Pushback on my SBC Content

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, so quick video this morning Thank you. If you were if you responded to my video from yesterday
I got a lot of really positive feedback about that and I I'm I hope that more people see it
So share it with your friends, you know comment all that kind of stuff to get it a little bit more traction This video is a continuation of that because I want to prepare you if you're going to fight in the
SBC or anywhere You're you're gonna get a certain amount of this kind of response.
We'll talk about that in a minute Let me also say this a number of you have been purchasing books
Anonymously for someone, you know in your life Whether it's an ex pastor or a local pastor or someone that you know, that's kind of been dabbling with some of this woke church stuff
I'm absolutely happy to send books as a gift that you purchase for somebody else
Anonymously, that's something that I'll definitely do so if you have anyone in your life that you'd like to do that for reach out to me hit me up at 80 at 80
Robles calm and let me know that you want me to send a book to somebody That that's not yourself
And we'll figure out how to get that done. Anyway, so so yeah yesterday's video Basically, my point was that the
SBC has gone liberal and if it was me I wouldn't stay and fight it out because it's really not worth it to me.
There's no real reason to do it I think the I think that leaving and forming your own thing is probably a lot gonna be a lot more effective
But whatever if you disagree with me, that's fine But what I talked about in that video was that you know with friends like these
Conservatives who needs enemies because the conservatives are often just liberals in disguise or even if they're not liberals in disguise
They're they don't do anything. So they might as well be liberals like they're not willing to fight They think it's bad to fight.
They think it's Horrible and you would just get along unity all that kind of stuff So like that's like 90 % that covers like 90 % of the
SBC. So it's like, you know with friends like that who needs enemies anyway Somebody responded to me and this is a response you need to prepare for you should have some pre -packaged stuff ready for this response because this is very common amongst conservatives
Conservatives that don't want to fight conservative that conservatives that think it's wrong to fight and this is something you need to prepare for So here's what the response is.
It says this He says 80 as a believer who is not part of the SBC I would just like to say you guys need to air your dirty laundry somewhere other than in public
If you have issues work them out amongst yourselves if you want to speak out against critical theory do so But don't drag your conference through the mud use
Matthew 18 principles You are not honoring the Lord and your contention is harming your Christian testimony
I'm not saying to brush your problems under the rug You definitely have things to take issue with but this is not the platform to do it
This is very common So this is not you know If you know who said this no need to pile on this guy
This guy is in the majority majority of people have this perspective where if you get hit
You can't hit back. Otherwise, you're dishonoring the Lord right because here's the reality
I actually agree with this in in theory because what would have been better if the
SBC? thinks that everybody and their mother's racist if the SBC thinks everyone their mother is a
Sexist and it is covering up sex abuse and stuff like that the ideal thing would have been to handle that person to person like Russell Moore should have got his little big bully pants on and Confronted the racist to their face and then if nobody
Repented you bring someone with you to confront the racist and then if nobody repented that you bring it to the church and it gets
Exposed that's actually part of the steps of church discipline. It does have to be exposed at some point
But you see here's the reality though. So The people from the social justice perspective.
They typically skip all the steps of church discipline. They just go right for Exposing this is the this is the problem that we're dealing with so it's like so it's like, you know, yes, we should follow
Matthew 18 Obviously, yes, we should have you know a procedure and a process for these kinds of accusations
You think someone's racist you think someone covered up sex abuse? You should go to the police if you think someone covered up sex abuse, you know, like, you know
You Matthew 18 is something I quote all the time, right? But the problem arises is when somebody doesn't follow
Matthew 18 and they go straight to hey Mike Stone's a racist Right, it's like okay.
So now you've broken covenant. You've decided, you know, we're both Christians here But you've decided to do this in a non -christian way.
By the way, this happens all the time And so now the person on the defensive has a choice to make they can either, you know accepted in silence, which is totally fine that's something that you can do or They can defend themselves and we're gonna talk about something like this in this week about how
When you decide to skip all the steps of church discipline skip the normal trial by jury
Now you got to fight it out in public and you're gonna have to say things publicly that are unsavory
But sometimes you just have to do it. The reality is like a lot of this error This kind of a perspective it seeks to get you just to shut your mouth
Like they're very uncomfortable with conflict and the reality is that there's nothing wrong with public conflict depending on the situation
Depending on the situation there are people in my life that I've got personal Issues with that I've never told you who it is
You know I mean because I'm trying to follow Matthew 18 to the best of my ability and the reality is that I think that These people are unstable.
