Variety Show - Girl Scouts (Rerun)

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It's a potpourri day on NoCo! This episode is a flashback from the early months of No Compromise Radio. Pastor Mike talks about a variety of topics in the episode: 1. Hank Hanegraaff, the Bible Answer Man-On a recent episode of his radio program, Hank stated that we do not have the actual words of Jesus in the Bible...-this is an absurd statement. Hank has forgotten that the Holy Spirit brought to the Apostles mind's the exact words of Jesus-the exact words. We have the precise words of Jesus, not just the voice. We need to have a high view of God through a high view of Scripture. 2. The Girl Scouts-You should know what this organization stands for before you contribute to it. The Girl Scouts are no longer your mother's troop. They have greatly changed their curriculum and philosophies and have created worldviews that are very anti-Christian. Mike is not saying boycott the Girl Scouts; rather we should know what we are getting into and where your contributions are going. Check out American Heritage Girls instead. Check out Chelsea Schilling's article titled Girl Scouts Exposed: Lessons in Lesbianism from World Net Daily. 3. Catholic TV in 3D-Fads and gimmicks come and go. When Christians buy into Fads, they are in big trouble. If the Bible is not enough, what is enough? If the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ are not enough, what is enough? We should boast in the Lord 1 Corinthians 1:31.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. I'm your host,
Mike Abendroth. It's been great to be on the air here, WVNE 760, for what,
September, October, November, December, January, February, March, seven months now,
Monday through Friday. Thank you for listening. It's great to meet people in the church or in town or via email who say we listen to your show.
Some say, I'd say most say, nine out of 10 say we like the show, we appreciate the ministry, and there are a few who say through friends or maybe even emails, we don't like the show, you don't like Roman Catholics, you don't like Mormons, you're proud, arrogant, full of yourself, sarcastic, and so we get the whole gamut.
I am glad that we have an opportunity to preach the word, to teach the scriptures.
This is not a popularity contest. While I hope God's word goes forth from this show, it's never been my desire to take over the world, evangelical broadcasting world.
I just walk over here to the section of my study in the church, tape the show, ask God to bless it, and hopefully we'll think about issues that are biblical, and I like to make them controversial so that some don't like the show.
I would say that's a kind of a no -brainer, that's a duh moment. Not everybody would like the show.
Today's day and age, the day and age we live in today, you can't stand up for truth, you're not kind, you're not loving, you're arrogant, and I think it's the exact opposite.
You're unloving if you don't speak the truth, and it is the height of arrogance to somehow know the truth and then not say it, and so maybe it's just my personality that people don't like.
I will say, lastly, that if you only know me through the radio show, you probably don't know me very well.
You don't know me from the pulpit ministry at the church, hanging out with my wife and children, some of the other kids at the church.
I was playing paper airplanes with one of the kids Sunday night. I'm not allowed, I don't allow anybody else to throw them.
Somebody might poke their eye out, but I get to occasionally to tone down my pulpit presence.
So, Mike Ebendroth here. You ever want to email us, it's info at nocompromiseradio .com.
If you'd like to get Pat Ebendroth's Manning Up sessions, you can either go to bbchurch .org, or you can go to nocompromiseradio .com,
and you'll see the links for the Manning Up Conference, Pastor Pat Ebendroth, Manning Up in church, home, and culture.
Well, today's gonna be kind of a potpourri day, just a variety of different things that I'd like to talk about. Usually I have a theme, usually
I have something specifically to talk about, and today there's just a variety of topics. The first thing
I'd like to talk about is Hank Hanegraaff. The first thing I'd like to talk about is Hank Hanegraaff and the
Bible Answer Man. I don't really listen to Hank Hanegraaff that much anymore. When I first got saved,
I loved to listen to the Bible Answer Man, and then when a question would be asked by a caller or by a writer, then
I would turn off the radio and see if I could quick answer the question according to what the Bible would teach.
