Matt Slick - Q&A




We're live. We're in. Alright so if you've got some questions or comments about tonight's study or whatever else you want to talk about all you're gonna do is you go to YouTube, you go to Facebook and I'll get some stuff coming up here as well and I can maybe read some of the stuff.
So hope you guys thought that was interesting. You guys here, a few of you here, what do you think?
Pretty bad? Pretty crazy? Yeah it's pretty amazing the amount of heresy that people will accept.
It's like poisoning your food, GMO this or that or how much stupidity you can take from the news media.
Hey yo, can you give me some more? And just it's everywhere. People are not thinkers. They are followers.
They are led by their hearts, not by their minds and not being transformed by their mind. They want to be comforted.
They want to be coddled and this is why I'm not uber successful because I don't go for that.
I'm not gonna coddle you. I'm gonna tell you the truth and that is the truth. So what
Copeland was saying, heresy, just teaching heresy all over the place.
All right so what I think I'll do now is hopefully that's updated and we'll see and we're doing
Q &A right now. Looks like it. I'll just go like that so you can see it. Yeah Q &A great.
When one person watching it'll take a bit to kick in. So I'm thinking about doing some more of these kind of things and maybe do one on Joyce Meyer next because get some video stuff.
Of course I could go even more and more. I'd like to be able to expand this and do a series and I'm trying to decide what to do and how to do it with the with the ministry because I've been working.
Next month Karm will be 22 years old. 22 years old and I have been working for 22 years and I'm actually starting to get a little burned out.
Constantly writing, constantly researching, constant, constant, constant and I'm wondering what else is there to do and to what degree should
I do it? And so the idea of putting videos together and some other things sounds appealing and I just ask that if people are interested you pray about that to see know what direction
God wants things to go in so that we can hopefully start getting more and more produced.
But nevertheless you know I've always got to be working so I'll be doing something. But you know it's kind of interesting to find these videos, to find these quotes, to find this stuff.
Now I've already got a whole bunch of stuff from Joyce Meyer on my website and I could probably turn a lot of it into videos and things like that.
It'd be totally cool if people were out there just saying look Matt I will help you. I'll do research. I'll find a quote.
Here's the URL. Here's the quote. This is juicy. Whatever it is send it to me. It would just make it so much easier you know.
It'd be thanks great okay got the quote, got this, got that. Put it together in a presentation and do stuff. Love to be able to do that.
We need to be able to do stuff like that. There's just so much that needs to be done. So nevertheless we got people coming in and I don't see any live chat.
I don't know if it's coming in or not the chat. I don't see it. So if anybody's got any questions on Facebook.
Nobody? Anything? San Antonio get a hi. So trying to stall a little bit or wait for people who want to maybe they want to ask a question.
You guys got any questions or anything? If not we'll just do this for five ten minutes and then I'll bail. If you got a question yeah.
We are spinning around the sun. If we're spinning around the sun at 66 ,000 miles an hour.
Okay. And also that's our, we're spinning. So we orbit right? So the earth spins.
Yeah. It's a planet. And we're spinning around the sun. How is it that the constellations have been so constant?
The constellations. Yeah. They've been so constant since the beginning of time. How is that possible?
Because it has to do with distance and size. When something is so huge, humongously huge, it has an incredible distance.
You don't see any what we call relative motion. That's all. That's all it is.
Have you studied the Flat Earth Theory? Yeah, Flat Earth Theory. It sucks canal water. It's what?
It's bad. It's bad? It's a waste of time. Is it a waste of time? Yeah. Yeah. It's a waste of time.
I mean all you got to do is just look at the NASA feed. You see a round planet. Now, what if NASA was created by evil men to deceive people?
And for what purpose? For what purpose? What purpose would the Flat Earth deception be for?
To burn this, to make this irrelevant. But it doesn't. I know, it doesn't make it irrelevant.
Not by the way. And I'm only saying this because of apologetics. Because of what? Because of apologetics. Yeah, but the
Flat Earth wouldn't affect the Bible at all. Round Earth doesn't affect it either. Well, so I went to a church and I talked to this pastor because the
Lord led me to do it. And I didn't want to do it. I was like, well, I don't want to do this. I don't want to talk to these pastors.
Anyway, this pastor told me one thing. He said, he told me a few things. He said, one, that Jesus did abolish the law, which was just like, oh.
So he convicted Jesus, okay. I was like, what are you talking about? And then secondly, he told me that this book was contextual.
