F4F | Amanda Wells Says We Need to Levitate and Translate


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told that, you know, if you're a
Christian, then you need to really strive to engage in bilocation, levitation, and your translation via the spirituals and things like that.
And, well, if you've ever been told that, and you listen to it, go ahead and hit the subscribe button and ring the bell, you've been deceived in a very terrible way.
So what we're going to do is we're going to be checking in with the disgraced
Amanda Wells. Now, I call her the disgraced Amanda Wells because this lady is, well, not mentally sound is a good way to put it.
And there's a website out there titled Weeding Out Wells where they expose her blatant plagiarism and nonsense like that.
And she recently, well, a while ago was working with Catherine Manalo over at Glory City Church in Brisbane and has been since kind of moved aside, moved aside out of Glory City Church.
And so now she's a prophetess and translator at large. And by translator,
I don't mean English into Hebrew or anything like that. Although she claims to have linguistic knowledge, we'll probably do another episode talking about her linguistic nonsense.
I mean, it's absolutely, well, what's the phrase we use around here? Cuckoo banana town. But we're going to be checking in with her.
Let's go ahead and whirl this up and hope you're sitting down because I don't even really know how to prepare you for what it is that you're going to hear.
Amanda Wells and Judith did a webinar on signs and wonders and it makes me wonder.
And so the ball has just been passed to Amanda on what does it mean for us to be a wonder?
And you're going to be wondering about this when this is all done, but let's listen in. Here we go.
As you were talking, I was remembering those wonderful mystics of old.
And just before I go on about the wonders and the Lord said, tell a couple of testimonies. And Judith, I want you to tell your testimony.
The Lord told her to tell a couple of testimonies. Mystics of old. You know, historically, when we talk about mystics within the visible church,
I'm using a very broad term here. Normally, we're talking about Roman Catholic monastic mystics.
Yeah. Mysticism hasn't been a main thread within the
Protestant movement until recently. But talking about hiking in the
Never Nevers in the Himalayas, but you know, the mystics of old were so ecstatic in their love for Jesus.
Joseph Capetino, he would dance. He would just dance for four or five hours in the air.
Joseph, she called him Capetino. It's Joseph Cupertino, Rome has canonized him and he's a saint.
Let's do a little infomercial, shall we? From the Roman Catholic Church, everything you ever needed to know about Joseph of Cupertino.
Yeah, here we go. St. Joseph of Cupertino was an
Italian conventional Franciscan friar born in 1603 as Giuseppe Maria Dessa in the village of Cupertino.
As a child, Joseph began to have ecstatic visions. He was thought to be a slow learner.
Have you noticed that despite the fact that he apparently was a slow learner, that all of the paintings seem to depict him in one way or another floating off the ground.
Absent minded and frequently wandered aimlessly with his mouth gaping open.
Drawn to religion, he applied to the conventional Franciscan friars in 1620, but was rejected due to his lack of education.
He then applied and was accepted in the Capuchin friars in Martino as a lay brother.
Eight months later, they sent him away because his ecstatic visions made him unfit for his duties.
You know, it makes you wonder, was that TV show, The Flying Nun, somehow inspired by the legend of Joseph of, how did she say it,
Cupertino? His ecstatic visions made him unfit for his duties. Joseph began to grow in humility and gentleness.
He prayed more and did voluntary acts of penance. He entered the Franciscan order to study for the priesthood.
He first became a deacon, then on March 28th, 1628, an ordained priest.
There he is flying again, hmm. After this, the
Holy Spirit began to work many amazing miracles through Saint Joseph. The life of the saint was marked by ecstasies and levitations.
The mere mention of God or a spiritual matter was enough to put him into ecstasy.
You know, he'd be no good at like a Roman Catholic mass, you know, because they,
God is invoked and spoken about, you know, like throughout the whole thing. I mean, did they consider maybe putting weights on his feet or something?
Over 70 times people say they saw him rise from the ground while offering mass or praying.
Once as Christmas carols were being sung, he soared to the high altar and knelt in the air in ecstatic prayer.
Okay, so yeah, call me skeptical, but I don't put a lot of stock in Roman Catholic mystics and Roman Catholicism as a whole.
