About Abortion

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Abortion is evil, yet Christians are often far too silent about it. If we accept what is revealed in the Scriptures, then we can KNOW that life begins at conception. And since babies in the womb are living persons, we must follow the example of Jesus in Luke 11:47-51 and speak out strongly against the evil that is abortion.


that is injustice, evil. And I will say to you this morning that all the blood of the prophets, from Abel to Zechariah to the
Apostles, is only a drop in the bucket compared to the bloodshed that has come from this nation since 1973.
There is an injustice in our land that began in Roe vs.
Wade 1973 when abortion was made legal and babies are killed here now to the level of 60 million since that time.
Since I've been preaching today, if I preach a standard -length message, a hundred babies will have died while I stood here in our land.
Every one of them as valuable as Zechariah and Abel and all the prophets.
And I will confess right now that I have not confronted this evil as loudly as I should, the way
Jesus does. I'll post things on Facebook, I'll send in red envelopes, and I'll go to certain events from time to time, but when
I think the injustice that is abortion in this nation, I have been far too silent for far too long.
Babies are murdered. And you say, well, how do we know that these are human lives in the womb and not just tissue?
Well, as Christians, we know. The Scriptures teach us that in Psalm 139, that God knits together a human in the womb.
And we see in the law that if two men are fighting and one of the men hits the other man and he falls against a pregnant woman and the baby comes out and dies, the death of that child from the womb is counted as murder.
Life for life. It's one of the 17 cases of capital punishment in Israel. That baby is considered a life in the womb according to the law of God.
And we know that John the Baptist, when he was in the womb, yet unformed in his thinking, when
Jesus was in the womb of Mary and came into the same room, John let for joy.
He was a person, a living person. Now the world might not know this because they don't accept revelation, but this revelation comes from God.
And so we know that the life begins at conception. And what's happening in our country is murder.
And I think it's time for another King or Wilberforce or Calvin.
People who have stood up against injustice in times past. Maybe it's all of us.
William Wilberforce, when slavery was allowed in England, stood up like a prophet and proclaimed year after year until finally it fell.
Fell later in America, Abraham Lincoln, and a war was fought. When there are injustices like this, it is not acceptable to tolerate evil and say, we'll wait for another day.
That's not how Jesus approached evil. He confronted injustice.
He spoke up against injustice. And so in our day, that is one great evil.
And there's many evils in our world, but that is one where the blood of babies calls out from the ground like Abel's blood did.