It's not at all literal. So that's the issue. So when it says Jesus wept,
I'd ask him, did he weep? Did he actually weep? Yeah, exactly. It's like, I take this book literally.
And even the Psalms are literal in the sense that when it says, to the ends of the earth, because there are ends of the earth.
There are? What's the end? Well, the end is technically what they would call Antarctica. Called what?
Antarctica? That's an end? Yeah, there's an end. It's an ice wall. You can't go to Antarctica.
You can't go to Antarctica. It's the longest standing treaty that's signed by the most countries.
And the reason is because they want to perpetuate this lies, demonic lies.
This is what they're saying? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. There's also other evidence like the constellations.
I think that's perfect evidence. But there's also Amos as well, which says.
You're not taking this seriously, are you? I'm very serious. No, no, no, no. You don't believe that earth is flat. I believe the earth is flat.
You really do? I'm not on a planet, no. That's a total lie. Wait, wait, wait. You're confusing me.
Do you personally believe the earth is flat? I personally believe the earth is flat, yes. I don't. What's the earth resting on?
It's resting on pillars. Because it says in the book that it's resting on pillars. You're serious?
I'm absolutely serious. So the earth is resting on pillars. What are the pillars resting on? I don't know. But God says they're resting on pillars.
Okay. So let's do something logic here. Let's just do a little logic, okay? So the earth is flat, right?
It's a disk or whatever it is. It is. It's a disk and there's a dome. Okay. There's a dome. And so there's a pillar.
Let's just put three pillars here. Yeah. Okay. So what are they resting on? Something.
He doesn't tell us. Because if it's resting, that means it's a gravitational force, right?
That means these have to be here to support it because something's pushing down. There has to be something here.
There has to be something here that has to... It comes down to whatever's on that one and that and that and that.
So something has to be the terminus. But you can't... There's no such thing as gravity because gravity is technically a theory.
You cannot prove it. So we're forced down.
Okay. And so the earth is resting. So you're assuming what we call gravity. Yes. All right. So it's resting on something.
One, two, three, four, or one big thing. If it's one thing that is infinitely big, impossible.
If it's two, three, four, five, it goes on for infinity. That's impossible as well. It's logically possible.
So what's it resting on? It's not. I don't know what it's resting on. You said pillars. That's what the book says.
The Bible literally means pillars. Yeah. Okay. And so you don't know what the pillars are resting on, but it has to rest on...
They have to be on something. Well, it doesn't have to rest on anything. Does it do? Because of gravity? Because it's being forced down, right?
That's why you said they're resting on it, which means there's a force being produced.
That's why we have to have pillars. Because if there was no force and there was no gravity, which doesn't make any sense, then it wouldn't need to rest on anything.
But since it's resting on pillars, then we have this thing we're going to call gravity, which means these pillars are also part of it.
Unless you're going to say the pillars are the only thing producing this, this is what we call gravitational effect.
And then there's nothing underneath them. It's just nothing. And only these pillars are producing gravity.
Is that the case? I think it has to do with mass and buoyancy and air.
The greater mass, the greater mass there is, the more gravitational force that is exerted. And it's exerted for this, inversely proportional to the square of the distance.
So the further out it is, the less the gravitational force is. So if it's at 2 meters, it's one -fourth the ability.
If it's at 3 meters, then it's one -ninth. So the ability of the gravitational force to have any merit or any strength to it, just drops off incredibly with an increase of distance.
Now, since this is so close, there's definitely gravitational stuff going on. That means they have to have mass.
They have mass. They have to have enough mass to be able to cause gravity for us to be able to be affected here.
These have to be super -dense, because the planet is huge. Hold on a sec.
Yeah? Wait, hold on, hold on. Yes? Wait, hold on, hold on. Yes? Yes?
I can't hear you. Wait, it goes into this. That's right. Wait. Say it again. They might be watching and want to say something.
That's why I picked it up. Okay, I can't hear anybody. So, now you're taking that literally.
It means pillars. It's actually on pillars. Yeah. Okay. And how do you know it's literal?
How do I know it's literal? Because Jesus told me to take it literally. Where did he tell you to take it literally? He said, those who are...
Hey, Matt? Yes? That, and... You got a minute? No, I'm teaching
Bible study right now. Okay. What's a good time to call you back? Tomorrow.
Talk to you later, buddy. Okay? Sorry, I thought you might be one of the guys watching the video. Okay. See ya. Okay. Bye -bye.