So here, you know, Amanda Wells is invoking
Roman Catholic mystics. Let's continue.
The thing is we've lost that because if someone started to levitate and dance in the air, we would say that, oh, that was new age.
But yeah, I'm going to have to back that up.
I'm going to have to back that up. And the reason why I have to back that up is because after invoking
Joseph Capetino, she then goes on to say that we as a church have lost, lost this levitation thing as if somehow levitation has been like, you know, part and parcel of Christianity, you know, since its inception.
No, it hasn't. But let me back this up just a little bit, just because. Hiking in the never -nevers in the
Himalayas. But you know, the mystics of old were so ecstatic in their love for Jesus.
Joseph Capetino, he would dance, he would just dance for four or five hours in the air.
And the thing is, we've lost that because. We've lost that. It was so common, you know.
Someone started to levitate and dance in the air. We would say that, oh, that was new age, but.
Yeah, you know, it's those pesky traditionalists in Christianity that are keeping people from dancing in the air and levitating and stuff because, you know, you do that at church.
People say, you need to cut that off. You just got to stop that. That's some new age stuff right there.
Get your feet back on the ground, Mr. Stop acting like Shirley MacLaine.
This is nuts. There was there were others. There was I think it was Mary of Agreda where she would just every time she thought of Jesus, she would just stop.
Mary of Agreda, yet another Roman Catholic monastic mystic,
Franciscan abbess, spiritual writer and stuff. And apparently her body hasn't decomposed, although I have it on good authority from exposés done on issues like this that Rome seems to have a fascination with putting wax masks over particular saints to make it look like they haven't decomposed.
That's not really her skin right there. But anyway, so it's fascinating to me that Amanda Wells is invoking these
Roman Catholic mystics. Why did Jesus show us ascension? Because we could do it too.
No, that's not how that works. So according to Amanda Wells, the reason why Jesus ascended into heaven is once he got up there, he said,
OK, your turn. Come on. You can do it. Come on. Just think light thoughts or think of a wonderful thought, any happy little thought.
Think of Christmas. Think of snow. Think of sleigh bells. Off you go. Turns Jesus into Peter Pan, man.
And they had to sit on her so that she could preach. They said some of them would turn into fiery darts just as they pray.
They would open their hearts up years later and some of their tombs were opened up and they hadn't changed.
They still had flesh and hair. Their hearts were like a burning furnace hundreds of years later.
This is what I'm believing for. I don't know about you, but I am hungry for these wonders.
And so how do I get this? You're not hungry for Jesus. You just want wonders.
Yeah, got it. I'm going to the place where we are seated. I've got to live out of an encounter with heaven and it will change.
How do you, how does one live out of an encounter with heaven? And where in scripture are we told to do that?
The way that we dream and the way that we function. For me, I read every single book on revival when
I first got born again. Every book. I didn't want to just be Katherine Kuhlman. I wanted to be all of them.
And I remember the biggest thing was I wanted to translate. And so,
Lord, I want to. And so I used to imagine I was sitting on the throne because that's where I was.
She imagined she was sitting on Jesus's throne. Tell me about it.
Hi there. Oh, your highness. You were doing it again.
Doing what? Doing my job. There's nothing wrong with that.
Spiritually, that's where I was. And I would, I would imagine I would ascend and go up and live from that place.
And so I, that's why I have such a, oh, I love the fact that we are in him.
And then one day I was in a prayer meeting and suddenly I disappeared. And they all thought
I'd left the prayer meeting. And so I was actually in Nova Scotia.
I was next to a man. He was about to commit suicide. I threw the gun over. I led him to the
Lord, asked him where he was. He said, Nova Scotia. And I came back and I had to, and they said.
Yeah, sure. Yeah. Can you provide us just, you know, any kind of substantial true, you know, like evidence that we could use to validate this story of, you know, you being translated from Australia to Nova Scotia.
You know, there's a big time zone difference thing going on. What time was the prayer meeting and what time of the day did you arrive in Nova Scotia?
