Are You Faithful Or Contemptible? - [Luke 18:9-14]


9 He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and treated others with contempt: 10 “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ 13 But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ 14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” (ESV)


You ever thought about what is the cause of sin? Why do why does anyone sin?
Why do we sin and I'm almost waiting for a hand because this almost feels like Sunday school
Why do we sin We know why unbelievers sin, right?
That's a little bit easier. Why do unbelievers sin because they're in believers and What does
Scripture say Hebrews chapter? 11 verse 6
I think Without faith it is Impossible to please God.
So if it's impossible to please God then anything that you do is Sin, right?
So unbelievers sin because they're unbelievers and believers do what they do. But why do we sin?
Did you ever ask yourself that why is it that I know God? I know God died for me that all my sins are forgiven yet.
I still sin. Why is that? I like to posit one
Answer to you this morning and I think it's a pretty good one and then we'll get into our text Why do we sin?
Because we don't believe enough You say well, how can you prove that? I don't know if I really necessarily can this morning.
I don't have the time to do that But let me put it positively. How is it that Jesus never sinned?
How is it that Jesus was always obedient you say well that's easy because he's God Yes, but what else does
Hebrews tell us? That he was just like us in every way.
He was tempted and tried in every way and yet without sin He was in fact fully human and fully divine.
So how is that? Jesus never sinned and I'm going to say to you that I think It's reasonable to conclude that he never sinned because His faith never wavered
He never doubted He never as I'd like to somewhat irreverently say he never sent the
Holy Spirit on vacation Right, how do believers sin because they're just like I'm going to ignore this alarm going off my head
I'm gonna ignore everything that I know and I'm gonna do what I want to do Jesus never did that When you think about it again, if we just think about the fact that we know
God that he is, you know, the author The finisher of our faith the one who died for us and all these things, but not only that He is the creator of us
He's the sustainer of us, right? He gives us life and we say well, thank you
God But I'm going to rebel against you. Anyway, how wonderful is
God to set his affection on us, even though that's how we treat him Jesus never sinned because his faith never wavered as I said the full presence of The Holy Spirit always attended him why because it came upon him and it never left him
He never left him I'm at the presence never left him the Holy Spirit never left him
The focus of Jesus was always on doing the Father's will always keeping his commandments
He never doubted never wavered never moved off that truth we do And here just give you a little spoiler
Why do we need that? righteousness We need that because we are in and of ourselves on our best day
Contemptible Despicable we are not adorable.
We are Actually enemies of God. Let's turn to Luke chapter 18 Luke chapter 18
And just a brief text this morning Just a few verses just a few words
So this would be a really short message You're not laughing I Have two sermons, that's right.
So this is part one part two will be Shortly thereafter.
Thank you for that Pauline Luke chapter 18 verses 9 to 14
He being Jesus he also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and treated others with contempt
Two men went up into the temple to pray One a
Pharisee and the other a tax collector The Pharisee standing by himself prayed thus
God I thank you that I am NOT like other men Extortioners unjust
Adulterers or even like this tax collector. I Fast twice a week.
I give tithes of all that I get but the tax collector standing far off Would not even lift his eyes to heaven
But beat his breasts saying God be merciful to me a sinner
I'd tell you This man went down to his house Justified rather than the other for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled
But the one who humbles himself Will be exalted Now as you ought to know by now,
I hope there are four Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John Matthew Focuses on Jesus as king
Talks about his lineage and why he's qualified to be the king Mark Speaks about Jesus the servant how he came to serve others
John as we've been studying for many weeks Portrays Jesus or really emphasizes
Jesus as God emphasizes his deity Luke the physician emphasizes
Jesus Christ Human being the man Christ Jesus we might say so as we look at it this morning.