And then I'd turn it back on again and see what Hank would say. But yesterday I was listening, and yesterday was
March 29th. Of course, this show is taped later, and this would probably be in April sometime when you hear this, but on March 29th,
Hank said something that very disturbed me. Now, while I have not liked it that Hank Hanegraaff and the
Bible Answer Man has turned a lot of the show into begging for money, we're always in need and in need and in need, and I don't think you ought to do that.
Hey, if you wanna send in money to No Compromise Radio, there's a link on the site, but I'm not gonna beg for money.
The day I beg for money is the day we just need to be off the station. That's as simple as that. We don't need to beg for money.
If God wants to bless the ministry and have us on, fine. If the ministry expands to other stations, fine, but I'm not gonna ask for money over and over and over and over and waste air time for that.
If I've got 24 and a half minutes, I'm not gonna waste all my time asking for money. We need to get down to brass tacks, as it were.
We need to get down to what the Bible teaches, and again, today we'll be less biblically oriented. That is,
I'm not going to be walking through a passage. What does the Bible say about depression, anger, assurance of salvation, apostles, or something like that?
Nine times out of 10, that's the kind of show I want, but today we're talking about issues that are in evangelicalism, and I just have not appreciated that bent on his ministry, but that's not my problem with Hank Hanegraaff today.
It's not that he's very Arminian, and when he has somebody interviewed on debate regarding Calvinism and Arminianism, he'll side with the
Arminian. Years ago, when he had the James White debate, he was not the kind of arbitrator.
He was not the moderator. He was on the side of the Arminian, and he was not listening to James White, and so that Hank Hanegraaff is an
Arminian, that's not what I'm after today, that Hank Hanegraaff is wrong on end times.
For the longest time, he wouldn't make a stand, and now he has made a stand, and I disagree with.
Those are all fine, and we can disagree with people. I'm not saying anything about his person. I'm sure he's a great dad and a great husband and all those kind of issues, and I'm not gonna try to sling mud from some kind of lawsuits in the past.
This is not it, but when Hank Hanegraaff said on the Bible Answer Man, March 29th, 2010, that we don't have the actual words of Jesus in the
Bible, I about blew my stack. I about fell off my rocker. I about had a conniption fit.
I almost had an aneurysm, and you fill in whatever kind of blank you want. This is a horrible thing to say, and he should know better.
We don't have the precise words of Jesus. We only have the voice. We don't have the precise words, he told the scholar regarding Matthew chapter 28.
We only have his voice, and you know, Jesus spoke all the time in Aramaic, and the
New Testament's written in Greek, and he did his ducking and jiving, and of course, he sounds confident, and he's got the background.
After all, he is the Bible Answer Man. Maybe a Bible Answer Man would have been less catchy, but probably much more true.
When Jesus said, it is finished, actually, te telestai, what did
Jesus mean by that? Did he even say it? Is that just the voice of God?
Is that just the tenor of the scripture? Is that the very voice of God, or is it the very words of God?
Is this, you know, when we spend all our time parsing verbs, and is this a present? Is this a past? Is this a perfect?
Is it an active voice or passive voice? What a waste of time if we don't have the actual words of Jesus, te telestai.
By the way, there is no evidence that Jesus always spoke Aramaic. Aramaic, Aramaic, there's no, yeah,
Aramaic too, either, Arabic as well. The culture of the day, they spoke
Hebrew, they spoke Greek, and they spoke Aramaic. And you can see how it slides over.
If you need to study that, you need to study Dr. Robert Thomas's article in the back, the languages
Jesus spoke in his Synoptic Gospels, Harmony of the Gospels book. And so you just can't default and say, well, he never said this, and he always said that.
If you don't believe that these are the exact words of Jesus, and you want to go off on some kind of storytelling, oral culture, passing down, you have forgotten that the
Spirit of God brings to the apostles' minds the exact words that Jesus said, the exact words.
We believe in the inspiration of the Scriptures through the Spirit of God, the exact words.
Have you ever thought about it, John 17, the real Lord's Prayer, the high priestly prayer where Jesus is in the time right before he's going to die and he's praying?
Where were John, where was Peter, James, and John? Where were these people? John records it, but he wasn't listening to it at all.
