Must Demand More from God? Mike Todd Crosses the Line - New Blasphemy & Plagiarism Charges


This is a warning to the body of Christ! Local churches are being replaced by the corporate Megachurches like Michael Todd's "Transformation Church". The last time we looked at a megachurch they were kicking the Bible across the sanctuary & hiring a former stripper / sword swallower to swing around on a pole. This type of blasphemy sells as these are the faces that greet you at the religion section at Barnes & Noble & Walmart. Whether it's Mike Todd claiming direct revelation that we must demand things from God or JD Greear teaching from Romans 1 that Christians must support


Hello, there is breaking news regarding Mike Todd. He's one of the most famous Megachurch pastors in the
United States you go to Walmart in the religion section of Barnes & Noble These are the books that you find that are kind of the face of modern
Evangelical Christianity, it's Mike Todd. It's Joyce Meyer. It's Stephen Furtick.
I mean, these are the popular, you know pastors and That's why this matters, but Mike Todd breaking news.
He's being accused of plagiarism We'll play that clip and let you decide for yourself.
Also. He's being accused of blasphemy so we're gonna play a couple clips the first clip
Mike Todd is just using all the charismatic buzz terms and See if you can pick them out watch
And so I have to be obedient to what God has told me to do and and it's just gonna keep going all week
Like I'm telling you right now. Um, we're in a new season of our church
And um, it started I really do believe after our 21 days of prayer and fasting
And and I don't know if you sense it or feel it, but the church is alive. This is not a numeric thing
This is a soul thing There are things that are beginning to happen and this is an atmosphere where you're gonna be able to come into this atmosphere
I'm prophesying to some people this is an atmosphere You're going to be able to come in and this atmosphere is going to ignite with the seed that God has placed on the inside See a seed in the wrong atmosphere cannot grow but when you come into fertile atmosphere
There are gonna be ideas that when you come in to worship You're gonna have to stop and get your phone cuz
God said you came into the right Atmosphere to receive the wisdom for what I've asked you to do some of you years of unforgiveness
It's gonna fall off in this atmosphere. You're like, I don't even like that song and God said but that's the song
That's the key to your breakthrough and I'm going to allow I hear this as clear as I'm standing up here
Mmm being here at this large gathering on Sunday. It's going to be a lifeline
For the people that God's calling to this season of fruit Okay.
So did you notice you know the new season? Atmosphere Breakthrough, you know, he's he's hitting all the the buzzwords
Yeah, so you need to you know If you're going through a new season in your life, and I've heard that so many times
I've probably inadvertently used it once or twice But yeah, people are talking about the new season, you know, we're going through and he made a big deal about atmosphere
You know, you need to create the right atmosphere our church has this this specific
Atmosphere, you know, where do you find that in the Bible? Where does the Bible teach you how to create or get the right atmosphere?
What does that even mean? Where's that taught in the Bible? It's not taught anywhere But if you can just get the right atmosphere for this season of your life
And if you sow a seed, right? That's the other term if you just sow a seed and give the megachurch pastor your money you know then you'll get breakthrough and in blessings and that's what these guys are offering and the second clip
Mike Todd is Going to claim to receive direct revelation from God and He's talking to God like God was you know?
He's driving in his car and God is right there in the passenger seat, you know, Mike Todd is in his hotel God Shows up knocks on the door comes in.
They're just having a normal conversation. I mean, that's the way he's talking about The Lord of Glory as though God is just talking to him like they're old friends
Well, let's listen to what you know God quote -unquote had to say watch
In Africa the Lord interrupted me and said you want to say something, but I have something better to say
And I said Holy Spirit. What do you want to do? I went to Africa and I asked the Holy Spirit What am
I supposed to preach? He said the only thing you're supposed to preach is the overflow So I go to Africa and I thought
I was gonna give him the message I gave y 'all on Sunday and I started preaching it and something came out of me. That was different I said, what was that?
He said it was the hunger of the people. I said, what do you mean?
He said there was a different demand There was a different demand.
He said people many times in the Western culture come to be entertained and inspired
Entertained and inspired He said but these people came for their lives to be transformed
And he said and when you stood up there under the power that I gave he said I'm always supply my people
With what they need And I said, so what how I preach like that back at home.
He said you stand up and tell the people Demand more from God Okay, so get this
Mike Todd is teaching his people. He is teaching his congregation that you need to demand
More from God now, it would be bad enough if Mike Todd said you need to demand anything from God Here's the thing our here's what the
Bible actually says our God sits in the heavens and he does whatever he pleases Okay, we don't demand anything from God He demands things from us another synonym would be a command right
God gives us commandments We don't tell God what to do So to teach the people that they can tell
God to do anything or demand anything from God is you know wrong? but to say
You need to demand more from God what is God not doing enough and You need to demand more from him
So by teaching the congregation and like I said Mike Todd is one of the most famous evangelical pastors in the nation
Okay by teaching not only his congregation, but potentially, you know hundreds of thousands of people by teaching them
They need to demand more from God Mike Todd is I don't think it's a stretch to say he is potentially leading
Thousands of people to hell you kick you cannot blaspheme God and that's what one of the guys
That I saw that you know put out these clips. I one of them called this blasphemy.
I agree This is blasphemy that you think you can demand things from God First of all, he's putting words in God's mouth that God God never said this
I mean Mike Todd is a liar. He's a con man. Okay, they stand just another charismatic con man
They get up in front of thousands of people and they just lie God told me this God told me that I was talking to God and God told me this and God told me that I mean
These are lies. God didn't say any of this. Well, how do you know that? Well, I mean
Common sense would tell you that but number one Mike Todd is a false teacher.
