Self-Deceived About Sin


Sermon: Self-Deceived About Sin Date: November 6, 2022, Afternoon Text: 1 John 1:8–10 Preacher: Josh Sheldon Audio:


Our message this morning Title is self -deceived about sin. My text is 1st
John chapter 1 verses 8 through 10 Though I'll begin reading at verse 1 and read down through verse 10
So we get some context because the context and the background for each For which
John writes is really pretty important to us as we look at this idea of what it means to be
Self -deceived and particularly self -deceived about sin and God's truth as it speaks to us from his word about our sin
So these verses I'm going to read verses 1 through 10 in 1st John when they stand alone as a single thought and It's found in the context of that really that a single subject which is the reality of Jesus Christ the reality of his word the reality of our sin the reality of Redemption that he came as a man as flesh and blood in the form of sinful flesh
He came to be as we are in terms of his existence as a man yet without sin
That's all in the first four verses where John is going to put forth I want you to hear this when I read it in just a moment
He's gonna put forth this reality of Jesus Christ becoming fully human fully truly
God and fully truly human And then in verses 1 5 through actually the second verse of chapter 2 that we won't read that far the
Apostle says forth one ramification of that fact a Ramification of the truth that God became man and that Christ as man while fully
God died for our sin In the middle of all this line of thought
Our three verses 1 8 through 10 which are going to warn us of the danger of not taking literally what the
Bible has to say and What John personally witnessed about how Jesus dealt with and deals with our sin
You see when we fail to acknowledge our sin We implicitly claim that we have no tendency to sin and in fact do not sin and by this self -deception
It's serious enough that we actually imply that God has lied and lied particularly about me
So with that brief introduction, please stand and I'll read to you first John 1 1 through 10
That which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes Which we have looked upon and have touched with our hands concerning the word of life
The life was made manifest and we have seen it and testified to it and proclaim to you the eternal life
Which was with the Father and was made manifest to us that which we have seen and heard
We proclaim also to you so that you too may have fellowship with us and indeed our fellowship is with the
Father and with his Son Jesus Christ and we are writing these things to use that our joy may be complete
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you that God is light and in him is no darkness at all
If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness We lie and do not practice the truth
But if we walk in the light as he is in the light We have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin
Now we begin the three verses for our text this afternoon if we say we have no sin
We deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
If we say we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us
God bless the reading of his word now. It's proclamation. Please be seated Before we begin this message, let us once again go to God in prayer our
Heavenly Father We come again to your word preached to look to your holy and good word to see the truth that is therein and father
To open ourselves to that truth and to be changed thereby We pray Lord that you would do this work by your spirit that you would bring us closer to Jesus Christ in his image and do this father by setting before us our need for Repentance because of our need for because of our constant sin
So father for all these reasons we ask you to help us along and to glorify yourself once again in this in Jesus name
Amen So I'll give you a little background for first John and what the
Apostle John is writing about here This is gonna be a little bit myopic.
I'm being very focused obviously, but the Apostle John was fighting a heresy He was fighting a particular heresy
There's a man named Corinthus back in his day and he taught something that we could go on and on about we could spend as they say a month
Of Sundays on this, but we won't we're gonna be very Specific this man Corinthus taught that Jesus Christ was not really
God in the flesh He seemed to be human he wasn't really a human being he wasn't really flesh and blood
He was more of an apparition An apparition not really physical flesh and bone man
And it's falsehood soon came to have a name called dosa tism How many of you heard of the term dosa tism?
Well dosa tism comes from the Greek word. Okay. Oh and Okay. Oh simply means it seems
Something seems to be this way or that way So in Corinthian Corinthus's way of teaching in this heresy
Jesus's advent Was not really an incarnation which simply means an infleshing if you will where God true
God Eternal God in Jesus Christ his son becomes true man. It wasn't so much an incarnation
But we could almost think of it as a theophany An appearance of God you could think of the burning bush in Exodus 3
You could think of the cloud by day and the fire by night that led the Israelites You could think of the warrior that pastor
Brian spoke of in Joshua 5 just this morning Those are theophanies the still small voice the
Elisha heard from the cave theophanies Appearances of God now those were actual appearances of God that really was
God appearing, but it wasn't God himself Not God in person
So Corinthians Corinthus would say yeah Jesus was and is
God but his coming was a theophany more properly a Christophany appearing of Christ not a physical literal coming of God to the world of men as man
So that's really the background to the opening This is why at the very beginning that which was from the beginning now think
John chapter 1 the gospel in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was
God he was with God in the beginning First John chapter 1 verse 1 that which was from the beginning who does he mean?
