Incredible! Look What We Did Together! Join us! EAN Live Special


To give: Join us for this special live-stream event! So many of you have been a part of this ministry with us and we want to show you what the Lord has done. Please consider joining us for 2025.


Hi, I'm Pastor Jeff Durbin with End Abortion Now. You can get more at endabortionnow .com. I'm gonna start this by giving you my greatest thanks for all that you have done over the years by standing with us prayerfully and financially.
Because you have participated with us in this ministry, countless thousands of lives have been saved.
We've been able to, at End Abortion Now, raise up churches globally to go out and to save lives at the abortion mills.
We've been able to do this because of your giving absolutely for free, with no cost, to all these churches.
About a thousand churches have been raised up who are out saving lives. We've been able to start this movement in Northern Ireland, the
Republic of Ireland, and now in Germany. So I wanted to thank you. These thousands of lives that have been saved have been saved because we've worked together as the church to bring the gospel to where they are actually taking lives.
Through your partnership with us in this ministry, we've been able to educate Christians globally as to what the real issues are.
Now, because Christians have gotten involved in this with faithfulness, dozens of bills of abolition have been presented across the country.
We're getting so close. Next session, we have more bills of abolition coming in across many states in this union.
And so please be in prayer for that. Countless lives saved and bills of abolition happening across the country.
Will you stand with us again in 2025? We need your support more than ever. Not only do we have more churches to raise up, to save lives, not only do we have more work to do to educate and equip the
Christian church across this nation, and not only do we have all these bills of abolition happening across the country, but we have to face now what
I think is the worst of all. And that is these ballot measures happening across the country. The ballot measures and propositions that would update the constitutions, the state constitutions that would allow abortion from fertilization through nine months.
You heard that right. In many ways, we are about to face the bloodiest and most brutal part of this
Holocaust we have seen yet. Go to endabortionnow .com. Go to get your church signed up to get the free training, the free resources to be a part of saving even more lives outside those abortion mills.
And please give at endabortionnow .com. Help us to meet our budget goal. Help us to match these large donations.
Get to our budget goal, establish justice, and then close up shop. Never do this again.
We are not trying to create an industry at endabortionnow. We are trying to establish justice and to walk away from this. Help us to meet our goal.
We are facing an enemy that has tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars that we have to overcome.
Help us to overcome this injustice. Help us to meet this financial goal. 2025,
I think, is gonna be, in many ways, our toughest year yet, but also the year where we are closest.
I am confident that God is gonna establish justice very soon in one of these states.
Help us to get there. Endabortionnow .com is where you go. That's where you can give, and I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving and being a part of this ministry with us.
My name is Kenya. I'm 23 years old, and I have two twins, Malik and Jabril.
I grew up in California, kind of part of my life story. Brought back out here to Arizona at a young age.
Went through high school, then, you know, had my kids, got my four kids, nothing special. I would say the initial circumstance that really made me wanna go to an abortion clinic is
I found out that I was pregnant, and it sucks because I just found out that the dad's going to prison in a couple months, you know, prior to me finding out that I was pregnant.
So that was one thing that made me want to do something like that, because why am I gonna do this for X amount of whatever length of time?
I'd do it alone. Not only am I struggling with my two kids, just got fired from my job to having graduated high school, and then
I go to my first appointment, and then they're like, there's two of them. So I was like, wow. And I was on birth control with both of them, too, so that doesn't always work, obviously, clearly.
And so I ended up going to this abortion clinic, and they did a consultation and everything, and they told, it was funny, because they're the ones who told me that my pregnancy wasn't viable, actually.
It was a really sad day for me, because then, again, they told me that it wasn't really viable, and they're like, so, within those same questions, they're like, pushing on with this.
Do you really wanna do this, or how can we accept payment, and when are we scheduling it for, and how do you feel about this, or do you have questions about what's going on?
And then, yeah, so I just, I was there that day, and then I remember, I walked outside, and there was these pro -life people outside, and then they took me back to their little camper van thingy, and then we did an ultrasound, and then that's when
I found out I was having twins, so that's what was crazy. I didn't even tell nobody at that point. It's just me who knows that, so I found, it was like a rollercoaster.
I found out a bunch, like, the abortion clinic says this might not be a viable pregnancy, to finding out that it was twins, so it was a lot.
He, my baby daddy, he turned himself into Jill 10 days before I went into preterm labor, and so I really do blame stress and depression on me going into labor early with twins, because I just had a baby about, like, literally a year ago at that point, almost.
After he turned himself into Jill, my son ended up having a seizure.
I had to take him to the hospital. My job at the time terminated me at that point, and then it ended up, a couple days later,
I went into preterm labor when I was by myself in the dark, and thank
God I called 911 in time, because the babies were, both of the babies weren't born breathing, so I feel like if I would've had them at home or just prolonged something, something worse would've maybe happened.
They had an extended NICU stay. Baby A was in there for 60 days, and Baby B was in there for 50 days.
Pastor Zach and everyone else at the church, they were there for me, asking me, again, if I needed anything, they would bring the baby's gifts to the hospitals, like little blankets and stuff like that.
They were still there for me and my other two children as well as the two twins in the hospital.
They were in contact with another pro -life organization, helping me get things, like set up a baby registry for me.
I got a lot of stuff, you know, like, for the twins, and again, my other two kids, and I don't have very much family support out here.
Their dad is in jail already, so they were there as much as they could be, you know, checking in on me again, giving me, like, things that I needed from all my kids, offering to come visit me in the hospital, because I know how sad and depressed
I was at the time, and just always being there, open ear, checking in, seeing how my son was doing after this episode.
What did you see that caused the change of heart that specific day?
There was two of them. I mean, even if there was one of them, I was still having doubts, like, is this something that I want to do because it's a permanent decision?
I think that gave me a little bit of change of heart. You know, two, that's crazy, but because I know
I had other kids, and not even the fact, it's not even the fact that I had two other kids, or any kids at all, it's still something that's alive, you know?
And something that I would've, like, you know, I would've murdered, basically.
You know, it makes me want to cry because I love them so much. But, um, yeah.
It could've, you know, like, they could've been gone right now, or they wouldn't be a thing.
I just love them so much now. They wouldn't be here if I actually did that.
And it's just like, how could I think, why would I want to do that? And all those things came together in that moment to where I realized, okay,
I'm called to do something in this fight against abortion. The abortion mill was located on a hill, and I would soon find out that that hill would be called
Hell's Hill. On Hell's Hill, we had a time where a young lady and a young man were going in to abort.
It was a very tense situation. We know that when you're on Hell's Hill, you've gotta discern things really quickly, and there's times to speak, and there's times to be quiet, because if you keep speaking, you might die.
And today was one of those moments where this young man was with a young lady, and as they were going in, he was making threats towards us.
And I looked at the people around us, and I said, don't say anything else, because he will kill us if we keep talking.
And the young man went in, but the young lady heard the words that we spoke to her, the encouragement we spoke to her, so she snuck out.
And she snuck to her car to hear more of what we had to say, and so when she was out there, we got to talk to her just for a few minutes more, and it was enough to change her mind.
So she goes back into the abortion mill, and she tells the guy that she's gonna keep the child. He's really angry towards us, and I look at everybody around us, and I tell him, don't say a word to him, because we will die today if we say anything to him.
And so they get in their cars. She gets in her car, and she drives away. He gets in his car, and he's pulling out of the parking lot.
He's in a rage, and he's lost. And he rolls down the window, and he screams at me, and he says, can you tell me how to get back to the interstate at the top of his lungs?
I tell him to go down to the bottom of the hill, turn right, and you'll find the interstate. And so that was on a
Friday. Sunday, I get a call, and a friend calls me and says, hey, I have a friend that's struggling.
Can I give this guy your number so he can call you? And I said, sure. So on Monday, I get a call from Birmingham, Alabama, and I'm talking to this guy that's hurting, and I'm trying to understand who he is and what's going on.
As we begin to talk, I realize that there's something strange about the conversation. And so I speak back to the young man, and I said, hey, you're in Birmingham, you live in Birmingham, but were you in Nashville on Friday?
And he says, yes, I was. I said, were you at an abortion facility?
He said, yes, I was. I said, I'm your guy. He goes, what do you mean, you're my guy?
How do you know I was there? I said, I'm the guy. He goes, what do you mean? And I said, I'm the guy that you wanted to kill. And there was a silence on the phone.
And I said, man, before you hang up, can I ask you one question? He goes, yeah. How is that possible that you're at the abortion meal on Friday and you wanted me dead, but you're the one calling me on Monday from Birmingham, Alabama?
And he said, God. I said, yeah, let me tell you about my God. And so I told him about the
Lord, shared the gospel with him. And he listened, and I asked him, I said, do you have any questions? He says, no.
And it's interesting how it ended, but he said, you know, I appreciate the conversation. I'll never talk to you again.
And he hung up. But what an incredible miracle. What's the chances of that guy leaving that abortion meal on Friday, not having my number or knowing who
I was, and he called me on Monday? God's amazing. Had a situation one time where we had a guy and a girl, and they were in a car really far away from us, about 50 feet, and we couldn't get their attention.
Their heads were down. We could tell that there was a lot of heaviness in their car. And in that moment,
I began to pray and say, Lord, would you give me something that would get their attention and that they would look at me?
And so I said that prayer, that simple prayer, and I felt like the Lord gave me something. I knew
I had a box of diapers in my truck, and I felt like the Lord wanted me to go get the box of diapers.
And so I go get this box of diapers. I'm standing next to a lady named Kathy, and she goes, what are you doing? I said,
I felt like the Lord wanted me to get the box of diapers. So I'm standing there with this box of diapers. It has a picture of a beautiful African American child on the box, and I'm sitting there holding it, and I felt like the
Lord said, put the box on your head. So I put the box on my head. And Kathy looks at me and says, so you're telling me that the
Lord told you to put a box of diapers on your head? And I'm like, yep. And so we're kind of laughing a little bit.
But then all of a sudden, the couple, the guy would never look at us, but the young lady looks down, who's been looking down for 20 minutes, looks up, and she looks at me holding this box of diapers on my head.