Okay, God does not give revelation to false teachers and you just have to ask is this
Consistent with what we see in Scripture. Does God? Tell his people has
God ever told his people. Hey, you need to demand Things for me or you need to demand more for me.
Hey everybody. Let's just tell God what to do I mean, that's totally inconsistent with the teaching of Scripture.
So we know this is not biblical. It's not true Mike Todd is lying and he if if people really take his advice and start
Instead of praying to God and humbly asking God Lord, you know, may your will be done
You know because that's what the Bible really says about answered prayers, you know, it's according to his will but this is totally
On its head that you know, it's my will God I want you to do this and I'm gonna demand this from you
God I'm gonna demand more if people actually take Mike Todd's advice. I mean they're sinning at at best and They're committing blasphemy at worst
And like I said, I believe Mike Todd potentially is leaving leading thousands tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of people
To hell. I mean, that's how serious this error is and it's not like Mike Todd just you know
Said one thing one time and he was misinterpreted. I mean, it's it's a clear pattern at this point
And by the way, what's the deal with that sweater? I mean, why is he wearing a women's sweater with a man bun?
And I mean, that's a whole that's probably the least of his problems, but you'll see that again just his outfit
In the next clip and we'll end with this Mike Todd is also along with the blasphemy.
He is being accused of plagiarism So we'll end with that clip and you can decide for yourself
Let me give you one more illustration Jason and Steve and Todd.
We got stand up. Hey, Charles wheel Scott. Come here real quick Last analogy we go home.
I'm gonna give you an illustration. Let's say that I say to these three men I'm gonna go away for a while and And I've provided for Debbie, but I want to provide some additional funds for her
But I want to channel or funnel those funds through you three men So I'm going to send all each of you $10 ,000 a month.
Okay, Jason. Don't get that excited. This is just an illustration Okay Let's say
I'm going on a trip and I'm gonna be gone for an extended period of time y 'all come right here
I'm gonna come be gone for an extended period of time and I want to provide for Natalie my wife and I'm Taking care of her but I want to provide some extra finances just in case she gets in a spot
Um, and I'm gonna give each one of y 'all $10 ,000 every Hold on.
It's just an example. Okay, just an example Scott calm down So I'm talking to Debbie Everett and I say to you but I want you to give
Debbie 10 % of it $1 ,000 a month and you can keep the 90 % Just give my wife 10 % so I'm talking to Debbie every day and and letting her know, you know
It's an extended trip, but I'll be back in several months I have to be gone and after about three months I think about these other funds and I say hey, how are the funds coming in from the three guys, you know, and She said well,
Jason sends $1 ,000 a month. Just like you said it matter of fact, it arrives like January 1st
February 1st I mean, he's like clockwork $1 ,000 so good job. Okay I'm gonna provide $10 ,000 extra for her through all of you and all
I want you to do is give her $1 ,000 each time I send you the $10 ,000 the other nine you can keep you could do whatever you want to do with it
But I just want to give you um that money. Okay, and what if I talk to my wife every night?
What's up, baby? How you doing? Oh, I miss you Caking yummy for caking. Okay, cool
So I'm I'm talking to her and I'm like, hey you remember those finances that I was gonna have
Charles and Will and Scott give to you. How's it been going? And she's like, yeah, so Charles sends a thousand dollars
Every first and 15 like clockwork. It's like $1 ,000 thousand dollars like it just keeps coming.
I'm like, okay that bit. Um, I said, well, what about Steve? She said well Steve is sending 2 ,000 a month.
I said 2 ,000 a month I didn't ask him for 2 ,000 month. I just asked him for a thousand month. I know I said well Why is he sending two?
I don't know. He just sends $2 ,000 a month Hmm. I said what about will will for some reason since 2000?
I was like what I was like, I just told him to send a thousand I know but every first and 15th, he sends 2 ,000 and it's just been consistent all over I said well, what about trader
Todd? Sorry Todd I say what what about Todd?
She said well, we didn't talk about Todd So well, why what what's
Todd doing? Well the first month he sent 700 the second month 400 and This last month.
He didn't send anything and I was like, okay. So what about the thief? I mean, what about Scott? And he said well, let's let's talk about Scott for a second
She said the first Time he sent 700 The second time he sent five and this last month.
He didn't send anything I don't say what Scott didn't say nothing this last month.
She said nothing. I said, but I gave him the $10 ,000.
Okay Now I want you to think about this think about this How do you think that makes me feel and I'm giving him the 10 ,000 it's coming for me
And I just asked him for 10 % For my wife he can keep the 90 %
Okay, what do you think I'm gonna do I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm not gonna send him any more money
Because he's proven to me. He can't be trusted And I'm gonna take what I'm giving him and I'm gonna give it to Steve and Jason Because they've proven they can be trusted.
Who would I? Stop sending resources to Now you're not a bad person.
If you don't tie you're not a bad person. I watch this not cuz he's a bad person Yeah, it's cuz he didn't do what
I asked to be done With the resources, okay, listen to me very carefully Tithing might be more personal to Jesus than what you thought
Could it be said that tithing may be more personal to Jesus? Then we think
He has the power and if you say what I can't believe you just take it away and give it to the others if you Don't think
Jesus would do that read the parable of the talents When he took from the one that wasn't faithful and gave it to the one who was faithful He wants to provide for you
But why would he provide and bless people who will not even be concerned?
About his wife It's a test and it's very important.
We pass this test And if you don't believe that's real go study the parable of the talents
Where God literally took from the one who did not do what he asked him to do and he gave it to the ones who weren't now listen
Listen to me. This is an example of me trying to provide for my bride, but Jesus Calls the church.