We'll be looking At the gospel of Luke and I want to just to give a brief explanation of why we have parables
Jesus used the parables to explain The kingdom of God what the kingdom of God was like so that and he did it in such a way so that believers would understand and that unbelievers wouldn't and To just kind of support that I'm gonna read from Matthew 13 verses 13 to 17
You don't have to turn there. Just listen Matthew 13 verses 13 to 17
This is why I speak to them meaning the crowds and parables Because seeing they do not see and hearing they do not hear nor do they understand
In other words the purpose was so that unbelievers would not understand indeed in their case
The prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says you will indeed hear but never understand and you will indeed see but never perceive
For this people's heart has grown dull and with their ears They can barely hear and their eyes they have closed lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts and Turn and I would heal them
In other words, there's a judicial hardening against the people of Israel because they have not believed on the
Lord Jesus Christ Verse 16, but blessed are your eyes talking to the disciples to the believers for they see and Your ears for they hear for truly
I say to you many prophets and righteous people Long to see what you see and did not see it and to hear what you hear and did not hear it
Now this morning we're going to look at this parable the parable of the I want to call it the
The Pharisee and the publican or what have you but this is the Pharisee and the tax collector in the
ESV So that's what we're going to be looking at It shows us the difference between those who presume they are good enough that they are faithful enough to enter into the kingdom of heaven and Those who know that nothing good dwells in them
They are saved by faith alone Not with anything any amount of good works.
There's nothing good in them that would commend them to God And we could also put it this way. It shows the difference between those who are trying to be faithful enough and Those who know themselves to be contemptible.
So again when I ask faithful or contemptible really, the answer is
I Think contemptible now. I don't want anybody to think. Oh, that's good. I could just do whatever
I want. I can be contemptible I'm proud of my contemptibility. That's a good word
But the difference between heaven and hell is knowing that you need the works of another
That you in and of yourself can never merit heaven You cannot be faithful enough to enter into the kingdom of God Now why am
I teaching this parable this morning? Well personally, there's a flow to the
Gospel of John as I mentioned last week I kind of lightly went over a few verses because what
I want to do is there's a series of kind of questions from the disciples first Peter Then Thomas then
Philip and I want to deal with those right in a row And I also wanted to preach this because my hope is
You know as I've been Laying this out for myself My hope is that this will be my long delayed book and we'll talk about that more but at some point
We'll wrap this into a book Now this parable its meaning is not a mystery, but I believe it applies in more ways than we typically think of it
I think there are implications in this text and I'm going to talk about some of them and that's really going to be the heart of the
Of the project I hope to put together Now who is this parable for let's go back to Luke who's this parable for?
Well really it's for all of us if you look at verse 9 My outline is not so Sweet this morning basically
I have Four points and the first one is this one you know who's it for it's for all of us this parables for all of us
He also told us this parable or he also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves
That they were righteous and treated others with contempt now that word some
Indicates that this parable wasn't just targeting You know he didn't say it doesn't say here that he told us he told this parable to some
Pharisees He told this to a small group of people the sum is kind of Not really a defined group.
It's not a particular group of people But to all who generally fit into this category in other words not just to those people
Who were listening but to anyone who might? Trust in themselves that they were righteous and believe it or not.
I'm gonna make the argument that from time to time All of us fall into that camp
That we think we're righteous You think well,
I don't ever do that Okay These are different Kind of of a different category, but do you ever to say to yourself?
That person is a terrible writer That person is a terrible driver,
I do that all the time it's because Why well because I think
I'm better than they are That person is a terrible preacher you ever say that why do we say things like that?
Because we think that we're if you ever say to yourself.
You know what I've done enough. I've got a church enough There's enough of this in my life.
I there's enough righteousness This might be an issue for you You ever think to yourself.
I read the Bible enough. I know enough about Scripture. I know enough about God salvation Jesus I know enough about all that Do you ever look down on someone else because of their poverty?
Because of their perceived lack of intelligence because their skin color
Because of their clothing if you answered no to all those questions that you've never looked down on anyone for anything
Then I say good, and I'm gonna call on you to repent by the end of the message Maybe we'll have an altar call here
There's something that I I've just been mulling this over, and I and I think there's something that I would like to call an
Undercover Pharisee in other words not somebody that you'd look at and go that person's a
Pharisee or whatever, but I think that undercover Pharisee resides in each of us we can all manifest it at times and is that pride
That enables us to sin Even when we know we shouldn't even we know that it's the wrong thing to do and sometimes.