Talk about the Mormon thing. So, now you're taking it literally because Jesus told you to take the pillars literally. Well, yeah, of course.
I'm going to take the whole thing literally. Where did he say to take the pillars literally? He didn't tell me to take it literally, but I'm just convinced the entire...
Okay. So, where are you getting this that you've got to take it literally? I'm not saying you have to take it literally.
You believe it literally. There's a reason to believe it literally. I'm just saying... Why are you believing it literally? They're literal pillars.
Because of wisdom. Okay. Now, if you had on a good microphone, you could listen to you swimming through this mire.
All right. There's no place in the scripture to tell you to take this kind of a thing literally. Yet, you're taking it literally.
So, there's no reason for you to do that. The evidence works against it. And now what you're talking about is all the people now, basically, are lying.
All the evidence and everything. Now, I've been on Skype talking to people on the other side of the planet.
Well, it's dark here. It's light there. I've been up in the air. I've seen aurora borealis when we're going over to France.
I've seen ships go down over the horizon. There's certain things that work with trigonometry, with mathematics, angles of light, things like this.
I know. They have their so -to -speak answers. And it's a waste of stinking time.
It makes Christians look like idiots. It makes Christians look like morons who will take this and say,
There literally are pillars. And all I've got to do is say, What are the pillars resting on? We don't know.
Then how do you know there's literally? Well, because it's there. How do you know? And you cannot have it at infinite distance of support.
It doesn't work. You cannot have it. It's impossible logically. And I can show you why. So, then you have to be able to say,
These pillars themselves are just suspended in space. And if this is a dome, Well then, where are you getting that?
They're suspended in space by themselves causing gravitational force upon the planet
Earth, which is nothing but a disk. Which means that around here, there is a wall of ice.
Yes. And there's a big conspiracy, which is why people aren't allowed to go to this disk.
And the reason is because of what? To not make the Bible look bad? This makes the
Bible look worse. But if you're concerned, Here's something you've got to think about.
If you're always listening. If your concern is, Oh no, this is what the Word of God says. And we don't, They're trying to get rid of the
Bible. They're trying to make it look bad. The flat Earth makes it look bad. The flat Earth idea makes it look bad.
But if it is true? It's not true. Because you know what?
Even unbelievers can detect various issues of truths. Even they know about stuff.
Yeah. I can go to an atheist heart surgeon and say, Fix me. Not a problem. Just because an atheist doesn't mean he's already lying about everything.
Because what this would necessitate, Is that everybody involved, all over,
Is all lying. They're all lying. They are. For what reason? Because they belong to Satan.
They belong to the sons of dissidents. They're sons of dissidents. They're not blessed. Okay. So we got these people.
Here they are. Yes. They're all in this. Okay. These people get saved.
Yes. Which happens. What do they say about it? Do we have any word of anybody? Look, I'm going to tell you.
You know, We were having these meetings in the Satan Hall. And we were talking about the Earth. And it's flat.
But it's not really flat. It's round. Or, No, It really is round. But we want to say it's flat.
Has anybody come out and said, We were in this group, Of all these thousands of people,
All over the place, Saying that it's all a lie? Yes. There are people who have come out and said that sort of stuff.
There are 33 degree masons who have come out and said this kind of stuff. Like, Shaquille O 'Neal. And the other reason,
Shaquille O 'Neal has a brain that is, Like, There's legitimately, Shaquille O 'Neal could stand and see the curvature of the
Earth. All right. Now, The masons, There is no such thing as a curvature.
The 33 degree masons? Who sworn allegiance under oath to dark forces? Yes. These are the ones,
They're the real group that exists. I know about that. So, They're the ones that you're going to for documentation and support?
I'm not going to them. There was actually, There's a video of a guy, Wait, wait, wait, wait. Where are these people who've left this, And became born again,
And have said that it's not true, Or is true, Or whatever? My logic and reasoning tells me it's true.
And then I go to my Bible. Your logic and reasoning aren't sound. They're not sound. I agree with Marley, But there's,
There's a way that seems right to a man. Did you hear that ribbing sound? I heard that ribbing sound.
That was a good ribbing in a context. So, You don't have any evidence to know that these pillars aren't literal.
It's just an opinion you've got. You don't know what they're resting on, But their mass is causing, Causing a gravitational pull.
