What is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? | GotQuestions.org
Does God live in us? What happens when the Holy Spirit comes into our life? In this video, Pastor Nelson answers your question: What is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?
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- In today's video I'll answer your question, what is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?
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- Then afterward, as always, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end. The indwelling of the
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- Holy Spirit is the action by which God takes up permanent residence in the body of a believer in Jesus Christ.
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- In the Old Testament, the Spirit would come and go from the saints, empowering them for service, but not necessarily remaining with See Judges 15, verse 14.
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- Jesus revealed to His disciples the new role the Spirit of Truth would play in their lives.
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- He lives with you and will be in you. John 14, verse 17. The Apostle Paul wrote,
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- Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God?
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- You are not your own. You were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.
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- 1 Corinthians 6, verses 19–20. These verses are telling us that the believer in Jesus Christ has the third person of the
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- Trinity, the Holy Spirit, living in him. When an individual accepts Christ as personal
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- Savior, the Holy Spirit gives the believer the life of God, eternal life, which is really
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- His very nature, and the Holy Spirit comes to live within him spiritually. The fact that the believer's body is likened to a temple where the
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- Holy Spirit lives helps us to understand what the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is all about. The word temple is used to describe the
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- Holy of Holies, the inner sanctum of the Old Testament tabernacle structure. There God's presence would appear in a cloud and meet the high priest who came once a year into the
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- Holy of Holies. On the Day of Atonement, the high priest brought the blood of a slain animal and sprinkled it on the mercy seat of Ark of the
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- Covenant. On this special day, God granted forgiveness to the priest and his people.
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- Today there is no Jewish temple in Jerusalem, and the animal sacrifices have ceased.
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- The believer in Christ has become the inner sanctum of God the Holy Spirit, as the believer has been sanctified and forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ.
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- The believer in Christ becomes the habitation of the Holy Spirit of God. In fact,
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- Scripture also says that the believer is indwelt spiritually by Christ, Colossians 1 .27,
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- and by God the Father, 1 John 4 .15. The Trinity is involved.
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- As the Holy Spirit lives in the believer, He brings about at least ten life -changing results.
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- First, the indwelling Spirit comes to a soul dead in sin and creates new life.
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- This is the birth Jesus spoke of in John 3, verses 1–8. Second, the indwelling
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- Spirit confirms to the believer that he belongs to the Lord and is an heir of God and fellow -heir with Christ.
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- Third, the indwelling Spirit installs the new believer as a member of Christ's universal Church. This is the baptism of the
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- Spirit, according to 1 Corinthians 12, verse 13. Fourth, the indwelling Spirit gives spiritual gifts—God -given abilities for service—to the edify the
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- Church and serve the Lord effectively for His glory. Fifth, the indwelling Spirit helps the believer understand and apply the
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- Scripture to his daily life. Sixth, the indwelling Spirit enriches the believer's prayer life and intercedes for him in prayer.
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- Seventh, the indwelling Holy Spirit empowers the yielded believer to live for Christ to do
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- His will. The Spirit leads the believer in paths of righteousness. Eighth, the indwelling
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- Spirit gives evidence of new life by producing the fruit of the Spirit in the believer's life.
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- Ninth, the indwelling Spirit is grieved when the believer sins, and He convicts the believer to confess his sin to the
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- Lord so that fellowship is restored. And lastly, tenth, the indwelling Spirit seals the believer unto the day of redemption so that the believer's arrival in the
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- Lord's presence is guaranteed after this life. When you accept Christ as your Savior, the
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- Holy Spirit takes up residence in your heart, bringing with Him an entirely new life of love, relationship, and service to the
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- Lord. Want to learn more? Subscribe so you don't miss the next video! Visit GotQuestions .org
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- for more great content. And check out the details section below this video, there you'll find one book I recommend, along with links to several related questions.
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- If you'd like to learn about Bible Munch, or if you're interested in Bright Sides Devotionals, subscribe to Bible Munch on YouTube, it's linked right here.