It's even In us, and we don't even see it. We're not even aware of it
And as I said of course this applies to every unbeliever everyone who does not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ is thinking you know what?
If there is a God, I'm good enough I'm likable enough, and you know
I've even heard people talk like this. He's just gonna have to learn to like me. I don't
There's not much you can say about that They have their own understanding of God's standard, and I think on that day.
They're gonna be many people who just They're not gonna get to argue their case, but they're also gonna realize you know in horror the depth of their error so Why this parable those are the reasons why now the first Genuine point here is going to be we're gonna look at the faithful man this man from the outside we would go that is the the pinnacle of faithfulness he is the religious elite he is
Bound for heaven at least that's what everybody would have thought then Now when someone says
Pharisee today, we don't think oh wow what a he's a good guy He's a good brother in Christ that guy's a really he's a strong Pharisee We don't think about it that way.
What do we think Pharisee equals? legalist Someone who you know has a wrong idea about salvation, but more or less they just have a system of rules well, why is that?
because That's who they were But sometimes
I think our definition of legalism really goes Astray it's not legalism for example if somebody says
We ought not to forsake the assembling together of the Saints right that is not legalism.
What is that? Scripture you know if somebody says You ought not to get drunk
That's not legalism Scripture Legalism is going beyond What scripture says not only that but then trying to impose that on other people
That's what legalism is so Let's talk about the
Pharisees Pharisees were commendable in many ways they would look at scripture, and they would say you know what
I Believe in the literal interpretation of scripture. They would do that then that's commendable.
They wouldn't memorize scripture. That's commendable I mean how many of us I dare say if we were to get into a scriptural
You know a wanna battle with the the Pharisees. You know just trying to go verse for verse with them
We'd lose at least in the Old Testament They knew the Word of God they memorized it
They weren't on their foreheads. I mean can you imagine that jewelry you know? I mean instead of like a little cross around your neck
Passages scripture just kind of like in this leather thing just stuck on your forehead Very attractive it's gonna be all the rage
But scripture was really the center of their lives, right And there was just one problem
And I'd invite you to turn to Matthew 23, and we'll see that problem one problem for the
Pharisees Just a little easy beats II problem. They didn't understand the God of scripture other than that they were doing pretty good
Matthew 23 I did say you know last week that This is your homework but Matthew 23,
I don't want to show of hands because you'll just have to repent later Matthew 23
Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples The Scribes and Pharisees sit on Moses seat
So do and observe whatever they tell you but not the works they do for they preach, but do not practice
Now let's say you know you see that seat of Moses, and you think well It must have been a place where they would sit
You know in town and kind of like yeah, I'm sitting in the seat of Moses That's not the point
He says when he's talking about the seat of Moses. He means that they assumed for themselves the authority of Interpreting the words of Moses that they were the authoritative source for how we should understand scripture in other words
And that's what it meant when he says that but then it notice he says so do and observe whatever they tell you
But not the works they do Well why not why follow their teaching, but don't follow their lifestyle
Because they were hypocrites Look at verse 3 it says for they preach
But do not practice They preach, but do not practice they know these things, but they don't do them
What do they do instead continuing on the text they tie up heavy burdens? Hard to bear and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger in other words they'll put a boulder on your back, but they won't lift a finger to Move it
What does he mean they didn't literally put burden burdens heavy burdens on people's backs
He's talking about beyond scripture going beyond the Word of God to with regulations
Why would they do these things why would they devise these rules well? It's meant to show Obedience to God right to explain the things for example
You know and I've given this illustration before but in terms of keeping the Sabbath They would say well you have to keep the
Sabbath, and they had a bunch of Sabbath rules and one of them You can still see
In Jerusalem because they've got all along the power lines in the city They've got these markers, and you're not allowed to walk past these markers.