They'd had the Passover celebration, they've had some wine, they're tired, it's been stressful, and he is sleeping.
How can John know the exact words of Jesus if he's been sleeping? Well, if you don't believe in the
Holy Spirit, you say you don't know. Maybe Jesus said later, this is it, and he didn't get down exactly the words, they didn't write things down in dictation, they didn't have a cell phone, they didn't have a recorder, they didn't have a
VHS, VCR, they didn't have iPhones, Hank went to say all that stuff. No, we believe in the
Holy Spirit. I have another question for you, and here's my question for you. Moses, when he wrote
Deuteronomy, Numbers, Leviticus, Exodus, Genesis, was
Moses around in Genesis 1 -1? Was Moses around in Genesis 12?
Was he around when there was the flood, the creation, the fall, chaos,
Tower of Babel, Abrahamic covenant, Joseph, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, any of those patriarchs, he wasn't around, so how did he know?
Was it just the voice of God, let there be light, kind of like, I hope it's bright out, and then it's translated that way.
Friends, if you're an evangelical, you need to have a high view of God through a high view of Scripture, because that's exactly what
Jesus had, was a high view of Scripture. And you don't hear Jesus talking about the Old Testament, well, it wasn't the exact words, it was written, he said.
It stands written, it is always written. And so what you need to do is, if you'd like to study this topic a little bit more, you ought to go online and type in Evangelicals and Ipsissima Vox.
Evangelicals and I -P -S -I -S -S -I -M -A Vox by Donald Green.
And he will give you the idea and the refutation that Jesus didn't, we don't have the real words of Jesus.
That somehow, with all the cross -referencing and synoptic gospels, that this wasn't really, really
Jesus's words. They kind of quoted sources and put their heads together, oral culture.
You're gonna see what the issue really is. We have the real words of Jesus. And if we don't, then why do we spend all this time on the
Bible? It is finished. Those were the exact words that Jesus uttered on the cross as he bore the sins of all those who would ever believe.
And he accepted and received the full wrath of a holy God poured out upon him in the place of sinners.
This is a transaction that has been completed. And why do we think we even had the Greek language?
Why did God pull Alexander the Great with great pressure?
And why did he pull him into the system 300 years before this was even written? To get this exact kind of language.
It is written. And so we believe that we have the precise words of Jesus, not just the voice.
And so sadly, Hank buys into something else. I don't know what's gonna be the next thing, but I think you ought to turn your attention to the
Bible when you listen to the Bible Answer Man. For that matter, you should do the same with me. It's not that I have everything right.
I want to show you from the Bible. My name is Mike Gabendroth, No Compromise Radio Ministry, info at nocompromiseradio .com.
Second thing that I'd like to talk about today is the Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts.
You want to pull up World Net Daily article by Chelsea Schilling.
I don't know if it's related to the picture of the Red Sox, the old picture, I'm not sure. S -C -H -I -L -L -I -N -G.
Chelsea Schilling. Girl Scouts exposed lessons in lesbianism.
Not Your Mother's America. Subtitled, Communist Radical Feminist Cited as Role Models for Troops.
So what about the Girl Scouts? Of course, I believe there are some nice Girl Scout troop leaders, godly troop leaders.
There are Christians in the organization. Some of the girls don't know anything about this.
I'm not saying you ought to boycott and you should never have some thin mints or anything like that.
But I think you should get to know what this organization stands for before you contribute via buying cookies.
I think that's what you need to know. 2 .7 million Girl Scouts learned about some of these issues in the curriculum called
Journeys, released last year according to Chelsea Schilling. World Net Daily posted
May 17th, 2009. You might ask yourself the question, what was the background of the
Red Sox, of the Girl Scouts? I'm back to Curt Schilling again today. In the old days, there were
Christmas caroling, praying meetings, et cetera, in the Girl Scouts curriculum.
Now though, you have an asterisk by the word God. Basically, however you want
God to be. And now what this Journeys curriculum does regarding the Girl Scouts is it teaches.
It teaches a worldview and you just need to know about that. In A Maze, The Twist and Turns of Getting Along, our author says girls from the sixth to eighth grade read quotes from Buddha and are encouraged to explore mazes and stones, dirt labyrinths.
