your mind,
Jamar? Are you out of your mind? Black forgiveness, there's no such thing as black forgiveness, okay?
There's forgiveness that all comes from Jesus Christ, okay? There's no such thing as black forgiveness.
Black people can forgive, but that's not black forgiveness. Black forgiveness is costly.
It requires us to absorb wrongdoing even as we continue to work for justice. Black forgiveness becomes cheap and when we take it for granted.
Black forgiveness is admirable when it's freely given and not demanded or expected. And the best response to black forgiveness is to prevent the harm that makes it necessary in the first place.
There's some things you can agree with in this article. It's not all wrong, of course, but this is how heretics work.
This is how heretics always work. Just like the men in 2 Timothy, they probably weren't saying everything wrong, but what they were was unappeasable.
Jamar Tisby and Kyle J. Howard are unappeasable. That's the reality, unappeasable, slanderous.
I mean, how many times did Jamar slander white people in this article? He has no idea whether any of this stuff is true.
He just says it. This is what his whole ministry is all about. I think
I've gone on long enough. I think I've gone on long enough, but here's the reality. I was listening to a radio show that was kind of like a dramatic reenactment of when
Lincoln was shot. I was listening to it, it was on NPR. And one of the characters in it said this.
He said, when somebody shows you who they really are, believe them. When somebody shows you their true colors, believe them.
Jamar Tisby and Kyle Howard and many other leaders in this woke church movement have shown us their true colors.
They are willing to divide even over something as good and right and holy and amazing as a black man forgiving a white woman when the white woman murdered her brother.
I mean, the purity of this moment is just amazing. It just absolutely boggles the mind.
And they can turn that into a cause for division. They can turn that to criticize
Christians who are approving of what is right. If you can criticize someone for approving of what is right and good, you are a sick man and you're not a believer.
Jamar and Kyle have shown us who they are. They're who Paul was writing about in 2 Timothy 3.
They're who Paul was writing about in Romans 16. That's who they are. And so now what we need to do is believe them.
They've shown us who they are. Let's believe them. It's just that simple. It's just that simple.
If anyone who knows me knows, I don't say this kind of thing very often at all. I don't.
I've hesitated when so many of my peers have said, man, these guys are just unbelievers. They're reprobates. I've hesitated every time.
Maybe not every time, but almost every time. I've taken criticism for that. Man, I'm just too willing to give them the benefit of that.
Too willing to accept their profession of faith. Well, no more. Because when somebody shows you who they really are, you should believe them.
And so I believe you, Kyle J. Howard. I believe you, Jamar Tisby. You're not concerned with the truth.
You're not concerned with the church of God. You're concerned with your racial worldview, your racist worldview,
I should say. And you're concerned with farming white guilt for money. And you're concerned with yourselves.
That's what you're concerned with. It's all about you. It's all about you and how you feel and your trauma.
And I had to go to the doctor because I'm just so traumatized. Maybe you do, maybe you don't, but I know you use it to make money.
That's what I do know. And it's just real, real sad, real upsetting thing.
And so this is the reality, guys. I mean, listen,
I understand that a lot of people are gonna feel sorry for them and things like that. He's counting on that.
Kyle Howard's counting on his victim status and his trauma to farm your women for money.
He's counting on it. He's counting on it. Don't do it. Don't support these men.
Don't support these men until they stop this nonsense of causing division over every single thing.
Look through their feeds. Which piece of news have they heard recently that they didn't try to turn against white
Christians, against the white church, quote -unquote? They hate the church and they want to extract as much as they possibly can from the church because they're more important than the church.
Their feelings are more important than others. It's just the exact opposite of biblical
Christianity. It's the exact opposite. And I urge you to see it. I urge you to see it. And also, I want to say something, too, before we finish.
I'm sorry, this video has gone long, but it just is what it is. I want you to understand something, all of you people who watch this.
Jamar is like this, complaining about this, white people liking this apology and this forgiveness and all that stuff.
Forgiveness, not an apology. Kyle Howard's like this. These are the people that are trying to extract money from you.
But man, this is not what black and brown people are all about, man. I've seen so many brothers, so many black and Latino brothers that are just dumbfounded about this reaction.
They can't even believe it, man. I refuse to let this be the narrative about black and Latinos where white people can never do anything right.
Doesn't matter if it's good or bad or whatever. Whatever they do, they did it wrong. They didn't do it right. They're expecting too much.
They're doing this, they're doing that. It's always wrong. It's always wrong. I know it's a meme, but it's actually true with a guy like Jamar.
Something as good and right as praising someone for forgiving someone in an impossible situation somehow ends up wrong.
There's no good a white person can do in Jamar's eyes. No good. He's unappeasable. But do not let that narrative hold true for everybody, guys.
It's not, it's not true. Latino like me appreciates it for what it is, man. A Latino like me appreciates it for what it is.
There's tons of black people out there that are just completely dumbfounded by what Jamar and Kyle are saying.
Dumbfounded. This is not the narrative, man. I refuse to say that most Latinos or most blacks wanna play the victim the way these two sick people do.
Sick, man. It's absolutely disgusting. It's just not the case, man. I refuse to let that be the narrative, man.
We Latinos and blacks that are Christians, man, we get it. We get it. And even if we think that there's some racial injustice in the world, who denies that?
Who denies that there's some racial injustice in the world? It doesn't mean that we need to divide the church like a pizza every time something happens that we don't like.
Anyway, look, if this video was too harsh for you and you don't like it, I'm sorry about that.
But this is just, this is how I feel, man. This is why I do my YouTube channel because I refuse to let
Jamar and Kyle have the last word when it comes to what the black and brown POC perspective is.
It's not the perspective of a Christian per persons of color. Not at all. Not at all, because a
Christian person of color does not regard himself according to the flesh anymore, does not regard you according to the flesh anymore, but you're a new creation in Christ.
You're members of the same body, the same body. And that's just the reality.