So I think eventually they're gonna try to publicly smear me and something like that So I've kept my receipts.
I've kept my screenshots, and I'm ready to go if they want to do a public relations war We'll do a public relations war because the reality is
I'm ready to go you want to go. I'll go It's like imagine if you found yourself in prison right like you found yourself in prison
I know it's hard to believe a Christian go to prison right Like the perspective that I think you should probably take in prison is like I'll fight you
But I'm not gonna go looking for fights right like if you want to fight me I'll fight you, but I'm not gonna start a fight with you
See that's the reality like this whole critical theory stuff in the SBC They started this fight and the reality is like if you want to fight it.
That's totally fine. Don't fall for this Oh, it's a unity unity thing where it's like you can't you can't actually have a public dialogue
You can't actually ever defend yourself. It's like these social justice warriors They this is what they specialize in they specialize in smacking you in the mouth
And then if you defend yourself, then they cry out in pain Oh you hit me like if you block if you block their attack
You know and you knock their hand away, then they're gonna cry as if you punched him in the face these people are completely twisted
They're manipulators. They that's just the bottom line and so so that's my perspective here, right?
Like I didn't start this social justice fight. I didn't go looking for this fight I got called white supremacist for a political opinion or whatever and That's how
I got into the fight. It's just that simple. That's how I got into the fight And so I'm not I'm not dragging anyone through the mud
But the truth is that that that the Southern Baptist Convention has become liberal. That's a fact that's something that we need to recognize and and and and be honest about and I don't want the name of Christ associated with liberal politics or With people pleasing positions in the world.
I don't want the name of Christ associated with that And so I'm going to fight it tough luck. You know what?
I mean? That's the bottom line It's just tough luck. Now the other thing about a criticism like this that I think is
Amazingly interesting is that this criticism was levied at me on gab which as you might know is a public forum
And so I told this person, you know what cut the crap. I know you don't believe this
You just want me to stop fighting this critical race theory stuff and he was so offended. How dare you say that? How dare you and it's like well because you didn't follow
Matthew 18 my contact information My email address is readily available everywhere and you decided to go public with it with a criticism of me without coming to me
Privately first I don't have a problem with that because what I said was public and you are well within your right to confront me
In the public square. There's nothing wrong with that I don't have a problem with that, but you're pretending to have a problem with that.
So maybe take your own advice You see what I'm saying? Like anyone who criticizes you like this publicly is full of it.
It's full of it They're okay with public criticism because they're doing it right now. I get this on YouTube all the time
How dare you how dare you say this publicly Matthew 18? I'm like dude, you realize you're on a public forum telling me this right if you actually believe what you're saying
Which I know you don't but if you did you would come to me privately. That's the bottom line So, you know, this is this is something you need to be ready for you need to be able to defend this and It's it's nonsense obviously
But I just thought I'd give you my take on this kind of criticism so that you're ready to Feel this criticism when you decide to join the fight.
I hope you found this video helpful. God bless So the only remaining question is, you know, when do you decide to do which strategy right?
Like when do you keep it to yourself and just absorb the insult and when do you kind of put the person on blast?
And fight back and the way I think about this is it depends on who's at who's at risk, right?
Who's at stake? So in my life, they're like I said, there are some people that have That that have sinned against me and I've got something against them and stuff like that and the ones that I haven't told about They're really only involving me.
It's a personal thing and That's that's that's where I kind of draw that line
There's there's people involved but you know not to the point where they're gonna be hurt in the same way that I was
So I'm kind of absorbing that but when it comes to like the critical race theory stuff Like like these teachers are leading massive amounts of people astray
Like these people have a lot of influence people like Matt Chandler Russell Moore, you know, they're they're they're out there
Influencing tons of people including people in your church, right? And so Those those kinds of refutations aren't like a personal slight or a personal insult
They're they're they're they have massive implications for the church These people have their claws in your own community
There's chances are people have a Russell Moore book on their bookshelf and stuff like that And so you've got to consider other people you've got to consider loving your neighbor loving your congregation
And if these people are gonna start to lead the SBC convention astray Publicly and bombastically and all this kind of stuff then we actually need to stand for the truth publicly and bombastically and all this kind Of stuff that's how