He means Jesus Christ the Word of God His point here
John's point here is the literal actual advent of Jesus Christ God in the flesh
Literally became flesh and bone like us and this is something that current Corinthus was teaching against He said no, it only seemed to be what he appeared as Now there's some very serious ramifications to this
If Jesus Christ Was not God in the flesh
If he was just an apparition if he just seemed to be that well that takes care of his suffering does it not
Now we can find out what it means. We say well, God can't suffer. God can't die. How could the eternal
God ever die? Well Because he was only an apparition because he only seemed to be
God Apparitions don't suffer. So that takes care of his death for our sin Apparitions don't die that takes care of his bodily resurrection and that takes care of our resurrection to follow
To follow in a resurrection like his I mean, why raise a phantasm? and That would take care of our sin
That would take care of our sin We don't have to worry about sin because if Jesus did not suffer in his own real physical body for our sin
Then we have no sin to take care of and that takes care of and then that would take care of and you get the idea if Jesus Christ did not come as True man all the while being true
God There's so much in the scripture that is simply left in the dust
Well for this afternoon what gets left in the dust is this idea that Jesus Christ died for her sin
That I have sin to deal with that. I have sin to confess that I have constant need of the forgiveness of my sins and That's why those first four verses
With no fanfare just jump right into the defense of Jesus Christ as literal physical man
Which we have heard we listen to him. We heard his voice a voice like ours, which was seen with our eyes
He was there before us. We looked upon him and we touched him with our hands. He was physical.
He was there If Jesus was not a real person in a real body
If God only seemed to have come in the form of sinful flesh Then sin is as much a myth as is
Jesus's physicality This is the ultimate consequence of denying that Jesus Christ came in the flesh a denial of my personal
Possession of sin with a logically connected denial that I in fact do sin
And if I in fact do sin, then I in fact do have constant need to go to God in confession of sin
And to know his forgiveness Now that of course made you recognize that's verse 9 which we're going to come to fairly soon
But this heresy this dose dosetic heresy from this man
From this man there back then It really alarmed the
Apostle John He saw right away the ramifications of it the consequences of believing something like this
And really should alarm us too because dear ones Your diet as a
Christian your life as a Christian is a steady diet of recognition of personal sin actual sins committed by me by you and knowing faithfully
The forgiveness and the restoration that God because of his son Jesus Christ bestows upon us
The first three of the verses have really kind of two ways of speaking. I want you to think of them this way
He starts out he says but if we say we have no sin in verse 8 in verse 10 If we say we have not sinned and then in verse 9 if we confess our sins
So in those three verses with verses 8 and 10 being one way of speaking in verse 9 being another way of speaking
It's all about what we confess what comes from the heart as Jesus Christ says
From the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks So that first way of speaking verses 8 and 10 both begin with if we say and Then they tell us what's implied if we say what follows it's called a conditional statement
We're not going to turn this into a lecture and go on and on about the conditional statement But it's really an if then pretty simply it's if then if you do this
Then this is the consequence or if you do this. Here's what's implied. Here's the truth that you're implying by this action that you take
Now verses 8 and 10 if we say we have no sin if we say we have not sinned
He's not really quoting someone particularly He's not assuming that anyone in the church could say that or even ever did say
I have no sin or I have not sinned I mean who would say that? If you're bold enough to raise your hand
I would ask you to if you're bold enough to raise your hand right now if I asked you If you've not sinned raise your hand if you have no sin in you no
Tenancy in you that could lead you to sin. Please raise your hand for us to be amazed No, no one would actually say that At least
I can't imagine It's a warning here It's a warning that should such an attitude in us ever find a footing
Should it take root and grow into fruition? There are consequences We've deceived ourselves and we've proved that God's truth is not in us.
That's verse 8 or more seriously we said not only is Sin not a part of me and I have no part in it, but I don't actually ever sin
And the consequence of that would be saying that God has lied about me pretty serious stuff
Well, that's the first way of speaking implicitly is to say
I have no sin I have not sinned and verse 9
Sandwiched between these two is that second way of speaking if we confess confess with our mouths the
Lord Jesus Christ Confess with our mouth to God in prayer our sins confess with our mouth to each other as Jesus Christ says in Matthew 18 15 where we confess to one another we find reconciliation for the
Offenses that we've committed against one another He says if we confess our sins not set forth as a mere possibility
But as what we call the sine qua non of the Christian life now sine qua non simply means without which not
Something that if missing that thing is not the thing at all There's a fairly simple concept.