You're technically not supposed to otherwise you're in sin You can walk so far on the
Sabbath and then anything after that is work Remember all the times that they would Confront Jesus about the things that he did on the
Sabbath and say that he had violated them well there was no real regulation other than their own rules
Leon Morris says that that is to say they so interpreted the law of Moses that the people who heeded them
Found themselves required to perform some very burdensome duties in the service of God And he notes by contrast what did
Jesus say? my burden is Easy my yoke is easy
My burden is a light one Morris goes on to say but the
Pharisees themselves had no will no desire to engage in such Arduous activities in other words they would command things that they didn't want to do themselves
Verse 5 Matthew 23 they do all their deeds to be seen by others For they make their phylacteries, and that's what it is when you tie it on your forehead the
Word of God You know in this thing. It's a phylactery they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long on their garments and they love
The place of honor at feasts and the best seats at the synagogues and greetings in the marketplace and being called rabbi by other
By others in other words their whole life revolved around Reputation and being honored and being seen as the religious elite
They liked having the respect and even the fear of others They had the power remember to put people out of the synagogue
They had the power to wreck your life if you were a Jew Going a little further in the chapter down to verse 13
Jesus doesn't mince any words when it comes to their hypocrisy Matthew 23 verse 13
But woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces
For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in Woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites
For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte and when he becomes a proselyte a convert
You make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves Woe to you blind guides who say if anyone swears by the temple it is nothing but if anyone swears by the gold of the temple he is bound by an oath in other words straining just trying to find the most
Minute details so that a Pharisee could say well I swear by the temple well that didn't necessarily bind him unless he said
I swear by the gold of the temple Then he's bound by his oath Verse 17 you fools for which is greater the gold or the temple that has made the gold sacred in other words
The gold is nothing you value the gold But it's God that makes the temple sacred and you say if anyone swears by the altar
It is nothing, but if anyone swears by the gift that is on the altar. He is bound by his oath
You blind men for which is greater the gift or the altar that makes the gift sacred
They were hypocrites of the first order. Let's go back to Luke chapter 18
Just going to examine the prayer of this Pharisee and really the contents of what I called it the filling of his prayer
You know it's like you've got the pie or whatever and what's inside of it. What fills his prayer, and it's pretty amazing
I mean I think we've all had some moments where we prayed if you ever done this if you pray for a long time sometimes you're like Unless you have a list in front of you did
I already pray for that what have I already prayed for did I? You know sometimes you can just kind of get lost in what you're thinking or sometimes you pray
And then you wander off into something else. You know have I paid the electric bill for those of you laughing you
We know that that happens right and there are times where we just think you know what
I I didn't express everything That was in my heart. I didn't say everything that I wanted to say I think this
Pharisee though He says everything that's on his mind look at verse 11 The Pharisee standing by himself prayed thus
God I thank you that I am NOT like other men Extortioners unjust adulterers or even like this tax collector.
I fast twice a week Give tithes of all that I get First it's important to see not that he's standing because that it was a perfectly acceptable posture a normal posture you go to the temple
You would stand and pray they still do stand and pray well, what's interesting is how he's described as being by himself because normally that wouldn't be the case and This gives us an idea of what his prayer is all about why would he do that?
Why would he want to be standing all by himself? Well? We know why? Because Pharisees want to be seen by other people so he's often a prominent place of the temple by himself
And you know there's another reason. I think why he's by himself Because if there are other people around they would all pray audibly
It'd be tragic for other people not to be able to hear him pray because you know other people were around other men were around Praying also and covering the wonderful Prayer that he was about to utter so that would be unacceptable notice
Talking about his prayer here that he he does offer a greeting to God But there's no sign of humility anywhere in this prayer.
He doesn't even start it like most. Holy God or Almighty God or anything of that sort He does express.
Thanks though look what he's thankful for he's thankful for him
God I thank you for me his whole prayer is an exercise in self worship
I mean if this man were alive today, and he's just a theoretical Pharisee an Exemplar of the
Pharisees, but if he were alive today, I dare say this is the kind of prayer that would get him his own TV show
Because he's good enough He's likable enough. I am good, and I do good look what he says.
