Al Mohler - A Heartfelt Video To Those that Struggle With Believing What He is Doing These Days

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Seriously dont let the past make you doubt what you are seeing with your own eyes today. Don't fall for the okey doke.


So I was just talking to a brother and I've seen this in a few different contexts and you know people that talk to me and people that I just see chatting online and stuff like that and and I just wanted to to do kind of a heartfelt video you know because if you are having trouble kind of wrapping your mind around what you see with your own eyes regarding Al Mohler and his his his tactic his his scam his flim flam his bamboozle that he's been running lately
I get it man I get it I don't I don't want to come across as like a as like a know -it -all or someone who just sees through all these tactics because I'm not
I mean I I've been in your shoes you know I've been in your shoes I've I've had people that I've looked up to that I know you know sometimes even personally people that I know personally and I and I've and I've been through battles with them and I've been in the foxhole with them kind of thing and and then