So the sine qua non of a car of an automobile would be let's say an engine the sine qua non of a church could be the preaching of the gospel of the
Lord Jesus Christ the sine qua non of Marriage is one man and one woman biblically defined sine qua non of the
Christian life is a steady diet of recognition of sin Confession of sin and full faith and assurance that when we speak confession of sin to the
Lord He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness So that's our basic structure
That's what those three verses teach us The first and third structured in the same way giving warning as to what's implied or actually proven
Should they ever be our own should those statements ever be ours and the second says
Alternatively that God forgives when we repent So John took
Karenthus's lies so seriously that it is said that when he saw him coming into a
Bath house where John was at it's common for the day to be clean that way he saw
Karenthus come in and he immediately with his friends bolted from the nearest exits
Exit urging his friends to come along before the bath house falls down He said because Karenthus the enemy of the truth is in here
So maybe it just seems to be made of brick and mortar. Maybe it just seems like it's not ready to collapse
Maybe it just looks like a building But this thing might be ready to fall down upon us. So he got out of there as quick as he could
So what's John's point here? What is John's point? Well, John's point is reality reality truth reality over impression truth trumping perceptions
Where Karenthus ignored the apostolic witness to the reality of Jesus' humanity and offered instead impressions and perceptions
John gives personal testimony to the littler literal physical humanity of Jesus Christ That's really the background of docetism
Which is still fairly much alive and well around us and I would ask you can we fall victim to this?
Can we fall victim to docetism to acting in a way that? Implicitly says that Jesus Christ didn't come in the flesh and if he came in the flesh and I believe that he didn't really come in the flesh for me
Can we fall into a trap like this Well, the answer is yes
Docetism is the religion of perception the victory of sincerely held beliefs over verifiable facts
You remember John Adams who told the jury when he was defending the men who were accused of the so -called
Boston Massacre Massacre famously said facts are stubborn things
And yet all around us facts give way to perception I Perceive that biology is an error.
I must express myself according to my perception I perceive that which is growing within me is an impersonal
Mass of biomatter if even that and is mine to do with as I choose
See for too many today sin is an inconvenient truth that serves only to make me feel bad about myself
Only makes me feel bad about myself, right well, the truth is
The scripture doesn't so much set forth before you your sin to make you feel bad about yourself
The sin is it's a horrible thing as you can imagine. We can't imagine how bad it is because we're not holy like God is
But I would argue that as bad as we should feel about sin Sin is set forth
Before us and put in our face as something that we just can't get away from So that we feel good about Jesus As we understand the redemption we have in him the price that he paid to bring us to God I Once saw
Larry King interviewing Joel Osteen and He asked him why he doesn't preach more about sin now.
I cannot quote Osteen's answer exactly anymore But he said something like this People have enough bad things in their life.
I'm not here to add one more to them There's a man named Robert Schuller at the
Cathedral of Grace, he never met a sin He couldn't ignore the church. I came from made a lot of asking
Jesus to forgive me But didn't say very much or said virtually nothing about the sins which require forgiveness and when we don't acknowledge our sin
When we live a life that is implicitly one that says I don't have sin and I don't in fact sin
The consequences are very severe the consequences could actually back up to the beginning of 1st
John chapter 1 and say that well You are actually going into a camp that says that Jesus Christ didn't really come in the flesh as a man and as man
Suffer and die for my sins It's that serious Well, then there's the other part with being self -deceived and then in verse 10 calling
God a liar literally calling God a liar You might perceive yourself to be without sin
You might hold that belief sincerely and dearly but it flies in the face of what God says
You're self -deceived you're internally dishonest and intellectually inconsistent and you're standing you're standing in direct contradiction to what
God says You're saying the cross was not for you and Jesus's blood to the extent.
It was poured out for you was wasted Do you see how serious this is? Do we see what it means when we see ourselves as so pure Well, we cannot acknowledge the fact that we have sin within and sins that we commit because of that He says we're self -deceived the word actually means we're leading ourselves astray and the responsibility
Lies at our door. It's very much like what James says about temptation Let no one when he is tempted say
I'm tempted by God because God cannot be tempted by evil each one's carried away by his own desires and So, how do we?
Get into a position Where we implicitly are saying I have no sin and I have not sinned
It's an abandonment of the truth of God It's a failure to recognize
What is actually said here If we say we have no sin
That is if I have no possession of any such thing as sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us
And where does this begin? Why does this church constantly all three of your pastors myself pastor
Brian pastor Connelly We speak constantly about the true literal coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh and his resurrection in the flesh the physical life of Jesus Christ so important Because where this begins is denying just that or If we say we have no sin, or we say we have not sinned
We are then implying they didn't come physically one leads to the other Deceive means to lead astray to cause to wander
John's very clear here. If we say we have no sin. We've let ourselves away from the truth Very much like what
I said James says So similar to James he lays the responsibility with us.
