Can Christians Manifest Their Dreams?

The Holy Nope iconThe Holy Nope


“God is the only one who can speak things into existence. It is not something we, as human beings, have the power to do. When God brought the plagues upon Egypt, the pagan magicians were able to mimic the results of the first two miracles. But when Moses turned the dust of the ground into gnats, the magi of Egypt were stumped. They could not animate inanimate things: “This is the finger of God,” they told Pharaoh (Exodus 8:19).


Well, you guys never cease to amaze me, and I think many of you are affected by Word of Faith doctrine more than you realize because I got a ton of pushback on the
Holy Nope episode 212. In your mouth, the tongue, you take concepts, dreams, and visions.
They are inside of you until you speak them. When you speak them, you are giving life to spiritual things that they may manifest in the earth realm.
Nothing that has been made was made without words. So let's break it down.
This man who is apparently wearing a $1 ,200 denim jacket, which I would have never realized if people didn't point it out in the comment section, is talking about speaking into existence your concepts, dreams, and visions.
That when they are inside you, they are in the spiritual realm, and because in the tongue is the power of life, when you speak your dreams about your future, what you want to accomplish, or whatever, they will manifest because nothing was ever created without words.
Seems like a pretty fair summary of what he's saying. This is classic Word of Faith, positive confession, law of attraction nonsense built upon twisted scriptures.
So let's go to the verse he seems to be referencing, Proverbs 18 .21. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Is this verse, this proverb, this proverb, teaching that there is creative power in your tongue to manifest spiritual things in the earth realm?
Isn't the question itself absurd enough? Apparently not. What this simply means is you can do harm, or you can do good to others and to yourself by what you say.
If you use your tongue for evil or for good, there will be corresponding results. James no doubt has this proverb in mind when he writes,
And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our men, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell.
But this isn't mystical. This isn't speaking things into existence. I could bless someone, or I could curse someone, and if my mouth is full of cursing and bitterness and the venom of serpents is under my lips, as Paul describes in Romans 3,
I'm going to eat the fruit of that one way or another. And ultimately because we will be called to give an account for every word we have spoken.
Referencing Matthew 12, 37, Matthew Henry comments, If by our words we must be justified or condemned, death and life are no doubt in the power of the tongue.
God alone who spoke the world into existence has creative power, because the word by which all things were made is
God. And you are not. You are not God. You are not God. He is creator and you are creature.
And apart from a few twisted verses, do we have any descriptions or prescriptions for manifesting spiritual things into the earth realm?
Nope. Nuh -uh. I feel like I'm losing my mind, is everybody in the world blind?