That means they themselves, I'm not concerned. Why is it then, That the moon is spherical,
The sun is spherical, Mars is spherical. The sun and moon are spherical,
But I don't think Mars exists. Because I don't think it exists.
You don't think Mars exists? No, it's a, It's a fallacy. The whole idea of space, And the galaxy,
And this universe, Is a total, Absolute fallacy, To make people feel insignificant. So what's that thing?
Because if we were in a dome, It was a closed system, Then we would realize that, Well, there's a God who controls all of this.
So what's that, That planet? And once I did this, I remember very clearly, I had some binoculars,
I looked up, And I actually saw, The bands of Jupiter, On some very nice binoculars, So is
Jupiter real? That was created by the Lord, It's not a star, To give
Him glory. It's a star in the firmament,
Because God built the firmament. So is your goal to, Expand the kingdom of God, And bring
Him glory? My goal is to, To ascribe to God, His glory,
By telling the truth. Which I believe this is true. I wouldn't say it, If it wasn't true. You wouldn't believe it?
I wouldn't tell you this, If it wasn't true. If I didn't believe it was true. I just know that there are, So there was this guy,
He was involved in Satanism. And? The Lord saved him. Now, There was an interview that he did,
He was talking about his experience, That he had with this Satanism, And the
Lord pulled him out, And he was doing this interview. Now, I believe that God, And his, They're teaching the earth,
Is an oblique spheroid? This has nothing to do with the flat earth. What he was talking about was,
What he was talking about, Were a few things. First of all, Their goal, Is to destroy the Bible.
That's one of their goals. How does flat earth, Not destroy? Now, He was taught,
By Satanist high priests, All these things, That they're working on doing. One of those things is, First of all,
The Sabbath. They despise the Sabbath. Okay, We're off topic. How does this, How does this validate,
Christianity as being true? Well, I'll, I'll read, It has nothing, This has to do with your
Bible reading. And personally, With my Bible reading, It makes me trust, It just makes me love the
Bible. And it's like, You have a lot of Christians, And you told it, You said it yourself, There's something wrong, With the
Christian church. What is wrong with our Christian church? I went to my elder, And I told him,
I said, I was angry with you, Because I haven't been able, To talk to you. I'm, I'm lost in this world,
Dude, I need wisdom, I need, I need counsel, I need wise men, To give me guidance, And to love me,
And to serve me. And I want to, Do that in return to you, But I need, I need to speak with you, And there's victory,
And abundance, And wise counsel. And so I was going to him, Dude, It took him two weeks, For him to not even give me a reply.
And so I was in church, Sermon goes on, And I was talking about loving people, Or whatever,
I can't remember exactly what it was, But the Lord was calling me to, Confess your sin. And I confessed my sin to him,
And I asked him for forgiveness, And you know what he said? He said nothing, And he just, Moved on. Well, I don't know what church it is,
I don't know what the situation is, But the issue here is this, There's clearly something,
That's overcoming the saints, And the effectiveness of this, Because this isn't happening,
Because I can see, This isn't happening, Okay, Well, Hold on, Hold on, Hold on,
God is sending deluding influence, Second Thessalonians 2, There's apostasy to come, People are having,
People are having all kinds of problems, And issues in the Christian church, I know, Now, If your goal, Is to bring glory to God, Yes, I would recommend,
Very strongly, That you not mention this to anybody, Because you won't be taken seriously, I can't, I don't,
Look, I love science, Yes, Okay, I love science too, I love science, But the science that we know, Is pseudoscience,
And if I love you, Wouldn't I tell you, That's a lie, You have to demonstrate,
From scripture, That the pillars are literal, Okay, The pillars, I'm only saying that, Because you asked me about it,
Well, You have to show me from scripture, It's literal, Okay, If you can't, Well, Then you should not die in that hill,
Okay, Well, I will say this, Right here, It says in Amos, Chapter, Chapter 9, It talks about the
Lord, It's all about the Lord, And it says, The Lord God of hosts, The one who touches the land,
So that it melts, And all those who dwell in it, And all of it rises up, And all those who dwell in it more,
And all of it rises up like the Nile, And subsides like the Nile of Egypt, The one who builds his upper chamber,
In the heavens, And has founded his vaulted dome, Over the earth, He who calls for the waters,
Of the sea and pours them out, In the face of the earth, The Lord is his name, There's also 48 references, In Psalms, Which reference,
To the ends of the earth, Okay, Yeah, There's also right here, It says right here, Thank God, So that there be an expanse,
In the midst of the waters, And let it separate the waters, From the waters, And God made the expanse,
And separated the waters, Which were below the expanse, From the waters, Which were above the expanse, It was so,
No problem with that, So, If somebody asks me, Why is the sky blue? Because it's water above us,
It's not space, The reason the sky is blue, Is because it's water, Because the Bible says it is, Like, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, yeah, lights before the
Sun, plants before the Sun. I tossed it. And so I went, you know,
I used to carry around a book on the thorium fuel cycle as I was going to my physics class. And I'm a nerd.