He says you're self -deceived Jesus said in John 17 17
Your word is truth now notice what he said here. He didn't say
God your word contains truth Or your word has true things in it
He says your word is truth. It's just a simple blanket statement Not contains truth not just accurate not like the truth not generally factual it is truth itself
It is except for God truth wouldn't even exist. His word is truth period and was that truth say to us
For all sin and fall short of the glory of God The truth of God says your sins have hidden God's face from you the truth of God says
God's beloved Son in whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sins So if you say you have no sin you have no part in the truth in God's truth
Now verse 10 that was verse 8 verse 10 moves from denying the possession of a sinful nature to denial that we have
That we commit acts of sin And the consequence of here should really be sort of terrifying we will soon go into a time of prayer and Each Sunday afternoon when we have a time of prayer the first section of our prayer is what it's right there in your bulletin confession confession of sin
Do we have sin to confess if we don't we need to think verse 8.
What does it say? If not, the truth is not in us verse 10 Says God is a liar
Serious stuff verse 10
Moves from denying possession of a simple nature to denial that we commit these acts
We make God a liar make God a liar, which is impossible for God to lie as the
Apostle Paul says He says if we do this if we say we have not sinned the truth the truth of God's Word Your word is truth said
Jesus Christ all that God says is true in all its parts as a psalmist
He says the truth is not in us and that's a locative sort of idea That the truth of God actually resides within and here's the overflow of the heart by which the mouth would speak
If that truth is indeed in us God's truth actually located within The life of the
Christian one of constant recognition of sin one of growth into the image of Christ by way of a steady life -giving diet of confession and restoration
And that's verse 9 if verse 8 and verse 10 will speak of this idea of sin as a nature sin as Commission and If we deny the one the truth is not in us if we deny the other we're calling
God a liar because God's Word clearly says otherwise The verse 9
Assumes this constant need to confess our sins. This is hard, isn't it? To always have to look and say
I've done wrong again I've done wrong again, but God does not treat us as our sins deserve says the psalmist
God treated Jesus Christ as our sins deserve and so the if then of verse 9 is this wonderful grace of God that he gives us this if then works this way if we confess our sins and Here the assumption is we have sins to confess if we confess our sins because we've all got sins to confess if we confess our sins as We should won't begin our prayer time that first segment of our prayer time confession of our sin if We should confess our sins from the heart
What's the consequence of that? well as bad as the consequent in verse say is
That the truth is not in us or verse 10 We call God a liar as bad as those are as terrifying as those consequences should be to us
Verse 9 is equally wonderful and an equal blessing from God It just springs out the other direction completely
His faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
He is faithful to me. He's faithful He's faithful to his own word to his own promise that in Jesus Christ.
He will forgive sins He said he would and he does in fact do so he's faithful and he's just to forgive us our sins
What does it mean to be just? To be just is to be just in a legal manner
How can God be just in forgiving sins for somebody like me for somebody like you?
How can that be just? Let's say that we're not in the realm of verses 8 and 10 I pray you're not in the realm of verses 8 and 10 where you deny your sinful nature.
You deny your commission of sins We actually do sin. We actually need to confess sins.
How could it be just for a holy God to forgive us our sins? You ever think about that Because justice was poured out on another
Justice was poured out upon Jesus Christ Justice was poured out upon him who never sinned and One of the ramifications of that is because he never sinned all of God's wrath at our sins could be paid for By him because he had no part of sin himself to pay for So when we come to our time of prayer
Are we going to be self -deceived? You know, one of my favorite examples of self -deception is
That black knight fighting King Arthur Who lost one arm and then the other? And they lost one leg and then the other and there he is on the ground
He still wants to fight by biting his legs off It's just not funny Because that's what we are when we refuse to acknowledge our sin.
I Don't know what you've been through this week. I Don't know what you've been through today. I Do know
That when we go to God A little while we'll break into small groups. We'll go through our four segments of prayer beginning with confession of sin.
I do know That all of us have that to confess and I do know from the truth of God's Word That if we confess our sins and James says in 516 confess your sins to one another
We'll have time for that And by the authority of God's Word I can tell you
That when you confess your sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us to cleanse you from all unrighteousness
Do you have nothing to confess See verse 8 Do you have no sin nature?
See verse 10 see the consequences that think about that very carefully so I speak to Brothers and sisters in the
Lord, I speak to the redeemed of Christ you for whom Christ bled and died He came because of sin
His very name harkens from the Hebrew name. Yeshua. Yahweh is salvation.
I Don't know what must be confessed. I do know there is that to be confessed or are we self -deceived or Is God's truth not in us but brothers and sisters,
I know you one of the things about a small church is I know you I look out and I know who you are and Even if I didn't know you personally,
I know you've got sin to confess Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ? confess your sin and go to him in faith knowing that he paid for them and Find forgiveness and find salvation and for you who know
Jesus Christ This constant steady diet of confession and knowing his
Restoration and his forgiveness is part of the means of grace to growing in the image of the
Lord. Jesus Christ As we recognize our sin more and more and by that recognition
Come more and more to the cross and trust in God's restoration and forgiveness
A little while we will have that opportunity and I praise God I pray God that we will all take full advantage of the means of grace.