She looks down, and then she looks back up, and she can't take her eyes off the box of diapers, and she begins to cry.
She gets out of her car, and she walks over to us. That would begin a conversation that would lead to an amazing rescue, and we would eventually throw this couple an incredible baby shower up in Clarksville, Tennessee.
Had a woman named Devin. Devin had a heart condition.
Only 25 % of her heart was working. She became pregnant. She went to a doctor, and the doctor told her, you have to abort the child, or if you try to have a child, you will die.
Your heart will give out. She was devastated by that news, but she planned her abortion appointment at Hell's Hill.
That day, she drove two hours from Parsons, Tennessee to abort her child. As she was driving in, she was praying to the
Lord, and she said, Lord, is there a way out? And the Lord gave her some words, and the
Lord told her, if you hear these words, there's another way, don't have your abortion.
So Devin pulls in that day. I happened to be at the abortion meal at Hell's Hill. She gets out of her car.
She's walking down the sidewalk, and I'm praying to the Lord, what words do you want me to say to this woman that's walking into the abortion meal?
I literally have one option to say something, and I say the words, hey, there's another way.
She looks at me, and she's emotional. She's an emotional wreck. She's crying, and she comes over, and she tells me about the drive in from Parsons.
She tells me about the prayer, and she looks at me, and she says, you know, the doctor says, I will die if I have this child.
Now, I looked at her and said, man, what a great way to go. If you're gonna die, why not die for somebody else?
Why not die for this child? And so she took my advice, and she carried the pregnancy, and we began to walk with her.
We threw her a beautiful baby shower. I remember the day when she had her child. She had it in Nashville, Tennessee at Centennial Hospital.
I remember being in the room that day with her. I knew the risks that were involved, that she could possibly die during the pregnancy.
I remember walking in that room and seeing her family all there, and they were wondering, who's this guy in the room?
Devin never told her family about our relationship and how we came to know each other, and so Devin went in to give birth, and she almost died.
She did, but she didn't, and she had this beautiful baby boy named
Billy, and we rejoiced, and Devin went home to Parsons, Tennessee, but a year later,
Devin would die. Her heart would give out. Her family finally found out about our relationship and how we met.
They found out, they just heard the story, and they sent me this incredible letter and said, thank you,
Devin's legacy now lives on through Billy. Isn't that amazing?
Hi, I'm Pastor Jeff Durbin with End Abortion Now. You can get more at endabortionnow .com. I wanna start this by giving you my greatest thanks for all that you have done over the years by standing with us prayerfully and financially.
Because you have participated with us in this ministry, countless thousands of lives have been saved.
We've been able to, at End Abortion Now, raise up churches globally to go out and to save lives at the abortion mills.
We've been able to do this because of your giving, absolutely for free, with no cost, to all these churches.
About 1 ,000 churches have been raised up who are out saving lives. We've been able to start this movement in Northern Ireland, the
Republic of Ireland, and now in Germany. So I wanted to thank you. These thousands of lives that have been saved have been saved because we've worked together as the church to bring the gospel to where they are actually taking lives.
Through your partnership with us in this ministry, we've been able to educate Christians globally as to what the real issues are.
Now, because Christians have gotten involved in this with faithfulness, dozens of bills of abolition have been presented across the country.
We're getting so close. Next session, we have more bills of abolition coming in across many states in this union.
And so please be in prayer for that. Countless lives saved and bills of abolition happening across the country.
Will you stand with us again in 2025? We need your support more than ever. Not only do we have more churches to raise up to save lives, not only do we have more work to do to educate and equip the
Christian church across this nation, and not only do we have all these bills of abolition happening across the country, but we have to face now what
I think is the worst of all. And that is these ballot measures happening across the country. The ballot measures and propositions that would update the constitutions, the state constitutions that would allow abortion from fertilization through nine months.
You heard that right. In many ways, we are about to face the bloodiest and most brutal part of this
Holocaust we have seen yet. Go to endabortionnow .com. Go to get your church signed up to get the free training, the free resources, to be a part of saving even more lives outside those abortion mills.
And please give at endabortionnow .com. Help us to meet our budget goal. Help us to match these large donations, get to our budget goal, establish justice, and then close up shop.
Never do this again. We are not trying to create an industry at End Abortion Now. We are trying to establish justice and to walk away from this.
Help us to meet our goal. We are facing an enemy that has tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars that we have to overcome.
Help us to overcome this injustice. Help us to meet this financial goal. 2025,
I think, is gonna be, in many ways, our toughest year yet, but also the year we are closest.
I am confident that God is gonna establish justice very soon in one of these states.
Help us to get there. Endabortionnow .com is where you go, that's where you can give, and I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving and being a part of this ministry with us.
I am very, very lucky.
They slept great through the night, great through the day, well eaters.
I have no complaints. He loves to be cuddled and held, barely ever cries.
I feel like I was blessed, and because I made a really positive and good decision, that God blessed me with a really good baby.
My name is Devine, and then this little guy right here is Oliver, and he is seven months old.
Initially, what took me out to the abortion clinic was with my last pregnancy, I was diagnosed with hypermesis gravidarum, and that is just excessive throwing up and being really, really, really sick while you're pregnant, and it put me out of work, and we were already struggling and trying to recover with our finances, so it was really probably money issues,
I would say. What I remember when I pulled in that day was there were a whole bunch of people standing at the road protesting, and I felt very overwhelmed and uncomfortable because I did already have a daughter, and I also was adopted, so I knew every option and other road that I could possibly take on, and when
I saw them, I also felt like a sense of relief when I got there, too. That day,
I was experiencing a lot of over -emotions, and I was overwhelmed, stressed, and I just didn't really know which way to turn, probably also a little numb,
I wanna say, just because I didn't fully believe in that decision having an abortion, so I was conflicted, and when
I went there that day, I already knew that I didn't really wanna go through with having the abortion, and so when
I got out of my car, I did go into the office, but they told me that you needed to do walk -in appointments only, and when
I got there, they told me you needed to call and make an appointment, so they actually had no walk -ins available, and it was about an hour drive from my house, so I would have to go home and find another way to come back, so it felt, in a way, like it wasn't something that I was supposed to do, and then as I was pulling away, they came up to my car window, because there was a lot of traffic, and asked me to mow my window down, and I did, and then we had a nice conversation about why
I felt the way I did about having an abortion, and where in life, and what it was
I was struggling with. They ended up giving me money that day on the spot for groceries, because we were short on rent and stuff, because I was already getting sick, and I was only like eight weeks pregnant, and they helped me out that week with groceries, and then they also gave me their phone number, and told me that I should call them, and get in touch with them, and so it was more me being adopted, and just talking about the other routes that I could take that really led me to be like, hey, someone else saved me, and showed me a route of love that I know no matter the struggle, and mine was only with money, that I could still keep my son.
It's hard to imagine if the church wasn't there that day, because I don't know what the outcome would have actually been.
I don't know if I would have gone through it with how bad we were struggling, but ultimately,
I would have come to the decision, I think, that I would have kept him anyway, but the way my life is going right now with work and family, and still living in this state, and having full custody of my kids, turned out beneficial, because if it would have went any other way, he wouldn't be here, or I wouldn't be blessed with the job opportunities and everything that has come my way since I was able to keep him.
I could not honestly imagine life without Oliver. He is perfect.
He resembles a lot of his sister. They both took on the date the 12th of the year, so he didn't want her to be the only star in my life, and then he copied her with the helmet.
He's moving and growing so much, and then I get to see him and work with him every single day, so I couldn't imagine life any other way.
He is actually the first boy in my family, on my side, from my grandparents, so my dad is thrilled he now has a fishing buddy, and everybody else just loves him, because everybody's squishy.
What I would say to a mom who is leaning towards getting an abortion is to personally wait, and to look into resources in your community, in your churches, that can offer you some help, no matter what the issue is, whether it's not being with the father anymore, being young, that you have to tell your parents, or your grandparents, or your guardian, whether in and out of trouble, alcohol issues, whatever it is, your kids love you from the moment they are made inside of you, and you can feel that love before you even take a test, and everything through them is brand new, and it just reminds you of all the little things in life, whether you didn't have a family growing up, your parents weren't around,
I was adopted growing up, my birth parents were in and out of jail, but there's nothing more empowering than overcoming your struggles, and making a change, and we can't make a change without actually stopping the wrongs, and doing what's right, and what's right is saving lives, and making a positive, impactful change amongst them and yourselves.
The argument is women should have a choice because there's 15, just in Phoenix, multiplied by 52 states, or cities, or whatever, these are children that nobody loves, and they are so messed up when they grow up, how would you like to know that you were born and nobody loved you?
The foster kids that get fostered and adopted and stuff do better, my kids are still pretty messed up, it's just mind -boggling.
You love those kids though, right? Aren't they wonderful? They are, but they're still mind -boggled that their mother didn't love them, and I'm not saying,
I'm not judging that it's murder or not murder, I think a woman should have a choice. To murder?
To do what she needs to do with her own body, she'll face her God, he could judge her, I think it's her right,
I really appreciate the way you're engaging this, would you argue that with, say, an issue like rape or slavery?
Would I argue what other? Well, I respect the way that you're handling it, you're saying, I'm not arguing if it's murder or not, and they're gonna face
God for it, but I think you and I would both stand hand -in -hand opposed to, say, slavery.
We would say, unacceptable, it has to be stopped. But you're not saying that about the innocent children in the womb, you're saying, just let them die and let
God deal with it. No, no, I'm saying let the woman who makes the choice deal with it, it's her, she will be judged for it, right or wrong, from God.
Can I suggest something to you? The same kinds of arguments were being used during the time of the abolition of slavery.
The abolitionist Christians were arguing to the culture at large, you cannot destroy our black brothers and sisters like this, you can't kidnap and enslave black people.
According to the Bible, enslaving and kidnapping somebody was actually a capital crime, it was worthy of the death penalty.
And there were people, even professing Christians at the time, who were so numb, and they were part of the slave trade, they were actually arguing, look, if you don't want a slave, don't own one.