But at any rate, and I wanted to go be a marine biologist, so that was my plans and some stuff.
But nevertheless, so I thought what was my train of thought?
Crap, I hate that. Oh yeah, the Bible. And so I discarded it because it didn't agree with science.
And then one day I read an article from a secular guy, I think it was an atheist, a scientist, who said hypothetically, if you're on the planet
Earth watching all of this happen over a great period of time, what would you see? And he described Genesis, the first few days.
I mean he described it bang, bang, bang, without even knowing it. He didn't even refer to it. But he said that the Sun would be there, but because of the coalescing of the mass and this and that, and atmospheric conditions and cosmic rays and all this stuff, diffused light would go out all over the planet.
It would be able to reflect down through as the Earth is rotating, not a problem. And that's exactly what
Genesis said. And then, because of photosynthesis, and they gave the formulas for the chemical reactions in the atmosphere, then one of the results would be after millennia, whatever it was, that you'd have a cleared up atmosphere, you'd be able to see the
Sun. And photosynthesis would be possible because of diffused light, the whole process. So I just went, the
Bible got this. So it took me back to the Bible, I started reconsidering it.
For real, this is what happened to me. And then the Lord opened the door of my heart and gave me one day
I'd be a Christian. So the Bible and signs are not in disagreement. Okay, but how you interpret things is very important.
And if you're going to presuppose that the Earth is flat because it's six dimensions corners, then you could be literal.
It's not a disk, for example. Because this is just real basic logic.
We look down, that's a disk. Where are the corners? Anybody want to show me corners?
I don't know if you know what geometry is. It does have corners, right?
And the ends. Okay, now, so if you're gonna be literal, you need to at least, well, at the very least, there's corners, no corners.
So at the very least, the Earth is a triangle. Or a square, or a hexagon, septagon, octagon, nanagon, whatever you want to call it.
Could be a trapezoid, could be all kinds of things. You could have something where the Earth is actually a flat surface that's like this.
Got corners. Obtuse, acute angles, doesn't make a difference. So what makes you think it's round?
It's a disk. I don't even know. I've lied to my entire life.
Wait, you're not answering my question. It says corners. Is that literal? Yeah. Okay, so then this can't be, this is not possible anymore.
The Earth is not a disk. Okay, so what is it? Which one do you want to go with? I don't know what it is.
Let's just have the square be representative. And if I could go to Antarctica, if I could go to the edge, I wouldn't study it.
One point at a time. Let's just have the square be representative. It has corners. Maybe it's a trapezoid, maybe it's an octagon, whatever.
Triangle. Maybe it should be a triangle, because God's a trinity. You know, we could have
Father, Son, Holy Spirit. And so maybe the
Earth is actually a triangle shape representing the Godhead. It's got corners. But I think it does say four corners.
If it says four, I don't know if it does or not, because it's been a while since I've even thought about this. Let's see, corners, oh it has, maybe someone could do some research and find some more corners.
Okay, it's got a lot of corners, but I won't have time to be able to find something quickly now.
So at the very least, that's the Earth is not a disk. And you said it was a disk. I just proved from the scriptures, by being literal, it's not a disk.
You got that wrong. So it's at least a square, well at least a triangle. But I like the idea of a square better, because I think it says four corners.
I could be wrong. So let's just say that it's a square. Okay, so now we'll just have this, because it has corners, we'll just use this as a representation of Earth.
I've got it if you want to see it. Where is it? Four corners, Revelation 7 .1. And this, I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the
Earth. Okay. There's actually about seven. We'll go with this. 14.
Okay, so this is the, this is a square, but it's at an angle because we're looking at it, like an orthographic projection.
And so we have, we have pillars.
Okay, now I'm assuming that these pillars, hopefully, and there's a small one in the back there.
I used to be a good orthographic projector. All right, so we'll just say three, because it could make four, but it doesn't make any difference.