They are introduced to Polish poet Anna Svir, known as a feminist and she's known for her erotic poems.
And they have a total inundation with this kind of thing. They are told to have
Zen gardens and walk through mazes where you'll find true friendships. For the ninth and 10th graders, they have
Girltopia. Girltopia is a magazine trying to teach girls a worldview.
And they are to create in this worldview curriculum an avatar to represent the ideal you in Girltopia.
Now does that sound Christian? You say it's not a Christian organization. I know, it's an anti -Christian organization and you ought to know what you're getting into.
I'm not saying boycott every girl that comes to your door. Would you like to buy some Scotch -a -Roos or whatever they sell?
No, repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. Well, you don't have to scream it, but if you preach the gospel,
I'd be happy. But I just think as a Christian, don't you want to know instead of putting your fingers in your ears and just la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
I don't wanna know these things? Your voice, your world, the power of advocacy is the curriculum for the junior and senior high girls.
One question asks, what policies is your city putting in place to combat global warming? Well, that's not that bad,
I guess. They just want you to be an advocate. But my question is, you've got all kinds of people quoted in these things,
Billie Jean King, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, all kinds of lesbians and feminists and everything else,
Ethel Mary Smith, and you're not gonna find any Christians who are evangelical.
You're not going to find any pro -life women in this curriculum. How about that?
While you can find Betty Friedman, you're not gonna find anybody else. While you're going to find
Bette Midler, you're not going to find any pro -life woman. Did you know in the 2000
National Review online editorial entitled The Cookie Crumbles, author Catherine Jean Lopez cites her 1997 book,
On My Honor, Lesbians Reflect on Their Scouting Experience.
And what you have, she said, is a book filled with coming of age stories sparked by gay encounters in the
Girl Scouts. So as no compromise radio listeners,
I think you ought to ask the question. In that essay entitled, All I Need to Know About Being a
Lesbian, I Learned at Girl Scout Camp, I'd wonder before I sent my kids there. You said, oh, you're always against things.
You're never for things. All right, let me give you an alternative to Girl Scouts. American Heritage Girls.
American Heritage Girls. Girl Scouts in the old days used to be good. They used to be a more main line, but now they've moved away.
They're not the same Girl Scouts that your mothers would attend. And so this particular lady,
Garibay, she decided to do something about it. And she said, you know what?
We're not going to just say no to things. We're going to say yes to something good. And so they came up with American Heritage Girls.
And now, starting in 1995, you have a more moral, more
God -oriented group. She said girls in AHG learn about their
God -given gifts, their identity in Christ, and the importance of seeking his will for their life. No asterisks by God.
God defined by the Bible. You just see this in organizations. They start off good and they get worse.
They start off good and they go bad. In 1970, a feminist, Betty Friedan, was put on the governing board of the
Girl Scouts. And now the Girl Scouts come together with Planned Parenthood and all of a sudden you have green, anti -gun, etc.
In 1980, the organization changed its policy on homosexuality and welcomed lesbians as scout and troop leaders.
1993, asterisk by the word God. And then you can basically say, we don't have a creator.
You can do whatever you want. And as time goes on, once God goes, then you're not concerned about patriotism.
You're concerned about globalism. They didn't respectfully carry the U .S. flag into the hall at the flag ceremony last year.
It's bunched together with flags from all kinds of other countries. So maybe you think that's good. Maybe you think it's bad.
But I don't want my girls in Girl Scouts figuring out how to help their inner goddess.
I don't need any of the money for that. I don't want any of the curriculum teaching about some kind of inner goddess from Braham, Kumaras, Raja, yoga.
I don't need that. That's not for my girls. So anyway, if you want to say, do something differently, then
I guess you could say, here's the Girl Scout promise. On my honor, I will try to serve
God, asterisk, and my country to help people at all times and to live by the Girl Scout law. I guess you could say, yeah, yeah,
I just make that Jesus. But I'm not going to go for that. I'm not going to go for that.