It's my plantation, it's my property, it's my choice. And they were saying, look, just stay out of it.
If I'm wrong, I'll face God for it. But thank God for those abolitionists who were saying, no, this is wicked, it's unjust, it's immoral, it has to be stopped, it has to be criminalized.
And so the same kind of arguments, think about this for a second, because you were just over there, and it was amazing, because I was like,
I've heard that before, I can't believe we're still using it. She was saying up there, my body, my choice, and I'm thinking to myself, if it wasn't very long ago, we were saying my plantation, my choice.
But then it was a bunch of white people that drew a circle around themselves and said, you can oppress this class.
Now it's a bunch of people drawing a circle around themselves saying, you can oppress this class. Okay, but this is not a class of human beings that are born.
Abortions are within the first, what, eight weeks? I think it's three months or something? No, it depends on where you're, that's a good point.
It depends on where, which state you're talking about. There should be, there's - But like the, did you sign the ballot initiative?
Put it on the ballot. Do you know what that's for? No, I guess not. You know what it says? What? It says, actually, what they're working for is they're working, it's a ballot measure to create a constitutional amendment for abortion.
Essentially up to birth. Because what it says is, if you can't survive outside the womb without extraordinary medical measures, in other words, preemies.
My babies were preemies. I just spent two months in the hospital with them. So you know what that's like.
If you can't survive without medical measures, then you can be killed. Okay. That's what that measure says.
Which I signed because I was signing, but when it goes to actually vote, I actually read about it. Yeah. Women don't really want abortions.
They don't wait till, you don't go through this baby growing and moving inside you for eight months and then go, oops,
I made a mistake. Women don't really do that. I know lots of women that are proud of their abortions.
They're actually saying, shout your abortion. You know what? And they'll meet their God. It's still, there's still 15 ,000 unwanted children.
These are children. I really respect - This little baby in the womb is not a child. I honestly respect what you're saying because you truly believe it.
You're engaged in foster care and adoption. Thank God for you. You care about children.
You clearly have a heart of compassion for children. You're concerned as I am too. We're both concerned over the failure of our state's adoption system and foster care system.
It's a real problem. And I will say this, it's an indictment upon the Christian church.
The Christian church used to really run the adoption issue and we were thriving with it.
When the state got in control over it, the church backed away. And now we have, I think, in some sense, we've got some responsibility over how bad it is.
Christians who say that they care about life and care about children, aren't doing what they're supposed to do to care for these children.
That's what I said. All these people with spare bedrooms. That's exactly right. Protesting's nice, but there's still 15 ,000 feet of bedroom.
So you and I are hand in hand on this. And I just think it should be women's choice.
They will meet their God. But the issue though with the child in the womb is it's a human being from fertilization.
Let me ask you a question. And I don't want to get too personal here, but I imagine some of the children you've done foster care with have been special needs or have had -
I have not. The foster care system was very good. I went through Catholic social services and I had three kids of my own and I was single and everything.
And they let you pretty much say what you want because they don't want them sent back. I said, I was working,
I can't really do special needs. I can't do kids with a ton of issues. Almost all my kids went home.
They were parents who needed a break. They were loved. They were parents who needed to fix themselves and get their kids back.
But I went to the Christmas parties and saw all the - Oh my God, it's just heartbreaking.
And it is heartbreaking, but also those children are valuable, aren't they? They're valuable, but they don't believe it.
So are the children in the womb. Hi, I'm Pastor Jeff Durbin with End Abortion Now. You can get more at endabortionnow .com.
I want to start this by giving you my greatest thanks for all that you have done over the years by standing with us prayerfully and financially.
Because you have participated with us in this ministry, countless thousands of lives have been saved.
We've been able to, at End Abortion Now, raise up churches globally to go out and to save lives at the abortion mills.
We've been able to do this because of your giving absolutely for free with no cost to all these churches.
About a thousand churches have been raised up who are out saving lives. We've been able to start this movement in Northern Ireland, the
Republic of Ireland, and now in Germany. So I wanted to thank you. These thousands of lives that have been saved have been saved because we've worked together as the church to bring the gospel to where they are actually taking lives.
Through your partnership with us in this ministry, we've been able to educate Christians globally as to what the real issues are.
Now, because Christians have gotten involved in this with faithfulness, dozens of bills of abolition have been presented across the country.
We're getting so close. Next session, we have more bills of abolition coming in across many states in this union.
And so please be in prayer for that. Countless lives saved and bills of abolition happening across the country.
Will you stand with us again in 2025? We need your support more than ever. Not only do we have more churches to raise up to save lives, not only do we have more work to do to educate and equip the
Christian church across this nation, and not only do we have all these bills of abolition happening across the country, but we have to face now what
I think is the worst of all. And that is these ballot measures happening across the country. The ballot measures and propositions that would update the constitutions, the state constitutions that would allow abortion from fertilization through nine months.
You heard that right. In many ways, we are about to face the bloodiest and most brutal part of this
Holocaust we have seen yet. Go to endabortionnow .com. Go to get your church signed up to get the free training, the free resources to be a part of saving even more lives outside those abortion mills.
And please give at endabortionnow .com. Help us to meet our budget goal. Help us to match these large donations.
Get to our budget goal, establish justice, and then close up shop. Never do this again.
We are not trying to create an industry at End Abortion Now. We are trying to establish justice and to walk away from this. Help us to meet our goal.
We are facing an enemy that has tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars that we have to overcome.
Help us to overcome this injustice. Help us to meet this financial goal. 2025,
I think, is gonna be in many ways our toughest year yet, but also the year where we are closest.
I am confident that God is gonna establish justice very soon in one of these states.
Help us to get there. Endabortionnow .com is where you go. That's where you can give. And I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving and being a part of this ministry with us.
They'll never know it, but these children are born and they will spend 60 years shattered.
Yeah, and what I think here, no, I agree. I actually sympathize very much with what you're saying, but I think you'd agree though that there's a category over here of something we need to fix.
There's children in the system. They need to be cared for. They need to be loved. But the question is, is why?
Are they valuable? Yes. Okay. Then we have another category over here of the same human beings that are in the womb that are just as valuable that are being executed and argued to be executed.
And nobody's fixing it. I don't think we could fix the problem. Should we kill the kids with issues?
Should we kill them? Should we kill poor kids? No. So we shouldn't kill the children in the womb. The kids in the womb, can we start with what, a seed, a thing?
I just thought that we should. I believe women should have that choice and they will -
I don't think you believe what you just said. I'll say this to you lovingly. I don't mean this as a hurtful thing. I don't think you believe what you just said.
When you said, they're just this. You argued that the children in the foster care system from small to special needs to large are all valuable and we should love them.
So I don't believe that you believe that because they're small. It's not the size, it's just they're born.
They're a blackened field. If they travel through a magical birth canal, they become valuable.
It's not that they're not valuable. It's that women should have the choice -
To kill their children. Men have a choice. Men don't have to do anything. No vasectomies are required.
Nothing happens. If the woman gets pregnant, they go see a bike. Oh, there's a lot of derelict fathers and horrible men.
And all I'm really fighting for is women's rights. To kill their children. They're not children.
You're using a euphemism though. You said to choose, but what are we choosing? We're choosing to execute a human life.
This life, well, I disagree on when human life not necessarily starts. Obviously it starts immediately, but it's the emotions, the suffering, that we all have issues.
Their issues are so compounded. I think we have a choice before. I don't like it.
But I feel like it's not my business. But you agreed though, it's human from fertilization.
It's human, yes, but it's not the babies that I see. When is it right to kill, when is it okay to murder a human?
Before the first three months when they're this big and they have no nothing. So, small humans do not deserve equal rights.
Yes, sort of. You're pretty small. But I have the emotions, the feelings, the suffer.
So, how long does it take to get to the emotional state where somebody can't kill me?
I don't, I really don't have answers. Can you be honest? I am being honest.
You do see the shakiness of your foundation, right? But I see the shakiness of yours too.
Can you tell me where it is? It's 15 ,000 children who nobody loves. So. Nobody wants to take care of them.
Then they take away lunches at school or they don't wanna give welfare, blah, blah, blah, because it all adds up and everything.
So, you have to have this baby, you're not gonna love it, she, he, not it.
You're not gonna love them, but you're stuck with them. And they're gonna be, it's just sad.
You see people who are depressed, who have issues that are just, they just can't even. So, if someone's depressed, their mom is okay to kill them?
No, I'm saying this is in the womb where they're not feeling or aware of anything.
I don't necessarily believe that they should or that they necessarily have a right. I think it's their choice because it's not really a born human being yet.
So, they should have a right to kill it? Okay, do you need me to say that? Yeah, I wanna hear you say it, right? I think they should have that right and they will meet their maker because they're not killing a human.
Would you use that same argument with slavery? No. Why? I said they're born, they're alive, they're human, they're different than a seed or whatever it is, what they call little pumpkins or little whatever's in there.
Can I give you one loving suggestion? Sure. Okay. I think the reason that you think the way, you abhor slavery, right?
And what this country did to black brothers and sisters of ours. Continue. You hate it, right?
And we hate and despise when any ethnicity puts a circle around themselves and dehumanizes the other, right?
I think that you feel that way about slavery where you said, no, it just needs to be a crime and not allowed because of the work of Christians in the past who demanded that it would be criminalized and shown to be what it is, an abomination.
But you are part of a culture now that is so accepting of the murder of children that you're not there with that human rights issue.
When they abolished slavery, they generally went ahead and tried to give them rights and help them in this and that.
What happens now is you're gonna forced to have babies and then they get nothing. No help, no one really care.
You're pro birth, but not, not you. Basically pro birth, cause
I get it. It's terrible, but you're not really pro life. You don't help this child. We do.
A lot of people do, people don't. Christian churches do. Christian churches amazingly do. Yeah. A lot, and it just is amazing to me.
I don't know why they can't get their congregations to rally a little more. On the issue of like adoption and foster care.
A, where there's failings, we have to confess to them. You're right. But I don't think as right as you are, because there is a failure in one area that we should lead to more injustice in another.