And so now, here we are, four corners. So it's not a disk anymore, that's gone.
Yeah. Okay, so have any of these people now dealt with this issue that it's actually a square?
Well, it could be a rectangle too, because you can have four corners in a rectangle versus in a square.
So we'll just stick with a square for now. Yeah. So you could have a long rectangle. In fact, it could be a million miles one direction, and only 15 feet wide.
Who knows? Well, probably not 15 feet wide, because Jamie's here. That wasn't being nice.
I didn't even get it. Yeah, he's, well, he won the game later on. Yeah, he just smacked the wall right ahead.
Okay, so it's not a disk, right? You agree.
So I just converted you. So disk -ism is wrong. So we'll just do the square -ism.
Okay, so I'm assuming that these, these can be round pillars or square pillars, whatever.
Doesn't make any difference. But what are they on? There's something.
The book doesn't say. So let me get this straight. So now, logically speaking, if this is something, it has to rest on something else.
If there's a gravitational force coming down. But there is, but there is no gravity?
But you said it had to rest on pillars, right? Well, I'm just saying the book says it. Okay, well, but it says it's resting on, which means that there's weight, which means there's a force being exerted.
We're calling that force gravity. Okay, we're calling it gravity.
The downward force. We'll call that gravity. Okay, so there's gravity that they say doesn't exist, which means the downward force doesn't exist, which means we should fly off.
That's right. And then we have a lot of issues about rotational disintegration over a long period of time.
And anyway, so this, if you have to say then that this thing here, whatever it is, is either part of the pillars, that they're one of the same substance, or they're different substances.
If they're the same substance, then the mass, the total mass here has to be sufficient in order to cause the right amount of gravitational force.
Because like it or not, they can agree or they can disagree. But the fact is, one body in the universe always influences the other body.
As I said, gravity is actually this, inversely proportional to the square of the distance.
So the further out you are from a body, the less gravitational force is exerted by the body upon the person.
So that would mean here that we have to have a certain amount of mass here for this exertion to occur.
Because exertion is a fact. It's a fact. It happens. That means this mass has to be exerting down.
Or it's on something else, which is another problem. But then you got to go down infinitely.
That's a problem. So to solve this, you have to say that this is the only thing that's there and it's suspended in space of nothing.
But if you say there's no space, you've got a problem. Because how can you have no space, yet it exists with enough mass to cause gravitational force?
And if you say there is no space, you couldn't have this, a series of things going down. Because that's what space is.
We occupy space. I occupy space. So this is occupying space. The earth is occupying space.
And so therefore, if you say there is no space, you're saying there's no space, but we're in it.
There's no time, but we have clocks. There's no love, but I love my wife.
So it's just self -refuting. I will admit there's a downward force that does exist. There's a downward force.
What's causing the downward force? We know that it has to do with mass. So this has to have mass.
And it would then mean that in itself, it is forcing the earth down upon itself, because it has sufficient mass to cause gravity.
But there is no such thing as space. Yeah, because there is no such thing as space.
There's no space. So where is this if there is no space? Where is that? Yeah, where is this thing?
I don't know. All I know is what the Bible says. Well, do some thinking. It's a footstool. All I know is what
I see. And the fact is, the earth is what we are on. It's not what it is. Okay, so you don't know what this is.
You don't know where it is. You don't have any answers to just common laws of physics that deal with this.
And you say there is no such thing as space. And so this has to exist in space.
And yet, it has to have mass and existence in order to exert force.
But yet it doesn't exist in space. What I'm saying is the idea of space is vast.
What's space? Define space. Space is this empty, idiotic lie of a galaxy of planets and stuff.
Wait, wait, wait. Space. You haven't defined space. You haven't defined space. Is there space between you and me? I'm talking about space as in like what we see on TV with NASA and space.
You mean out there? Yeah, the galaxy. What I'm talking about is galaxy. I'm not talking about space as in like there's space in this room.
Are there such things as satellites? So the satellite thing is, I'm still studying that, okay. Are there such things as satellites?
What we know of as satellites orbiting the earth is false. So I have a jacuzzi in my backyard and one of my favorite things to do at night, my wife and I will be sitting there and I'll get my fake cigar, my electronic cigar.
Yeah, I'm a pig. And I'll smoke, you know, arrogantly like that. And I might have a glass of wine on the thing.
I'm enjoying myself, okay. And I look up and I love to count satellites.