I thank you that I'm not like other men I am good. He says and then notice he basically lays out the the worst characters in all of Society Extortioners unjust adulterers and Tax collectors, and we'll talk more about tax collectors in a minute
But he's not only good because he's better than them right God grades on a curve And he is the pinnacle of the curve everyone else looks up to him
And then you know it kind of goes down, and then we get down to these people here But not only is he good in and of himself, but he does good look
I fast twice a week This is way more than is commanded, and I give tithes of all that I get 10 % of everything
Now can you imagine praying like that you know at home? You know you're alone you have a few minutes you want to pray to the
Lord you just say you know I I? Thank you for all that I do. I mean
I might expect a child to pray like that But certainly not a grown adult who has any concept of God So we've seen why this parable secondly we've seen the quote -unquote faithful man the
Pharisee and now the contemptible man the man for whom this
Pharisee has nothing, but contempt and Jesus specifically I think wants the hearers to think yep that is someone for whom
I would have contempt Look again at verse 10 Two men went up to the temple to pray
That's what you did you walked up The hill up the mountain into the temple to pray one a
Pharisee and the other a tax collector now We've talked about Pharisees and how they were viewed and what they did
And I don't know if it's possible to overstate how much outright hatred there is
For the tax collectors in Israel at this time if you thought of them as IRS agents
You're really doing a disservice to the IRS. That's way too good for them No matter what your experience is with the
IRS. That's way too good for him if you think of them as kind of a combination of Lone shark mob enforcer and IRS, but I repeat myself no no
Just that would be Much closer. You know this is these are the guys that would come and break your legs
You know that kind of thing. This is this the sort of thing that we're we're talking about and they were not only just basically criminals of the lowest form as seen by the
Jews But they were also agents of Rome So they were seen as national traitors.
They weren't just crooks, but they were traitors they were traitors against the nation of Israel They had to pay for these licenses to to collect taxes
So let's say you know like you would pay for a taxi medallion in Boston. They had to pay for this license
Let's say it was I'll just make up a number $5 ,000 a year Anything that they collected over that they got to keep so they would pay you know
Rome $5 ,000 and then they got to keep everything that they got over that well
Do you think that that would then lend itself to some? Extraordinary methods of collecting money and the answer is yes, and it you know very much did
So they were about as low as you could go they were seen as ceremonially unclean
You basically in in Jewish society you could not go lower than to be a tax collector
Now let's examine the filling of his prayer in other words what goes into his prayer But the tax collector standing far off would not even lift his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast saying
God be merciful to me a sinner now
We could tell from this that the tax collector was not in a place of prominence
He probably would have been just barely inside the temple grounds and the out outward courtyard courtyard
In some place that really nobody would be paying any attention to him because he didn't want to be seen as soon as he was Seen people would be like why is this tax collector here?
He doesn't belong here Let's alert the temple guard and get him out of here. He's not clean
He's pictured not only as being humble, but also understanding the great offense that his sins were to God He understood where he where he was he knew that he was guilty in the sight of God and did great sin
And he had no sense of self -worth He would not even dare to look at heaven
Let alone compare himself to others. We don't hear him say. I thank you that I'm not like so -and -so
He too addresses God, but there's a sorrow in it we can almost see the tears on his face as He contemplates praying to a thrice.
Holy God That he sinned against he knows he's guilty He feels the weight of his sin
And he knows that nothing he is doing has done or is going to do is acceptable to God So he throws himself as it were on the mercy of the courts.
He says be merciful to me a sinner So we come to the conclusion of this parable what
I call the glories of being contemptible Now the first one is justification justification
Look at verse 14 I tell you this man went down to his house Justified rather than the other for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled but the one who humbles himself will be exalted
So these two men are both going to leave the temple. They're both going to go home But Jesus who will one day judge all of mankind
Gives the surprising conclusion of this story the lowly tax collector
Is justified and not the religious Pharisee and he also tells us why Those who exalt themselves are going to be humbled and those who are humbled will be exalted
Says the man who the the tax collector went down to his house justified. What is Justification and I'm going to tell you
I think it's the greatest word in the Bible. It would be enough That if it meant just not guilty that God just declares you not guilty
Or as some say just as if I never sinned that would be good But the better news is that it goes beyond that.