I don't think we should kill the children with health issues or poverty issues. And this is -
Your idea of justice and mine is different. I think there is no justice in these little children in a system where nobody cares.
I think there's no justice. So you correct the injustice in both areas, right? Like for example,
I bet you and I, I bet you and I would do two things together. One, I think we would fight against sex trafficking together, right?
We would be together against that opposed. We would both sign initiatives to say, criminalize sex trafficking, right?
We would fight against that. We would also say, fight against spousal abuse.
You're still, it's still where we draw the lines differently as you're talking born human beings.
But my point is, is that there are a lot of failures and there's a lot of fallenness and sin in this world.
So we can say there's a ton of categories of things that are broken, but we don't say because this is broken, we ignore this over here.
Because there's an injustice over here, we allow this injustice over here. If you love children, which you clearly do, then
I would say you need to love them consistently. You and I were the people we are now at the very moment of fertilization.
That's a biological and biblical fact. It can't be disputed. From the moment of fertilization, you are, you were the person you are now in terms of everything about you at that moment.
I beg to differ. I think nurture has a shit tendency. Oh, for sure. We're influenced.
I'm saying your eye color, as tall, I said, I said, you're a short person, right?
I said that to you. I'm not that short. I know you're not. You're not that tall. I was laughing about,
I'm not, I'm not. I was laughing about, you know, saying kill the little people they're not big yet. My point was, it's kind of arbitrary.
When do we kill someone for what size? My point is, is like your size and my size at the moment of fertilization, that was determined.
My eye color, all your physical traits at the, but I'm saying all of the
DNA of you was at that moment of fertilization. The only difference between where you were then and where you are now is a difference of degree, size, level of development, environment, degree of dependence.
And you mentioned nurture. I agree. Influences, changes the way that you think, right? But you, you were human then, as human as you are now.
Like I said, it's not that I necessarily think abortion's a great thing. I think women should have the choice because the kids suffer the most.
I got this. Hey, can I, what's your name? Melissa. Melissa, it was an honor to talk to you today. Thank you so much.
My name is Marchelle and this is Anthony. I grew up on a farm on 35th and Baseline.
I don't know if you know where that's at, but my grandpa was actually my dad. He supplied everything.
My mom, she was pretty strict on us, all of us. I have five other siblings.
I'm the youngest and I would say it was pretty hard. Like they were really hard on us.
When I found out I was pregnant, I was already five months, I wasn't showing.
I had just went in for a checkup and the lady came back.
She's like, you're pregnant. And I was like, oh no. By that time he had arms and legs and a heartbeat.
So I just needed some kind of support because I wasn't getting that at home.
My mom just kept saying like, you can't do it, don't do it. But just taking on that responsibility, being so young, she just didn't think that I had all the necessary tools that I needed to have him.
I didn't know too much about dad. It was like a one -time thing. But once I reached out to him and let him know like, hey,
I went to get a checkup and they actually told me that I was pregnant. He also wanted to do abortion as well because he already has four daughters and he's living with his mom, has no means to be on his own.
At first I was with him, I was like, yeah, you know what? You're right, I can't do it, you can't do it. Let's just go the abortion route.
But I was full of emotions. It was, my hormones was going crazy and it was just, it was emotional.
Sometimes I cried like, what am I gonna do? Like, it was a lot.
I had got in contact with a youth pastor that he was really involved with us growing up as well.
I reached out to him for advice and he ended up getting me in contact with Zach. And the first meeting we had,
Zach, he pretty much told me like, he gave me the confidence that I needed.
He's like, you can do this. Like, we, I don't think that that's the way you should go about it.
You're young, this is your first one, give it a try. And I would say that that was the best decision that I've pretty much ever made.
Cause this is like my best friend now. Like, he keeps me, he keeps me on my toes though.
He does. I would say they pretty much saved me. Saved him too. Just the thought of like having an abortion, it was like I was killing something that's already been developed, growing.
And that kind of hit home real hard. Like, it hurt to think that I created something, not intentionally, but I would say
Zach, like he really opened my mind up. Like, this isn't right.
There's other options for you. There's help out here. There's resources and things like that out here to help you where I don't have to choose that route of having an abortion.
The church alone was half of my support. They got the bed, the crib, the diapers, the wipes, the clothes, the car seat, the stroller.
They provided everything. And also they had Amazon packages delivered.
And in those packages, there were also notes that came in them. A lot of them had, gave me good advice and scriptures from the
Bible as well. I actually still have them in a box, but they've helped me a lot with him, just giving support and everything, just everything.
I probably wouldn't be the same if I chose a different route. I probably would not.
I probably, it's like he saved me from doing what
I would normally do. I can't go out. I can't go partying anymore.
I can't just, now all my time goes to him and I'm trying to raise him to become something.
And to me, that's worth it all. Hi, I'm Pastor Jeff Durbin with End Abortion Now.
You can get more at endabortionnow .com. I'm gonna start this by giving you my greatest thanks for all that you have done over the years by standing with us prayerfully and financially because you have participated with us in this ministry.
Countless thousands of lives have been saved. We've been able to, at End Abortion Now, raise up churches globally to go out and to save lives at the abortion mills.
We've been able to do this because of your giving absolutely for free with no cost to all these churches.
About a thousand churches have been raised up who are out saving lives. We've been able to start this movement in Northern Ireland, the
Republic of Ireland, and now in Germany. So I wanted to thank you. These thousands of lives that have been saved have been saved because we've worked together as the church to bring the gospel to where they are actually taking lives.
Through your partnership with us in this ministry, we've been able to educate Christians globally as to what the real issues are.
Now, because Christians have gotten involved in this with faithfulness, dozens of bills of abolition have been presented across the country.
We're getting so close. Next session, we have more bills of abolition coming in across many states in this union.
And so please be in prayer for that. Countless lives saved and bills of abolition happening across the country.
Will you stand with us again in 2025? We need your support more than ever. Not only do we have more churches to raise up to save lives, not only do we have more work to do to educate and equip the
Christian church across this nation, and not only do we have all these bills of abolition happening across the country, but we have to face now what
I think is the worst of all, and that is these ballot measures happening across the country. The ballot measures and propositions that would update the constitutions, the state constitutions that would allow abortion from fertilization through nine months.
You heard that right. In many ways, we are about to face the bloodiest and most brutal part of this
Holocaust we have seen yet. Go to endabortionnow .com. Go to get your church signed up to get the free training, the free resources to be a part of saving even more lives outside those abortion mills.
And please give at endabortionnow .com. Help us to meet our budget goal. Help us to match these large donations.
Get to our budget goal, establish justice, and then close up shop. Never do this again.
We are not trying to create an industry at End Abortion Now. We are trying to establish justice and to walk away from this. Help us to meet our goal.
We are facing an enemy that has tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars that we have to overcome.
Help us to overcome this injustice. Help us to meet this financial goal. 2025,
I think, is gonna be, in many ways, our toughest year yet, but also the year where we are closest.
I am confident that God is gonna establish justice very soon in one of these states.
Help us to get there. Endabortionnow .com is where you go, that's where you can give, and I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving and being a part of this ministry with us.
She's in the back. Are you able to text her? Yeah, I just called her. She said, I can't talk right now. I said, no.
I said, don't do it. And she was like, what? She said, I'm not trying to go through with this right now. We already talked about this.
Oh, meaning she doesn't wanna talk to you about it. Can you text her and say, hey, God sent people to help us.
They're right out front, please. Yeah, she, yeah. We have doctors who'll deliver your baby for free. We have places that will help you with prenatal care for free.
Yeah, and there's actually a place right down the street where we parked. This is where we parked down the street. There's a place that'll help for free. All that.
I can't hear her. Well, listen, man, if I could just speak with you just as a man to man, just with children of my own.
That's your baby in there, right? So it's your son or daughter. And so, I don't know the circumstances that that baby came into being, but God knows and he knows your heart and he knows her heart and he knows and it's not an accident that you encountered us walking up on this sidewalk a couple minutes ago.
And so you have Christians that are standing here right now that are saying, we'll help you with anything possible, whether it's financial help, whether it's job, whether it's a place to stay, whether it's diapers formula.
I mean, we will help you with anything that you need. It's actually amazing. Last night, there was a mom that chose life for her baby two months ago and she needs help paying for her medical co -pays for her son who has special needs and then her child, because when she gets pregnant, she has gestational diabetes issues with the pregnancies.
And she's scared, asking how am I gonna pay my medical co -pays. Last night, our church raised $1 ,600 for her in one night to help her pay for her medical co -pays.
And so I just wanna tell you that to say, we're committed to helping you guys. We're committed to doing whatever's necessary to walking alongside of this through with you.
So here's the command from God, you shall not murder. Your baby, just like you and I are made in the image of God from the very moment that we were brought into being by his hand and it's a command.
And what they're gonna do in there, your girl is six weeks along. An abortion at six weeks, odds are they're either gonna give her a pill that she takes and has her baby in the toilet, your child, or they're gonna reach up inside of her with surgical instruments and they're gonna suck it out with a vacuum.
That's what they do at six weeks. And I know, we know because women have told us who have had abortions, okay?
So I know that I don't know you, we don't know you, but I'm asking you to trust us and I'm asking you to do what
God commands you to do in this situation and that's do everything possible to rescue your baby. This is your son or daughter, it's not somebody else's, it's yours, okay?
So I know it's hard and I know it requires a lot of courage, but you can be a hero today.
Yeah. Okay, you can be a hero today. Yeah. You can't, man.
What's your son's name again? Amir. Amir. There's more people in here that's getting... I know, man, that's why we're here.
I know, we're not allowed to be here. Unfortunately, unfortunately, no, we can't, we have to stay here. We're not allowed to go in and give them this to give them help, to know that we have help out there, but by God, God ordained you walking right past us just as we were arriving today.
At the exact moment that we came up, which is crazy, all right? I don't know how God orchestrates these things, but I know for certain that we were meant to talk to you today.
So I want you, again, to think about this in terms of Amir. Amir has a little brother or a little sister right now that's about to be killed, okay?
You gotta think about that. As a man, you gotta think about Amir's little brother or sister is about to be destroyed, your baby, okay?