And I'm like, oh, how do I tell them this? I said, well, where is Nova Scotia? And years later, about four years, like four years ago,
I got a letter from a man who'd seen something on the Elijah list who said,
I don't know whether you remember me. I would, you led me to the Lord in a car in Nova Scotia years ago.
This is the life we should be leading. What was his name? I mean, have you guys thought about, you know, maybe having a reunion, you know, inviting the media and stuff like that.
So this is the life we should be. Why aren't you translating? How dare you call yourself a believer in Jesus Christ?
If you're not translating to Nova Scotia or some other place around the planet, maybe
China, you'll pick a very dangerous country. This would revolutionize, you know, missionary activity across the globe.
We could create a whole like super seal team six as far as like missionary work.
We don't even need parachutes. You don't need a, you know, you don't need some kind of a plane to, you know, insert them into the battle zone.
No, they can just insert themselves. You know, I'm going to go share Christianity and Jesus in Saudi Arabia.
And there I am, you know, and you see, I'm here to tell you all about Jesus. And they're all, oh, and then all of a sudden, you know, that can disappear again.
You know, that's, oh man, that'd be really handy. As far as, you know, totally changing missionary work around them.
Why aren't you striving to do this? Huh? We've lost all of this great mystical stuff.
I mean, could you imagine adding translating to floating and stuff?
Oh man. So it's like, you people can't kill me. I'm going to fly away.
Yeah, this is bonkers. And we've got to understand that we are in him.
We are praying in the spirit. And so there's a big difference about asking
God to do something, healing, etc. And you and I doing it because we are in him.
And Jesus said, you heal the sick, you cast out demons, because you're in him.
And you and I praying for many things that we really should be engaging. Oh God, I want to see an angel.
Just, I talk to them every day. I just. Really? You talk to angels every day.
Do they talk back to you? I'm curious. I mean, is this a dialogue kind of thing going on?
Like I said, not mentally sound here. I hate to say this.
This sounds like schizophrenic delusions kind of stuff here. I wake up and say hello to the angels that are around me because I'm a wonder and I'm living.
The reason why she wakes up and talks to the angels all around her, you know, is because she's a wonder.
Wouldn't you like to be a wonder too? Just like Amanda. Isn't she amazing? Talk about vain glorious here.
In that place, praying in the name of Jesus is not a formula. It's standing in a position, stand in his name where the fullness of God dwells.
And then you are standing right in the center of wonderful. Can you imagine?
I'd love to stand in the center of wonderful. It's been a while since I've stood in the center of wonderful.
Standing in the middle of wonderful. Of course I can translate. I'm already practicing walking through walls.
I keep hitting my nose, but I will do it. You see the reason why
Jesus just appeared in the upper room while the doors and windows were locked was to show you that you can do it too.
So she's practicing walking. She hasn't succeeded yet. And, you know, she's probably going to need a good plastic surgeon before this is all done.
I don't think she'll be able to afford one after all the mental health bills. But yeah, so folks, this has nothing to do with Christianity at all.
And you'll note, I pointed out that this is vainglorious babblings on her part. And the reason why is because, you know, who's she talking about?
Herself. What does she desire? Power. She desires to have
Jesus's power and to wield it to sit on his throne. And for everybody to say,
Amanda, you're a wonder. When in reality, the message of the gospel is that,
Amanda, you're a sinner and you need to repent. The problem is, is that you make it all about you and your sinfulness.
And you've sided with the devil. I mean, this is just bizarre. And so we're not hearing anything about biblical
Christianity or what Jesus has done for us. His death on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.
We're not hearing the real gospel. That Christ has died for our sins and risen again on the third day, ascended into heaven.
And then he's going to come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. We're hearing nothing of that. We're hearing all these bizarre stories.
And you sit there and you scratch your head. Is it true? Did she really translate to Nova Scotia?
Oh, can I really levitate? I'd really like to do that. And all this kind of stuff.
And now we're off to the races. But the race is where, well, where this race ends. The finish line is in hell.
Because she's not pointing people to Jesus. She's pointing people to herself. Talk about a strong delusion.
So what'd you think? Love to get your feedback. If you'd like to email me regarding anything you've seen on our
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.