Yeah, I love to count them. And I'll see this little light going by. Yeah, it's not a firefly. I mean it is way up there.
Oh yeah. And I can watch it. One time I saw this. I saw a satellite here, here, and something like that.
And they were moving together just like this. And I looked it up. It was the navy communication system.
Satellite. I saw them. That's awesome. And so they don't exist.
Bin Laden took down the twin towers. So they don't exist? Do these satellites exist?
I saw them with my own eyes. I saw them in perfect form just move across the sky. Was that real or was that not real?
It was a real thing but it's not what you think it is. What was it? It's something else. What was it? It's a technology that they're using that There's several.
There's so many things that they're not telling us. What was it? What was it? I don't know.
I don't know exactly. I'm not going to confidently tell you. I'm going to tell you what I see and what I believe.
The meteors come in and we see them. Are they real meteors? Are they real meteors when they come down?
I don't know what they are exactly. Well, it does say in the bible that God lets stars fall.
There's peace. So I can see this and when they predict that the space station is going around and it's exactly what we see.
That's good. And we can take photos of the space station going across the sun and see its silhouette.
Is that fake? It's not what we think it is. I'm just saying it's not what you think it is.
I think it's a space station going against the sun. That's not right. I see the space station going against the sun.
You know you look at a telescope you can see it go right there. So what happened? Incredible technology.
I'm telling you the dragon has given them authority and power to do things that are unimaginable like black magic like we were talking about.
Like what he's talking about speaking words like that's black magic. He's teaching his people. You know where he learned that from? From the people he split the freemasons.
So did you see the eclipse a while back? Yes I did and it probably was not the moon.
It wasn't the moon. You've got to be kidding me. I'm not kidding you. People have taken thermal cameras and whatever passed in front of it was not stopping.
Another disc planet? I don't know.
Then how come the mathematicians can predict it exactly to the second?
Who predicted it? Because these people are taught all sorts of this truth more than we know.
We three were up in the mountains with Cameron. He's not going to make it. Cameron had an app on.
We had our glasses on. We couldn't look at the sun until the app said. We gave our location and it said 10 seconds before you can take your glasses off.
Five seconds before you can take your glasses off. Right when it said you can take your glasses off. You could take your glasses off.
I saw it was awesome. That app got it dead on right.
These brilliant mathematicians and these astrophysicists or whoever does all that kind of stuff which I cannot even fathom how they can do that.
They do that and they get it down exactly to where we were in different parts of the country but it's not the moon.
But everything they do is based on that it is the moon. Yet they got it exactly accurate and so they're in on it too.
Oh yeah. It sounds crazy. Yeah. But they are.
I'm telling you. I don't care if you think I'm crazy. I'm just telling you the truth. I don't think you're crazy.
I just think you're. There's a pseudoscience that exists that is just totally false. There's all sorts of other evidence to like I didn't get like I just am very convinced.
I've asked about this. You gotta solve this problem. You gotta solve this problem. I'm that's not my concern.
My concern truly is. It's like me asking an atheist. Please tell me where the transcendental laws of logic come from.
Not my problem. Yes it is. So this is a problem because it is derived out of your worldview.
Do you want me to create a video of me going down and showing you the pillars?
Yeah. And CGI the pillars? Because that's what they do in space. How do you know they do that? How do you know that?
How do you know they do that? I have a question. People have studied. I'm telling you like there's. The Mason's have said it. There's logical evidence on and now.
I'm blowing holes in it. I have a question. Okay she's got a question. Job 38.
Then the Lord answered Job from the world again. So I guess
I've got to answer Job. Okay come on guys. Yeah 38. Yeah Job 38.
And so maybe you can help us understand how to take literal not literal.
But it says who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorant words?
Brace yourself like a man because I have some questions for you. Okay where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Tell me if you know so much. Who determined its dimensions and stretched out the surveying line?
I'm assuming this is God right? Would God use it? Would God use a surveying line? God is interviewing
Job and he's condemning him indirectly. And so you said take it literally.
Would God use? Here's a question. Would God use a surveying line?
But it says he did it. Who did who? It's called rhetorical questioning. He's questioning Job holding his feet to the fire.
Where were you when I did this? When I laid the foundation? I use a surveying line. Well foundations are literal but surveying line is not.
What what a cornerstone? You know what a cornerstone is right? I'll tell you what a cornerstone is.
Hey guys we have too many conversations. Yeah it's hard to hear. So here's a building.