Your son or your daughter. Your son, your daughter. It's not about whether you guys are ready to have another child.
You already have another child. You're just determining what's gonna happen to your child. You always have another child.
That's right. The only thing that changes today is whether or not you leave this place the father of a dead baby.
That's the only choice that you make right now. You already have a baby. So the question is, what's gonna happen next?
Okay, and I'm telling you this because I care about you, and we love and care about you. So we wanna tell you the truth.
In love, I don't wanna pull back from saying the hard thing right now because it's necessary, because it's a matter of life and death.
Please text her to come out. Even if they have an IV in her arm, she can take that out and come out.
I said, come out, baby, don't do it. Yeah. Yeah, and you can feel free to say there's people out here right now that wanna talk with you and help you.
That's it, just real simple. People help us. Can you text her? Yes, of course. You want me to say who
I am? Yeah. Okay. Only if that's okay with you. People of God, church.
Please don't kill your baby. Please don't murder your baby? Yeah. And I'm sorry, man.
Remind me what your name is. I'm Nikigo. Nikigo? Yeah. Nikigo. Okay, Nikigo. I'm Sherry.
Yeah, and I'm Zach. Nice to meet you, Nikigo. Yeah, so man, this is, it's not a new situation for us.
I mean, this is, but it's serious. Obviously, it's really serious, so we just want you guys to do the right thing, and you would be amazed at the help that can be offered for you guys, and we don't just wanna leave you hanging out to dry.
We wanna actually walk through this with you. Do you guys live around here? Yeah. Like 30 minutes away from here.
Okay. That's your partner, too? Yeah, that's our friend, Gabe. Yeah. Nikigo, you know, at this time of Christmas, I bet you guys have spent time buying gifts for Amir.
Is it Amir you said? Amir. Wrapping up those gifts and really taking pleasure in that, and knowing that you're gonna give him something, and yet God has given you one of the greatest gifts of all.
The Bible says that children are a blessing from the Lord. It doesn't say, well, if your circumstances are just right, children are a blessing.
It says children are a blessing from the Lord. God gives life, and that baby is a blessing.
That baby is a gift, and so spending all that time wrapping up gifts for him, but then murdering the gift that God has given you.
Have you thought about that? I mean, this is Christmas, and at any time of the year, it's horrible to murder a child in the womb.
This baby, like I said, is a gift from the Lord, and we don't have the right to murder our children in the womb, even though our nation may pretend that they've passed a law that makes it legal.
Because God commands us not to murder, but we don't have that right. We don't have that right.
And so it's amazing that he would send this. Did she respond? You calling her again?
Yeah. You gotta get her out, man.
Just run. Don't let him stop you. Just go run in there and get her out. My name is
Kenya. I'm 23 years old, and I have two twins, Malik and Jabril.
I grew up in California, kind of part of my life story. Brought back out here to Arizona at a young age.
Went through high school, then, you know, had my kids. Got my four kids, nothing special.
I would say the initial circumstance that really made me want to go to an abortion clinic is I found out that I was pregnant, and it sucks because I just found out that the dad's going to prison in a couple months, you know, prior to me finding out that I was pregnant.
So that was one thing that made me want to do something like that, because why am I gonna do this for X amount of whatever length of time?
I'd do it alone. Not only am I struggling with my two kids, just got fired from my job, too.
Haven't graduated high school. And then I go to my first appointment, and then they're like, there's two of them.
So I was like, wow. And I was on birth control with both of them, too. So that doesn't always work, obviously, clearly.
And so I ended up going to this abortion clinic, and they did a consultation and everything.
And it was funny, because they're the ones who told me that my pregnancy wasn't viable, actually. It was a really sad day for me, because then, again, they told me that it wasn't really viable.
And within their same questions, they're pushing on with this. Do you really want to do this?
Or how can we accept payment? And when are we scheduling it for? And how do you feel about this?
Or do you have questions about what's going on? And then, yeah, so I was there that day.
And then I remember I walked outside, and there was these pro -life people outside. And then they took me back to their little camper van thingy.
And then we did an ultrasound, and then that's when I found out I was having twins. So that's what was crazy. I didn't even tell nobody at that point.
It's just me who knows that. So I found, it was like a rollercoaster. I found out a bunch, like the abortion clinic says this might not be a viable pregnancy, to finding out that it was twins.
So it was a lot. He, my baby daddy, he turned himself into jail 10 days before I went into preterm labor.
And so I really do blame stress and depression on me going into labor early with twins, because I just had a baby about, like literally a year ago at that point, almost.
After he turned himself into jail, my son ended up having a seizure.
I had to take him to the hospital. My job at the time terminated me at that point. And then it ended up a couple of days later,
I had went into preterm labor when I was by myself in the dark. And thank
God I called 911 in time because the babies were, both of the babies weren't more breathing.
So I feel like if I would have had them at home or just prolong something, something worse would have maybe happened.
They had an extended NICU stay. Baby A was in there for 60 days, and baby
B was in there for 50 days. Pastor Zach and everyone else at the church, they were there for me asking me again, if I needed anything, they would bring the baby's gifts in the hospitals, like little blankets and stuff like that.
They were still there for me and my other two children as well as the two twins in the hospital. They were in contact with another pro -life organization helping me get things, like set up a baby registry for me.
I got a lot of stuff, you know, like for the twins. And again, my other two kids, and I don't have very much family support out here.
Their dad is in jail already. So they were there as much as they could be, you know, checking in on me again, giving me like things that I needed from all my kids, offering to come visit me in the hospital because I know how sad and depressed
I was at the time. And just always being there, open ear, checking in, seeing how my son was doing after this episode.
What did you see that caused the change of heart that specific day?
There was two of them. I mean, even if there was one of them, I was still having doubts.
Like, is this something that I want to do because it's a permanent decision? I think that gave me a little bit of change of heart.
You know, two, that's crazy. But because I know
I had other kids and not even the fact, it's not even the fact that I had two other kids or any kids at all, it's still something that's alive, you know?
And something that I would have like, you know, I would have murdered basically, you know, makes me want to cry because I love them so much.
But yeah. It could have, you know, like, they could have been gone right now or they wouldn't be a thing.
I just love them so much now. They wouldn't be here if I actually did that.
And it's just like, how could I think, why would I want to do that? Hi, I'm Pastor Jeff Durbin with End Abortion Now.
You can get more at endabortionnow .com. I'm gonna start this by giving you my greatest thanks for all that you have done over the years by standing with us prayerfully and financially because you have participated with us in this ministry.
Countless thousands of lives have been saved. We've been able to, at End Abortion Now, raise up churches globally to go out and to save lives at the abortion mills.
We've been able to do this because of your giving absolutely for free with no cost to all these churches.
About a thousand churches have been raised up who are out saving lives. We've been able to start this movement in Northern Ireland, the
Republic of Ireland, and now in Germany. So I wanted to thank you. These thousands of lives that have been saved have been saved because we've worked together as the church to bring the gospel to where they are actually taking lives.
Through your partnership with us in this ministry, we've been able to educate Christians globally as to what the real issues are.
Now, because Christians have gotten involved in this with faithfulness, dozens of bills of abolition have been presented across the country.
We're getting so close. Next session, we have more bills of abolition coming in across many states in this union.
And so please be in prayer for that. Countless lives saved and bills of abolition happening across the country.
Will you stand with us again in 2025? We need your support more than ever. Not only do we have more churches to raise up to save lives, not only do we have more work to do to educate and equip the
Christian church across this nation and not only do we have all these bills of abolition happening across the country, but we have to face now what
I think is the worst of all. And that is these ballot measures happening across the country. The ballot measures and propositions that would update the constitutions, the state constitutions that would allow abortion from fertilization through nine months.
You heard that right. In many ways, we are about to face the bloodiest and most brutal part of this
Holocaust we have seen yet. Go to endabortionnow .com. Go to get your church signed up to get the free training, the free resources to be a part of saving even more lives outside those abortion mills.
And please give at endabortionnow .com. Help us to meet our budget goal. Help us to match these large donations, get to our budget goal, establish justice, and then close up shop.
Never do this again. We are not trying to create an industry at End Abortion Now. We are trying to establish justice and to walk away from this.
Help us to meet our goal. We are facing an enemy that has tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars that we have to overcome.
Help us to overcome this injustice. Help us to meet this financial goal. 2025,
I think, is going to be, in many ways, our toughest year yet, but also the year where we are closest.
I am confident that God is going to establish justice very soon in one of these states.
Help us to get there. Endabortionnow .com is where you go. That's where you can give. And I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving and being a part of this ministry with us.
And all those things came together in that moment to where I realized, okay, I'm called to do something in this fight against abortion.
The abortion mill was located on a hill, and I would soon find out that that hill would be called
Hell's Hill. In 2014,
I attended a pastor's conference. As we were walking down the street, I saw a lady.
She was praying on the sidewalk. Thought to myself, well, this is interesting. She's praying. We're going to lunch.
I wonder why she's praying. And I went to the woman and I asked her, I said, ma 'am, I see that you're praying here.
I'm sorry to bother you. Can you tell me why you're praying here? And she looked at me and she said, they abort babies here.
It hit me really hard, really heavy. And it would be a year later that I would be in a
Starbucks dealing with anger, just struggling to see with everything that was happening in our culture, there was a lot of racial tension.
And I began to pray in a Starbucks one day and I asked the Lord, would you remove this anger?
Would you take it from me? And he didn't do anything. And so I pleaded with the Lord and actually became somewhat charismatic and threw my hands up in the air.
And I said, Lord, would you take this anger and take it from me, but give me something in return.
And in that moment, when I lifted my hands up, the Lord took that anger and he replaced it.
And I felt like he spoke two words to me in that moment. And the words were, engage abortion.
And that was a year after the Louisville incident. In the meantime, between Louisville and that Starbucks moment,
I would hear a church apology. I'd hear a pastor, Jeff Durbin, began to talk about the abortion ministry and what they were beginning to do.
And all those things came together in that moment to where I realized, okay, I'm called to do something in this fight against abortion.