It means that you're declared righteous Declared righteous is not just as if you'd never seen it's not just innocent it is
Righteous and why do I call that the good news? Because it's not enough and I have this picture firmly fixed in my head because somebody
I Won't even mention but somebody came up with this picture Where the death of Jesus Christ gets us to neutral with God and then it's up to us
To earn the righteousness that gets us to heaven In other words
G or we will be declared righteous down the works of Jesus, but basically on our own
Works John Calvin said this he says it is entirely by the intervention of Christ's righteousness
That we obtain justification before God. This is equivalent to saying that man is not just in himself
But that the righteousness of Christ is communicated to him by imputation While he is strictly deserving of punishment
We deserve the wrath of God and instead We're granted eternity with Christ 2nd
Corinthians 521 says for our sake he made him God made him who knew no sin or made him to be sinned
Jesus to be sinned So that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
We need that righteousness Psalm 149 for says that God adorns the humble with salvation
Luke 9 23 talks about Jesus says if anyone would follow me he must deny himself.
What does it mean to deny himself? It means not to look back on your good works and to think how good you are not to compare yourself with other people but to say
God be merciful to me the sinner. I Need that mercy That person that I am that person that I was has nothing good in and of himself
I need the righteousness of Christ. I need the forgiveness of God. I need the cross
Now let's talk for a few minutes about applications What I'm calling the the dangers of faithfulness
The first one is pride And we see that in the Pharisee. We see that pride we see
You know if you think you're so faithful if you're consumed with your own good doing not that there's anything wrong with that But if you think that somehow you can earn the favor of God There is a pride that comes with it and I think the tree of pride
I would put it this way the tree of pride has fruit and it's not good fruit
Here's some of the things that I think come out of pride gossip And you say well, how does gossip?
Come out of pride. Well again think about what he says. What does he do? He starts comparing himself to other people this
Pharisee does why? Because he knows in and of it he knows that he's better than they are
Why do people want to gossip about other people? My theory is my thesis is because we think that we're better.
We would never do that We can't believe that other people would do that. Look at them. They're the sinner
What is gossip? People have said it this way and I think this is right
Let me make my case a little bit if you're not part of the part if you're not part of the problem or part of the solution
That you're gossiping. Well, why is that right if you are part of the problem?
Then there's probably some forgiveness or some confrontation that needs to go on if you're part of the solution
Maybe you're just a witness to some sin that's gone on then What do you do Matthew 18 tells us what to do tells us to go to our brother and reprove him in private
Let me ask you this what's more loving to go confront somebody in sin
Or to go find somebody to whisper that sin to to tell somebody about I think the heart of gossip is pride
It's born of the belief that you are in some way better than the person you're gossiping about If that were not the case, you would obey the
Bible and either Build them up that is to say words that are edifying about them or you would confront them.
That's what love is That's what love does pride says
I Can talk about other people because they're not as good as I am Second fruit of the tree of pride a lack of forgiveness and you know how much this bothers me
Why do we sometimes fail to forgive and I think the answer is pride We're not like the tax collector.
We forget how utterly unworthy we are We're not standing there beating our breasts tears screaming down our face and thinking about all the sins that we've committed about God The thought of someone who will not forgive is how could this person do this to me or You don't know how much that hurt me
You've never had anybody treat you the way they treated me What's the focus?
It's me me me me. It's me centric and what do we call that?
That's pride Why do people fail to forgive because they don't understand they're not thinking about their own standing before our thrice
Holy God, they're thinking about their standing compared to other people again
I think if you want a phylactery, this is the verse Ephesians 432 put this on your forehead Put it on your hands put it on your heart put it in your heart better yet Be kind to one another tender -hearted.