One article said exercises from a Senior Scout manual include working through how the Girl Scout promise and law relate to such situations as supporting a decision to pull a life support system from a dying relative and ending a pregnancy.
Some activities about how to organize Earth Day celebration. So let's teach girls about how to kill a baby in the womb, how to pull life support on some grandpa that's sucking up the resources, and how to worship
Mother Earth. As I say often over my dead body, I'd much rather send support to American Heritage Girls, 6 ,500 members who have an oath, and this is the oath.
I promise to love God, no asterisk, cherish my family, honor my country, and serve in my community.
Well, when they start selling cookies, I'll be glad to start buying cookies from that organization.
In the meantime, if you'd like to sell me some of those cookies at church here, I probably will say,
I love you, but I'm not going to do it. I think you should ask your Scout Troop leaders around, do you have any relationship with Planned Parenthood?
And then when you ask that, you're going to go up the ladder, and these people have been told,
I've been instructed to say no comment to whatever you ask. So that's the scoop.
This is Potpourri Day. I do see on my desk here that the Catholic TV rolls out shows in 3D to attract youth.
That is Jay Lindsey, Associate Press Writer, Tuesday, March 23rd, and he says, this
Catholic TV director, Reverend Robert Reed, it's a way for us to show what we believe, that we believe, the message we have is relevant, and we're going to use every possible avenue to bring the message to people.
Our network reaches five to six million homes nationwide through various cable providers.
In some ways, it's better to look like retro 2D than bad 3D, he said. Hip is a moving target. James Cameron is more up on that than Pope Benedict.
It's just a hot technology. So I don't see any reason why we shouldn't use it for the purpose of connecting with younger people.
And I ask the question, besides bad doctrine and not knowing how to get to heaven, besides being anti -biblical, here's my question.
When this fad is done, then what will the next fad be? Where's the next fad going to go?
By the way, where is Promise Keepers today? Gone. Where's Jabez today? Gone. Where's Experiencing God today?
Gone. They're gone. All these are gone because fads don't stay. There's no lasting power to fads.
So if the Bible's not enough, what is enough? If Jesus Christ and his life, death, and resurrection is not enough, what is enough?
Nothing is enough. And so I say to you listeners today that when you buy into fads, you are in big trouble.
You have revealed that your theology is incorrect. Because if your theology was correct, and you lived by it, and you had convictions, your methodology would follow.
Here's what we've been told to do by Scripture. Therefore we'll do it. And if we don't get a lot of numbers, so be it.
If my ministry hardens people, Isaiah chapter 6, so be it. If the ministry is blessed with numbers and external success, and the world says, look at that, it's popular, it's good, so be it.
But we don't do ministry for results. We need to get that out of our mind. We don't do ministry for numbers.
Assets, buildings, and cash. ABCs of church growth. That's not what we do. I meet people all the time.
Well, we're getting a lot of people, the Lord's blessing what we're doing. No, he's not. If you're doing the wrong thing, he's blessing you in spite of that.
And sometimes numbers are not blessing, just like money is not always a blessing. J. Vernon McGee used to say, if you'd like to have
God judge you, he just might give you a lot of money. Because then you rely on your own resources.
We are not many mighty, not many noble, not many well -born, and so we have to rely on the
Lord. So when he does the work, we boast in him. Let the boasting one in the Lord, 1 Corinthians chapter 1, verse 31, boast.
So we boast in what God does in spite of our sinfulness, because he is a great
God. We are the ones who will boast in that. And so when people try these gimmicks, there's going to be a new gimmick soon enough.
And you just watch over time. I'm now 49, almost 50 years old. Time has let me see the gimmicks and they come and go.
And as they have come and gone, what remains? Christ -centered expository preaching churches that exalt the risen
Savior. Jesus Christ himself building the church through the gospel, through the ordained means that are in the gospel.
And then we watch the church grow and everybody points not to the pastor, not to the numbers. They point to Jesus Christ.
So that's what we want. Well, today was Potpourri day, Potpourri Tuesday, I guess. Whatever day this is.
My name is Mike Abendroth, nocompromiseradio .com. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.