It was that morning that I didn't know where abortions were happening in my town of Nashville, Tennessee.
And so I Googled abortions and I found two locations. And one of those locations was about 20 miles from me.
And the abortion mill was located on a hill. And I would soon find out that that hill would be called
Hell's Hill. And I didn't really know what was going on. I didn't know what to do.
I was actually fearful. I knew that I was called to go and pray.
Actually, I wanted to play it safe. I just wanted to sit in my car and pray and kind of watch from afar.
That day, I pulled up to the abortion mill and there was a woman there with her daughter, a teenage daughter, maybe 12 or 13 years old.
And they were engaging people outside of an abortion mill. A lot of people, probably 20 or 30 cars, were in the parking lot that day.
And they were engaging people. The mom got distracted that day and the daughter was left alone on the street and she was engaging people.
And in that moment, a young man walked up to the young lady and began to engage her in a hostile way.
I knew that I had to do something. As a man, I was called to protect that young lady. So I got out of the car and began to engage this young man and deflected his anger from her to me.
And for two hours, I engaged this young man. He threatened my life. He made lots of threats towards me, but we had a lot of good conversation.
And at the end of the two hours, his girlfriend aborted his son or his daughter.
I left there that day. I remember it was my first day. I went to the gas station. I remember pumping gas in my car and I looked at my hand and my hands were shaking.
And I prayed that day and I said, Lord, is this what you've called me to do? And he said, yes, I've called you to rescue babies.
And so that's where the journey began. The way to solve it is vasectomize every boy alive.
Ma 'am, are you only for abortion in the case of ectopic pregnancies? No, I don't want you to see that.
I'm for abortion rights for every woman. Right. Keep your government out of my body.
So you were saying it was about ectopic pregnancies, but really it's for abortion. I'm trying to clarify what you're saying because you were talking to me and having a pretty normal conversation until you just shut down.
So I was just trying to understand your position better. So you said, this is about ectopic pregnancies.
And then you said, no. No, I didn't say anything about ectopic pregnancies. Because I said, this is not about ectopic pregnancies.
And you said, yes, it is. It is about the government telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies, where it's my decision, it should be my decision and my doctor's decision and my family.
If you, any politician, should have no say.
Should the government be able to tell rapists what to do with their penises? Hey, a quick way to solve it is visectomize every boy alive.
And then when you want to have kids. I don't think you answered the question. You said the government should stay off of your body.
You can snip, snip. Don't you believe the government should tell rapists, men rapists, what they can do with their penises? I think that the government should tell you, in your point, if the government told me what to do with my body,
I think they should come do the snip, snip on every guy. Where's the court here? Isn't the court this way?
Isn't the court over there telling people every day they're going to jail for what they did with their body to others? So the government can tell people what they can do with their body in terms of limitations.
Like, you can tell somebody you can't murder another human being. The government does tell people that, right?
Right. And so that's what we're saying here is that what's in the womb is a human being. Well, healthcare.
So if I go over there to that gentleman and I dismember him, disembowel him, and decapitate him, and I say,
I was caring for that man. Wouldn't you refute that? No, you didn't care for that man.
You murdered that man. You called the disemboweling and decapitating of a baby in the womb healthcare.
You said it was healthcare. No, I said abortion is healthcare. Okay, so that's disemboweling, decapitating, dismembering a baby.
How is that helping a life? Now we're changing the subject.
I'm speaking to the issue of, well, helping a life would be protecting the preservation of human life in the womb, so I'll answer that.
But I was saying, you called it healthcare. It's not a baby. Do you know what fetus means?
Yes, I do. What's it mean? It's a Latin word that means baby.
It means baby. So you're using a euphemism for baby. So you can just say baby.
A group of cells, then. So are you. You're a group of cells. Do you have any kids?
Do you have any children? Are you married? Oh, I was just curious. Have I had an abortion? No. When do you, so if it was up to you, and you were making the decision, so when are you comfortable.
It is up to me. When are you, when do you think it's okay for someone to have an abortion? Up until birth? Or is that.
I think it's like, if you wanna get rid of abortion, then make sure all men have a vasectomy because you can reverse that.
I'm asking when you think, when is your limitation. That would end human civilization. When is your limitation?
Are you okay with up until birth? Are you 15 weeks? Are you six weeks? Are you, what is your opinion on that?
I think the government should stay completely out of it. Even up until. It's up to a woman and a doctor. Because it's healthcare. Is it healthcare up until birth?
Up until not birth. Okay, so a baby that can live completely on its own, outside of the womb, the day before, they're scheduled
C -section, they're 40 weeks, you think the mom should be able to murder that child? I don't think any woman would do that.
So what do you think? It happens. Oh, it happens. Yeah, it happens a lot. Did you sign the petition? All over the country.
Did you sign the petition? Yeah, it happens all over the country. Did you sign that petition? Did you sign that petition?
So, you know, the petition that you signed today actually argues for abortion up to birth. Do you know that?
Yeah, I'm down with it. So you said that nobody would choose that, women don't do that, but you signed a petition for it.
No, it's for keeping, I don't know. No, the petition you signed says abortion.
Oh yeah, did you sign the petition? I don't know about it. Well, I've studied the petition, I've studied the background of it, and it says viability.
That's your fictitious God. That's an idol. Typical, typical response. I am very, very lucky.
They slept great through the night, great through the day, well eaters.
I have no complaints. He loves to be cuddled and held, barely ever cries.
I feel like I was blessed and because I made a really positive and good decision, that God blessed me with a really good baby.
My name is Devine, and then this little guy right here is Oliver, and he is seven months old.
Initially, what took me out to the abortion clinic was with my last pregnancy, I was diagnosed with hypermesis gravidarum, and that is just like excessive throwing up and being really, really, really sick while you're pregnant, and it put me out of work, and we were already struggling and trying to recover with our finances, so it was really probably money issues,
I would say. What I remember when I pulled in that day was there were a whole bunch of people standing at the road protesting, and I felt very overwhelmed and uncomfortable because I did already have a daughter, and I also was adopted, so I knew every option and other road that I could possibly take on, and when
I saw them, I also felt like a sense of relief when I got there, too. That day,
I was experiencing a lot of over -emotions, and I was overwhelmed, stressed, and I just didn't really know which way to turn, probably also a little numb.
I wanna say just because I didn't fully believe in that decision, having an abortion, so I was conflicted, and when
I went there that day, I already knew that I didn't really wanna go through with having the abortion, and so when
I got out of my car, I did go into the office, but they told me that you needed to do walk -in appointments only, and when
I got there, they told me you needed to call and make an appointment, so they actually had no walk -ins available, and it was about an hour drive from my house, so I would have to go home and find another way to come back, so it felt, in a way, like it wasn't something that I was supposed to do, and then as I was pulling away, they came up to my car window because there was a lot of traffic and asked me to roll my window down, and I did, and then we had a nice conversation about why
I felt the way I did about having an abortion and where in life and what it was
I was struggling with. They ended up giving me money that day on the spot for groceries because we were short on rent and stuff because I was already getting sick and I was only like eight weeks pregnant, and they helped me out that week with groceries, and then they also gave me their phone number and told me that I should call them and get in touch with them, and so it was more me being adopted and just talking about the other routes that I could take that really led me to be like, hey, someone else saved me and showed me a route of love that I know no matter the struggle, and mine was only with money, that I could still keep my son.
It's hard to imagine if the church wasn't there that day because I don't know what the outcome would have actually been.
I don't know if I would have gone through it with how bad we are struggling, but ultimately,
I would have come to the decision, I think, that I would have kept him anyway, but the way my life is going right now with work and family and still living in this state and having full custody of my kids turned out beneficial because if it would have went any other way, he wouldn't be here, or I wouldn't be blessed with the job opportunities and everything that has come my way since I was able to keep him.
I could not honestly imagine life without Oliver. He is perfect.
He resembles a lot of his sister. They both took on the date the 12th of the year, so he didn't want her to be the only star in my life, and then he copied her with the helmet.
He's moving and growing so much, and then I get to see him and work with him every single day, so I couldn't imagine life any other way.
He is actually the first boy in my family, on my side, from my grandparents, so my dad is thrilled he now has a fishing buddy, and everybody else just loves him because everybody's squishy.
What I would say to a mom who is leaning towards getting an abortion is to personally wait and to look into resources in your community, in your churches, that can offer you some help, no matter what the issue is, whether it's not being with the father anymore, being young, that you have to tell your parents or your grandparents or your guardian, whether in and out of trouble, alcohol issues, whatever it is, your kids love you from the moment they are made inside of you, and you can feel that love before you even take a test, and everything through them is brand new, and it just reminds you of all the little things in life, whether you didn't have a family growing up, your parents weren't around,
I was adopted growing up, my birth parents were in and out of jail, but there's nothing more empowering than overcoming your struggles and making a change, and we can't make a change without actually stopping the wrongs and doing what's right, and what's right is saving lives and making a positive impactful change amongst them and yourselves.
Hi, I'm Pastor Jeff Durbin with End Abortion Now, you can get more at endabortionnow .com,
I wanna start this by giving you my greatest thanks for all that you have done over the years by standing with us prayerfully and financially, because you have participated with us in this ministry, countless thousands of lives have been saved, we've been able to at End Abortion Now raise up churches globally to go out and to save lives at the abortion mills, we've been able to do this because of your giving absolutely for free with no cost to all these churches, about a thousand churches have been raised up who are out saving lives, we've been able to start this movement in Northern Ireland, the
Republic of Ireland and now in Germany, so I wanted to thank you, these thousands of lives that have been saved have been saved because we've worked together as the church to bring the gospel to where they're actually taking lives, through your partnership with us in this ministry, we've been able to educate
Christians globally as to what the real issues are, now, because Christians have gotten involved in this with faithfulness, dozens of bills of abolition have been presented across the country, we're getting so close, next session, we have more bills of abolition coming in across many states in this union, and so please be in prayer for that, countless lives saved and bills of abolition happening across the country, will you stand with us again in 2025?