All right okay. Building. So when they would make a building they had a cornerstone.
Here's the cornerstone. They would lay it right there. Wherever it was they would start and then they started from there because from that cornerstone they'd make their measurements and build things.
So God is saying now that cornerstone right?
He laid the cornerstone. So is that literal? A literal cornerstone that God used for the earth? Okay so a literal illustration a little hold on you're saying but you're saying oh you're trying to okay okay yes
I just want to know how to all right okay let me help you out um this is written in a historical context now if I were to write a letter to you that said something to the effect of yesterday
I went out and I got my thruster my spring suit and I went out there to the south side and the swells were coming in pretty regularly but I got outside and I rested for a little bit some grimmies were bugging the crap out of me but finally
I was able to catch something came on over the lip I got hydrocoffined and uh so after a while I just said forget this
I'm gonna get some grinds now would you understand what I was saying no okay so I just talked a bunch of surf talk all right so in order to understand it you got to understand the culture right and so I could say certain things with certain phrases in this culture they're going to be understanding things in relationship to terms that they are familiar with God's going to communicate to them in a way that they're familiar with foundations pillars they understand those concepts and God's saying where were you when
I laid out the pillars they're not literal pillars where were you I used a plum line
God doesn't need a plum line he's using these things which is obvious it's just as illusory oh
I get it you're saying you made it you know what you're doing right you see what he's saying
Joe who are you to question yeah don't question me and he's doing this by saying where were you when I made this
I made that I did this I did that and he's using the terms that Joe would understand so you could have him say things like where were you when
I made the gigantic tent in which the heavens dwell because you live in tents they go oh yeah we got this he's not saying the literal tent what fabric is it made of is it got ammo navy camouflage or has it got marines camouflage you know it this kind of stuff can drive people crazy drives me crazy because it's pick and choose exegesis it's like um it's like uh yellow it's like uh cab taxi cab apologetics you're driving along time to get out because that argument doesn't work for me get back in I'm gonna go along again until it's a problem the pillar is a problem
I'll get out I don't have to worry about it get back in I go it's no consistency if you're going to be consistent about what the bible says about the creation of the world you might want to look at things like God holds the all of existence together by the exertion of his will that's actually true we know that certain things in the quanta level don't work the nucleus has protons that are bound together by gluons they don't know why they're there they don't know how it works well the bible tells us but it also says that the circle of the earth we got a problem now because that we need a disc that's why people say it's a disc the flatter surface but if it says four corners which one are you going to take because you cannot have a disc and at four corners at the same time it's logically impossible so which one is it well it doesn't take much and believe it or not
I was making this up and figuring it out as I was talking and I was
I'm showing problems I haven't even studied this I haven't read anything on it
I've only heard a few things I'm just talking about things make it up as I go not make it up as a lie but so even as I go
I have problems it doesn't take much so which is it that we're going to be going with is it a circle disc the circle of the earth the bible says because I know the
I got a reference on my website or is it the four corners as uh he showed us which is it well you got to believe both now but you can't it's logically impossible to believe both so now what we have to do is say well
I don't know you gotta make a decision and if I were debating somebody I'd say which one is it because no matter what you say
I'm going to quote the other one at this point they're stuck now is this a big point yes this is a big point because it all comes down to what are you going to believe what reason you're going to believe it how are you going to believe it why are you going to believe it is it a disc or four corners if it four corners wait a bible says it is the circle of the earth it's a disc okay it's a disc no it says four corners we're never going to get any further than that in the debate
I always keep going back and forth because how would you know which is the right one because no matter what you say there's the other view is the bible contradictory of course not it's contradictory if you take it literally like that it's not contradictory if you understand he's just talking in metaphor illustrations in terms of we can understand the problem with a lot of christians today they don't think they're not taught to think critically and the flat earthers what they're doing sorry but this is my
I've been saying this for a while they don't know how to exegete their way out of a white paper bag they don't know what's going on when
I present simple problems to them when we go with physics they can't answer them which
I mean I've talked it briefly with a few they don't know what they're doing and if we're to go to what the bible says disc or the bible says four corners at that point they're done because you have to solve one of them in order to have your argument but you can't solve it it's unsolvable if you take it literally their position means it's impossible to know now this is important philosophically if someone were to say that it's a square and someone else were to say it's a disc no matter which one they say
I'm going to say well the other the bible says the other over and over I would just I would die on this hill so now which one is it okay