This would just do away with so many things Forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you people say there's always a yeah, but Yeah, I want to forgive just like Christ or you know, just like God in Christ forgave me
But I go back to that tax gatherer that tax collector standing in the temple beating his breast
He knows who he is if we know who we are If we have a proper humility about us and a lack of pride
Then we will amply forgive we will freely forgive our sins should be the ones that bother us the most not the sins of others
People want to run around and try to figure out how to solve other people's sins physician heal thyself third fruit from the tree of pride failing to control the tongue
Failing to control the tongue. What is it that gives us kind of the mental? Okay The green light as it were to unleash our tongue to say what it is that we want to say
You know, I just have to say what's on my mind. No, you don't well, you don't understand
I probably don't the problem again though is thinking too highly of yourselves
There is no right to say whatever you want to say the fact that this is America doesn't trump the fact that we're
Christians The Bible calls us to self -control
Not to self -expression, I don't think you'll ever find that fruit of the
Spirit self -expression, no self -control When the
Holy Spirit is in control of you, you will have control of yourself fourth fruit of the tree of pride is legalism legalism
We come to think that how we do things is the only way that they should be done we can take something that we think is wise and make it the standard that others have to adhere to You ever think this way because I do
I would never go see that kind of movie or watch that kind of TV show I would never listen to that kind of music.
I would never play that game. I would never talk to that person I would never wear that outfit all these kind of things now
Don't get me wrong There can be biblical wisdom. There can't even be biblical commands that would prevent us from doing these things
But I think we should be really careful about Setting a standard for ourselves and then applying it to other people because there's a reason where we do that Because we like to feel like we are better than others and that's legalism
Now it's not legalism by the way to point out that a particular movie is filled with Sexual innuendo or a certain
TV show is entirely inappropriate because of the sexual activity that goes on And it's okay to use the good better best kind of paradigm for things
It's not legalism to point out that you're spending more time than you should on a consistent basis on foolish things
It's not legalism to point out that you should attend church Serve in the church or even become a member of the church.
These things are not legalism What is legalism is to set your own standard and then to hold other people to it and I'll tell you what this also leads to Again it goes right back to gossip.
I can't believe that so -and -so would do this I can't believe that so -and -so would do that the root of all sin is unbelief pride gossip failing to forgive legalism
These are all fruits of that Failing to forget or failing to believe as we ought to failing to see ourselves as we ought to failing to view ourselves in light of the gospel
How do you kingdom people think I said parables are about truths about the kingdom kingdom people think about themselves rightly
They're like that tax gatherer They can't believe that God would be merciful to them, but they're thankful for that.
Well in the interest of time I'm going to just kind of get to the end here
Here's what should happen when you see somebody sinning when you see
Somebody struggling in ways that you don't think are best your heart ought to break for them. You shouldn't thank yourself
That's juicy. That's something I can use You know that they're offending a holy
God, you know that they're struggling, you know that they're not Believing as they ought to be you know that they're not acting as they ought to be so your thought ought to be
How can I help not who can I tell? And if you want to help them the first thing you should do is preach the gospel to yourself remind yourself of who you are
Remind yourself of your sin Remind yourself of the fact that were it not for the grace of God There's an infinite chasm that lies between you and that Holy God that only
Jesus Christ who bridged that chasm die for your sins and be raised on the third day and that it's only by God's gracious gift of giving you a new heart and a new set of desires that you would believe at all
And then you go to your brother and sister brother or sister and you reprove them in private you talk to them privately
I Mean I'm shocked at how many and I'm not talking about anybody here, but how many you know sins are revealed on Facebook It's it's it's incredible Go to your brother or sister
Reprove them in private talk to them in private, but make sure that you've got the right mindset first Friends we ought not to be thinking that we are good enough that we are
Faithful enough there is no such thing as faithful enough except the one who was always faithful the
Lord Jesus Christ We are Contemptible on the best day
We need to be mindful of that. Let's pray father. How great you are that you would send
Your son the Lord Jesus Christ that he would willingly come that he would live on this earth that he would
Just deal with all the sin around him and yet perfectly obeyed never waver
Fully trust in you Father then he would even obey to The point of death on a cross be raised on the third day
Lord Amazing father let us all examine ourselves today to see if there is any fruit of pride in our lives
Let's repent of those things knowing that Jesus even died for those sins We praise you and thank you for the grace that is ours in Christ Jesus in his name.