We need your support more than ever, not only do we have more churches to raise up, to save lives, not only do we have more work to do to educate and equip the
Christian church across this nation and not only do we have all these bills of abolition happening across the country, but we have to face now what
I think is the worst of all, and that is these ballot measures happening across the country, the ballot measures and propositions that would update the constitutions, the state constitutions that would allow abortion from fertilization through nine months, you heard that right, in many ways we are about to face the bloodiest and most brutal part of this
Holocaust we have seen yet, go to endabortionnow .com, go to get your church signed up to get the free training, the free resources to be a part of saving even more lives outside those abortion mills, and please give at endabortionnow .com,
help us to meet our budget goal, help us to match these large donations, get to our budget goal, establish justice and then close up shop, never do this again.
We are not trying to create an industry to end abortion now, we are trying to establish justice and to walk away from this, help us to meet our goal, we are facing an enemy that has tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars that we have to overcome, help us to overcome this injustice, help us to meet this financial goal, 2025
I think is gonna be in many ways our toughest year yet, but also the year where we are closest,
I am confident that God is gonna establish justice very soon in one of these states, help us to get there, endabortionnow .com
is where you go, that's where you can give, and I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving and being a part of this ministry with us.
It's an honor to be here with you all, truly an honor, blessed to see God's people working together to bring glory to Jesus, to press his crown rights and his glory, to preach his gospel and to protect the lives of these pre -born neighbors, this is about the gospel, this is about the glory of Christ, you know,
I think it's interesting, it's already been pointed out, but it is encouraging and in many ways, an indictment upon the modern evangelical church in North America, when you look in this glorious Capitol, by the way, this is such a beautiful Capitol, it puts
Arizona's Capitol to shame, ours looks like a storefront property, but this monument, this
Capitol is a testimony to the Christian worldview that has a basis for truth, beauty and goodness, this is how
Christians used to build things to the glory of God, they used to build things like God builds things, he's innovative, he's creative and he's good, that's what you see in Genesis at the beginning of the
Bible, and so this is a monument, old Christian churches are a monument to the Christian worldview and how beautiful it is and how comprehensive it is, but as you look here in this
Capitol, you see Bible verses, and this is a pretty specific God that we're acknowledging here,
I wanna make sure I say it right, Missouri, okay, is that right? And I see that some people are shaking their heads, okay, so clearly there's a dispute here,
I'll just say it like I wanna say it, Missouri, and you can yell at me. Yeah. But this is a pretty specific
God we're acknowledging here in the Capitol of Missouri, the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, that's not a general deity, brothers and sisters, that is the word of the triune
God of the Holy Scriptures, and so I wanna say that the people who built this monument in testimony to the glory of God in the
Christian worldview were not pretending neutrality when they did it, so why are we?
I wanna argue legislators in this hall, legislators here who profess to be followers of King Jesus, who profess that he's
King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who profess that but will not press his law, his word, and his gospel in these halls, they are the ones who are being inconsistent, because this place has inscribed into it the words of the triune
God of Holy Scripture, this place is a testimony to the glory of Jesus and the
Christian worldview, apparently the people who built this place were not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the earth is the
Lord's and the fullness thereof, and yet another one that identifies the authority of the triune
God of Holy Scripture over this place in Missouri, the Lord God of hosts be with us yet.
Now that's a specific God, we're not talking about some general deity, we're not talking about some general idea of God, something out there and gassy, but we're talking about the
God who condescended and walked among us, and said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, now that was said over two millennia ago, and that was said as Jesus ascended to the right hand of the
Father, who is seated on his throne, and those early Christians professed something that didn't look to be the case, let's all acknowledge it, when we talk about this specific
Christian God who condescends to take on flesh to save his people from their sins, we're talking about a specific
God who said all authority in heaven, and every modern evangelical is fine to acknowledge that, but he says and on earth has been given to me, now here's what's critical, one of the great failures that we have generally, and specifically in this area of the abolition of abortion, is that we are too afraid as modern
Christians in North America to press the authority of Jesus Christ, to proclaim his good news of his kingdom, and we are afraid to bring the word of God into conflict here, apparently these people were not, that's a specific
God, and I wanna argue any legislator here who professes faith in Jesus and says they believe in the authority of scripture, who will not press the word of God, they are the ones who are being inconsistent, it is inscribed into your walls, so that is a call of repentance generally to all of us, and it's a call of repentance to legislators who have been given their position by almighty
God, called to be God's deacon, Romans 13, not the servant of some other
God, but the servant of the specific triune God of holy scripture, that is the role of government, it is ordained by God, it is created by God, built by God, and sustained by God, and when government defies
God, that government will go away, the text here in front of me says, where there is no vision, the people perish, yet another word from the triune
God of holy scripture, do you know that verse brothers and sisters, we don't read enough of the Proverbs, we need to, here is that verse from the
Proverbs, Proverbs 29, 18 through 19, where there is no vision, the people cast off restraints, maybe we don't understand it when we see that just there with no context, where there is no vision, the people perish, where there is no vision, the people cast off restraints, well that's what's happening in our nation today, it's all around us, what does it mean where there is no vision, this is specifically referring to the prophetic word of God, the word of God that comes to his prophets, of course his apostles, the inspired revelation of God, because it says afterwards, but he that keepeth the law, happy is he, that is a broken quote, there's more to the quote after that, he that keepeth the law, happy is he, this place is a monument, a testimony to the glory of the
Christian worldview and to the authority of God's word here in Missouri, so I wanna encourage all of you brothers and sisters, if this is your home, you press the crown rights of Jesus Christ into these halls, you bring the authority of Jesus Christ into every sphere of life here in Missouri, Jesus is
King of Kings and Lord of Lords, amen? Amen. Hi, I'm Pastor Jeff Durbin with End Abortion Now, you can get more at endabortionnow .com,
I wanna start this by giving you my greatest thanks for all that you have done over the years by standing with us prayerfully and financially, because you have participated with us in this ministry, countless thousands of lives have been saved, we've been able to at End Abortion Now, raise up churches globally, to go out and to save lives at the abortion mills, we've been able to do this because of your giving, absolutely for free, with no cost to all these churches, about a thousand churches have been raised up who are out saving lives, we've been able to start this movement in Northern Ireland, the
Republic of Ireland and now in Germany, so I wanted to thank you, these thousands of lives that have been saved, have been saved because we've worked together as the church to bring the gospel to where they're actually taking lives, through your partnership with us in this ministry, we've been able to educate
Christians globally as to what the real issues are, now, because Christians have gotten involved in this with faithfulness, dozens of bills of abolition have been presented across the country, we're getting so close, next session, we have more bills of abolition coming in across many states in this union, and so please be in prayer for that, countless lives saved and bills of abolition happening across the country, will you stand with us again in 2025?
We need your support more than ever, not only do we have more churches to raise up to save lives, not only do we have more work to do to educate and equip the
Christian church across this nation, and not only do we have all these bills of abolition happening across the country, but we have to face now, what
I think is the worst of all, and that is these ballot measures happening across the country, the ballot measures and propositions that would update the constitutions, the state constitutions that would allow abortion from fertilization through nine months, you heard that right, in many ways we are about to face the bloodiest and most brutal part of this
Holocaust we have seen yet, go to endabortionnow .com, go to get your church signed up to get the free training, the free resources to be a part of saving even more lives outside those abortion mills, and please give at endabortionnow .com,
help us to meet our budget goal, help us to match these large donations, get to our budget goal, establish justice, and then close up shop, never do this again.
We are not trying to create an industry at endabortionnow .com, we are trying to establish justice and to walk away from this, help us to meet our goal, we are facing an enemy that has tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars that we have to overcome, help us to overcome this injustice, help us to meet this financial goal, 2025
I think is gonna be in many ways our toughest year yet, but also the year where we are closest,
I am confident that God is gonna establish justice very soon in one of these states, help us to get there, endabortionnow .com
is where you go, that's where you can give, and I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving and being a part of this ministry with us.
My name is Marchelle, and this is Anthony, I grew up on a farm on 35th and Baseline, I don't know if you know where that's at, but my grandpa was actually my dad, he supplied everything, my mom was, she was pretty strict on us, all of us,
I have five other siblings, I'm the youngest, and I would say it was pretty hard, like they were really hard on us, when
I found out I was pregnant, I didn't, I was already five months, I wasn't showing, I had just went in for a checkup, and the lady came back, she's like, you're pregnant, and I was like, oh no, by that time he had arms and legs and a heartbeat, so I just needed some kind of support, cause
I wasn't getting that at home, my mom just kept saying like, you can't do it, don't do it, but just taking on that responsibility, being so young, she just didn't think that I had all the necessary tools that I needed to have him,
I didn't know too much about dad, it was like a one time thing, but once I reached out to him and let him know, like hey,
I went to get a checkup, and they actually told me that I was pregnant, he also wanted to do abortion as well, because he already has four daughters, and he's living with his mom, has no means to be on his own, at first I was with him,
I was like, yeah, you know what, you're right, I can't do it, you can't do it, let's just go the abortion route, but I was full of emotions, it was my hormones was going crazy, and it was just, it was emotional, sometimes
I cried, like what am I gonna do? It was a lot.
I had got in contact with a youth pastor, that he was really involved with us growing up as well,
I reached out to him for advice, and he ended up getting me in contact with Zach, and the first meeting we had,
Zach, he pretty much told me, he gave me the confidence that I needed, he's like, you can do this,
I don't think that that's the way you should go about it, you're young, this is your first one, give it a try, and I would say that that was the best decision that I've pretty much ever made, cause this is like my best friend now, he keeps me on my toes though, he does,
I would say they pretty much saved me, saved him too. Just the thought of having an abortion, it was like I was killing something that's already been developed, growing, and that kinda hit home real hard, like it hurt to think that I created something, not intentionally, but I would say
Zach, like he really opened my mind up, like this isn't right, there's other options for you, there's help out here, there's resources and things like that out here to help you, where I don't have to choose that route of having an abortion, the church alone was half of my support, they got the bed, the crib, the diapers, the wipes, the clothes, the car seat, the stroller, they provided everything, and also they had
Amazon packages delivered, and in those packages, there were also notes that came in them, a lot of them gave me good advice and scriptures from the
Bible as well, I actually still have them in a box, but they've helped me a lot with him, just giving support and everything, just everything,
I probably wouldn't be the same if I chose a different route, I probably would not,
I probably, it's like he saved me from doing what
I would normally do, I can't go out, I can't go partying anymore,
I can't just, now all my time goes to him, and I'm trying to raise him to become something, and to me, that's worth it all.
My name is Kenya, I'm 23 years old, and I have two twins, Amalek and Jabril, I grew up in California, kind of part of my life story, brought back out here to Arizona at a young age, went through high school, then had my kids, got my four kids, nothing special, but I would say the initial circumstance that really made me want to go to an abortion clinic is
I found out that I was pregnant, and it sucks because I just found out that the dad's going to prison in a couple months, prior to me finding out that I was pregnant, so that was one thing that made me want to do something like that, because why am
I gonna do this for X amount of whatever length of time, I'll do it alone, not only am
I struggling with my two kids, just got fired from my job to haven't graduated high school, and then
I go to my first appointment, and then they're like, there's two of them, so I was like, wow, and I was on birth control with both of them too, so that doesn't always work obviously, clearly, and so I ended up going to this abortion clinic, and they did a consultation and everything, and it was funny, because they're the ones who told me that my pregnancy wasn't viable actually, it was a really sad day for me, because then again, they told me that it wasn't really viable, and within their same question, they're pushing on with this, do you really want to do this, or how can we accept payment, and when are we scheduling it for, and how do you feel about this, or do you have questions about what's going on, and then yeah, so I was there that day, and then
I remember I walked outside, and there was these pro -life people outside, and then they took me back to their little camper van thingy, and then we did an ultrasound, and then that's when
I found out I was having twins, so that's what was crazy, I didn't even tell nobody at that point, it's just me who knows that, so I found, it was like a roller coaster,
I found out a bunch, like the abortion clinic says, this might not be a viable pregnancy, to finding out that it was twins, it was a lot, my baby daddy, he turned himself into jail, 10 days before I went into preterm labor, and so I really do blame stress, and depression, on me going into labor early with twins, cause
I just had a baby, about literally a year ago, at that point almost, after he turned himself into jail, my son ended up having a seizure,
I had to take him to the hospital, my job at the time terminated me at that point, and then it ended up a couple days later,
I went into preterm labor when I was by myself, in the dark, and thank
God I called 911 in time, because the babies were, both of the babies weren't breathing, so I feel like if I would have had them at home, or just prolong something, something worse would have maybe happened, they had an extended
NICU stay, baby A was in there for 60 days, and baby B was in there for 50 days,
Pastor Zach and everyone else at the church, they were there for me, asking me again if I needed anything, they would bring the baby's gifts to the hospitals, like little blankets and stuff like that, they were still there for me, and my other two children as well, as the two twins in the hospital, they were in contact with another pro -life organization, helping me get things, like set up a baby registry for me,
I got a lot of stuff for the twins, and again my other two kids, and I don't have very much family support out here, their dad is in jail already, so they were there as much as they could be, checking in on me again, giving me things that I needed from all my kids, offering to come visit me in the hospital, because I know how sad and depressed
I was at the time, and just always being there, open ear, checking in, seeing how my son was doing after this episode.
What did you see that caused the change of heart? There was two of them,
I mean even if there was one of them, I was still having doubts, like is this something that I wanna do, cause it's a permanent decision,
I think that gave me a little bit of change of heart, you know, the two, that's crazy, but because I know
I had other kids, it's not even the fact that I had two other kids, or any kids at all, it's still something that's alive, you know, and something that I would have murdered basically, you know, makes me wanna cry, because I love them so much, but, yeah, yeah, it could have, you know, like, they could have been gone right now, or they wouldn't be a thing,
I just love them so much now, they wouldn't be here if I actually did that, and it's just like, how could
I think, why would I wanna do that? I am very, very lucky, they slept great through the night, great through the day, well eaters,
I have no complaints, he loves to be cuddled, and held, barely ever cries,
I feel like I was blessed, and because I made a really positive, and good decision, that God blessed me with a really good baby, my name is
Devine, and then this little guy right here is Oliver, and he is seven months old, initially what took me out to the abortion clinic was, with my last pregnancy,
I was diagnosed with hypermesis gravidarum, and that is just like excessive throwing up, and being really, really sick while you're pregnant, and it put me out of work, and we were already struggling, and trying to recover with our finances, so it was really probably money issues,
I would say, what I remember when I pulled in that day was, there were a whole bunch of people standing at the road, protesting, and I felt very overwhelmed, and uncomfortable, because I did already have a daughter, and I also was adopted, so I knew every option and other road, that I could possibly take on, and when
I saw them, I also felt like a sense of relief, when I got there too, that day
I was experiencing a lot of over emotions, and I was overwhelmed, stressed, and I just didn't really know, which way to turn, probably also a little numb,
I wanna say, just because I didn't fully believe, in that decision having an abortion, so I was conflicted, and when
I went there that day, I already knew, that I didn't really wanna go through, with having the abortion, and so when
I got out of my car, I did go into the office, but they told me, that you needed to do walk -in appointments only, and when
I got there they said, they told me you needed to call, and make an appointment, so they actually had no walk -ins available, and it was about an hour drive from my house, so I'd have to go home, and find another way to come back, so it felt in a way, like it wasn't something, that I was supposed to do, and then as I was pulling away, they came up to my car window, because there was a lot of traffic, and asked me to roll my window down, and I did, and then we had a nice conversation, about why
I felt the way I did, about having an abortion, and where in life, and what it was
I was struggling with, they ended up giving me money that day, on the spot for groceries, because we were short on rent and stuff, because I was already getting sick, and I was only like eight weeks pregnant, and they helped me out that week, with groceries, and then they also gave me their phone number, and told me that I should call them, and get in touch with them, and so it was more me being adopted, and just talking about, the other routes that I could take, that really led me to be like, hey someone else saved me, and showed me a route of love, that I know no matter the struggle, and mine was only with money, that I could still keep my son, it's hard to imagine, if the church wasn't there that day, because I don't know, what the outcome would have actually been,
I don't know if I would have gone through it, with how bad we are struggling, but ultimately
I would have come to the decision, I think that I would have kept him anyway, but the way my life is going right now, with work and family, and still living in this state, and having full custody of my kids, turned out beneficial, because if it would have went any other way, he wouldn't be here, or I wouldn't be blessed with the job opportunities, and everything that has come my way, since I was able to keep him,
I could not honestly imagine life without Oliver, he is perfect, he resembles a lot of his sister, they both took on the date the 12th of the year, so he didn't want her to be the only star in my life, and then he copied her with the helmet, he's moving and growing so much, and then
I get to see him, and work with him every single day, so I couldn't imagine life any other way, he is actually the first boy in my family, on my side from my grandparents, so my dad is thrilled, he now has a fishing buddy, and everybody else, just loves him, because everybody is squishy, what
I would say to a mom, who is leaning towards getting an abortion, is to personally wait, and to look into resources in your community, in your churches, that can offer you some help, no matter what the issue is, whether it's not being with the father anymore, being young, that you have to tell your parents, or your grandparents, or your guardian, whether in and out of trouble, alcohol issues, whatever it is, your kids love you from the moment, they are made inside of you, and you can feel that love, before you even take a test, and everything through them is brand new, and it just reminds you, of all the little things in life, whether you didn't have a family growing up, your parents weren't around,
I was adopted growing up, my birth parents were in and out of jail, but there's nothing more empowering, than overcoming your struggles, and making a change, and we can't make a change, without actually stopping the wrongs, and doing what's right, and what's right, is saving lives, and making a positive impactful change, amongst them and yourselves.
Hi, I'm Pastor Jeff Durbin with End Abortion Now, you can get more at endabortionnow .com, I'm gonna start this by giving you my greatest thanks, for all that you have done over the years, by standing with us prayerfully, and financially, because you have participated with us in this ministry, countless thousands of lives have been saved, we've been able to at End Abortion Now, raise up churches globally, to go out and to save lives at the abortion mills, we've been able to do this, because of your giving absolutely for free, with no cost to all these churches, about a thousand churches have been raised up, who are out saving lives, we've been able to start this movement in Northern Ireland, the
Republic of Ireland, and now in Germany, so I wanted to thank you, these thousands of lives that have been saved, have been saved because we've worked together as the church, to bring the gospel to where they are actually taking lives, through your partnership with us in this ministry, we've been able to educate
Christians globally, as to what the real issues are, now, because Christians have gotten involved in this, with faithfulness, dozens of bills of abolition, have been presented across the country, we're getting so close, next session, we have more bills of abolition coming in, across many states in this union, and so please be in prayer for that, countless lives saved, and bills of abolition happening across the country, will you stand with us again in 2025, we need your support more than ever, not only do we have more churches to raise up, to save lives, not only do we have more work to do, to educate and equip the
Christian church across this nation, and not only do we have all these bills of abolition, happening across the country, but we have to face now, what
I think is the worst of all, and that is these ballot measures, happening across the country, the ballot measures and propositions, that would update the constitutions, the state constitutions, that would allow abortion from fertilization, through nine months, you heard that right, in many ways we are about to face the bloodiest, and most brutal part of this
Holocaust, we have seen yet, go to endabortionnow .com, go to get your church signed up, to get the free training, the free resources, to be a part of saving even more lives, outside those abortion mills, and please give at endabortionnow .com,
help us to meet our budget goal, help us to match these large donations, get to our budget goal, establish justice, and then close up shop, never do this again, we are not trying to create an industry to end abortion now, we are trying to establish justice, and to walk away from this, help us to meet our goal, we are facing an enemy that has tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars, that we have to overcome, help us to overcome this injustice, help us to meet this financial goal, 2025
I think is gonna be, in many ways our toughest year yet, but also the year where we are closest,
I am confident that God is gonna establish justice, very soon in one of these states, help us to get there, endabortionnow .com
is where you go, that's where you can give, and I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart, for giving and being a part of this ministry with us.